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[email protected] Website: Bulletin N u m b e r 3 2 8 April 1999 The True ^ Levellers Standard The State of Community opened, and-Prcfcntedtothe Sons of Men. Ferrard frififimtlej, fViSiam Everard, Richard Gtodff^o^me^ tohn Paimery Thcmoi Starrer lohnSotith, fyiUiamHoggrillj John Cottrton, Robert SawjcTy miliam TajUry Thonuu Eder, Chrifiofhtr Clifford^ Henry Sickfrfiafe, John 3arker, InhnTajlor^^. Beginning to Plant and Manure the Wade land upon George-Hill, in the Parifti of* fValtony in the Countx'of Snrrm. 'm L 0 N D 0 Ny Printed in the Yeer. M D C X LI *. Surrey: Seed-bed of Christian Socialism 350th Anniversary of the True Levellers on George's Hill Introduction Tony Benn MP In Gerrard Winstanley's pamphlet The True Levellers' Standard Advanced, published on 26th April 1649, these words appear that anticipated the conservationists and commune dwellers of today, that denounced the domination of man by man, proclaimed the equality of women and based it all on God and Nature's laws: In the beginning of Time, the great Creator, Reason, made the Earth to be a Common Treasury, to preserve Beasts, Birds, Fishes and Man, the lord that was to govern this Creation; for Man had Domination given to him, over the Beasts, Birds and Fishes; but not one word was spoken in the beginning, that one branch of manldnd should r u l e o v e r a n o t h e r .