Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA Aviation Policy and Strategy Environmental Affairs FOCA DATA BASE FOR AIRCRAFT PISTON ENGINE EMISSION FACTORS Appendix 2: In-flight Measurements FOCA, CH-3003 Bern Reference: 0 / 3/33/33-05-003 ECERT Contact person: Theo Rindlisbacher Tel. +41 31 325 93 76, Fax +41 31 325 92 12,
[email protected] This document has been released for publication by FOCA, Aviation Policy and Strategy, Director M. Zuckschwerdt, 13.03.2007 33-05-003 Piston Engine Emission Factors_Swiss FOCA Data_Appendix2_070306_rit Reference: 0 / 3/33/33-05-003.022 Contents 1.a) HBEYS: Preparation for the first in-flight tests 1.b) Calculated emission factors for first test flight with HBEYS 1.c) Discussion and general explanations 2) Standard Flight Test Programme 3) HBEYS (Carburated Engine Lyc O-360 Series) 3.a) Results for simulated aerodrome circuits 3.b) Discussion 3.c) HC emission factors at flight idle 3.d) Discussion 3.e) Additional high altitude circuit flight testing 3.f) Discussion 3.g) Inventory: Total emissions in aerodrome circuits at different flight altitudes 3.h) Full power and approach power settings 3.i) Climb power and approach power settings 3.j) Cruise power settings 4) HBKEZ (Fuel Injected Engine Lyc IO-360 Series) 4.a) Results for simulated aerodrome circuits 4.b) Discussion 4.c) Full power and approach power settings 4.d) Take-off, climb and approach power settings with mixture “full rich” 4.e) Discussion 4.f) Take-off,