Josh. Lambert. J. Lambert Foster. John Howies Mallcott
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OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here- nership will be settled by Struthers and Andrei Strang, N tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, who are fully empowered to that effect. Joseph Lambert and John Lambert Foster, as Coach and Struthers Strong* Harness Manufacturers, in Jewry-street, Aldgate, under Andrew Strang* the firm of Lambert and Foster, is this day dissolved by mutual consent; and that the said business "will in future be Chas. Cunninghams continued by the said John Lambert Foster alone, who -will Archil. M. Adam. receive and pay all debts due to or from the concern.-^ Per Affidavit, • • - ... Dated the 5th day of April 1841. CHAS. CUNNINQHAJH, Witness. ' • ^ • Josh. Lambert. J. Lambert Foster. [Extract from the Dublin Gazette of March 30," 184,1.\ / DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. OTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnership In ' the -Matter of William and- John Cluff, and Cluff, N carried on, for some time past, at No. 12, Newgate- Brothers, and Company. street, in the city of London, by John Mallcott and John Howies Mallcott, under the firm of Mallcott and Son, as AKE notice, that the Partnership heretofore existing-^ Masons, was this day dissolved by mutual consent; and T in the names of William and John Cluff, in the city that the said-John Mallcott is empowered to receive all of Dublin, and of Cluff, Brothers, and Company, in Man- debts due to, and to discharge all debts due from, the said chester, as Wholesale Haberdashers, has been this day dis- Copartnership trade ; As witness our hands this 3d day of solved by mutual consent, All debts due to the firm arc to April 1841. John Malkott. paid to the abore*named William Cluff, at 8, Lower Bridge- street, Dublin, or-7, Fountain-street, Manchester; and all John Howies Mallcott. parties having claims on the above firm are requested to furnish same to the said William, at either of the above places,—Dated this 27th day of March 1841.: AKE notice, that the Partnership between Victor Jay William Cluff. : T and August Detrich, of No. 49, Friar-street, Black- friars-road, in the County of Surrey, Silk Hat Manufacturers, John'Cluff. ".: •was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business in Pi'esent, FREDERICK BOURNS. ...... future will be carried on by August -Detrich.—Dated this 4th day of March 1841. IO be sold, pursuant to a Decree of the High.Court of factor Jay. Chancery, made in a cause Haswell v. Smith, with the approbation of James AVilliam Farrer, Esq. one of the. Auguste Dietrich. Masters of the said Court, at the Clarendon-rooms, ia Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, sometime in the month NOTICE. 'of May next, in 17 lots; Certain freehold estates, situate in Toxteth-park, in Liver- Rofherham, April 2, 1841. pool aforesaid, late the property of John Wood Thomas, late F Thomas Croslaad (the son of Thomas and Mary Cros- of Liverpool aforesaid. Merchant, deceased, in the occupa- I land, of Masbrough, in. the parish ef'Rotherham, in the tion of William Smith, Esq. Mr. Thomas Orford, William county of York), who left Masbrough-, in the year 1803, Rotheram, Esq. Mr. T. T. Ashburner, Mr. Stavert, Mi1. and went to London, -will apply to .Mr. Thomas Wheatley, Kearstey, Mr. Cox, Mr. Gregson, Mr. Joseph Harris, Mr. of Rothcrham, or Mr. James Crosland, of Sheffield-park, James Baird, and Mr. Musgrove, and various plots of land Sheffield, Corn Merchants, he will hear of something to his unoccupied. advantage. Printed particulars are preparing and may shortly be had The said Thomas Crosland .has not been heard of since the 9th of June 1804, when he was working in or near (gratis) at the said Masters chambers, in Southampton- London, and desired any letters to be addressed to him at buildings, Chancery-lane \ of Messrs. Taylor, Sharpe, Field, No. 8, Jce's-court, Oxford-street, London, where it is sup- and Jackson, No. 41, Bedford-row: of Messrs. Adlington, posed he then lodged. and Co. No. 1, Bedford-row; of Messrs. Tooke and Son, If the said Thomas Cros'and should be dead, and hath left No. 39, Bedford-row; of Messrs. Pinniger and Westmacott, any children, they are requested forthwith to make No. 1, Gray's-inn-square; of Messrs. Newton and Ensor^ themselves known to Messrs. Wheatley and Crosland, or No. 14, South-square, Gray's-inn; of Messrs. Brandr.eth, ; and Berrey, .No. 5, Raymond-buildings, Gray's4nn, London 5 Mr. Badger, Attorney, Rotherham. and at the place of sale. [Extract from the Edinburgh Gazette-'.of April 2, 1841.] . O be peremptorily sold, pursuant to a Decree of the T High Court of Chancery, made in a cause of.Barker DISSOLUTION OF COPAR'TNERY. v. Westmore, with the approbation of Sir William Home, Glasgow, November 6, 1840. one of the Masters of the said Court, at the Bugle. Inn, f B'^HE Copartnery carried on by the subscribers, as Cur- Newport, isle of Wight, on Saturday the 24th of April 1841, JL riers and Leather Merchants, in Glasgow, under the between the hours of two and three o'clock in the after* firm of Leitch and M'Callum, was this day dissolved of noon, ,jn two lots! mutual consent. Mm. Leilch. A valuable freehold estate, called Steanewell and Glove's, containing 48 acres, 3 roods, and 17 perches, customary JA, SMITH,, Witnessv measure of 120 rods to the acre, with farm house, offices, JOHN POLLOCK, Witness, and out-buildings, garden, orchard, and farm-yard, situate - Samuel M'Callum. at Benlbridge, east -of Ryde, isle of Wight, presenting sites JOHN BOYD, Witness* .for building. , Witness, Printed particulars and conditions of sale may shortly bs . had (gratis) at the. said Master's chambers, in Southampton-, buildings, Chancery-lane, London ; also of Messrs. Holme, [Extract from the Edinburgh Gazette of April 2,1841.] Loftus, and Young, Solicitors, New-inn, London; Mr.- DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Henry Compigne, Solicitor, 24, Bucklersbury, London; and of Meslrs. Cruickshank and Wakefield, Solicitors, Montreal, February 3, MJ41-. Gosport ; and at the place of sale, and the principal inng. HE Partnership heretofore carried on( under the firms T of Cunningham, Adam, Strangs, and Co. of Glasgow, O be peremptorily sold, pursuant to a Decree of the Strings, Adam. Cunningham, and Co. of Montreal, and T High Court of Chancery, made in a cause of Barker Andrew Straag and Co. of Belleville and Napance, in v. Westmore, with the approbation of Sir William Home, Upper Canada, has L-his day been dissolved, by mutual con- one 'of the Masters of the said Court, at the India Arms Inn, sent, since 30th September last, as per act before J. J. Gibb, Gosport, Hants, on Thursday the 22d April 1841, at sii Not^i'y Public. All debts due by or owing to said copart- o'clock in the afterriooB, in five lots; B 2.