BLACK UNITED FRONT FORMS in DETROIT Unprecedented Coalition of Black Groups Forms for the Defense Ccnd Control of the Black Comrreunity
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"It (.'rov"keii goes-tletrv~it :vies"' Volume 27 -Number 102 Wayne State University Thursday, April 10, 19G9 NEW BETHEL INCIDENT SPARKS SOLIDARITY BLACK UNITED FRONT FORMS IN DETROIT Unprecedented Coalition of Black Groups Forms for the Defense ccnd Control of the Black Comrreunity Demonstrating an unpre- complete disregard of the constitutional ALL AFRICAN PEOPLE'S UNION FREDEKICK DOUGLAS GUN CLUB cedented solidarity within the rights of Blank citizens and the subse- ASSOCIATION OF BLACK STUDENTS, BLACK CLUB FOR UNITY Black community, representa quent castigation of Recorder's Court Wayne State University MOORS tives of more than forty (40) Judge George Crackett by the mass me- ASSOCIATION OF BLACK SOCIAL EASTSIDE VOICE OF INDEPENDENT Detroit organizations j o i n e d dia and the police department. He its a WORKERS DETROIT (ESVH)) with a number of private citi- duly elected representative of the peo- ART CENTRE DEVELOPMENT GHETTO SPEAKS-Newspaper zens to announce a concerted ple, who acted in accordance with the INTERNATIONAL AFRO-AIViERICAN LEAGUE OF REVOLUTIONARY drive against police oppression Constitution and sought to protect the MUSEUM BLACK WORKERS on Tuesday, April 1, 1969. rights of the people." BEREA METHODIST CHURCH BLACK TEACHERS WORKSHOP The group, which has identified it- "We don't intend to stand by and NEW CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH NECO self as the BLACK UNITED FRONT allow continual disregard of citizen's BLACK PANTHER PARTY NORTH WOODWARD INTERFAITH (BUF) symbolizes the solidified concern rights as was demonstrated in the CITIZENS FOR COMMUNITY CONCEPT EAST THEATER against police action at New Bethel inexcusable firing upon women and CONTROL OF SCHOOLS WOLVERINE STUDENT LAWYERS Baptist Church on Saturday night, children in the New Bethel Baptist L.E.S.C.R.O. ASSOCIATION March 29, 1969. Church and the willful destruction of IFCO URBAN DESIGN, INC. DAN ALDRIDGE, widely known ac- property for which Black people have GUARDIANS-BLACK POLICE WEST CENTRAL ORGANIZATION twist, member of the All-African Peo- given their life blood to attain." OFFERS FOR EQUAL JUSTICE (W.C.O.) ple's Union and of the National Staff "This solidarity of Black citizens DENMARK VESEY SOCIETY P.E.P. of SNCC, was named Acting Chairman stems from the indignation art the con- Office of Congressman Charles C. - Black Caucus of MCHRD by acclamation as more than 200 per- tinued demonstration of racism not on- Diggs EASTSIDE TENANTS UNION sons gathered at the Architects Build- ly on the part of members of the palrce OUTCRY UNITED BLACK APPEAL ing, Cass at Brainard, Tuesday night. department but on the part of the Prose- AFRO CLUB-Central High School BLACK STUDENT ASSN "We are not involving ourselves now cutor in his attempt to usurp the au- BLACK ~i[TDF~'1TT VOICE NORTHEASTERN HIGH SCHOOL in a discussion ~abaut who fired the first thority of Judge Crockett." ASHANTI CORPORATION BLACK LHiERATORS OF KING shot Saturday night," Aldridge said. THE BLACK COMMUNITY IS GIV- SOUTH E:yla HIGH SCHOOL "We are concerned with the inex- ING NOTICE THAT IT CANNOT YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, INC. STATE REPRESENTATIVE JAMES cusable conduct of a police force who STAND BY AND TOLERATE THIS indi~scrimiinaely fired into ~a church and CONTINUED DISREGARD OF' ITS BROTHERS & SISTERS UNITED DEL RIO upon defenseless women and children ." RIGHTS. BLACK CONSCIENCE LIBRARY STATE REP. JACKIE VAUGHN "We are also concerned about the BLACK UNITED FRONT - Members: SPAIN JUNIOR HIGH AFRO CLUB BLACKS AGAINST RACISM-- Page Two TAE SdUTIY END 'Pl~hrsday, April 10, 196 THE NATURE AND PURPOSE OF THE BLACK UNITED FRONT (BUF) Dan Aldridge (seated second from the left) delivers the statement of the Black United Front (BUN') at a recent press conference. GERALD SIMMONS/ULOZI Photographics By DAN ALDRIDGE Recorder's Court Judge George Crockett. to respect Black women and Slack children, (3) Acting Co-(~?~~dinator Black United Front The members ~of the front range in ideological he failure of police to respect our consti~tubianall The Black vfTnited Front (BUF) is com- perspective fromrRevolutionary Pan Africanist, ,to rights i. e, freedom of assembly, (4) the unanimous posed of over sixty (60) Detroit Organiza- Marxist-Leninist to Black Nationalist, to moderate. racist position taken by Governor William Milliken tions, representing t h e broadest possible The purpose of BUF is to form a liason so Mayor Jerome Cavanagh, Police Commissioner cross-section of the Black community. BUF that we can come together when emergency Johannas Spreen and the news media, particularly does not represent or project the (ideologi- situations arise in the Black Community. The the Detroit News, and (5) the failure of police toi cal position) or ideology of any particular objective of any united front is to unite all respect Black people's right to seek a solution tv. political tendency within the Black com- elements of the population, who can be united, our oppression unmolested. munity, but symbolizes our solidified con- against a common enemy for a specific struggle. THE BLACK COMMUNITY IS GIVING cern against the police action at New Bethel The Black United Front was organized to speci- NOTICE THAT IT CANNOT STAND BY Baptist Chul'ch on Saturday night, March fically dea!1 with (1) the failure of police to respect AND TOLERATE THE CONTINUED DIS- 29, 1969, and the subsequent castigation of our religious institutions, (2) the failure of police REGARD OF ITS RIGHTS. STATEII'iE\TT OF .l (1DGIE (~EU1~(>~E C. CRUC KETT By JUDGE GEORGE C. CROCKETT have ignored my judicial and con- sider an application action, or motion and R e v e r e n d C.L. Franklin, the The distortions of fact and stitutional responsibilities and follow- for habeas corpus, is guilty of malfea- Church's pastor, who came to my home the confusion over this Court's ed the often accepted practices of sance fn office." and awakened me . As presiding judge action in the recent events at condoning long police detentions, of Moreover, "any justice of the Su- of this Court for the day, I went im- New Bethel Church compel me ignoring prisoners' rights to counsel preme Court and any judge of a Circuit mediately to the police station. I re- to make certain facts clear. I and of delaying the hearing on writs Court may issue a writ of habeas cor- quested a list of the prisoners and was am personally deeply affl'onted of habeas corpus, possibly the adverse pus . upon his own motion whenever told-about six hours after they were by reports a n d stories which publicity about Judge Crockett may he learns that any person within his taken into custody-that police didn't have clearly a n d deliberately have been averted . But in doing so, jurisdiction is illegally restrained of his know whom they were holding. twisted the truth and the law justice would have been denied. liberty." By statute, Circuit Court, as I then talked with Commissioner in this matter. I deplore the senseless shooting of used in this rule, includes Recorder's Spreen who agreed to furnish a list. He More serious than any harm to me the policemen . I also deplore the armed Court. also agreed to set up a courtroom on personally is the profound damage be- assault on a church, particularly a Justice last Sunday demanded a the first floor of the police station. I ing done to this Court and to our entire church occupied by men, women and prompt judicial examination and pro- requested that the Prosecutor be call- community by those who would use this children, whom we ,must presume to be cessing of the persons arrested. If ed, and Assisatnt Prosecutor Jay Nolan tragic affair to intensify community innocent until and unless evidence to there was any sound legal basis for arrived. The press was present. Mr. No- hostilities which are .already so deep and the contrary is presented. I deplore too, their detention, they were detained; lan, the police and I agreed on the pro- divisive. that so many innocent people were otherwise they were entitled to be re- cessing of the prisoners. They were to The actions taken by me in my rounded up by the police, incarcerated leased and they were released upon be brought immediately outside the tem- capacity as presiding judge, following for many hours in violation of their reasonable bond. porary courtroom in groups of 10, be- the New Bethel Church shootings and rights as citizens, and than some offi- Let us review the sequence of events ginning with women. But they appeared mass arrests, were legal, proper and cials who are sworn to enforce equal following the shooting of the officers before me individually and each was in- moral. Indeed, it is precisely because justice have complained because I have and the storming of the church by poI- terviewed separately by me in open I followed the law, equally and with- done so. lice, which occurred some time before court. out partiality, that questions and accu- Michigan law requires-does not sug- midnight Saturday. The cases of 3'd arrestees were then sations are being raised. If I were to gest, but requires-that "any judge who At 5 A.iV1. I was called-not by the heard and determined as follows:' have reacted otherwise, if I were to willfully and corruptly refuses to con- police but by Representative Dei Rzo (Continued on Page 3) Thursday, April 10, 1969 THE 50UTIi END Yale Three Statement By Judge Crockett "I have ,condemned the Prosecutor's action as not _only contemptuous, but also as having racial over- tones. " - ,fudge Crockett -Photo by GERALD SIMMONS (Continued from Page 2) vast majority of those released, ap- apprehended, tried and brought to jus- mittedly not the slightest evidence of I S betroit residents were re- proximately 130 persons, were re- tice.