School Aid Meynersays
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Our NEW Our Telephone Number Telephone Nnmber 18 is Mercury 4.1111 Snbepenbent -leaber Mercury 4-1111 Pub1Hh«d Ivtnr ThurwJiy PRICE EIGHT CENTS XMX-NO. 32 WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1957 nr 18 Qntm Stiwt, Wo«lt>rtdt«, H. J, ] lo Hear Meyner for Governor Wrjen an election campaign has be most effective under such circum- seemed to us to be only a contest between stances. < \ School Aid (1 Plea Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee, we have The Republicans have been unable to refrained from Expressing a preference. develop any significant issues. They cer- MeynerSays , 14th We feel that the gubernatorial election tainly have been responsible for total to be held in November is a matter Of negligence for nearly thirty years of the Hearing Date vital importance, and because of this fact state's potable water supply require- Over OOO Enthusiastic [„,„.. <<l by Boylan in we should express our opinion concern- ments. Governor Meyner, frankly, should Party Stalwarts Greet Progress Report ing it. provide the leadership which the Repub- Governor at $25 Dinner This newspaper will support Goverrtor licans have failed to do even though they HHtnOE — November WOODBRIDOE — Labellnc ifc|v Robert B. Meyner, the Democratic can- have controlled the Legislature and the nppofiltion's "Truth 8quad at J' ,, n set as the tentative i hearing before the didate, against Senator Malcolm 8, Governor's office during much of the "Truth Distortion Bquad," 0«K4:i .,,,,>ment of Education period that the water-problem grew and pinnr Robert B. Meyner last Kjlmi Forbes, the Republican". I nt The Pines In Metuchw'ffi!' ,'1 phase of the local was ignored. If this state hopes to keep .'. nurtlon program, 8u- We make this selection on broad told an enthusiastic gathering 'C.*. the indi&try which it has and to attract over 600 Woodbrl<i|« TammmAL ,,,, of Schools Patrick grounds ratlier than on small or particu- 1 . Informed the Board of new industry, it certainly must be in a Democrats and jaests that tWfe'^.' lar issues. We have no delusibns that Gov- November 5 election will 0¥y:'^i Monday. position to- guarantee adequate water ernor Meyner is a paragon but we feel that the answer td a program he,!**.;'?. •,,,,„riiiR before the State supplies—this, of course, In addition to sponsored during his four-y«»' ^; during his term in office he has grown ,';. nic Board will have domestic necessities. term and which he Intends to txOiA^p,i '.i, need for the new Immeasurably in stature; that he has tlnue as Qovernor of New JeraejV ^: : I-,KM, another hearing made independent and excellent choices • As the campaign progresses we shall The governor who gave. t&m'l"- .,.1,1 before th&State De- have more to say regarding the relative major address at the WoodDrWgfc ' ,,f Local Government for high state positions; that his first term Township Democratic Orgarrtz*- ,i.s whether the Board experience has prepared him well to positions of Governor Meyner and Sena- DO YOU REMEMBER when Sewaren was the to» in summer rrsorts and the tlon's "(25 a plate" dinner Ssked ' above, with its broad porch waa the place to spend a wonderful summer vacation? im.mrial position to in- undertake the vast and pressing prob- tor Forties. We will withhold comment that the critics of his fiscal po^« < bunded Indebtedness. on suc^h matters as Senator Forbes, with and another on page 2 were loaned to us by PoHce 8gt. Andrew Slmonsen. a member of an ctes stop talking in generalities . ,,i,:isc of the program^ lems which face our state today. old Sewaren family. and get down* to facts. Eighty per- ' ;;i ono.000. Includes five the state facing dire and pressing needs, cent of this year's appropriation, ,,•hoots, of which two Governor Meyner is a liberal thinker. taking out time to wade into a brook in he said, goes for education, high- I'ulonla, one In Iselin, He has a clear concept, in our judgment, ways, welfare and institution?. search of votes. But we will try to dif- Committee, Board Sewarpn Termed Ideal Day "How can my opponent cut ex- :i,.| nnd one In Fords; of the responsibility of the governorship, niuh Schools, one In ferentiate as clearly and fairly as we can i; and he has the spirit and stamina to , in Inman Avenue, between the Meyner concept of the gov- Sessions Planned Resort at Turn of Century Wilentz Commends Us ,! ,,ue in Iselln. A 8en- meet it. It is unfortunate that .in pur- ernorship and Senator Forbes's. ,,-n»ol Is to be built on ' By RUTH WOLK .1.1 ijindu, as soon as a suance of meeting this responsibility he If what we have said in Mr. Meyn'ef's WOODBRfDGE —fThe second SEWAREN—At the turn of the century, before this area became WOODBRIDQE — "One of the most highly regarded . on is forthcoming. has been constantly bedeviled by a co- behalf isn't totally convincing — please Wednesday of each month was industrialized, the Sewaren section of the Township was known lar I nlons Protest set by the Town Committee Tues- and wide as a summer resort. weekly newspapers in the na- terie of Republicans whose sole to don't forget that there is always Mrs. tion — the Woodbridge Inde- • .,,:: to the awarding of day as the time for regular meet- With Shell Oil and Royal Petroleum tanljs on one side of .Staten succeed him. No governor can possibly Meyner. * Island Sound and Standard Oil tanks on the other, it Is difficult to pendent-Leader, has come out ,,iiitracts to two non- ings with the Board of Education ,,>, both out-of-town, visualize Sewaren as'it was then, a favorite picnic ground for folks in support of Governor Rfrtwi' , ' by spokesmen from and Planning Boards "to discuss who wanted a day's outing now, - B. Meyner for reelection lit , ,d pressmen's unions problems of mututfl concern to all." November," former Attorney : BPWBarron Library Drive Jewish Year 5718 and then beside the salt water or Gene/al David T. Wilentz told' ..•!•> \rere given to Rarl- Committeeman. R. Richard a grand place to spend a vacation Grave Marker .:•„• Co.. South Amboy a capacity audience at the Krauss, in making the suggestion j ftt the 3ew8ren House. WoodbridBe Township Demo- ;,:.ury school printing Donations Arriving Daily Begins Next Week , xiiy Publishing Co., ,ald that in the past the Town A booklet issued by the owners Monopoly Hit cratic Dinner for Governor School print- WOODBRIDGEI Although requests for donations for the Barron WOODBRIDGE—Beginning at iommittee met with the School of Boynton Beach, Sewaren, de- Mevner at The Pines last nlnht. Library Fund, sponsored by Woodbrldge Township Business and Pro- sundown next Wednesday, the ;oard but "some folks have cre- scribed the spot as "an ideal day Mr. WllenU, New JerstT*s fessional Woman's Club, have been out but a few days, Woodbridge Jewish people will begin the ob- ted the impression that there is resort for Sunday School excur- As 'Racket' national commltteeman, after ..- matter came up for residents are already responding generously. servance of Rosh Hashonoh, the 0 cooperation between the sions, society conventions and pointing out 'a number of pro- ii:v F. Burke, who has It Is the hope of the club that sufficient money will be raised to New Year, which according to the 'owhship Committee and the private parties." They made It Republican daily newspapers in TRENTON — Charles Frank, the state, which have voiced :•. favored contracts make necessary repairs to the library building and stock It with Jewish calendar will be the year oard of Education." • very clear that the beach was! 67, owner of the Woodbridga approval of the governor for :, rums on all services much-needed new books—fiction, 5,718. The holiday -will continue Mr. Krauss was evidently re- Monument Works, Rahway Ave- "conducted on temperance prin- reelection, read to the group 1 passed on the vote non-fiction and reference — fo for two days, Thursday and Fri- erring" to the 11th point In the nue, Woodbrldge, testified Tues- ciples" and they "kept at a dis- an editorial last night, prior to liu'luding Mrs. Irving children and adults. Based on a day concluding at sundown the Republican platform announced tance all disorderly and demoral- day that he broke into the last week by th$ Republican Us appearance on the front y.iman of the supplies careful survey, the BPW has set Simonsen latter day. izing elements," , Cloverleaf Park Cemetery and ill voted In the af-| i , Municipal Chairman, Arnold B. page of the Independent-Lead- a goa of $5000 ThL sum plus Unlike other New Year celebra- tried'to Install a grave marker Graham, whioh read as follows: At Boynton Beach there was a er today. !•':-duels WukOveU was, hoped.for donations of labor and tions, Rosh Hashonoh Is not an to break up what he termed "a Out at Democrats Set regular meeting dates, atgrove shaded by t*U Maple trees, member absent. materials, will be used to buy occasion for merrymaking. It Is a racket." In mentioning; the Independ- Mclaughlin, president ^^ t a children's read- east once a month, between the under which were arranged picnic construc .tiroe, Mr. frank said It was the "on- ent-Leader, Mr. Wilentz com- tag rodnHtrttw basement, irpjwe WOODBRmOE - Frederick 3. ttee. Bowa • trf tables j)^| ; mented. "I don't have to tell Simonsen, Republican candidate sins "o0:f 'tiwMMeMcommission ly way I had to bring this thing Council, attempted to j^,. coyerjng in the main read- teducation and a full-authority Dancing Enjoyed y»U ffflks that the Independ- for mayor, today lashed out at during the year.