DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SECR M Communieations-Electronics Board Meeting which will be held in the in held be will which Meeting Board Communieations-Electronics State Annex 17, 11th Floor, 1776 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C., Washington Avenue, Pennsylvania 1776 Floor, 11th 17, Annex State D for Communications-Electronics, Joint Staff, Joint Communications-Electronics, for ERT- NATO - SECRET einn a 1.Ohus nArl2, 1959« 28, on April hours 10.OO at beginning Arl 1959« April 6 1Enclosure G-6-9 . SGM-162-^9 E SRBTO: l71,21 d E,, F (2 F El,2,3 d4 Al-7,11,12,15 ISTRIBUTION: MORAN gnawSpotn statements w/Supporting Agenda E NATO -T Reference SUB 1. Attached is the Final Agenda for the Seventh NATO Seventh the for Agenda Final the is Attached 1. . o r rqetd onmnt yu rpeettvs by representatives your nominate to requested are You 3. 2. The Chairman will be Major James Dreyfus, Director JamesDreyfus, General Major be will TheChairman 2. D tnigGop rue Permanent Groupe Group Standing UM UM FOR J (Page revised by Corrigendum No. 3 dtd dtd 3No. Corrigendum by (Page revised ECT: : O ai - Paris MOD X: OIE MILI COMIIE NORTH NORTH O odn - - Branch Policy & Plans Head, Washington BJSM London MOD ertr, - C E X Secretary, ln oiyDvso, USAF, Division, Policy & Plans OCSIGO, Plans & Programmes & Plans OCSIGO, ietr ofCommunications, Director C oriao o XEC E X for Coordinator Division, Coordinator for Coordinator Division, C E X Naval Communications Division Communications Naval odntrfr X for oordinator Canada- Regional Planning Planning Regional States Canada-United D.C. 25, Washington ofDefence, Secretary European Long Lines Agency Lines Long European iityo eec,Lno, Englan London, ofDefence, Ministry European Communications Security Agency Security Communications European Agency Frequency Radio European Coordinating Communications Military European Agenda for Sevent for Agenda European iityo eec, ai, France Paris, ofDefence, Ministry Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic Commander Allied Supreme Supreme Allied Commander Europe Commander Allied Supreme iiayAec o Standardization for Agency Military Cha STASEC 5746 (Preliminary Agenda) (Preliminary 5746 STASEC Committee A n TLANTIC MILITARY COMMITT MILITARY TLANTIC e Committee nel T IED 'TATQE NORD L'ATLANTIQUE DE AIRE N

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DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0 001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SG bîAV/m a SE tr s optio is fter M CR `162-59 E j 4. Uniform (winter) will b (winter) will Uniform 4. -MATO T e -N o t a n FCR THE STANDING GROUP STANDING THE FCR al . - -2 . . VUILLOT A.M. rg G Brig. Secretary, NATO C-E Board NATO C-E Secretary, 1/ / ■> ■ / i e vjorn day first on the ’ e ( n e a, Frenc ral, Agend h a Air Force Force Air a d ther nd e ­ ED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE S Communications-Electronics BoardiMe^tidßlwhich will be held in the in held be will BoardiMe^tidßlwhich Communications-Electronics SGM-162-^9 State Annex 17, 11th Floor, 11th 17, Annex State pi 1959. April 6 ofSt^if. Joint Chiefs US JointStaff, Communications-Electronics, for 1Enclosure 1959»28, on April hours 10.OO at beginning MEMORAN ERT NATO - SECRET ECRET ECRET gnawSpotn statements w/Supporting Agenda Reference * o r euse t oiaeyu ersnaie by representatives your nominate to requested are You 3* 2. The Chairman will be Major General James Dreyf JamesDreyf General Majorbe u will TheChairman 2. S UBJECT: 1. Attached is the Final Agenda for the Seventh NATO theSeventh for Agenda the isFinal Attached 1. -MATO D UM UM FOR Standing Group Standing OIE MIL COMITE I TA IRE^D», Al-6,8,10,11,13,16 Al-6,8,10,11,13,16 O Paris MOD O London MOD ed Plans Head, JCEC Secretary, Washington BJSM CIO Pas&Porme ERFA Policy Division, & Plans Programmes Plans& OCSIGO, ietr ofCo Director Division, Coordinator for Coordinator Division, oriao o XEC for Coordinator XEC for Coordinator Naval Communications Division NavalCommunications EC XE NORTH ATLANTIC MILITARY COM MILITARY NORTH ATLANTIC STASEC STASEC Meeting Board NATO C-E Seventh for Agenda European Radio Frequency Agency Agency Frequency Radio European Milit European European Long Lines Agency Agency Lines Long European Ca omte t Standardization for Agencv Military Communications;,Secu|European Committee Committee Channel S Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic Atlantic Commander Allied Supreme ertr fDfne ahntn2,D.0. 25,D Washington of Defence, Secretary Ministry of Defence, London, England England London, of Defence, Ministry of Ministry upreme Allied Commander Europe Europe Commander upremeAllied n ada-United States Regional Planning Group Planning Regional States ada-United 5746 & Policy Branch, Policy (Preliminary Agenda) ^ 7 7 1 m D munications, fne Paris, France efence, - - 1 a ' .' ; ! / ' ' : \ ; a o^ w AöekiCJj Cof^m Ow ry Communications Coordinating Coordinating Communications ry Pennsylvania Avenue, Washingto Avenue, Pennsylvania (L-/A d E,,,F (2 F El,2,3, 4 TLA NORDNTIQUE rue Per Groupe m U SAF, M ITTEE T E R C E S — O T A N T E R C E S — O T A N - - 15- 4 - - 15- 0CUSRPG -20 8 - - 15- 3 rty Agency 25 C SGM--162-59 17 March March 17 ae 1-2 Incl. 2 - 1 Pages OPY NO.OPY a - * « m ENCA CHANCOMTEF, ELLA EMCCC EC SA SACEU SACLANT MAS ois each)copies R s 1959 , Director n D.C - 2 - — - 15- — 17 - --2 5 - - -1 2 C. 0 ç , .

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE S fe i option is after hAV/mje ERT NA - SECRET ECR E - NATO - T 4. Lniform (winter) will be worn on t on worn be will (winter) Lniform 4. T O O TE TNIG GROUP STANDING THE FOR a l. V,’" V -\ • ü e f Ä m rg Gener Brig. VUILLOT A. M. Secret a y NT - Board C-E NATO ry, a l, French Air Force Air French l, 1 /

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DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE nlsr 1 Enclosure SECRET - NATO - 1 - Table Table - 1 - NATO - SECRET SGM-162-59 SECR (Page revised by Corr.1 by revised 59)(Page citd gentium 6 Apr Mo. 8 E Supporting Statements Supporting Agenda NATO - T Pages TABL E E NCLO OF CONTE OF 1-5. S R 1 URE Incl, N TS ae Numbers Page 64a 82 5, 95b, 95a, 94 - 957 84 , 94a, thru 3*+e.,thru - - 35 24 231, 5 - 2 1 22 of Contents of , 3 83a, 83, b, ,f - , 5- 82, - 65 22 23 , , 22 23 3 9*5 thru a , 34a Ç thru a - 106 - 82 83 6 *+, a, b,

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE nlsr 1 Enclosure SGM-Ï62-5»9 SECRET - NATO - 1 - Table Table - 1 - NATO - SECRET SEC R Pg rvsd yCriedmN. ae 6Arl 59) April 6 dated 5 No. Corrigendum by revised (Page T NATO - ET Supporting Statements Supporting Agenda . \ \ .. ' ` ` ' ' ` ` ' .. \ \ . P TABLE OF CON OF TABLE a ges.1 , 5 - ENCLOSU ■ R 1 E Incl, T EN T S ae Numbers Page 95b, 9? - 106 - 9? 95b, 82b, 82a, 82, - 65 23 4 9a 9, 95a, 95, 94a, 94, - 84 83b, 83a, 83, 5 - 2 - 1 of Contents of z, 23 24-64, , 23 thru a 64a,

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE En ERT AO - -NATO SECRET SGM-162-53 SECR c oue _ 1 losure (Page (Page E -NATO T r Agenda Supporting Statements Supporting vsdb orgnu o 3dd2 a 59) Mar 26 dtd 3 No. Corrigendum by evised T \ \a na na . P a g e ' S . 1, -5 A teLE OF. OF. jCONTE teLE NLSR 1 ENCLOSURE .; ^ 1 Tbe f Contents of Table - j Incl. N TS Page Page 62ÏÏ, 62c, - ÏÏ2, 24 6? 23K, 83ïï, 2 64, 64a7 64a7 64, 1-23» 82 95 N ^, , 82b, a, - umbers 5 - " 4 8 96 23a thru 23a - 95 » 95a, 65 63 83 106

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Page Numbers

Agenda 2 - 5

Supporting Statements 1-23, 23a thru 23x, 24 - ïï4, 64a, 65“ - 82, 82a, 82ÏÏ. 83, 83a, 83b, 84 - 95, 95a, 95^, 96 - 106

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SECRET - NATO - 1 - Table of Contents S GM-162-59 Enclosure 1 (Page re ised ky Cor rigendüm N o. 2 dtd 24 M ar 59) DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE nlsr 1 Enclosure NATO - SECRET ERT NT - - al of Table - 1 - NATO - SECRET SGM-162-59 uprig State Supporting A g enda Pages Pages m TABLE OF CONTENTS OF TABLE ents ENCLO v S R 1 URE 5 \\l Incl. . ; ti -î£y <ÎSfc! , ^ ï y< £ î - 4 E 5 - 2 , A < ~ \ Page Page Contents Numbers DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - NATO - SECRET Enclosure Enclosure SGM-Ï^2^5^ . oetbiha oiyrgrig the regarding policy establish.a To 4. /. Spares. 7/3. 3. Brief Reports by Chairmen, European C-E Agencies; C-E European Chairmen, by Reports Brief 3. . eot ySceay on: Secretary by Report 2. SEC R T NATO - ET - Bodies. C-E oriain f Civil/Military of Coordination j o osdr rpr b UK on U.K. by report rj a consider o System establishment o osdr a consider To Electronics Agencies in in Wartime Agencies Electronics ELLA ç. Group European Communications - Communications European Group Aptfalocation functions Standing of ECSA d. . ENCA e. . E b. a. EMCCC EMCCC a. a . eea Progress General b. . pnn eak b ao eea JmsDefs Chairman. Dreyfus, James General Major by remarks Opening b. a. . Items from the Sixth Board Board Sixth the from Items Meeting on which action is action which on Meeting ORGANISATION AN ORGANISATION incomplete f Staff. of US Air Force, Director, Joint Staff, U.S. Joint Joint U.S. Staff, Joint Director, Force, Air US Opening address by Lieutenant General Oliver S. Picher, Picher, S. Oliver General by Lieutenant address Opening R 1 FA FA To be held in Washington. 28 April-2 April-2 28 Washington. in held be To NATO COM NATO


GENE Couriergram E o the on CEC AGENDA AGENDA 2 R Agenda - AL


l. M Originator Originator f Item of eeting eeting CEC CEC C CEC U.K. CEC EC M ay 1959 ay E SACLANT CEC CEC EC EC SA ERFA EMCCC U.K. ENCA Se C Secretary Paper (sPaper by ) Supporting . w\tcc hiefs hiefs c re tary

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE nlsr 1 Enclosure SGM-lé2-59 16. To consider a report by SACLANT SACLANT by report a consider To 16. Standards NATO Minimum consider To 15. a for requirement a consider To l4. ERT NAT - SECRET 2 Spares 17/18. Automatic on report a consider To 13* 19* To consider the use of 50 kc/s 50 of use the consider To 19* Westerdale on progress note To 11. Common on report a consider To 10. 2 T oe h cret tts of status current the note To 12. ERT NATO - SECRET 0 9. To consider a report by SHAPE on on SHAPE by report a consider To 9. 2. Spares /21. hne pcn o UFEupet U.K. Equipment UHF for Spacing Channel o ige ieBn omnctos F Communications Band Side Single for C itn Sadrs SACLANT Standards fitting and aircraft interceptor from identification of capability for coordination with Supreme Supreme with coordination for on Single Side Band Minimum Minimum Band Side Single on F standards propose and missiles the with equipment IFF new ascertain Transmission, Data tf. CEC Staff. C owr Satr ytm SHAPE System Scatter Forward ACE progress and consider procedures procedures consider and progress Station VLF NATO Civil/ NATO HP TACANPlan SHAPE on ue f AA hnes U.S. Channels TACAN of use joint o mmanders and the international international the and mmanders O - Agenda - -3 COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS AI RQEC OIYAD PLANNING AND POLICY FREQUENCY RADIO M ilitary planning for planning ilitary SECTION C SECTION SECTION B SECTION Originator f Item of SACLANT SHAPE R R ANCE ANCE Paper Paper (s by) Supporting FRANCE FRANCE SACLANT CEC U.K. SACLANT SACLANT SHAPE SHAPE U.S. U . S. DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-200 6 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE nlsr 1 Enclosure G—162-59 SGM— ERT NT -4 Agenda - -4 NATO - SECRET 31. To consider a report on compart- compart- on report a consider To 31. 30 33 29 for requirement a consider To 28. 26 24. To consider a report on Status on report a consider To 24. of Status on report a note To 23. 22. To approve a policy for issuing issuing for policy a approve To 22. ERT NATO ~ SECRET ‘.5‘ / T osdr eot onAuthenti­ report a consider To . Spare . To ascertain requirement for for requirement ascertain To 27 dns FRANCE Adonis for the Army and Air Forces. Air and Army the for rcrmn o Sae at for parts Spare of Procurement ocnie arpr b rne on France by report a consider To mentation of NATO Cryptosystems Cryptosystems NATO of mentation 248) (AMSP Systems cation equipment n drs Gop Ecyto C Encryption Groups Address Sign and Call of status consider To lnaddtrie action determine and plan tapeless cryptographic on-line on-line cryptographic tapeless nAP nFciie rcdr CEC procedure Facsimile on ACP an of distribution and implementation implementation and distribution of of ACPs in NATO in ACPs of AOSplmns oAP CEC CEC ACPs to Supplements NATO ACPs to Supplements NATO . Spares SEC COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS U RITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHIC POLICY AND PLANNING AND POLICY CRYPTOGRAPHIC AND RITY (Excluding Security & Cryptographic) & Security (Excluding SECTION E SECTION SECTION D SECTION o Originator f Item FRANCE FRANCI ALN SACLANT SACLANT E CEC CEC E C FRANCE SHAPE CEC CEC FRANC FRANCE SACLANT CEC CEC CEC Supporting ae() by Paper(s) E DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE nlsr 1 Enclosure ERT NT -5 Agenda - -5 SGM-162-59 NATO - SECRET 4l. Date and Place of next Meeting next of Place and Date 4l. Business other Any 4o. 39» To note progress and determine determine and progress note To 39» 38. To consider a report on Coordina­ on report a consider To 38. 36. To ascertain progress on Ele on progress ascertain To 36. 7 Spare, 37» 43* Spares 34/35* SEC R T NATO ~ ET omnctos ewrs CEC Networks Communications ute ato nitrhne of interchange on action further traffic among NATO and National National and NATO among traffic e NT - proje C-E with NATO new personnel of provision of tion afr Poli Warfare c CEC y c CLOSING BUSINESS CLOSING ts. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION G SECTION SECTION F SECTION c troni c f Item of Originator U .K. CEC CEC U ae() by Paper(s) Supporting .K. DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix -.greeting. SGM-162-59 ERT NATO - SECRET rf i udr study. under is draft problem is now placed before the board for consideration under under consideration for board the before placed now is problem This Code. Tactical Naval a for requirement the meet to SACLANT Item 32 of the present Agenda. present the of 32 Item meeting. meeting. the Standing Group as well as by the Supreme NATO Co NATO Supreme the by as well as Group Standing the meeting. ERT NATO - SECRET 6. Call Sign and Address Group Encryption Plan. Encryption Group Address and Sign Call 6. 4. Detrimental Interception of Transmissions in Peacetime. in Transmissions of Interception Detrimental 4. 3» Maritime Elect Maritime 3» 5• Naval Tactical Code. Tactical Naval 5• . yoehi Signal Pyrotechnic 2. osdrbe teto a be ie ote rbe, in problem, the to given been has attention Considerable A proposed expanded AMSP 258 has been received from from received been has 258 AMSP expanded proposed A opors hs enntd nteCC ic te last the since CEC the in noted been has progress No opors hs enntd nteCC ic te last the since CEC the in noted been has progress No No pro No o rgot hL on oLdi Li OC ic te last the oinco Lliu OEC no Led—in boon huL progpootr No g es a be oe i h E sne h last the since CEC the in noted been has ress PEDX"" OECOUE 1 ENCLOSURE TO "A" APPENDIX ae 1 Pages r R oni EPORT BY THE SECRETARY THE BY EPORT AGENDA ITEM 2 a 2 ITEM AGENDA c s (Radio) Warfare Instructions. ACP 173. ACP Instructions. Warfare (Radio) . ACP 168. . ACP - 1 16 Incl. 106. ON Agenda Item Item Agenda Secretary m adr. The manders. 2 a DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE were received in the Standing Group in February 1959. 1959. February in Group Standing the in received were pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix S will be considered under Item Item under considered be will for decision, and the revised revised the and decision, for ne study. under active consideration in the CEC. The status of these two matters matters two these of status The CEC. the in consideration active ERT NT - - 2 - NATO - SECRET the creation of the NEWLC is now before the Military Military the before now is NEWLC the of creation the ERT NATO ~ SECRET 9 5 - ^ M G . ELLA-NA 3. - lcrnc afr Policy. Warfare Electronic 7- Proposals concerning the ELLA-NALLA ELLA-NALLA the concerning Proposals Progress Progress L ACmuiain Network. Communications LA h s engnrlyso o hs tm H item. this on slow generally been as 36 E W P W and 37 of the present Agenda. present the of 37 and o licy (MC 64 (Revised)) is under under is (Revised)) (MC 64 licy C ommunications Network Network ommunications Agenda Item Item Agenda Secretary C T ommittee ommittee hese hese o wever, wever, a 2 e now re a_ DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NT -3 Age - -3 NATO - SECRET G-6-9 Secretary SGM-162-59 ERT NATO - SECRET r o interest: of are the past year needs be mentioned. However, the two following points points following two the However, mentioned. be needs year past the Or g anization networks, and producing and keeping up to date NATO Supplements Supplements NATO date to up keeping and producing and networks, integrated overall an are examples Particular taken. be may to the interchange of traffic among the NATO and national national and NATO the among traffic of interchange the to Group Standing the them of few a for but NATO, or national administrative and responsibilities communications of level t rsn eupe t oewt hs nw ciiis ad if and activities, new these with cope to not equipped is present CEC The at 117. ACP and 1OO ACP to those as such ACPs, to agencies, other to or Commanders Supreme to administration the Agencies. NATO and Commanders Supreme appears to be the only place where efficient and timely action action timely and efficient where place only the be to appears delegate may Group Standing the cases some In activities, military NATO highest the at centralization for necessity the that For agreements. expediting in resulted frequently has hymynwb asse b ersnaie o nations, of representatives by assisted be now may they them. with cope to means the and responsibilities extended have Panel Security Communications the that agreed was it reason, NATO teleprinter network which appears to be a prerequisite prerequisite a be to appears which network teleprinter NATO and accordingly amended been have reference of terms Their should CEC the of Panel Publications Communications the and during organization general the in change significant No 1. official guidance, informal discussion at working group level level group working at discussion informal guidance, official b. Some problems under study in the CEC have made apparent apparent made have CEC the in study under problems Some b. a. The CEC has recognized that, pending reception of reception pending that, recognized has CEC The a. EEA PROG GENERAL REPORT BY THE SECRETARY SECRETARY THE BY REPORT AGENDA ITEM 2 b 2 ITEM AGENDA ON R ESS IN IN CEC ESS n a tm2 b 2 Item da DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix G-6-9 Secretary SGM-162-59 ERT - SECRET olwn aewrh f pca note. special of worthy are following Committee Activity. Committee Board meetings has proved to be very useful. very be to proved has meetings Board principle of liaison with MOD Paris and MOD London mid-way between between mid-way London MOD and Paris MOD with liaison of principle h E t uoe r of or Surope to CEC the re has SECRE atm ue nte ot tatc Area. Atlantic North the in use wartime shortly-although full implementation will require several several require will implementation full shortly-although steps. future. the good for shows prospects solution the and solved, been has problem standing rable improvement in avoiding unacceptable delays experienced experienced delays unacceptable avoiding in improvement rable it now appears that this interchange may come into effect effect into come may interchange this that appears now it hogot AO wihi te liae i, per nw possible future. now near the in appears aim, ultimate the is which NATO, throughout the CEC the by considered problems numerous the Among 3* in the past; predetermination of a common implementation date date implementation common a of predetermination past; the in a requirement requirement a recommendations the 2. Coordination with Standing Group C-E Agencies in Europe Europe in Agencies C-E Group Standing with Coordination 2. T m NATO - aine . LORAN. d. c . Exchange of Traffic among National and NATO Communica­ NATO and National among Traffic of Exchange .c N b. Printing NATO Supplements to ACPs. to Supplements NATO Printing b. . itiuino AP t NT Nations. NATO to ACPs of Distribution a. T -4 Aed Ie b 2 Item Agenda - - 4 ATO d ge Consistent progress has been ma been has progress Consistent osdrbe rges a be ae nti fed and field, this in made been has progress Considerable in Networks. tions hns ote cooper the to Thanks The new system now being employed will afford a conside conside a afford will employed being now system new The n rlystsatr hog rqet iis of visits frequent through satisfactory erally f r diinl personnel. additional or a ece' himnt ahntn The Washington. to Chairmen gencies' m ade are agreed by the Board there will be will there Board the by agreed are ade a tion of MOD London, this long long this London, MOD of tion d e in planning for for planning in e DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SGM-162-59 ERT NT - NATO ~ SECRET C-E Board, action has been completed on 147 items and that 139 new new 139 that and items 147 on completed been has action Board, C-E tm hv apae o h E agenda. CEC the on appeared have items hw te olwn position: following the shows te ils particularly: fields, other ERT NATO - SECRET It may be also of interest to note that, since the 6th NATO NATO 6th the since that, note to interest of also be may It 5. 4. On the other hand, lack of progress is to be noted in some in noted be to is progress of lack hand, other the On 4. Analysis of the Status Sheet issued on February 2, February on issued Sheet Status the of Analysis omns r te gnis 6 18 26 Agencies other or Commands fetv nme o ies 4 l45 142 items of number Effective Awaiting action outside action Awaiting Standing Group by Nations, by Group Standing tm bgnbfr 15 2 1 (1956) 17 29 1957 before begun Items - Unsuccessful efforts of Supreme Commanders to organise organise to Commanders Supreme of efforts -Unsuccessful - Communications (including cryptography) for para-military para-military for cryptography) (including - Communications - VLF Coverage in the Mediterranean Area Mediterranean the in Coverage -VLF - Electronic Warfare - Electronic ht cinsol e ae t h hget level. highest the at taken be should action that indicates now Service Couriergram wartime efficient an However it is believed that the problem is of extreme extreme of is problem the that believed is itCouncil. However withthe originate should coordination such importance. considered Staff International The Control). Traffic Air premature. It seems, therefore, that the initiative for for initiative the that therefore, seems, It premature. last year that civilian/military coordination was coordination civilian/military that year last organizations (Control of Merchant Shipping, Meteorology, Meteorology, Shipping, Merchant of (Control organizations - 5 eray 9 A tm o 6th of time At 59) (February gna tm2 b 2 Item Agenda Secretary - or Meeting Board C-E 1959,

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - NATO - SECRET pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix G-6-9 EMCCC SGM-162-59 rprd yte .. ebr . Member. U.K. the by prepared EMC/ CEC and forwarded to the Military Committee for approval under under approval for Committee Military the to forwarded and CEC II. STUDIES IN PROGRESS IN STUDIES II. 32/13. MC reference No further action is required from EMCCC. from required is action further No to the subject covered and Standing Group was advised by letter letter by advised was Group Standing and covered subject the to compliance with Standing Group directives. Group Standing with compliance 8 nArl 98tefl itiuini nls n rnh in French and in English distribution full the 1958 April in but the attention of the Civil Communications Planning Committee TELEX. Committee tional Planning Communications Civil the of attention the but f nadSrae rnpr eta uoe (ACTICE). Europe coordination the Central for Transport Authority the orSurface (PBOS) Inland of Shipping Ocean of Board a co a ytm Hwvr hr mgt e te ognstoswowud be would who organisations a other such be for might there requirement no had However they system. reason this for and war of aea arrangements. lateral interested in this system, for example ELLA, which is studying studying is which ELLA, example for system, this in interested bi­ of means by authorities representa­ interested National between from agreement received on been tives has information no subject, to Standing Group the results of an enquiry by EMCCC on this on EMCCC by enquiry an of results the Group Standing to CP) a be rw ote rbe f h cniuto f Interna­ of continuation the of problem the to drawn been has (CCPC) STUDIES COMPLETED U AT I. PART ERT NATO ~ SECRET . 50 58 O English copies of this document, EMCCC was able to effect effect to able was EMCCC document, this of copies O English m . C 2a 2b ai Tlgahc Procedure Telegraphic - Radio -124b 124a ACP a. Rsosblt o NT - omnIfatutr Planning Infrastructure Common C-E NATO for Responsibility .c AP14 eehn Sicbad prtn Poeue - Procedures Operating Switchboard -Telephone 134 ACP .b munication network between ELLA and NALLAS, or the Planning Planning the or NALLAS, and ELLA between network munication a. Continuation of International TELEX in Wartime in TELEX International of Continuation a. /L/ t EMCCC is awaiting approval by CEC of a draft NATO NATO draft a of CEC by approval awaiting is EMCCC EMCCC was informed that M.C. distribution varied according according varied distribution M.C. that informed was EMCCC 15 Due to the kind offer made by SHAPE to print the required required the print to SHAPE by made offer kind the to Due The final draft of EMCCC/56/MEMO/35 was re-written by the by re-written was EMCCC/56/MEMO/35 of draft final The European Supplement European in in Europe The study has been completed as far as EMCCC is concerned concerned is EMCCC as far as completed been has study The SHAPE stated that the TELEX system is not secure in time in secure not is system TELEX the that stated SHAPE R Since the issuance of letter EMC/56/L/188 which forwarded forwarded which EMC/56/L/188 letter of issuance the Since 1959 EPORT ON EMCCC ACTIVITIES FOR PERIOD 1 APRIL 1958- 1 A 1 1958- APRIL 1 PERIOD FOR ACTIVITIES EMCCC ON EPORT ae 0Otbr15 f h nme o ois needed. copies of number the of 1958 October 10 dated O PROGRESS REPORT BY CHAIRMAN EMCCC CHAIRMAN BY REPORT PROGRESS AGENDA ITEM 3a ITEM AGENDA 6 Aed Ie a 3 Item Agenda - S upplement upplement P RIL DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-200 6 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE o te rnmsin o ete cat only. charts weather of transmissions the for G-6-9 EMCCC SGM-Ï62-59 ne consideration. under 1959. February 25 dated EMCCC/59/SEC/7 by forwarded been has SECRET SECRET received. as soon as follow will EMCCC/ f scrt eie n HP a dcdd oue tfr h moment the for it use to lack by decided has handicapped isSHAPE and device transmission of security a system of This SHAPE. by 1958 f oe prtn sgas s loudr study. under also is signals operating some of transmission for traffic of interruption of subject the on letter a EMCCC by agreed clarification of purpose for interpretation An f eegny ad oeainl meit msae" Arpy is reply A messages". immediate "operational and "emergency" of add o ifraint tnig Group. Standing to information for warded ipiiaino peeec sses nAP11C n 14 A. 124 and C 121 ACP in systems precedence of simplification pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix from the minutes of this meeting concerning this item had been for­ been had item this extract relevant concerning A 1958. meeting this October of -3 1 on minutes the London from in held 1958 EMCCC oSadn Gopb EC5//7bcue tws ere that learned was it because EMC/59/L/37 by Group Standing to publications. subject the in forth set pyrotechnics the all of lack the to due publications these implement to unable ujc APswr udr osdrto t h E. te comments Other CEC. the at consideration under were ACP's subject particularly signals identification the use not could aircraft speed identification. for material special other and pyrotechnics proper loaig al in to lc drn te hr meig f the of meeting third the during place took signs call allocating published. that the French French the that printin SECRET - NATO - SECRET A pca PooFciie xriews ed n2 July 21 on held was exercise Facsimile Photo special A . Tlgahc ytm okn Party Working Systems Telegraphic .f . Cs 2 -Cmuiain Isrcin General Instructions -Communications C 121 ACPs e. d. Capability of Implementation of ACPs ACPs of Implementation of Capability d. c. ACP ACP c. . C 6 -Blnul lsay fCE Terms C-E of Glossary -Bilingual 167 ACP b. 5 -NATO 9 g lt etn ad eevd pt 4Fbur ee forwarded were February 24 to up received and Meeting /lst ae f h nweiino ti pbiain I i recalled is It publication. this of edition new the of date Cmuiain Isrcin Oeaig Signals Operating Instructions Communications - ^ 1 1 2 A - Communica A 124 MC a rqetd yES o ae prpit action. appropriate take to ECSA by requested was EMCCC At the 20th ECSA Meeting it was stated that MOD Greece was Greece MOD that stated was it Meeting ECSA 20th the At A considerable discussion on the responsibility for responsibility the on discussion considerable A l ntoa cmet o hs tmdvlpd uig the during developed item this on comments national All The general feeling of ECSA Members was that modern high modern that was Members ECSA of feeling general The EMCCC EMCCC of Call Signs Call of (1) Photo Facsimile Photo (1) (3) The reply to a German criticism regarding the wording the regarding criticism German a to reply The (3) Belgium MOD from received also has Committee (2) This (1) EMCCC has received from MO from received has (1) EMCCC 7 Aed Ie a 3 Item Agenda - 7 - 1 - 110 is awaiting further further awaiting is M OD agreed to translate this this translate to agreed OD atclCl Sg ok-Pas o allocation for Plans - Book Sign Call Tactical t ions Instructions R Instructions ions CEC CEC D nomto nte final the on information Germany a proposal for proposal a Germany ACP ACP a 5 -154. 150 di o into French when French into Telegraph Procedure Telegraph

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix G-6-9 EMCCC SGM-162-59 and changes are now under consideration. Further information is information Further consideration. awaited. under now are changes and Propagation. Ionospheric VHF on Regular Report 3rd "The entitled: authori­ interested the to circulated been have France in and Dakar SECRET SECRET their previous organisations were too slow to function successf function to slow too were organisations Kingdom, previous United their the Netherlands, the Greece, from subject/received as well as Nations the in operation in now links the about Groups of Gratama Mr.S. by links", scatter forward tropospheric horizon , Germany and Italy. Many of the Nations have found that that found have Nations the of Many Italy. and Germany Norway, report U.S. a and reports English, into German German several from and translation Laboratarium, under the now Physisch beyond of Netherlander interception the provisional the on report "Preliminary on test programs for NATO links. NATO for programs test on is Ohr ehia ouet ae bu t e itiue, i.e. distributed, be to about are at documents MOD technical French the Other of ties. cooperation the with conducted link scatter concernin 1959. June 5 - 1 Defense Air SHAPE the at 1958 April 18 - 15 on meeting a held SHAPE years. several for completed be not will this but Center, Observable over long distances" - Report No 6014. No - Report distances" long over Observable 1958 October -31 28 on and Hague the in (SADTC) Center Technical programs were drawn up. The next meeting will take place in London in place take test will meeting further and next The up. discussed drawn were out were carried programs already tests previous switching automatic of use the studying is which party working a has Military the to interest of currently in Headquarters War for Centers nPrs tECC fie, ihSAE ersne. h rsls of results The represented. SHAPE with offices, EMCCC at Paris in systems. Communications Clyde the for STRAD namely approved, and planned switching automatic of use of level and extent the on guidance t rsn i CHN SCATsae ta s a 1 ytmhs been has system 1 far so that stated SACLANT ACCHAN. in present at Committee, Budget ytm CNHNavsd ht uha ytmws o big planned being not was system a such that advised CINCHAN system. Communications of part a as subject This Addenda. 7 with SEC/26 projected, has been circulated to Nations and Commands by EMCCC/57/ by Commands and Nations to circulated been has projected, Nations Nations with relay a of means by thence and SACEU points shore some and ships and SHAPE on the operation of Photo Facsimile circuits between between circuits Facsimile Photo of operation the on SHAPE and SEC R T NATO - ET u i W i t V i /58/SEC/13 /58/SEC/13 uiWitVi . ainlMltr ectm adWrieCE Organisation C-E Wartime and Peacetime Military National h. £. VHF/UHF Long Distance Communications. Distance Long VHF/UHF £. R networks. -NATO on military automatic switching systems in use, on trial trial on use, in systems switching automatic military on in each NATO Country NATO each in g Information has been received and forwarded to the Study Study the to forwarded and received been has Information h rprs f hs SuyGopad h correspondance the and Group Study these of reports The Ionospheric and Tropospheric Forward Scatter Study Groups Study Scatter Forward Tropospheric and Ionospheric On the other hand, there is an agreement between SACLANT SACLANT between agreement an is there hand, other the On 2 Atmtc Switching (2) Automatic necpinad ja and interception 8 Aed Ie a 3 Item Agenda - 8 - Supreme Commands have been requested to furnish to requested been have Commands Supreme It is recalled that all information received from the from received information all that recalled is It NAC. with with 4 m ming tests on the on tests ming Addenda gave information on this on information gave Addenda I eadUK forw celand/U.K.

y l i u




DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix courses made available to NATO countries by the the by MC/64). (document countries NATO to France available made courses ERT - 9 - SGM-162-^9 O T A N - SECRET etn. , Meeting. and 66 other Ranks will have received the required training in the in training required the received have will Ranks other 66 and utilisation the for priorities Board, Priority Communications Wartime of possible a on group working International service, alia, courier inter air CCPC the by Couriergram TELEX, considered interest military reference under authorities national all to circulated was which reported to the by the Senior Civil Emergency Emergency Civil Senior the by information Council on Atlantic based is North III the to Section This reported (Revised). AC/134-D/1O of frequencies. of Chairmen The Paris. in 1959 January l4 - 13 on held was Committee lnigCmite ndcmn - (8 129. (58) C-M document in Committee Planning il otne ob i oc, u i tee s n aine between variance any is there if but force, in be to continue will III (Communications) of the Questionnaire on Civil Emergency Planning Planning Emergency Civil on Questionnaire the of (Communications) III meeting. the Party's study is completed completed is study Party's fEL n RA teSAEECCRpeettv ad s ebr of member a as and Representative EMCCC SHAPE the ERFA, and ELLA of Compendium. the of e 5 information Section in the that rated so Group possible EMCCC/54/ in Working as ELLA this quickly contained as that study the requested was it complete 1958, September 3 dated h to ouet te nomto otie i h ltr document later the in contained information the documents two the the Netherlands Delegation, the Former ELLA Chairman also attended attended also Chairman ELLA Former the Delegation, Netherlands the sections which ascertain to order in SGM-1O2-53 with conjunction of of III. CONTINUING STUDIES CONTINUING III. of these documents should be included in the in included be should documents these of NATO - SECRET time on 3 and 4 June 1958 in Paris to study EMCCC/ study to Paris in 1958 June 4 and 3 on time (SGM-1O2-58) (SGM-1O2-58) J M n 1959. une EMO/5 EMO/5 . lcrncWrae Training Warfare Electronic b. a. Civil Communications Planning Committee Planning Communications Civil a. i. 'Y k Training Courses Training During the meeting progress reports were given on Section Section on given were reports progress meeting the During These subjects will be discussed at the 7th NATO NATO 7th the at discussed be will subjects These h himnhs etECC nomd f l sbet of subjects all of informed EMCCC kept has Chairman The The last meeting of the Civil Communications Planning Planning Communications Civil the of meeting last The (a) During the period April 1958 - April 1959, 58 Officers Officers 58 1959, -April 1958 April period the During (a) < necneto o Teleprinters of Interconnection 2.vtext (3) 2 Atr h frt meetin first the (2) After (1) n MS ta "ni sc tm a teEL d o Working Hoc Ad ELLA the as time such "until that MAS) and A A MC hs die al neetd uhrte (holders authorities interested all advised has EMCCC is to hold". to is etn o the of meeting special special M ELLA Ad Ad ELLA M/ a e ruh u odt ad incorpo­ and date to up brought be ®ay EMO/5 EMCCC/54/MEMO/5 EMCCC/54/MEMO/5 CCPC CCPC Hoc Working Group met for the first first the for met Group Working Hoc will be held in the early part early the in held be will g , under reference EMC/58/L/135 EMC/58/L/135 reference , under as amended by by amended as ELLA ELLA _ U.S., U.S., Agenda Item Item Agenda (CCPC) Activ ities ities - Activ (CCPC) EMCCC Compendium. 5 4/ M the the EMO/5 in in EMO/5 SGM-1O2-5S C-E C-E U.K.- 3 Board Board a a nd

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NT - 0 Aed Ie a 3 Item Agenda - 10 - NATO - SECRET M/8L19dtd 2Dcme 1958. December 12 dated EMC/58/L/189 ouetECC5/EO1 (Revised) EMCCC/54/MEMO/1O document SGM- ai tasiso oto (... hd ob mdfe ad ht a that and modified be the to to had (R.T.C.) relating guidance control the that transmission indicated radio exercises of analysis pca okn Pryws osdrn dat eiino te basic the of revision draft a considering was Party Working special show to marked be should packages the that agreed Group Standing itiuinhv be uypse t tnig ru ne reference under Group Standing to passed duly been have distribution received. been has distribution bulk a that reports SHAPE when MODs ehia pors (ipae pes aoi egns ec.) n the and etc...) engines, atomic speeds, (airplane progress technical interested the all message by inform will EMCCC and destination their tion dates of ACPs distributed there under. At the request of SHAPE, of request the At under. there distributed ACPs of dates tion e poeue hudaclrt t akddge te implementa­ the the degree that marked a to indicate reports accelerate should national informal procedure new Initial distribution. alia, of inter in which, ACPs of distribution the for procedure new a shipments have been relayed through SHAPE under the new system of system new the under bulk SHAPE Several through ofACPs. relayed been shipments bulk have nations shipments relays/certain SHAPE o apoa (eeec: etrEC5//7 ae l Nvme 1958). November l4 dated EMC/58/L/172 letter (Reference: approval for h 6h AOCE or Meig SGM Meeting, Board C-E NATO 6th the be distributed to all interested authorities. interested all to distributed be chan minor a with solution interim an as acceptable was study Group Standing the to agreed and forwarded amended was as Meeting implementation, for EMCCC/58/3rd the at proposal Greek a on Study Nations and Commands to know the position and make useful comparisons. useful make and position the know to Commands and Nations h sau i ahcutyfr ahAP s tahd ote Minutes the to attached is ACP each for country each in status the messages. by arranged. SECRET SECRET 96 MC kes h E avsd f h sau o ti coordination this of status the of advised CEC the keeps EMCCC 1956, f ahECC lnr etn M trt nbe h , the C E C the enable to «tar M Meeting Plenary EMCCC each of aa ore i M Mruyhv bt enoesbcie o this for oversubscribed been both have Mercury HMS in Courses Naval circulated under reference EMCCC/58/SEC 30 and addendum dated addendum and 30 EMCCC/58/SEC reference under circulated eid n xr cuss n adtoa sae loain hv been have allocations space additional and courses extra and period h UK adFac. S aa ore a GetLks n te U.K. the and Lakes U.S., Great the at to Courses forwarded Naval US been have France. spaces and for U.K. the Requests 1959» January 9 Trainin 162-59 Cnrl of Control .e d . Distribution of ACPs of Distribution .d c . Coordination of Implementation dates of ACPs and changes and ACPs of dates Implementation of Coordination .c g - Courses for the period 1 April - 1 October 1959 was 1959 October 1 - April 1 period the for Courses NATO fe dsusos ewe E, HP n MC, following EMCCC, and SHAPE CEC, between discussions After The complaints made by the Greek representative on ACP on representative Greek the by made complaints The The contents of EMC/58/L/172 as amended by this SGM will SGM this by amended as EMC/58/L/172 of contents The h SM6-9dtd4Fbur 99 niae ta this that indicated 1959 February 4 dated SGM-61-59 The (1) General thereto 3 Te ocuin ad eomnain o te HP Staff SHAPE the of recommendations and conclusions The (3) 1 I codnewt esg SAE 3l dtd 3 June 13 dated 36l6 STASEC message with accordance In (1) 2 I diint hs eot b esg a al giving table a message by reports these to addition In (2) b Dtie ifraincnenn lcrnc Warfare Electronic concerning information Detailed (b) EMCCC t h 6h AOCE or Meig tws ttd that stated was it Meeting Board C-E NATO 6th the At R doTasisos in Wartime Transmissions adio - 1-8ws sud etn forth setting issued was 417-58




(2) New Guidance and concept

Basic document (EMCCC/54/MEMO/lO (Revised)) has been replaced by EMÇCC/58/MEMO/37 dated 5 May 1958. The former concept of closing the majority of transmitters and of minute to minute control was abandoned. The new guidance is based on the "continuous operation of transmitters of vital importance". Nevertheless, because of consideration, wherever possible, being given to "preplanned measures", the possibility of an enemy using these transmissions as navigational aids is reduced to a minimum. The new guidance also places transmitters in three categories: on, off and controlled.

Supreme Commands and Subordinate Commands'have given additional directives in accordance with the new guidance and national plans are under consideration and approval. (3) Continuing Studies

Revision of the SHAPE Alert P lan is under study and is expected in the near future, after which the EMCCC will give views as to possible continuation of meetings of the radio transmission control panels. Considerable discussion through the year has taken place on Specific problems as Categorization of TACAN, recategori­ zation of LORAN, control of civil (entertainment) broadcasting transmitters in wartime, organization of exercises, Intelligence information. The latest views expressed were disseminated by EMCCC/59/SEC/5 dated 20 February 1959. Minutes of the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the R adio Transmissions Control Panels.

f . Wartime Terms of References for EMCCC

A proposed change to SGM-143-57 Terms of Reference NATO Communications Electronics Agencies dated 25 February 1957 is under consideration for comments and/or approval by all Nations before this proposed change can be forwarded to the Standing Group. The change would set forth specific information as to how EMCCC would function during the survival period which is fixed by NATO as the first thirty days following the outbreak of hostilities. g.. VHF/UHF Conversion

(1) The SHAPE UHF Conversion programme to install UHF equipment in all of SACEUR's air, naval and ground forces was divided into three phases as indicated in AG/61OO/I/SIG dated 31 August 1953 and in AG/6100/3 SIG/EL dated 24 March 1956.

The SHAPE minimum standards by phase were also given in the same documents.

(2) i.. Ground Equipment

In general, half of the ground radio UHF equipment rely completed and for the other half the majority of essential facilities in the ground equipment are now in operation. Completion of conversion is expected during 1962. Status as of 1 February is included in Appendix to Enclosure.

SECRET - NATO - 11 - Agenda Item 3 a SGM-162-59 EMCCC Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ai es s NAC 7 n A/R 0bt h sotg o rdo sets radio of shortage the but 30 AN/VRC and 27 AN/ARC as sets Radio SECRET - NATO - SECRET from national production at a satisfactory rate in European countries countries European in rate satisfactory a at production national from during 1959 or early I960. early or 1959 during UHF with fitted are Tanks and (ACTs) Teams Control Air Some fitting. ; concerned. report. 1958 the in shown scales the with conformity DENMARK BELGIUM moment. The effort of the countries is now on ground and airborne airborne and ground on now is countries the of effort The moment. licence under manufactured AN/ARC-52 future. near the in expected are pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix in 1961. in the following information as compared with 1958: with compared as information following the Forces. Land by used being time the to meet the requirements is expected to be alleviated by deliveries deliveries by alleviated be to expected is requirements the meet to quantity. in delivered being now is U.K. the in ERT NT - 2 Aed ie e 3 item Agenda - 12 - NATO - SECRET G-6-9 EMCCC SGM-162-59 Land Forces Forces Land Airborne Equipment :Equipment Airborne Land Forces Equipments Forces Land :Equipment Airborne Ground Equipment: Equipment: Ground Ground Equipment Ground NOTE: (3) Land Forces (3) Land (4) Reports received from individual countries for 1959 give give 1959 for countries individual from received (4) Reports adFre eupet s ngnrl naras o the for arrears in general in is equipment Forces Land i Aron Equipment Airborne ii. In some countries Air Force Mobile Equipment is for for is Equipment Mobile Force Air countries some In oe qimn i sil t still is Equipment Some 2 o te ibre qimn plan equipment airborne the For opeino ibre ntlain i expected is installations Airborne of Completion Automatic direction finders from European production production European from finders direction Automatic Transmitters and receivers are being made available available made being are receivers and Transmitters Air Forces Air work on transmitter and receiver receiver and transmitter on work restoration prolonged to due Delay equipments which are lent by the by lent are which equipments to remained stations 28 of out 19 32 for use with ACT'S. with use AN/GRC for 32 Type UHF 8 Army the to lent the Land Forces employ AN/GRC/32 AN/GRC/32 employ Forces Land the Meanwhile MDAP. through supplied As an interim measure the RDAF RDAF the measure interim an As buildings. On Schedule Schedule On On On Schedule On schedule On o be delivered through MDAP. through delivered be s r i eea in' general in are has

be DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LUXE GREECE FRANCE GERMAN NATO ~ SECRET NETHERLANDS SGM-1&2-59 ITALY pedx”" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to ”A" Appendix SECRET SECRET M Land Forces Forces : Land Land Forces Forces : Land Airborne Equipment: Airborne Equipment: Forces Land Forces : Land Land Land Ground Equipment Equipment Ground :Equipment Airborne Airborne Equipment :Equipment Airborne Airborne Equipment Equipment Airborne : Equipment Ground Ground Equipment: Equipment: Ground :Equipment Airborne Ground Equipment: Equipment: Ground NOTE : All 270 aircrafts DO 27 in the German Army -will Army be German the in 27 DO aircrafts 270 All NOTE : : Equipment Ground BOURG NOTE NOTE : -NATO Forces Forces : Lack of spare parts to make necessary repairs. necessary make to parts spare of Lack equipped in the near future, following the provision provision the following future, near the in equipped of equipment by industry. by equipment of :

1 - 13 - ai st t et the meet to sets Radio Completed lvnArCnrl rus st are sets Groups' Control Air Eleven Expect to have 1 UHF operating in in operating UHF 1 have to Expect Completed for the Forces at NATO NATO at Forces the for Completed I960 because MDAP programme has has programme MDAP because I960 excepted through MDAP. through excepted been cut off. Supply of spare parts parts spare of Supply off. cut been year the of end the until least at supply. MDAP expected through are 121 complete not but 16 h itrmpa il be will plan interim The operating aircrafts for which which for aircrafts some operating for except schedule, On (i.e. level Group Battle at ACT each disposal. orpr il e submitted be will report No is equipment Additional operating. 8 sets per Infantry Division). Infantry per sets 8 of 1959 or early i early or 1959 of under expected are schedule On On schedule On schedule On On schedule On problem. a still is On schedule On "retrofit" is in process. in is "retrofit" schedule On On schedule On sets in operation, 20 received received 20 operation, in sets Agenda Item Item Agenda MC ` EMCCC 960 MDAP MDAP . require in the in maintained 3 m a ents cours- UHF now

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 to Enclosure "A" Appendix himnCC n himnECCwihwr ed nPrs ut after just Paris in held were which EMCCC Chairman and CEC Chairman SECRET SECRET rus npriua Inshrc n Toopei Satr Study Scatter Tropospheric and Ionospheric particular in Groups addition In EMCCC. and CEC between cooperation close indicate year especially helpful. especially the EMCC the the 6th NATO C-E Board and in Washington on 6 October 1958 were were 1958 October 6 on Washington in and Board C-E NATO 6th the of distribution of list the on is CEC messages, of exchange the to SGM-162-59 Meeting will be made by EMCCC Chairman at the Meeting. the at Chairman EMCCC by made be will Meeting all EMCCC Secretarial notes and important letters. Meetings between between Meetings letters. important and notes Secretarial EMCCC all TURKEY of additional information received before the 7th NATO C-E Board Board C-E NATO 7th the before received information additional of PORTUGAL NATO ~ SECRET V MISCELLANEOUS IV. UNITE NORWAY Land Forces Equipment: Forces Land D b. Cooperation with Supreme Allied Commands and European and Commands Allied Supreme with Cooperation b. a. Cooperation between CEC and EMCCC and CEC between Cooperation a. Airborne Equipment :Equipment Airborne Ground Equipment :Equipment Ground Force Land Airborne Equipment: Airborne Principal difficulties and causes of delays: delays: of causes and difficulties Principal G KINGDOM round Equipment :Equipment round -NATO C emnn okn Gop in Group, Working Permanent HP i rpeetd tECC lnr etns n as in also and Meetings Plenary EMCCC at represented is SHAPE National Authorities. National The list of EMCCC Activities carried on during the past past the during on carried Activities EMCCC of list The b. a (5) A report is expected from Portugal and Turkey. A brief brief A Turkey. and Portugal from expected is report (5) A . Late delivery of spare parts to keep installed installed keep to parts spare of delivery Late Late deliveries of cables, plugs and other accessories accessories other and plugs cables, of deliveries Late eurdfr emnn Installations. permanent for required qimn running. equipment s : 4 - l4 - SE 0. h Gon/i UFst is set UHF Ground/Air The 201. WSBE likely to be the WSC 48 in an interim interim only. an in role 48 WSC the be to likely rudAr H eiua st s the is set vehicular VHF Ground/Air Conversion. On schedule On received report No ovre ecp amnr ubr of number minor a except converted orpr received report No converted parallel to the Air Force Force Air the to parallel be will converted that receivers report spot ob delivered. be to On schedule schedule On No communication equipment to be to equipment communication No is which material aviation the of U On schedule On Feupet s n nerl part integral an is equipment HF R TC Panels and Special Workin Special and Panels TC gna tm3 a 3 Item Agenda EMCCC g

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE C-E Agencies by means of an exchange'of all documents issued by the by issued documents all exchange'of an of means by Agencies C-E SGM-1&2-59 Agencies. A Representative of EM2CC attends the Plenary Meetings Meetings Plenary the attends EM2CC of Representative A Agencies. SECRET SECRET duplication of effort may be avoided. EMCCC continues to supervise supervise to continues EMCCC avoided. be may effort of duplication Radioactive Fallout" convened by Headquarters AIRCENT. All NATO NATO All AIRCENT. Headquarters by convened Fallout" Radioactive xsig ii admltr raiain, AOo ntoa, and national, or NATO organizations, military and civil existing pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix appropriate. contacts as various Group the from Standing the arising to forwarded are recommendations and problems major and administration personnel, with dealing budget. questions general all Working Group for "Collation and Dissemination of Information of Information of the as such Dissemination and indicated is "Collation EMCCC for for Group interest an Working wherein Group Working the attends Representative Transmission EMCCC An Radio etc...). Switching, Couriergram, Automatic Control, (Facsimile, required. when of all other Agencies except ECSA. Information is exchanged so that that so exchanged is Information ECSA. except Agencies other all of addition CCPC. in the of Tails" for Chairman as on Rental functions Group his to Working Hoc Equipment Ad " sponsored Telecommunications on Experts of Group the of meetings (RTCP). commands subordinate major of those necessary necessary, to discuss items of interest and also to avoid duplica­ avoid to also and interest of items discuss to necessary, NAVMAI of meetings pnoe b h NC n hs endsgae a himno a NAC a of Chairman as designated been has and NAC the by sponsored if and Commands Supreme the of representatives with meet they special attends Representative EMCCC an if necessary, If information give work. of to tion order in conference CSO National SHAPE annual meetings these in represented also are CINCHAN and SACLANT Groups. Nations are represented at meetings of the EMCCC and RTCP where where RTCP and EMCCC the of meetings at represented are Nations ERT NATO - SECRET e. In summary, EMCCC is maintaining close liaison with all with liaison close maintaining is EMCCC summary, In e. Agencies C-E NATO other with Cooperation d. c. Cooperation with other NATO Committees NATO other with Cooperation c. -NATO Cooperation continues to be effected with the other NATO NATO other the with effected be to continues Cooperation h himno MC rpeetd h tnig ru t the at Group Standing the represented EMCCC of Chairman The 15 - R COMCON, LANTCOMCON, CHAI\COMCON and also the also and CHAI\COMCON LANTCOMCON, COMCON, gna tm3 a 3 Item Agenda EMCCC DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE o w o ta EH to IX H 3 Noreport hasbeen directly received(3) ATCC (2) Inthis total there are six mobile stations(!) Reporting Control Airf (C and R) and Somecountrie havenot mentionned the SOC inthe list of

i re elds120 Installat

c eive

108Installations t 23Installations d through SHAPE has SITUATIONON 31 i ons 10$ meet no requirements 13 31% D A3% 71% 17% 5 59% 57$ meetPhase IIIrequirements 0$ meetPhase III 3% 0% 6% ECEMBER 1957 enbeen % meetPhase II meetPhase Irequirements have some UHF meetno req meetPh^se II meetPhase III havesome UHF meetPhase I requirements have some UHF include STATUS OF GROUN f rom Portugaland Turkey. Information d u

irements above. above.

Informa D UHF CON

t ion is stillawaited fr C V and 15 ERSION 80Installations ! 19Installations s 5 Installations R (2) ( in 1 ) s tallation SIT U ATION ON 1FEBRUA c oncerning Turkey as of 1 December s

o m P 33% 11% Z0% 60^ meet Phase IIIrequirement 83 5L% 7% 7% 2% o 5% 6% 6 rtugal. % % meetPhase III meetno requirements havesome meet no requirements meetPhase II meetPhase I requirements meetPhase II requirements meet Phase Irequirements meetPhase III requirements havesome UH meetPhase IIrequirements havesome UHF R Y 1959 UHF F


'-G ■Öo (C O

Appendix "A" t DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ihte oig ffriue n eupet ECC cuid t new its occupied EMCCC equipment. and furniture of moving the with group. working eal ad euiyqetoswr udr consideration. under were would questions ELLA that security and envisaged early details in Authorities available French the made and was Authorities. "D" 1958, Military Building in December French by space required also Additional are offices ELLA REFERENCES: a. SGM-143-57, 25 February 1957 February 25 SGM-143-57, a. REFERENCES: uhrte asse ihte eaiiaino te e peie and premises new the of rehabilitation the with assisted Authorities Defense National French the of Chief the that Group Standing Appendix Appendix ne suyb h MC. t rcmedtoswl efradd to forwarded be will recommendations Its EMCCC. the by study under administrativ requirements, space Exact offices. those into moved be his by required urgently were Maubourg, Tour la de Boulevard ment of a fulltime Turkish representative to the ELLA permanent ELLA the to representative Turkish fulltime a of ment Standing Group communi Group Standing ru t ae eesr tp fr h icuino oe senior one of inclusion the for steps necessary take to Group personnel, in increase an and position excess one ELLA for approve below. 8 para l de Caserne the at agencies two these by G-6-9 EMCCC a 3 Item Agenda - 17 - SGM-162-59 NATO - SECRET agencies communications-electronics other the which problems the the Greek Military Mission in Washington had requested the Standing the requested had Washington in Mission Military Greek the Group. Standing the the that Forces Armed French the of Staff of Chief the of office 1958. October 28 on ECSA, and October 24 on French quarters The an address. in same ECSA the and at "D" EMCCC to Building offered as was space designated office annex Adequate occupied services. offices the that ECSA and EMCCC notified had Staff General oErpa - agencies. C-E European to for guidance and supervision exercise shall EMCCC the a. reference rsn acnoiae rpr o n diitaie rbes related problems administrative any on report consolidated a present competence. own their within solve to unable are B prtr ad n iiaySothn-yit Ti rqet is request This Assistant one Short-hand-Typist. Section, Military Study one and General OIC the Operator, IBM to Assistant one i.e., administrative budget and personnel matters. Also it shall consider shall it Also matters. personnel and budget administrative AT I CNOIAE EOTO DIITAIE RBESRLTD TO RELATED PROBLEMS ADMINISTRATIVE ON REPORT CONSOLIDATED II. PART ERT NATO - SECRET . . yrfrne , h himn ECC avsd the advised EMCCC, Chairman, , the d reference By a. 4. . yrfrneç., h Sadn Gop ugse te assign­ the suggested Group Standing , the . ç reference By 3. . yrfrne , MC, AER n LAwr avsd that advised were ELLA and SACEUR , EMCCC, reference,f By 6. . aarp , eeec b., iet teCara, MC, to EMCCC, Chairman, the , directs . b reference 8, Paragraph 2. to "D" Enclosure a., 5 paragraph of provisions the Under 1. . yrfrne teSadn Gopws euse to requested was Group Standing the e reference By 5. . el orqet oe i spa s niae in indicated is supra b in noted request to Reply ç. b. Since that date th« EMCCC has been advised by the by advised been has EMCCC th« date that Since b. EUROPEAN C-E AGENCIES, AGENCIES, C-E EUROPEAN "A" . G-8-Ö, 1Spebr 1958 September , 11 SGM-584-5Ö ç. I. . etrEC5//9, l EMC/58/L/192, Letter h. g . . Message EMC- Message g.. d. Letter EMC/58/L/lo9« EMC/58/L/lo9« Letter d. oEcoue 1 Enclosure to e. ELLA (58) ADM/169, ADM/169, (58) ELLA e. . esg TN 28, 6 oebr 1953 November 26 2780, STAND Message f. b. SGM-43O-57, 1 July 1957 July 1 SGM-43O-57, b. SHAPE SHAPE e Message Message toseetois gnis nErp in Europe in agencies ations-electronics 1506 SH SH 30 30 , l 28991, 15 January 1959 January 15 28991, APRIL APRIL 6 20 January 1959 January 8 oebr 1958 November 6 oebr 1958 November Dcme 1958 December a 1958 to 1 to 1958 Tu-abug 5l, Tour-Maubourg, MARCH MARCH






The following report on projects, problems and progress of ERFA is submitted to the 7th NATO C-E Board . This report covers only those major developments since the last meeting of the C-E Board. No comment is made on the routine work of the Agency, involving frequency selection, coordination, management, recording and reporting.

1. 225-400 Mc/s Band.

The congestion and generally unsatisfactory conditions of

this band, as reported to the 6th C-E Board meeting, have now been largely corrected. There are still some problems in the band, and others undoubtedly will arise in the future; however, the present

status is considered very satisfactory. The solution of this problem has proven most difficult over a period of some three years and its achievement is considered a great credit to the co-operation of all

NATO Nations and Supreme Commands. Two activities led to this

solution as outlined below. a. New. Plan.

A new plan for the allocation of the band between air,

naval and radio relay uses has been adopted. This is not the ideal plan for any single usage, nor for equipment used by some Nations; however, it was agreed as the best compromise which would permit reasonable operation of all usages in the band. The complete plan is contained in Draft ERFA/Memo 1 (Second

Revision) dated 29 January 1959.

b. Standing Group W orking Party As a result of decisions made at the 5th C-E Board meeting, the Standing Group established a Working Party to

recommend actions to decrease the congestion in the 225-400 Mc/s band. The Working Party met in July and November 1958. Action

SECRET - NATO - 19 - Agenda Item 3 b SGM-162-59 ERFA Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix G-6-9 ERFA b 3 Item Agenda - 20 - SGM-162-59 NATO - SECRET 400 and 10,500 Mc/s has been conducted over the past two years, in in years, two past the over conducted been has Mc/s 10,500 and 400 Details are contained in ERFA/Memo 13 dated dated 13 ERFA/Memo in contained are Details and certain common bands throughout the ERFA area were recommended. recommended. were area ERFA the throughout bands common certain and search for suitable space for radio relay operation. The feasibility feasibility The operation. relay radio for space suitable for search SECRET of radio relay operation in each band in each country was evaluated evaluated was country each in band each in operation relay radio of were no critical NATO requirements above 10,500 Mc/s 10,500 above requirements NATO critical no were Conference. National delegates to the Conference were invited invited were Conference the to delegates National Conference. ol edfiut i nt mosbe t rn te several the bring to impossible, not if difficult, be would E September and June the dered. both at Adminis­ the for Preparation Military "NATO subject: ERFA/228, forwarded, through the Standing Group and the National delega­ National the and Group Standing the through forwarded, eut f hs etn, pprws rprd etn ot the out setting prepared was paper a meeting, this of result proposals submitted by several countries. It appeared that there there that appeared It countries. several by submitted proposals Nations. NATO all to Council, NATO the to tions was 1953, July 7 dated I.T.U.". the of Conference trative • rprto o te15 ITU Conference I.T.U. 1959 the for Preparation 3• gemnswr rahd de otewd dfeecs in differences wide the to due reached, were agreements o ted h Jn 15 RAmeigfr hs ups. s a As purpose. this for meeting ERFA 1958 June the attend to Union Telecommunications International 1959 the for preparation NATO position on most of the bands below 10,500 Mc/s. This paper paper This Mc/s. 10,500 below bands the of most on position NATO NATO position on the allocation of the frequency spectrum in in spectrum frequency the of allocation the on position NATO 2. Radio Relay Radio 2. progress. in now operational changes through excesses these eliminating with charged be can requirements all Not band. the in accommodated requirements be all can nearly now that so drastically, requirements aife bt h okn at eomne ta HP be SHAPE that recommended Party Working the but satisfied taken on the recommendations of this Working Party reduced reduced Party Working this of recommendations the on taken - NATO . loain bten1,0 n 000M/ wr consi­ were Mc/s 30,000 and 10,500 between Allocations b. A detailed examination of all "fixed/mobile" bands between between bands "fixed/mobile" all of examination detailed A . The a. 6 hNT - or isrce RA ongtae a negotiate to ERFA instructed Board C-E NATO th R FA Meetings but no no but Meetings FA 6 May 1953» May 5 ht it that DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Appendix ”A" Appendix ERT NATO SECRET GM-6-9 ERFA -I62-59 M SG SECRET - NATO - SECRET national usage of earlier earlier of usage national interfere causes which selected thus frequencies by I.T.U. the to notified are frequencies tested and Approved oee, eetdfo h RAMse it ota tee is there that so List Master ERFA the from selected however, frequencies be coordinated with all NATO Nations who might might who Nations NATO all with coordinated be frequencies soil countries as though they were national. Operation on Operation national. were they though as countries soil receive interference. Under this method it was becoming constan­ becoming was it method this Under interference. receive Command Allied that required procedure former The 1958. the least likelihood of causing interference to any NATO country. country. NATO any to interference causing of likelihood least the still, are Frequencies located. are stations the soil whose on l oedfiut oslc rqece hc ol o be not would which frequencies select to difficult more tly channels. TACAN naval world-wide additional 8 for requirement TACAN 4. countries NATO the that agreed and followed be should which objected to by one or more countries, on the basis of possible possible of basis the on countries, more or one by to objected 27.5 below frequencies Command Allied of tion interference. December 30 dated 15 ERFA/Memo draft in detailed is procedure management frequency covering published, been has 1958 March 27 Co I.T.U. the at required be would 5. High Frequency Coordination Procedure Coordination Frequency High 5. Mc/s. 960-1215 band TACAN the in hudclaoae lsl s h ITU Cneec progressed. Conference I.T.U. the as closely collaborate should time. this at position NATO firm a establish to feasible not negotiations and changes many linejthat into proposals national Instead, the Committee established several broad principles principles broad several established Committee the Instead, b. The new procedure requires clearance only from countries countries from only clearance requires procedure new The b. . e poeue a be salse o te coordina­ the for established been has procedure new A a. satisfy to SHAPE with progress in now are Negotiations b. a. Final agreements have been reached and ERFA/Memo l4 dated dated l4 ERFA/Memo and reached been have agreements Final a. oEcoue . 1 Enclosure to 1 - -21 d ate will be ceased. be will ate n ference, and, hence, it was it hence, and, ference, Agenda Agenda M /. This c/s. c n e to any any to e Ite m



6. Frequencies for Maritime Mobile Use

The bands below 27.5 Mc/s allotted to maritime mobile use

are possibly the most congested in the entire frequency spectrum.

Great difficulty is always experienced in obtaining Allied Command frequencies in these bands. SHAPE has recently submitted a require­ ment for 3*+ frequencies for maritime mobile use in the Southern

European region. SHAPE is now planning additional requirements for

the Northern and Southern areas which will necessitate of the order

of 1OO additional maritime mobile frequencies. Discussion of these requirements at the December 1958 ERFA Committee meeting brought out that many Members felt that these requirements could never be satisfied unless they were strongly justified at the very highest level. Negotiations are continuing within ERFA but it is felt that the problem might have to be referred to higher authority in the near future.

7• Wartime Frequency Organisation

Studies and discussions on the suitability of the NATO wartime frequency organisation have been conducted during the past year. This activity has led to detailed examination of all frequency organisations and procedures but to date no definite findings nor recommendations have been agreed. The study of frequency organisatio has been expanded to include examination of wartime frequency plans.

Both studies are continuing.

8. Scatter Frequencies.

Frequencies for the ACE ionospheric and tropospheric scatter systems and for the associated radio realy terminal links have been generally agreed. There are some detailed adjustments which must be made in several countries\ however, these adjustments are so involved with the engineering of the circuits that they are being handled bilaterally between the SHAPE Scatter Section and the countries concerned. ERFA continues to monitor the progress of these frequency negotiations.

SECRET - NATO - '22 - Agenda Item 3 b SC-M -Ï62-59 3F.FA Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT -NATO SECRET Nations, has representation by by representation has Nations, systems. mili­ electronic NATO tary vital of protection the for provision adequate tains H . FACTS BEARING ON THE PROBLEM; THE ON BEARING FACTS . H I. PROBLEM. This statement is submitted with a view to ensuring ensuring to view a with submitted Intern is the that statement This PROBLEM. I. the coordinating bo coordinating the in organized use of the radio spectrum which have developed since 1947. Need Need 1947. since developed have which spectrum radio the of use 1959 August In 1947. in City OT-T62-59 Table of Frequency Allocations have been developed and, now In now and, developed been have Allocations Frequency of Table communications- upon reliance military ever-increasing the Atlantic at revised last were status, treaty have which lations, as serves Union The countries. SEATO and NATO the and satellites, their final form, forwarded to the Secretary General of the ITU ITU the of General Secretary the to forwarded form, final their International the of revision for proposals U.S. electronics. this distribution will be the same as that which was distributed distributed was which that as same the be will distribution this by measure, large a to about, brought been has changes these for pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix to all members of NATO in mid-1958 as a tentative documentation of documentation tentative a as mid-1958 in NATO of members all to the in changes for alia, inter compensate, to revision to jected for promulgation to all members of the ITU. With minor changes, changes, minor With ITU. the of members all to promulgation for SECRET SECRET neddUS proposals. U.S. intended INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIO INTERNATIONAL (Page added by Corrigendum No. 6 dtd 8 Apr 59) Apr 8 dtd 6 No. Corrigendum by added (Page a. The International Telecom International The a. b_. The Telecommunications Convention and appended Radio Regu­ Radio appended and Convention Telecommunications The - NT -2 - gnaIe 3b Item Agenda - a 22 - NATO --- SUPPORTI 1865 .. ~ U.S. “ a inlTbe fRdoFeunyAlctos con­ Allocations Frequency Radio of Table tional and now, as a specialized agency of the United United the of agency specialized a as now, and PREPARATION FOR THE 1959 1959 THE FOR PREPARATION d y in international telecommunication matters. telecommunication international in y N G STATE G AGENDA ITEM 3b ITEM AGENDA M j h ai euain ilb sub­ be will Regulations Radio the E ON N 96 T BY U BY T ntos nldn h SR its USSR, the including nations N NO (T) CO (ITU) UNION S N ITED STATES ITED m unications Union (ITU) was was (ITU) Union unications N FERENCE DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ■S'GM-1'62-59 Radio Conference of the ITU may have a serious impact on military on impact serious a have may ITU the of Conference Radio each within developed is position a such Unless requirements. pedx “A Appendix I. DISCUSSION: III. urgency current the with not , though meeting” 1958 May 23 the at t s erdta te resolutio the compatible, that are feared is positions it these and structure NATO the of country military of multitude the satisfy fully to NATO all attempt of will positions countries national the if determine to able fully necessary. now is as detail such in of ERT -NATO SECRET all countries, regardless of size or extent of telecommunication of extent or size of regardless countries, all interests, on an equal basis. equal an on interests, lics, will have one vote each at the Conference, thereby placing thereby Conference, the at each vote one have will lics, tts Uie igo, n h no fSve Scait Repub­ Socialist Soviet of Union the and Kingdom, United States, o b asrdo stsatr niomn frte operation the for environment satisfactory a of assured be not proposed frequency allocations, the U.S. military forces would forces military U.S. the allocations, frequency proposed fmn .. aa n epn systems. weapons and radar U.S. many of basis, with full realization that without protection of these of protection without that realization full with basis, high­ for provision made further have and service positioning as practicable, specified the military requirements by allocating by requirements military the specified practicable, as with­ industry of representatives as well as agencies, government spec­ the of portions these of allocation the agreements, defense milit to vital is trum these affect equipments which are utilized in support of mutual of support in utilized are which equipments affect these capacity communications systems. This was done on a national a on done was This systems. communications capacity and Military basis. world-wide a on compatible be must trum SEC pcfc ad fr aa prtos ob cle h radio­ the called be to operations radar for bands specific insofar have, and need this recognized have States, United the in RE (Page added by Corrigendum No. No. Corrigendum by added (Page . h ntdSae eatet fDfne a nt been not has Defense of Department States United The a. e_. d. . h s o cranprin o h rdo rqec spec­ frequency radio the of portions certain of use The £. - NATO - T hs ujc hsbe rvosytetdb hs body this by treated previously been has subject This --- " oEcoue 1 Enclosure to '(Item #14) dated 23 May May 23 dated #14) '(Item E ach member country, or territory, including the United the including territory, or country, member ach a yoeain addfne fot. Where efforts. defense and operations ry 22 n b s a otda te forthcoming the at dopted 6 dtd dtd 58 ) 8 Ar 59 Apr Agenda Item 3 b 3 Item Agenda

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE 3ÜM-IB2-53 pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SECRET - NATO - 22 c - Agenda Item 3 b 3 Item Agenda - c 22 - -NATO SECRET necessary for the following reasons reasons : following the for necessary harm­ without operate to equipment electronic permit to necessary Radio Conference must have a full appreciation of each individual individual each of appreciation full a have must Conference Radio sdsge oflil uhmltr ed sol ae h con­ the have should needs military such fulfill to designed is ERT -NATO SECRET solidated support of other NATO nations. This support becomes becomes support This nations. NATO other of support solidated which country NATO any of position national The restrictions. ful frequen­ of accommodation and recognition the upon are - dependent devices all electronic important several mention -to defense reli missiles; of control and guidance effort of the Allie the of effort the to equipment, electronic country's military requirements, including frequency allocations allocations frequency including requirements, military country's cies by those NATO nations committed to the use of such systems. such of use the to committed nations NATO those by cies air for radars diversity frequency systems; communication capacity which would occur may, by the action of deter of action the by may, occur would which battle. in use will must be effected. Military forces cannot achieve combat combat achieve cannot forces Military effected. be must precedence over most other related considerations. But, short short But, considerations. related other most over have would precedence equipments electronic military of operations that economic equipment, interfering the of use the preempting ITU 1959 the at countries NATO of representatives The £. the event that radio interference problems occur owing to the the to owing occur problems interference radio that event the they weapons actual with train they unless effectiveness of a general conflict, it is envisaged that the worst situation situation worst the that isenvisaged it conflict, general a of b. It is worthy to note that the electronic systems for for systems electronic the that note to worthy is It b. considerations may preclude replacement. preclude may considerations ultimately thus space, frequency reserved adequate of lack In countries. NATO the of more or one by contributed electronic systems of use the in share forces military NATO support, Pg de yCriedmN. t p 59) Apr 8 dtd 6 No. Corrigendum by added (Page --- (3) In a general world conflict, there is no question question no is there conflict, world general a In (3) (2) In consonance with the principle of mutual aid and and aid mutual of principle the with consonance In (2) equipment of installation and training Military (1) * .. ” U.S. "* d Command in Europe. in Command d etriment of the common defense defense common the of etriment a l, uc-ecin high­ quick-reaction, ble, r n fre, be forces, ent DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE weapon systems are limited without radars to locate the targets. the locate to radars without limited are systems weapon Appendix Appendix radio the that emphasized be must It needs. these satisfy which wide wide S SECRET of a modern military system. It accomplishes little to send a send to little accomplishes It system. military modern a of and ensure that fullest possible support is given to proposals proposals to given is support possible fullest that ensure and The connotations. defense primary have to considered are which ode it atewtot u. yte ae oe, m e d o m token, same the By gun. a without battle into soldier requirements the represent Enclosure the in listed bands frequency tion of the military implications contained in proposals for world­ for proposals in contained implications apprecia­ military the of complete a tion have Conference Radio International nation 1959 each of the to delegates the that requirements, national nation's toward support strongest the contribute to urged are nations member stand a take will Bloc Soviet the that certainty reasonable with This opposition must be countered effectively. countered be must opposition This atcpt i h 19 the in participate ensuring, insofar as is practicable and commensurate with each each with commensurate and practicable is as insofar ensuring, opposed to the requirements of the Treaty Organization countries. countries. Organization Treaty the of requirements the to opposed S g CE -N ECRET -6-9 .. ~ U.S. “ M-162-59 £. The Enclosure is a tabulation of those radio frequencies frequencies radio those of tabulation a is Enclosure The £. a d. It is significant that the USSR and her satellites will will satellites her and USSR the that significant is It d. planning careful most the requires again forces military (Page added by Corrigendum No. 6 dtd 8 Apr 59) Apr 8 dtd 6 No. Corrigendum by added (Page of frequency usage. frequency of adjacent by interference from protected be may endeavors tration of electronic equipments may be built up in a limit­ a in up built be may equipments concen­ a electronic Thus, of tration complete. and prompt be must support This operations at a peacetime level. That these non-military non-military these That level. peacetime a at operations dae hc, nalpoaiiy wl e surroun be will probability, all in which, area ed other countries desirous of continuing necessary non-military non-military necessary continuing of desirous countries other bet spot ahohri atclrgorpi area. geographic particular a in other each support to able limited conflicts, the free nations of the world must be must world the of nations free the conflicts, limited limited to a restricted lo restricted a to limited llocation of these portions of the radio frequency spectrum spectrum frequency radio the of portions these of llocation - NATO - 22 d - Agenda Item 3 b 3 Item Agenda - d 22 - NATO " t nlsr 1 Enclosure to ” A A TO 5 9 Conference of the ITU. It can be predicted predicted be can It ITU. the of Conference 9 c l. ntee ntne of instances these In ale. d ed by by ed DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE . EOMNAIN I i rcmeddta te ebr o the of members the that recommended is It : RECOMMENDATIONS V. 3ÜM-16S-59 iiayeetoi systems. electronic military SECRET -NATO SECRET with vital military applications. military vital with AO omnctosEetois Board: Communications-Electronics NATO compatible proposals allocation frequency on position national V CONCLUSIO IV. Appendix "A" to En to "A" Appendix h ue f h feunybns itd nte Enclosure. the in listed bands frequency the of use the a establishing in Interests political and diplomatic level and policy soliciting for reasons urgent operations. defense a have will Allocations Frequency Radio of Table the revising oe hc a cmie o h dtiet f h NT ain u ­ un nations NATO the of detriment the to combine may which votes NATO vital of protection the for made is provision adequate SECRET - NATO - 22 e - Agenda Item 3 b 3 Item Agenda - e 22 - -NATO SECRET noa s rcial, osdrto sol e ie o adopting to given be should and, consideration requirements practicable, military as allo­ reflect insofar frequency will for which position proposals national cation a establishing in interests and support mutual NATO to vital are realization which full a systems have military the of representatives country's NATO each less serious impact on NATO military electronic capability unless capability electronic military NATO on impact serious . h mltr gnis fNT cutis ae h most the have countries NATO of agencies military The £. b. The USSR and its satellite countries comprise a block of block a comprise countries satellite its and USSR The b. . h atos f h fort the of actions The a. b. Solicit and obtain the support of diplomatic and political and diplomatic of support the obtain and Solicit conclusions, b. foregoing the Note a. (Page added by Corrigendum No. 6 dtd 8 Apr 59) Apr 8 dtd 6 No. Corrigendum by added (Page --- ^^ N I i conclude is It S : c oue 1 losure h d oig T Rdo ofrne in Conference Radio ITU coming th o tiigte upr o their of support the btaining a t: U S “ .S.

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE band, high-capacity operations in the following bands following the in operations high-capacity band, limit of systems communication for only made been have provisions pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix wide­ new permit to proposed is it this, rectify To capacity. ed Heretofore, interests. maritime by utilized bands those in acute GM-I62-59 M SG -NATO SECRET SECRET aal o adig ag vlms fmltr ifrain is information military of volumes large handling of capable allocatio world-wide by proposed ai feunybns Stsato ftee eurmns is requirements these of Satisfaction bands. frequency radio vice dt e fetee importance. extreme of be to ed " in these bands. Those bands below IO below bands Those bands. these in . h eurmn fravne oe o communications of modes advanced for requirement The 2. FREQUENCY BANDS HAVING HAVING BANDS FREQUENCY . ia iiayrqieet eit nte following the in exist requirements military Vital 1. (Page added by Corrigendum N Corrigendum by added (Page - NATO 2700-3700 420-450 MCS 420-450 (MCS) Megacycles in Bands Frequency 24OO-245O MCS 24OO-245O 890-942 1215-1400 MCS 1215-1400 216-225 MCS 216-225 MCS MCS

4133-4154 KCS 4133-4154 2207 I 8265-8308 6200-6231 12400-12462 KCS 12400-12462 653

O- O-I ENCLOSURE 22145.5 I V 6616 2 f 22 KCS KCS TAL M TAL 23 334 15625-17625 85 134OO-14OOO MCS 134OO-14OOO 525 KCS n OOO- OO-IO OO- o O t h "aipstoig ser­ "radiopositioning the to s

KCS -5925 . I


Apr Apr O C r consider­ are MCS OOO

nlsr 1 to 1 Enclosure Agenda Item 3 b 3 Item Agenda 59) U.S. :

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SECRE . General. 1. . LAS anAtvte drn te at : r a e y last the during Activities Main ELLA'S 2. SECRET - NATO - NATO SECRET pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SÔM-152- *) nee t G. to A Annexes (**) Peace­ between sub-division this that stressed be should It (*) - T ihm ponmn a Cara, ni te n o February of end the until Chairman, as appointment my with .. hs eot il nevu t show: to endeavour will report This 1.1. h picpl rbes hc ae en tde i LA since ELLA in studied been have which problems principal The h CE or etn i 15, hc icdnal coincided incidentally which 1958, in Meeting Board C-E the the of analysis after reached conclusions general Some 1.2. ad slto, s tahd(* I ti wy i i hoped is it way, this In attached.(**) is solution, wards eea drcie o hs subjects. these on directives general most For hereafter. briefly reviewed is items these of Each rbe ad h dtie ses ae drn te at er ­ o t year last the during taken steps detailed the and problem 19 f hma Sau Rpr" gvn te eea lns f the of lines general the giving Report", "Status a them of the principal points under discussion, in order to give ELLA give to of order in and ELLA, of to discussion, Group under activity points Standing general the the of principal enable view the will better a Report have Annual this that time and Wartime Organisation is very artificial, and has has and artificial, very is Organisation Wartime and time been adopted only for the sake of a better grouping of the of grouping better a of sake the for only adopted been items. 2 Fr h atm ognsto to: organisation Wartime the For (2) to: organization Peacetime the For (1) X (#) X, 5 NATO 9 (Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 Mar 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page 5 9 rfr nterbod lines: broad their in refer , NAA (rAA) Organisation ANAs) (or NAALAs Cycle - Routing - Pirt System Priority - - - Network Telecommunications NATO of circuits) (PX Protection Switching - Manual Accelerated - Wrie prtn Procedure Operating Wartime - ELLA/NALLA Network ELLA/NALLA Installation of ELLA of Installation ) LAS anatvte drn te at er with year, last the during activities main ELLA'S a) ciiis n rbes osdrd ae summarised. are considered, problems and some activities out pointing organisation, present ELLA'S b) marily to support SACEUR. In effect, more than 9C^> than more effect, In SACEUR. support to marily PROG a view to showing' how ELLA is trying to comply with comply to prep trying is ELLA showing'how to view a rges eetymd ad oe ifclis met. difficulties some and made recently progress f h wrie ici rqieet prant this to pertain requirements Command. circuit Supreme wartime the of t iso npaeie ad o i i tyn to trying is it how and peacetime, in mission its R a ESS REPORT BY CHAIR BY REPORT ESS e tef o iswrie oe wih s pri­ is which role, wartime its for Itself re GNAIE c3 ITEM AGENDA 2 - gnaIe 3£ Item Agenda - - 23 (*) ** M AN ELLA AN ELLA

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NT - 3a Aed Ie 3 c 3 Item Agenda - a 23 - NATO - SECRET S S M125 ELLA GM-1Ö2-53 E C R ) ectm Organisation Peacetime A) T - NATO ET Pirt ytmRvso (e Anx ). C Annex (See Revision System Priority )d ) ceeae aul wthn (e Anx . ) B Annex (See Switching Manual Accelerated c) ) ALs o prpit Ntoa Atoiis (ANAs)). Authorities National Appropriate (or NAALAs b) ) otn Cce nml te yl o te ifrn steps different the of cycle the namely Cycle, Routing a) (Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 Mar 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page ehngahcl ete i odr o ie oe e more a give to order in Centre, Mechanographical now in use. in now civd n epc o te rsn sse, abolish system, present the of subject the respect on in taken achieved been now, until E has, the by decision prepared were charts brought was statistical question some and this SHAPE, of request the At iwo te ueia ett o crut involved, circuits of entity numerical the of view t em psil ta sm smlfctos could simplifications some that possible seems it oe f h dfeet u-lsiiain o circu of sub-classifications different the of some prc the studied Party Working A 1958. December in approval. been has question this of study the of conclusion The o nrdc, n h SAE roiySse, e cir­ new a System, Priority SHAPE the in introduce, to eus b PT. hs e ctgr sil wis final awaits still category new This PTTs. by request has, It them. upon dependent strictly an is have role, mission, national their from apart NAALAs, The ut aeoy vz P", hc ut e implemented be must which "PX"), (viz category cuit . A L L E Chairman of Chairmanship the ­ n e e r be will peacetime, in existing NALLAs nucleus The iutnosywti oe or f h rcit f the of receipt the of hour one within simultaneously under April, in place take will periodic have Conferences to these of necessary deemed been organi­ lines therefore, long wartime NATO the in role importance. essential great very a on taken have NAALAs time requests circuit each of in up set coordination been the have for which country NATO organisations, These year. this initiated officially been has cycle months eea Cneecs f h Cif o NAA. h first The NAALAs. of Chiefs the of Conferences General rules general the follow will which Meeting, Routing The Commands' Major the of approbation the from Meeting, ocd ntm o wr I ay onre, h peace­ the countries, many In war. of time in forced neces­ a are Forces, National and NATO with originating ten last the during place take will twelve accepted, the already solved, be to still been have have Cycle detail of Routing points the for steps other the All later. requested Meeting, be this not at data firm more have to Routing fact, the in for mit, date the of dependence A). close the Annex as (See well requirements. circuit new of mentation ain te osblt frEL t cml ih its with comply to ELLA for possibility the sation; April. of days some Although . e t a d Meeting Routing the with up tied as principle, in adopted been has cycle one-year The ay ikbten h Mltr Cmad ad h PTTs. s T T P the and Commands Military the between link sary ­ r pe will This Committee. Budget Military the by budget imple­ the and planning the considering for necessary P suy icis hc, o fnnil esn, will reasons, financial for which, circuits study PPT n re o vi sbeun wse f ie aig the having time of waste subsequent avoid to order in

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A' oEcoue 1 "A“' Enclosure to Appendix G-6-9^ ELLA SGM-162-59^^~ SECRET SECRET ERT ■ NATO SECRET ) atm Organisation. Wartime 3) - AO - NATO EL/AL ewr (e ne ). F Annex (See Network ELLA/NALLA )b a) ELLA's Wartime Installation (See Annex E) Annex (See Installation Wartime ELLA's a) Poeto fNT eeomnctosNtok (see Network Telecommunications NATO of Protection )e Pg addb org N. dd2 a 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page etto ftentok Frti, t shpdt ob­ to hoped is it this, For network. the of Mili­ mentation the of approval obtain to be will step next The es ocrigteLn ie Ognzto. However, Organization. Lines Long the concerning ters the account into taking Nations, all of support the imple­ tain early the activating for Committee Budget tary Committee. ELLA the by agreed was fact that this network would be of extreme importance importance extreme of be would network this that fact The structure of the telegraph network, revised in the in revised network, telegraph the of structure The from the Alert stage, for the coordination of all mat­ all of coordination the for stage, Alert the from view. of approval point for was Group operational network the The Standing from the to submitted NALLAs. recently contiguous the between links duplex on-line comprises network this lines, broad In h slto fti polmi o teums import­ utmost the of is problem this of solution The NALLA Network, was approved in principle by the ELLA ELLA the by principle in approved was Network, NALLA links between ELLA and the NALLAs, and on-line simplex simplex on-line and NALLAs, the and ELLA between links light of experience gained during Exercise SIGEX SIGEX Exercise during gained experience of light ance to ELLA. to ance considered. be to However, Headquarters. peacetime unprotected present satisfactorily been yet not has problem particular This this seems the only possible solution at the present present the at solution possible only the seems this ie Te eaiedtis f mlmnainae still are implementation of details relative The time. SHAPE'S into move to solution, advis­ which interim an SHAPE, as by ELLA, ed accepted not was but Committee, ELLA/ the to access there providing premises, actual has solution short-term a ready, be will Headquarters the by directed as SHAPE the in Headquarters, be will Wartime protected installation wartime long-term The Standing Group. Meanwhile, until such time as this this as studied. time such been until Meanwhile, Group. Standing way. under is study This sidering that, in this case, ELLA had to stay in its in stay to had ELLA case, this in con­ of that, Party ADHOC/Vforking sidering an by proposal the settled; security. their increase could implementation which for re-routing to measures and able be to particular them order in for super­ adopt circuits, necessary, military the when or, groups, groups in together grouping T In the same field, but only relating to a more limited limited more a to relating only but field, same the In bearing some have will switching automatic telegraphic for Centres Switching Military Protected of Nations, Annex Annex TT) nti polmi h future. the in problem this on cir­ "point-to-point" remain operation still their must to owing importance, al which circuits, NATO for SHAPE subject, SHAPE directed ELLA to study the possibility of possibility the study to ELLA directed SHAPE subject, by favoured not was circuits, telegraph and telephone cuits. It is possible that the general trend towards towards trend general the that possible is It cuits. h aoto, otmltdfrntoa ue y some by use national for contemplated adoption, e 23 23 - gna tm c 3 Item Agenda - b

T HREE, DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SEC (*) to be operated without encyphering of the messages. the of encyphering without operated be to (*) SGM-162-59 SGM-162-59 SEC Organisation Present ELLA's 3. pedx `'A Appendix R R ET ET ET ET ) A c A) c ommodat i on - - NATO NT - 3ç Aed tm 3c Item Agenda - ç 23 - NATO h rnhpooa i ta LA hudb acmoae in accommodated be should ELLA that is proposal French The present. at premises Bureau the use Permanent own ELLA their the for need housing Authorities French The The problem is still under consideration. under still is problem The already are ECSA and EMCCC the where building same the c ) Wartime Operating Procedures. Operating Wartime )c oae t 1B. e Latour-Maubourg. de Bd. 51 at located " oEcoue 1 Enclosure to ELLA and the most important NALLAs. Owing to this this to Owing NALLAs. important most the and ELLA means, the activation of a limited network (*) between between (*) network limited a of activation the means, NALLA Network should be included in the Forward Scatter Scatter Forward the in included ELLA/ the be should whether to as Network raised NALLA been has question The (Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 Mar 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page accordingly, PTTs their instruct to NALLAs AL ewr, etc.,). Network, NALLA System as initially planned by SHAPE, or not. or SHAPE, by planned initially as System circuits. vital to relating data accurate implemented. be will network will complete time long this a case, before elapse favourable most the in also The problem of allocation of relative prior prior relative of allocation of problem The having subjects other when resumed be will info essential military to only NALLA/NALLA examined, thoroughly been has Network NALLA limitation, and also to lack of personnel and equipment, equipment, and personnel of lack to also and limitation, present its with foreseen, nas SHAPE meantime, the In have been prepared by the ELLA Mechanographical Centre Centre charts Mechanographical statistical ELLA the Some by prepared been have Meetings. Plenary in ELLA and The problem of the procedure to be adopted adopted be to procedure the of problem The Procedure for the establishment and processing of NATO NATO of processing and lines long establishment the for Procedure Committee, and is still under consideration under still is and Committee, THREE. SIGEX twsdcddt ananu-odt i up-to-date maintain to decided was it between Civil and Military requirements has has requirements Military and Civil between Installât Wartime ELLA'S solved, been dispersion, have versus question this on bearing t to leaving possible, way concise most the ELLA/ttA traffic the limit to decided was It duri with met delays very.great the account cuits involved. Progress has been achieved only only achieved been has Progress involved. cuits Parties Working ADHOC in occasions several on cussed nodrt ae etrpcue f h nu the of picture better a have to order in etyrie nteCvl omnctos P Communications Civil the in raised cently se temporarily been have studies The form. some particular aspects. particular some c ircuit requirements has been fully dis­ fully been has requirements ircuit ** a l l e n ELLA, only the only ELLA, m e f cir­ of ber o tt n n . t . t . û / DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT AO 2 - gnaIe c 3 Item Agenda - d - 23 SGM-I -NATO SECRET SECRET SECRET B) Personnel Requirements Personnel B) C ) Working Methods Working )C 62-59 - NATO use of this Centre for the rapid solution of specific pro­ specific of solution rapid the for Centre this of use help its with possible was It Centre. Mechanographical lm i aiu areas. various in blems been initiated, and has proved extremely useful. extremely proved has and numerical of initiated, issue been periodic the Furthermore, Agencies. These are consolidated at Annex G Annex at consolidated are These It is foreseen, in the near future, to increase further the further increase to future, near the is in foreseen, It other and SHAPE by ELLA to put problems several solve ELLA the to of utilisation extensive more a for particularly premises, additional rooms are needed due to the expe the Turkey. to due needed are rooms additional premises, Some progress has been made during the past twelve months, months, twelve past the during made been has progress Some which aspects several presents ELLA of work The assignment of Permanent Permanent of assignment statistics of circuits by Commands and by Nations, has has Nations, by and Commands by circuits of statistics aris­ needs the to pertaining studies preliminary The 2) In any case, and even if ELLA were to keep its present present its keep to were ELLA if even and case, any In 3) The conduct of the studies related to the procedures procedures the to related studies the of conduct The 3) Bureau : Permanent ELLA the of work the in obvious cularly Wartime 2) ) Peacetime 1) 1) The day-to-day registration of new circuit requirements requirements circuit new of registration day-to-day The 1) (Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 Mar Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page ELLA necessary for the long lines organisation in peacetime peacetime in organisation lines long the for necessary projects. for those twice figures, rough in are, requirements The could personnel military the if continuity in gain would An increase of one Officer and two NCOs was requested requested was NCOs two ELLA( and by Officer one of increase An and in wartime. in and these of implementation the to relative cir­ the documentation from projects these of examination the Lines), required is Group Standing the by Approval peacetime. that in Nations recommenda­ the A to Group Standing the years. from three of tion minimum a for posted be ELLA that overlooked be not should it Furthermore, and subsequent Implementation of these circuits by PTTs. by circuits these of Implementation subsequent and tive . OIC the assist to Officer one that stressed is It cuit point of view, and the keeping up-to-date of the of up-to-date keeping the and view, of point Long ofcuit field the (in Projects Infrastructure from ing needed. badly is Section Study General ftepooe al o salsmns s ob effec­ be to is Establishments of Table proposed the if fruit­ be doubt no would and ful. appreciated be would sense 58 )AD M /I 69 dated 20 November 19 November 20 dated R epresentatives from from epresentatives . 5 9 5 ) 8. G reece and and reece a e parti­ re c ted ted DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT AO 2 - gnaIe 3 c 3 Item Agenda - e 23 - 1 ‘'A" Enclosure to Appendix NATO SGM SECRET . Conclusions 4. ERT -NATO SECRET (*) In addition to the Permanent National Members, the SHAPE Re­ SHAPE the Members, National Permanent the to addition In (*) oiyte opsto fteEL emnn okn ru (cf. Group ELLA(59)COR/8). Working Permanent ELLA the of composition the modify proposals forwarded to Chairman EMCCC on 28 February 1959 by by 1959 February 28 on EMCCC Chairman to forwarded proposals having proved successful, it has accordingly been proposed to to proposed been experience This accordingly has it successful, participate. to proved invited having been has presentative From what has been previously exposed, it is possible to drav to possible is it exposed, previously been has what From l'6^2^5iT Reference of Terms and trend future Possible D) ) h atm ognsto fEL sos hwvr com­ however, shows, ELLA of organisation wartime The b) de­ well now is ELLA/fclALLA peacetime organisation in The a) the following general conclusions : conclusions general following the rnia oe are: ones principal int e dpe ncs o neegny peet, ­ w o h rem still presents, which emergency, problems an of many case ever, in adopted has be to years tion future in reached be to solution long-term the great of source a is which situation different pletely are T”~~E, SIGEX Exercise during and years past in gained enpandi t eea lns Te hr-em solu­ short-term The lines. general its in planned been experie through established modifications, and velopments in progress. in requirements. circuit military Board". Priority "Allocation an create to Netherlands okn at, ob atne yCara LA wl be will ELLA, Chairman by attended be to Party, Working A problem the regards as made be should remark special A concern. Ever since June 1957 this subject has been been has subject this 1957 June since Ever concern. de­ Some efficiently. works and lines broad Its in fined February 28 on forwarded were amending for Reference of proposals Terms some ELLA the mind, in above the Bearing by these these by The subject was brought up during the last Meeting held held Meeting last the during up brought was subject The studied and discussed in ELLA in its various aspects, and and aspects, various its in ELLA in discussed and studied Standing the by consideration Group. for latter, the of quest and accelerating the study of problems by by problems of study the accelerating and and consolidating the working papers to be considered considered be to papers working the prep of burden consolidating the on and taken have (*) Group by the Civil Communications Planning Committee. Planning Communications Civil the by Re­ Military and Civilian of Coordination the by raised 1959 by ELLA(59)COR/8 to Chairman EMCCC, and at the re­ the at and EMCCC, Chairman to ELLA(59)COR/8 by 1959 para­ the of Stand­ the of coordination for position the policy know the to could as ELLA Group Working ing this to prior if, Meeting, Party useful extremely be would It the by presented proposal the with together item, this Parties, the the Parties, worth also is It convened on 21-22 21-22 on convened Wartime. in quirements (Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 Mar 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page ELLA A D HOC HOC ELLA ELLA Working Parties. Working n M Permanent Bureau and Permanent Working Working Permanent and Bureau Permanent oting that with a view to facilitating facilitating to view a with that oting ay next, with the purpose of discussing discussing of purpose the with next, ay ** a in to be solved. The The solved. be to in ADHOC ADHOC a ring, analysing analysing ring, Working Working DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NT - 3f Aed Ie 3 c 3 Item Agenda - - 23 f SGM - NATO SECRET ERT - NATO SECRET - Ö-9 ELLA 1Ö2-59 Nations and Commands of the vital role which ELLA would would ELLA which role vital the of Commands and Nations have to play in case of an emergency, will help in the in help will emergency, an of case in play to have near future to find a solution to these difficult pro­ difficult these to blems solution . a find to future near It is hoped that the understanding on the part of the of part the on understanding the that hoped is It tepoeue t b adopted. be to procedures - the - the implementation of the ELLA/NALLA Network, or of or Network, ELLA/NALLA the of implementation - the (Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 War 59) War 24 dtd Corrig. 2 added (Page ELLA at f it; of part of a war; a of 'S Installation, at the Alert and after the outbreak outbreak the after and Alert the at Installation, sge) . LAY, E. (signed) ELLA. Chairman , It. Captain, DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT AO 2 - ne "" to "A" Annex - g 23 - ■ NATO SECRET Sg QUESTION 146 - Consequences of the one-year Routing Cycle Routing one-year the of Consequences - 146 QUESTION ERT - NATO SECRET M -162^- 4. DETAILS UN DETAILS 4. . PROGRESS 3. 2. THE PROBLEM THE 2. . GENERAL 1. 5 mands' requirements, are still under under still are mands' requirements, mination of action consequent to the General Routing Meet­ Routing General the to deter the consequent as well action as of cycle, mination annual the for calendar The ings, particularly with regard to the satisfaction of Com­ of satisfaction the to regard with particularly ings, 3 -. omnsmyrqetRgoa otn etns out­ Meetings Routing Regional request may Commands 3-3. .. xetoa rqieet, umte usd te nor­ the outside submitted requirements, Exceptional 3.2. b) The number of circuits to be routed justify justify routed be to circuits of number The b) .. l ain n omnshv gedt h intro­ the to agreed have Commands and Nations All 3.1. restrictions. financial to due ment, a) Commands might submit their requirements after approval approval after requirements their submit might Commands a) be should Meetings Routing of frequency the that namely c) The routing studies made result in positive action action positive in result made studies routing The c) this procedure had to be adapted to current practice, practice, current to adapted be Meetings), to had Routing for procedure agreed this (initially cycle 6-months Confronted with the difficulty of strictly adhering to the to adhering strictly of difficulty the with Confronted during gained experience to subsequent France, of "Definition request entitled originally question, this of study The of the circuits routed at this Meeting were not, in fact, in not, were Meeting this at routed circuits the of such that that such : Most 1957- in Luxemburg at Meeting Routing General the of Planning-for Planning-for of followed up by requests for implementation or establish­ or implementation for requests by up followed 9 ' Agenda Item 3£ Item Agenda ' 9 . (Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 Mar 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page 4. Bilateral or Regional Meetings will be arranged by by arranged be will Meetings Regional or Bilateral 4. o aif omns requirements. Commands' satisfy to the assembly of all interested parties. interested all of assembly the yteMltr ugt Committee. Budget Military the by when it is found that changes in plans, facilities facilities plans, in changes that found is it when lmne (infrastructure). plemented h ana cycle. annual the modifications substantial entail etc., available h Ntos ocre hnnwfclte ae im­ are facilities new when concerned Nations the ote rgnl eurmns itda te tr of start the at listed requirements original the to satisfied and studied be also will cycle, annual mal yteAA (NALLAs). ANAs the by Budget Military the date the on depend will which euse yte Commands. the by requested of date starting the cycle, annual an of duction side the dates set for the General Routing Meeting Meeting Routing General the for set dates the side funds annual of allocation the approves Committee D ER CONSIDERATION ER R uigMeig" a netkna the at undertaken was Meetings" outing STATUS REPORT STATUS c onsideration. ELLA DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Appendix SGM-162- SECRET ERT - NATO SECRET 59 might be reached during the next Plenary Meeting of ELLA ELLA of Meeting Plenary next the during reached be might published in the ELLA Compendium, and would be put into into put be i would in and early Compendium, effect ELLA the in published subje been have which points The FORECAST in April. In this case, an agreed procedure could be could procedure agreed an case, this In April. in should not be too difficult to resolve. A compromise compromise A resolve. to difficult too be not should AO 2 - ne A to A Annex - h - 23 NATO A‘ oEcoue 1 "A!‘ Enclosure to gnaIe 3£ Item Agenda (Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 Mar 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page 960 . c t to some controversy, controversy, some to t ELLA DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SGM-162'^59 Agenda Item 3£ Item Agenda to "B" Annex i 23 - SGM-162'^59 -NATO SECRET USIN13 AclrtdMna Sicig f oe Circuits some of Switching Manual - Accelerated 123 QUESTION SEC R T - NATO ET 2. THE PROBLEM THE 2. 3 . GENERAL 1. . PROGRESS minimum of delay. of minimum The problem was to devise a simple system whereby selected selected whereby system simple a devise to was problem The ihte i frdcn AOepniue nte etl of rental the on expenditure NATO reducing of aim the with military requirements for circuits circuits immediate for meeting requirements whilst military peacetime in lines long Council NATO permanent the of request the at undertaken was study This on the declaration of an Alert, could be activated with the with activated be could or Alert, tension, an of international declaration of the on periods during essential but 3.1. All Nations have agreed to the introduction of a new new a of introduction the to agreed have Nations All 3.1. peacetime in basis full-time a on required not circuits 3 sion or on the outbreak of war. of outbreak the on or sion . Pg addb org N. dd2 Mr 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page 2. All NATO Supreme Commanders have delegated to SACEUR SACEUR to delegated have Commanders Supreme NATO All 2. b) Having switched the circuits, PTTs cannot under­ cannot PTTs circuits, the switched Having b) hs vroe tepolmi aa 3 para. in circuits. problem PX the of overcomes activation This the demand to authority a) All circuits will be "crash switched", as it will will it as switched", "crash be will circuits All a) switched be could category this in Circuits System. e) The overall list of circuits must be strictly strictly be must circuits of list overall The e) in inclusion for proposed circuit a of Acceptance d) the following conditions : conditions following the into service within one hour of the receipt by the the by receipt the of hour one within service into c) Each circuit must be provided in peacetime wit peacetime in provided be must circuit Each c) PTTs concerned of the order to switch, subject to to subject switch, to order the of concerned PTTs Priority SHAPE the within ("PX") circuits of category etwl aet e xmnd individually. examined be to have will ment wish to place in the PX category. Each require­ Each category. PX the in place to wish . it man not be possible for PTTs to deal with requests requests with deal to PTTs for possible be not take to test individual circuits to prove they they prove to circuits individual test to take the category will be dependent on the ability of ability the on dependent be will category the to available personnel and installed permanently switching PTT the to circuit tail permanent a reporting faults lies with the user. the with for lies onus faults the reporting therefore, and, satisfactory are PTTs accepting all circuits which Commands may may Commands which circuits all accepting PTTs hour one the within circuit the switch to PTT the iie fte cee st succeed. to is scheme the if limited of staffing non-continuous of problem The limit. be must equipment terminal necessary The centre. o niiulo rus f circuits. of groups or individual for some PTT stations precludes the possibility of possibility the precludes stations PTT some TTS REPORT STATUS d uring periods of ten­ of periods uring . 1(a). ELLA h


3.3. To ensure a high standard of readiness, all circuits will be tested at frequent intervals, and it is pro­ posed that once a year an Exercise be held during which all circuits would be switched into service to test the overall arrangements.

FURTHER ACTION 4.1. The procedure to be adopted for transmitting the order from SACEUR to the National Authority to activate the circuits with the minimum delay is still under discussion.

4.2. Likewise, the rental cost of a PX circuit to include the special tests and exercises referred to above has yet to be decided by the PTTs. 4.3. Finally, an agreed procedure must be published in the ELLA Compendium and a date promulgated for the introduction of the new category.

FORECAST None of the outstanding points in para. 4 should create any major obstacle to the settlement of this question. The present lists of circuits submitted by Commands for possible transfer into the PX category show a tendency to transfer more circuits from the reserved categories than from the category. This is, no doubt, due to the natu ral reluctance of the Commands to subscribe wholeheartedly to an untried scheme. Initially, therefore, the financial saving to NATO may be small, but once the scheme is in­ augurated and PTTs have demonstrated their ability to pro - vide the circuits within the time limit, Commands may be expected to relegate a larger proportion of ? 0 circuits to this new category.

SECRET - NATO - 23 j - Annex "B:' to SGM-162-59 Agenda Item 3 £ ELLA Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1

(Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 Mar 59) DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-200 6 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE 3GM pedx 1A t nlsr 1 ELLA 11 1 Appendix Enclosure to A" SECR QUESTION l4O - Revision of ELLA Compendium Id. (Priority System) System) (Priority Id. Compendium ELLA of Revision - l4O QUESTION -NATO SECRET - E 16^-59 . PROGRESS 3. 2. THE P THE 2. . GENERAL 1. - NATO - T ne hs question. this under 3.1. Most Nations and Supreme Commands agree to a re­ a to agree Commands Supreme and Nations Most 3.1. 123) Question on Report Status (see category PX new A d) b) The implementation of reserved wartime circuits will will circuits wartime reserved of implementation The b) between priorities of allocation the and war, of time This study was made at the request of SHAPE in order to order in SHAPE of request the at made was study This of operational priorities for repair and re-routing i re-routing and repair for priorities re­ operational of priority of system this that out pointed be should It state each to system priority improved and revised a relate a) The purpose was to improve the Landline Priority System System Priority Landline the improve to was purpose The a) ) ymas fmlil roiis te bv w st two above the priorities, multiple of means By c) considered being not is requirements, military and civil fers only to the priority in "implementation". The problem problem The "implementation". in priority the to only fers modi­ some also proposed ELLA/PB System. Alert SHAPE the of ing the experience of Exercise SIGEX THREE. SIGEX consider­ Exercise ofsystem priority experience the actual ing the simplify to fications (Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 Mar Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page ments during states Orange and Scarlet). The number number The Scarlet). and Orange states during ments of means by which Nations, and commands by agreed was priority PI permitting the demanding authority to authority demanding the permitting PI priority ment on the declaration of an Alert and during the the during and Alert an of declaration the on ment re h crut uigtepeatoay stages precautionary the during circuit the order require­ (Operational request. SACEUR's of PTTs the by all service into puts crash-switching, rapid a spread phases successive in requirements wartime ned rs atc, noe tg only: stage one in attack, prise of an Alert for implementation by PTTs within 24 hours 24 within PTTs by implementation for Alert an of guarantee to order in limited be must circuits PX of plan­ full the implement to PTTs permits system the and e are u i w sae o, nte ae f sur­ of case the in or, stages two in out carried be its high operational value. They carry, in addition, addition, in carry, They value. operational high its receipt after hour one within type this of circuits war. of days few first the over aiu sae o HP' lr System. Alert SHAPE'S of stages various can be easily combined if the situation so dictates, dictates, so situation the if combined easily be can so as to make it more effective to meet every require­ every meet to effective more it make to as so (II) At the declaration of a Reinforced Alert by the by Alert Reinforced a of declaration the At (II) the requesting by Alert Reinforced a to Prior (i) R 2 U, 4 no aeoyU o 2ol. h same The only. U2 or U1 category into U4 U3, U2, hn o n aeois s i rnil, agreed. principle, in is, categories Z and and Y UO;for into thing U1 and UO example, For by priorities, and combination. categories various of duction OBLEM Revision of CEPD 10a. Long Lines Long 10a. CEPD of Revision automatic implementation by PTTs of reserved cir­ reserved of PTTs by implementation automatic cuits according to a pre-determined programme. pre-determined a to according cuits reserved of categories circuits. certain of implementation STATUS REPORT STATUS 3k Anx C to "C" Annex - k 23 Agenda Item Item Agenda 5 9) 3£ a n

ges ges . DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT - NATO SECRET pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SECRET - NATO -NATO SECRET SGM-1Ö2-59 4. FURTHER ACTION FURTHER 4. ORECAST F Meeting. Plenary ELLA forthcoming the during porting Nations of comments the containing draft consolidated A 3.3. It is recognised that tails, terminal equipment equipment terminal tails, that recognised is It 3.3. and ELLA/PB, has been forwarded to SHAPE for study and re­ and study for SHAPE to SHAPE by forwarded been proposed has CEPD new of ELLA/PB, and draft the to Commands and .. betos Sm ain ae eti betos to objections certain made Nations Some Objections. 3.4. principle. in agree Commanders Supreme NATO All 3.2. la t hs tg ta i a eie Pirt Sse is System is it Priority but revised the a accept, of if will that which stage Commands forecast this to at Supreme clear moment the proposals at various possible not is It . e n o nrdcd i wl b a ipe sse ta te present the than system simpler a be will it Introduced, . a e de yCri. o 2 t 4Mr 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. (.Pageby added manders, NALLAs and PTTs, who are familiar with the the with familiar are who PTTs, and NALLAs manders, A statistical chart giving an exact view of the the of view exact an giving chart statistical A and operating personnel must be ready at military military at ready be must personnel operating and end the at attached is involved circuits of number by Denmark, especially under the aspect of National National of aspect the under especially Denmark, by of modification a fears Belgium draft. proposed the if tails with equipped be should circuits U4 must and personnel operating and equipment terminal and present system. Similar objections were presented presented were objections Similar system. de- to present inconvenience cause will system priority the U3 peacetime. in U2, possible terminals. operating both at available be by switching after circuits operate to terminals Forces' requirements. France agreed to simplify the simplify to agreed France procedure. actual requirements. Forces' peacetime, in U1 and UO PI, established be PX, for will tails purpose, this circuits, For PTTs. Report. Status this of 2 1 - 1 23 - ne "" to "C" Annex Agenda Item Item Agenda ELLA



PQ . FJ UO U1 U2 I.U 3 . | U4 XI I 1 3 . 1 3 . Y4 . Y 5 Z1 Z2 . Z3 4 u Z5 . ol o ro - F IT F I t T F F T F T |r If F |t |■' T FTF F IT F F |T F f jl`F r 1...... |T l T l T F A ) Ccts â rosDonau.1:Llitô financière OTAti/Cets finane :ed c>n NATO g O M W W ^ <# o k t; /‘“+b internationaux. «■ * iH © C 258 115 230 L54 I50 75 77 48 51 23 25 12 28 18 29 20 5 2 3 2 5 4 8 9 7 4 1 — L « y C » crnationalcc t s w2 w c w<

Ccts intérieurs LO58 331 205 H6 3ö2 142 US 98 87 37 37 23 14 15 62 29 7 :6 15 3 12 8 12 6 22 3 - - 3 - 4 1 9 Internal cote

TOTAL L316 446 435 270 532 217 195 146 138 65 62 42 33 91 49 12 8 IS 5 17 12 20 15 29 7 1 - 3 1 4 1 9 35 3

B) Ccts d responsabilité financière nati.onalc/Ccts ifinanced .nationally Mar 59) 2h mm •» )|} Ccts intcraat ionauu. 231 132 58 44 72 25 42 - ss 39 25 9 18 14 53 12 41 7 4 3 4 1 1 7 2 - 3 6 2 2 2 l*\ International ccts C-;

t dtd . 2

Çcts intérieurs 3139 899 L080 545 587 137 383 108 233 45 369 63 407 104 *53 45 264 39 290 134 131 29 262 I42 99 22 71 13 185 1ÜX LO7 26 12 8 i tern&l ccts .

Réseau Usage connui 1 c 72 29 6 1 * CojunanUser networl « o

TOTAL 3371 L08]j L21O 688 162 321 113 fO7 46 137 30 106 71 16 191 11: LD9 28 12 8 by Corrig. dded No 589. 431 124 84 394 72 425 57 305 294 185 262 143 24 < a o - 1 b\ - TOTAL GENERAL DES CIR CUI TS OTAN ( ? 2.92U TOTAL GENERAL7>ZS CIR CUITS NATIONAUX (F 8.782 "A «C

I E (Pago GENERAL TOTAL OF NATO C IRCUITS ( T 1.313 GENERAL TOTAL OF NATIONAL CIRCUITS (T 2.731 (CÛ GRAND TOTAL l5*7$O i ç -te: Sia C 3 P . to < DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix G-0-9 gnaIe 3 c 3 Item Agenda ^GM-102-59 ERT NT - 3n Anx D to "D" Annex - n 23 - - NATO SECRET QUESTION 111 - Protection of European NATO Vital Long Lines Network Network Lines Long Vital NATO European of QUESTION Protection - 111 QUESTION ERT -NATO SECRET 2. THE PROBLEM THE 2. . GENERAL 1. (Page added by Corrig. No. 2 dtd 24 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page 151 2.4. In the same field, but relating to a more limited limited more a to relating but field, same the In 2.4. 2.3. The adoption of MSCs was discussed at the ELLA ELLA the at discussed was MSCs of adoption The 2.3. 2.2. As a second step, a Special Working Party of very very of Party Working Special a step, second a As 2.2. .. h frt eut fte td a teata de­ actual the was study the of result first The 2.1. study also but protection, physical consider only not emergency to transfer rapid permitting and network, with 1955* August in SHAPE of request the at undertaken The study of the Protection of Long Lines Lines Long of Protection the of study The the best layout to be adopted in general for the mili­ the for general in network. tary adopted be to would layout measures best the These emergency. an of case in routes h a th security for the military circuits routed in the PTT PTT the in routed circuits military the for security - Grouping versus Dispersion versus Grouping - i plementation and re-routing which could increase increase could which re-routing and plementation in together circuits military grouping of bility their security. their order in super-groups, necessary, when and, groups by favoured not was but 1958 September in Meeting lines. PTT trunk through connected be would to be able to adopt particular measures for im­ for measures particular adopt to able be to circuits. still must "point-to-point" importance, remain operational their to owing indicat­ plan outline an 1958 July in produced ELLA problem, the of study detailed a 1956 in undertook SHAPE for the time being for NATO circuits which, which, circuits NATO for being time the for SHAPE to adapted be could (MSCs) Centres Switching tary operation uninterrupted in continue should which subject, SHAPE directed ELLA to study the possi­ the study to ELLA directed SHAPE subject, network switched military a create to and traffic, cir­ point-to-point the limiting recommended and high-r be should therefore, and, conditions all under the Communications Network of ACE. These MSCs MSCs These ACE. of Network Communications the Mili­ how Europe, Central for terms, broad in ing, no-delay operational essential most the to cuits Kingdom, United the and Republic Federal German only network, initi­ list international This the for comprised, ally routings. alternate with provided o l ohrnes A cneune fti study this of consequence a As needs. other all for greater provide to measures best the finding of m $o h oa, n a o rie t 12$. at arrived now has and total, the of 5$ routed by the most secure route available and be and available route secure most the by routed signation by SHAPE of a list of "vital" circuits, circuits, "vital" of list a of SHAPE by signation a nking National Expert National nking STATUS REPORT STATUS s M rmFac, the France, from ar 59) ar ELLA N etwork was was etwork DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix G-6-9 gnaIe 3 £ Item Agenda SGM-162-59 ERT AO 2 - ne "" to "D" Annex - o 23 - -NATO SECRET SECRET SECRET 4. FURTHER ACTION FURTHER 4. . PROGRESS 3. - NATO .. hud i h ftr, urm Cmad dcd to decide Commands Supreme future, the in Should, 4.1. 3-3- The study of the possibility of assembling assembling of possibility the of study The 3-3- .. h cnet famltr sice ewr, re­ network, switched military a of concept The 3.1. .. h emnFdrlRpbi hsudrwyte set­ the way under has Republic Federal German The 3.2. Pg addb org N. dd 4Mr 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrig. by added (Page Working Party as a conclusion of its first Meeting Meeting first its of conclusion a as Party mili­ and Working Engineers PTT of consisting Party, Working board for for board dp sses o eerpi atmtc switching automatic telegraphic for systems adopt to according re-arrangement and grouping their and the new principle. new the countries, two these inter­ between of circuits NATO distribution pro­ national to present the on Republic study a Federal duce German the and France of board for 50 to 90 trunk lines; a telegraph telegraph a lines; trunk 90 to telephone 50 a for be also board will there MSC, each In operationa for Headquarters Command various tary circuits terminating in their areas wj areas their in terminating circuits tary the in restoration of j speed best and them giving protection circuits, point-to-point super­ 4 for cater will speaking, roughly MSC, Each in January 1959* requested the PTT Administrations Administrations PTT the requested 1959* This January in countries. many from representatives tary sary machinery, including main and standby standby and main including machinery, sary system. c moves of case in network the to access of Kingdom, United the and Netherlands the Republic, f nerpin I at al aeois c categories all fact, In interruption. of through patching for also used be could and be to have would which station, repeater plete circuits, audio 6O plus circuits, 240 i.e. groups, in groups and super-groups the military cir military the super-groups and groups in conditioning. air and supply, in flexibility maximum ensuring thus sons, the of case the in way clear most the in appears protected MSCs, 8 of which are concerned with with concerned are which of 8 MSCs, protected by some Nations, for example, the German Federal Federal German the example, for Nations, some by circuits, NATO for SHAPE by favoured not though evdb h Ss wihwl p will which MSCs, the by served pers PTT by staffed and maintained stalled, circuits. international protected highly and important very a of up ting has been adopted in a more or less extensive way way extensive less or more a in adopted been has in the United Kingdom "Defence Telegraphic Network". Telegraphic "Defence apparent also Kingdom is but United the in example, an presented as be will detail which more in Republic, Federal German al­ 1956, in Experts of Group the by commended o oa o 3Ocrut. twl hv a com­ a have will It circuits. 3OO of total a for (see para. 2.4), has been entrusted to an an to entrusted been has 2.4), para. (see This networks. military their of planning the for "Military Basic Network", which will be based on 22 on based be will which Network", Basic "Military 40 40 to 6o 6o teleprinter lines, and a and lines, teleprinter r vd easj ovide ELLA P

i ­ n DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix G-Ö-9 gnaIe 3 £ Item Agenda to "D" Annex - P 23 - SGM-1Ö2-59 -NATO SECRET ERT -NATO SECRET . FORECAST 5. (Page Revised by Corrigendum No. 7 dtd 14 Apr 59) Apr 714 dtd No. Corrigendum by Revised (Page 4.3. This study has already brought to light that there is an an is there that light to brought already has study This 4.3. the by prepared circuits military of grouping for study The 4.2. 5.2. Concerning the possibility of grouping together the mili­ the together grouping of possibility the Concerning 5.2. consideration future the concerning possible is forecast No 5.1. mit a rapid transfer to emergency routes in case of break­ of case in routes per­ and emergency to security transfer greater rapid a a with mit circuits the provide will automatic telegraphic of adoption the of problem The work. may be considered as a first step in this direction. this in step first a as considered be may will certainly be raised again. In fact, in these new new these in fact, In again. raised be certainly will ed in the future in most of the NATO countries. NATO the of most in future the in ed down. grouping this of adoption coun­ the two that these indicate to between seem circuits tries, NATO of case specific the is shortage This Republic. Federal German the and France practically future, the in considered be to have will work priori­ different of traffic with dealing of possibility omte adte urm Cmad il upr tee con­ these support will Commands Supreme the and Committee for PTTs Republic Federal German and French the by prepared conclusions the super-groups, and groups in circuits tary when eleswhere exist to found be may shortage similar A principle. present April. will which for Party, basis a Working the as of taken work be further will study the This Party. (see Working HOC Administrations PTT Republic Federal German and French will type this of network a of implementation eventual The distance long for switching automatic of use extensive more be considered practically non-existent non-existent practically considered be lsos tegopn fmltr iciswudb adopt­ be would circuits military of grouping the ELLA clusions, the if that, possible considered therefore, is, It between possibilities re-routing HF of shortage alarming AD- the of Members the to disseminated been has 3.3), para has Republic Federal adopted. German already the as lines same the net­ along switched telegraph of and adoption telephone the that military combined possible a considered therefore, is It non­ a of and obtain to network possible switched be a of thus both could It advantages opera­ the extreme afford flexibility. they tional least, not but last and, ties; reached up to now by the ADHOC Working Party, and the study study the and Party, Working ADHOC the by now to up reached net­ switched telegraph and telephone military combined a of the that out pointed be also should It traffic. delay wthn ytm i, oee, ne suyi HP, and SHAPE, in study under however, is, systems switching study. detailed a out carrying grouping the of application eventual the of independent in Meeting Plenary (1959) ELLA 1st the at conclusions its support. full its give work, to ready is preliminary ELLA detailed of which for deal great a need certainly to us force certainly will network telephone the in calls systems, the time for switching is so short that it can can it that short so is switching for time the systems, osdrte aepolmrltn otlpoe circuits. telephone to relating problem same the consider (like STRAD), the problem of "Military Switching Centres" Centres" Switching "Military of problem the STRAD), (like ; hr eit the exists there SECRET - NATO

'l nr~~ (like STÉAt)/V,■ • the, îproblem of "Military Switching Centres" :jc^iMalnly be raised again. In fact , in these . the time for switching is so short that jjfcan be considered practically non-existent; there exists the possibility of dealing with traffic of different priorities; and, last but not least, they afford extreme operational flexibility. It could thus be pos­ sible to obtain the advantages both of a switched network and of a non-delay traffic. It should also be pointed out that the more extensive use of automatic switching for long distance calls in the telephone network will certainly force us to consider the same problem relating to telephone circuits. It is, there jre, considered possible that the adoption of a combined military telephone and telegraph switched network will have to be con­ sidered in the future, practically along the same lines as the German Federal Republic has already adopted.

The eventual Implementation of a network of this type will certainly need a great deal of detailed preliminary work, for which ELLA is ready to give Its full support.


SECRET • NATO - 23 P - Annex "D" to SGM-162-59 Agenda Item 3 £ ELLA Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 (Pa ^e added by Corrigendum No. 2 dtd 24 Mar 59) n • DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SGM-162-59 Agenda Item 3 Item Agenda SGM-162-59 ERT NT - 3q Anx E to "E" Annex -q 23 - NATO - SECRET USIN12 LAsWrie Installation Wartime -ELLA's 142 QUESTION ERT NATO - SECRET . RGES Sottr solution) (Short-term PROGRESS 3. 2. THE PROBLEM THE 2. . GENERAL 1. Pg ad (Page 2.4 It was decided, in May 1958, that the ADHOC Working Working ADHOC the that 1958, May in decided, was It 2.4 3.1. In May 1958, the Working Party arrived at the the at arrived Party Working the 1958, May In 3.1. yet not has solution short-term satisfactory A 3.2 2.2. The long-term solution does not seem to present present to seem not does solution long-term The 2.2. item this Italy, by subsequently and Kingdom United ELLA's functions in wartime in the event of ELLA being being ELLA of event the in wartime in functions ELLA's has been considered jointly with another item which is which item another with jointly considered been has 2.1. The problem can be considered under two different different two under considered be can problem The 2.1. the by first presented view of points the to according taking 1957, June since study under been has item This rendered non-operational. rendered (SGM- Group Standing the of directives the basis a as closely linked: the study of the decentralisation of decentralisation the of study the linked: closely and time, same the At 1957). May in revised 143-57 d d y orgnu o 2 t 2 Mr 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No, Corrigendum by ed ol e h optimum. the be would the short-term solution, which will be the onlyone onlyone the be will which solution, short-term the ac­ into take to necessary is it as found, been ac­ into this taking equipment; mechanographical 55m2 to least at of space communicated a for ELLA 1957 Tn request the SHAPE difficulties. major osdrdi l te olwn items. following the all in considered In­ Wartime ELLA's of study the for up set Party, following conclusions : conclusions following stallation, would confine its work to the study of study the to work its confine would stallation, facilities. and personnel of lack the the of consider Headquarters not does Wartime space the into This transfer the Committee). Standing count many practical difficulties, principally principally difficulties, practical many count adopted be to solution, short-term a of study b) which in solution, long-term final the of study a) count, 8Om2 at least would be necessary, and 12Om2 12Om2 and necessary, be would least at 8Om2 count, the of Members additional new the account into ing aspects aspects : wihms nwb icesdt t es 6m , tak­ 6Om2 least at to increased be now must (which ni sc iea SAEwl e nte posi­ the in be will SHAPE as time such until int comdt LA nisWrie Head­ Wartime its in ELLA accommodate to tion Headquarters; be Wartime SHAPE will in ELLA Group, accommodated Standing the by directed as quarters quarters . STATUS REPORT STATUS ELLA c DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SGM-1Ö2-59 Agenda Item 3 Item Agenda to E" An: - r - 23 SGM-1Ö2-59 -NATO SECRET ERT • NATO SECRET (Page added by Corrigendum No. 2 dtd 24 Mar Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrigendum by added (Page 3.2. 3-3. In October 1958 the Working Party, following new new following Party, Working the 1958 October In 3-3. No modification was made to the previous plan as plan previous the to made was modification No ae ntepaeie opeet fEL, sup­ ELLA, of be complement will Alert peacetime an the on on adopted based be to organisation The loca­ this in up set be would Comcentre a that and that, considered still however, plan, reduced This Region, ELLA'S responsibilities would be taken taken be would responsibilities ELLA'S Region, de­ of case in taken be to measures the regards be to personnel of number minimum a by plemented network. ELLA/NALLA reduced the for location tion peacetime its at remain, wartime, in would or ELLA Alert an at available Headquarters, be Wartime would SHAPE'S at accommodation as time such until be put into effect not later than 1 February 1959- February 1 than later not effect into put be mittee mittee T d) If If d) It was hoped that this short-term solution could could solution short-term this that hoped was It France. NALLA by necessary, if over, centralisation of control. Then, in the Central Central the in Then, control. of centralisation Centre. Message ELLA'S operate to SHAPE by supplied information given by SHAPE, was obliged to: obliged was SHAPE, by given information limita­ hand, on personnel limited the to Owing b) c) Communications for ELLA will be provided from from provided be will ELLA for Communications c) - reduce the ELLA functions and responsibilities responsibilities and functions ELLA the reduce - Com­ ELLA the by 1958 September in principle, in location, peacetime its at remain will ELLA a) cnie, o h itrmpa, h implementa­ the plan, interim the for consider, - he conclusions of the Working Party were agreed agreed were Party Working the of conclusions he owing to the lack of personnel, equipment and and equipment personnel, of lack the to owing (see ELLA/faALLA Network limited a only of tion communications, maintaining in detail only the the only detail in maintaining communications, 12?); Question on Report Status nomto eaigt ia circuits. vital to relating Information NALLA Norway (temporarily by NALLA Denmark) Denmark) NALLA by (temporarily Norway NALLA telephone system and the Common-User military military network. Common-User telephone the and system telephone the Southern Region. Southern the Region, Central the for taken France, be NALLA will by over responsibilities ELLA'S task, of activation the through Com-centre SHAPE the SGM-143-57 of 6 para. Wartime SHAPE'S at Headquarters. available is space until the ELLA/faALLA network and by local circuits circuits local by and ELLA/faALLAnetwork the for the Northern Region, and NALLA Italy for for Italy NALLA and Region, Northern the for the to access have also will ELLA centre. fun ELLA'S with as necessary deemed compared been has activity of tion from ELLA Operations Room to the SHAPE Com- Com- SHAPE the to Room Operations ELLA from . E LLA is prevented from from prevented is LLA c c in cont tions ryn u its out arrying 5 9) ELLA a nd in ined DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE C-6 5 Aed tm 3£ Item Agenda 59 5CM-T62 pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT AO 3 Anx E to "E" Annex s 23 NATO SECRET ERT - NATO SECRET FRHRATO (hr-em solution) (Short-term ACTION FURTHER 4 pg addb orgnu o 2 td 4Mr 59) dt.d 2 Mar 24No. Corrigendum by added (page No forecast is possible for the attainment of a satis satis a of attainment the for possible is forecast No Meeting in April in Meeting mentioned, ELLA is fully dependent in this matter on matter this in dependent fully is ELLA mentioned, Alert (see para. 3.5)- is in contrast to the position position the to contrast in an is of 3.5)- case in para. (see adopt to Alert ELLA advised has SHAPE facilities. which other and communications location, of matter pr fo ht ti slto os o se satis­ a seem not does solution this that, from Apart FORE FORE C AST _ ( e Sho t r t r m_s_o 1 ution) dpe yteEL omte. h polmwl, there­ will, problem The Committee. ELLA the by adopted SHAPE. It should be noted, however, that the interim solution solution interim the that however, noted, be should It In wartime, ELLA is fully dependent on SHAPE in the the in SHAPE on dependent fully is ELLA wartime, In factory solution of the problem- in fact, as already already as fact, in problem- the of solution factory factory one. It presents, in fact, many disadvantages: many fact, in presents, It one. factory Plenary next the during again discussed be to have fore, 3.5. In February 1959, SHAPE requested that, as an an as that, requested SHAPE 1959, February In 3.5. 3.4. The new project prepared by the Working Party Working the by prepared project new The 3.4. Ai . rne f h fntos fEL sol hs be this should ELLA of NATiT.A functions the of France no provision is contemplated for the taking over by over taking the for contemplated is provision no necessary. vulnerability; extreme ete osdrdpriual sfl t nAet and Alert a war; an of at stage useful first the particularly considered centre impossibility for ELLÀ/PB to use the mechanographical mechanographical the use to ELLÀ/PB for impossibility munications system would be provided there. SHAPE SHAPE there. provided be would system munications Comcentre. wartime t h rsn time. present the at case in Headquarters, peacetime unprotected present the express to Chairman the directed Committee The these of terminations the if specify not could He ihte xeto fSAE Te HP ebr stat Member SHAPE The SHAPE. of exception the with as stated during the Meeting. the during stated as was agreed, in December 1958; by the ELLA Committee Committee ELLA the by 1958; December in agreed, was considers that this is the only possible solution solution possible only the is this that considers the to access the and space Office Alert. an of SHAPE'S to move to plan ELLA solution, interim position SHAPE the regarding concern Committee's iie LAfAL ewr n oteSAE com­ SHAPE the to and ELLA/faALLA Network limited d i fc, ht SHAPE: that fact, in ed, five circuits would be in the peacetime or in the the in or peacetime the in be would circuits five - would be able to terminate the five circuits circuits five the terminate to able be -would - could not agree to the setting up of a separate separate a of up setting the to agree not could - of the limited ELLA/NALLA Network. ELLA/NALLA limited the of Network; ELLA/NALLA the for ELLA at Comcentre ELLA DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SGM SGM pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SECRET NATO NATO SECRET ERT - NATO SECRET 162-59 (Page (Page within a few months. This solution would have to take take to have would solution This months. few a within Committee and the severe limitations in personnel and and personnel in limitations severe the and Committee into account both the principles agreed by the ELLA ELLA the by agreed principles the both account into which, solution new a find to desirable be would It facilities of SHAPE. of facilities from a practical point of view, could be implemented implemented be could view, of point practical a from a dded dded by by Corrigendum No. No. Corrigendum 23 t 23 2 dtd dtd 24 Mar Mar gnaIe 3 Item Agenda to "E" Annex 59) ELLA ç

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE QUESTION 127 - ELLA/NALLA Network - ELLA/NALLA 127 QUESTION NATO SECRET_ pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT AO 3u Anx F to "F" Annex - u 23 NATO SECRET SGM - I GENERAL 1 . H PROBLEM THE 2. . PROGRESS 3. 62 Pg addb CriedmN. dd 4Mr 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrigendum by added (Page

:^59 upon secure and reliable communications with the NALLAs NALLAs the with communications reliable and secure of upon use the concerning its matters fulfill to coordinating of wartime, in mission ELLA, for possibility The munications, in principle telegraphic "on line", would would line", "on telegraphic principle in munications, national long lines facilities, is utterly dependent dependent utterly is facilities, lines long national necessary measures for putting into operation re-estab­ operation into the putting for implement to measures order in necessary another one to linked be also have to be ready at the Alert or during heightened heightened during or Alert the at ready be to have tension. .. eie cee o h ewr a apoe by approved was network the for scheme revised A 2.2. studied was Network ELLA/NALLA the for scheme A 2.1 com­ These circuits. NATO of re-routing and lishment gnaIe 3£ Item Agenda 3 1. An ADHOC Working Party was set up in EL in up set was Party Working ADHOC An 1.3 (or Appropriate National Authorities - ANAs), which must must which -ANAs), Authorities National Appropriate (or ment presented to the Military Budget Committee Committee Budget Military the to presented ment THREE, in November 1957 November in THREE, Committee 1957, Budget June In Military the to submitted budget. ELLA SHAPE the in not and budget xrie IE HE. h rvsd tutr of structure revised The THREE. SIGEX Exercise the approve not did however, Committee, Budget equip­ crypto "on-line" of request the for SHAPE by temporarily implemented during Exercise SIGEX SIGEX Exercise during implemented temporarily any however, without, budget its in item same the ELLA'S in included be to have would item the that The approved network was subsequently forwarded forwarded subsequently was network approved The Forward the in included be should Network NALLA during gained experience of light the in network the Nations and SHAPE in 1957. This network was was network This 1957. in SHAPE and Nations the Military The Estimates". Budget 1957 FY "SHAPE in Scatter System as originally planned by SHAPE. by planned originally as System Scatter ELLA/ the occasion, whether to same as the On raised was question the 1958• ELLA the December by in approved Committee was network telegraph the the for project the further revise to order in result. further others, among objections; several raising item, basis general a as used was and 1956 in ELLA in al point of view. This was in order to comply with with comply to order in was This operation­ the view. of from point al approval for Group Standing the of May 1958. May of the directives stated during the C-E Board Meeting Meeting Board C-E the during stated directives the seEL(9SC517dtd 1 aur 99 to 1959) January 31 dated ELLA(59)SEC/5/127 (see STATUS REPORT STATUS ELLA L A in 1958 1958 in A DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE G 6-9 gna tm 3£ Item Agenda 162-59 SGM pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT AO 3 - ne "" to "F" Annex - v 23 NATO SECRET ERT NATO SECRET 4. FURTHER ACTION FURTHER 4. Pg addb CriedmN. dd 4 a 59) Mar 24 dtd 2 No. Corrigendum by added (Page twudpras eavsbet dsgae £ designate to advisable be perhaps would It 3 5 FORECAST ~ ^ request the accept will Committee Budget Military . s ead te iie ewr ob implerm be to network limited the regards As 2.5 the whether to as settled be to still has question The reserva­ the from account,, apart into take to have would put it into ELLA1s Budget. ELLA would very much J much very would ELLA Budget. ELLA1s into it put disposal. its at data necessary the not has ELLA as h frt ftee w solutions. two these of first the 5.1. A long time will certainly elapse elapse certainly will time long A 5.1. tion of circuits, the provision of teleprinters and and teleprinters of provision the circuits, of tion funds in the SHAPE budget, or if it will be necesî be will it if or budget, SHAPE the in funds SHAPE, by prepared be to have will and equipment, crypto neces­ the present to order in implications of financial the structure proposed the approve Group Standing Should sary estimates to the Military Budget Committee. This This Committee. Budget Military the to out estimates work to sary necessary be will it Network, ELLA/NALLA the 3 2. Until such time as the complete network (referred (referred network complete the as time such Until 2.3 ELLA/toALLANetwork by SHAPE as an an as SHAPE by the personnel earmarked for the manning of the the of manning the for earmarked personnel the printers and crypto-equipment will require require will crypto-equipment and printers fically, in the Table of Distribution of SHAPE, SHAPE, of Distribution of Table the in fically, tain amount of time. of amount tain cir

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE 3GM~162-59 pedx !,A" 1 Appendix Enclosure to ERT -NATO SECRET ERT NATO SECRET (a) (II) after the Alert (during and after a survival period of 30 of period survival a after (during and Alert the after (II) I a h lr (n o eidnt xedn 3days) exceeding not period a (and for Alert the at (I) November 1958. November and 2 NCOs was requested by ELLA(58)ADM/l69 dated 20 dated ELLA(58)ADM/l69 by requested was 2 NCOs and esne atal mlyda f2 eray15- It 1959- 27February of as employed actually Personnel should be noted, however; that an increase of: 1 Officer 1Officer of: increase an that however; noted,be should (Page added by Corrigendum No. 2 dtd 24 Mar 59) 24Mar dtd 2 No. Corrigendum by (Pageadded NCOs Duty Officers Officers Duty NCOs NCOs Officers Duty Translator Translator Revisor Admini Admini s trat i Section ve Section Operations Officer Clerks Sho rt hand-Typi st s Section Circuit Shorthand-Typi Shorthand-Typi s t Clerks Chairman Standing Committee Standing days and considering that there should be a minimum of 3of minimum a be should there that considering and days shifts working 8 hours a day each) day a 8 hours working shifts (3) the 3 National Re­ 3 National the (3) (2) a minimum number of number minimum a (2) 1 paeiepronl of personnel peacetime (1) rsnaie (Stand presentative Re­ SHAPE the and (b) presentatives by SHAPE by ing Committee) ing supplied personnel the ELLA/PB the a t e supplemented (a)be to by: ELLA PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS PERSONNEL ELLA r .FieldOfficer 1 II 11 23w GRAND TOTAL GRAND Officers 10 4 7 (b) (b) Personnel Required Personnel OA 3 (b) 34 TOTAL Total number of number Total Agenda Item 3 £ Item Agenda ne "" to "G" Annex NCOS NCOS & OR & 18 14 ’6 t9 ,3 ,9 () ( (d) 5 4 sub-total) 1 ELLA 28 2 (sub 12 (4 sub -total ) (subtotal) Civilians f (s) (f) ■4-C5T (c) 4 - total) DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT - NATO SECRET pedx A t nlsr 1 to "A"Enclosure Appendix ERT NT - 3X Anx G to "G" Annex - - 23X SGM- 162- » NATO SECRET (e} May be Civilian. be May (e} (g) 29 of which already appear on the ELLA peacetime establishment peacetime ELLA the on appear already of which 29 (g) (d) Which may be increased by 2 units if Greece and Turkey have Turkey and Greece if 2units by increased be may Which (d) ( (f) Theoretical number of personnel desired which, to be made be to which, desired personnel of number Theoretical (f) (b) Which may be increased by 2 units if Greece and Turkey have Turkey and Greece if 2units by increased be may Which (b) c ) Translator, Secretaries and Shorthand-Typists. and Secretaries Translator, )c appointed Permanent Permanent appointed effective, requires approval of the Standing Group. Standing the of approval requires effective, emnn ersnaie. ` Representatives. Permanent (Pap;eb?/ added Corrigendu 5 ^ ' ^ Agenda Item 3 Item Agenda ^'^ R epresentatives. m N. 2 No. d d 4 a 59) Mar 24 td ELLA c DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE MC as ee) Ti m This refer). also EMCCC etn o aWrig ru nte atm omnctos Priority Communications Wartime the on Group Working a of meeting ERT- NATO - SECRET sals h rqetd guidance. requested the establish ( p CCPC by sponsored Board, seeking guidance on the NATO NATO the on guidance seeking n i iw f h tm fco, t s ugse ta te Board the that suggested is it factor, time the of view in and forthcoming the of view in requirements circuits paramilitary tahd ote rsn nt ( page note is present board the to Priority attached Communications Wartime the on Group Working the pedx A t nlsr 1 Secretary 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SECRET - NATO - 23 y - Secretary's Addendum to Addendum Secretary's - y 23 - NATO - SECRET G-6-? Aed Ie c (ELLA) c 3 Item Agenda SGK-l62-!?9 himnEL, nprgah3D f i rpr (ae 3 ) is e) 23 (page report his of D 3 paragraph in ELLA, Chairman nti cneto oyo te ouetA-2-/Ostig up setting AC-121-N/1O document the of copy connection this In TO AGENDA ITEM 3 c ITEM AGENDA TO ERTRA NOTE SECRETARIAL e eting will be convened on 21 - 22 May, 22 - 21 on convened be will eting a ragraph III a of report by Chairman by report of a III ragraph m ltr oiyo oriaino the of coordination on policy ilitary 23 z).

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Secretary 1 Enclosure to "A” Appendix Chairman (General Baer) all offered to send in their views on the on views their in send to offered all Baer) (General Chairman SECRET - NATO NATO - SECRET ai, XVIe Paris, Chaillot de Palais States. The Chairman of the Civil Communications Communications Civil the of Chairman The States. icltd eoe h meig f h okn Group. Working the of meeting the before circulated emn, tl, h Ntelns te ntd igo n te United the and Kingdom United the Netherlands, the Italy, Germany, n 1t ac t 0am ad3 .. hnte aes r received, are papers circulated. be the When will p.m. agenda 3 and a.m.regular a 10 at March 18th and these papers can received as soon as possible so that they may be may they that so that hoped possible isas It soon as board. received priority can papers communications these the and awartime of problem Representative French the Representative, Netherlands France, Denmark, of Working The ELLA. of representatives members Chairman as former have the will Group Delegation, Netherlands the the possibility of possibility the and the Chairman of ELLA will also participate. also will ELLA of Chairman the and SGM-1Ô2-59 SGM-1Ô2-59 h himno teWrig ru ilb ooe . rees of Erkelens E. Colonel be will Group Working the of Chairman The de Committee Planning 12 February, 1959 1959 February, 12 ERT- NATO - SECRET At the meeting on 13th and l4th January, the Civil Communi Civil the January, l4th and 13th on meeting the At t h ii omnctos lnigCmite etn, the meeting, Committee Planning Communications Civil the At The Working Group will meet at the Palais de Chaillot on 17th on Chaillot de Palais the at meet will Group Working The MEETING OF THE WORKING GROUP ON THE WARTIME THE ON GROUP WORKING THE OF MEETING CIVIL COMMUNICATIONS PLANNING COMMITTEE PLANNING COMMUNICATIONS CIVIL C

OMM c reating a Wartime Communications Priority Board. Priority Communications Wartime a reating c oe yte Secretary the by Note U ided to establish a Working Group to study to Group Working a establish to ided BOA PRIORITY NICATIONS - 23- Sge) . . LUKENS W. A. (Signed) z “ Agenda Item Item to Agenda Addendum Secretary's R D ÄC/121-N/1O NOTICE P lanning Committee lanning 3

(ELLA) c



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SECRET - NATO - 23 - Agenda Item 3 Ç SGM-162-59 ELLA Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT-NT -2 - -24 NATO - SECRET forces. At present the NATO wide systems are held down to down held are systems NATOwide the present At forces. S pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SGM-162-59 surviving the among and between communications secure subsequent provisions for the encompass to enlarged was question general This run. rpoaeilfr l re ocs in Europe. forces armed all for cryptomaterial ie hc r lkl oocr tDvso rAm op lvl or level Corps orArmy atDivision occur to likely are which mises ige rcdr o alfre in Europe. forces all for procedure single for ofdistribution channels and ofrequirements submission for the responsibility concerning NATOAgencies and Commanders Supreme discussed befurther itselfwill problem procurement The Group. concerned. commands approved subsequently and atECSA agreed were changes These machines. tArils nteeet uhognztos r etoe o over­ or destroyed are organizations such event the in Airfields at compro­ of consequences the limit to how of raised was question the n bcm fetv o Jnay15* hs oiypoie o a for provides policy This 1959* January 1 on effective became and and nations the by equipment necessary of procurement the upon newallowan inthe included also was aircraft patrol maritime range long Group. Standing theby report. follows: as were by ECSA considered problems security should be frozen for a period of two years in order to permitto order in years two of period a for frozen beshould of allowance the of adjustment an for need a indicated system it, has been promulgated by ECSA Information Memorandum, Number 115, Number Memorandum, Information ECSA by promulgated been it, has nsbeun paragraphs. insubsequent Standing theby agreed was This equipment. ofnecessary procurement Improvement of Existing Facilities ofExisting Improvement E RT NATO - CRET 4. Compartmentation of Cryptonets. Compartmentation 4. . oiyo idn o addsrbto fcytmtra in cryptomaterial of distribution and for bidding on Policy 3. . uig h ps yea past the During 1. 2. Adjustment of the table of allowance for Adonis Equipment. Adonis for allowance of table the of Adjustment 2. c tbe Te mlmnaino ti alwne s contingent is allowance thisof implementation The table.e . nareetws lorahdta te al o allowance of table the that reached also was agreement An ç. Europe. . tte 3hMeig fES, 1 1, 3 etme 56, September 13 12, 11, ofECSA, Meeting 13th the At a. amplifies andwhich 505, on AMSP based policy agreed This b. . e areetws ece btenitrse nations, interested between reached was agreement new A a. . e loac o dns qimn o salsis andships small for equipment ofAdonis allowance new A b. of implementation the for ofmaterial Provision b. . xeine and ic te nrdcino theofAdonis introduction the since gained Experience a. . Dvlpet f e plans. new of c.. Development These categories are covered in the above order in this in order abovethe in covered are categories These facilities existing of provement Im a. REPORT BY THE CHAIRMAN- ECSA. TO THE NATO C-E BOARD NATO C-E THE TO ECSA. THE CHAIRMAN- BY REPORT xsig ln ad policies. and plans existing GNA ITEM 3d AGENDA r , the main categories of communication communication of categories , main the gna tm3 d 3 Item Agenda ECSA a nd SECRET - NATO including Division Headquarters in the Army and down to Airfields in the Air Forces in Europe and the compromise of a key list at a Division or Airfields affects the security of communications throughout NATO. The are not affected inasmuch as the hazardous duty allowances cater for this problem. . # b. By SGM-225-58, 9 April 58, the Standing Group agreed in principle the policy of compartmentation of networks as a means of minimizing the effects of a compromise on widely held NATO cryptosystems. SHAPE was invited to carry out experiments on compartmentation in order to determine how best to effect compart­ mentation. c.. The urgency of this problem was pointed out at the last CEB meeting and does not need reemphasizing. With the present distribution of Adonis key lists, it is felt that at the outbreak of hostilities, the Adonis key lists would be immediately compromised leaving a large portion of NATO with no means of secure communica­ tions, especially Divisions, Army Corps and Airfields. d. It is emphasized that a solution to this problem must provide for secure communications in the 2nd level crypto systems between the remaining units of division or Army Corps size in the event a division or corps headquarters (or airfield and comparable size Air Force units) is overrun or destroyed without the possibility of destroying or reporting destruction of their cryptographic holdings. It must be noted that the units with which we are concerned in this problem have for NATO use only the Adonis system at their disposal while organizations of the higher echelon (Arry, Area Command) have other secure NATO means such as one-time tape systems. While the experiments being carried out by SHAPE partially cover the overall problem by limiting a compromise to an area (three such areas are contemplated within the SHAPE area), it does not cover the requirement stated above. e. Pending the determination by SHAPE of the ultimate requirements for compartmentation, it is urged that a resolution of the problem set forth in para, d above, even a partial solution is highly desirable.

5• Policy on control of compartmented cryptonets. a. As a corollary to the foregoing a need has been expressed for a policy governing the establishment and control of compartmented crypto networks. This was discussed at the 20th meeting of ECSA but it was agreed to postpone action until the results of the compartmentation trials being conducted by SHAPE are known. b. It is the feeling of the Chairman, ECSA, that such a policy is not dependent upon the results of the SHAPE trial and that, to the contrary, the SHAPE trial should include a trial of the ' control policy. Moreover, it is felt that some policy of that kind is required for the conduct of the trial. ç. It is recommended that early consideration be given to the establishment of a policy governing the establishment and control of compartmented crypto networks.

ECRET - NATO - 25 - Agenda Item 3 à GM-162-59 ECSA ppendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix atr s h egh f time of length the is factor allowances. This problem could be at least partially alleviated alleviated partially least atbe could problem This authorizedallowances. theof implementation complete the for adate establish US. theand concerned nation the between basis bilateral planning for used price estimated the from considerably vary may time lead budget the and nations the among years fiscal varying the procurement, and such plan is subordinated to the fluctuation fluctuation the to subordinated is plan such and procurement, the by funds of commitment the orderwith an of placing the between complicating further A orders. national the financing for required SGM-l62-5'9 ECS ECS A SGM-l62-5'9 price as funds became available to available became funds asprice ECSA were approved by the Standin the by approved were ECSA ERT-NT -2 - gna tm3 d Item 3 Agenda - - 26 NATO - SECRET the which from equipment of stockpile a available were thereif plans.other to in relation and budgets their of price this and is made delivery the until determined not is apricefirm addition In equipment. theof delivery the and nation the range maritime patrol aircraft. This allowance was also contained contained also was allowance This aircraft. patrol maritime range Nations to European furnished was ofGermany, exception the with ceue h procurement,years. theseveral of periodschedule a over machinesof number the of Because machines. the of the procurement plan for may thatDACAN order in done being is This allowances. h Uie Sae uhrte ms rag o h poueet of procurement the for arrange must StatesAuthorities United the Inturn required. machines additional the purchase must nations ships small in equipment TSEC/KL-7 of fitting the for established f h uoenntos n omns ome te increased the meet to commands and nations theEuropean of is accomplished at ECSA, the actual procurement is effected on a on is effected procurement actual the atECSA, accomplished is h rqie ubr ofmachines. number required the Milit States United the under loac tbe SGM-432-58. table, allowance at agreement after revisions, These allowances. ofthe revision a involved, in almost all instances the nations are obliged to obliged are nations the instances all in almost involved, ain adcmad cud ucae hi eurmns t afixed at requirements their purchase could commands andnations in SGM-432-58. and plans existing of implementation the for material of Provision outlay of funds required of the nations. the of required fundsof outlay f hs qimn a bsd ntehlig o C qimn and equipment ofCCM holdings the on based was equipment thisof distribution original The (Adonis) equipments. TSEC/KL-7 additional SEC oiis ^ policies. ( c atl n isoemnsepr, at arl ot) n in long and boats) patrol fast minesweepers, inshore and oastal R T- NATO - ET 6. Procurement of Crypto Equipment. Crypto of Procurement 6. £. Although coordination and consolidation ofrequirement consolidation and coordination Although £. h. As a result of this situation it is not possible to possible is notit situation this of result a As h. Afco hc opiae ti pann i the is planning this complicates which Afactor .f d. In order to implement the foregoing allowances, foregoing the implement to order In d. e. ECSA is currently compiling the overall requirements requirements overall the compiling is currently ECSA e. c . . In addition to the revised allowances, a need has been been hasneed a allowances, revised theto In addition c.. b. Experience with this equipment indicated a need forneeda indicated equipment this with Experience b. . hs rbe s rmrl ht f rcrmn of procurement ofthat primarily is problem This a. a (18 ry Assistance Program, with no dire no with Program, Assistance ry months to two years) which elapses which years)two to months g Group and published in an in published and Group ct


DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE eeomn o Nw Pl New of Development with the following actions have been taken: been have actions there­ following the Inconnection with year. past the during atECSA emphasized was atrwihcudaeutl aefr h nes adalwfr the for allow and needs, the for care adequately could which factor equip­ ofAdonis number the of knowledge a With them. to available ERT- AO - 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix NATO - SECRET communications and the security monitoring of these communications communications these of monitoring security the and communications at this time. It is assumed that this problem is being considered considered being is problem this that assumed is It time. this at delay. short relatively a with spares of delivery replacement annual an with level stock a establish to feasible t ofwar. ime gained with respect to consumption of spare parts it would appear itwould parts spare of consumption to respect with gained by DACAN. SECRET SECRET ments in use world-wide and with the experience which has been been has which experience the with and world-wide inuse ments in disastrous be would and peacetime in inadequate toally be to of delay resultant the with contract procurement a of placing G-6-9 ECSA SGM-162-^9 becomes money as requirements their purchase could nations the considered is parts the of receipt before years two to months 18 problem. recurring annually an ig it that except crypto-equipment orders and the delivery of the parts and the variation in price areequipment. price in crypto for as samevariation the and parts theof delivery the and orders is being planned for meteorological and NCSO use, no plan exists plan no use, NCSO and meteorological for planned is being of placing the between time lead long the funding, of problem The 8. Security Monitoring Security 8. 7• Procurement of spare parts for crypto equipment. crypto for parts spare of Procurement 7• - NATO d. With regard to spare parts for the CCM equipment which which equipment CCM the for parts spare to regard With d. . h ncsiyfrcekn h scrt f NATO of security the checking for necessity The a. c . . Here the solution is a stockpile of spares from which which from spares of stockpile ais solution the Here c.. b. The present policy of national funding prior to the to prior funding national of policy present The b. for above outlined one the to similar is problem This a. (3) n in developed or created were teams (2) Monitoring benefit the for instruction of courses (1) Monitoring emnn yeMntrn Ognztos r currently are Organizations Monitoring type Permanent h a pae mjrrl i hs eeomn, is development, this in role major a played has who aecmad i hs matter. this in commands nate PLAY. FULL exercise during of planning the in involved Officers Staff for otnigt okcoeywt ain n uod—subordi— and nations with closely to work continuing ofcommunications monitoring the for commands and an gained experience the of light in revised courses th of organizations parent the for both beneficial was courses these of first The conducted under development within nations and commands. SHAPË SHAPË commands. and nations within development under highly were courses These operators. monitoring security for was second the and monitoring security planned for 1959« for planned additional Two SHAPE. for and attending persons were organizations security andCommand national of a ns. 27 Aed Ie d 3 Item Agenda - a tion; e

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Appendix "A" to Encl to "A" Appendix G-6-9 ECSA SGM-162-59 SECRET - NATO - 28 28 - NATO - SECRET group USAF and con andUSAF group of conclusions the from extract following The satisfactory. from a report on Exercise FULL PLAY made by a special communications communications special a by made PLAY FULL on Exercise report a stillfar is situation the circuits, NATO of monitoring security gny ESC dslsdtefloig eea observations: general following the (EUSEC) disclosed Agency tions provided a great deal of information. An analysis of this of analysis An information. of deal great a organiza­ provided security tions national theof several and Commanders NATO by information by the European Communications Secuirty Evaluation Evaluation Secuirty Communications theEuropean by information - SECRET uigeecs UL PLAY." FULL exercise during developed with relative ease from current NATO exercise NATO current from ease relative with developed communications. It is evident that a considerable portion portion considerable a that is evident It communications. contained information The meaning.its convey to failed has eae te ihrh i acmlt setc r h report the or sceptic acomplete is he either then debate, of the atomic stike plan has been subjected to compromise compromise to subjected been has plan stike atomic theof in itself, as the fact that data of this type can be can type thisof data that fact the as itself, in important so not is is, it as incomplete document, this in academic beyond is solution rapid its for need the that reader is not convin not is reader problem exists, and that this problem is of such proportion proportion such ofis problem thisthat and exists, problem . 1huhato a be tre i h eeomn o development the in started been has action A1chough c. I, fe ietn h cnet o ti rpr, the report, of this contents the digesting after "If, b. The monitoring carried out during exercise FULL exercise during out carried monitoring The b. NATO 3 Te s o pofratp msae de nt by not, does messages type forma pro of(3) use The 2 Tee s ievraini h mtos of methods thein variation a iswide (2) There (1) Information contained in analysis reports should reports analysis in contained (1) Information messages. an of task analysis the ease may message of form enemy in selecting and comparing intercepted intercepted comparing and selecting in enemy for the purpose of providing a minimum yardstick yardstick minimum a providing of purpose the for tef poie euiy In fact, security. provide itself, coverage. of amount maximum the obtain to be should team monitoring aof aim the cases all in asteamj monitoring Although analysis. their of accomplishment the for and not as a limitation on the activity of aof activity the on limitation a as not and pertinent to information monitoring of reporting and collecting of method standardized a for exists hs atr s oe rprywti h province the within properly more is matter this AOAece. uhsadriainsol e only be should standardization Such Agencies. NATO informed be to teams monitoring the for exists need and coordination the difficult made monitoring the cases, Insome exercise. the in part took which of SECAN/EUSEC, it is felt that a requirement requirement a that isfelt it ofSECAN/EUSEC, from gained information the ofrecording methods of the minimum information required by the analysts theby required information minimum theof A level. NATO at material theof interpretation the basic material was furnished. The difference difference The furnished. was material basic the In traffic. "raw" theby supported report general experience gained may be of benefit to benefit ofbe may gained experience other instances, only a narrative report without without report narrative a only instances, other a of consisted analysts the furnished information operation of the many monitoring organizations organizations monitoring many theof operation participating in the exercise. In this manner the manner Inthis exercise. the in participating aswell organizations all to distributed be c re i yESC s utdfryu information; your for quoted is by in EUSEC urred o ue 1 sure c ed at least that a serious security security serious a that least at ed - gna tm3 d 3 Item Agenda a c s those having units having thoses omm a nd and n and nd a a

tional security tional stereotyped stereotyped P LaY LaY f

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE uoenNT ain adcmad o ipeetto fti plan. ofthis implementation for commands and Nations NATO European SECRET - NATO NATO - SECRET SGM-162-59 that isanticipated it therefore and available are facilities Adonis requirements for CCM will be very small. very be will CCM for requirements coordinate the number of CCM equipments and key lists required by required lists key and equipments ofCCM number the coordinate pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix the most part NCSOs will be established at Naval Commands where where Naval Commands at established be will NCSOs part most the operation. for personnel crypto oiyfrecyto f COcmuiain adrqetdES to ECSA requested and communications NCSO of encryption for policy cleared requiring not preferably and operation of speed necessary to develop an equipment specifically for Met purposes having the having purposes Met for specifically equipment an develop to the immediate short range Met crypto plan, action should be taken taken be should action plan, crypto Met range short immediate the was furnished' to the Standing Group by ECSA/Serial by ECSA/Serial Group furnished' was Standing the to Meetings, the following general reactions have been noted: been have reactions general following the Meetings, will be coordinated and consolidated for a report to the Standing Standing the to report a for consolidated and coordinated be will Communication plan. Some nations have submitted their plans with planswith their submitted have nations Some plan. Meteorological the of support Communication in plan cryptographic a develop to ECSA 1958. they soon, expected are ofwhich all SHAPE, and nations remaining Group. An interim report covering the assumptions on which the plan plan the on which assumptions the covering report interim An Group. the from plans of receipt Upon equipment. CCM for requirements the is being develp^ed and a brief of the requirements received to dateto received requirements the of brief a and develp^ed being is ERT - SECRET action be taken to raise the security of communi of security the raise to taken be action level as their flexibility and reliability. and flexibility their as level 10. NCSO Crvpto Plan NCSO Crvpto 10. 9« Meteorological Crypto Plan. Crypto Meteorological 9« b. Reports to date from member nations indicate that for that indicate nations member from date to Reports b. a. By By a. c . It is felt, that while considering the use of CCM for ofCCM use the considering thatwhile isfelt, It .c b. In the discussion of the Met Crypto Plan at ECSA ECSA atPlan Crypto Met theof discussion the In b. . s eut of result a As a. d. From the foregoing, it now appears paramount that paramount appears itnow foregoing, the From d. NATO 4 Ifrainfo h mtoooia planners meteorological the from Information (4) 3 I sfiin oeaig esne ant e found, be cannot personnel operating sufficient If (3) (2 ) A resultant large number of Met Crypto operators Crypto Met of number large (2) resultant A ( 1) Because of the slow speed of encryption ofMet ofencryption speed slow ofthe (1) Because A*&t.use ofCC SGM-708-58 SGM-708-58 oue f rfi psil oe a T ici the circuit RTT an over possible traffic of volume an increase in volume rather than a decrease. a than rather volume in increase aircraft, jetan with connection in information Met supplant W/T broadcasts on Met circuits. With the With circuits. Met on broadcasts W/T supplant will be required be will oue f rfi. oee, h rqieet for requirements the However, traffic. of volume n poal eyso ihmsie, indicates missiles, with soon very probably and niae ta ai eeyewl i h future the in will teletype radio that indicates the in reduction a be could solution the then volume of traffic involved will never be available. be never will involved traffic of volume rwakt h ue fteCMfrMttafc It traffic. Met for theCCM of use the to drawback be required to handle the volume of traffic envi­ traffic of volume the handle to required be sfl ta sfiin esne ohnl the handle to personnel sufficient that isfelt saged. will machines of number large a the in CCM traffic M h tnig ru rmlae te broad the promulgated Group theStanding for the encryption is not feasible.* notis encryption the for SGM-169-58, SGM-169-58, 9 - 29 - . This is perhaps the greatest greatest the perhaps is This action has beon started by started beon has action gna tm3 d 3 Item Agenda c ECSA ations to the same the to ations 569» 569» dated dated

15 15

Dec Dec

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NT -3 - -30 NATO - SECRET SGM-162-59 for consideration. for any further sug;gestions will be submitted to SECAN for evaluation. sug;gestions for SECAN to further submitted any be will and as a result a proposal made by Italy was submitted to SECAN SECAN to submitted Italy was by made proposal a aresult asand investigated. be should messages encrypted ht h psiiiyo sadriigte xenlapcs of aspects external the standardising ox possibility thethat SECRET Group as soon as reports are received fro received are reports as soon as Group 1 Sadriaino xenlApcs ofMessages. Aspects of External Standardization 11. - NATO c. This matter remains under consideration at ECSA and at ECSA consideration under remains matter This c. suggested France security, improving to view a With â* . hs atrwsdsusda h 0hmeig of ECSA meeting 20th theat discussed was matter This b. c. A consolidated report will be furnished the Standing Standing the befurnished will report consolidated A c. m all nations. all gna tm3 d 3 Item Agenda ECSA DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Relay Channels. Relay ifclis I apas ht loain of allocations that appears It difficulties. the Italy, In SGM. mentioned above the in down laid as figures SGM-83O-55* in down laid standards the with accordance in months, few which came a requirement to change the assignment of twelve frequen­ twelve of assignment the change to arequirement came which SGM- ovrinhs encmltd rwl b cmltdwti h next the within completed be will or completed been has conversion July for in meeting next theat reached be will agreement that hoped band. relay radio the in frequencies theseof allocation the plan avoided UHFwhich alternative an produced SACLANT time same the At cies. ERT NT -3 “ 31 - 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix NATO - SECRET is ship per equipments of number the but sources, MDAP through conversion the but standard to up is purpose ship/ship for conversion SECRET hs lnt esbtttdfrta i TNG 5OO2. in STANAG that for substituted be to plan this Radio agreed newly the within fall frequencies these of some 5OO2,as In STANAG down laid asMc/s 225-400 Band in the assignments material. cryptographic necessary the for requirements the coordinate to ECSA allow will which future nearin the plan communications a cryptographic broad a provided SGM-7O8-58 by CEC. studied been have considerably less than the minimum fitting standards laid down in down laid standards fitting minimum the than less considerably ainpa o te C ognzto. h eut o ti meeting this of Theresults organization. ICS the for plan cation SGM-lë2-!?9 that laid down in SGM-83O-55« in down laid that I960. Agenda. In 1955, a Working Party was convened to produce a communi­ a produce to convened Party was a Working In1955, Agenda. take place as the planes in use to date will be replaced in I960 by I960 in with replaced be equipped will already date to use in aircraft, P2V planes the as place take of beginning the In commence only will channels ship/air the of solution. a towards arising problems communication naval various which before forum a plan for MERCO traffic. The Agency has now enough guidance to produce to guidance enough now has TheAgency traffic. MERCO forplan three meetings, These meetings have proved their continued value asvalue continued their proved have meetings These meetings, three specially in the European area can be discussed and progress made progress and discussed be can area European thein specially I .. ITEMS ON WHICH PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE OR HAVE BEEN COMPLETED BEEN OR HAVE MADE BEEN HAS PROGRESS ON WHICH ITEMS I.. 83 . UHFCONVERSION 4. 3. NAVAL UHF PLAN UHF NAVAL 3. 2. CRYPTOGRAPHY FOR THE NAVAL CONTROL OF SHIPPING ORGANIZATION OFSHIPPING NAVALCONTROL THE FOR CRYPTOGRAPHY 2. 1. Since the sixth C-E Board meeting, the Agency has convened convened has theAgency meeting, Board C-E sixth the Since 1. O- Greece however is behind schedule and is faced with particular with faced is and schedule behind is however Greece - NATO 55 At the request of ERFA, the Agency considered the channel channel the considered Agency the ofERFA, request the At h ALN lni o ne td nEC n i is itand in ENCA study under isnow plan SACLANT The The Agency convened a Working Party for this purpose from from purpose this for Party aWorking convened TheAgency eryal te ntos r keig pt h target the to up keeping are nations other all Nearly nBlim Gray Ntelns Nra n Tre, the Turkey, and Norway Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, In The Agency had this item already for several years on its on years several for already item thishad Agency The The conversion of Portuguese Maritime aircraft will not will aircraft Maritime Portuguese of conversion The I eea qimn sple udr DP s bu half about is MDAP under supplied equipment general In . RGESRPR YTECARA. ENCA THECHAIRMAN. BY REPORT PROGRESS AGENDA ITEM 3e ITEM AGENDA UHF. UHF gna Item Agenda qimn ae made are equipment ENCA e 3

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE with plaindress procedure was a most valu most a was procedure plaindress with wider aspects of the problem are still under study in CEC and their and in CEC study under still are problem ofthe aspects wider The restrictions. traffic of grades four gives system This CINCAFMED. war. and is concerned about the absence of any progress. any of absence the about concerned is and n IO and allowed as it is subject to compromise. SACLANT has proposed a morea proposed has SACLANT compromise. to subject is it as allowed propos It desirable. highly was system simple and single a that and existing duplication o duplication existing ipiid rcdr bt ht s tl ne study. under is still that but procedure simplified be cannot procedure this that stated however SGM-319-58 authen­ tication. transmission of procedure ofthe instead adopted be should the that known is It problem. particular thisof solution final the meeting. No pro No meeting. amount of intelligence intelligence the of about amount expressed been has concern considered; being are reports to the Standing Group that the procedure of self-authentication self-authentication of procedure the that Group Standing theto C 2,wihhs encmie yE3 oe oryas ago. years four over EN3A by compiled been has which 124, ACP plan has been studied by SHAPE and comments are awaited from major commanders. from subordinate awaited are comments and SHAPE by studied been has plan will set One VHF set. ucm i wie ihget interest. great with isawaited outcome oe oeoe iiiewudb xeddt oe ceos This echelons. lower to extended be would minimize evoke to power important subject. important TBÎ - Mû TO - OTfBTÎT in issuin in security and communications toworld-wide importance greatof item SECRET - NATO - SECRET II. ITEMS ON WHICH LITTLE CR NO PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE BEEN HAS NO CRPROGRESS LITTLE ON WHICH ITEMS II. 6. RELAXATION OF CODRESS OF CODRESS RELAXATION 6. . ERMNA ITRETO FEETOI TRANS OF ELECTRONIC INTERCEPTION DETRIMENTAL 7. 8. AUTHENTICATION SYSTEMS AUTHENTICATION 8. 9. ACP 124 ACP 9. 5. 88 tgte ihisrcin ta te ee ob used be to were they that instructions ,with together EUTO FOEAINL TRAFFIC OPERATIONAL OF REDUCTION A new system for imposing minimize has been proposed by by proposed been has minimize imposing for system new A l aihsis r qipdu ote tnad ls one less standards theto up equipped are ships Danish All PEACETIME g complicate too was system present the that felt TheAgency The Agency is concerned about the lack of progress in this in progress of lack the about concerned is TheAgency This item was discussed by the C-E Board during its sixth its sixth during Board C-E the by discussed item was This The Introduction of the small ships key lists, AMSP IO AMSP lists, key ships small ofthe Introduction The the avoid to means and ways studying still is TheAgency h gnyi srosycnendaot h lc f pro of lack the about concerned is seriously TheAgency te nomto otie i h uoenSplmn to Supplement the inEuropean contained information the g eshs enmd sne TeAec osdrd thj considered TheAgency since. made been has ress f b rprs I atclrte intelli the particular In reports. e retained for another two years. two another for retained e m saetafc htwudb gnrtd in generated be would that traffic essage 2 - -^2 P ROCEDU R E a ble contribution towards contribution ble gna tm3 e. 3 Item Agenda ENCA M ISSION IN ISSION g ence 87 87 g ress DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT AO 3 Aed Ie e 3 Item Agenda - -33 NATO - SECRET G-6-9 ENCA SGM-162-59 signals for the revised tactics. revised the for signals to signal appendix of this document summarizing the required required the summarizing document thisof appendix signal to informed the Naval Board M.A.S. that no objection could be seen seen be could objection no that M.A.S. Board Naval the informed pending their directions on the communications aspects, the Agency theAgency aspects, communications the on directions their pending publications. signal and tactical in existing changes extensive for proposals contained which Seaat Attack Nuclear against of Doctrine tion wrong and produced endless confusion and lack of confidence in the in confidence of lack and confusion endless produced and wrong f points ollowing : III. LIAISON WITH OTHER AGENCIES OTHER WITH LIAISON III. requirement for a method of callsign encryption that covered the covered that encryption callsign of method a for requirement ro i n oeetcudrsl i l he algn being callsgins three all in result could onemovement in an error However complete. to time of period considerable a required ENCA had found that it was quite impracticable to discuss callsign callsign discuss to impracticable quite it was that found had ENCA callsigns, it was quite clear that it was over complicated and complicated over itwas that clear quite it was callsigns, system. The Agency was convinced that there was a firm operational operational afirm was there that convinced was TheAgency system. oltd noe publication. one in collated tactical^ unencrypted, or encrypted callsigns, of types different governing the use of the different types should ultimately be ultimately should types different the of use the rules thegoverning that asked had and matter this in difficulties some encryption without considering the rules for the usage of all the all of usage the for rules the considering without encryption atratog smtes tn odt i i "rges astern". is "progress it todate stand matters as although matter neiieadfntoa. h salrErpa ain ee in were nations European smaller The functional. and indefinite active consideration in CEC and there has been progress in the in progress been hasthere and in CEC consideration most the active under is matter this that is realized it progress" "no SECRET - SECRET attention of the Board is drawn to this very unsatisfactory state unsatisfactory very this to isdrawn Board theof attention h otoe f hs upeet s tl retynee. The needed. urgently still is supplement this of outcome the of affairs. of 0 RU 10. M.A.S . h dcmn i siludrcnieaini h .. but consideration under still is document The h gnyrcie okn at eot onStandardiza­ the report Party aWorking received TheAgency psesdraoal security. reasonable possessed .c b. derived a callsign for a particular period or usage or period particular a for callsign a derived b. operate,to simple reasonably was a. With regard to the present methods of derivation ofencrypt-ed ofderivation methods present the to regard With lhuhti ie a be itdudr h edns of headings the under listed been has item this Although hs nomto a nt otayo is importan itsof any lost not has information This NATO L SFRTE S O ALSGSAD THEIRENCRYPTION. AND SIGNS OF CALL USE THE FOR ES without being dependent on the derivation of anotherof derivation the on dependent being without callsign, c e ande DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT AO - NATO - SECRET G-5"5~ CEC SGM-l52"-5^~ f h gnis hr psil, o ute E action. CEC further for possible, recommendations where the to Agencies the of relating instructions specific and matter, the h agencies. the extent the to as exist still doubt Some recommendations. considered f oriainwt iiinrqieet t e copihd by accomplished be to requirements civilian with coordination of these to given been has thought Considerable clarified. fully eurs ht hi fntos n pyia lcto nwrie be wartime in location physical and functions their that requires organization. internal with mainly deal they but ELLA, in been have wartime" problems within the agencies, and they are now able to make to able now are they and agencies, the within problems whilst their peacetime functions are mainly concerned with planning, with concerned mainly are functions peacetime their whilst ilcvr h sm fed o atvt. t s nesod that, understood is It activity. of fields same the cover will inl ln i atm. nti rset adtoa poiin for provisions "additional respect this In wartime. in plans tional hywl at oe iety nspot f urm omnes opera­ Commanders' Supreme of support in directly more act will they ht h Aece wl b kp i en i atm ad ht they that and in wartime being in kept be will Agencies the that the composition and functions of these agencies will remain the remain will wartime. in agencies same these of functions and composition the states also that, until the Standing Group has otherwise directed, otherwise has Group Standing the until that, also states tnig ru uoenCmuiain-lcrnc Aece. It Agencies. Communications-Electronics European Group Standing SECRET SECRET . t s euse ta te or poie eea giac on guidance general provide Board the that requested is It 4. . h avne sae f lnig ece i h aece now agencies the in reached planning of stage advanced The 3. . oee, t per ta ti saeet en essentially means statement this that appears it However, 2. eeec: a Reference: . eeec a otis h trs f eeec fr the for reference of terms the contains a Reference 1. NA - FUNCTIONS AND LOCATION OF STANDING GROUP EUROPEAN GROUP STANDING OF LOCATION AND FUNCTIONS COMMUNICATIONS T O . SGM-143-57 UPRIG S SUPPORTING c ue i h trs f eeec frEF and ERFA for reference of terms the in luded ELECTRONI A O S IC N O R T C E L -E AGENDA ITEM 4 ITEM AGENDA 3 ON T I + - Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda I+ - ATEM E NT BY CEC BY NT

F N T S E T O . N


DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Electronics Agencies which I consider should continue during wartime. during continue should consider I which Agencies Electronics SECRET - NATO ~ 34 §. - Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda §. 34 ~ - 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix NATO - SECRET Council, during the latter part of 1958, that progress in civil in progress that 1958, of part latter the during Council, G-6-9 EMCCC SGM-162-59 con Commands Supreme the sends Communications- European the of each of wartime in location physical organizations, emergency civil and military NATO and international and national by national use both for spectrum frequency radio one and rsn t o nomto ocrig h msin fntos and functions mission, the concerning to information attempts you to report The present made. is Agencies C-E European of status state the improve to action and effort defense military NATO the Atlantic North the to emphasized Council, Atlantic North Committee, This report will only cover the period from that alert stage which stage alert that from period the cover only will report This on consequences grave have could war for readiness civil adequate power. defensive NATO’s nullify would front home the of were war if military that NATO's and to build-up complement essential an is planning emergency it is in this context that that context this in is it necessary." is readiness civil of collapse the since field civilian the in prepared adequately be NATO h NT - or nw t know Board C-E NATO the st ERT - SECRET a tus of the European C-E Agencies, I consider it necessary t necessary it consider I Agencies, C-E European the of tus 3. Because there is only one long lines system per NATO nation NATO per system lines long one only is there Because 3. 2. Likewise, the Standing Group has stated that "a lack of lack "a that stated has Group Standing the Likewise, 2. Referen . nodr opeet a present to order In 1. SUPPORTING STATEMENT BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE EMSCC THE OF CHAIRMAN THE BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING ATM STAT WARTIME N (Pa ATO g c e es es : a dded by Corrigendum Corrigendum by dded . SGM- £. SGM-143-57 . b § l SGM-8O9-58 . U S OF THE EUROPEAN C-E AGENCIES C-E EUROPEAN THE OF S h 263 t t at AGENDA ITEM 4 ITEM AGENDA my my I -52 c consolidated report on the wartime the on report consolidated f h re t hi a Headqua War their to erned e Senior Ci Senior e

orced upon NATO, it is vital that vital is it NATO, upon orced c QN onsolidated report on t on report onsolidated N . dd p 59) Apr 8 dtd o.6

v il E il m ergency Planning ergency

h e w e r es prior ters a rtime h


DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ed related to NATO military matters matters military : NATO to related ed NATO NATO NATO European C-E Agencies afterwards would not be too difficult difficult too be not would afterwards Agencies C-E European civil emergency interests and organizations thereof are consider­ are thereof organizations and interests emergency civil tion and radio frequency coordination and allocation; and coordination frequency radio and tion coordina­ circuit systems lines long both for representation tary pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix and representation military and civilian period; survival the during existence SECRET - Agenda Item ^ Item Agenda - SECRET SEC made are : surviv the during sometime develop to these of continuance a that believe I time,of period that war.any of days thirty first the i.e., period, survival approved ~NATO SECRET tions of the European C-E Agencies that are to function during during function to are that Agencies C-E European the of tions loca­ and functions missions, theon reached be can agreement If to the commencement of war, through the North Atl North the through ofwar, commencement the to R ET - NATO -NATO ET country: 4. For purposes of the report, the following assumptions assumptions following the report, the of purposes For 4. country a "commission mixte" which will include national national include will which mixte" "commission a country (Page added by Corrigendum No. Corrigendum by added (Page d. that the following North Atlantic Council approved approved Council Atlantic North following the that d. b. that there will be in existen in be will there that b. c. that there will be in existence In each European European each In existence in be will there that c. a. that there will be a Standing Group and a CEC in CEC a and Group Standing a be will there that a. munications facilities back to back facilities munications pendium and that this KALLA will have communications communications have will this KALLA that and pendium facilities back to ELLA; back facilities forth in chapter I, Section 1 b, of the ELLA Com­ ELLA the of 1b, Section I, chapter in forth ( 1 antoa oglnsaec ( agency lines long national a (1) 4 Petroleum k4) Defense Civil |2) t 'l) . 2 6 5 Communications Civil 3) ) a national radio frequency agency with com­ with agency frequency radio anational ) Tasotto (i, e, rail, sea, (air, road) and Transportation j Medical ) ) Manpower Control Manpower ) Food ) Continuation of Government of Continuation - 34 b - - 34b a l period.l 6 dtd dtd NATO NATO c 8 e in each European European each in e E Ar 59) Apr area command mili­ command area R FA. a N ntic Council Council ntic LA a set as ALLA) EMCCC DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 toEnclosure "A" Appendix G-6-9 EMCCC SGM-162-59 SECRET - NATO - 34 c - Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda -c 34 - - NATO SECRET moves to its war headquarters. itswar to moves quarters to a war headquarters. a war to quarters concerned Command Supreme theas time such than later not effective headquarters. war such time as the Supreme Commands move from their peacetime head­ peacetime their from move Commands Supreme theas time such beto movement such CEC,the by designated headquarters war theto SHAPE or SACLANT war headquarters accordingly and should proceed should and accordingly headquarters war SACLANT or SHAPE Kingdom; United thein remain isto ifERFA headquarters war nel Terms of Reference pertaining only to the mission, composition and composition mission, theto only pertaining Reference of Terms Ac­ and GroupDistribution Standing the ENCA, ECSA, ERFA, ELLA, otherwise, if the Standing Group decides that ERFA is to be located located be tois ERFA that decides Group Standing ifthe otherwise, in France or the United States, it should be located either with with either located be should it States, United the or inFrance nations, I come to the following conclusions: following theto come I nations, w during items these on action continued for necessity later than that alert stage which sends SHAPE to its intermediate intermediate itsto SHAPE sends stagewhich alert that than later either by the C-E Agencies themselves, the CEC, the commands or the or commands the CEC, the themselves, Agencies C-E the by either theand and ENCA ECSA ERFA, ELLA, ofEMCCC, meetings plenary functions attached hereto as Annexes A, B and C. and B A, Annexes as hereto attached functions con­ After (EUSEC). Europe Agency Evaluation and Security tions h s f nentoa n ainlcmuiain facilities. communications national and international of use the ERT -NATO SECRET counting Agency Europe (EUDAC), and the Standing Group Communica­ Group Standing the (EUDAC), and Europe Agency counting zations as well as the current items carried on the Agenda for Agenda theon carried items current theas aswell zations require will organizations, shipping national alia, inter as, sueh ztosaepeetyfntoigi h uoenae: EMCCC, area: European thein functioning presently are izations ieigte ectm em o eeec fral ftee organi­ these of all for ofReference Terms peacetime the sidering 5. By reference a., the following NATO-sponsored C-E organ­ C-E NATO-sponsored following the a., reference By 5. (Page added by Corrigendum No. Corrigendum by (Pageadded d. ENCA and ECSA should be de-activated not later than later not de-activated be should ECSA and ENCA d. b. EMCCC and ELLA should be located with SHAPE not SHAPE with located be should ELLA and EMCCC b. a. EMCCC, ELLA, and ERFA should continue under wartime wartime under continue should and ERFA ELLA, EMCCC, a. c. ERFA should be located with the Allied Command Chan­ Command Allied the with located be should ERFA c. e. that certain national civil emergency organizations organizations emergency civil national certain that e. 6 dtd dtd 8 Apr 59) Apr a rtime DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to"A" Appendix ERT AO _ - NATO SECRET allo space and ment the CEC, EMCCC, ELLA, ERFA, ENCA and ECSA to take the necessary necessary the take to ECSA and ENCA ERFA, ELLA, EMCCC, CEC,the SG olwu lnigato, uha, ne la pronl equip­ personnel, alia, inter as, such action, planning follow-up SEC M 125 " EMCCC " -1Ö2-59 R T -NATO ET 6 (Page added by Corrigendum No. Corrigendum by (Pageadded . RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS : . That the Board approve the above above the approve Board the That structions for disposition. for structions D Signal SHAPE the to augmentation as respective their to back revert would utd ySAEutlte E ise ute in­ further issued CEC the until SHAPE by custody wou ECSA of fixtures office and cords Kingdom. United Admiralty, custin held be would ofENCA Records AO (DACAN). NATO Standing Group Distribution and Accou Accou and Group Distribution Standing UE ietywt h Spee omns and Commands Supreme the with directly EUSEC (4) For ECSA, the personnel would re would personnel the ECSA, For (4) ity and Evaluation Agency Washington Agency Evaluation and ity Secur­ Communications Group Standing the with hand, other the on or, hand one theon concerned nations teSceayadoeuiiga sho unilingual one and (theSecretary (3) For ENCA the permanently assigne assigne permanently the ENCA For (3) and EUDAC by or nations, and Commands Supreme the and CEC the between negotiation direct by either consideration after de-activation would be resolved resolved be would de-activation after consideration or concerned nations the and/or Commands Supreme the CECwith the from negotiations direct by either rmteSpeeCmad t h ain concerned. nations the to Commands Supreme the from consideration after de-activation would be resolved resolved be would de-activation after consideration (2) The Agenda Items for ECSA which needed further further needed which forECSA Items Agenda The (2) (1) The Agenda items for ENCA which needed further further needed which forENCA items Agenda The (1) c ations. 34 a _ Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda _a 6 dtd -8 Apr 59) Apr c onclusions and direct and onclusions DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A” Appendix Working Group consisting of the Chairman, the Secretary, a Repre­ a Secretary, the Chairman, theof consisting Group Working SGM-lb2-59 Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda - SGM-lb2-59 NATO - SECRET proved civil emergency interests are involved which are related are which involved are interests emergency civil proved (or equivalent boards communications jointmilitary national their represent will members National permanently. represented be rank the below not preferably States United the and Kingdom United agencies). In those instances where North Atlantic Council ap­ Council Atlantic North where instances those In agencies). to wishing Commands Supreme orNATO nations NATO other from tives NATO C-E Board of the Standing Group. Standing theof Board C-E NATO not interfere with its primary mission. It is responsible to theto responsible is It mission. primary its with interfere not with national military/civil plans. Its primary mission is tois mission primary Its plans. military/civil national with of Colonel or equivalent and, if so desired, military representa­ military sodesired, if and, equivalent or Colonel of lished later, or of Nations when called upon, provided this does this provided upon,called when ofNations or later, lished organi­ emergency civil national those and NATO European approved ettv fSCU, iiayrpeettvsfo rne the France, from representatives military SACEUR,of sentative also deal with the military communications-electronics problems problems communications-electronics military the with deal also Council Atlantic North theas aswell in Europe, Interests direct of other agencies, any separate NATO Commands which may be estab­ be may which Commands NATO separate any agencies, other of Commanders-in-Chief zations needed to complement NATO's military build-up. It may Itmay build-up. military NATO's complement to needed zations support the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), the Allied Allied the (SACEUR), Europe Commander Allied Supreme the support military communications-eL necessary be military may ectroricsas plans pertaining to the defense of Western Euro of Western defense the to pertaining military ary, c SECRET SECRET specifically within the Terms of Reference of another European European another of Reference of Terms the within specifically ing Committee (EMCCC) is established to coordinate, where necess­ where coordinate, to established is (EMCCC) Committee ing ommunications-electronics agen ommunications-electronics 2. Composition. The EMCCC shall be composed of a Permanent a of composed be shall EMCCC The Composition. 2. (Page added by Corrigendum No. No. Corrigendum by added (Page 1. Mission. The European Military Communications Coordinat­ Communications Military European The Mission. 1. EUROPEAN MILITARY COMMUNIC MILITARY EUROPEAN - NATO Mission, Composition and Functions for Wartime for Wartime Functions and Composition Mission, em o eeec for EMCCC ofReference Terms a nd non-military communications-ele non-military nd C h a nnel, and other major NATO co NATO major other and nnel, ANNEX A ANNEX 34 c _ - ne "" to "A" Annex e_ - y. It will coordinate such NATO NATO such coordinate Itwill y. A TIONS COORDINATING COMMITTEE COORDINATING TIONS 6 dtd dtd ______p 8 hc ont fall not do ewhich Ar 59) Apr c tronics matters matters tronics EMCCC m manders with with manders _ DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx "A Appendix ties required for continuous operation. continuous for required ties Working Working SGM-1Ö2-59 Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda to "A" Annex - f 34 - SGM-1Ö2-59 -NATO SECRET SACEUR above. stated functions the alia, inter performing, in assist to disposal his at be and duty nent SACEUR SACEUR dispersal site specified by SACE by specified site dispersal of the EMCCC will proceed to an interim Wartime Headquarters Headquarters Wartime interim an to proceed will EMCCC the of ed by the St the by ed intermediate war headquarters, the Chairman and the Secretaria Secretaria the and Chairman the headquarters, war intermediate "general alert "general foeainb MC ro ote nta sae o a, the war, of stages initial the to prior EMCCC by operation of does agreements, such approving in member, Each SACEUR. by ed following provisions will apply unless and until otherwise dir otherwise until and unless apply will provisions following conduc operations the particularly and effort, war overall the suppo best will which agreements reach to Commanders NATO the requirements civil and tary the and Turkey of all Council, Atlantic the of representatives national the by accompanied tal European and North African territories of the NATO nations, NATO the of territories African North and European tal to NATO military matters, members will be expected to present the present to expected be will members matters, military NATO to so on behalf of the authority he represents. To ensure contin contin ensure To represents. he authority the of behalf on so ERT -NATO SECRET cerned, EMCCC shall consider the international, national, mili mili national, international, the consider shall EMCCC cerned, cussion. be or represent they nations the of positions national official (Page added by Corrigendum No. No. Corrigendum by added (Page . ucin Wti h egahclae fte Continen­ theof area geographical the Within Function. 3. 's Wartime Headquarters and will be fully supported by by supported fully be will and Headquarters 's Wartime in the matter of location, communications and other f other and communications location, of matter the in G roup will will roup b. At the same time, the members of the Permanent Permanent the of members the time, same the At b. c. The Permanent Working Group will be located in located be will Group Working Permanent The c. . ttedcaaino rifre lr" or alert" "reinforced a of declaration the At a. " oEcoue 1 Enclosure to a nding Group: nding " ySCU, ra sc iea HP oe o i to moves SHAPE as time such at or SACEUR, by a a s are appropriate to appropriate sare utomatically report to the Chairman for perma­ for Chairman the to report utomatically U ie igo n daet e ra con­ areas sea adjacent and Kingdom nited In In coordinating plans presented by presented plans coordinating U R. 6 dtd dtd t 8 he subjects under dis­ under subjects he Ar 59) Apr CCPC, CCPC, EMCCC North North a cili­ DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT - NATO SECRET well as the North Atlantic Council approved European NATO and NATO European approved Council Atlantic theNorth as well to coordinate matters concerning the use of national long lines long national of usethe concerning matters coordinate to Appendix Appendix NATO's military build-up. It is responsible to the NATO C-E Board Board C-E NATO the to isresponsible It build-up. military NATO's North Atlantic Council, as are appropriate to the subjects under under subjects the to appropriate are as Council, Atlantic North Kingdom theUnited France,from representatives Representative; and other major NATO commanders with direct interest in Europe as inEurope interest direct with commanders NATO major other and (ACCHAN) Channel Commanders-in-Chief Allied the SACEUR, support to SGM-162-59 Agenda Item Item 4 Agenda to."B" Annex -g -34 SGM-162-59 - NATO SECRET those national civil emergency organizations needed to complement to needed organizations emergency civil national those the Secretary, the officers of the Permanent Bureau, the SACEUR SACEUR the Bureau, Permanent the of officers the Secretary, the aiiis wr rrdorly poie o eea upss in purposes general for provided relay) radio (wireor facilities of the Standing Group. Standing theof is mission primary Its Europe. ofWestern defense the for fort ef­ emergency civil and military national and NATO theof support discussion. pre­ to expected be will members matters, military NATO to related Atlantic North where instances those In agencies). equivalent repre­ be to wishing Commands Supreme NATO and nations NATO other from representatives sodesired, if and, States United the and composed of composed : there shall be a Standing Committee which will be composed of a of composed be will which Committee Standing a be shall there are which involved are interests emergency civil approved Council or be accompanied by the national representatives of the CCPC,the of representatives national the by accompanied orbe repre­ will nations representing officers The permanently. sented sent the official national positions of the nations they represent represent they nations the of positions national official thesent (or boards communications jointmilitary national their sent 1. Mission. The European Long Lines Agency is established established is Agency Lines Long European The Mission. 1. 2. Composition. The European Long Lines Agency shallbe Agency Lines Long European The Composition. 2. (Page added by Corrigendum Corrigendum by (Pageadded " ______for Wartime Functions and Composition Mission, " oEcoue1 EMCCC 1 toEnclosure A" a . (l) Out of this Permanent Working Group membership, membership, Group Working Permanent this of Out (l) em fRfrne for ELLA ofReference Terms EUROPEAN LONG LINES AGENCY LINES LONG EUROPEAN emnn okn ru ossigo h Chairman,the of consisting Group Working Permanent a ANNEX B ANNEX N . o o. d td td 8 Apr 59) Apr ______DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE European and North African territories of the NATO nations, all of all nations, NATO the of territories African North and European pedx A to "A" Appendix concerned, areas sea adjacent and Kingdom, United the and Turkey wishing to be represented permanently, and national members of the of members national and permanently, represented be to wishing tariat whose functions shall be supervised and controlled by the the by controlled and supervised be shall functions whose tariat SECRET SECRET ERT -NA SECRET himno LA TeBra hl oss of: consist shall Bureau The ofELLA. Chairman the ELLA Standing Committee shall undertake undertake shall : Committee Standing ELLA the assembled as indicated in paragraph paragraph in indicated as assembled minimu a from Group Working Permanent SHAPE representative, representatives of other NATO Supreme Commands Commands Supreme NATO other of representatives representative, SHAPE nenl sections. internal sections ; SGM-I62-59 Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda SGM-I62-59 . Functions. 3. Pg de yCrleiT i i N. t p 59) Apr 8 dtd 6 CorrlgeiidT.ini by (Pageadded No. - NATO - 34 h - Annex "B11 Annex to - 34h - NATO . emnn ueu atn sa nentoa secre­ international an as acting Bureau, aPermanent b. a T . O with the SHAPE Headquarters through the survival survival the through Headquarters SHAPE the with period of the war;the of period in performing the following functions functions following : the performing in liai­ necessary the effect shall members national its located initially is it that time the from activity shall be at the disposal of the Chairman to assist to Chairman the of disposal the at be shall and authorities national respective their sonwith (2) When not in session as the Standing Committee, Standing the as session in not When (2) 1 Ofcr i hreo aho h internal theof each of charge in Officers (1) (1) to advise the Chairman of the conduct of ELLA’s ofELLA’s conduct theof Chairman the advise to (1) (2) Clerical personnel assigned to each of the of each to assigned personnel Clerical (2) E coue EMCCC 1 nclosure et,wt mhsso ia circuits. vital on emphasis with ments, facilities communications line long of mentation planned In peacetime to meet wartime require­ wartime meet to Inpeacetime planned con­ in monitor and coordinate to assembling, ucinwt h aporaeNLA te imple­ the NALLAs appropriate the with junction (a) As the most essential function after after function essential most the As (a) Within the geographical area of the Continental Continental theof area geographical the Within 3 m d ( d of three nations to beto nations three of 2 ), below. DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx "A Appendix 3ÖM-T62-59 S SECRET SECRET E C R ET -NATO ET (Page added by Corrigendum No. Corrigendum by added (Page - NATO --- " oEcoue 1 Enclosure to be satisfied with the remainder of available available of remainder the with satisfied be facilities, to provide to NATO Supreme Commands Supreme NATO to provide to facilities, or civil emergency requirements which cannot which requirements emergency civil or and ofmilitary existence the indicate reports of available long line facilities; line long available of priate quirements only — on the most effective use effective most theon — only quirements ANAs. service and occur interruptions as munications minimum foreseeable NATO military and civil and military NATO foreseeable minimum endadteCara, EMCCC, Chairman,the and cerned the meet to facilities international undamaged is restored in wartime in conjunction with the with conjunction in in wartime restored is Com­ Lines Long for requirements emergency tions for overcoming deficiencies in existing existing in deficiencies overcoming for tions f We aaeado nerpint service to Interruption and/or damage When (f) raeNtoa uhrte (ANAs) concerned, Authorities National priate determine how these requirements are to be metbe to are requirements these how determine military requirements and those international international those and requirements military e T dieSpeeCmadr, Ns con­ ANAs Commanders, Supreme advise To (e) facilities; available the from communications lines long with metbe to are C facilities and in conjunction with the Appro­ the with conjunction in and facilities civil requirements related to North Atlantic Atlantic toNorth related requirements civil tary information on long lines communications communications lines long on information tary its other functions; other its facilities necessary to enable it to carry out carry to it enable to necessary facilities (d) To develop and monitor plans and recommenda­ and plans monitor and develop To (d) (c) To collect and coordinate the overall the coordinate and collect To (c) mili­ and civil all collate and collect To (b) ouncil approved civil emergency matters which which matters emergency civil approved ouncil NATO NATO 3 - i- 34 International civil emergency re­ emergency civil International 6 dtd dtd 8 Ar 59) Apr ne "" to "B" Annex Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda -- EMCCC for appro­ for DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to"A" Appendix S(M-T6'2-5'9 SECRET - NATO SECRET the initial stages of war, the following provisions will apply ur apply will provisions following the of war, stages initial the within the policies established by the Standing Committee. Standing the by established policies the within less and until otherwise directed by the Standing Group Standing the by directed otherwise until and less unable to solve within its own competence. own its within solve to unable SECRET SECRET (Page added by Corrigendum No. No. Corrigendum by added (Page - NATO d. To ensure continuity of operations by ELLA prior to prior ELLA by operations of continuity ensure To d. c. The Permanent Bureau shall execute the routine work routine the execute shall Bureau Permanent The c. b. To forw To b. the matter of location, communications and other other and communications location, of matter the aiiisrqie o otnos operation. continuous for required facilities quarters and will be fully supported by SACEUR in SACEUR by supported fully be will and quarters in performing, inter alia, the functions noted abo noted functions the alia, inter performing, in SACEUR. of Headquarters War for permanent duty and be at his disposal to assis to disposal hisat be and duty permanent for Committee will automatically report to the Chairma Chairma the to report automatically will Committee (3) ELLA will be located in SACEUR's Wartime Head Head Wartime SACEUR's in located be will ELLA (3) oe t t itrmWrHaqatr, h Chairnia the Headquarters, War interim its to moves n h emnn ueuwl rce ote Inter theto proceed will Bureau Permanent the and (2) At the same time, the members of the Standing Standing the of members the time, same the At (2) "general alert" by SACEUR, or at such time as SHAIas time such at or SACEUR, by alert" "general 1 A tedcaaino rifre lr" oralert" "reinfcreed a of declaration the At (1) at a given time. given a at of the status of their long lines facilities facilities lines long their of status theof priorities for repairs of damaged PTT faci­ PTT damaged of repairs for priorities lities to the appropriate ANAs; appropriate the to lities and the EMCCC a status report of long lines long of report status a theEMCCC and facilities still in serv_ce and to recommend recommend to and serv_ce in still facilities (g) Upon request, to inform Supreme Commands Commands Supreme inform to request, Upon (g) a dt h MC hs rbeswihi isit which problems those EMCCC the to rd 3 j - j 34- 6 dtd dtd 8 Ar 59) Apr Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda ne "" to "B" Annex EMCCC : DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Appendix Appendix members will be expected to present the official national positions national official the present to expected be will members these In agencies). equivalent (or board communications military be composed of: composed be France, the United Kingdom and the United States and, if so de­ so if and, States United the and Kingdom United the France, priate to the subjects under discussion. under subjects the to Council, priate Atlantic North CCPC, the of representatives h Sceay te AERRpeettv; ersnaie from representatives Representative; SACEUR the Secretary, the organiza­ emergency civil national those and NATO European proved radio European their of coordination the in commanders NATO major of the nations they represent or be accompanied by the national the by accompanied be or represent they nations the of interests are involved which are related to NATO military matters, military NATO to related are which involved emergency are civil interests approved Council Atlantic North where instances of­ The permanently. represented be to wishing Commands Supreme in nee o opeetNT' iiaybidu. t s re­ is It build-up. military NATO's complement to needed tions ERT AO 3 Anx C to "C" Annex - k 34 - -NATO SECRET iesrpeetn ain il ersn terntoa joint national their represent will nations representing ficers SACEUR, the Allied Commanders-in-Chief Channel (ACCHAN) and other and (ACCHAN) Channel support to Commanders-in-Chief is Allied mission the primary SACEUR, Its Europe. Western of defense SÖM-1Ö2-59 Agenda Item Item Agenda SÖM-1Ö2-59 sired, representatives from other NATO nations and from other NATO other from and nations NATO other from representatives sired, sponsible to the NATO C-E Board of the Standing Group. Standing the of Board C-E NATO the to sponsible the NATO and national military and civil emergency effort for the for effort emergency civil and military national and NATO the rqec eurmns swl s h ot tatc oni ap­ Council Atlantic North the as well as requirements frequency of support in purposes general for provided facilities frequency is established to coordinate matters concerning the use of radio of use the concerning matters coordinate to established is ERT -NATO SECRET (Page added added (Page 2. Composition. The European Radio Frequency Agency shall Agency Frequency Radio European The Composition. 2. . iso. h uoenRdoFeunyAec (ERFA) Agency Frequency Radio European The Mission. 1. ______" Mission, Composition and Functions for Wartime for Functions and Composition Mission, A . emnn okn ru cnitn fte Chairman, the of consisting Group Working Permanent a a. " oEcoue EMCCC 1 Enclosure to by by EUROPEA Corrigendum No. Corrigendum Terms of Reference for ERFA for Reference of Terms N RADIO FREQUE RADIO ANNEX C ANNEX 6 dtd dtd N CY AGENCY CY 8

Apr Apr ______59) s a as _

e appro­ re


DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE TTG pedx "A Appendix ERT -NATO SECRET European and North African territories of the NATO nations, all of all nations, NATO the of territories African North and European ukyadteUie igo n daet e ra concerned, areas sea adjacent and Kingdom United the and Turkey the ERFA Standing Committee shall undertake undertake shall : Committee Standing ERFA the by the Chairman ofERFA. Chairman the by se ERT NATO - SEÖRET M c -1162-5^ retariat, whose functions Bhall be supervised and controlled controlled and supervised Bhall be functions whose retariat, Pg a (Page . Functions. 3. a. Within the geographical area of the Continental Continental the of area geographical the Within a. b. a Radio Frequency Bureau acting as an international international an as acting Bureau Frequency aRadio b. " oEcoue 1 Enclosure to d

ded by Corrigendum No. No. Corrigendum by ded ing functions functions ing : of the Chairman to assist in performing the follow­ the performing in assist to Chairman theof war;theof period survival the lo­ initially is it that time the from activities its national members are to be at the disposal of disposal the at be to are members national its cated with a Supreme Command Headquarters through through Headquarters Command Supreme a with cated (2) When not in session as a Standing Committee, Standing a as session in not When (2) below. (1) To advise the Chairman in the conduct of ERFA ofERFA conduct thein Chairman the advise To (1) (2),d 3 paragraph in indicated as assembled be to nations, four of minimum a from Group Working nent there shall be a Standing Committee which will be will which Committee Standing a be shall there of other NATO Supreme Commands wishing to be repre­ be to wishing Commands Supreme NATO other of sented permanently and national members of the Perma­ the of members national and permanently sented composed of a SHAPE Representative, representatives representatives Representative, SHAPE a of composed (l) Out of this Permanent Working Working Permanent this of Out (l) the civil authoritie civil the thereto; amendments rent cur any and SGM-1322-52 directive Group Standing ination of radio frequencies in accordance with with accordance in frequencies radio of ination cal frequency arrangements including the coord­ the including arrangements frequency cal (b) If necessary, and after consultation with with consultation after and necessary, If (b) (a) The preparation and maintenance of techni­ of maintenance and preparation The (a) 3 - 1 34- 6 dtd dtd s

8 conce Ar 59) Apr r ned, ne "" to "C" Annex Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda G roup membership, membership, roup EMCCC to advise the advise to ­ DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Appendix "A" to to "A" Appendix SGM-1Ö2-59 ERT - NATO SECRET unless and until otherwise directed by the Standing Group: Standing the by directed otherwise until and unless the initial stages of war, the following provisions will apply apply will provisions following the ofwar, stages initial the work within the policies established by the Standing Committee. Standing the by established policies the within work unable to solve within its own competence. own its solvewithin to unable SECRET SECRET (Page added by Corrigendum No. Corrigendum by added (Page - NATO d . ofradt h MC hs rbeswihi isit which problems those EMCCC theto forward To b. c. The Radio Frequency Bureau shall execute the routine the execute shall Bureau Frequency Radio The c. . To ensure continuity of operation by ERFA prior to prior ERFA by operation of continuity ensure To in performing, inter alia, the functions noted above. noted functions the alia, inter inperforming, Chairman the to report automatically will Committee for permanent duty and be at his disposal to assist to disposal hisat be and duty permanent for ceed to that Supreme Command's War Headquarters. War Command's Supreme that to ceed Chairman and the Radio Frequency Bureau shall pro­ shall Bureau Frequency Radio the and Chairman at such time as the Supreme Command at which ERFA atwhich Command Supreme theas time such at st e oae oe oiswrhaqatr, the headquarters, itswar to moves located beto is or serve,to upon called be may ERFA as Commanders (2) At the same time, the members of the Standing Standing the of members the time,same the At (2) "general alert" by SACEUR or such other NATO Supreme NATO other such or SACEUR by alert" "general 1 A tedcaaino "enocdaet or alert" "reinforced a of declaration the At (1) E coue 1 nclosure Nations or Commands represented. Commands or Nations Nations and Commands in the European area; European the in Commands and Nations ance of cases of interference referred to itby to referred interference of cases of ance current radio frequency usage of the NATO NATO theof usage frequency radio current ical processes of a consolidated list of the of list consolidated a of processes ical make and effort, military the affect versely recommendations for alternative frequency usage; frequency alternative for recommendations (d) To assist in the identification and clear­ and identification the in assist To (d) ad­ may activities emergency civil supporting c isit when authorities military appropriate (c) The preparation and maintenance by mechan­ by maintenance and preparation The (c) onsidered possible that civil radio service radio civil that possible onsidered - 34 m - 34- m 6 dtd dtd 8 Ar 59) Apr ne "" to "C" Annex Agenda Item 4 Item Agenda EMCCC DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE 3GM-T6^2^-53 pedx "A'1 Appendix 1 Enclosure to ERT -NATO SECRET SEC R (Page added by Corrigendum No. Corrigendum by added (Page T - NA ET --- T O Command Headquarters in the matter of lo of matter the in Headquarters Command Group) and will be fully supported by that Supreme Supreme that by supported fully be will and Group) otnos operations. continuous for required facilities other and communications, time Headquarters (to be decided by the Standing Standing the by (todecided be Headquarters time (3) ERFA will be located in a Supreme Command War­ Command Supreme ain located be will ERFA (3) 34n 6 dtd dtd 8 Ar 59) Apr ne "" to "C" Annex gnaIe 4 Item Agenda EMCCC c ation, SECRET --NATÖ


Further to the production of Chairman's EMCCC supporting statement, Chairman ECSA has advised that paragraph 5 d of this statement does not reflect the views of ECSA. The ECSA position still remains as indicated in ECSA Serial 781 of 8 March 1956 (copy attached;to the present note, page ).

SECRET - NATO - 34 o - Secretary’s Addendum to SGM-162-59 Agenda Item 4 (EMCCC) Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 Secretary (Page added by Co r rigendum No.6 dtd 8 Apr 59) DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ITIUIN A i CAI 2 p.3 12 ECSA/IM in As DISTRIBUTION: 1 Enclosure 1 nlsr myb apoe nw ti i i re ta provisional that order in is this now; approved be may Enclosure ERT- NATO - SECRET . t s euse ta te rpsl nprgah8 a o the of (a) 8 paragraph in proposal the that requested is It 2. TO COPY pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ragmns led aewt HP o te eeto f civilian of retention the for SHAPE with made already arrangements esne i a myb confirmed. be may war in personnel Memorandum. this to Enclosure recently an as has Agency consideration Security Communications European The ECSA of 1. Functions Wartime SUBJECT: completed a brief study of its functions in war| this study was study this war| in functions its of study brief a completed agreed at the last meeting of the Agency and is forwarded for forwarded is and Agency the of meeting last the at agreed STAN THE FOR MEMORANDUM EC SGM-I ERT- NATO - SECRET A r m o n r M Y " A " Y M r n o m r A S A Serial Serial A 62-59 Pg add y r o C by added (Page 11 EUROPEAN COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY AGEN SECURITY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPEAN 78 MOD London MOD O Paris MOD I NORTH ATLAN NORTH D N GROUP ING T IC TREATY ORGANIZATION TREATY IC r 4£- ertr’ Addendu Secretary’s - £ 34 “ J geadnm No. 6 dtd 8 8 dtd 6 No. Jgeadnm Chair . HANKEY P. m an gna tm4 (EMCCC) 4 Item Agenda

Secretary 8 March 1956 March 8 p 59) Apr C Y m to

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue Secretary 1 to"A" Enclosure Appendix 4. In considering the rather longer term functions of the European the of functions term longer rather the considering In 4. okcudb dn o h lns ulnd nprgah2 bv by above 2 paragraph in outlined lines the on done be could work SECRET - NATO - 34 £ - Secretary's Addendum to Addendum Secretary's - -34£ NATO - SECRET omnctos euiyAec nwr i ol apa ta useful that appear would it war, in Agency Security Communications is it Agency the of functions wartime the considering In 3. eial i h frt lc t osdr h ms difficult most the consider to place first the in desirable SGM-162-59 SGM-162-59 material. cryptographic of requirements cations Security Agency on the outbreak Of war. Of outbreak the on Agency Security cations war. of time in Agency a central coordinating cryptographic agency in Europe. Exceptionally, Europe. in agency cryptographic coordinating central a icmtne. o ti rao, h floig supin ae made. are assumptions following the reason, this For circumstances. 1. The aim of this paper is to examine the duties which may be may which duties the examine to is paper this of aim The 1. hr mgt e one o sc naec ocodnt actual coordinate to agency an such for need no be might there Immediate action should be taken to dissolve the European Communi­ European the dissolve to taken be should action Immediate "F" enclosure in described as Agency, the of duties present The 2. f a sol start: should war a If follows: as summarized be may SGM-373-54, to SEÔRË ENCLOSU edd ob udrae yteErpa omnctos Secur Communications European the by undertaken be to needed o te bv raos hrfr, t s osdrd ht no that considered is it therefore, reasons above the For emnn atm Functions. Wartime Permanent war. of Outbreak ectm functions. Peacetime T - R T CASra 78l Serial ECSA TO E . te ntos nErp my on AO o other or NATO, join may Europe in nations Other agenda c. the on items unexecuted be certainly will There warning. b.little very with start Itwill a. communications of implementation coordinate To of e. improvement the for recommendations coordinate To d. . T oriae eurmns o cytgahc material. cryptographic for requirements coordinate To c.. . oat s ou ocodnt i uoe the Europe, in coordinate to forum a as act To b. . iio ewe omns n ntos s directed as nations and Commands between Liaison a. Èkî'O (Page added by Corrigendum No. Corrigendum by added (Page nations outside Europe may send forces to Europe. to forces send may Europe outside nations rporpi oeain, aeil etc. material, operations, cryptographic security policies in Europe. in policies security f h Aec t ht time. that at Agency the of and Commands of policies and plans cryptographic Group. Standing the by n?t:^ons. WARTIME FUNCTIONS OF ECSA OF FUNCTIONS WARTIME Agenda Item Item Agenda 6 dtd dtd 8 Ar 59) Apr 4 4 (EMCCC)



DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE hrfr, o b poial t ics i ute a ti stage. this at upon further it depend discuss to largely would profitable war in be not agency the of therefore, location The 6. ebr atnig f eesr o practicable. or necessary if attending members business, of all conduct of the and meetings large practicable* such be not wartime in would that members thought is It hold to months. necessary found been E and EUSEC SECAN, as Agencies ERT- NATO - SECRET . edn eiin o h pit rie aoe i i considered is it above, raised war. of points the on outbreak the decisions Pending 7. would, It above. 4 paragraph in to referred plan term long the itself resolve might correspondence, by done largely still though particul . t s eomne teeoe that: therefore recommended is It 8. on unaltered retained be should staff secretarial present the that national with commanders, operational the of meetings small into the conducting of method present The 5. supporting other such and itself, Group Standing the of scope, functions its the widening or ECSA, of s oe ofr s osbe ycrepnec. t h sm tm, and time, same the At correspondence. by possible as far so done is Loc Conclusions C onduc bus of t ine ss . Staff eetees ayqeto frvsn te em o reference of terms the revising of question any Nevertheless, a a ’ ubeko r a w of outbreak *’ b . Longer term war plans should be considered as soon as soon as considered be should plans war term Longer . b l nve o te frm ntr o te gny i has it Agency, the of nature "forum" the of view in rly tion. c. The wartime location of ECSA should be further be should ECSA of location wartime The c. a. Present arrangements should continue immediately on the on immediately continue should arrangements Present a. (Page added by CorrJ CorrJ by gr-ndnm No. added (Page jn. to Encl xmndwe h dcsos nsbpr "" ae been have "b" sub-para on decisions the when examined known. are agencies parallel and superior of those ae. ; taken. . os ure 1 . m eetings in Paris once every three every once Paris in eetings U 4r Se - r34 DAC. m ust ust t ag etn eed on depend extent large a e Agenda Item Item Agenda 6 c dtd dtd b retary's Addendum to Addendum retary's sns o t of usiness Secretary 8 Ar 9 ) 59 Apr 4 4 (EMCCC) h agency e

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix G-Ô-9 U.K. 5 Item Agenda - 35 - SGM-1Ô2-59 NATO - SECRET lcrnc Cmite myb dfiut oda, u uls the unless but draw, to difficult be may Committee, Electronics Equipment, and the military side, represented by the Communications- the by represented side, military the and Equipment, ra o rsosblt r cerydmrae te rsn lack present the demarcated clearly are responsibility of areas ncnuinad inefficiency. resulting and continue, confusion will in effort of duplication and co-ordination of field. communications-electronics the in NATO for side, represented by the Group of Experts on Telecommunications on Experts of Group the by represented side, better co-ordination between the civil and military bodies working bodies military and civil the between co-ordination better ERT NATO ~ SECRET oko h rvso fSAA 25t hs n. s a as far As end. this to 3245 STANAG of revision the on work icse a ter etn i etme 15 h desirability the 1958 September in meeting their at discussed link for STANAGS draft produced also Group) Control Fire ru ne te nentoa Saf ocryot provisional out carry to Staff International the under group f h peet O k/ saig ad rpsd ost pa sub­ a up set to proposed and spacing, kc/s 1OO present the of Equipment Telecommunications on Experts of responsi­ Group define to the attempt bilities an in circulated been recently but types 1 and 4. Nations were invited to comment. to invited were Nations 4. and 1 types quoted: be may cases following the exemple an As 3. f qimn i h UF adhvn 5 cs pcn instead spacing kc/s 50 having band UHF the in equipment of standardization h omte o xet (aa adEetoi Sses of Systems Electronic and (Radar Experts of Committee The for proposals produced SACEUR characteristics transmission . h dvdn ln btente epniiiis f h civil the of responsibilities the between line dividing The 2. . h ps ye past The 1. b. Again, although although Again, b. . nte il o lcrnc aahnln and handling data electronic of field the In a. OODNTO FCVL N MLTR - BODIES C-E MILITARY AND CIVIL OF CO-ORDINATION UPRIGPPR YUIE KINGDOM UNITED BY PAPER SUPPORTING a NATO r has shown what appears to be a need for need a be to appears what shown has r aa ik tps ad4 s rf STANAGS. draft as 4 and 1 types links data AGENDA ITEM 5 ITEM AGENDA 8 5 - 2 4 3 - M W G S OJJ flt June l6th of 8 5 9 1



the United Kingdom is aware this STANAG stems from an agreed operational requirement, and no statement has yet been made that the requirement has been changed. (AC/13O-R/2 dated 1st October 1958 refers). This action has caused some confusion,

and if persisted in could have widespread and serious conse­ quences .

4. The present lack of clarity may be due in part from the absence of an Appendix "C" to MC 2 O A dated l6th January 1958 at the time it was issued. The United Kingdom notes with satisfaction that a draft of Appendix C has now been circulated under MCM-169-58 dated 29th December 1958, and hopes that this will finally produce the desired effect. Until this draft is accepted, however, and incorporated in MC 2 O A the United Kingdom desires that the existing anomalous state be aired and discussed before the Board with a view to establishing clearly and finally the respective areas of respon­ sibility of the civil and military bodies, and to effect better

co-ordination and co-operation between them.

SECRET - NATO - 36 - Agenda Item 5 SGM-Ï62-59 U.K. Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix atm cuirsrie ecniud uigrfrneaa theasa reference using continued, be service courier wartime SECRET SECRET o esg rfi btente .. n UK bace ofDSEB, branches U.K. and U.S. the between traffic message for atm orega evc.Rfrne ulse h eal of details the published b Reference Service. Couriergram Wartime ar iiinsipn messages. shipping civilian carry to service couriergram the for given be approval that requests and ERT NATO ~ SECRET hyb unse udnefrftr planning. future for guidance befurnished they and exercise to scheduled be exercises separate that and basis, tts htte rpsdcuirrmsriewudb ms useful most be would service couriergram proposed the that states ytmwihwudprle h ots oee yte U.S. Armed theby covered routes the parallel would which system et h sse.SCATrqetdta h urm omnes be Commanders Supreme the that requested SACLANT system. thetest Group. Standing the by recognized be service couriergram NATO a for need the that suggested SACEUR c reference at fte lnigBadfr ca hpig (PBOS). report This Ocean Shipping for Board Planning ofthe Party the CEC. The U.S. has stated that it cannot support a couriergram couriergram a support itcannot that stated has U.S. The theCEC. SGM-162-59 informed of the Standing Group position in this matter and that and matter thisin position Group Standing the of informed By Committee. Planning Communications Civil theto proposal this . s f 0Mrh15, gemn a o be ece in reached been not had agreement 1959, 10 March of As 4. 3. Reference e quotes a report by the Communications Working Working theCommunications by report a quotes e Reference 3. eeecs a. References: 2. By reference.d SACLANT suggested that planning of a of planning that suggested SACLANT reference.d By 2. 1. Reference a contains a proposal for a Major Commander^ Commander^ aMajor 'for proposal a contains a Reference 1. -NATO 7 - -37 & .e d. f b. c_. . SUPPORTING STATEMENT BY CECBY STATEMENT SUPPORTING Committee AC/121-D/6 of 17 May 57 17May of AC/121-D/6 Committee Committee AC/121-D/36 of 7 Jan 59 Jan 7 of AC/121-D/36 Committee Planning Communications Civil ii omnctos Planning Communications Civil SACEUR msg SH 24701 of 24701 msgSH SACEUR SGM- SACLANT Serial I Serial SACLANT SACLANT Serial IO Serial SACLANT NATO COUR NATO 1ER SYSTEM GRAM 27 GNA ITEM 6 AGENDA O -57 ON 69 9 of 1 Feb 57 1ofFeb I of 30 Sep 58 Sep of30 I J l5 (NOTAL)53 ul Agenda Item 6 Item Agenda C E C DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ■EMCCC.-Ofta pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SGM-I S wartime traffic load on the electrical system". electrical the on load traffic wartime the unse yrfrnef, ii RCS adig fmsae traffic message of handling ,ARFCOS limit f reference by furnished frfrnedfrawrie i ore srie t eiv the "to relieve service courier air awartime for d reference of 5 paragraph in stated requirement the meeting from ARFCOS prevent to as restrictive sois instruction this that considers CECThe transmission." to respect with priority ofhighest urgency requiring because of circuit outage and certified as official business official as certified and outage circuit of because Commanders produce a plan for a couriergram service which will will which service couriergram a for plan a produce Commanders to "Communications matter incapable of electronic transmission transmission electronic of incapable matter "Communications to cont (A Service Courier Forces nrfrne|) h UK hs ged npicpewt h proposals the with principle in agreed has U.K. The |\) reference in (as indicated the inARFCOS available now facilities the of use make ERT NATO - SECRET E CRET CRET a <6rr~ B; 62-59 5. It is noted that paragraph 1 d, of the instructions instructions the of d,1 paragraph that noted is It 5. d. in reference ined -NATO - T n HT» R FCOS) and reco and FCOS) Hnp■ p n IH 38 1 I ff i'H t i f f»11/ p - R n U n m n . TT. H 1 .« nrnmrrnjf n .«nrnmrrnjf 1 H TT. . n m n U n R - p f»11/ f i t i'H ff I 1 - - h roimE. ' Er. m i o ar cha L : • L ' à - -e tàa-T- m ! ' ' mended that the Supreme Supreme the that mended e qu»s-t-od r gna Itemb Agenda C E C 0

ut e 1 he' c epnaq

a~G ! ! ■ 6~po^-of■ n frp; : 'i ! ; .....j £` g r m r^ DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Appendix "A" to En to "A" Appendix G-6-9 SACLANT SGM-162-59 ERT NT - NATO - SECRET il e ae nEecs SD SE i etme 1959. September in STEP SIDE Exercise in made be will because made was test no but 1957» September in BACK STRIKE Exercise for such such for SECRET needed and that planning should be undertaken in peacetime. in undertaken be should be will planning that service and needed couriergram a that considers SACLANT war, in tions for for couriergram service. couriergram conferences with other commands, and in 1957 SACLANT forwarded SACLANT 1957 in and commands, other with conferences f h sot uain f h exercise. the of duration short the of 169 h eprec gie idctd h ueuns o sc service. a such of usefulness the indicated gained experience the then proposals agreed with SACEUR and CINCHAN to the SGN (SACLANT serial (SACLANT SGN the to CINCHAN and SACEUR with agreed proposals results The 1953« September in MARINER in Exercise time first the nSpebr 95 Ti ts a lmtd nsoe n uain but duration, and scope in limited was test This 1955» in September dtd e 15) Ti lte requested: letter This 1957)« Feb 1 dated a . h peet iuto s htCmad hv cae planning ceased have Commands that is situation present The 4. . h SNare (2O8 e 5) oafrhr et in test further a to 57) Feb (22OO58Z agreed SGN The 3. . orega evc hs endsusd t nme of number a at discussed been has service couriergram A 2. • nve o te niiae svr dsuto f communica­ of disruption severe anticipated the of view In 5• o 1. atm cuirrmsrie ni the until service couriergram wartime tie ee h bss f agr et nEecs IE LINE LIFE Exercise in test larger a of basis the were btained A -NATO â» Agreement in principle to a NATO Commanders’ wart Commanders’ NATO a to principle in Agreement â» a . uhrzto ocnut ain aot facilities. about nations consult to Authorization b. service and this is being considered by the CECj.test the No by considered being is this and service orega evc a ognzd nte CATae for area ACLANT the in organized was service couriergram SUPPORTING STATEMENT BY SACLANT BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING c oue 1 losure NATO COUR COUR NATO 1ER G AGENDA ITEM ITEM AGENDA m 39 R - - Agenda Item Item Agenda -- AM SERVICE AM 6 SJN SJN ofrs h need the confirms


i me

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SECRET - NATO - 4O - Agenda Item 9 Item Agenda - -4O 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix NATO - SECRET G-6-9 U.S. SGM-162-59 operational aircraft fitted with TACAN by 1 January I960. These will Thesewill I960. January 1by TACAN with fitted aircraft operational Plan. TACAN SHAPE the incompleting progress of lack apparent the hs TCNbaos en unse b SF is available. USAFE by furnished being beacons TACAN those for dates operational estimated and status procurement Specific nlddmn ihpromnearrf qipdwt AA s theas TACAN with equipped aircraft performance high many included overseas its of all have to plans Force Air States United The an almost complete lack of information on the status of nationally nationally of status the on information of lack complete almost an resources. national from III.DISCUSSION provided ground beacons. ground provided implementation of the Plan is neither complete nor up-to-date. nor complete is neither Plan theof implementation and Infrastructure NATO Common under provided being beacons TACAN of NATO C-E Board Meetings have indicated serious delays in procurement procurement in delays serious indicated have Meetings Board NATO C-E NATO by provided 79 with beacons, published 30 November 195? includes a total of 216 TACAN ground TACAN of216 total a includes 195? November 30 published Specifically, Plan. TACAN SHAPE theof implementation the on report I BACKGR II. listed beacons ground TACAN all for dates operational estimated in the Plan is desired. Plan thein nomto ocrigteeatsau o poueet and procurement of status exact the concerning information . PROBLEM I. NATO - SECRET 3. The United States is becoming increasingly concerned with with concerned increasingly is becoming States United The 3. . . Th a. 2. 1. This item is placed on the agenda to obtain an up-to-date up-to-date an obtain to agenda the on placed is item This 1. c. Information available to the Standing Group concerning concerning Group Standing the to available Information c. b. SHAPE TACAN Plan Status reports at the Fifth and Sixth and theFifth at reports Status Plan TACAN SHAPE b. O UND UPRIGSAEETB NTD STATES UNITED BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING o revised revised SHAPE TACAN PLAN STATU PLAN TACAN SHAPE S AE AA ln-Ale omn uoe - Europe Command - Allied Plan TACAN HAPE AGENDA ITEM 9 ITEM AGENDA ÛÜ Common S Infrastructure and 137 and Infrastructure REPORT SECRET - NA.T O

only navigational aid. Any delays in the implementation of TACAN ground environment in the European Theater of operations beyond 1 January I960 will seriously affect the operational capabilities of the U.S. Air Forces assigned to that area.

IV. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that: a. SHAPE continued to emphasize the importance of each

NATO Nation completing its portion of the SHAPE TACAN Plan. b. SHAPE include in his periodic reports the estimated operational dates for all TACAN ground beacon locations listed in the SHAPE TACAN Plan.

SECRET - NATO - 4l - Agenda Item 9 SGM-162~3?9 U.S. Appendix nA" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Appendix "A" to to "A" Appendix SECRET - NATO - 42 - Agenda Item 9 Item Agenda - -42 NATO - SECRET omte ece gemn o h poueet f h Infr the of procurement the on agreement reached Committee SGM- AA ecn ttermeig n2My15. aial t s that isit Basically 1958. on 2May meeting their at beacons TACAN issued criteria approved upon based details construction h NC nrsrcueCmite ls "" siae o site of estimates "B" Class Committee, Infrastructure NACthe to SHAP2 through submit to and surveys site conduct to authorized hud ae neet f h cvlatoiis mature. authorities civil the of interest late should scheme military the of readjustment scale large future against insureto and Agencies Aviation Civil by European requirement 0 hnes ny7 eealte. hs et3 ome possible ameet to 35 left This allotted. 74were only channels 109 mrcnntoal upidbaosfr USAFE. for beacons supplied nationally American the frequency band were reserved for IFF 10 and of the remaining remaining the of and10 IFF for reserved were band frequency the of channels 126 total theof 17 USA, the from on advice Based 1958. remaining 137 to be nationally financed and of these 43 will be will 43these of and financed nationally beto 137 remaining otisalteare NT n ainlmltr eurmns for requirements military national and NATO agreed the all contains ecnsts hogotErp. oa o 1 baos r planned, are beacons of216 total A Europe. throughout sites beacon f hs 7 ilb NT omnyfnne ihcvrbaos the beacons, high-cover financed commonly NATO be 79 will theseof ERT NATO - SECRET . BACKG I. 162-59 4. Infrastructure Beacon Equipment Beacon Infrastructure 4. 3 . Infrastructure Site Construction Site Infrastructure 3 . . Frequencies. 2. . h Plan. The 1. After protracted discussions the NAC Infrastructure Infrastructure NAC the discussions protracted After For more than two years each European nation has been been has nation each European yearstwo than more For An ERFA/SHAPE agreed Frequency Plan was issued in January in issued Plan was Frequency agreed ERFA/SHAPE An h lidCmadErp TCNPa sud nNvme 1957 November in Issued Plan TACAN Europe Command Allied The SHAPE R OUND E coue 1 nclosure SUPPORTING STATEMENT BY SHAPE BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING SHAPE TACAN PROJECT TACAN SHAPE AGENDA ITEM 9 ITEM AGENDA ON a stru e ture DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SECRET SECRET SGM-I channels from ideally and band the of half lower the from pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix be increased to l to increased be Navies asked that their existing existing their that asked Navies remaining European countries have not yet submitted their Class Class their submitted yet not have countries European remaining soon. quite given be will B etmtsfr approval. for estimates "B" ocntut hi ie i ie o tearvlo qimn. The equipment. of arrival the for in time sites their construct to their Class "B" estimates approved and these countries can proceed can countries these and approved "B" estimates Class their can be co-ordinated. It is very much hoped that this assistance assistance this that hoped much isvery It co-ordinated. be can to all nations stressing the necessity for SHAPE to be kept informed informed kept be to SHAPE for necessity the stressing nations all to structure and National Beacons Equipment. Queries have been sent been have Queries Equipment. Beacons National and structure of progress in order that the build-up of ground and air TACAN TACAN air and ground of build-up the that order in progress of nw tSAEwa te ain aedigt banter Infra­ their obtain to doing are nations the what SHAPE at known isnot it USA, by nations to supplied beacons MDAP the and these from Apart USAFE. of request the at installed mostly sites, structure countries non-producing the and equipment per 29,000 E receive will and the remainder are remainder the and ahErpa rdcn ain Uie Kndm rnead Italy) and France Kingdom, (United nation producing European each quarter of this year. Of these 3 are fixed Infrastructure Stations Stations Infrastructure fixed are 3 these Of year. this of quarter countries. producer theEuropean of one or USA the from equipment order may installed by Italy, 32 are USAFE American national installations installations national American USAFE are 32 Italy, by installed II. CURRENT STATUS CURRENT II. NATO - SECRET 62-59 7. Beacon Frequencies Beacon 7. 6 5« Ground Beacon Equipment Beacon Ground 5« . Infrastructure Sites Infrastructure . -NATO t h NVARO ofrne nNvme 98te NATO the 1958 November in Conference NAVMAIRCOM the At To date Italy, Greece, Turkey, Belgium and Denmark have had have Denmark and Belgium Turkey, Greece, Italy, Todate 47 beacons should be operational by the end of the first first the of end the by operational be should beacons 47 3 - - 43 6 . It was requested that these channels be provided provided be channels these that requested . Itwas 5 5 European national and national European 8 channels for "World-wide Ships" "World-wide for channels 7 7 mobiles on infra­ on mobiles Agenda Item 9 Item Agenda SHAPE 1 to l to 6 , DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ute, t s nesod ht h mjrt o te ilb retros­ be will them of majority the that understood is it Further, I in early fitting begin aircraft French ENCA and E and ENCA pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NATO - SECRET fitted with TACAN. Of this number about about number this Of TACAN. with fitted 2OOO, will be American MDAP-supplied aircraft. The first two groups two first The aircraft. MDAP-supplied American be will 2OOO, unuseable was TACAN that said based was plan ERFA the which on data n o ti year. this of end instructions and kits modification quantity, in available is ment the which in countries in are aircraft these of proportion large A to submitted being are questions and SHAPE at made been since has n HP o nomto ob sple b ALN, be SACLANT, by supplied be to information on SHAPE and about about r te odn atr t rsn admynt e sud eoe the before issued be not may and present at factor holding the are TACAN. with fitted be to aircraft MDAP of number large the of supply SECRET - NATO - 44 - Agenda Item 9 Item Agenda - -44 NATO - SECRET plan. U.S.thein them ofuse priority has Navy U.S. the because hudrahter ekaot h ed f 91 hwvr ftig of fitting however, 1961, of end the about peak their reach should authority, U.S. other any and SACLANT, aid to Group Standing the onre o ar n gon TCNad icat hv te capability the have aircraft, and TACAN ground and air of countries hs etn dcdd ht h rqieet e xmnd yEC, ERFA ENCA, by examined be requirement the that decided meeting This etvl itdwt AA nErp adatog icat equip­ aircraft although and Europe in TACAN with fitted pectively of date and rate the of USAF Headquarters from shortly provided G-6-9 SHAPE SGM-162-59 nyarrf TCNcpblt ilb i DPsple aircraft. MDAP-supplied in be will capability TACAN aircraft only SF arrf hs eu, h Biihbgneryi 90ad the and I960 in early begin British the begun, has aircraft USAFE information supplied U.S. all of review careful A channels. these on to ensure the co-ordinated build-up of a TACAN environment in their in environment TACAN a of build-up co-ordinated the ensure to in supplying the required up-to-date information for use by SHAPE, by use for information up-to-date required the supplying in III.SUMMARY . icatFtig Programme Fitting Aircraft 8. . h UA Uie KndmadFac, s manufacturing as France, and Kingdom United USA, The 9. 50 ilb uoenbit icatad h rmidr about remainder, the and aircraft built European be will O Nations have advised SHAPE that some some that SHAPE advised have Nations R FA. 13 96 Owl e SF aircraft, USAFE be will OO I. More details will be will details More I. 38 OO aircraft will be will aircraft OO c ue the ause

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT -4 - -45 -NATO SECRET SGM-162-^9 Air Forces in Europe. in Forces Air from Italy, should hasten all outstanding construction procurement construction outstanding all hasten should Italy, from ucl s osbe n eep o u-odt U information. US up-to-date of receipt on possible as quickly ready be will beacons ground that ensure to as so installation and f h MA icat upyfo h US authorities. U.S. the from supply aircraft MDAP the of use. into come aircraft fitted TACAN that time the by pedx"" oEcoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix - SECRET 2 Rslto f hnes o NT Nve wl b hnld as handled be will Navies NATO for channels of Resolution 12. 1 Ntos il e die s ona SAE eivs details recieves SHAPE as soon as advised be will Nations 11. 0 Hwvr ohr onre rciigMA icat apart aircraft, MDAP receiving countries other However, 10. N ATO Agenda Item 9 Item Agenda SHAPE





1. The NATO has standardized on TACAN for military utilization. VOR is listed in Annex 10 to the ICAO Convention as the civil standard air navigation aid for terminal use where, because of traffic density, there is a requirement for such a device. Because of the number of VORs now operating in the Western European area it is also being used an an enroute aid. The special COM/OPS/RAC meeting convened under the auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organization in February 1959,

Montreal, recommended:

a. The continuation and expansion of the ICAO Standard

VOR, and its full recognition as the standard aid for both

enrouue- and terminal use. b. Changing the present ICAO DME Specification Standards to "DMET". DMET, although similar in fundamental principle

of operation, differs from the present ICAO DME in channeling

techniques, identification, pulse shape, space moding, and

reply delay. This includes the international standardization of a VOR/DMET frequency pairing plan which is identical to that in use in the United States. c. DMET as a complement to VOR, when, for operational reasons or because of air traffic control reasons such as air traffic density and proximity of routes, there is a need for more precise navigation. d. A protection date for the proposed DMET and extension of protection for VOR to 1 January 1975* The revised SHAPE TACAN Plan published 30 November 1957,

SECRET - NATO - 46 Agenda Item 10 SGM-162-59 U.S. Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - NATO - SECRET pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SGM-162-59 SGM-162-59 ohmltr n ii sr o tearpc a follows: as airspace the of users civil and military both TACAN cha TACAN iiinuae n 7fr IFF. for17 and usage civilian possible any for available 35 leaving channels, 74 only utilizes SECRET SECRET European civil aviation representatives to resolve on a on resolve to representatives aviation civil European frequency problems arising from planned European VOR/DMET and VOR/DMET European planned from arising problems frequency cooperative basis the joint use of TACAN channels and any any and channels TACAN of joint use the basis cooperative TACAN installations. TACAN and representatives military NATO appropriate between meetings * t s eomne that: recommended is It 3* standard in Europe upon the current SHAPE TACAN Plan. TACAN SHAPE current the upon in Europe standard isae nete pae rwr s fetee importance. ofextreme is orwar peace either in airspace with equipped when environment control compatible in a world either TACAN, or VOR plus TACAN compatible DME. Safe operation operation Safe DME. compatible TACAN plus VOR or TACAN, either n ii icat ofytruhu ag prino theof portion large a throughout fly to aircraft civil and f nentoa ii n iiayarrf i h samethe in aircraft military and civil international of channels to accommodate both TACAN and DMET will allow military military allow will and DMET TACAN both accommodate to channels flexibility and maximum efficiency in use of the frequency frequency the of use in efficiency maximum and flexibility sprectrum 960-1215 Mes. Maximum practicable joint use of TACAN TACAN of joint use practicable Maximum Mes. 960-1215 sprectrum Properly planned, this will provide maximum operational operational maximum provide thiswill planned, Properly basis. Beacon System/IFF guard band and tactical on a noninterference noninterference a on tactical and band guard System/IFF Beacon ihnvlsis aig roiywti O atclmls of miles nautical 5OO within priority having ships naval with h US coast. U.S.the . h Uie tts s lnig h jit codntd s of use coordinated joint, the planning is States United The 2. - NATO a. An evaluation be made of the impact of DMET as an ICAO an as ofDMET impact the of made be evaluation An a. . ossetwt euiycnieain SAE arrange SHAPE considerations security with Consistent b. d. Channels 70-126 inclusive - Common civil/military. civil/military. - Common inclusive 70-126 Channels d. c . . Channels 60-69 inclusive - Air Traffic Control Radar Radar Control Traffic Air - inclusive 60-69 c.. Channels . hnes 75 nlsv - inclusive 17-59 Channels b. a. Channels 1-16 inclusive - Allocated to the U.S. military military U.S.the to - Allocated inclusive 1-16 Channels a. n es opoie aiu itnemauigsrie to service measuring distance maximum provide to nels 1+7 - Agenda Item 10 Item Agenda - Common civil/military. tt

o DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE will be available before about 1965« about before available be will S fourth fourth SECRET - NATO - 48 - Agenda Item 11 Item Agenda - -48 NATO - SECRET stated at this time, but it seems doubtful whether the station station the whether seemsdoubtful it but time,this at stated project. infrastructure 1955 thisfor found inSCO NICK, near due to poor soil condu soil poor to due ERT NATO - SECRET pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix M125 SACLANT GM-162-59 . t s euse ta the Board: that is requested It 3. VLF breakdown arrangements recently inserted in NCCP 2.NCCP in inserted recently arrangements breakdown VLF years. some for unsatisfactory arrangements for sharing VLF time will continue timewill VLF sharing for arrangements unsatisfactory 2. The delay to this vital programme cannot be accurately beaccurately cannot programme vital thisto Thedelay 2. broadcasts. 1. A report has been received that the site at WESTERDALE, at site the that received been has report A 1. in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean to read surface toread Mediterranean and Atlantic theinEastern V LF transmitter in Europe, has now been found unsuitable, been found now has in Europe, transmitter LF c present the that means which situation above the Note a. . oe ht t s oe t et n15 xrie the exercises 1959 in test to is hoped it that Note b. Nt ta i mybcm ncsayfr oe submarines somefor necessary become it may that Note . SUPPORTIN T AD hc a encoe s h st o afor site theas chosen been had which LAND, WESTERDALE VLF STATION VLF WESTERDALE c tivity. A new site will therefore have to be to have therefore sitewill new A tivity. AGENDA ITEM 11 ITEM AGENDA G STATEMENT BY SACLANT BY STATEMENT ON DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NATO - SECRET SGM-162-59 urn sau o al hss f h project: the of phases all of status current Chart completed. been has hs lns iacd yte ntdSae. h floig s the is following The States. United the by financed links those I. PRESENT STATUS PRESENT I. equipment for ACE HIGH on 12 December 1958. Official notifica- Official 1958. 12 on December HIGH ACE for equipment for funds commit to authorization for request SHAPE'S approved for operation on on operation for ^LarpT-^ u i tin lu piTr-1^— a^wLsaxr * th,n 1 nl TrnTTI rTf ilii I i i'ti ' i i n i i' i i'T W r p 'iï'"t"iT i I I -iiliiiif n f^ T fr I^ T T n r tT ^ lr In 1 ,1n t.h '* l b 99 A te opeino tee et, HP il e be to able be will SHAPE tests, these of January completion 15 the on At links 1959* these on began test operational sixty-day 1 "pnpjf Irn tlnn" tlnn" Irn "pnpjf operated by Allied Command Europe. Command Allied by operated u oeainl rfi oe .hs lns ( 4 _ r„ ( .these over links. traffic operational put . - NATO - y.c IJ^ ir W CURRENT STATU CURRENT d. ACE HIGH (Tropospheric Scatter. NATO financed). NATO (TroposphericScatter. HIGH ACE d. . O IE Toopei Satr Nra. iacd by Financed Norway. - Scatter (Tropospheric LINE HOT a. b. DOUBLE JUMP (Ionospheric Scatter - IZMIR-NAPLES-PARIS . IZMIR-NAPLES-PARIS - Scatter (Ionospheric JUMP DOUBLE b. t eiÀWU>c«os ' ^ ' èeoieÀeW`U->&c.«oo^s. o U J W w It h dota^àa The The Infrastructure Payments and Progress Committee Committee Progress and Payments Infrastructure The This portion of the system was turned over to SHAPE to over turned was system the of portion This ntlaino tee ik hs encmltd A completed. been has links these of Installation The final system design of the ACE Forward Scatter System Scatter Forward ACE the of design system final The !ci^ c t t h in Hnln Hnln in h t ct !ci^ - UP-^^ï^ph£^^rS£aJa»a> ^ ^ £ h p ^ ï ^ ^ - »U P UPRIG TTMN B SHAPE BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING | y ^^rpniil F" Ir ‘ PITr ^ L i r ^ j rep1ntijirl" F ■ ^ ^ Qy> H ,|b ^ / a r f S OF THE ACE FORWARD SCATTER SYSTEM SCATTER FORWARD ACE THE OF 12 the United States). United the iiimI August 1958» The system is currently being currently is system The 1958» August #1 #1 GNA TM 12 ITEM AGENDA Financed by the United States). United the by Financed

lu s a is 4 - 49 - TfiSib-l 1 y r - à ^ h ^ i-bY-'lM ITTfti S m ap of the system incorporating system the of ap t 1 b il "| 'illr T b^ 111 Agenda Item 12 Item Agenda SHAPE -NATQ- 0 A \ i T " '*~ T"1' ' ii1 j'n ftnnnrrilnp ■ i

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NATO - SECRET SF.CRET - NATO NATO SF.CRET - G-6-9 SHAPE SGM-162-59 pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix According to the present schedule, delivery of equipment will will ofequipment delivery schedule, present the to According nen isalto nst ilbgni uut15, and 1959, in August begin siteonwill installation Antenna been have proposals bid Seven procurements. all for firms od i rne tLO n NC.Wr ntee od be roads these on NICE.Work and LYON at in France roads custo a be opee. nalohrcutis acqui­ countries, other In all completed. been has acquisition c 1961. February by completed be remaining the that contemplated is It antennas. and regulators voltage load, dummy amplified, power KW one the for awarded sition is in progress. The scheduled target date for completion completion for date target scheduled The progress. in is sition I960. in February commence will deliveries equipment multiplex equipment. multiplex and ofantennas exception the with 1959 1959. February 3 by opened be will bids been received for: received been have estimates National Italy. in sites six and in Turkey sites Infrastruc­ the to submitted been have lists bidders' all and which funds have already been authorized authorized been already have funds which n1Nvme 1958« November 1on been have Contracts ofevaluation. progress the in are they ueCmite ad niain t i ae enmie to mailed been have bid to invitations and tureCommittee, f custo o l ie i pi 1959. isApril sites all for of acquisition or proposals these on awarded been have contracts and opened Charges des Cahiers made. been has procurements on all tion o mpleted. In Italy, except for the station at LAME, all site all LAME, at station the for except Italy, In mpleted. Equipment deliveries are planned to commence in December in December commence to planned are deliveries Equipment otat hv be e o h cntuto f acceof construction the for let been have Contracts Funds for construction work have been authorized for authorized been have work construction for Funds h is otat frcntuto oko ie forsites on work construction for contracts first The In the c In the 4 sites in Greece in sites 4 3 sites in Norway in sites 3 5 sites in Turkey in 5sites o nstruction area, the survey of all sites has been been has sites all of survey the area, nstruction - 50 - Agenda Item 12 Item Agenda - 50 a re expe re c ted to be to ted DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE has occurred in this time. However, when compared with the firstthe with compared when However, time. this in occurred has can be contributed mainly to: mainly contributed be can SECRET - NATO - 51 - Agenda Jten 12 Jten Agenda - 51 - NATO - SECRET since elapsed have will months nine and years five approximately pointed be also Itmust occurred. has months sixteen of slippage a 1957, May 1 from implementation for months thirty-six of schedule program the in months eight of slippage athat seen be It can 1958. ERT NATO - SECRET this requirement was presented to the Standing Group by SACEUR. Group theStanding to presented was requirement this on February 4 Committee Infrastructure theto presented schedule u ta, rvdn hr i n ute lpae nte program, in the slippage further is no there providing that,out G-6-* SHAPE SGM-l62-5*9 the with compared is schedule This project. HIGH theofACE I SUMMARY II. pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix a rqie o dtie egneig st sres path surveys, site engineering, detailed for required was February I960. It is estimated that fifteen months will be will months fifteen that is Itestimated I960. February is o etme 1961. ofSeptember first is installation After installation. the complete to required 2. Chart # 2 shows the current schedule for implementation implementation for schedule current the shows 2 # Chart 2. supin hc ae poe fle Tu, diinl time additional Thus, false. proved later which assumptions estimated that the system will be fully operational by the by operational fully be will system the that estimated osrcinwl b cmltd y June by completed be will construction conducted over a three-month period. Thus, it is currently is currently it Thus, period. three-month aover conducted be will acceptance and inspection tests, system completed, all estimates on very cursory map studies and information and information and studies map cursory very on estimates all let in January January in let aint omt funds. authori­ commit to obtaining zation in delays and funds increased of approval rpgto et etc. tests propagation . vrsmlfcto f h iiil rga n basing and program initial the of Over-simplification a. The delays which have occurred in the program to date to program the in occurred have which delays The . egh f ie eurdfr prvl f h project, the of approval for required time of Length b. Installation of the electronic equipment will begin in begin will equipment electronic theof Installation 1959. codn t h peet ceue all schedule, present the to According I960.

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SECRET - NATO - 52 - Agenda Item 12 Item Agenda - 52 - NATO - SECRET G-6-9 SHAPE SGM-162-59 SECR pedx "A Appendix E r te nydlyn atr frse nte program. the in foreseen factors delaying only the are qimn viaiiyaentecutrd t hs ie these time, this At encountered. not are availability equipment in delays further that so eliminated be must accomplished full co-operation of all agencies concerned will be required. be will concerned agencies of all co-operation full programs. Outside interference in the procurements yet to beto yet procurements the in interference Outside programs. three months. three through and direct the site acquisition and construction construction and acquisition site the direct and through It will be necessary for the MQDs of all countries to follow tofollow countries all of MQDs the for necessary be It will production time increased the over-all program by approximately approximately by program over-all the increased time production longer This production. for required time the lengthen to necessary itwas ofequipment, items critical for list - NATO - T . nodr oadmr uoenfrs ote bidders' the to firms European more add to order In c. " oEcoue 1 Enclosure to nodrt rvn ute sipg i h program, the in slippage further prevent to orderIn — TW'.,.- V i ia . ` £`?______> NATO UhC<^Ä.-^tri£^l ■. / EUROPE .A. ; /1 jjZArT''"'nl’JPj' ' * ' \\ \ I PRO JECT ACE HIGH I DECEMBER 1840 \




Encl.l to SHAPE Supporting Paper - Current Status of ACE Forward Syetern DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE *3 ■n c` 5S i.«3 ä M r V f— • CJ Enci 2 2 to C..HAPE Supp ort ingPaper ~ C u r etSau ACE rent Fo Statue r v ^ -catter Syetea ^ v iffe oi i^;. U •i“ } •"' i i r jr.! SS t'-- 1 -. r. M c f V 5 D DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE was not certain whether the projects envisaged are within the within are envisaged projects the whether certain not was pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ol e essential. be would SECRET - NATO - 55 - Agenda Item 13 Item Agenda - 55 - NATO - SECRET MAS party. a ofworking of reference terms and task the defining itthat commented MAS b reference By assigned be dization standar­ maintain and establish to STANAGs on draft action further n i i cranta A ol eur tcnclassac in assistance technical require would MAS that is certain it and Link for STANAGs draft theof approval for AER advi SACEUR and ofcontrol passing for messages of classifications six for G-6-9 C E C SGM-162-59 specialized is very task the of nature the but orMAS of CEC sphere commands. and f ollows: methods. handling data electronic with information reporting n ta atnac o aSAErpeettv o h okn party the on working representative a ofSHAPE attendance that and andSHAPE by CEC provided be might assistance this that suggests ratification. and processing for MASto them NATO - SECRET tactical control centers or master radar stations) and Link 4Link and stations) radar ormaster centers control tactical (Ground-to-air and air-to-ground) has been completed with nations with completed been has air-to-ground) and(Ground-to-air 4. The Standing Group position was stated in reference ç as ç in reference stated was position Group TheStanding 4. 2. As of 10 March 1959 the CEC was awaiting national guidance national awaiting was theCEC1959 March 10 of As 2. 3. Reference a also recommended that responsibility for responsibility that recommended also a Reference 3. 1. Reference a reports to the Standing Group a requirement requirement a Group theStanding to reports a Reference 1. References: a. SHAPE ltr AG 317O/3171.1 ADEF of 8 Jan 59 Jan 8of ADEF 317O/3171.1 ltrAG SHAPE a. References: s s htcodnto fLn (Betweendefense air 1 of Link coordination that es . SM695 (NOTAL)S.. SGM-639-58 . C O4 pedx"" (proposed)"C" Appendix 2O/4, MC e. S d. b. MASEC 259 259 MASEC b. ELECTRONIC DATA TRANSMISSION DATA ELECTRONIC SUPPORTING STATEMENT BY CEC BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING G M-143-57 GNA ITEM13 AGENDA o O£ 0 Jan 30 f 5 (NOTAL)9 s n bfr passing before and4 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE with guidance as to future action for standardization of electronic ofelectronic standardization for action future to as guidance with data transmission matters. transmission data eeec ,CEC. the on a reference in by SACEUR recommended action, further the for responsibility Standardization (MAS) for the production ofSTANAGs,1’ production the (MAS) for Standardization ERT- AO 6 - 56 - NATO- SECRET Commands, theChannel and ofSACLANT those with coordinated been have requirements these When of SACEUR. requirements the determining of process the in step abe to considered is 1958) August 20 of 25699 SH (SACEUR message by convened meeting The requirements. ERT NATO ~ SECRET SGM-162-^9 for Agency Military the to them pass will Group Standing the such of statements obtain must Group Standing the commanders, In Group. Standing the by coordinated be therefore, must, and for electronic data handling systems have NATO-wide application application NATO-wide have systems handling data electronic for re t ersosv t h mltr eurmns fte NATO the of requirements military the to responsive be to order Apnend . t s eomne htteCEBad rvd theCEC provide Board theC-E that is recommended It 6. . t s osdrdta eeecsdade lc the place eand d references that is considered It 5. "The Standing Group considers that compatibility standards compatibility that considers Group "TheStanding i x "A" to Enc to "A" x l sr 1 osure Agenda Item 13 Item Agenda :C E DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE S-GM-162-59 SAC SAC LA NT S-GM-162-59 pedx"“ nime 1 Enciomre Appendix"A“ DEC P. EC OMMENDATION Standing Group for ratification. SACEUR will present them to ato them present will SACEUR ratification. for Group Standing agreements agreements . prtoa requirements. operational . A Annex as ERT NATO - SECRET t h 6th theat noacut rsn ntoa n urm omnes pas and plans Commanders' andSupreme national present account into MAT Comm Supreme the by agreed were shore the and ships between R ' AUTOMATIC DATA TRANSMISSI DATA AUTOMATIC ' O ET ET . NAT - gopo xet fr suy f h tcncldtis taking details, technical the of study a for ofexperts group » t s eomne ta te or nt te st the note Board the that is recommended It 3» 2. These requirements have been presented by SACLANT to theto SACLANT by presented been have requirements These 2. . h oeainlrqieet frdt trans data for requirements operational The 1. P O CC (aur 99. hs rqieet ae attached are requirements These (January 1959). .C.C. - S UPPOR T ING STATEMENT BY SACLAN BY INGSTATEMENT GNA TMHH ITEM AGENDA 57 QE - Agenda Agenda - O N T m a ission linksission eet oftement Item a

nders 13 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Appendix "A" to to "A" Appendix G-o-9 oAed Ie 13 Item Agenda to SGM-lo2-59 omnes s necessary. as Commanders fiLuch and OTCArea the between exchanged be also may information ERT NT - 8 Anx "A" Annex - 58 - NATO - SECRET item 4/3 of 5th FCC. 5th of item 4/3 of 2(c) (a), and 2(b) 2 paragraphs in listed circuits appropriate the methods. communication by normal information alert pass will SACEUR would be exchanged between the fleet ADC (as designated by COMSTRIK- by COMSTRIK- (as designated ADC fleet the between exchanged be would Information to be passed bv Conventional Communica bv Conventional passed beto Information FLTLANT) and selected RADC/JCCs by means other than automatic data automatic than other means by RADC/JCCs selected and FLTLANT) al ann Information: Warning Early hs al ann ifrainwl e asddrcl yte circuits theby directly passed be will information warning early this nprs ()b() f tm43 f h 5th the of item 4/3 of (a)(b)(c) 2parasin transmission systems. When STRIKED STRIKED When systems. TLAtransmission area operating his NTenters account account : Forewo ERT- NATO - SECRET * hs nomto ilb pse ewe h atoiis on authorities the between passed be will information This 3* 2. It was agreed at the 5th P.C.C. that early warning information information warning early that P.C.C. 5th theat agreed It was 2. igas fti sse r vial o iwn ifrequired. viewing for available are system this of Diagrams n shore.and operations centers (LINK I), between S (LINK between I), centers operations gemn, s elce i ainlsi n i itn progress. fitting air and ship national in reflected as agreement, . n icsino aa rnmsinsses ut ae int take must systems transmission on data discussion Any 1. LN I) adbtengon n air.and ground between and(LINKIII), r d : a . From shore forces to naval forces. naval to forces shore From .a c. National plans for automatic data exchange between ships between exchange data automatic for plans National c. b. The agreed ACE standards for data links between secto between links data for standards ACE agreed The b. . h nvlTcia IfrainDt xhne (TIDE) Exchange Data Information Tactical naval The a. MILITARY REQUIREMENTS FOR DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS TRANSMISSION DATA FOR REQUIREMENTS MILITARY ( 1) Strategic early warning information derived from the from derived information warning early (1) Strategic En closure closure OAED IE 3 (SACLANT) 13 ITEM TO AGENDA 1 SACLANT ANNEX "A" ANNEX O F Cs and higher headquarters headquarters higher and Cs C Pir oti timethis to Prior CC. t ions. r o

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE will be linked with any one shore station within any ACE Regional Regional ACE any within station shore one any linkedwith be will omn. h eintdsi utb cpbe f rvdn overall providing of capable bemust ship Thedesignated Command. Information to be passed by Automatic Data Transmission Systems. Transmission Data Automatic by passed beto Information G-6-9 oAed Ie 13 Item Agenda to "A" Annex SGM-I62-59 NATO - SECRET Appendix Appendix ERT NATO - SECRET 4. Under normal circumstances only one ship of a naval force naval aof ship one only circumstances normal Under 4. NOTE : b. From naval forces to shore forces. shore to forces naval From b. OE: taei erywrigi dfnda te air the as is defined warning early Strategic NOIE : " data links between SCCs and higher headquarters. higher and SCCs between links data A " oEco SACLANT EncloJ to (12) " " Submarine Surveillance. Submarine " (12) " (13) 1) " Frie surveillance. " surface " (11) " CIO) " 9 TD aeoymselnos o meit Threat. Immediate No miscellaneous (9)category TIDE (8)Liaison. General (7) (6) Intelligence. ( 4 Apiiu oeain coordination. operations (4) Amphibious (3) coordination. plan (2)Strike Atomic (1) Strategic early warning. early (1) Strategic (8) Liaison. General (7) Logistics. (6) Intelligence. (5) 4 Apiiu oeain coordination. operations (4) Amphibious (3) (2) Atomic Strike Plan coordination. Plan (2)Strike Atomic 5 ) Weather. umrn oainRprs paeie only) (peacetime Reports Location Submarine Logistics. Air Support coordination. Support Air Weather Air support coo support Air ACE which is probably not known to shore authorities authorities shore to known not probably is which ACE S breaking radio silence. radio breaking forces naval to warrant enough is serious and within a specified ACE regional command. regional ACE specified a within situation report of ACE Link III from all SOCsall IIIfrom ofLink ACE report situation rtgc al ann i eie s tra to threat a as isdefined warning early trategic r dination. n dly forces. dly DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-000 1-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SECRET SECRET Target information (on a maximum or 5OX* targets) is to include: to is targets) 5OX* or (on maximum a information Target SGM-162-59 contain all probably enemy threats to the naval force concerned force naval the to threats enemy probably all contain station shore The areas. land theaffected to information defense air NATO - SECRET pedx A t nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix utfrihifrainfo adsucswihae xetd to expected are which sourcesland from information furnish must ■ under control under ■ u t rvso o upn Targets. lumping for provision to *Due -NATO ml ru . Group Small a . From shore to ships to shore From : .a ♦ any (Dangerous means the naval force) naval the threaten which targets (7) Friendly Air(7) Friendly 3 SraeSrelac -Hostile (3)Surveillance Surface jammers -Many JammerFix Indefinite- (2) Air Hostile 6 Mselnos No (6) Miscellaneous, Assumed Surveillance- (5) Submarine (4) Forces Friendly (1)D Air Hostile meit threat Immediate CNAMD only)(CINCAFMED only)(CINCAFMED (a) Originator's position - Latitude and Longitude andLongitude - Latitude position (a) Originator's (todefined)be a - gru* o nae -Snl or -Single engaged Not ngerous*- 60 - - Sub - Best estimated -Best -Sub Itretr Intercepting - Interceptor - - Assumed Unevaluated - -Sub-surface -Surface te -Mise.aircraft -Other Opposed- Contacts - Non sub Non - Contacts Ships Hostile Hostile SACLANT "A" Annex to Agenda Item 13 Item Agenda to - Decoy - Watch otc Held - Contact -Single - Formation - Single Group - Large - Large Group - Large -Many orSmall -Single - Assumed friend - Assumed not under not Group control targets or screened screened or position .

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE v/hile shore ACE the requirement for data from shore includes air, surface and subsurface subsurface and surface air, includes shore from data for requirement agt nomto (na aiu f O* agt) s o include: to is targets) 5OX*of (on maximum a information Target SECRET - NATO - 6l - Annex "A" Annex - 6l - NATO - SECRET pedx A t nlsr 1 SACLANT 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SGM-162-^9 to Agenda Item 13 Item Agenda to SGM-162-^9 information only. information ERT- NATO - SECRET * Due to provi to * Due 5. It should be noted that the naval ship system and SACLANT SACLANT and system ship naval the that noted be should It 5. b . From ship to shore. to ship From .b 3 Finl i - necpo -Available Interceptor - (3)Air Friendly 2 HsieAr neiie Jme i -Snl Jammer Single - JammerFix Indefinite- (2)Air Hostile (1) Ho b Tre psto aiue n ogtd (to longitude - and position latitude (b) Target c Tre ore n pe (todefined) be and speed course (c) Target a Oiiao' psto aiue n longitu« and latitude - position (a) Originator's d Tre egt (to defined)be (d)height Target e Tre et (todefined) be - depth (e) Target d Tre egt (todefined) be - height (d) Target (todefined)be speed and course (c) Target b Tre psto aiue n ogtd coordi­ Longitude and - Latitude position (b) Target s s s o o lmig targets. lumping forion ieArDneos Nteggd-Snl or Single - engaged Not - Dangerous Air tile defined) se rsnl nlds rvso o air for provision includes presently ystem ae (todefined)be nates (todefined) be Ohr -Mise.aircraft Other- - Indefinite - Uncertain fix Uncertain - Indefinite - Opsd ige or - Single Opposed - Intercepting - - Assumed Friend Friend - Assumed Unevaluated - oi Jammers - Many ag Group - Large under control under Group Small Group Small trol con­ under not targets screened DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SECRE SGM-162-59 to Agenda Item 13 Item Agenda to SGM-162-59 studied further. studied r silebre.Rqieet o ocs fe adn ut bemust landing after offorces Requirements embarked. still are varying greater amounts of air, subsurface information available. information subsurface air, of amounts greater varying to vary to any great degree from those above while the landing forces landing the while above those from degree great any to vary to information. defense air only includes ACE within planning mission Presently available information indicates that high speed data tra data speed high that indicates information available Presently sub­ and surface air, some haveto expected are capability defense surface information available. Higher command echelon ships will have shipswill echelon command Higher available. information surface pedx " Appendix R n aa ocs hud be: should forces naval and proposed that the rate of information to be exchanged between land between exchanged beto information of rate the that proposed ERT MATO - SECRET ate of Information Exchange. Information ofate T « l uoai aasses hudhv o-ie crypto on-line have should systems data automatic All 9« 8. Naval amphibious operations requirements are not expected expected not are requirements operations amphibious Naval 8. average maximum target speed of 1OOO mph and the expected 3OO- 3OO- expected theand mph 1OOO of speed target maximum average 7« It should be noted that all naval ships having an air an having ships naval all that noted be It should 7« 1500 hud e aefr atrrtswe ee ta 0tres aretargets 50 than fewer when rates faster for made be should being reported. The minimum rate was chosen on the estimated estimated the on chosen ratewas minimum The reported. being provision but accepted,be can decrease no practice manual naval hneey3 eod.A ti iiu aeapoiae current approximates rate minimum this As seconds. 30 every than times. transmission expected variable fied due to various types and precedence of information and information of precedence and types various to due fied of a maximum of maximum aof . ae pnpeetycnet addt ytm, t is it systems, data and concepts presently upon Based 6. -_N ml eaaino are tiigFre ad h shore. the and Forces Striking ofCarrier separation mile » ycnetoa omnctos ort cnb speci­ be can rateno - communications conventional By â» b. By automatic data transmission - information on any one onany information - transmission data automatic By b. A A O 2 Anx "A" Annex - 62 - TO t nlsr 1 Enclosure " to 50 targets to be brought up-to-date no slower no up-to-date brought be to targets S ACLANT g raphy. n s­ DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NATO - SECRET H OEAINL EURMNS JL 15) O COMMUNICATIONS FOR 1958) (JULY REQUIREMENTS OPERATIONAL THE WËftE5TRI NG" ALNI N 'HR ATOIIS WHEN"THAT ATLANTIC ' AUTHORITIES 'SHORE AND . ï M "T G IN IK R T TWEËtfTtfE“5 when that fleet is acting in support of the European land/air land/air European the of support in acting is fleet that when FLEET FLEET uiain sc a Ae Bodat si-hp icis r ship- or circuits ship-ship Broadcast, Area as such munications ate I de nt oe nor cover not does It ' battle. PCC))^ (5th Conference SECRET bro required. ~ e is p OTHER^"5ttïPg~K5 AND letÿ crypto Te COMSTRIKFLTLANT T5E5TGNATËD On-line ."T BY longitude. 15-E and 44-W purpose of exchanging (in conjunction with the channel in in channel the with conjunction (in exchanging of purpose are: requirements The 2. circuits. air ************** below) operational, intelligence and meteorological traffic. traffic. meteorological and intelligence operational, below) 1. This paper lists the special communications needed between between needed communications special the lists paper ATLANTIC FLEET This STRIKING the 1. OC AR UPR. otnos omncto ot to out communication Continuous SUPPORT. AIR VOICE re­ purpose is the communications for Continuous direction) each LIAISON. In SUPPORT channel STRIKFLT (one of teletype 2-way pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix o e ovre t DT tasiso a so a i I available. Is it as soon as transmission DATA to converted be to direction) direction) in area the in anywhere required ships by reception Continuous of north area sea the of part any over quired up to to up N AY N SRKLLN StflF: STRIKFLTLANT ONE ANY AND (Report of Fifth SACEUR ACCHAN SACLANT Planning Coordination Coordination Planning SACLANT ACCHAN SACEUR Fifth of (Report IDENTIFICATION and INTERCEPT. Continuous communication required required communication Continuous INTERCEPT. and IDENTIFICATION Continuous DETECTION. and REPORTING of purpose the for ation communications required as in 2 ( a ) . These channels may have have may channels These . ) a ( 2 in as required communications e i available. is tem a mls rm oh JCOCs. both from miles cal 'M125 Aed Ie 13 Item Agenda ä'ÖM-162-59 hud e ovre t DT tasiso a so a ta sys­ that as soon as transmission DATA to converted be to up should required communication BT O BT A OE TIME)"; ONE AT BOTH NOT (BUT above. (a) a XRC FO SCAT S SACLANT FROMEXTRACT dcast (with on-line crypto as soon as available) for the the for available) as soon as crypto on-line (with dcast b FO CNNRH O OSRKLLN AD COMCARSTRIKFOR AND COMSTRIKFLTLANT TO CINCNORTH FROM (b) (a) BETWEEN COMSTRIKFLTLANT and CINCNORTH. Simultaneous Simultaneous CINCNORTH. and COMSTRIKFLTLANT BETWEEN (a) c BTEN OCRTIFR N JO BD O JO KARUP JCOC OR BODO JCOC AND COMCARSTRIKFOR BETWEEN (c) d BTEN N OE OTEN UOEN COMMAND SOC/JCOC EUROPEAN NORTHERN ONE ANY BETWEEN (d) (Page added by Corrigendum No. 3 dtd dtd 3 No. Corrigendum by added (Page US 3 O atcl miles. nautical OO - AO 6 a Anx A t SACLANT to "A" Annex - a 62 - NATO LAND/AIR-EATTEET EUROPEAN THE OF SUPPORT IN 'ACTING E ADDENDUM TO CEC (i) Simultaneous 2-way teletype (1 channel in each each in channel (1 teletype 2-way Simultaneous (i) ii) n scr sec canl o te ups of purpose the for channel speech secure One ) i (i i Oe hne cpbe f oc o mre C) oper­ (CW) morse or voice of capable channel One (i) (i i ) One secure voice channel for the purpose of AIR AIR of purpose the for channel voice secure One ) i (i f or the purpose of NAVAL AIR SUPPORT. Continuous Continuous SUPPORT. AIR NAVAL of purpose the or A E TO "A" NNEX IL -14 F 4 OCTOBE 24 OF C-1174 RIAL a d h NRHR ERPA COMMAND EUROPEAN NORTHERN the nd 6 m OO nautical miles. This channel channel This miles. nautical OO l CAT ra n tcia com­ tactical and area ACLANT al ALi A SACLAia E Adnu to Addendum CEC 26 a 59) Mar 56 G ENDA - N and between between and -N CEC R 1958 6 rrm'r O nauti­ OO 1' 3 ( . EE- 0 )

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ihu dly de o oopei disturbance. ionospheric to due delays without the following purposes : purposes following the possible. where recommendations make and equipment JC of distance to up required munication ITEM required. is miles nautical possible, automatic) relay to appropriate shore authorities, authorities, shore appropriate to relay automatic) possible, NATO - SECRET pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SECRET DISCUSSION 2. is communication Continuous COMMAND LIAISON. HIGH of purpose G-6-9 gna tm 13 Item Agenda SGM-162-59 handling data electronic of compatibility mutual the insure to Com­ required. crypto On-line LIAISON. AMPHIBIOUS of purpose the para in circuits the OPERATIO Coordination. Continuous communication up to a distance of of distance a to up communication Continuous Coordination. al wrig upss n h ae ad r as i a oiin to position a in also are and area the in purposes warning early required. is crypto On-line teletype 5-way the above. for SImultaneous ) 2(a in direction) area each the In in channel required (l teletype 2-way Simultaneous OÏNCnOÏÏCOMNORLANT, nomto b eetoi dt sses ewe SCAT n SACEUR and SACLANT between systems data electronic forces. by information PROBLEM 1. AMPHIBIOUS for communications for requirements operational The when (and 3. immediate for stations receiving shore more or one control levels which have readily access to all information for for information all to access readily have which levels control follows : They w ill not be required for use simultaneously with with simultaneously use for required be not ill w They : follows ************** 3. Early Warning information is required at those command and/or command and/or those at required is information Warning Early 3. O C . One secure speech channel for the purpose of AMPHIBIOUS AIR AIR AMPHIBIOUS of purpose the for channel speech secure One . C a. To state the operational requirement for exchange of track track of exchange for requirement operational the state To a. . eetd rc ifrain o C R purposes. R & C for information track Selected b. It is considered necessary to exchange track information for for information track exchange to necessary considered is It . al wrig nomto fr lrig forces. alerting for Information warning Early a. b (c) BETWEEN COMMAND AMPHIBIOUS TASK FORCE AND DESIGNATED SOC/ SOC/ DESIGNATED AND FORCE TASK COMMAND BETWEEN AMPHIBIOUS (c) a BTEN COMMANDER BETWEEN AMPHIBIOU (a) e FO CMTIFT O SACLA TO COMSTRIKFLT FROM (e) (b) BETWEEN COMMANDER AMPHIBIOUS TASK FORCE AND JCOC DESIGNATED DESIGNATED JCOC AND FORCE TASK COMMANDER BETWEEN AMPHIBIOUS (b) 5 . Pg add y orgnu N. dd 6 a 59) Mar 26 dtd 3 No. Corrigendum by added (Page To investigate where further standardization is necessary necessary is standardization further where investigate To / 6 : Report of Working Committee on Operational Requirement Requirement Operational on Committee Working of Report : 6 / - AO 6 b Anx A t SACLANT to "A" Annex - b 62 - NATO N The The i spot f h Nrhr Erpa Cmad r as Command are European Northern the of support in S lt o Eetoi Dt Hnln Equipment Handling Data Electronic of ility b o ecag o Tak nomto ad uul compati­ mutual and Information Track of exchange for a iiy o rnmt esg b tltp drc to direct teletype by message transmit to bility T T ^ HT 2 (a ), ), (a 2 SUMMARY (1 ( c )(i ) and and ) )(i c ( channel each In each direction) for for direction) each In each channel S AK FO TASK 6 N 2 O atcl miles. nautical OO T , SACEUR, CINCEASTLANT, CINCEASTLANT, SACEUR, , T above. ) i i ( ) c ( CEC CEC R dedm to Addendum E N CINCNO AND CE CEC R TH. 6 OO DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE G-6-9 gna tm 13 Item Agenda SGM-162-59 hn h ncsay nomto bcms vial bt commands both available becomes information necessary the when mission was most essential. However, firm information is not yet yet not is information firm However, essential. most was mission information the that agreed was it and transmission, speed high NATO - SECRET pedx A t Enclo to "A" Appendix ERT NT - 2 - ne "" o SACLANT to "A" Annex - c 62 - NATO - SECRET agreed that exchange of information is therefore required between between required therefore is information of exchange that agreed COMSTRIKFLT- by designated (as ADC fleet the between required be purposes. Early alerting SHAPE from derived exch available to reach agreement on this subject. It was agreed that that agreed was It subject. this on agreement reach to available the fleet SADC's or Picket (as designated by COMSTRIKFLTLANT) and and was COMSTRIKFLTLANT) by It designated (as place. the Picket takes where or levels missiles SADC's those and/or fleet between A/C the instance, fighter of first in direction would system transmission, a such via ADOC/JCO's. information selected Warning and Early LANT) of Exchange 4. Furthermore, authority. higher to information this communicate ged ht tnadzto i message in standardization that agreed 6 data speed high requires purposes R & C for information Track 5. the lines recommended in paragraphs 4 , , 4 paragraphs in recommended lines the ACTION AGREED 7. hud nom ah te fr eesr cmet ro t publiciz­ to prior comment necessary criteria. for its other ing each inform should eetd SOC's. selected ************** A rgrs optblt o dt hnln eupet t was it equipment handling data of compatibility regards As . a t a are ta frhr lnig hud e rgesd on progressed be should planning further that agreed was It nge of information for alerting purposes does not require require not does purposes alerting for information of nge Pg add y orgnu N. dd 6 a 59) Mar 26 dtd 3 No. Corrigendum by added (Page s u r 1 e W arning System meets the requirement for for requirement the meets System arning f 5 and and ra ad trans­ f o e t a r and ormat E Adnu to AddendumCEC 6 above. above. CEC DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE G-6-9 FRANCE SGM-162-59 pedx A t En to "A" Appendix ERT NT - 3 Aed Ie 14 Item Agenda - 63 - - NATO SECRET system. X Mark IFF the than better o oe lal jsiy n dniiain ytm hc wud be would which system able identification was an she if justify France the clearly asked more of merely to have consideration above, enumerated appropriate risks without which, States United forces. air friendly of use inefficient an to lead would which a nt en dqaey upre b te ntd igo ad the and Kingdom United the by supported adequately been not has attempt must be made to reduce to the minimum any eventuality eventuality any minimum the to reduce to made be must attempt question to the Standing Group. France feels that her position position her that feels France Group. Standing the to question amount of air traffic . It is felt that the percentage of friendly every friendly of Consequently, percentage the that high. extremely felt be is would down It shot aircraft . traffic air of amount aey 5 o te necpin wr crid u o finl ai ­ ir a friendly on out carried Approxi­ were interceptions desired. the be of to much 25$ very mately leaves system this with made borne out by subsequent studies, has proved that identifications identifications that proved has studies, subsequent by out borne character­ technical Its X. Mark IFF the is forces NATO by use interceptors is employed in an air space where there is a large large a is there where space air an in employed is interceptors space. air that in traffic air y icat s hrfr forbidden. therefore is aircraft by immediate future when the combined use of missiles and all weather weather all and missiles of use combined the when future immediate rf i te French-Ger the in craft use its and interceptors, weather all in radars for used those NATO - SECRET sis ad n atclr h feunis sd dfe from differ used, frequencies the particular in and istics, 3. For this reason, France has, since 1957, posed this this posed 1957, since has, France reason, this For 3. 2. Experience by the French Air Force during maneuvers, maneuvers, during Force Air French the by Experience 2. . h sadr ietfcto sse ad system identification standard The 1. Pg add y orgnu N. dd 6 a 59) Mar 26 dtd 3 No. Corrigendum by added (Page n hs iuto, n cn s wa wl hpe i the in happen will what ask can one situation, this In ED O A E IETFCTO SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION NEW A FOR NEED c SUPPORTIN oue 1 losure m an air space because of the density of of density the of because space air an GNA TM 14 ITEM AGENDA G TTMN B FRANCE BY STATEMENT ON o pted by NATO for for NATO by pted DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE position of France on this matter, set forth in paragraph 2 above, above, 2 paragraph in forth set matter, this on France of position R Q - B E - ) ~ FRANCE ~ 3QM-IB'Er-T)9 since classified. equipment was the on desired information information more the provide to time that at MAAG/Ï'rance from received been has whic view of point her developed N - SECRET pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ing again. France has been definitely convinced that the United United the that convinced new a definitely studying been is has States France again. ing ERT NT - - NATO SECRET justified. entirely is ecommendations 4 . It is requested that the C-E Board consider that the the that consider Board C-E the that requested is It . 4 Pg add y orgnu N. dd 6 a 59) Mar 26 dtd 3 No. Corrigendum by added (Page A osqety o Consequently, TO n s se, si ystem, y duri ly 63 - gna tm 14 Item Agenda - a h h Sadn Gop s o study­ now is Group Standing the n g the past few weeks has France France has weeks few past the g n a dding that it was not possible possible not was it that dding ce a statement to that effect effect that to statement a ce SECRET - NATO



To be issued later. \


SECRET - NATO - 63 - Agenda Item l4 SGM-lé2-l?9 FRANCE Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Appendix Appendix SGM-162-59 ERT NATO - SECRET equipments and request that the NATO C-E Board consider the following following the consider Board C-E NATO : the proposals that request and equipments RECOMMENDATIONS ERT NATO - SECRET f salsig iiu NT sadrs o tasisos sn SSB using transmissions for standards NATO minimum establishing of ek power. peak and a carrier, the carrier level should not be less than than less be not should level carrier the carrier, a and eaie o ek power. peak to relative ie b a ige ie ad t band side single a by vided below db. 40 least at suppressed carrier the with operation solution. technical particular a for present at generally insufficient. The values proposed must be fixed fixed be must proposed values The insufficient. generally the use and planning of equipment for which compatabilities compatabilities certain. which be not for may equipment thereof of planning and use the dangerous is It equipment. of categories various to according kilocycles. four exceed further study. Consequently, no standardization can oe retained retained oe can standardization no Consequently, study. further in nations the of capabilities degree, the high endanger extremely would an to this since tolerances these standardize to importance the stress to desire Authorities Military French The utpe o oe ioyl wti te prtn frequen operating the equipment. the within of kilocycle one of multiples " A . hn optblt wt A rcies s en pro­ being is receivers AM with compatability When b. for designed be should receivers and Transmitters 5. . h qeto o Dplr fet ut e h sbet of subject the be must Effect Doppler of question The 4. . h bnwdh cuid y n msin hl not shall emission an by occupied bandwidth The 2. 3. The minimum protections proposed by the U .S . are are . .S U the by proposed protections minimum The 3. 1. Specified carrier frequencies shall be integral integral be shall frequencies carrier Specified 1. " Pg add y orgnu N. dd 3 a 59) Mar 23 dtd 1 No. Corrigendum by added (Page o nlsr 1 Enclosure to AO IIU SADRS O SB EQUIPMENTS SSB FOR STANDARDS MINIMUM NATO UPRIG STATE SUPPORTING GNA TM 15 ITEM AGENDA 64 - ON r M nmte oitn oe ie ban side one omitting ansmitter N B FRANCE BY ENT gna tm I Item Agenda FRANCE c y range range y 10 . t d 5 d

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - 4 - gna tm 15 Item Agenda - a 54 - NATO - SECRET G-6-9 FRANCE SGM-162-59 pexx A1 t Ecoue „ 1 Enclosure 11 to "A Appenxix ERT NATO - SECRET noise. pn uoai feuny oto t rdc vleaiiy to vulnerability reduce to control frequency automatic upon stability and accuracy should be obtained without dependence dependence without obtained be should accuracy and and stability control frequency automatic using without output receiver o ii te aiu sse feuny ro t 4 cce a the at cycles 45 to error frequency system maximum than the better limit be to should receiver and mitter n h asne f ope feuny hf. hs ere of degree This shift. frequency Doppler of absence the in Pg add y orgnu N. dd 3 a 59) Mar 23 dtd 1 No. Corrigendum by added (Page 8 7 . Frequen . h upr ie ad ny hud e employed. be should only band side upper The c saiiy n te cuay f ah trans­ each of accuracy the and stability y 22.5 cycles in order order in cycles DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NATO ~ SECRET pedx A" o En to " "A Appendix SECRET SECRET G-6-9 FRANCE SGM-162-59 o e sud later. issued be To - NATO - 64 64 - NATO SUPPORTING c oue 1 losure Aed Item Agenda - Y FRANCE BY 15 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT - SECRET COMCON 58/2 (November 1958) and NAVMAIRCOMCON 5 8 /2 . The following following The . /2 NAVMAIRCOMCON 8 5 and 1958) (November 58/2 COMCON G-6-9 SACLANT SGM-162-59 recommendations were agreed at these conferences conferences these at agreed were recommendations Te le-Communie on Equipment. at ions Experts ttmns f urm Cmadr, ALN peetd ppr at paper a presented SACLANT Commanders, Supreme of statements were asked for their policy statements in SACLANT's message O5l4l3Z O5l4l3Z message SACLANT's in statements policy their for asked were y h SN Wr o ti sbet s lo en dn b te ru of Group the by done being also is subject this on Work SGN. the by 356 of 1 April 1958. Nations were approached for national fitting fitting national for approached were Nations serial SACLANT's 1958. in April standards 1 of compatibility 356 of promulgation the for ln i SCATs eil 5 o te ae ae Spee Commanders Supreme date. same the of 355 serial SACLANT's in plans ue 1958. June olwn pooas ee agreed: were proposals following ERT NATO - SECRET 4 . Based on the replies of the nations, and on the policy policy the on and nations, the of replies the on Based . 4 3 . To date, compatibility standards have not been promulgated promulgated been not have standards compatibility date, To . 3 2. Action was taken on all these proposals. SGN was approached approached was SGN proposals. these all on taken was Action 2. oiy n epc o SB equipment." SSB of respect in policy qimn a i rqie t esr ti compatibility. this ensure to required is as equipment programs and advise other nations in general terms of these these them. of of terms advantages general the in and plans nations other advise and programs request Standing Group to initiate such action as is necessary, necessary, is as action such to and other initiate each to Group with compatible Standing being request forces, NATO in duced including perhaps the issue of such NATO standards for this this for standards NATO such of issue the perhaps including prtoa rqieet o SB qimns wih a b intro­ be may which equipments, SSB for requirement operational 1. Under Item Item Under 1. AO - NATO c. Supreme Commanders would be required to state their their state to required be would Commanders Supreme c. b. SACLANT would solicit information from nations with with nations from information solicit would SACLANT b. a. ALN wud rt t te G saig e a an has he stating SGN the to write would SACLANT . "a UPRIG TTMN B SACLANT BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING 12 f AMICMO 5/ (aur 15) the 1958) (January NAVMAIRCOMCON 53/1 of SINGLE-SIDEBAND GNA TM 3 ITEM AGENDA 5 Aed Ie l6 Item Agenda - 65 ON 6 5 LANT- SSB SSB SECRET - NATO

"a. Nations should be asked to provide at least two circuits

of HF single-sideband in destroyers and above as soon as possible

with immediate priority being given to carriers, cruisers and

ships fitted as pickets.

b. The requirement for fitting SSB equipment in submarines,

maritime aircraft and surface ships for mutual co-operation

should be actively studied, bearing in mind the importance of

sub-air barrier communications, and future ICAO requirements.

c. The requirement for SSB equipment should be reflected

in the minimum fitting scales."

5. These recommendations were forwarded to the Standing Group

in SACLANT's serial N-13Ô2 of 29 December 1958..


6 . It is recommended that the Board: a. Note naval requirements in paragraph 4.

b. Endeavour to hasten agreements on compatibility and

fitting scales.

SECRET- NATO - 66 - Agenda Item 16 SGM-1Ê2-59 SACLANT Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Republic and the United States of America planned to produce U .H .F. .F. .H U produce to planned America of States United the and Republic with channel spacing reduced to to reduced spacing channel with ££ raet Cmite fe te etn, h Gop f xet made Experts of Group the meeting, the after Committee Armaments qimn wt 5 ks hne saig Frhr i a eot o the to report a in Further, spacing. channel kcs 50 with equipment concern the prospect of two nations adopting a standard other than than other standard a adopting nations two of prospect the concern codnl be pouig . F eupet o hs standard. this to equipment .F. U.H producing been accordingly follow from such action the change would be likely to have far far have to likely be would change the action such from follow channel kcs 50 of feasibility technical The agreed. recently so considerable that with views she development scientific of process normal America of States United the by introduction the of mention specific eeomnctos n noneet a md ta te emn Feder German the that made was announcement an Telecommunications stated; the provision of STANAG 3245 for 1OO kcs spacing therefore therefore spacing kcs 1OO for 3245 STANAG the of as provision far the as but stated; disputed, not is equipment .F. U.H for spacing ERT NT - NATO - SECRET reaching consequences on matters of compatibility and the effect effect the and compatibility of matters on to consequences likely reaching consequences financial heavy the from been Apart has it stands. for requirement operational no aware is Kingdom United .IF eupet y h sgaoy oes Te ntd igo has Kingdom United The powers. signatory the by equipment U.II.F. dow laid in the near future of new equipment, including U .H .F. equipment equipment .F. .H U including equipment, new of future near the in G-ë25 U.K. U SGM-lë'2-59 on current development of other associated equipments which require require which equipments associated 1 other of development current on pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix O c canl spacing. channel kcs OO C M * hl te ntd igo hs o eie o ead the retard to desire no has Kingdom United the While 3* . t meig n etme 15 o te rus f xet on Experts of Groups the of 1958 September in meeting a At 2. 1. NATO Standardisation Agreement No 3245 dated March 1957 1957 March dated 3245 No Agreement Standardisation NATO 1. T .. TQ ..-.m n ht canl pcn of spacing channel a that 5 KS HNE SAIG O. H.. EQUIPMENT .F. .H U FOP. SPACING CHANNEL KCS 0 UPRIG AE B UIE KINGDOM UNITED BY PAPER SUPPORTING AGENDA ITEM 19 19 ITEM AGENDA M 6 50 - gna tm 19 Item Agenda - ? kc/s. 1 OO kcs would be adopted for for adopted be would kcs OO a l DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix S SGM-162-59 n wl s rmi fr h tm being. time the for remain so will and o 1O c canl s channel kcs 1OO for xmn ad lrf te oiin ad ofr ta te requirement, the that confirm and position, the clarify and examine SECL E C E - AO 63 - NATO - RET E 3 . The United Kingdom therefore requests requests therefore Kingdom United The . 3 - NATO - T p acing for U .H .F. equipment remains unaltered unaltered remains equipment .F. .H U for acing gna Item Agenda U.K. t a te Uo the hat 1 9 a rd DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - NATO - SECRET pedx A t Enclo to "A" Appendix G-6-9 C E C SGM-162-59 are to be collated and prepared in a form suitable for transmission transmission for suitable form a in prepared and collated be to are after a draft Supplement (or Change) was prepared, would forward forward would prepared, was Change) (or Supplement draft a after o h Uie Kndm o printing. for Kingdom United the to RBE BFR TE BOARD THE BEFOREPROBLEM prepared,viz being are or been have Supplements et wti te em sgetd y h Sadn Gop (SGM-684-57 Group Standing the by suggested terms the within ments NATO - SECRET t o h nto udraig h printing the undertaking nation the to it of OSBE SOLUTIONS POSSIBLE BACKGROUND f niiul ain o gop o ntos Wti NT four- NATO Within nations. of groups or nations individual of in f upeet t bsc Cs o et h cmuiain needs communication the meet to ACPs basic to Supplements of tion 23 Oct 57) which terms stated that that stated terms which 57) Oct odn e. , h tasiso o mtra, is drafts, first material, of transmission the ., .g (e London a Uie Kndm o olt ad Prepare. and Collate to Kingdom United a. . 4 3 . To determine where and how draft Supplements and Changes Changes and Supplements draft how and where determine To . 3 odne ewe Spee omnes SN n ahntn MOD - Washington in SGN - Commanders Supreme between pondence Supple­ NATO print to undertaken has Kingdom United The 2. . C 1 ( , fetv wti NT, uhrzs h produc­ the authorizes NATO, within effective ), 8(D 19 ACP 1. (NOIE: For the status of these Supplements see supporting supporting see Supplements these of status the For (NOIE: OIY O ISIG AO UPEET T ACPs TO SUPPLEMENTS NATO ISSUING FOR POLICY statement on Agenda Item Item Agenda on statement ACP ACP ACP Supp-1 NATO 149 ACP o fvrd y h CC becaus CEC the by favored Not C 11 AO Supp-1 NATO 121 ACP 176 176 UPRIG TTMN B CEC BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING AO Supp-1 NATO AO Supp-2 NATO s r 1 ure GNA TM 22 ITEM AGENDA 69 69 ON Aed Ie 22 Item Agenda - 23 "... ). ." The Standing Group, Group, Standing The e f eas n corres­ in delays of : DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SEC pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NT - 0 Aed Ie 22 Item Agenda - 70 - NATO - SECRET SGM-I R T NATO - ET eiin) l nral aie rm E dcsos n the on decisions CEC from arise normally ill w Revisions) ment. If approved by the Standing Group the draft text would would text draft the Group Standing the by approved If ment. in produces proposals such from arising problems of tion and printers proofs between London and Washington for Standing Standing for Washington and approval.). London Group between proofs printers and urm Cmadr fradd o h Sadn Gop i due in Group, Standing the to forwarded Commander, Supreme interest. paramount a have to Group Standing the by determined printing. for Kingdom United the to direct sent be resolu­ The Commanders. Supreme or Nations Member of proposals precise and detailed form the draft text for a new Supplement, Supplement, new a for text draft the form detailed and precise paramount a with Commander Supreme no is there when and only f eesr, r h Cags rpsd o n xsig Supple­ existing an to proposed Changes the or necessary, if and Changes (and Supplements such for need The interest. procedural type Supplements where a Supreme Commander is is Commander Supreme a where Supplements type procedural ore e prvd n sbeunl b tasitd o the to transmitted be subsequently and approved be course ntd igo fr printing. for Kingdom United the by prepared be would drafts complete cases, such In 62-59 (Radio organizations, frequency plans, e tc.) and for those those for and tc.) e plans, frequency organizations, (Radio . Spee omnes o olt ad Prepare. and Collate to Commanders Supreme c.. . tnig ru t Clae n Prepare. and Collate to Group Standing b. NT Ti poeue a be floe i te ae of case the in followed been has procedure This (NOTE : C E C NT Ti poeue a be floe i te ae of case the in followed been has procedure This (NOTE : Favored by the CEC for procedural type publications publications type procedural for CEC the by Favored aoe b te E fr ata dt tp Supplements type data factual for CEC the by Favored ACP 121 NATO Supp-1 and ACP 149 NATO Supp-1. Its Its Supp-1. NATO 149 ACP and Supp-1 NATO 121 ACP difficult to make any firm proposals on these these on proposals firm any make to difficult earl .). ly r a le c part-time additional an of CEC the in services ie utl h wrla cn e eemnd more determined be can workload the until lines bevne n h ftr my r a nt eur the require not may or may future the in observance officer with stenographic assistance. It is is It assistance. stenographic with officer upeet SCAT a a aaon i er st.). re te in paramount a has SACLANT Supplements ACP 176 NATO Supp-1 and NATO Supp-2 in which which in Supp-2 NATO and Supp-1 NATO SECRET - NATO


5. The CEC recommends that the Board be invited to agree to the following "manuscript agencies" responsible for the collation and preparation of NATO Supplements and Changes and Revisions thereto :

ACP 121NATO Supp-1 ) ) Standing Group (CEC) ACP 149NATO Supp-1 )

ACP 176 NATO Supp-1 SACLANT ACP 176 NATO Supp-2

Any routing Indicator Supplement arising from SACEUR WIT 1/56 and WIT 1/59

SECRET - NATO - 71 - Agenda Item 22 SGM-162-59 C E C Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - NATO - SECRET pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to ”A" Appendix G-6-9 C E C SGM-162-59 aiu NT Splmns is: Supplements NATO various ERT NATO - SECRET n G-8-7 dtd 3 coe 15» h peet tts f the of status present The 1957» October 23 dated SGM-684-57, in AO upeet i te nls lnug o te em li down laid terms the on language English the in Supplements NATO hc i ncsay o NT Nvl n Mrtm Ar Communica­ Air Maritime and Naval NATO for necessary is which United the to forwarded been have requirements Commanders drafts of this Supplement through Change No.3 have been been prepar have where Kingdom United No.3 the Change to through forwarded Supplement this of drafts Commanders requirements have been forwarded to the United United the to forwarded been have requirements Commanders nutbe o icroain n h bsc C 16 eis and series 176 ACP basic the in incorporation for unsuitable 1956. August 6 manuscript supplied by the Standing Group in SGM-547-56, dated dated SGM-547-56, in Group Standing the by supplied manuscript tions. A draft of this Supplement is under study in the CEC, CEC, the in study under is Supplement Group. this Standing of draft A tions. dated SGM-4OO-57, in Group Standing the by supplied manuscript Naval and Maritime Air radio organization from NCCP-2. Agreed Agreed NCCP-2. from organization radio Air Maritime and Naval 2 ue 1957. June 12 igo wee h Splmn i nw en pitd rm the from printed being now is Supplement the where Kingdom igo wee h Splmn i nw en pitd rm the from printed being now is Supplement the where Kingdom . h Uie Kndm ged o netk te rnig of printing the undertake to agreed Kingdom United The 1. AP 7 NT Supp-1 NATO 176 ACP . ç . C 16 NATO 176 ACP d. s. k . C 11 NATO 121 ACP a. C 19 NATO 149 ACP otis h fcul aa ye nomto o NATO on information type data factual the Contains otis ht nomto fo NC- dee t be to deemed NCCP-1 from information that Contains otis h NT MRAT YTM Ntoa ad Supreme and National SYSTEM. MERCAST NATO the Contains otis h NT BSGA SSE. ainl n Supreme and National BASEGRAM SYSTEM. NATO the Contains UPRIG TTMN B CEC BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING TTS F AO SUPPLEMENTS NATO OF STATUS S S S GNA TM 2^ ITEM AGENDA d d u d d u d d u -2 —1 -1 ON 72 Aed Ie 23 Item Agenda - a in fr printing for tions DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - 3 - 73 - NATO - SECRET SGM-162-59 sh this date, but supplements for ACP 1OO, 117, 127 w ill be required required be ill w 127 117, 1OO, ACP for supplements but date, this Appendix "A" "A" Appendix ERT NATO - SECRET o rtly. Replies to STASEC 5603 are awaited for collation and forwarding forwarding and collation for awaited are 5603 STASEC to Replies . o te NT Splmns r i cus o peaain at preparation of course in are Supplements NATO other No 2. o h Uie Kingdom. United the to Standing the inform to Commanders Supreme and Nations Member ru o ter eurmns o Egih agae copies. language English for requirements their of Group r big ae STASEC made. being are to to nlsr 1 Enclosure 5608 of 11 December 1958 requested all all requested 1958 December 11 of gna tm 23 Item Agenda C E C DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx "A Appendix ERT NT - NATO - SECRET G-6-9 C E C SGM-162-59 omne uk itiuin f Cs ne te ytm none in announced system the under ACPs of distribution bulk commence rm tnig Group. Standing from o cmie ue ihn AO ol ocr n eep o a NATOCOM a of receipt on occur would NATO within use combined for salsig NT-ie omn fetv dt fr Cs n changes. and ACPs for date common effective NATO-wide a establishing n eeec c o rvd ta ipeetto o AP o changes or ACPs of implementation that provide to c reference in ACPs. of copies advance of mailing and handling tion among NATO nations and prescribes the method of packaging, packaging, of method the prescribes and nations NATO among tion rm O cutis hog te eim f oetm report. one-time a of medium the through countries TO M from English language copies for particular nations to a single U.S. U.S. single a to nations particular for copies language English national requirements for ACPs and invites changes in requirements requirements in changes established invites previously and the ACPs for lists requirements It national ACPs. receive to entitled (as amended at the EMCCC 3rd Meeting) recommending procedures for for procedures recommending Meeting) 3rd EMCCC the at amended (as countries other all - Force Air .S. U countries Kingdom; NATO United European the all -and Army .S. U , . e . i Service, Military Cs n cags hrt b te ntd tts hc bcm effecti­ became which States United the by thereto changes and ACPs ve 1 July 1958. It assigns the responsibility for the supply of all all of supply the for responsibility the assigns It 1958. July 1 ve ERT NATO - SECRET (including Turkey) except the United Kingdom; U .S. Navy - Canada - Canada Navy .S. U Kingdom; United the except Turkey) (including 4 . The Standing Group, in reference d, modified the conclusions conclusions the modified d, reference in Group, Standing The . 4 . o al rcia proe te ntd tts i not did States United the purposes practical all For 5. « Rfrne cnan a tf suy umte b SHAPE by submitted study staff a contains c Reference 3«. Rfrne . rvds h lts sau o AP implementa­ ACP of status latest the provides b. Reference . 2 eeecs a. SGM . a References: . eeec a ulns h sse o bl dsrbto of distribution bulk of system the outlines a Reference 1. " o nlsr 1 Enclosure to ITIUIN N IPEETTO O AP I NATO IN ACPs OF IMPLEMENTATION AND DISTRIBUTION . SGM- d. . SGM-648-58 b. . EMC/ c. UPRIG TTMN B CEC BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING - 417-58 61-59 58 GNA TM 24 ITEM AGENDA /L /172 74 74 OH f 4 o 58 Nov 14 of - Agenda Item Item Agenda - 24 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix Supreme Commander's requirements to be revised while the transition transition the while revised be to requirements Commander's Supreme n dfr vlain f h dsrbto sse utl September 1 until system distribution the of evaluation defer and ERT NATO - SECRET 1959. nation One effected. being was system old the to new the from o aeddfr i mnh floig osdrto o ti paper this of consideration following months six amended)for now changes in packaging and addressing instructions have also been been also have instructions addressing and packaging in changes n cmad eurmns o AP a peet ees SM475 as (SGM-417-58 levels present at ACPs for requirements commandand completely revised its requirements twice during this period. Four Four period. this during twice requirements its revised completely rcse sne Jl 1958. July 1 since processed hnes o icret itiuin cue adtoa delays. additional caused distributions incorrect of channels) the following months several for system distribution bulk former m g s tions to the United States (sent through Military Representative Representative Military through (sent notifica­ subsequent States and United shipments the to overseas tions itial in of process slow 5 and 6 , it is recommended that the NATO C-E Board freeze national national freeze Board C-E NATO the that recommended is it , 6 and 5 a factors time The 1958. October 1 approximately until a reference NATO - SECRET 1 July cut-over date. This condition, coupled with the comparatively comparatively the with coupled condition, This date. cut-over July 1 the and printers the to manuscripts of dispatch the with connected implementation of revised distribution instructions by packaging packaging by instructions distribution revised of implementation ece wr sc a t poue cniuto b ieta f the of inertia by continuation a produce to as such were gencies -162-59 . s rsl o te ifclis etoe i paragraphs in mentioned difficulties the of result a As 7. Rpis o eeec a asd ie ainl n one and national nine caused a reference to Replies . 6 7 - 75 - Agenda Item 24 24 Item Agenda CEC DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE C ERT NT - 6 Aed Ie 25 Item Agenda - 76 - NATO - SECRET Supreme the from comments invited and procedure Facsimile on ACP ERi NAT ~ SECREi die ta te hv n poeue i big o otiue to contribute to being in procedures no have they that advised an ACP on Facsimile. In addition, SACLANT recommended that facsimile facsimile that recommended SACLANT addition, of In contents and Facsimile. format on ACP the an on recommendations specific submitted being undertakne to determine if there was a requirement for for requirement a was there if determine to undertakne being SGM-I procedures for meteorological purposes and for military operations operations military in for and promulgated be purposes meteorological for procedures Facsimile. on ACP an of preparation the pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix madr bsd n hi experiences their on based ommanders 4 . On 26 March 1958 the Standing Group, in reference reference in Group, Standing the 1958 March 26 On . 4 eeecs a SAE 30 o 2 Jn 56 Jan 27 of 3301 STASEC a. References: 3. In references b and c SACEUR and SACLANT, respectively, respectively, SACLANT, and SACEUR c and b references In 3. was study a that announced Group Standing a. reference In 1. separately. 62 eas o eupet optblt polm ad h lc of lack the and problems compatibility equipment of because procedures and photo facsimile procedures should be studied studied be should procedures facsimile photo and procedures rcdr dd o a te ie exist. time the at not did procedure h Channe The I 59 2. ç . Recognized the need for a photo facsimile procedure but, but, procedure facsimile photo a for need the Recognized . ç a. Agreed with SACLANT that meteorological facsimile facsimile meteorological that SACLANT with Agreed a. b. Considered that a requirement for a meteorological meteorological a for requirement a that Considered b. C E C O . SAE 92 f 6 e 58 Dec 58 16 of Oct 18 982 of SHASEC 4O3O-G2PA AG g.. . f . SGM-175-58 d. . HPO 61 f Mr 58 Mar 4 of 1621 SHAPTO e. . HP lr G 12 I/T f 6 a 56 May 16 of SIG/PT 3102 AG ltr SHAPE b. SCAT eil 19 f 4 e 56 Sep 24 of 1199 Serial SACLANT . ç s prt publications. eparate C O FCIIE PROCEDURE FACSIMILE ON ACP CEC BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING l omn, h Uie Sae ad rne have France and States United the Command, GNA TM 25 ITEM AGENDA ON . g. a n DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE G-6-9 C E C " SGM-162-59 ok n h SP a stl nt complete. not till s was SOP the on work ERT NT - 7 Agend - 77 - NATO - SECRET pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix h peaain f n C o Fciie procedure. Facsimile on ACP an of preparation the has been cancelled in that no personnel were requested to support support to requested were personnel no that in cancelled been has proposed that the CEC be relieved of its responsibilities regarding regarding responsibilities its of relieved be CEC the that proposed ht rjc drn te eid 1958-1962. period the during project that ih o cret O ad ocrety ih xrie ul Play. Full Exercise with concurrently and SOP current of light inl ocp o AE ht-asml ws en rvee i the in reviewed being was Photo-facsimile ACE of concept tional SEC R T NATO ~ ET . n h asne f n ko oeainl eurmn, t is it requirement, operational know any of absence the In 8. 7* In reference h SACEUR advised the Standing Group that that Group Standing the advised SACEUR h reference In 7* 6. Reference f indicated that the ACE Photo-facsimile project project Photo-facsimile ACE the that indicated f Reference 6. ojnto wt SCAT rpr a ht fciie O t meet to SOP facsimile photo a prepare SACLANT with conjunction . n eeec e AER none ta te rgnl opera­ original the that announced SACEUR e reference In 5. Plan (with stipulations) and recommended that SACEUR in in SACEUR that recommended and stipulations) (with Plan ujc psil a te time. the at possible subject nei rqieet o NT commanders. NATO of requirements interim rpo eie, i nt osdr rprto o a AP n the on ACP an of preparation consider not did devices, crypto d . Acknowledged approval of the ACEUR Photo Facsimile Facsimile Photo ACEUR the of approval Acknowledged . d a tm 25 Item DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ANNEX "A" - Coordinated Supreme Commanders' Naval Requirements Requirements Naval Commanders' Supreme - Coordinated "A" ANNEX Appendix Appendix Mrh 99 i atce a Anx A". "A Annex as attached is 1959) March 6 equipments. of compatibility e ae vial t NT t alw oodnto o porm and programs of co-ordination programs allow to NATO fitting to and equipments available made be suitable on information any that and CINCHAN, and have been forwarded to the Standing Group, requesting requesting Group, Standing the to forwarded been have and cryptography CINCHAN, on-line and for requirements naval the of draft a prepare ERT NT - 8 Aed Ie 28 Item Agenda - 78 - NATO - SECRET whi information any provide SACEUR by agreed been have requirements These circuits. naval on SECRET G-6-9 SACLANT SGM-162-59 . t s euse ta te or cnie tee rpsl and proposals these consider Board the that requested is It 3. . hs eus (nlsr () o ALN sra N28 dated N-258 serial SACLANT to (1) (Enclosure request This 2. . t AMICMO 5/ (oebr 98 SCAT neto to undertook SACLANT 1958) (November NAVMAIRCOMCON 58/2 At 1. - NATO " " o nlsr 1 Enclosure to A" o O-ie Cryptography On-Line for NLN CYTGAHC EQUIPMENT CRYPTOGRAPHICON-LINE UPRIG TTMN B SACLANT BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING GNA TM 28 ITEM AGENDA c i my ae available. have may it h ON DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - 9 Anx "A" Annex - 79 - NATO - SECRET o scr ad ai transmission: rapid and secure for DISCUSSION and urgent requirement to equip the following naval radio circuits circuits radio naval following the equip to requirement urgent and G-6-9 o gna tm 23 Item Agenda to SGM-162-59 between ships, and it is considered that there is a very definite definite very a is there and that from to, considered is circuits it and radio on ships, security between provide to plans national hogot AO bt b te ain ad y h NT commands. NATO the operation by and on-line to nations the converted by being both are NATO, throughout circuits) line land as Appendix Appendix sfgad gis ti iscrt, hc i ihrn i ms off­ most in inherent is which insecurity, this against safeguard a ai tafc, hc i mil ecytd n f-ie ytm a the at systems off-line in encrypted mainly is which , traffic radio ie ytm. nln cyt wud fet h floig much-needed following the effect would crypto On-line systems. line eot fo vros euiy gnis ae hw te xet of extent the shown have agencies security various from reports improvements: rsn time. present intelligence that can s till be obtained by an enemy from naval naval from enemy an by obtained be till s can that intelligence ERT NATO - SECRET INTRODUCTION Ltl kolde s vial t the to available is knowledge Little . 4 3 . At the present time, more and more radio circuits (as well well (as circuits radio more and more time, present the At . 3 n scrt aant rfi analysis. traffic against security and Te s o o-ie rporpi eupet ol provide would equipment cryptographic on-line of use The . 2 . uig h ps fw er, nlss of analysis years, few past the During 1. . Rdc te ubr o cyt pronl required. personnel crypto of numbers the Reduce c.. security, transmission security, physical greater Provide a. . nrae h sed f communications. of speed the Increase b. " A " AA RQIEET FR NLN CRYPTOGRAPHY ON-LINE FOR REQUIREMENTSNAVAL o nlsr 1 SACLANT 1 Enclosure to ORIAE SPEE COMMANDERS' SUPREME COORDINATED O GNA TM 8 (SACLANT) 28 ITEM AGENDA TO NE " 11 "A ANNEX NATO NATO omns on commands xrie and exercises DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - NATO - SECRET l rsl i cmaiiiy f ehiu ad qimn o the on equipment and technique of compatibility in result ill w n nln cyt eupet hud et h floig requirements; following the meet should equipment crypto on-line an effort: national that ensure To situation. the improve to development G-6-9 o gna tm 2.8 Item Agenda to SGM-162-59 broadcasts and in the ships of several nations, it is essential that that essential is it coordinated. be nations, effort several research of and programmes ships the the in and broadcasts PRTOA CRITERIA OPERATIONAL casts to RATT operation, it is considered that the on-line crypto crypto on-line the that considered is it operation, RATT to casts oia t a to logical possible. if applied, be should technique prove more it becoming if Is and, submarines of urgent more and control the for system communications uh f t f ih precedence. high of it of much the most important as in war they w ill carry the most naval tra ffic , , ffic tra naval most the carry ill w they war in as important most the ERT NATO - SECRET Appendix "A" "A" Appendix reliable to permit its use in small ships and submarines without without submarines and ships small in use its permit to reliable ra mitnne effort. maintenance great osdrbe rbe o pouig n dsrbtn one-time distributing and producing of problem considerable ae i lre quantities, large in tapes i w broadcast a 8. It is considered that to be suitable for a NATO broadcast, broadcast, NATO a for suitable be to that considered is It 8. 7* The above factors are known to most NATO nations and it is is it and nations NATO most to known are factors above The 7* rapid a forces, surface to broadcasts the to addition In . 6 5. Of these requirements, naval RATT broadcasts are considered considered are broadcasts RATT naval requirements, these Of 5. £. Be simple to operate and maintain, yet be mechanically mechanically be yet maintain, and operate to simple Be £. a. Be seIf-synchronous .= so that ships can start copying copying start can ships that .= so seIf-synchronous Be a. . e aees t rdc epne n eiiae the eliminate and expense reduce to tapeless, Be b. Si t si RT circuits. RATT ship to Ship . ç . aa tcia vie circuits. voice tactical Naval d. . hp o hr RT circuits. RATT shore to Ship b. . aa RT bodat (nldn MT broadcasts). MET (including broadcasts RATT Naval a. s ue ht oe r atvl eggd n eerh and research in engaged actively are some that sume to nlsr 1 SACLANT 1 Enclosure t ot h ne t transmit, to need the hout 8 - ne "A" Annex - O s rcial t cnet L broad­ VLF convert to practicable DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE CONCLUSIONS with a view to coordination by the Standing Group to achieve achieve to Group Standing the by coordination to view a with RECOMMENDATION NATO - SECRET optblt o oeain hogot NATO. throughout operation of compatibility operation. on-line to casts pedx A t Ecoue I Enclosure to "A" Appendix NATO - SECRET probleiü this in made been have may that progress any and views their h lat ifcl t sle ehial, s o ovr nvl broad­ naval convert to is technically, solve to difficult least the SGM-162-59 10. It is recommended that nations be consulted to ascertain ascertain to consulted be nations that recommended is It 10. 9* It is concluded that the most urgent problem, and perhaps perhaps and problem, urgent most the that concluded is It 9* -81- ne "A" Annex SACLANT o gna tm 23 Item Agenda to SECRET - NATO






References ; â,. AMSP 248 b. NAVMAIRCOMCON 56/1, Agenda and Minutes, Item S.4 S.. Naval and Maritime Air Authentication system proposedb y SACLANT (SACLANT SER: 1281 dated 5 Oct 56) à* 1« ENCA 57/3» Agenda and Minutes - Item A .6 2 . ENCA 57/L/79 dated 4 Dec 57 3 « ENCA 58/1, Minutes - Item A.6 4- ENCA 58/L/16 dated 15 Apr 58 Ê,. SGM-319-58 dated 23 May 58 addressedENCA to £. SGM-635-58 dated 1st Oct 58 addressedENCA to

1. The following publications, approved by the Standing Group deal with authentication:

- ACP 122 (B) Communication Instructions Security

- AMSP 248 Naval and maritime air authentication, including :

- a cover with instruction for use of

the system

- authentication keys to be inserted

in the cover:

s operational wartime keys, not distributed

= exercise keys

- AMSP 249 Naval and maritime air authentication system

Training - AMSP 250 (A) Instructions for compiling and using authentication systems, describing 4 authen-

cation systems approved for local use«

2. a. The naval and maritime air authentication system (AMSP

248) gives 3 operating procedures.

(1) Challenge and reply authentication (authentication of


SECRET - NATO - 82 - Agenda Item 30 SGM-162-59 RANCE F Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 (Page added by Corrigoridum No. 1 dtd 23 Mar 59 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SEC CONCLUSION euiy o ean sse wih s ite n wogy sd owing used wrongly and little is which system a retain to security o t dfiute ad hc wil fe ntig u dabcs at drawbacks but nothing offer ill w which and difficulties its to ERT NT - 2 - gna tm 30 Item Agenda - 82a - 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix NATO - SECRET h otra o a war. a of outbreak the G-6-9 FRANCE SGM-162-59 R ET ET authenticatio n rqie te s o 3 of use the requires and sig o ad tdig mr sipe n wral system. workable and impie s more a studying and for asking quick, quick, of this procedure, as it appears in all exercise reports reports exercise all in appears it as procedure, this of a be udr td wt te tnig ru fr vr y 2 over for Group Standing the with study under been has s t appears. it as etn, h Sadn Gop ol hv amte te advar the admitted have would Group Standing the meeting, dpin o NT ue n h na future. near the in use NATO for adoption 3 . France thinks that it is useless and even dangerous for for dangerous even and useless is it that thinks France . 3 of that new system but economic considerations prevented its its prevented considerations economic but system new that of Fl eecss 7 n SI SAE mainly). SHAPE SHIP and 57 exercises (Fall Pg add y orgnu N. dd 3 a 59) Mar 23 dtd 1 No. Corrigendum by added (Page - NATO Oeaig rcdrs 1 ad 3 aoe r sml and simple are above (3) and (1) procedures Operating . b which consisted in replacing the transmission authentication authentication transmission the replacing in consisted which o nt ufcet euiy Fac hd o overlooke not had (France security sufficient not for c. rm MP 4, e ofrn a apeibe improvemen appreciable an offering yet 248, AMSP from change to necessary be then would it thought and risk procedure by the self-authentication procedure was ref” ««d ««d ref” was procedure self-authentication the by procedure als oe tn). ften o more tables ht ulcto ad nldn ol oe al table. daily one only including and publication that S For a long time, NATO Nations and Commands have been been have Commands and Nations NATO time, long a For b t h cmlxt ad ifclis f tra of difficulties and complexity the ut According to the minutes of the NAVMAIRCOMCON 56/ NAVMAIRCOMCON 56/ the of minutes the to According ht rf, prvd y NA n te AO Command NATO the and ENCA by approved draft, That (3) Self-authentic a tion (for aircrafts) aircrafts) (for a tion Self-authentic (3) authentication Transmission (2) (1) A proposal made by France, partly taken up by ENCA, ENCA, by up taken partly France, by made proposal A (1) (2) In 1956 SACLANT set up a draft not very diffe diffe very not draft a up set SACLANT 1956 In (2) n fe la t msae, on ee t non-use to even going mistakes, to lead often d iy hnig tables. changing aily n smission smission SECRET - NATO


4. France recommends that the Standing Group should:

a. Rapidly adopt and promulgate SACLANT's draft, taking

into account detail amendments proposed by ENCA, which would

constitue a first step towards a system less complex and more

clearly presented than AMSP 248.

b. Continue to study a "single and simple authentieation

system", SACLANT's draft being undoubtedly an improvement on

ANSP 248 but its use still being comparatively lengthy and


SECRET - NATO - 82b - Agenda Item 30 SGM-162-^9 ~ FRANCE Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 (Page added by Corrigendum No. 1 dtd 23 Mar 59) SECRET - NATO

To be issued later.

SECRET - NATO - 82 - Agenda Item 30 SGM-lé2-^9 FRANCE Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NT - 3 Aed Ie 31 Item Agenda - 83 - NATO - SECRET following: the of true have should particularly which was problems This similar neglected also plan This plan. O- 6-9 FRANCE SOM-162-59 compartmentation. of problem the with concurrently studied been en­ that also (and 1958 of summer the during trials in SHAPE by er ago. years account the security measures which motivated the compartmentation compartmentation into the take motivated not which did measures 1959) security in the WEIGHT account TOP Exercise during visaged ged o h picpe f oprmnain ad se SAE to SHAPE asked and compartmentation, of principle the to agreed Air Forces, Forces, Air td is plcto drn is cul s i trials. in use actual its during application its study two than more solutions proposed which Agency Security cations n h sm bss s h rglr rporpi sses wl be will systems, cryptographic regular the as basis same the on el. lev second the at documents the and cryptographic Armies and the within liaison cryptographic of deprived be ERT NATO - SECRET opoie a te ae ie n i te ae manner. same the in and time same the at compromised distributed systems, back-up cryptographic and compartmented, immediately will operations, active of outset the at Commands, OPRMNAIN F RY N AR OC CYTGAHC SYSTEMS CRYPTOGRAPHIC FORCE AIR AND ARMY COMPARTMENTATION OF rud nt blnig o ifrn sbcytgahc systems. sub-cryptographic different to belonging units ground 4. The Standing Group, by SGM-225-58 of 9 April 1958, 1958, April 9 of SGM-225-58 by Group, Standing The 4. 5. Unfortunately, the compartmentation system plan studied studied plan system compartmentation the Unfortunately, 5. . hs rbl hs en tde b te uoen Communi­ European the by studied been has probelm This 3. . hs s eas Am cytgahc ytm ae not are systems cryptographic Army because is This 2. 1. Under the present plan for NATO cryptographic systems, systems, cryptographic NATO for plan present the Under 1. a. The question of provision of lateral liaison between between liaison lateral of provision of question The a. Pg add y orgnu N. dd 3 a 59) Mar 23 dtd 1 No. Corrigendum by added (Page a a eut f usata co substantial of result a s UPRIG TTMN B FRANCE BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING GNA TM 31 ITEM AGENDA ON m promises of equipments equipments of promises DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NATO - SECRET experimentations which will only result in a loss of time, it is is it time, of loss a in result only will which experimentations Conclusions Re c omtne ndat ions important that the Standing Group prescribe : prescribe Group Standing the that important ERT NT - 3 - gna tm 33 Item Agenda - a 83 - NATO - SECRET Appendix Appendix SGM-T 62-59 would be such that enemy action compromising the regular regular the compromising action enemy that such be would works . works b mentation method to be adopted and which must always be kept kept be always must which and adopted be to method mentation cryptographic system would not also equally compromise the the compromise equally also not would system cryptographic plan must camouflage the organization of the compartmentation compartmentation the of organization the camouflage must plan haphazard avoid to and situation, present the correct To 6. niao gop asge t priua cytgahc net­ cryptographic particular to assigned groups indicator mentation experimentation trials of cryptographic systems systems cryptographic of trials experimentation mentation network. hc wud e netkn n nw basis. new a on undertaken be would which ECSA for an urgent study of a similar system if Standing Standing if system similar a of study urgent an for ECSA n id uig trials. during mind in hc t pecie bc-p system. back-up a prescribe to which . h Sadn Gop should: Group Standing The 7. ru fes t os o hv sfiin informatio sufficient have not does it ask feels (2) Group or above, 5 paragraph with comply would which system a ku sse prescribed. system ck-up " b £. The indicator enciphering plan to be used. This This used. be to plan enciphering trials. indicator for The adopted be to system back-up £. The . b c_. . h bsc rnil wih il eie h compart- the decide will which principle basic The a. . su peie n dtie drcie fr compart­ for directives detailed and precise Issue a. -- . ihr 1 cnurnl eprmn wt a back-up a with experiment concurrently (1) Either b. A Pg add y orgnu N. dd 3 a 59) Mar 23 dtd 1 No. Corrigendum by added (Page . . " The experimentation of a system for enciphering enciphering for system a of experimentation The o nlsr 1 Enclosure to FRANCE ^ h coc o a aku sy back-up a of choice The s tem whose distribution distribution whose tem n with with DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NT - 3 - gna Ite Agenda - b 83 - NATO - SECRET G-Ö-9 FRA SGM-1Ö2-59 OE RM H COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS COMMITTEE: THE FROM NOTE ERT NATO -SECRET SGM-154-59 of 12 March 1959 satisfies the recommendation recommendation the above. a 7 satisfies 1959 paragraph March of 12 of SGM-154-59 capabilities the and security, of demands the consider would d uig h Egt AO - Board. C-E NATO Eight the during ed perimentation trials, when necessary, so that a rational rational a that so necessary, when trials, perimentation f h cytgahc ytm. hs te sol b present­ be should then These systems. cryptographic the of hs eprmnain oto, 3 ssed n mdf ex­ modify and suspend (3) control, experimentation phase hy ae uig h ps to er, 2 asm phase-by- assume (2) years, two past the during have they principle. solution to the problem of cryptographic compartmentation compartmentation cryptographic of problem the to solution as occur not do procedures prescribed from deviations that of the specific details of all experimentations to insure insure to experimentations all of details specific the of ha France which to and evaluation, for SECAN cipherment such such cipherment rg a (rage . rsrb eprmnain n niao gop en­ group indicator in experimentation Prescribe £. d. During future trials, (l) be informed in advance advance in informed be (l) trials, future During d. d e b Oin-j geu by ded a ta propo that s d m M. . t ? Mr 59) Mar ?3 dtd 1.vmi Mo. s d y h Uie Kndm to Kingdom United the by ed s agreed in in agreed N CE m 31 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Appendix "A" to Enclosure Enclosure to "A" Appendix ^SGM-lê2— 59 SEC S E R RT IVATO - CRET T NATO - ET T o e sud later. issued be UPOTV f^ÎRT Y FRA BY ^fA^PÎMRNT PPORTIV SU 1 N CE gna tm 31 Item Agenda FRANCE DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE OCN 81 t a sae ta te s o to eaae systems separate two S of use the that stated was it 58/1 COMCON G-6-9 C E C SGM-162-59 eie ad mlmne fr s drn Eecs SRKBC (September STRIKEBACK Exercise during use for implemented and devised xrie, rmrl SRKBC, eeld ht h ue f the of use the that revealed STRIKEBACK, primarily exercises, pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix NAVMAIR- At problem. sign call the these alleviate of not did analyses system the of separate Results exercises. smaller other and 1957) eaae ytm NC-) o e sd n atcl icis was circuits tactical on used be to (NCCP-4) system separate rm oh prtoa ad euiy iwons Pir o 97 the 1957 to Prior viewpoints. security and operational both from and address groups during NATO exercises has created many problems, problems, many created has exercises NATO during groups address and rcdrs en ue were: used being procedures nedd o ue uig atm. w piay betos o the to objections primary Two wartime. during use for intended ERT NATO - SECRET EEOE rpoytm a epoe drn tee xrie ad was and exercises these during employed was cryptosystem FENELOPE O T NT - 4 Aed Ie 32 Item Agenda - 84 - NATO - FOR ET ACP 113? Ship Call Signs or ACP 112, Task Organization Call Call Organization Task 112, ACP or Signs Call Ship 113? ACP Signs) that had to be encrypted to obtain one call sign for for sign call one obtain to encrypted be to had that Signs) ifcl t ue n iw f h nme o cl sgs and signs call of number the of required, view in variants use to difficult al U ws o great. too US was e daily . s rsl o ojcin fo ues f h sse, a system, the of users from objections of result a As 2. eeecs a References: . Du 1. EEOE al in, a cniee t b cmesm and cumbersome be to considered was signs, call PENELOPE b. The CSP 1750, Call Sign Cipher Device, used to encrypt encrypt to used Device, Cipher Sign Call 1750, CSP The b. a. The number of calls (the basic and two variants from from variants two and basic (the calls of number The a. r AL IN N ADES RU ECYTO PLAN ENCRYPTION GROUP ADDRESS AND SIGN CALL ing the past several years the encryption of call signs signs call of encryption the years several past the ing SAE s SAE 96 f 0 e 58 Dec 20 of 986 SHASEC msg SHAPE . f SCAT eil 11 o 3 e 58 Dec 3 of 58 1315 N Dec 1 Serial of SACLANT 519 LANTO msg SACLANT . e d. . AOO mg 0 o 2 Ag 58 Aug 29 of 108 NATOCOM msg c. . NATCCOM b. . G mg TßC 76 f 2 a 59 Jan 22 of 5706 STAßEC msg SGN £. . NAT UPRIG TTMN B CEC BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING C O mg 0 o 2 Jl 58 Jul 29 of 103 msgCOM GNA TM ^2 ITEM AGENDA m g 0 o 1 Ag 58 Aug 15 of 106 sg M DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE uut 98 y eeec a n ltr mlfe b rfrne b n ç.. and b references by amplified later and a reference by 1958 August tnig ru te prtoa rqieet fr al in a deve­ as signs call for requirements operational the Group Standing with use for procedures simplified proposed which developed was oe b NAVMAIRCO by loped interim the replace to schedules procedures final the factory, and instructions encryption sign call the of revision required have simpli­ a provide to underway were plans that stated Representative h itrm rcdrs mlmne o 1 Ags 15 wr unsatis­ were 1958 August 15 on implemented procedures interim the 15 on use NATO for effective made were procedures interim the , ly and 295 (AMSPs material six within implemented be could system new this that hoped was eesr sne mlmnain f h fnl rcdrs would procedures final the of be to implementation procedures since al necessary fin procedures (2) interim and (1) 1958 - August parts 15 two implemented of be to consisted plan The signs. G-6-9 C E C Appendix SGM-162-59 n byne I ws ged ht ALN sol frad o the to forward should SACLANT that held agreed was procedures It al fin the abeyance. and withdrawn in be should procedures interim call voice and C/W both for providing cryptosystem PENELOPE the call C/W for NCCP-4 of use the discontinue to NAVMAIRCOMCON 58/1 at eeec e ALN fradd o h Sadn Gop h operational the Group Standing the to forwarded SACLANT e reference ERT NT - 5 Aed Ite Agenda - 85 - NATO - By SECRET . /2 NAVMAIRCOMCON 8 5 at raised as plan revised the to objections the and satisfactory, be not would 1959 February in procedures were procedures simplified interim The 1959. February 15 implemented agreed was it statement, SECAN the of result a As it and year. a system, to months encryption sign call PENELOPE the of version fied signs except for maritime patrol aircraft and air bases, but that that but bases, air and aircraft patrol maritime for except signs cause confusion and was not the solution to the problem. The SECAN SECAN The problem. the to solution the not was and confusion cause CP4 hud otne o e sd o vie al signs. call voice for used be to continue should NCCP-4 ERT NATO - SECRET PNLP o st on (PENELOPE 4 . At NAVMAIRCOMCON 58/2 in November 1958, it was stated that that stated was it 1958, November in NAVMAIRCOMCON 58/2 At . 4 3 . In accordance with the NAVMAIRCOMCON agreements, a plan plan a NAVMAIRCOMCON agreements, the with accordance In . 3 . y eeec d ALN fradd o h Sadn Gop the Group Standing the to forwarded SACLANT d reference By 5. " " o Enclo to A" r ategic circuits and NCCP-4 on tactical circuits) circuits) tactical on NCCP-4 and circuits ategic M O 5/ representatives. 58/2 CON s r 1 ure 296 ad lo eiin f C 12 According­ 112. ACP of revision also and ) m 32 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NT - 6 Aed Ie 32 Item Agenda - 36 - NATO - SECRET SGM-I eurmns ttd t NAVMAIRCO at stated requirements tnig ru b rfrne e. reference by Group Standing for system revised the considering actively was SGN that SACEUR al in drn eecss a optional. was exercises during signs call f ns tm n poie udne o ftr action. future for guidance provide and item inis of ve by reference a was available, and that the decision to encrypt encrypt to decision the that and effecti­ made system interim available, was the a system, implemen­ reference by revised pending ve be al that fin would the it expected, of that previously tation as unlikely was February it 15 by that ready but encryption sign call problem and attempts are being made to meet the operational operational the meet to made being are attempts and problem system. requirement n rqet al Sadn Gop eiin n h rcmedto to recommendation the on decision Group Standing early request and ERT NATO - SECRET place in abeyance the interim plan and withhold the final revised revised final the withhold and plan interim the abeyance in place y referen by 62-59 6 . By reference reference By . 6 8. It is recommended that the Board note the lack of progress progress of lack the note Board the that recommended is It 8. 7. The CEC is currently studying the call sign encryption encryption sign call the studying currently is CEC The 7. C E C c f HP cnurd ih h cnet f eeec d reference of content the with concurred SHAPE f e s o cl sgs a signs call for g, h Sadn Gop nomd ALN and SACLANT informed Group Standing the s ged t NA VMA at IRC agreed OMC ON M O 5/ a fradd o the to forwarded as 58/2 CON 5 2, and , /2 8 SECRET - NATO





1. By SACLANT serial N-1315 dated 3 December 1958 and message

O12248Z DEC 1958, the recommendations of NAVMAIRCOMCON 58/2 and

LANTCOMCON 58/2 with regard to the whole field of callsign encryption were forwarded to the Standing Group. These documents are attached as Annexes "A" and "B" respectively.

2. Briefly, they reflect the strong feeling of the operational commanders that the callsign systems outlined in NATOCOM 103 are operationally unacceptable. This is based on the fact that the security requirements have made the system cumbersome, slow, and liable to error. Because of this, it has been recommended that call­ signs in the immediate future be used unencrypted, until such time as the operational requirements given in detail in serial N-1315 can be met.

3. As an interim measure, for exercises only, SACLANT has directed that all ACLANT exercises will use unencrypted callsigns from NCCP-4. Blocks of CW and voice callsigns from this book have therefore been allocated to JOINTCINCEASTLANT, CINCWESTLANT' and

COMSTRIKFLTLANT for use in exercises.

4. Until a suitable callsign encryption system is available,i t is planned to have ACLANT forces use callsigns from ACP's unencrypted during an emergency or war. SACLANT major subordinate commands have been so advised.

Annex A - SACLANT Serial N-1315 dated 3 December 1958 Annex B - SACLANT Message O12248Z December 1958

SECRET - NATO - 87 - Agenda Item 32 SGM-l§2-^9 SACLANT Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Tee euiy eurmns ae ae h sse eteey cumbersome extremely system the made have requirements security These ' pedx A t En to "A" Appendix ERT NT ~ NATO - SECRET G-6-9 o A to SGM-162-59 the system outlined in NATOCOM 103 and proposals for an interim interim an for proposals and 103 NATOCOMsystem. in outlined system the complex. and simplified the that viewpoint the in unanimous were CommandersSupreme n fna sses f alin nrpin ulnd n AOO 13 are NATOCOM 103 in outlined encryption callsign of systems al fin and ujOeainl eurmns o Cl Sg Ecyto System Encryption Sign Call for Requirements Subj:Operational prtoal uacpal, u t te tign scrt requirements security stringent the to due unacceptable, operationally o Sadn Gop NATO Group Standing To: ERT NATO - SECRET Te AMICMO dlgts ged that: agreed NAVMAIRCOMCON delegates The . 3 2 . SACLANT's message O12248Z contains detailed objections to to objections detailed contains O12248Z message SACLANT's . 2 tion system are : are system tion . t AMICMO 5/ te prtoa rpeettvs f the of representatives operational the NAVMAIRCOMCON 58/2 At 1. bu oe iue e callsign. per minute one about oc fr re a for force . te fcos hc ms b tkn no con are: account into taken be must which factors Other b. commander. errors. . h bsc prtoa rqieet fr clsg encryp­ callsign a for requirements operational basic The a. o mr ta to aiy rnucal words. pronounceable easily two than more not l Cl sg gnrto sol nt ae oe than more take not should generation sign Call Cl) 3 Vie alin fr t for callsigns Voice (3) 2 Vie alin fr atcl s ms cnit of consist must use tactical for callsigns Voice (2) 1 Gnrto ms b sml, uc ad o oe to open not and quick simple, be must Generation (1) H SPEE LID COMMANDER ATLANTIC ALLIED SUPREMETHE OT ATLANTIC NORTH c lo OFL 1, IGNA U.. . .S.A U VIRGINIA, 11, NORFOLK O GNA TM 2 (SACLANT) 32 ITEM AGENDATO s r 1 oAoLANI 1 ure a sonable period as decided by the appropriate appropriate the by decided as period sonable HEADQUARTE NE "A" ANNEX T REATY ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION REATY OF 38 38 - Annex Annex - R a S ctical use must remain in in remain must use ctical Dcme 1953 December 3 N-1315 : r e S g enda enda " A" i tem ?,2 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - NATO - SECRET sign encryption system which meets the operational requirements requirements operational the meets which system encryption sign Appendix Appendix above. outlined G-6-9 o gna tm 32 Item Agenda to SGM-162-59 'NATOSECRrJT - n h na future. near the in . I i rcmedd ht h Sadn Gop rvd a ll­ a c a provide Group Standing the that recommended is It . 4 eemnn te ere f alin euiy ht s required. is that security callsign of degree the determining callsign system fin ally adopted that it must be used regularly regularly used be must it that adopted ally fin system callsign c are changed. These factors, and the other means of analyzing analyzing callsigns of means as time other same the the and at ., c factors, t e These grid, changed. are letters, track cies, envisaged : envisaged 5. French translation is being prepared and w ill be forwarded forwarded be ill w and prepared being is translation French 5. when account into taken be must enemy, an to open , traffic h epne i ncsay o security. at of speed, and necessary, if simplicity of expense, the requirements the to given be must n ectm b al AO nations. NATO all by peacetime in frequen­ transmitters, , operators, change to practicable not is it f nrpin ros ht r md. t s lo eeat that relevant also is It made. are that errors encryption of ,. a .„, , . SAC LA NT .. „ t. „ ,,i scrt i nt en otie bcue f h lre numbers large the of because obtained being not is security l O TE URM ALE COMMANDER ATLANTIC: ALLIED SUPREME THE FOR f . It is considered fundamental to the efficiency of any any of efficiency the to fundamental considered is It . f d. It is evident that in any workable system more weight weight more system workable any in that evident is It d. go eape f hs ye f callsign. of type this of example good a . t s eti ta wt te nei sse te theoreti the system interim the with that certain is It e. . I cnieig oc clsgs h floig ye were types following the callsigns voice considering In c.. EM ye sd y ovy ad sot ae osdrd o be to CHIEF considered BOSS, are The escorts use. and convoys by tactical used local type TEAM for frequently change not n og al circuits. haul long on n time. one A t*> Erie.losure (1) A tactical callsign, as in a (2) above, which would would which above, (2) a in as callsign, tactical A (1) 2 Te hntc eso o te W alin o use for callsign CW the of version phonetic The (2) (3) There should be only CW callsign per activity at at activity per callsign CW only be should There accept (3) is changing Daily (2) / s / L . S. SABIN SABIN S. . L / s / 89 Anx "A" Annex - he o Staff of Chief a l fr W callsigns. CW for ble ­ SECRET - NATO



MESSAGE 0122482 DEC 1958



1. At NAVMAIRCOMCON 58/2 Supreme Commanders Representatives

agreed that the interim system for callsign encryption promulgated

by NATOCOM 103 is operationally unacceptable for naval and maritime

air use,since it is very cumbersome, due to its complexity. This is

based on experience in NATO and national exercises in both ACE and


2 . The two main objections to the system are:

a. The complicated encryption/decryption process which

involves 48 movements of cipher machine to derive even one CW

or voice callsign. Apart from prodigious effort and time needed ,

this process is conductive to producing errors.

b. Voice callsigns change too frequently and are too

cumbersome for effective use.

3. The final revised system referred to in para. 1 of NATOCOM10 will not overcome these objections.

4 . The introduction of either of these systems in an emergency would result in a serious disruption of communications.

5. It is therefore recommended that:

a. The interim system be placed in abeyance forthwith.

b. The fin al revised system be withheld from use.

SECRET - NATO - 90 - Annex "B" SGM-162-59 too AgendaAgera Item 32 SACLANT Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 SECRET - NATO

c. Urgent efforts be made to produce a system which meets

operational requirements by placing more emphasis on simplicity

and speed.

d. Until such time as an acceptable system is produced, CW

and voice callsigns be used unencrypted.

e. For maritime aircraft, and, where necessary, maritime

air bases and MHQ's, NDCP-4 should continue to be used.

f. For voice callsigns, the phonetic version of the CW

callsign should be used. Where NCCP-4 is still held, Operational

Commanders should be permitted to order its use on c tactial

voice circuits.

6. A statement of the operational requirements for callsign

encryption systems, together with comments on the security problems, will be forwarded to SGN separately.

SECRET - NATO - 91 - Annex" B" SGM“ lo2-59 to Agenda Itev.’: 32 Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 SACLANT DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE whenever a force breaks wireless silence at sea then in a very very a in then that sea at interception silence "Y" and wireless breaks fingerprinting force a radio whenever capabilities, Finding e hus euiy rm tcia "" necp ognzto i a is organization intercept "Y" tactical a from security hours few ERT NAT ~ SECRET eiie requirement. definite ekn ato, hn hs nelgne l b o get au. It value. great of be ill w intelligence this then action, seeking ill w this and commanders force naval enemy to station "Y" shore the appear not does it Therfore, of names actual available. soon the so although availa­ be be not may organizations ill w unit a force "Y" the based of shore to position ble and composition the time short to lead ill w which forces own our amongst confusion cause to t e sol nt e eeld hog tafc n Nvl Fox Naval a on traffic through revealed be not should sea at instant with him provide can which organization "Y" tactical the conceal ill w units these of signs call of encryption the that real any forces. produce not "Y" enemy ill the w to consequently problem and violations security silence, it is vitally necessary that the presence of that force force that NATO - of SECRET presence the that necessary vitally is it silence, a has commander force naval enemy the If time. take inevitably IO NATCCOM 103, G-6-9 SHAPE SGM-162-59 information of the composition of the naval force with whom he is is he whom with force naval the of composition the of information s hrfr cniee ta a ipe al in ytm iig a giving system sign call simple a that considered therefore is force. a of units the of identity Appendix Appendix 4 . When a force goes to sea, under conditions of radio radio of conditions under sea, to goes force a When . 4 Hwvr ti itretd nelgne a t b pse from passed be to has intelligence intercepted this However, . 3 2. It is considered that with the present day Direction Direction day present the with that considered is It 2. 1. The present call sign encryption system as laid down in in down laid as system encryption sign call present The 1. " A AL IN N ADES RU ECYTO PLAN ENCRYPTION GROUP ADDRESS AND SIGN CALL " o nlsr 1 Enclosure to O 6 n IO and UPRIG TTMN B SHAPE BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING 8 are cumbersome, unworkable and more likely likely more and unworkable cumbersome, are GNA TM ^2 ITEM AGENDA - 2 Aed Ie 32 Item Agenda - 92 ON DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE eie n i i togt ht h vie al in sol be should signs call voice the that thought is it and derive pedx A" o nlsr 1 Enclosure to " "A Appendix h Ale Nvl inl Book. Signal Naval Allied the to avoid any chance of confusion which might arise with groups from from groups with arise might which confusion of chance any avoid to and background foregoing the with studied be should encryption sign and it is suggested that this be achieved by high security delivery delivery security high by achieved be this that suggested is it and o nbe rcs o e rie i is use. its in trained be to froces enable to phonetically spoken signs call CW than rather words pronounceable messages. of heading the in groups me of destination the Broadcast; ERT NT - 3 Aed Ie 32 Item Agenda - 93 - NATO - SECRET required: is following the that appears it G-6-9 SHAPE SGM-162-59 NATO - SECRET 6 . The tactical call signs should be easy and foolproof to to foolproof and easy be should signs call tactical The . 6 messages. decrypt to required are ships what cast 7. The plan developed should be in force during peacetime peacetime during force in be should developed plan The 7. security. intercepted by an afloat "Y" organization, w ill give temporary temporary give ill w organization, "Y" afloat an by intercepted 5. It is therefore submitted that the requirement for call call for requirement the that submitted therefore is It 5. . atcl al sign call Tactical b. . ih euiy ehd f niaig n nvl broad­ naval a on indicating of method security High a. s s , both CW and voice, which, if if which, voice, and CW both , sages in a broadcast must be secure secure be must broadcast a in sages DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx Af o nlsr 1 Enclosure to "A,f Appendix would be to establish a means whereby nations could purchase purchase could nations whereby means a establish to be would ERT NT - 4 Aed Ie 33 Item Agenda - 94 - NATO - SECRET ud smlaeul o te ae seiid y eeec b n the and b reference by specified dates the on simultaneously funds G-6-9 CEC SGM-162-59 If .S. U the from intermittently not and stock this from directly initiated had DACAN , ç reference in noted suggestions the of receipt uesu, fot wud e ae o oae n amnse te stock the administer and locate to made be would efforts sucessful, lag. time existing parts the spare of decreasing receipt the of advance in parts spare ADONIS at a price favorable to all purchasers. The objective of this action action this of objective The purchasers. all to favorable for price contract a production at a whereby authorities .S. U the by explored now has situation the and lt, u iffic d rather proven has b reference a large stock of parts and KL-7's could be let in the near future future near the in let be could KL-7's and parts of being stock are large Methods a problem. the on authorities .S. U with action with compliance items, many on time lead procurement excessive toward view a commands with and nations the from requisitions become critical as reported by reference c,. However, prior to to prior However, c,. reference by reported as critical become prior effected be not could KLX-7/TSEC and TSEC/HL-1 the for ments ERT NATO - SECRET parts. Reference ç suggested consideration of contracting for for contracting of consideration suggested ç Reference parts. follow-on ordering and determining for command responsible and KL-7 spare parts and for maintaining their own reserve of spare spare of reserve own their maintaining for and nation parts NATO spare each KL-7 made b Reference funds. necessary of receipt require­ to NATO consolidated of procurement that advised authorities Reference . u t te nblt o al ain t poie res and orders provide to nations all of inability the to Due 2. 1. In reference a DACAN informed ECSA that United States States United that ECSA informed DACAN a reference In 1. Pg rvsd y Corrigendu by revised (Page RCRMN O SAE AT FR ADONIS FOR PARTS SPARE PROCUREMENT OF s a DCN eil dtd 8 a 1956 May 18 dated , 3 4 Serial DACAN a. : ES Sra 5l dtd Jnay 1959 January 9 dated 58l, Serial ECSA . ç UPRIG TTMN B CEC BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING b. SGM-854-56, dated 21 December 1956 1956 December 21 dated SGM-854-56, b. GNA TM 33 ITEM AGENDA M m o 5 t 6 p 59) Apr 6 dtd 5 No. DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ERT NT - 4 - gna tm 33 Item Agenda - a 94 - NATO - SECRET G-é-9 CEC SGM-lé2-59 ERT NATO - SECRET h Cmuiain lcrnc Cmite l b kp fly informed. fully kept be ill w Committee Electronics Communication the pcfe b DACAN. by specified cryptomaterial for procedures procurement in needed be ill w changes procurement requests and transfers of money within time limits limits time official provide within money to of effort transfers and greater make to requests have procurement ill w nations the and hs i ta idctos rm h U.. uhrte ae ht some that are authorities .S. U the from indications itial in this, f pr prs n uoe n rvlig ud ai. n diin to addition In basis. fund revolving a on Europe in parts spare of I i rcmedd ht h Bad ae oe f hs report. this of note take Board the that recommended is It . 4 Te ntd tts s otnig o ae ioos cin and action vigorous take to continuing is States United The . 3 Pg rvsd y orgnu N. dd Ar 59) Apr 6 dtd 5 No. Corrigendum by revised (Page DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ih ve twr dcesn te xsig ie lag. time existing the decreasing toward view a with ERT NATO ~ SECRET uhrte hd die ta poueet f osldtd NATO consolidated of procurement that advised had authorities ERT NT - 4 Aed Ie 33 Item Agenda - 94 - NATO - SECRET Europe. in parts spare ADONIS of basis. stockpile fund a revolving administer a In financing facilitate to appropriations commands and nations the from the of requisitions advance parts in spare parts of spare ADONIS' receipt for contracting of effected ration be not could KLX-7/TSEC and TSEC/HL-1 the for requirements and the Communications-Electronics Committee w ill be kept fully fully kept be ill w Committee Communications-Electronics the and parts. spare States ADONIS of United procurement with of problem the on coordination close in authorities working been had DACAN b, ro t rcit f eesr'^ns Rfrne sgetd conside­ suggested b Reference necessary'f^inds. of receipt to prior f ud cn e band i i peety lne t lct and locate to planned presently is it obtained, be can Fund Aid funds Grant If obtain to attempting are authorities States United G-é-9 C E C SGM-lé2-59 informed. pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix eeecs a DCN eil 3 f 8 a 5 (NOTAL) 56 May 18 of 43 Serial DACAN a. References: I i rcmedd ht h Bad ae oe f hs report. this of note take Board the that recommended is It . 4 3 . The United States is continuing to take vigorous action action vigorous take to continuing is States United The . 3 Pir o h rcit f h sgetos oe i reference in noted suggestions the of receipt the to Prior . 2 1. At reference a DACAN informed ECSA the United States States United the ECSA informed DACAN a reference At 1. PR PC . CA eil 8 o 9 a 5 (NOTAL) 59 Jan 9 of 581 Serial ECSA b. 5G TTMN B CEC BY STATEMENTÆ5NG GNA ITEM AGENDA PR PRS O ADONIS FOR PARTS SPARE DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ment cannot be foreseen, especially since the deterioration of the the of deterioration the since especially foreseen, be cannot ment worse, but because of the delay of more than two years between between years two than more of delay the of because but worse, Appendix Appendix SECRET - NATO - 95 - Agenda I I 33 tain Agenda - 95 - se. u NATO - SECRET their to proportion in accelerates machines e ae hs er ( year this made be number the reduced cases some in and reserves, repairs. reduced awaiting has immobilized This are equipments ADONIS of number S h dtriain f ed ad h dlvr -f res, n i an -of orders., delivery the and needs of determination the tended use of the equipment, and that since then no additional additional no then since that and It equipment, the of use equipments. parts tended spare original of the with ago allocation the years by three been now worse, nearly for until or received has better equipment for the of assured, maintenance and (1959) July eas o a ak f pr p spare of lack a of because n hr spl a te cnen h ms cmol ue ies A items. used commonly most the concern they as supply short in pr prs Te rsn stain hrfr wl nt become not will therefore situation present The parts. spare f eurd prtn equipments. operating required of and in certain cases the impossibility of maintaining equipment equipment maintaining of impossibility the cases certain in and the after upy f pr prs a be md t te nations. the to made been has parts ex­ spare of of basis supply the on made not were allotments that noted be should ERT NATO - SECRET cryptosystems based on the ADONIS system would rapidly diminish diminish rapidly NATO would system of ADONIS the on efficiency the based system, cryptosystems ADONIS the in compromises of M125 FRANCE GM-162-59 4. The delivery of spare parts ordered two years ago will will ago years two ordered parts spare of delivery The 4. 2 . The third year of the use of ADONIS machines ends next next ends machines ADONIS of use the of year third The . 2 3. At present, the original allocations of spare parts are are parts spare of allocations original the present, At 3. 1. Although measures have been taken to alleviate results results alleviate to taken been have measures Although 1. ( P " A g add t>y added age H SPL O SAE AT FR DNS MACHINES ADONIS FOR PARTS SPARE OF SUPPLY THE t r a t 3 " o nlsr 1 Enclosure to UPRIG TTMN B FRANCE BY STATEMENT SUPPORTING of hostilities as the result of many d ifficu lties, lties, ifficu d many of result the as hostilities of 1959 C GNA TM 33 ITEM AGENDA ) j and this will begin the resupply of of resupply the begin will this and j ) ox-rlgerid a rts. ON u m N o . . d td d 3. 3 a 59) Mar 23 m prove­ DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE 'SGM-Ï62-55 Appendix Appendix SECRET Recommendations hs ue ol b rnee ncsay y h lre ubr f un­ of number large the by necessary rendered be would use whose available ADONIS equipments, it is absolutely necessary to take take to necessary absolutely is it equipments, ADONIS available immediate measures to remedy the present situation prior to the the to prior situation present the remedy to measures immediate and capability poor a has which equipment, back-up manual the ubek f stilities. o h of outbreak the machines on hand w ill be in repair. This situation, possibly possibly situation, This repair. in be ill w hand on machines the condon sto limited Comm iuto a te ubek f otlte Tee l b a very- a be ill w There : hostilities of outbreak the at situation NATO - SECRET a hs alctos hud hn e ree b DCN n de­ and DACAN by ordered be then should allocations These loain sol b poie truh nentoa funding. international through provided be should allocations conditions. wartime meet to increase to 50$ a prior include acquired should experience and maintenance all all on for based supply months six of level a to equipments ADONIS livered to and placed on hand by the users and their use use their and users the by hand on placed and to livered qimn peety n s. hs alctos hud be should allocations These use. in presently equipment should be forbidden in peacetime. The financing of these these of financing The peacetime. in forbidden be should should: Group Standing The 7. immediate. be must ment 6 . To avoid the generalization or abnormal extension of of extension abnormal or generalization the avoid To . 6 oe ncesbe ihn sot eid f i e. tim of period short a within inaccessible come nds nds 5. Therefore, if present procedures procedures present if Therefore, 5. a (Page (Page - ble in peacetime, will rapidly become catastrophic since : since catastrophic become rapidly will peacetime, in ble AO 9 a Aed Ie 33 Item Agenda - a 95 - NATO " a -- A a Sm sae at dpt wil e etoe o be­ or destroyed be ill w depots parts spare Some . £ . oe qimn wl b dsryd n is replace­ its and destroyed be will equipment Some b. . ahns il hn oe ail deteriorate. rapidly more then will Machines a. nd Nations w ill find themselves in the following following the in themselves find ill w Nations nd " . . c o nlsr 1 Enclosure to a k of spare parts, and a considerable percentage of of percentage considerable a and parts, spare of k dd y orgnu N. dd 3 a 59) Mar 23 dtd 1 No. Corrigendum by dded FRANCE ~ Speed the resupply of mobilization spare parts for for parts spare mobilization of resupply the Speed a re not modified, the the modified, not re 1959 1959 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SÖJPT62-55 pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix present and foreseeable equipments and spare parts will at all all at will parts spare and equipments foreseeable and present readers, coupling systems, e t c ., so that an orderly supply of of supply assured. orderly be an times that so ., c tape t e as such systems, devices coupling crypto and readers, equipment cryptographic of types ERT NATO -SECRET ERT NT - 5 b 95 - NATO - SECRET difficult to obtain. The requirements determined should should determined requirements The obtain. to difficult eid Tee tcs hud lo e iacd hog inter­ through financed be also should stocks These their ensure to period. sufficient be should and used, be would which ainl funding. national the end of of end through the needs parts spare their operational months six first the of end the at replacement 8. The procedures outlined herein should be applied to all all to applied be should herein outlined procedures The 8. ordered. concurrently be then orders presently being financed by the nations have been been have nations the by financed being presently orders and certain certain and should be determined based on the replacement of spare parts parts spare of replacement the on based determined be should (Page (Page £. Ask the nations and commands to immediately evaluate evaluate immediately to commands and nations the Ask £. b Pecie oiiain pr prs o DCN EUDAC DACAN, for parts spare mobilization Prescribe _b. ------a dded dded “ 19 M by 5 stockage This determined). be (to Commands ajor 9 their spare parts needs for for needs parts spare their rr o C i gendum N o . . o N gendum 1 196 dtd dtd te t eaut, at evaluate, to then , I 3 a 59) Mar 23 1962 Agenda Item Item Agenda FRANCE , since the the since , 33 33 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NATO ~ SECRET ERT NATO - SECRET SGM-162-59 pedx "A” Appendix o e sud later. issued be To o En to c UPRIG rTM^B FRANCE krATÉMB^|BY SUPPORTING oue 1 losure 9 - 95 - Agenda Item 33 33 Item Agenda FRANCE DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NATO- - SECRET SEC okn Pry ne rfrne a. reference under Party Working S ae s uh rges s osbe o mlmn te recommendations the implement to possible as progress much as make T put forward by the Electronic Warfare Policy Special Working Party. Party. Working Special Policy Warfare Electronic the by forward put pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix GM- ee eomnain ae otie i te eot rdcd y the by produced report the in contained are recommendations hese R T NT - NATO - ET 162 eeecs a NW 1/58 NEWP a. References; ihn NATO. within directing Nations and Commands which have suitable textbooks, textbooks, suitable have Commands which and Nations directing ietn ECC o oriae pca Tann Cuss among Courses Training Special coordinate to EMCCC directing to consider the release of these books to other NATO Nations Nations NATO other to books these Commands. of and/or release the consider to etn up setting NATO. the to release to of publications that the Standing Group Nations are willing willing are Nations Group Standing the that publications of release for authorized equipment Warfare Electronic listing contains: document mentionned afore This 2. re t ipoe h ecag o EW. nomtos ad 3G a and informations, . E.W of exchange the improve to order Meetin Board C-E NATO sixth the At 1. Nations. at o EW. Policy. . E.W on Party 5 CEC E C -59 d. At Enclosure B, one appendix C which proposes a list list a proposes which C appendix one B, Enclosure At d. SGM a proposes which B appendix one B, Enclosure At . ç . t nlsr B oe pedx wih rpss SGM a proposes which D appendix one B, Enclosure At e. f . At Enclosure C> some general conclusions of the Working Working the of conclusions general some C> Enclosure At . f . t nlsr B oe pedx wih rpss SGM a proposes which A appendix one B, Enclosure At b. . t nlsr A a e vrin f C 64. MC of version new a A, Enclosure At a. a NATO Electronic Warfare Liaison Committee, in in Committee, Liaison Warfare Electronic NATO SM165 o 1 Mr 59 Mar 12 of SGM-156-59 . d . G-75 o 8 a 58 Jan 8 of SGM-17-58 c. . SGM- b. SUPPO LCRNC AFR POLICY WARFARE ELECTRONIC R 325-53 IG TTMN 3 CEC 3Y STATEMENT TING AGE % ND ITEM A f 8 a 58 May 28 of 96 ON - g E ws ietd to directed was CEC gna Item Agenda 36 M

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE SEC S G-6-9 C E C SGM-162-59 pedx ’" o Enclo to ’’A" Appendix E C R R T NATO ~ ET T NT - 7 Aed Ie 36 Item Agenda - 97 - NATO - ET rne UK ad S t wih h rqet o otiig relea­ obtaining for request the which to .S. U and U.K. France, version. new a by superseded be ill w (Final) 64 MC otc wt Fran with contact CEC. the in study active 3 t eeec b Te SG The b. reference at himn hud e eintd hs is dt sol b to be should duty first his designated; be Co should Chairman Military the by consideration active under is Committee C 4 Fnl wil e uesdd y nw version. new a by superseded be ill w (Final) 64 MC Nations to other NATO Nations has been authorized, was issued issued was authorized, been has Nations NATO other to Nations determine the needs of the Committee (Terms of Reference, Reference, of (Terms Committee the of needs the determine I i rcmedd ht h Bad ae oe f hs report. this of note take Board the that recommended is It . 4 al pbiain hs o e made. be to has publications sable bann rlaal eupet hs o e made. be to has equipments releasable obtaining accommodations, e t c . . . ) . U.K. will designate an officer for for officer an future. designate near the will in U.K. duty this . ) . . . c t e accommodations, In order to save time, the CEC has proposed that a prospective prospective a that proposed has CEC the time, save to order In . h peet tts f h pooas bv follows: above proposals the of status present The ç.. The proposed SGM at 2 c above, should be sent when when sent be should above, c 2 at SGM proposed The ç.. a . The new version of MC 64 (Final) is s till under under till s is (Final) 64 MC of version new The . a d. The proposed SGM at 2 d above, should be sent when when sent be should above, d 2 at SGM proposed The d. e. The setting up of the NATO Electronic Warfare Liaison Liaison Warfare Electronic NATO the of up setting The e. Group Standing by release whose equipinênts of list The b. h SM f eeec d ie te ons f cont of points the gives d reference of SGM The s c r 1 ure e , U.K. and U .S. to which the request for for request the which to .S. U and U.K. , e M f referen of c d ie te ons of points the gives d e a ct with with ct m mitte DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Discussion. ERT NATO - SECRET on the grounds that the project has been approved and the equipments equipments the and approved been has project the that grounds the on n xobtn mnoe bd, hc we calne ae justified provided. are challenged when which bids, manpower exhorbitant the in in departments/divisions manpower and technical operational Problem. The planning of New NATO C-E Projects. The results of this are reflected reflected are this of results The Projects. C-E NATO New of planning h mnoe rqieet rslig rm e NT CE Projects. C-E NATO New from resulting requirements manpower the G-6-9 U.K. SGM-162-59 SEC pedx A t Enclo to "A" Appendix R ET - NATO - 98 98 - NATO - ET To ntne o ti hv aie vr rcnl i te U the in recently very arisen have this of instances Two . 3 ranks/ratings to man the equipment now being installed. installed. being now equipment the man to ranks/ratings 2. It is clear that there is a lack of co-ordination between between co-ordination of lack a is there that clear is It 2. r big itd lhuh hs nlds iet icis to circuits direct includes this although fitted being are osdrto a t wehr t l b ncsay o i yet dig to necessary for be is ill it w it 3OO, whether than to less as be to consideration manpower likely the not this that are in observing requirements installed Headquarters be been small to have plans relatively circuits that duplex concern RATT some 24 with for noted made is it specified and Officers Communication 47 mobilitation on exp being are difficulties Considerable 1. rcial eey te atoiy n h country. the in authority other every practically planned and although no manpower requirements have been been have requirements manpower no although and planned Teleprinters 175 that grounds the on postulated is Justification nte hl i "h Rc" o comdt then. accommodate to Rock" "The in hole another CO-ORDINATION OF PROVISION OF PERSONNEL WITH WITH PERSONNEL OF PROVISION OF CO-ORDINATION a. CINCEASTLANT's Headquarters at Northwood requires requires Northwood at Headquarters CINCEASTLANT's a. b. COMGIBLANT/COMGIBMED' s Headquarters is currently being being currently is Headquarters s COMGIBLANT/COMGIBMED' b. UPRIG AE B UIE KINGDOM UNITED BY PAPER SUPPORTING NEW N s A. O. - PROJECTS C-E . .O .T .A r 1 ure GNA TM 35 ITEM AGENDA OU - gna Ite Agenda e rienced in meeting meeting in rienced 867 C-E other other C-E m

38 . K. DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE olwn advantages: following ni sc tm a te ye etmts a be cmltd and completed impracticable been had quite estimates is B Type this the that as time clear such also is until It stage. estimate the how to as embarrassment and consternation serious causing wr o te apwr mlctos hn h poet a under was project the when consideration. implications manpower the nations of by aware both numbers these of breakdown a include to necessary merit some be would there that however considered is It approved. A Type the in was project the when time the at undertaken be could commitments. various the meet to provided be can manpower equipment. the n b srie n re ta Ntoa Srie iitis hud be should Ministries Service National that order in be service however by and would It estimates. B Type with concurrent assessments understanding that no provision has been made to ensure that that U.K. ensure the to made is been it has Karup and provision no Kalstrup that Bodo, at understanding up set being currently adequately trained personnel is available to man and maintain maintain and man to available is personnel trained adequately pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix NATO - SECRET final and A Type with concurrent assessments provisional making in SGM- ERT NATO - SECRET 162-^9 nr, riig n bdeay approval. budgetary and training entry, costing mapower the if advantageous be clearly would It 6. S the In . 4 . t s osdrd ht uh shm wud fe the offer would scheme a such that considered is It 7. vial t mn h eupet we installed. when equipments the man to available for arrangements necessary the make to nations enable to time cnm i mnoe requirements. manpower in economy already is SACEUR of Programme Requirements Personnel The 5. ie t sc mcie ad eie a t ahee h maximum the achieve to as devices and machines such to given . hr wud e oe urne ta mnoe wud be would manpower that guarantee some be would There b. sufficient in tabled be would requirements Manpower a. . t h etmtn sae de osdrto cud be could consideration due stage, estimating the At c. U.K. ca dnva ae, lhuh ai sain are stations radio although area, ndinavian 9 - 99 - Agenda Item Item Agenda 38 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NATO - SECRET e mne t icue p a include to amended be eurmns n ta te ye etmts hud ofr o amend or confirm should estimates B Type the that and requirements in o ti mte ad nos te ocuin n aa 8 above. 8 para. in conclusion the endorse and matter this of tions hs ubr o rdc a ia assessment. final a produce to number this pedx A t Enclo to "A” Appendix ERT NT - ° Aed Ie 38 Item Agenda “ °° 1 - NATO - SECRET G-6-9 U.K. SGM-162-59 . Conclu 8. . Recommendation. 9. It is therefore concluded that the Type A estimates should should estimates A Type the that concluded therefore is It t s eomne ta te - Bad ics te implica­ the discuss Board C-E the that recommended is It s ions. s r 1 ure r vsoa etmt o te manpower the of estimate ovisional DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - NATO - SECRET G-6-9 C E C SGM-162-59 was published in reference a. A second Working Party (WIT 1/59) 1/59) (WIT Party Working second A a. reference in published was in f I 15 crety r udr td i te CEC. the in study under are currently 1/59 WIT of tion pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix umte is eot o h CC n 2 aur 15» h recommenda­ The 1959» January 22 on CEC the to report report this its on submitted action SGN CEC. the to report its submitted subject ERT NATO - SECRET ainl networks. national principles. the meet to necessary where modified and evaluated be is lte o ruig niaos o te AO Network. NATO the for indicators routing of letter first ups o psig rfi bten h NT Ntok and Network NATO the between traffic passing of purpose h ecag o tafc ewe NT ad ainl networks. national and NATO between traffic of exchange the eerd o s h "AO Network". "NATO the as to referred eadd s n NT tltpwie ntok hc sol be should which network teletypewriter NATO one as regarded he Mjr omnes tltpwie ntok sol be should networks teletypewriter Commanders' follows: Major as three are 1/59 WIT of conclusions The . 2 eeecs a. References: Se pedx A t ti paper.) this to "A" Appendix (See . n 0 oebr 96 a okn Pry WT /6 o the on 1/56) (WIT Party Working a 1956, November 30 On 1. . ht tase" ttos hud e eintd o the for designated be should stations "transfer" That e. ç . That certain principles should be used as a guide for for guide a as used be should principles certain That . ç . ht AO icis o meig hs picpe should principles these meeting not circuits NATO That d. b. That the letter letter the That b. . ht fr upss f necag o tafc the traffic, of interchange of purposes for That, a. i SGM-139-59 fi. . f d. . SGM-52-59 d. e . . e e . SGM-51-59 . c. c . TSC 6? f 6 c 57 Oct 16 of 460? STASEC b. b. a. a. NECAG O TAFC MN NATO AMONG TRAFFIC OF INTERCHANGE AINL OMNCTO SYSTEMS COMMUNICATION NATIONAL . UPRIG S SUPPORTING SGM-138-59 SGM-53-59 SGM-391-58 GNA TM ^9 ITEM AGENDA R hud e uhrzd o ue s the as use for authorized be should AND 101 101 ON T (NOTAL) (NOTAL) TMN B CEC BY ATEMENT Aed Item Agenda - 39 DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A” Appendix ERT NT - 0 - gna tm 39 Item Agenda - 102 - NATO - SECRET ERT NATO - SECRET G-6-9 C E C SGM-162-59 Te eomnain o WT / r a follows: as are 9 1/5 WIT of recommendations The . 3 ocre fr einto o tase stations. transfer of designation for concerned common procedure. a establish and recommended that the Standing Group establish a timetable for for timetable a establish Group Standing the that recommended commercial r e file , be included in an appropriate publication, publication, appropriate an in included be , file e r commercial so and wartime in necessary expansion the of analysis an make uh s h NT Splmn t AP 117* ACP to Supplement NATO for the 'those as including such traffic, of interchange for principles indicators routing its of assignment and Network NATO the of the routing indicator plan be made subsequently. It was further further actions. was two It these subsequently. made be plan indicator routing the to Supplement NATO the as 117. such ACP publication appropriate an devised. dpe fr s i te AO Network. NATO the in use for adopted nom h Sadn Group. Standing the inform ehd f otn fr l ntok a so a possible. as soon as networks all for routing of method plan for interchange of traffic , the Supreme Commanders should should Commanders Supreme the , traffic of interchange for plan of revision extensive more a that and instructions indicator including those for commercial r e file , shoud be included in in included be shoud , file e r commercial for those including d . That the Standing Group insure that appropriate appropriate that insure Group Standing the That . d , Ta a iei mdfcto b md o te routin the of made be modification iterim an That j,. . ht h cnlsos f aarp 2, bv, e approved. be above, , 2 paragraph of conclusions the That a. £. That appropriate principles for interchange of traffic traffic of interchange for principles appropriate That £. b. That the Standing Group make arrangements for control control for arrangements make Group Standing the That b. c. That the Standing Group obtain approval of the nations nations the of approval obtain Group Standing the That c. k. That, upon Standing Group approval of the peacetime peacetime the of approval Group Standing upon That, k. . ht otn ln sgeain e dpe a a common a as adopted be segregation line routing That h. be should plan indicator routing universal That.a . f Ta, s n nei ato, cmo poeue be common procedure a action, interim an as That, . i g

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NATO - SECRET pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix SG y h CEC: the by SECRET M 125 CEC E C -162-59 otn Idctr Plan. Indicator Routing n se areet f h ntos ocre t aot this adopt to networks. world-wide concerned the for common nations method a the as of agreement seek and tion as the common method of routing for the NATO Network Network NATO the for routing of method common the as tion otn idctr al i AP 2( ). 121(C ACP in table indicator routing h frst psto o NT ruig indicators. routing NATO of position t s fir the wartime requirements for expansion of this plan and so inform inform so and plan this of expansion for requirements wartime 3 in recommened actions the 4 . As of 10 March 1959, the following action has been taken taken been has action following the 1959, March 10 of As . 4 to design future automatic relay equipments so that they w ill ill w they that so equipments relay automatic future design to for interchange of traffic,the Supreme Commanders analyze their their analyze Commanders Supreme traffic,the of interchange for WIT 1/59 (see Appendix "A" to this paper). Similar requests requests Similar paper). this to "A" Appendix (see 1/59 WIT provide maximum flexib ility in each of the first five positions positions five first the of each in ility maximum flexib provide have been made in the case of France, U.K. and U .S. by their their by .S. U and U.K. France, of case the in made been have f h ruig indicator. routing the of h Sadn Group. Standing the respective CEC Members. As soon as replies have been received, received, been have replies as soon As Members. CEC respective of designation approve to requested were Netherlands and rnfr ttos n t acp te rnils rpsd by proposed principles the accept to and stations transfer ttos n te uhrte ivle i itrhne of interchange in involved authorities the and stations it is planned to publish a consolidated list of transfer transfer . of ffic a tr list consolidated a publish to planned is it - AO 13 Aed Ie 39 Item Agenda - 103 - NATO Ta te tnig ru apoe otn ln segrega­ line routing approve Group Standing the That . e . ht h Sadn Gop prv mdfcto o the of modification approve Group Standing the letter That the £. authorize Group Standing the That . f ,i. That the Standing Group establish a timetable for for timetable a establish Group Standing the That ,i. j . That the Standing Group advise all nations concerned concerned nations all advise Group Standing the That . j h. That the Standing Group produce a revised world-wide world-wide revised a produce Group Standing the That h. k. That, upon Standing Group approval of a peacetime plan plan peacetime a of approval Group Standing upon That, k. . y eeecs . d n e te Os aaa Denmark Canada, MODs the e, and d ç., references By a. & n 3 above. h 3 and R for for DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - 0 - gna tm 39 Item Agenda - 104 - NATO ~ SECRET G-6-9 C E C SGM-162-59 ERT NATO - SECRET pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ih ead o dpin f otn ln segregation. line routing of adoption to regard with omnes n pooa t asg t SCU csoy f a of custody SACEUR to assign to proposal a on Commanders methods of routing used by NATO nations and their positions positions their and nations NATO by used routing of methods AO upeet o C 17 Ruig niao Book). Indicator (Routing 117 ACP to Supplement NATO . eeec £ euse ECC o olc dt o the on data collect to EMCCC requested £ Reference c. . eeec f euse cmet o te Supreme the of comments requested f Reference b. DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - 0 - pedx "A" Appendix - 105 - NATO - SECRET G-6-9 o gna tm 39 Item Agenda to SGM-162-59 ERT NATO - SECRET A t SM315, h floig rnils hud e sd s a traffic: as used national be and NATO should of exchange principles for guide following the SGM-391-58, to "A" pedx A t Ecoue 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix ntoa ntok etnd o aohr uhrt sre by served authority another for destined network national a ntoa ntok omly hl b crid o t destina­ its to carried be shall normally network national a the within NATO serving station "transfer" nearest NATO the the byat served authority an for destined network national serving station "transfer" the at network national appropriate in vr ainl networks. national over tion rules. procedural prescribed doctrines. routing prescribed the with accordance in the nation into that transferred be shall network national a by served ewr fr h proe f rnfrig rfi bten tele­ between traffic transferring of purpose the for network Network NATO the into transferred be shall normally Network National) or (NATO authority an for destined NA.TO Network the destina­ its Network. NATO to the carried over be tion shall served normally Network Authority NATO NATO the another by for destined Network NATO the by served is COMCANLANT ., g . e network, national appropriate omnctos h nral sal e ece truh the through reached be shall normally he communications, yertr networks. typewriter network. Naval Canadian the one network that is connected to a realy station in another another in station realy a to connected is that network one 1. In keeping with the conclusions contained in Enclosure Enclosure in contained conclusions the with keeping In 1. . msae rgntd y n uhrt sre b a by served authority an by originated message A d. A esg oiiae b a AO uhrt sre by served Authority NATO a by originated message A . ç . msae rgntd y NT Atoiy evd by served Authority NâTO a by originated message A e. A tase" tto i dfnd s rly tto of station relay a as defined is station "transfer" A . f . msae rgntd y NT Atoiy evd by served Authority NATO a by originated message A b. a. Where a NATO Authority is served only by national national by only served is Authority NATO a Where a. RNILS F PRINCIPLES O GNA TM 9 (CEC) 39 ITEM AGENDATO PEDX A" » APPENDIX O ITRHNE F TRAFFIC OF INTERCHANGE R F C F C DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT NT - 0 - pedx "A" Appendix - 106 - NATO - SECRET SECRE G-6-9 o gna tm 39 Item Agenda to SGM-162-59 pedx A t Ecou" u C ^ u L Enclosur" to "A" Appendix n lcto o te drse s concerned. (s) addressee the of location and ewr my eut n eti eitn crut rvrig to reverting circuits existing certain in result may network : that noted ne should It . 2 eiey s h rsosblt o te rgntn network. originating the of responsibility the is delivery routing line segregation w ill be met with respect to off-net off-net to respect with met be ill w segregation line routing personnel of numbers in changes certain and status off-net an identity ll fu the of possession in containing messages are handle titles to definitely is short required it national if facilities used be the may that known titles short call National AAP-1. groups, address only contain should networks national and direct billing by the commercial carrier to a representative representative a to carrier commercial the by billing direct oen rnfr ewe NT ad ainl networks. national and NATO between transfer govern and equipment may be necessary. It is essential that appropriate appropriate that essential is It necessary. be may equipment and from titles short or addresses language plain complete signs, a b s ifre. n hs ae ute ato t efc a effect to action further case this In informed. so be may for provide arrangements local when except network or country been accepted and the accepting network finds itself unable unable itself finds network has accepting traffic the Where and other command. by or accepted been country incurred be not originating the ill w than charges that ensuring made bee designation. r established. are operations. to clear except by commercial r e file , the originating network network originating the , file e r commercial by except clear to have privisions when or origin, of command or country the of procedures be provided so that the requirements of network network of requirements the that so provided be procedures be reflected into the commmunications facilities of another another of facilities commmunications the into reflected be additional crypto responsibilities as a result of their their of result a as responsibilities crypto additional T NATO - h ades oto o msae ecagd ewe NATO between exchanged messages of portion address The . j . nerto o te aiu ntok it oe NATO one into networks various the of Integration a. . rfi wih l icr omril hre wl not will charges commercial incur ill w which Traffic h. i» . hne my e eurd f n we ohr AO Commands NATO other when and if required be may Changes b. The provisions of the current edition of ACP 127 127 ACP of edition current the of provisions The rnfr ttos hl nt e bie t assume to obliged be not shall stations Transfer DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-00 01-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE MAR ? 3 ITIUIN a frbsc paper basic for as DISTRIBUTION: ECOUE 1 ae Changes) (11 page 1 ENCLOSURE M125 -CriedmNo. o N Corrigendum - GM-162-59 or etn) r rqetdt ae h floig changes: following the make to requested are Meeting) Board Appenïïix irA of SGM-162-59 of 83, Pages 1959 83 Enclosure 1 to read: to 1 Enclosure and 95_b. and n 83b. and and S2_b. and 64a. i scn ie cag "ucin o oain t read to location" on "functions change line, second in 4 the list of addressees. of list the "functions and location”. and "functions Security Agency Security 1. Holders of SGM-1Ô2-59 (Agenda for Seventh NATO C-E NATO Seventh for (Agenda SGM-1Ô2-59 of Permament Holders Groupe 1. Group Standing AO1 -NATO ,3,59a9b of a,83b,95,95a,95b 64,64a, - NATO . mn h Pg ubr clm nPg 1 of 1 Page on column Numbers Page the Amend h. . elc ae 5wt h tahdpgs 5 95a 95, pages attached the 95with page Replace g. f. Replace page page Replace f. d. Replace page 64 with the attached pages 64 and 64 pages attached the with 64 page Replace d. . ae fEcoue (gna, poie Item opposite (Agenda), 1 ofEnclosure 2 Page c. to Agency" Communications Naval "European Add b. a. Correct the spelling of "European Communications "European of spelling the Correct a. COMITE MILITAIRE DE L'ATLANTIQUE NORD L'ATLANTIQUE DE MILITAIRE COMITE " oEcoue 1 toEnclosure NORTH ATLANTIC MILITARY COMMITTEE MILITARY ATLANTIC NORTH 82,82a,82b, Supporting Statements Supporting Agenda Replace page page Replace Page3 Page3 1 NO. CORRIGENDUM " in the list of addressees. of list the in to SGM-162-59 to

1-2, 83 2 8

1 wt h atce ae 8, 83a 83, pages attached the with wt h tahdpgs 2 82a 82, pages attached the with Incl -

O— TO A N NAT< 615 ~ ~ ~ 96-105" 83,83a,ïï3b; 84-95,95a,95b; 1-64,64a; Page Numbers Page 2 -



- 82 , 82




DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-00 01-2Q06 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Q-0-9 Criedm o 1 No. Corrigendum - SQM-102-59 JHE/lk m m m w separated from its classified enclosure. classified its from separated 3. This cover page may be regraded RESTRI regraded be may page cover This 3. . h rmvdpgsae o e destroyed. be to are pages removed The 2. -natq NAT O FOR THE STANDING GROUP: STANDING THE FOR 2 Brigadier General, French Air Force Air French General, Brigadier Secretary, NATO NATO Secretary, C C -E Board -E TED - NATO when - NATO TED

DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ITIUIN A frbsc paper basic for As DISTRIBUTION: G-Ö-9 CriedmNo. 2 o N - Corrigendum SGM-1Ö2-59 ERT - NATO SECRET JH 1 ENCLOSURE Board Meeting) are requested to make the following changes: following the tomake requested are Meeting) Board ERT - NATO SECRET 24 March 1959 24March E Enclosure 1 of SGM-162-59 of 1 Enclosure and Pages 23, 23a thru 23a 23, Pages and 23x of Appendix ‘"A" Appendix of 23x to ae o nlsr 1. Enclosure of 1 Page /lk 2. through through 1 page revised 1. Holders of SGM-1Ö2-59 (Agenda for the Seventh NATO C-E NATO Seventh the for (Agenda SGM-1Ö2-59 of Holders 1. h rmvdpgs r t b destroyed. be to are pages removed The Standing Group Standing b. Replace page page Replace b. b. Replace page 1 of Enclosure 1 with the attached the 1with ofEnclosure 1 page Replace b. view". "in words the delete "Meeting" after Greece". from received was a . Make the following changes to Agenda Item Item Agenda to changes following the Make .a hne Anwmeig t ed Tenx meeting". next "The read to meeting" "Anew change SAErly cran t ed ,:SHAPE certain1'read to to certain" relays relays "SHAPE "su 3 X- 23 b COMITE MILITAIRE DE L'ATLANTIQUE NORD L'ATLANTIQUE DE MILITAIRE COMITE ject received from Greece" to read "subject which "subject read to Greece" from received ject FOR THE STANDING GROUP: STANDING THE FOR NORTH ATLANTIC MILITARY COMMITTEE MILITARY ATLANTIC NORTH (4) Page Page (4) (3) (2) ( 1 Pg 8 sbprgahh scn ln, change line, second h, sub-paragraph 8, Page ) Page ae , aarp I a nx t ls line, last to next a,III paragraph 9, Page . ORGNU O 2 NO. CORRIGENDUM

to SGM- to 10, 10, 10, 10, ae 1 Pages 23 u-aarp , orhln, change line, fourth d, sub-paragraph u-aarp £ sub-paragraph with the attached pages pages attached the with 162-59 Brig. General, French Air Force Air French General, Brig. Secretary, NATO C-E Board C-E NATO Secretary, 1 rue Permanent Groupe O—SECRET TO A N O—SECRET — TO A N (2 ), ), (2 COPY NO. COPY hr line, third 23 3 and and a ,




DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE DISTRIBUTION: As for basic paper basic for As DISTRIBUTION: NLSR ( ae changes) (7 page ENCLOSURE 1 JHE/lk ducing to ducing or etn) r euse omk te olwn changes: following the make to requested are Meeting) Board 1959 March 26 separated from its classified enclosure. classified its from separated Enclosure T of SGM-162-59 of T Enclosure and pages 62 a, 62 b, 62 a, 62 pages and 63 Page 1 & 2 & 1 Page t!Xo2^-59 and and 2. The removed pages are to be destroyed by burning or re­ or burning by destroyed be to are pages removed The 2. 2. and 3. This cover page may re regraded RESTRICTED - NATO when -NATO RESTRICTED regraded re may page cover This 3. . odr o G-6-9 Aed frte eet AO C-E NATO Seventh the for (Agenda SGM-162-59 of Holders 1. jß- NT - - 1 - NATO tnigGop rue Permanent Groupe Group Standing 63 NATO

and and . nlsr 1 Rpaepg 1wt h atce ae attached the 1with page Replace 1: Enclosure b. a immediately after page 62. page after immediately 1 toEnclosure : "A" Appendix .c ao Apni "3T" Appendix oT a to - . elc ae 1 n ihteatce ae 1 pages attached the 2with and 1 pages Replace orgnu . 3 o N Corrigendum : ae o nlsr 1, ofEnclosure 1 Page COMITE MILITAIRE DE L'ATLANTIQUE NORD L'ATLANTIQUE DE MILITAIRE COMITE 63 NORTH ATLANTIC MILITARY COM MILITARY ATLANTIC NORTH (2) Replace page page Replace (2) (1) Insert the attached pages 62 a, 62 b and 62 £ and b 62 a, 62 pages attached the Insert (1) a. ORGNU O 3 NO. CORRIGENDUM 63 to SGM- to c, ae 1 Pages 162-59

63 . . VUILLOT A.M. Brig. General, French Air Force Air French General, Brig. Secretary, NATO C-E Board C-E NATO Secretary, with the attached pages pages attached the with


2nv\oi\^ \ i o \ -2nnrv 63



3_Aprll 1959



Standing Group Groupe Permanent


Pages 1

to SGM-162-59

1. Holders of SGM-162-59 (Agenda for the Seventh NATO C-E

Board Meeting) are requested to make the following changes:

a. Enclosure 1, page 1 - under page numbers change 23x to 23z

b. Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 -

[ I f Page 1, Agenda Item 2a -

(a) Delete title and text of paragraph 1,

(b) Insert (Deleted due progress since original

issue of this Appendix).

(2) Insert new pages 23 £ and 23 z.

(3) Page 37, Agenda Item 6 - Delete reference

(4) Page 38, Agenda Item 6 - Delete paragraph 6.

(5) Page 49, Agenda Item 12 - Delete the entire

paragraph under WIND-UP and insert the following statement:

" It has now been decided on the grounds of

economy to delete this project".


MAV/mje M. A. VUILLOT Brig.General, French Air Force Secretary, NATO C-E Board

DISTRIBUTION: As for basic paper

SECRET - NATO - 1 SGM-162-59 - Corrigendum No. 4

NATC iET DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2 006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ERT- NATO - SECRET ITIUIN A fr ai paper basic for As DISTRIBUTION: G-6-9-CriedmN. 5 No. -Corrigendum SGM-162-59 1ENCLOSURE MAV/m MAV/m je reducing to pulp. to reducing Board Meeting) are requested to make the following changes: following the make to requested are Meeting) Board 6 April 1959 April 6 ERT- NATO - SECRET nlsr 1 f SGM-162-59 of 1 Enclosure fApni A to "A" ofAppendix 94a and 94 Pages and 1 ofEnclosure 1 Page . h rmvd ae ae ob dsryd ybrig or burning by destroyed be to are pages removed The 2. ae 4wt h atce pgs 4 n 9 a . a 94 and 94 pages attached the 94with page ae 1. page 1. Holders of SGM-162-59 (Agenda for the Seventh NATO C-E Seventh the (Agendafor ofSGM-162-59 Holders 1. Standing Group Standing . pedx"" oEcoue , gna tm3 - Replace 33 Item 1, Agenda to Enclosure "A" Appendix b. a. Enclosure 1 - 1 Repl Enclosure a. OIE IIAR ELALNIU NORD L'ATLANTIQUE DE MILITAIRE COMITE NORTH AT NORTH FOR THE STANDING THE FOR



c a Secretary, NATO C-E Board NATO C-E Secretary, Force Air French Brig.General, . . VUILLOT A.M. 1 pa e

g e 1 with the attached revised attached the 1 with e rue Permanent Groupe NAT O—SECRET TO A N



DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0001-2006 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE A/kM A VUILLOT A. M. MAV/lk 1ENCLOSURE ducing to ducing separated from its classified enclosure. classified its from separated change following the make to requested are Meeting) Board 4Arl 1959 April 14 . ae 3p fApni "A'1 Appendix of p 23 Page 1. with the attached revised page 23 p 23 page revised attached the with 3. This cover page may be regraded RESTRICTED - NATO when -NATO RESTRICTED regraded be may page cover This 3. 2. The removed page is to be destroyed by burning or re­ or burning by destroyed tobe is page removed The 2. 1. Holders of SGM-162-59 (Agenda for the Seventh NATO C-E NATO Seventh the for (Agenda SGM-162-59 of Holders 1. oEcoue o SGM-162-59 of 1 toEnclosure tnigGop rue Permanent Groupe Group Standing -NATO a. Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 - Replace page 23 23 £ page -Replace 1 Enclosure to "A" Appendix a. COMITE MILITAIRE DE L'ATLANTIQUE NORD L'ATLANTIQUE DE MILITAIRE COMITE NO FOR THE STANDING GROUP: STANDING THE FOR R TH ATLANTIC MILITARY COMMITTEE MILITARY ATLANTIC TH CO R to SGM-162-59 to IEDMN. 7 NO. RIGENDUM ae 1 Pages

Brig. General, French Air Force Air French General, Brig. Secretary, NATO C-E Board C-E NATO Secretary,

. O—- TO A N A d .


: .i.


I 1 SECRET - NATO COPY NO. ______8 April 1959



Standing Group Groupe Permanent


Pag es 1 -

TO SGM-162-59

1. Holders of SGM-162-59 (Agenda for the Seventh NATO C-E

Board Meeting) are requested to make the following changes:

a. Enc losure 1 - Replace page 1 with the attached revised

page 1.

b. Enclosure 1, page 2 -

(1) Paragraph 3b, ERFA - Add "U.S." in Supporting

Statements Column under ERFA.

(2) Paragraph 3c . ELLA - Insert "ELLA" in Supporting

Statements Column.

(3) Paragraph 4 - Insert "EMCCC" in Supporting Statements

Column, under CEC.

ç. Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 -

(1) Insert new pages 22a through 22f, Agenda Item 3.b

(2) Insert new pages 34a through 34^, Agenda Item 4

2. The removed page is to be destroyed by burning or reducing to pulp.

. Brig.General, French Air F®rce MAV/mje Secretary, NATO C-E Board

1 ENCLOSURE Page 1 of Enclosure 1 Pages 22a through 22f C o I and Pages 34a through 34r of Appendix "A" to Enclosure 1 of SGM-162-59

DISTRIBUTION: As for basic pa per

SECRET -NATO SGM-162-59 - Corrigendum No.6 NATO—SECRET