Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Blackwell, Morton: Files Folder Title: Homosexuals (1 of 5) Box: 10 To see more digitized collections visit: To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: Contact a reference archivist at:
[email protected] Citation Guidelines: National Archives Catalogue: Co NF\ DENTlAL Gay tion meetlo g, 'Thursd~y, A.u.a; 14 8 J1\1 - 11:30 P1t1 lCh1.trch of the Beloved DiGci.ple, 368 W. 14th Jt.) Over 100 persons in attendru1ce froo a v~riety of the groups co~posin5 the coalition. In thi.s tneetin8, convefled to set a ctrn."tccy of how to p-.ish for passa:·e of 554 betTieen now and the ti::1e it co::1es up for vote, · ther'. coali tion reco l \""ed the fo llo,rinG: 1) Ta.reetina tbe Jewish commani ty 1. esp_ec.inlly -.meens - . 2) Fu.oh 554 opposition onto defensive with 0..'"1 aggressive cara.paisn, to characterize them as bieo·ts aud sup.porters a.s enli6htened o~ponen~s of biBotr1 in all forns. 3) ConcentrB,te on "the movable rgiddle" cov.nci.lirttanic 0 votos as opposed to tl:e u..--iattainable- hard core opvon:ents and the safe proponents. {A) · Actions no,·, S!iecifically beir.e v:orked out iI'!c-lude/an as yet un1 o.ted press cor:fere11ce which will conceN.trate on having gro~ps repre~ei:tatives.