House Votes Rights Bill Senate Chanees Slim
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FRIGE SEVEN CENT9 RIVERHIDID, Oaltf. (AP) — YVmi can go to a River Tha ajcaoutlva board ot tha Pvt. Donald B. Romano, ami dain^iter of Mr. and Mra. Mhr- side flbopping ceniter wtth House Votes Rights Bill rwcuivly sohadulad nibMah About Town Manchaatar RapobUcan Wom of Mr. and MTs. Paul Romano ton S. Rosenthal of IS Lawton haze Itoek, M t n o t w W i d h ty en’s OMb wHl meat tontcM at of M Walls St, has racantly Signals Mixed^ Roads Paved pickup day,:itha plekup win be Rd., are on tha dean’s lilt at mad# the next day. onen. Poatal Oerk S.C. Gary 8 at the homa of Mrs. Hanry completed a communlcatlona Hartford Odlage tor Women for The RivenAde Plana Mer- U8N, huaband at M n . E lvira Stanamon, 20 N. liafcaarood Clr- center spedallat course at the 188847. They are sophomores Same Day of Refuse Pickup chaaRh AaaoclaUon, reveru- J o n u ot 2 Rofara PI., hu i«- d a . Army Southeastern Signal at tha schod. Miss DeCtoodo Two Fashion Shows and Trunk ing an eiaiUer edkt, said cantiy ratumed to Midway Is School. Et. Gordon, Ga. will continue her education at After seven mHes of street them to keep cars off the Cronin Elected Showings ot back-to-aohool and Wedneaday "Zt was never land attar •pandlng' a 21-day Francesca DeCSocdo, the University of California at paving without laoMent or street. pre-hoUday Shopardeas drsmis our intent to akk barefoot Senate Chanees Slim laava at boma. Ha la tlia aon ot daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sir- Berkeley. Miss Rosenthal wUl for girls will he held Saturday people to leave (he center.’’ The meeting of maaters and problems, the town Public Director cf Pdblto Wortu MHA Chairman Mr. and Mra. Paul Jonea of nest D eC locd o o f 127 Blasall enter the University of Hartford I at 11 a.m . and 3 p.m . in tha (But Bi epotoeeman said overseers of Bast Central Pa Works Department got Its sig WllUam O’N dll snid today that 124 Washington St St.; and Mias Enid Rosenthal, in tha fall. John E. Cronin of 14 Canter Community Room on tha lower sBoppliiy with hare feet ra ona Grange adiaduled for to nals mixed and drew some the mkoup in achedidlng oc levrt at the D and L Store In that are dirty “wM be aadc- WASHINGTON (A P )— night has been post|Mnad, and complaints yesterday from curred becau se th e turn streets bury St. was sleeted dialrman tha M anchester Sh<q>ping P ark- ed to leave.’’ wUl ha held Wednesday, Aug. homeowners in the Pulton-aCdl- were among the hurt tbaea tn last night of tbs Manchester The House hits overwhelm ade. Get Rat Law, 88, at 8 p.m. at Hlllatown Tenfold Gain son Rds. area. town sehedultd for panriqg. ingly passed a bill making Housing Authority at tha agen Cheater Suasklnd, vice presi Orange. The two streets were paved He eotplkined that the Balf it a f^eral crime to harm Possible, Say cy’s annual meeting at Westhin dent and stylist for the Shepard- on gaihage collection day and Co., the town’s paivkig con- Negroes T old or interfere with persons Gardens ofllee on Bluoflold Dr. ess Co., will introduce now State News Farm Studies refuse trucks oouldn^ enter. trsntor, had Ks e«|uipmcnt on trying to exercise their Lnhota Oounoil, Degree of He succaods Theodore A. stylos and commentate tot the New Delhi — Scientists esti The proMnn was cleared up the W ^ Side and, rather than Pocsimptas will meet tonight fashion rtiow. Drelses In the By Politician dvil rights, and extended mate that India’s farmers are- early this morning, when the let it stand idls for 84 hours, Brtndamour of 5Dovor Rd., at Odd Fellowa HaH. There will 8 to 9x and 7 to 14 alse rmngas the protection to include cultivatlhg 825 million acres of trucke entered snd the ga^ utlUaod It yestsrday for pav who was appointed to the au Foul A ir be a aodal time aiul rafreah- will be presented. WASHINGTON (AP) — A Ne police and firemen working grain. Counting double-crop bage and refuse were pideed ing Fulton and Edison Rds. thority In 1888 and served as menta after the meeting. gro congressman told an angry in riot areas. ping, some day the egulvalsnt up. ’The last street, schedided for bhalrm an In 1968 and 1988. Harlem delegation— visiting Soviet SeaeoaiU But the bill, largely the ssune }tla)A}Uaii4 of. about 400 million acres is In The department’s i>oUcy is to paving this year, Boulder Rd., Re-elected vice chairman was Puts A rea Capitol HUI to demand a rat as a portion o f the 1068 civ il 691 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER chapman Court, Order of production. pave on off days—when no was paved today. P a sca l M astrangelo o f 168 M a Although the Soviet Union eradication law—to transform rights bill which died in the Sen iilllj Amaranth, will have a family The Indian water supply will refuse ptekupe are scheduled. O’NelH said that, la the fu ple St He, Cronin and Brlnda- touches 13 other nations its asa- its frustrations into political ac ate, may be killed there again. iiiiji picnic Sm ^y at 2 p.m. at the permit an Increase of food-i»t>- Handbills were distrtouted on ture, handbMla alerting home- mour are Democrats. coaats are longer than Its land O n A lert tion. Chairman Sam J. Ervin Jr., ijjill hom a of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. ducing acreage to 825 million in Monday .to each home in the owm ie to echedided paving will Cronin, appointed to dm MHA frontiers. Longest coast of the "I’m as sick and tired of this D-N.O., whose Senate Judiciary g—■ ■ ■ M Casa, lOS BaelMbub Rd., South a few years, allowing a tentold FuHon-EkUaon Rds. srea, In- car^ an additkmal message. It In 1969, served a s chairm an ho- country borders on the Aretic HARTFORD (AP) — Connect crap as anyone,” Rep. John subcommittee began hearings Increase in output once new tomUng the residents of the wUl inform them that, in the torein. ittS. He has boon in O cean and Is 18,000 m iles In icut remains under an air i>oI- Conyers Jr., D-Mich., told the on the same measure Aug. 1, CiET SET FOR ||| ^ dwarf grains are planted. Tuesday paving and asking event the paving ia done on a M anchester since 1946. length. - luUon alert today. group from New York City’s Ne said then it "cannot stand the Wednesday afternoon the State gro slum section Wednesday. constitutional light of day’’ un Health Department called for a "I know you’re mad at every der the 14th Amendment. 7 halt of open burning and a one including me and that’s Senate sources rated the bill’s curtailment ot Incinerator oper your privilege—but It’s about chances of clearing the full Ju ation until at least midnight time that black, mad, angry, diciary Committee as zero. Thursday. frustrated America begins to They said an attempt might he Dr. Harold S. Barrett of Man turn this into some political made to bypass the committee chester, health commissioner channels," Conyers added. and put the House-passed ver HOU said Wednesday the adert was The Harlem group Joined sm sion on the floor for debate, but necessitated by a blanket of other from the Brownsville sec forecast a Southern filibuster If U.S. Marines string out along a crooked pa)th bordering rice fields as they set stagnant air stretching from tion of Brooklyn' to meet Infor that tactic is used. out on an operation 25 miles south of Da Nang in the northern coastal plains Pennsylvania to Connecticut. mally Wednesday with some The amendment providing of South Vietnam. The Marines were combining with an ARVN Ranger com The high-pressure zone cover New York City congressmen federal protection for police and pany in the sweep through suspected Viet Oong country. (AP Plhoitofax) ing the area has very little and Conyers to demand reversal firemen was supported by mem wind, he said, and has led to of House action that sidetracked bers angered by this summer’s requests that all sources of high the $40 m illion, adm inistra city riots, in which several po pollution in the mid-Atlantic re tion-backed rat control pro lice officers and firefighters Everything A Young Man Needs To Look Tops In His Class! gion curtail operations. gram . were injured. Some were killed. HAl Katzenbach Backs President Barrett said Health Depart Chief spokesman for the A majority of both parties ment measuring devices began t««ca 80-member delegation was supported the bill, which sailed showing local buildups of pol Jesse Gray, a trim, articulate through W ednesday 828 to 93 r S58 In Foreign Policy Control lution Wednesday afternoon. N egro. afte a series of relatively minor Gray, asserting that rats In amendments were adopted and WASHINGTON (A P )— son adminlrtration’s stand be greatly mis-state our objectives Bus Offer Matched slum homes are one of the root two major ones were turned brand new the ever-populor Undersecretary of State fore Senate Foreign Relations and be greatly misunderstood," HARTFORD (AP)—The Arrow causes of racial unrest, said: back. The bill would make It a Line has matched an offer by federal crime for a person to In Nidhdas Katzenbach told committeemen who are looking Katzenbach ssdd.