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VOl,UME XI.Ill NUMBER l3 RAKF:RSl-'tt:i.l). ' . . COLLEGE. MONDA l', APRii. 19, 1932 ·'. -Check out Health Fair and get checked . ,.

. By SAU YING Cl-lU The _blood chemistry analysis is a results wilt be checked by officials in . . . ·_ · Staff Wri'ter . multiple-test screening for. dfabctes; con~ultations and advice i~ given out. HealthFair-'82kickecioff!Oa.m. kidney-· and liver. ailments; according to the results and the Friday with.opening festivities at the cholesterol, protein, iron . and special neech of the participant,"· BC Campus Center. Local and ABC thyroid imbalance; gout and other stressed Dralle .. TV.celebrities were on hand 'to help conditions. "We expect 7~8,000 people to celebrate the expansion of the an- ,;The charge is.to cover-the paid . have taken advantage of the free nual tradition; The celebration lab technician ·and ·the paperwork . services as opposed to, the 1,500 began. the BC campus run of the needed to· be done,". said Sandy . when it was a one day event at BC,,,- f.iir. · · Drait~. project director. said Dralle. · . . This' rear's expansio·n includes 15_ . "There also will be many health The service will include weekdays . sites during a nine day duraiion in- .organizations on hand to provide in- on college campuses in order io have ---'---stead:oftheone-siie anctorie'day ser~ . - fcirmation~on-how to-prevent-future. more siu-dent~parllctp-anrs; . (i·-:.wm- . vice of the past. . _·. . health problems and where_ t<> gel .. continue to servjce senior citizei-,s. _ Coordinated. by (he . National help," according to, _the vetera_n of -· Pralle went on to say that "this . Health . Screening·. CounCil . .for several years with publicity for the . . fair is ne>t intended to replace the. Volunteer Organizations, Jilc;, the •·fair, Dralle. · _·_. . ·· .._ . · . . doctor. The fair is for educating free health service stih will provide . _Free immunizations will be of- people to be responsible to meet . - . health care screenings of heightand. fered to children and the L_ori Brock · .. their healih n~eds and provide in for- . weight, blood pressureOvisual acui- .. · Junior MJ,iseum had health screen- '111ation for services in th~ir com- ty, and anemia. The only .cost will irigs for children on their April 17 munity. . . . _ . · be an $8 charge for the blood opening. · ''Pople shoutd·realize the value of ,...,.,,.. __ -~ · chemistry · analysis. Ail ·of·· the . Anoth_er change will be the with · the service, it could. prevent. and ,.,, ... -·-- screenings is for adults 18 and .· the handling of the test results.: detect health problems," encourag- above. . ''Results were usually sent home ed Dra)le. . with the participant. This year the .Health Filr officlal~f In one segment ~f th~ Fair, checked the eye slgbt oflndlvlduals with specialized machin~ which .. · determined the effe<:llveness of the right and left vision and mirror "lslon. (Pholo: Sal Portillo) ...... : - :, . . . . . ' . ' . . . ' . . . - . . . . .Admissions offic¢beginS . ·.early•iregistration. program

. . By ROB -WALTERS. figure~ oufif 4;SOO to 5,~_stud~nts Sion st~dents. :who may' \Yant to . ~ . · . 'News EdHor . -.·._ . __ ,. uiilize registratioii . procedfare, we · make adjustments in - sch.edules - - Li\st Monday; the BC Admissions -. may be able to 'regisier ihe. remain- ·_· . depend'ing on. the outcome of sutn-· .. -. anf.~~ot4.$ ;.offi~e., ~S?ori. lts '.eaflf ' ing .stti,d~nt~ in two d~ys:~•, she ~aid.- 0 n'ler~'?O\ltses/<;omments $cog~~s: · >;;. . '.reg_istr_afion, .program, : ~hit;:h·. is . · ·.Early registraticm,. which will fast:.· · -. ~ttjdents nqw · en,rolled.iri classes/ .'desigflfd bolliJ9:helpifudcnts·take:, until Jilli 2i; is being taken\ftwo . _·. wh_ic_~~ are;.-p~!.'"re_cjuisites fo~ other ·car.e of l'egislration this sp~irig for admission office . wind6ws where ·_ classes need _not. fret,· :')8YS ScQggins; ·next. fall's classes and· fo alleviate students will rec~ive an infotmatiort .· "That won't_ be to<> much of_l! prob~ Jong r:egistratiort lines which occur . pack~!. )nforniatlbn . forms . may )em, the basis of. allowing to drop .... a:t (he beginnln'g of each semester I . . either be. left persoriaJIY at the and ·a_dd wiH give them a chance to •.• ' ,said Sue' Scoggins; director of aci~ records office cir returned through . adjust-t~~~r sphedules; ... < .· . ·.. · missions ancl 'r~f<>rd~" . ·· . mail. ··- . · _ · ·. · _ Expla1nuig the back~ro1;1nd of t~e . • After· the first two days of early_·,._. Pr~grarn·changes fo1".those w~nt-;< ~Jan, .Scoggi'}~ 'sai_d.-•th'e . early ' resistrati~n. scosgins -. i-eporteci · -· ing to: drop ~r add a das~ will be ac:: -· registration id_ea •'has'sort or revotv- - •. -·. more than 240.studerits.had taken · cepted µntilAugust 12. This service . · e_d aroun~ the ll!ail registration and advantage of _the program. "It will especially benefit summer ses~. has gradually exp'il.J:t#ed.fl . . The· records office has made' no. definite plaris for continuing ~arly. . registration 'rot the '8J . spring . · C1c1ttlisg:tbe rlb~on.to open.the fesUvllieii of the BC Health Falr'wblch ls btlng co-sponsored by the ASB and KBAK semester. "We want to see howsuc- ·are BC President John Colilns (far right) who look{on as David H.ead (center) of the Kern County board of super­ • cessful it is this year;'' she stated, visors snips ·the ribbon. Directly next to Collins going right to left Is George Smith or Chevron USA, Je1nlne Turner of ... the popular soap opera "~neral Hospilal''; 11ext t0He1il ls Susan Brown, alro of GH, Dr. Leon Hebertson M.D., -· ' . · adding "So far, students have been coming fairly steadily and they seem· dlrectoi' of the Kern County. Heall~ department, Wayne Kiiimer, vice president and gener~ manager qf KBAK and. enthusiasiic about it...... Laura Purdy, a representative of Don Rogersi See page four for additlomll Health Fair lnfonniUon. (Ph'o.to: Sal Portillo) · · · · ·· 1 . · · -- BC, Channel 29 join ...... ·· .· . ... efforts for HealthFair Prom date Matf The no·~harge .. ~ine day wonder. : ·:KBAK Chann~l.29TV (s.spon~ . new A SB tradz tzon of Health Fair '82 is the result ofthe soring allthe tele_v1s1on publicity for . . cooperation between heaith Health Fair '82. They alsosupplied BJ'. JANET LAWSON ca~d holders need to buy bids for the organizations and the community. celebrities for the kick off festivities: ... . • ··and ASB to break .even .. "BC is. th·e prime sponsor of the Friday. ANDREA PERRYMAN · The last time BC had a prom was overall operation," said Sandy "Chevron USA is contributing to ··._Sta rfwriters abou~. twenty years ago. David Dralle, project director. the fair by paying the bill for all the - 'After: M absence of about 20 There are 25 volunteers from the printing costs," according to Dralle, · Rosales, assistant dean of student years'.'the ASB is sponsoring a prom affairs, says the reason it · was H~alth Careers Department with For the other sites there are site which it hopes will continue to be a sponsors., discontinued was . because "the volunteers from ASB officers and tradition, It will be from 9. p.m.-1 · students perceived it as in institu· ~lubs. "Site sponsors take care of all the · volunteer workers, equipment, and a.m. Friday, May 28, at Rio Bravo tional safety valve," plus there was According to ASB Vice President, by the pool, said Tino Arredondo, necessary supplies at the various a change in moral values. Tino Arredondo, almost all of the ,:\SB vice president. ASB officers will participate. .sites,'' stressed Dralle. Site sponsors include Chevron "But the majority of the ~. It will be semi-formal with guys in This prom will not be like a high USA sponsoring minority sites, volunteers come from clubs with suits and girls in evening dress.es. school prom, ac.:ording to Jul..ie Prudential Insurance for senior MEC'hA and the Dorms p_roviding The theme is "Cette soiree en-· Nuanez, student dirc-ctor of ac. citi.zen sites, American National the m05t. chantee,'' which in English means tivitie1, it will be "more of an "The ASB also donated money, I Bank, BC Dela110 Center, Cal Cot, "this enchanted evening." elegant look ... a

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MONDA 'I', APRIL 19, 1982 Rt:NEGAllE RIP • Rf:Nt:GADt: RIP MONOA\',AP'RJL 19.1.. 1 PAGEJ ,· Forensics squad· H~alth Fair nice change Dental program accepting applications take 11th ' Applications for the 1982-83 Dental Assisting Program at BC arc By TRACIE MOUSER By ROB WALTERS. And I hear ther, is a hearing check, miss 1he opporlunily to have their now being accepted, according to Alexa Butler, program coordinator. · Staff Writer News Editor and that sound; good to me. health.check may want to wait for a free inental health fair to have their The summer introductory course begins July 12 and runs through The 1982 BC spec<:h squad took This space is usually dedlcl!ted to For some, this.· next · little fact, August 5. · skulls pr~bed...... 11th place at. the N!!tional .Finals more grave issues-such as some which isn't so little, may surprise A lot of us may not want to ·. "Recent state legislation has licensed the Dental Assistant, In-· held over vacation In Bloomington, global conflict or the death of some you a bit. T~e ASil ls s'ponsorlng the believe there is some good out in the dlvlduals "."ith proper educaiional training can be licensed (regi!tered) famous so-and-so who pushed Health Fair. Honestly, they are. Minnesola .. "This compares very world, but it is exceedingly difficult · to perform certain dental tasks on patients that arc usually performed · favorably with· last year's squad, . . himself to the limit. Those things Sources say this ASB Is contributing by the dentist," said Butler. . . . when something like the BC Health which placed 10th in. the nation,". '; arc important, for sure, but there · . $500 for the project. And.it's all free Fair is blantantly glaring at us. And A dental assistant provides services in chairside procedures says· forensics advisor · Norm arc some positive things out there in· to t.he students of BC and anyone radiology, preventative dentistry, and general office procedure;, Th; , as a show of appreciation, this space Fricker. this world of ours, and we don't el;e. Only the. dead are· excluded is being used to praise the Health one-year program which begins August 23 make.s possible practical even have to look very far. · from this free deal. Fair and its many fine volunteers at applications of technique in· a classroom designed to simulate a B.C was well represented at the Honestly, we don't. · · The only examinat!on which Will an the numerous locations through­ modern dental office. · . competition. with the squad .con· An excellent case In point is ihe require you to cfish out any loot is out town, Strong financial support from local dentists and the Kern De~tal sisling · of Carolyn. Novak, Mona· BC Health Fair which opened last the blood chemistry test, and that And especially we would like to Society pennitted updating of the college laborat11ry, said Ms. Butler. Sidhu, Mike Purcell, Dawn Smith, The Dental Assisting curriculum leads. IQ a Certifi,ate which may be · Lisa Weldon and Suzanne Zublin. Friday fastooned with a silo-load of cost is· a mere ..eight dollars. But salute the ASB for helping to bring - . . .. . ·.· ....·. . ' ... · free goods. You can get your blood overall, the amount of.free benefits something $0 wonderful to th.is cam-. . . •. > ·.·• . ·..... completed in two s~mesters and summer session or an Associate of check. Then you can see if you are · shncernmg gr,~de_ v1olations of Community c.lubs and organizations are encouraged to enter floats, .· Purcell, Weldon, and Smith w~lk­ Art Buchwald for that bit of baro- for wit arid humor and. side-splitting You could wallc ·the inside circum- · would siinplflike to say AMEN 1· na\ivity scene in front of the : · ,:1;S:B;---Officers, th~re are so~e · marching units, decorated cars and other entries: Tlieme for this . ed away with. the gold iii Readers quc irash which he calls a'column. ·. · one-liners, I'm the guy. · france of a doughritlt without pass- · · ·Oddly·. enough, many·. people city hall? · facts .. that were omitted or mis- year's parade is "Mexicans y Mexico .•• Janet .Florez, e,· is act-· was funny; And yo11 · know· what This .is the second year now that cancer of I'm suing the food and. College studenis as well as their. .· ...... pletely_ .. false, . as a little. in- . certs at BC inFine Arts 30 tocia}iat 10:30 and Ii :30a.m. the group is being. in 1929;. .We've . mainlained. . . . a . . ar···e.· ·av·a' 't·1.a·b.le .·u·'-pon ·gradu·a·lt'on · an·d · . pailies and government· · grOlips will · mg· .· as se.nera· 1 c.. oor_ · ct'rnator, wo.rking· Buchwald's · .response was af!er -· the Pulitzer people have screwed up.· Drug Administration as well as the ability to comprehend the · above c~ine on, now! ls this freedom of vestigative reporting·. perhaps Order. .··• . .· .. tion,U Kern County employers.. c~n· •vlsit the displays that inter~st · chairman forspeakers.. · ''I k~pt walking around Colum: . Janet Cook ring. a bell? Do you· l guess tlieie•s iwthing J c~n do · · following debate. . ·.. · · • . •...· ··.··. · . . .· . . . ' . . them and liear ,• speaker panels in" . . . .· ·. . . totalitar.ian type of government.than . . thing that is 'not oft~n'jl~esenfin. .. .. Directed Lois Utterback, with pianist Mary Jane Mocire'as !IC·. . ..· . . .. . ·. . . . . , ...... Harriet Sheldon, associate bia Uriiversity"hopirtg Hiat sorileon_e_ . 'recall '!Jimmy's Story?" l(no(,;tlle ·about this year. ()kayArtBaby ;you ' .·. R~SOL VE[): This ch_OlJSe . bY . <··-- . -- . L would notice me.'' Boy is that fun- .. Washington Post' w<>ulct be ·most got me, so wipe that dainn winsome believes that those people who ·• the great:republic:we once·hadc-.-.·- ·- --ihe· Rip' when' ~tories"abciiit the · ·companist,the·'program iricludes·a vade(y~of~(yles an\! songs, cori~ ·.· . "-Approxiinately 2,000 siudents·are ·. · dassroom-type settings. ·-c~ · ~ ---de":in-,- ci:i"uriseling :· and .· tesilng; . .. tty; iaiJ, I have · 10 stop jyping ' happy. . sinile off your kisser. But Jlext year, en Joy peace

f I ,/ ...... ·';. .

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MONDA\', APRii. 19, 1982 RENEGADE RIP Rt: ,t.(,Al>t. RIP MONDA\', Al'IIIL It, ltlJ PM.El /.Dance • Norris' ''Silent Rage''a grabber; · _____ ---_-_-_-_-_1 SPOR T:S ------~ :.··week . ·------1.------latest kung Ju flick literally a hit ------··begins against a psychotic (how typical) Bui back to Norris, without . Natiorial Dance Week btgins next By ROB WALTERS killer, a role magnificently played whom "Rage". would disappear· to 'Gades optomistic about second half Tuesday with two dance perfor- News Edllor by Allison Halman. La-la Land. His acllng is so-so, but · mances-at BC touching off a week In a time.which finiu most of the Halman sheds the humdrum the action he commands is terrify­ that includes four dance films to be movie industry at an all-time low, stereotype of deranged· killer by ing. And that's exactly what he · BC tunes up with back-to-back victories ' shown at West High's Lecture few stars have been able to manage spicing his role with interjections of wants done. By TONY LACAVA "It gl-.es us an opportunity to pl,iy a Saturday's rnatchup. against Pasadena, Wllliams reached Center, according to the Dance magnificent drawing power. The wry humor, which, unfortunately, For. "Rage" Norris wipes off his · Editor-in-Chief whole new season. We feel in these­ base four times on two walks, an er­ Council of Kern County. greats like Burt Reynolds arid Clint sails by l\lOSt. Ttie unique dialogues usual innocent, Mr. Nice Guy image BC baseball coach Pete Lango is . cond half we're ready to play While._ the. 'Gades fcaturedjust The first dance,. a modern dance Eastwood, . who used to cram in the nick reflects refreshing talent for that of a hard-line cop. In no thankful the Metropolitan Con­ better.'~ two · .300 hitters after 23 games, ror and a basehit which knocked in performance, is scheduled for 12:IS theaters, arc discovering they can of Joseph Fraley, the fnan who other film has he atlempted this, . ferencc baseball season, unlike Lango. Is proud to announce the Pete Lango Jr. for BC's lone run in next Tuesday in the BC gym while a only pull In sparse crowds. And wrote lhe screenplay. . . save for "Good Guys Wear Black." · almost every other baseball con­ After the. season's first half, BC relurn of former South High _stand­ the fifth inning. As'·a team, the : show the. following day at 11 a.m., most of those arc theater employees .. Director Michael Miiier ls a likely For the mo;t part, his kuog fu antics· ference season in the state, is split in started off on the right foot with a out Kent Wi!liarns to the line up. '.Gades managed just four basehits . jazz dancing, wjll ta_ke place on the But there is one star who is still a canidate for the 'how-to-get-the­ are ridi.culous if you stop. to think half. non-conference 4-3 win over. Fresno·. · Wiiiiams, who was sidelined· for in that game. . College April 9 and a triumph grass area between the campus magnet: His name is Chuck NoHis. mo s t-ou t-o f -your -sm al 1- budget about it. Honestly, how many small 4-9 several games with a hamstring pull, Mark Wyatt and John Reynolds, After finishing the first half of over Pasadena In its second-half center and administration buildings, You would· think theater-goers award' which he has done with Texas towns house a maitial arts ex­ was sorely missed on offense as he both locijl products, batted just conference play at 4-8, Lango says . opener Friday. BC met the Metro's Both performances arc · free of would have enough kung fu flicks pert? registered just I l at'bats before his · above .300 to pace BC's offence in it's like "a whole new se~son" from first-half champs, LA Valley Satur­ charge. . and cop lii~ks and flicks which are injury, However, in those at bats, he the season's ·first. half while· n.ow on. "We're only one· of two day and face LA Mission tomorrow The Fred Asiairc-Oinger Rogers · generally graphically violent. But managed seven hits. Against Fresno freshman catcher Randy Maples led movie Top Hal arid the Ivan Nagy- . obviously that is not the case as ex- conferences in the state with a split at 2:30 p:m. Valley, 11·1 in tlie first Williams went four-for-four. season and it's good," says Lango. the squad with 11 RBI. Cynthia Gregory film In aRehearsal ampl~ by Norris' i!ltest sjJver- . half, had beaten BC twice prior to In his conference comeback game Room open the dance film festival screen effort, ''Silent Rage," which Weekly Calendar Either Martin. Lqpez 9r · Doug . at 4 p.m. May 8 before the R11dolph. is filiing moviehouscs daily .. · MondO)'; April 19 Yontz will start against Mission, .· Nurercv-M~rgot. Fontcyn . movie . In "Rage" Norris fill .the bill of according. to> Lango. Lopez, ·a :;:~}~ s Evenmg:W1th.t?eRoy11_l 811//etand: ·. cop,kung fu fighter and occasional, . 11:30 o,m, AcU_villq 8-0ard, Exec-uo_Yt Board Room • freshman froin Delano High, has ' . been BC's stopper thus far as he anotheL ~how1ng_ of RehearfaL1y ~ ihrow~in_:_ac-little.- graphk --·-·-...... ,. - Room begm at 6:IS p.m. . . _. yiolence...:.about once every three. .. took a L4S earned run aver~ge"into . Friday's ganie against the Lancers . Rehearsal Room ~on; the siJ.ver_ · minutes.'. He plays the sheriff of a . 8:30 a.m·.- · ~ttr Coullffllna, Executive Board·RoOm Hugo award · at the· Chicago Film small Texas town which is pitted 12:30 P~ID· ' 8o1rd ot ReprtHnlallvis, Ex«uttve Board Room \ ...... ~ While. his _ERA took a fall, . his . Festival in _1975, The lyrical film 1:30 p.m; BC Rtpublkans, Flrulde Room · , :, -. < 'i')· .: record al.so improved to.4-L. 2:30 p.m. Finance Commltttt, CC~ ·uses Pachelbel's "Canon in D." ~~- ~ ~ 5:00 p.m. Woni,n11 'Buketball .._ ' When D~rao is noi pitching, he'll fill . in at first base and Williams It's time/or a bud_· Wtdn_tsday, April 21 moves .to the outfield. When .. Job opportunii'ies'.> __ Williams. moves from. the outfield, 9:30 o:m. · O.ota!'As,tstonts Bake Sait, Foyer . it_'s Chris Smith, Mark McGary and Azalias arehJ fuU bloom !Ill over town due to natural !Wlence. These lovely- - 10:00 o.m. FrnnO Slate Vuu.uon·,"Foytr" H•mples of sprlrlg's handy work were.found resting near the Sdence arid 12:30 p.m, · MECHA, Flr.. lde Room Mike Eckart who d,o the Oy chasing: . Engln«rlng building Just minutes before wayward science students drench- 8-41' QtllvrrY l• ... ,;..,- ~.... '" ...... ~--. - ' The 'Gades sco~ed whal proved to . peared in the Rip-and rightfully, · · · · · 7:00-4:30 . So •..5 1•nc·e·. th'i·s·h· a··s··.be··en·_·a··v-e· ·r·y· ·su·c•. ·.·seems to_: care about th:" positiv_e_ ·­ .. . be the winning run ,in the Jhird inn- .· .. 'aspects of .student. gQ~ernment at . FuiJ.tt'me· pe~IDan-,i:11 posit!Ori. -. - •- Stretching for. a winner . ~..;i111A>11@ as Jon Walker singled arid taler - . . . . . ·. . . cessful year ror ASB aciiv111es·. . au, . · . . ·. . . ' • ·.• ...... i: . . A REPRESENTATIVE FROM CALIFORNIA STATE POLICE WILL BEO~ CAM; 8:30 o.m;. CSE~ R,llrrm,nl Work1hop, Coliteri• • scoreci.after he stoie second and the ·. BC's Lydia ~ernal unle~sh~ one or her two-handed backhand shola against . Al·thi.~ point, l,feela:g1eat deal'of , . .'The media is a pOwerf fool. It is . · PUSRECRUITING APPLICANTS THURSDAY, APRIL 29,JN THE CAMPUS Ojai Ttrlnl, T~Utn•menl ~ ·.· .. ·,' .· '· ·,. ' . ~ ._ .. -· _ .. ~ ' ...... ,:throwtlown sailed into center '.field . ·;, - · Me-lro S"R}m_mhl& Ch~mplonshlps Renegade thlrdsacker Paul Meer! prepares to ·proted his turf, third base, as a Pasadena base runner mngs himself LA Pierce player Andrea ·Pent lo defend her side of tbe·net In BC's Nieeril · . frus!raiion .. Thi$ has nc;ithi_ng to <1° . being abused ~tflakersfi i;!Cdllege. CENTER FOYER,·CIO.m·lpm). · ,, ; " where oie fielder couldn't relay the . . -. .. . _. ; - - . I . - . . . . . , ._ - . . ·.·.. .· ·. Ml, SAC R,lay, heac) first, arms e~tended, into t_he bag. Although the runner w11:1 s~re, third b~ ~as as rar any Lancer runner . 9-0. loss to.the.Brahmas here at BC:.Bemalfell, 6-0, 6-0 lo Pent,(Pbolo: Sil: . with your errors ill reporting the •. j cringe to ihink ofthe future of the as projecllle home in time. ·s1ude'nr' Placement o;flce. siude1i°t "Sfnlcet BUildl~1. ROoni:19 · reached In the game as _BC pitcher M_srtln L_opez hurled a f<>ur-hlt shutout. (Pho lo: Todd Elllott) · · Portillo) Court Case, althot,1gh that does play . journalistic' media if your reporters . . . ' ...... - . 'Olli« hours: . a major role .. What I see, though, is are planning to make this ali(e~time . Main ~mpu, .- · _ . .an en1irely negative attitude within career, Their negative stance toward M,T,TH,F - 8:00am-12::IOtm, l:30,!:30pm .. the reporters of the Rip concerning. lire. in general makes no positive. W - l:30pmC3:30pm BC FOOD SERVICE STAFF Seas.on draws to an end, Downtown Ct'nlei Bakersfield College, "Hard News'' contribuiion to society in general, . . . · is reported )Vitti such. an e~itoriai much . less . to · the sludents at W - 8:00.m,11:00.m ·Sarah Van Wagoner track squad leaves ·mark-·-·. slant that tt is difficult to gel an iic- ·. Bakersfield College. . . - . . ' . .- .·. . . . . - . - ...... · . . - ·.. . -- .- .- - . . ;. ' ·curate. picture of the true facts. .. Sincerely, Food Service Assistant Covey's ~specia1'y. pleased · with .· Mundane features on subjects with Carolyn Novak .· 15. years at BC . · Iiy JEFF GOERTZEN·. no educational meri1 preclude ar- · EditorialEciiior '· ·. some of. t!ie individual efforts ·"l like to . serve _what ihe : · achieved by his athletes ihis season The ideal time Customers like, good aUractive. . The BC men'; tiack!eam is only ·. . and the promis~ ·,hat others show food." one morith away from winding for next seaspn. Says-Covey: "We . . TheMQvie NOW OPEN to find work at Western: I down one.· of its ·most difficult · have two· javeline. throwers who are seasons,,. and. not. iithout leaving .. currently . first and second. in JAN ROBERT SCOTT . some kind of mark behind. · state'-Mark .· Richardson; with . a ~--~-·-#' : . . . Bob Covey, head coachof Qlen_'s .• throw of 223-6, and Michael Parker. with •. throw.· of 216-2. Also our Framed Graphics and Accessories JANUARY track, says, "We 11re in· a. tough a 'Z.· .· .. -- . ""( freshman shot putter Randy Arley is Unique and affordable league .this year and I'm, pleased FEBRUARY · · fifth in-state with a niark of 51-1'1.;, , with _the way we're looking. So far . . . . 3703 Columbus 871-9361 MARCH our record is thre'e-and-one in dual · O_ne other athlete who stands out is . , meets, . with our only. loss being In lhe Alpha Bela shopping center John McMenainy, Says . Covey:: APRIL ~, against Long Beach City College." "John· is our defending Metro _champ MAY ~- .. in the discus and is also. showing con­ Luvena Niblett siderable improvement." . JUNE . . Food Sen'lce Assistant ! r- In the track eveng, . Covey is JULY especially. impressed with the way Ui years at BC c is 400 relay team has beeri AUGUST I J ;-erforming. •'With the combined efforts · of Ben Harris, Melvin. •· SEPTEMB[fi "I like ~ing around the younger ·1 studenlJ. · · ' Watkins, Stan Colbert, and Al Gena Uhalt Lane, our relay team has a best time . . OCTOBER of 4-0.9 which I think will do well in Senior Food Service Asslstan ,. SOVE}IBEI{ the Metros." _, -·... .. 17 years at BC As for the remaining season, OECEMBEP Covey is optimistic as the men's Gena Lhalt kno,., th111 Be's food b irack team will finish cheir season at ';,-_ good ~-~. "transfer slu~at, Memorial Stadium, beginning with tllat lie•• ~ta~ to BC h••• QJd the Metros May I. Western has many types of good-paying tempo· our food lo mac~ !RI~ 10 othu Qualifiers y,iil then ad, ance to the ,.... coUqes.'' ~- rary assignments available. Skilled office workers Southern Cal Preliminaries and the are in great demand, and we also have marketing Southern Cal Finals whcch· "'111 also and light industrial jobs. Jun work for the holi­ take pla.x u Memorial Stadium. "! feel 1hat our track team has the days or year-round ... whatever suits you. Give ;,otentlll of p~na third or fourth us a call today. See what Western can do for you. in tM Southern Cah• our only con­ ~ ou~ our confer= " "II Mon.-Fri. Sac." UY' Cov"" TAG 11 a.m.-3 p.m. l11t1r1 ·*" ROBERT ::AR~DINE ,~: ci\Gt. Ht.,i,liLTO~ i...i 'J.i\".I( ,;·:;1111 :.ef .. Xfl" J.W: (""' tli'(,lr' 11.1'-.lic •;,t- A_ ~""lo;.'<'" '

• ,t ·-·· . ' .• :- . MONDA\', APRll, 19, 19112 Rt:l'iF.CADE RIP f Ri~hard's courtsl}ip with .. ,.,. t· . .,.. ,#[ .,.,,:· "':.,', ., . -... y1'- ·. it Mickey reaches f 1nale • • . t.,, ~· . · . ..;:.-­ . ... >.{ ' By LINDA PRICE Younger Adams says that people arc getting used 10 J) \I( 11.UME "M r~:: . Staff Writer self-service. The older people that come into the store ,~.· . r.,·, -==~ ·~ Do you remember your favorite childhood toy7 That will let the clerk help them.pick out a toy, but the young !~ - ~' . apc,cial teddy bear or baby. doll or toy truck .that went people, he says, want to look around a.nd help '." everywhere you dld7 Well, if you were living in themselves. "They're afr!lid y~u're going to oversell ·Bakersfield at the time, chances are good that toy came them, which of course your're riot .. ·. it lacks the pcr- from Richard's Toy Store, . sonal touch." . · . ' ·· .h~r------.,._ ~ .< In business since 1952, first at 729 Baker St. and then Younger Adams says that children have become much ~ ~- ', . C . "• ... ~' ·• .· ,· at 1124 Baker St., Richard's -Toy Store was opened by . more demanding of toys. «They don't want to just push !···: Henry Adams at. a time when there was only one other the truck around anymore; they want the trucks to do ,.·. r toy store in toy.n...... something:'' He says there are also many more educa- The earthquake of 1952 that did so much damage to tional toys on the market than In previous years. There many Bakersfield. businesses, worked positively for .· are toys by Texas Instruments that, he says, you can · ~chard's. Having been in business only a week. when "p'ut the kid in his room and he can sit and learn and the earthquake Struck, the building which had preViOUS•. · · mother doesn 1! even need fO be around,' I . . . . . ly housed aSafeway market, stood firm while much of . In the late 1950s and-1960s: Army gear, including toy • downtown Bakersfield· crumbled. As a .result, .eider ·.. soldiers,. tanks and· machines guns, were · extremely Adams says, "downtown business stopped and we hit it popular, though they faded from the scene around right .. ·" . . . · · ...... ·. • ·. ' : 1970. Younger Adams attributes this decline to the in- · . ·.However, after 30 years of selling toys, Rlchard_'s Toy . fluence of the Vietnam War ... Store is closing its doors and will probably be out by the ·. · Richard's has always carried a large supple of riding ~ddle o.r ~tay...... , . . . toys such as tricycle~·· which elder Adams (eels are good · But It 1sn t for lack of busmess that Richard s is dos- for children. "T~e weather (her.e) is good about nine '· ,·. ' . Ing. Scventy~slx year old Henry Ad1frns says, "I just mo11ths out of the year," he says. "These toys get them -..--want out ofJt all.''.An.dJiis...son sall,~ you're going, -· _ouisid.L... . it's heajthy for them~_·-·...... _ ··-· I'll (lo_with you.'' . . ..· .· .. . . .·. . .. . • . . · · .The· Star, Wars toySthat carrie.out in i978 ·were very · "!',,. . The _elder Adams, .a self,proclaimed' "homebody,". · popular· even 1hm.,1gh; according to elder Adams ·they.· has been_ ma~ried for ·52. years and .~ays t~at hi.s re~l~e- . ·don't have moveable parts. This he says, is' good ,.· . ment will be spent m_ostly around home gardenmg with because "the child has to use his imagination ..• I .. his wife and playinggolf. He. and his wife live in _·east don't think it's right lo just sii and watch. a toy/' ·.· ·. . Bakersfield and he says, they'll "never leave ·. Of the video games elder Adams says ''I don't .like . 'here •.. it's still the_ ties! p~rt' of !own...... ·e~ ... ·· .. they say the/wa,nt lo keep kids _;way from the Part of the success ot Richard s was in the unique .· TV, but they're making it worse.'' He doesn't think that . ~ftwrapping. "\Vhe.n we gift_wra~.·· says elderAdam.s; .. >p~sh.ing buuo~s is yery g.ood play_for children. H~.says, .. ·.. we .. use• ~, certam, paper .~1th·· a ·. bow.·. and a.· ''1f I had· a k1,d who wanted one; .{'d never.; buy _it for.·:. · su.ckcr . '. , 1t. s our .tradettJark. He sa~s they _have the. them.'' He say~ that he'd rathel' se~ them· doing best suckers m town; they m;ike open mg the pr~sent- something constructive, ~such as building a model of . ·.· I' opening just that much sweeter. . .· . _ . .·· . some sort. . · . · · · ·. . · . . . · ''. · Health Fair Ht~, Ol!iM J . of~'""'· ,y-,. ·,·f .. People have .beeri shopping for <:hristmas artd birth· ''."' 'bes pit( so' miid(change 'fit ioys; fro·rn rr1efal .· and•· .. ··. . ' \ ;- ·~ , . •determined· the . • '., - <. , . . ' • • ·. day toys ai Richard'.s for generations. Elder. Adams sa~s ·.. · woocl ito plastics- ancl from prim;t.rily inariimai{t6yi)o· . . they've had. customers _who bought toys for their · an·atiundance ofelectrohic and video toys; elder Adams I . children, who, when they grew up, came in and bought clain_1s, '"they're still kids .. : ali!lle hoy puts ori a . . toys for their children .•· "Some · customers," elder·. (fireman's) hat and he's alireman;.a littiegirl picks up a Adams says "we've sold to for 20 years, (they) still · baby doll and she's a mother ; , . they've not changed a · come here and want either him (Richard) or me selling bit." · ·· - · · . to them." .upwnv•~·w~_---~~-~~-~----~---- . .. ·.. ··Photos 1'y··_ .. ·...... · .. ·.·~. ,· . . ·.. . . .· . , .· .. ··.· . .. : ·''·. · ... ·. Under the happy-sad ga'z'e of Mickey Mouse and Yoda, Henry Adams, owner of Richard's Toy Shop, begins the flnal · J~L~ Stoops · countdown at the end of ~}O_year career lnsale_s of happiness-: The ..landmark shop win close next nionth. · . . . 'B.Y ROl ,\ ,,,, j l'.IC)"" -_,' .-.:,0 · . Newt HtfftM . · .· • . ' - ~- -~-.... ,.-.,~---: .. ~:.. ·-1··~-~-~ ..t·M· on.·•d·a· ~:.·-,\; ;· · '· · · ', ·,.> i,c·, • Las . •• ~ 1;,1 1 .;.·,;:. · \.~.4-,~ 1 ~\;j _I_ and• R.:co~ds C>in_, 11 .,_MM .registration ·• r· Jfta"'' ·,d1ich .. ··•and.it itll b~garz·--w,,n· ·a •.. quake ·.. designed.both l :. 11 1; 1 ; ,;1i1tlei1,s tal 1 • ·.• care of 'registr;.''"" \111, 11r,rlng f ·.· next'. cla~.;. . ., -.". ,ial By J:L. STOOPS. , . . east Bakersfield whtfr1' the 'couri , this enduring stability fs that tiiost, - Richard for ~hom the foy shbp w;i; nii1•s. . ·. · •.staff Writer.;, house and C;ither governmental of-·.. of the ·businessmen owri their own .. named. Richard was 18 and a senior·. Ions: r('gfstraticfl 11,.,~ 11rkwh o« at the beginnir . "~ · · :tc .·.·.The. 1952 earthquake in Baker:s~ . fices were. moved out o(th~ 'rubble·.·· . building and pip~erty as opposed to. .at: BHS. whe~ the store. opened. . said. ~ue Scog~, ~ illrfr:ior of. i11 ·. field,which·c1evastated much of ihe ·. ·. to a iocation across the street from • renting, .•acc<;irding to Adams who· ; After•.· two· years •.at the old 1 1 i· I . i:nissions and r~"'fc1- . . . ' . ··downtown business district .and ter- his origiifal shop at 729 Baker St. . enumerates the lengthy list of his downtown BC; he Joined his father mh1ated: inany a. ~ommercial enter" . · which was unscathed by the big· ·· . Baker . Str~et neighboJs . with ·· ef- in ·managing the store .. Now 48 with r' •. - After the· fiiv. i ,,, .1 .. , , , • ,Jr! · . p~ise, 'ironic~llyserved to flourisli a• · trembior, Adams r~counts: · . . --forlless facility.':,~.:.. .-:..- ~- - . -. , ~ -sons'aged 25 and 21, he wili'launch a i · registration· ~"•''"' . r•pottc fledgling shop in east Bakersfield . . During 1960, Aclams moved to his . Much of the hectic hoopla and , second career unrelated to th_e toy . . · 1 more than 240 '. '. .'r . that .wO:uld become a landmark fix- prese_nt. location Oh the. corner of·. -frequent' parades of bygone• years •· .. business when Richard's To(Shop . . advariti,ge' of •11., · pr~taJll, ture on Baker StreCi and prosper for ,· . Baker and Monterey Streets, :occu-. •· . are gone now, Adams con(inues, in> . · closes its doors next month. ·.·. · . the next 30 years...... pying a builcling 'that formerly hoµss . : eluding .one misguided, riotoui pro~ _• Clotk~ and calendars effkien:tly~ .• · Hclnry. · Ada ins, a.: spry - sep· . ·e~ a Safeway grocery store. Little o:r . .motion· where pingj:>Ong. balls con- . ifirnpersonail}'; mark the passing of ;· tuagerierian and O\Yller of Ric~ard's .. ·.·. no .remodeling Y

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MONDAY, APRii. 19, 1982 RF.NF£ADE RIP r Rt.-.t:C;AIU RII' MONDAY,AP1UL 19, 1"1 PM.El ·Dance Norris' ''Silent Rage''a grabber; . _____-:--:-:-:-:-:7 ------~ SPOR T:S. ·---- . ------··week ·. ------1------latest kung Ju flick literally a hit ll======'======~--~=--=-~==~======-=-=~------~------begins against a psychotic (how typical) But back to . Norris, without National Dance Week begins next By ROB WALTERS killer, a role magnificently played whom "Rage" would disappear. to 'Gades optomistic about second half Tuesday with two dance perfor­ News Edlte>r by Allison Halman. La-la Land. His acting is so-so, but · mances .at BC touching off a week In a time which finds most of the Halman sheds the humdrum the action he commands is terrify­ that includes four dance·films to be. movie Industry at an all-time low, . stereotype of deranged killer by· ing. And.· that's exactly what he BC tunes up with back-to-back victories · shown at West High's Lecture wants done. few stars have ~n able to manage spicing hls rote with interjections of By TONY LACAVA "It gl-.es us an opportunity to play a Center, according to the Dance For "Rage" Norris wipes off ,his Saturday's ma!chup. magriificent drawing power. The wry humor, which, unfortunately, Editor-in-Chief whole new season. We feel in these­ against Pasadena, Williams reached Council of Ker it County. · usual Innocent, Mr. Nice Guy image · greats like Burl Reynolds arid Clint sail~ by f!IOst. T'he 11nique dialogues BC baseball ,oach Pete Lango is · cond half 'we're ready to play While the ·'Gades featured just base four times on two walks, an er­ The first dance, a modern dance Eastwood, who used to cram in the flick reflects refreshing talent for that of a hard-line cop. In· no than.kfui the Metropolitan Con­ better." two .300 -hitters after 23 games, ror and a basehit which knocked in performance, is scheduled for 12:lS theaters, are discovering they can of ·Joseph Fraley, · the man who other film has he attempted this, ference baseball season, .. unlike Lango is prou;:1. to announce the Pete Lango Jr. for BC's lone run in ne~t Tuesday in the BC gym while a . only pull in sparse crowds. And wroie the screenplay .. · save for "Good Guys Wear Black." almost every other baseball. cone · After. the seasqn's first hill.f, BC return of forme·rsouth High stand­ the fifth inning. As a team, the · show the following day at II a.m., . most of the>se arc theater-employees. Director Michael Miller is a likely for the most part, his kung f\l antics ference season in the stale, is split in started off oil the right foot with a out Kent Wi!liarns to the line up. 'Gades managed just four basehils jazz dancing, will t11lce place on .the Bui there Is one star .who is still a canidate for the 'how;to-get-the- are rldiculous if you stop to think half. · non-conference 4-3 wln over Fresno · .. Williams, who was sidelined . for in that game. grass area between the campus . mos t-out-of-y.ou r-sm all-budget. about iLHonestly, how.many small College April 9 and a 4-0 triumph several games.with a hamstring pull, ma1:1net: Bis name ls Chuck Norris. After finishing ihe first half of Mark· Wyatt and John Reynolds; center and administration buildl.ngs. award' which he has done · with Texas towns house a martial art~ ex- . . over Pasadena In its second-half was sorely missed on offense· as he ·you would .think theater-goers conference play at 4~8, Lango says both local products, . batted just 1 opener Friday. BC met the Metro's Botti performances are free of · • Ra8e:'~ pert? registered just.-U al bats before his would have enough kung fu flicks it's like "a whole new season" from , above .300 to pace BC's offence in · charge. and cop flicks and flicks which are first-half champs, LA Valley Satur- . Injury. How.ever, ln those at bats; he . The Fred Astalre-Oinger Rogers now on. "We're orily one· of two day and face LA Mission tomorrow the season's first half while , generally graphically · violent. But . managed seven hits, Against Fresno Freshman catcher Randy Maples led movie Top Hat and the Ivan Nagy- conferences in the stale with a split at 2:30 p.m. Valley, fl-I in the first Williams went four-for-four. obviously that is not the case as ex- · season and it's good," says Lango . the squad with 11 RBI. . Cynthia Gregory film In aRehearsal ampled by · Norris' · latest silver­ half, had beaten BC twice prior.to In his conference comeback game Room open the dance. film festival Weekly Calendar Either· Martin Lopez or Doug 'l'.. • screen effort, "Siient Rage," which ',t ' . 4 .. at p, m: May $ before the R11dolph. is filling moviehouses daily. Monday, April 19 Yontz will start against Mission, • ·,c:w~f:..< i" ' Nureyev-Margot Fonteyn movie .,7.v.' ••• according. to . Larigo. . Lopez, . a .. . In "Rage" Norris fill the bill of ' ' :; , /. Evening With the Royal and. · .. 11:30 11.m.. llltt Bo~rd, EJCtcutlYe Board.ROom ;. ~.-; . , .. Bahe/ i:op,kung fu fighter and occasionat- Act1 ... freshman from Delano High, has :. }. '. . another ·showing of Rehearsal '> -ly · thiows . in-a_Jittle..cgraphic_ · ;c· ... -- ~~i-- ·. .,....-·, ··-.- ... been BC's sto~ thus far ai he -Rdombegln at 6:15 p.ni. .. ~ -.- --'fund1y/Aprll lO - --- " . violence....:.about once every 'three : j ' took a L4S earned r(m average into· Rehearsal· ROOf!l. won the· silver · minutes:_He plays the sheri!'f of a . 8:30 a:m. Pttr Counse!lna, E1t«utll'~ Board Room Friday's game against· the Lancers. Hugo· a\\'ard at· the Chicago Film . smati Texas town which is pitted · 12:)0 p,m, · Board of Reprtttnlttf,n; E~«utlve Board Ro_om \Vhile his ERA · took a fall, his Festival in ' 1975. Th.e lyrical film . 1:30 p.in. BC R,publlc111.1, Flre,td,.Room · record also improved to 4-1. uses ·Pachelbel's ''Canon in D." 2:)0 p:m. Financt Commlltff, cc~• ' .. · . . - . . ;· . '. . 5:00 p.m. Women•1 · B'IL!keth•II When Durait is not pitching, he'll fill in ~t first base and WiUiams . ;.._-, )./ .. It's time for ci bud Wtdn~sday, Aprl! 21 moves 10 . the outfield: Whcri

- . . . - . Job opportunities Williams moves from.the oµtfield, 9:)0 a,m. Denial A.,1,1ani. Bah Sat,, Foy,r Azallas are In full bloom all over town due io' natural S£lence. ·These lovely 10:00 •• m•. rrrsno siaie" V1.s1t1ifon, Foyer · it's Chris Smith, Mark McGary and e:umples of spring's handy work were found re.sting near the Science and 12:30 p;m .. MECHA, Flttsldt Room . . · · Mike Eckart who do the fly chasing. Engineering building just minutes before wayward science siudenls drench· B-41 Delivery Ltg.~- p·a~il.· ~~·rd ~ •••• ry d:ftermlned.·b, .. ~:00 p.m. - FfdtratlDn ·~oUncll-,.EX«uilVe Board Room Former Bakersfield Drillers Danny · · ed lhe buds wflh lab speclmans. (Photo: Sal Portillo) · No. of papen drtt,ired 5j,OO/ppr. rtulblt . Ruii and· Steve Brown are c~rrently hours (lOhr/wk) .· . · Thursday, Aptll ·22 .. , ·- handHng the bullpen duties . B-414 Cuhlen l ohllU nffdtd to bt conredl ...... :_'' ;,· _:-:· . ' .·. ·:.: .. ·. 8:3-0 a.m. Pet'r Counstllng, Exttutlvt Board RoDni ...... ,'., M-F 5,tOpm & Wttkend, only (16hr/wk) · Against Fresno, BC let t.he Rams . , . tides about the accomplishments of· SJ.35 per hr · · . 11:30 1,m; · Sfud~h.l.Co·tirt,. [:t1:;tcUtlvt Bo~rd R~Om enjoy their lead .until Maples strok- · .. · 12:JO p.m. Letters· Bakersfiitd ·coilege students. I find . rs,41 _CookiCciunrerpti"son · Near clnip11.1 bo.tli P•rt·tlme & ft1U.·tfme Pcisl·.- · Btack Stli_d.tn_t Unlon 1 Fireside Room .· ed a bases-loaded single in the tiot­ tlon, $J.35plus prr h.i · · !:JO p;m . lnte·rnallOoaf Students, .F_irtslde Ro.om . • Again, invesligativ~ repmting with .· this appalling. inan.age.of s.tudent 1 lom ·. of the ninth iiuiing--,for the CL-47 Stcrttary M;F 8:30,5:00pin_ $300/mos/plus W~me'n s Buk_tt"balJ an eye; toward impartial news• .was·.. apathy,_ the Reneftildi!Rip could and Pltl'"ct Vs. e_c, Home \Vin, ., . .. . . ' .· .· . should be a very positive (ool in.pro: A«ounllng knowledge helpful, Hiiidlt ·1-· ·phonts·,.mu·,, _t)'pe . . . . OJaJ _Tennis Toul'nll~ent' ',.. . - ., .. . •· not present. Those ·wlio feel that• moting: the positive • aspects of · CL,329 Sttrellry M'.F 8:J0,5;00pm $700/mo,/plus ·Mflro Swil11ming ·chin,plonshlJ)s While the 'Gades ma~aged just . rnonelary . compensatfon for these education .... but . the school has _TyiPe 4S..50wpm·, 11.nswtr ph0ne5, must '11Ve · Mt. SAC.Relay, . •· foµr .hits •themselves· against hours is iloi warranted has obvious- . . .• ...... I . . not seeneviqerice of this .. JI is di f- good ,p,lllnx 1klll,. ··'\ · Pasadena, Lopez all(iwedjust. four ' ly never participated in an activity C-330 Ttlephonlng M-Th 6::l0-8:30pm $5/br . Friday, April 23; i o(lhis kina: If is interesting to. note ··. ficuit to maintain e.nthusiasm. as an . to the Lancers who. made their.only. · · ASB Officer with only the negative . ~t«l•Jng renewal dates ·ror lnsutln~e· com· · scoring threats in the seventh and . . . ' . p1nyi· ...... Ojai Tennis T9uinlmenl .:., .. --·.-; . :~;- i \\·". . ~ . " . tliat no criticism of tlie work that is . aspects .of your •. work being with. . eight inriings. · · · · ' HS-48. Cltantr's Asslsrant · Matul't dtpeDdable- pil'lon nttdtd.· to._ltafn · . Melro SwlmmlnR Championship, . ;'-· done by these officers has ever press coverage. No one at the Rip Mt. SAC Rtlar, r ap- dry..:lunlng · bu,ines,: $3.75 p,r hr. M·F. The 'Gadesscoredwhalproved to ! peared in the_ Rip-and rightfully seems to care about the. positive· 7:00-4:30 . . . · Full·tl_me 1>trin.1ri'tat position. Saturd11)' 1 · AprU ·14, .be the winning runintliethird inn:.,.··- .. SQ, since. this,has. been a very. sue-. . as peels ..of studerif go<>~rnn\enL at . '-----.. .-Stretching for a winner .· inf as Jon Walk.er singled and taler ...... ' - . . . . cessful year for ASB activities. all'. . . .· · .· ! •.. ·, .· • I < .. ... - . · A REl'RESENTA TIVE FROM CALIFORNIA STATE POLICE WILL BE 6N CAM- · 8:30. 1.m, .- CSEA Retlrtffleqt W.or_ksh-op, cattltrfill .. scored after he stole second and ·the · · · · · · · ,6,,.t,thi.~ point, J,feel ~.gteat deal cif .· ·Theme.di a is a pQwerful tociL'l! is·· PUS RECRUITING APPLICANTS'THURSDAV, APRIL 2~, IN THE CAMPUS Ojai Tennis Tourn1~eont.. - ~-· ...... - . ·.' ..-.- ..... •/-'·,·.··.··.·-.:_ ... , ' .. ··· '.' ·. ~ ... :, ...... ':' - ·~ . ')hrowdown •saile;I into ce.nter 'fleld. . · ilC's L)dia Jlern~lunleashes one of her Cwo:banded backb1aisbo1A qallllt ,- '. .:,·. bis . .frustration. Thi~ has nothing to do .·.• beirig abused.at Bakersfield Coliege. · CENTER FQVER. (10.in:tpm). ·. . . . · · '· 1 ' '. ~ Mello s,.1mmln1 Ch1mplooshlp, Rene~ade lhlrdsacker Paul Meert prepare.s toprolfi!l turf, third base; as a Pasadena base runner flings hlm~lr' · LA Pierce player Andrea Pent.to defend her side uf tbe net ln'BC's recent Mt. SAC Rttirs . , head flrsl, arms extended,'lnto the bag;.Althougltlhe runner was safe;ihlrd'basewas as far·as any Larlcet rumiei- . where the fielder couldn't relay the· · ... 9-0 Jossto. th~ Brahmas here at B(:. BernaUell, 6-0; 6-0 to Pent. (Photo: Sal ..· . with yolrr erro~ in reporting· tt,e . · I cringe to thin~ of the future of the · •· projectile home in. lime. Portillo) · · · · · · ·· Court ca_ie, although_ ihat does play.·. -jo~rrialistic media if your reporters :. Sl\ldtllt _Pl~c~in,Dt_O;r1ct •. S.tudenl ·SefVICts BUlldl.ng • Room ."29 . reache!I Jii the ~arne as BC pitcher Martin Ll>pez hurled a four-hit shulo~t. (Pho!o£ Todd Ellloti). . Oillce hour,: · · · '' a major role. What I see, though, is are planning to make this a life-lime Main Campus . . 'I an entirely negative aititude within. caree~eir negative stance ·rowiud M,T,TH,F-:- 8:00ain,12:30am,-t:)O.J:30pm :y . W - l::lOpm,3:)0pm ·.·.season draws to .. an •end, I · the reporters of ihe Rip concerning tire. in general makes no· positive BC FOOD SERVICE STAFF 0 Downtown Ctnler . Bakersfield College. ''Hard News'.'• .. contriblltion to society in general, -.-,· is reported with such· an editotial . much less : ro. the students at 'W - 8:00am-11:00am Sarah Van .Wagoner. . . . . - ·.track sqµact·· 1eaves. mark slant ;hat it is difficult to get ·an ac'. ·. Bakersfield College .. - · . . . ,· ' . ' . . - - . _·_.- . : ·curate picture of· the true· facts'. Sincerely, . Food Service'"Asslstant · ',- · ··Mundane features on subjects with Carolyn Novak· · 15.years at BC· ByJEFF GOERTZEN Covey's especiaUy. pleased with Editorial Editor some · of . the individual efforts · no educa1ional merit preclude ar- · . . . . ·"I like. to serve what lhe · · · achieyed by his athletes this season. · Customers like, good altractlve. . The BC men's irack team is only . and th.e promise. that oihers }how food." one .month·· away from. winding .. · for next se.ason. Says,Covey: "We . The Movie. -. . . . NOW OPEN down one of . its ·most·. difficult . have tw_o iaveiine throwers wh·o are · . . .. I'. . seasons, and not without leaving · . currently first and-'secorid in JAN ROBERT SCOTT some kind of mark behind. state-Mark Richardson,· with a · ·· ·. ·.. · · ·. . • throw· of 223-6; and Michael Parker ·1kt··~tlY~- Bob Covey, head coach of i;nen's '. · . Framed Graphics and.Accessories . track,. says, "We are in a tough · with a ·throw of 216-2: ·Also our . tea. gue this year. and I'm pleased . freshman shot puller.Randy: Ariey is Unique and affordable. < · with the way we're· · looking. So far· . fifth in ·state·with a mark of 51-1 l.'' 3703 Columbus ~71-9361 our record is three-and-one in dual ·one other athlete who stands out is · I . meets, wilh our only loss being John McMenamy. Says Covey: in the Alpha Beta shopping center .',.' against Long Beich City College.''' "John is ()Ur defending Metro.:hamp , . • in the discus and is also showing con­ Luvena Niblett ) siderable improvement.'' Food Service Assistant. .. In the track events, Covey is especially impressed with the way 26 years at BC ·.,is 400. relay team has been 'J_ I ;,erforming. "With the combined efforts of .Ben Harris, Melvin "I like ~In~ around tll.e ..Y.ounger Watkins, Stan · Colbert, and Al

' • - ~------~~ , - -


• ;"Ri~hard's courts~ip with • ·.-; ·Mickey reaches f 1nale • • • By LINDA PRICE Younger Adams says that people arc getting used to Starr Writer self:servlce. The older people that come into the store Do you remember your favorite childhood toy? That will let the clerk help them pick out a toy, but the young _, . 1~al teddy bear or baby doll or toy truck that went people, he says, want to look around and help ' · everywhere you did? Well, if you were living in · themselves. "They're afraid you're going to oversell VOltll\,ft: XI.Ill NUMBF:R 24 MONDAY, APRii, 26, 1982 BAKERSFIELD COLl,E(,F. _Bakersfield at the time, chances are good that toy came them, which of course your're not ... it lacks the per­ - from Richard's Toy Store. . sonal touch." . - In business since 1952, first at 729 Baker St. and then Younger Adams says that children have become much • j: •• · -at 1124 Baker St., Richard's Toy Store was qpened by more demanding of toys. "They !Ion'! want to just push · Henry Adams at a time when there was only one other the_ truck around anymore; they want the trucks to do toy store in town.· . - · -something." He .says there are also many mote educa­ Civil rights officers visit BC The eanhquake of 1952 that did so much damage to tional toys on the market than in previous years. There many Bakersfield businesses, worked positively for are toys by Texas Instruments that, he says, you can Richard's. Having been In business only a week when · "put the kid in his room and he can sit and iearn and Review -shows no discrimination _the earthquake struck, the building which had previous­ mother doesn't even need to be around." ly housed a.Safeway market, stood firm while much of' ·in_ the late 1950s ai:id 1960s_. Army gear, including toy By TONY LACAVA :deparrments vocational education background,, to ins~rl tile sentence them, !asked them if they had time· 1 during their three· days here that downtown Bakc:fsficld .crumbled. As a result, elder · soldiers, . tanks and machines guns, were extremely Editor-in-Chief _ program< invited the officials to ' re(luired -tO· ask.,, . Adams says, "downtown business stopped and we hit it, popular, though they fade\! from the scene _around CivU right~ officers, in a recent · take a closer look at that depart­ ·. Because - BC receives federal they were. more than welcome to right . . . .. - .. - - 1970. Younger Adams_ attributes this decline to the In­ review• of compliance with ailtl­ ment and th~ o'fficials accepted the, money, they have the right to see if come out and look at this depart­ However, after 30 years of selling toys, Rkhard'.s Toy · fluence of the Vietnarri War. -- · _ . _· dlscrimh1atlon laws in BC's_ voca- . offer, - - we are complying with federal anti- - ment. -1 \l'OUld take them through and introduce. them to the teacher Store is closing its doors and will probably be out by the -_ - Richard's has always carried a large SUPP.le of riding tionlil education department, found ; The following were recommenda­ discrimination ·laws,'' says Dabbs, and they w1mld sec what was going -· middle of May. . _ _ _ _ _- _ -__ toys such as tricycles, which elderAdams feels lire good no violations, but made _some ,:tions made to BC made by the of­ - · "I invited them to come here (in­ recommendations, according. to on in the classes. They could talk to · But it isn't for lack of-business that Richard's is dos-· _for children. "The weat_her (here) is good about nine , ficials, according to Dabbs. - dustrial ed ile!>artment) to -walk Dean of ·Personnel Dr. Phyllis anybody they wanted to. They were lng: Seventy-six year olfi Henry Ad~ms says, ,''I just months out of the ye·ar,;' he says. "These toys get them - -Publication or s!aternent in the through with _me arid to tal~ with · want out of it all." An,d_his son says, "If you're _going,· Dabbs. BC class_ schedule, work experieitce - anyone. that t~Lwanted to," said · free to go as they wanted. $0 they - . outslcle •... it's hea\thy for them,>' _ --~-- -- -.· ---- _.-_---- training. memorandum, catalog' _or . came 'ilut, an~. were apprtclative of -o- ---- Hageman·. - . - l'U.g0-,with you.'-'- ~------_ _ ·- ~: ·c-:-Ttre smriVars toys that came <>ut iri 197s'were very · . (\ .. The cider Adams, a self,proclainied ..-homebody," Two offkers from- -the San -student placement :Ceferial forms . -that fact, and spent well over an · popular even though, according to elder Adams, they Francisco-based Depariment of which dearly identifies BC's policy . "_The . reason· I invited tliem ·up_ has been married for 52 years and says that his retire­ hour in this fiepiµ'tment. - - don'_l· have 'moveable parts. This he says, is good Education spent 2V. days two weeks of non-discrimination. - here~''_ Hae;eman -.~ont_il'l_u~s, ! 1is ''We went in to machine shop, -- ment will be spent mostly around home gardening with because "the child_ has to use his imagination ... I ago conferring with faculty and _a_d_· - _ ~Also to i,ubUsh a statemtui ~~- because I don't feel thafwe've gone his wife and playing golf. He and his wife 1.ive in easi · welding, auto m~hanlcs, and wood. don't think it's right to just sit an,.;. recent ntcc! against Los. Angeles Ple_rc_e with, a winning time o( ~:3.6; Sh,e. (admlnistraiion) agreed... - ticeship program.·- -wasn't for students no matter who class'. i would feel in their discussion ,- .·. people have been shopping for Christmas and birth· - -Despite so tnuch change in toys, from metal and also received top diving honors-with ii score of 173.15, BC swimmers finish· . Jndustrial Education Chairml1.ll · _ .-lri BC's adlhission form on the or what they are we ~oltldn;t have a with the various - students thai · day toys at Richard's fQr generations. Elder Adams says wood to plastics and frotn primarily inan'imate toys to· ed the Metropolitan season In first place a11d were competing In conference Ed H~~eman, also tiead - of _the qu·estion asking program,'' says Hageman. students were positive towards the they've had customers who bought toys for their · championships In Los Angeles this pa~t weekend. (Photo: Sal Portillo) "When I _·was_ interviewed by an abundan~e of electronic and- - video- toys, elder Adams .. - ·- ._ - . -- . •·, . department." children, who, when they grew up, came in and bought . .· ...... ' claims, "they're still kids ... a little boy puts on a •1 - -toys for their children. "Some_ customers," elder (fireman's) ha_t and h~'s a fireman; a little girl picks up a No children admitted Adanis says "we've sold to for 20 years, (they) still baby doll and she's a mother· .. -. they've not changed a ·swini_-. team gives come here and want either him (Ricltard) or me selling b"it.,, . - - . . . . - ' to them." ~'American Buffalo' to open May 7 ~.• : .,_;_ ':t>.: ~-: ' ,· e_r___ -__ -_i"iri_ cro_w_:.. Turn. J • st n Hailed as "Best American Play; Rkh;rd Elder ;wn;>;e, "His is not ari strong lang~age may not wish toat~ - be used for props. These items may Photos by During this season's duaI meets, _1_976-77" by-. Ne~_ Yo_ r_k Dr_ aina·: ear. but a stethoscope.- His lend. befound ina second hand store and . . . . ' ByYVO_NNEH_-_U_T_C_ HISON_ ------b k h 1· • - · d -- -h -- 1·- J.L. Stoops Under the happy-sad gaze (lf Mickey Mouse arid Yoda, Henry Adams, owner or Richard's Toy Shop, begins the final freshman .Michelle Barnett ro .e · Critics• - Circle '· Award, _David __ - c -arac ers · wo.r s are , ear_ - · Hank · Webb,· Direclor of BC . don't : n'ecessarily '· -have -16 . be count_down at the end of a 30 year careet In sales or happiness. The landmark shop will close next month. : - · - This y~;~~!f breaking - five -. school records .in - the, soo _- Mamei's play: .. American Buffalo" - :~;:i,s.-_ evidence o( their•- Staie' Drama Qepartinent; says. "I amin- operateable.'' - · - '%~~':J • o( - _ ~eating is limited, . Webb says, ~ •""- •••• ·"' v ..... ; -season' for the BC women's swim_ freestyle, 20Jimlividual niedley;IOO wfll lie ·seeri on stage at BC Friday ·h_ ·_ : 1- - . -. > :• · . --h- · _terested, in' see.ins what . the - - - butterlly :._and - the_ : so -an~,. llKL, illi'd· Saturday nights, May i, s.--rs T e d,a ogue, u\ fact, IS so score - audieii:ce's reaction win _be to the -- with • the __ audience-_ on.stage, ,- team isl0.0 and 6-0 in conference. backstroke; She gr11duated fr_om an·d· 16-·.- --- ~ · - -- · , - 'ing between Bobby, a.spaced-out · · -- ' -- · · surrounding ihe acting area on three -T_!(e fihal_ com_ "'e_t_i_tion_in thi.s y_·ear's ------. .., ,,· _- h- . - h- strong language. It's because of the season will be Thursday,Sat_urdayat --- -Garces_ High Sch.t.oun,...,~n_,,,,e, Donny, I. e JUn~ s Op -. language that -children wUI 'not .be • sides,. with_ all ihe action takin& Cerritos for the state. champion· ,· swimming (ori4 _Yeai's., - . - shop· where three sma11:t1me cio,oks . owner,. and -Te~cher, vm~ent, allowed admittance under any cir- :.clatf one Friday, lr_1 the_ morning. .quake a 1md late that same. ni!lht: - · and it all began with a ~ -- ...... - • • . . . - -- The competition at the, state·_•-_ plot 10 rob 3 man ofhfs-cciin collec: ·_ paranoid braggart~th.at P.lay dire~-_ cumstances,'' . _ - __ - · · -- . t . - : ships. - -·-· -- · ------championships will be considerably _ tion'-.'Tea-_ di,- ·pla_ y--ed ·b-yayro_n Jon_ es_._ - - _!or_Hank. Webb says_ no ch.1l_dr_en_ win_ - - - ·- - - · - - Show time is- 8 p,m. and admis­ _- ':·:"If.- -- ,>;1) -, . "De_ -p-_thi_sw.. h_a_(yo_-un.ee_dfo_rsta_te -- - · · - -h· d _-, ·1 be ttd d h d W-b·b·--,-.' -d ,;w-·•re-lo·o-_kfng·· By J .L. Sl'OOPS. east -Bakersfi~ld -when the court · - this enduring stabilil(is that mo$! Richard for whom the iofshop was . more than during I e_ ii!" mee S_ bis_.tw_· o_ CO_ hor_.ts, Bobb_y-(Robb_ -.. perm1 e to_atten_ t IS pro UC·__ e con mue, - e _ . ·sion prices arc $4 for adults and $2 - ·" . : . -.' ,' . . ; . and .. ,:, . competition; besi_des a couple_ . _of · - · --h. - · · d' · t - - t p h - ff d d b -for ·dona-_t.·,on·s of th'1ngs that ·mi_ght _-- Staff.Writer. : ---- _- - ho(lse _and-other governmenlalof: of the bu~inessmen- own their O".'n _-- named. Richard was 18 and a senior thus _far t 1s year,· accor mg . o - _O_r'ig_w_- ay), a_nd Donny_·, _played by- _ ,on. er_sons w o are o en e I y for students. · · · ( '· ._ The 1952 earthquake· in Bakers-· ,fices were moved out of the rubble ---building.arid property as opposed to- at BHS when ihe -:store ·-·opened,- -- go__ od swim_ mers,",_ said Coaclr _Jim · ' - - · , b- · · ·· f Turner .. This year's women's ieairl is Barnett:- ·Also, · -· "1t- s - een-- ah team · e' - M- ,·~h·a-el-, J. · Clar-k,. discuss: t_heir ) ' - field, .which devastated much 'of the -' to a location across the street from renJing, ~ccording to' Adams who After two . years·- -al the _ old. - well- balanced- and everyone -on. the· - · . fort to- win- · the-- Metro.- - c -ampion-.- • - ·1ar-cen·ou_s- p'lan_s afle-r the.-collec-tor _ downtown business. district and te_r' his original shop at 729 liaker St. ; -enumerates the lengthy list_ of -his ·_ downtown BC; he joined-his father . . . - - - - -ships and it will .be a team effort at - pays $90 fof an American Buffalo team· is a good swimmer. Possibl_e ihe staie.chafylpionships. If allthto - - i· .. minated tnaity a commercial enter- which was unscath.ed by ihe. big -_ · Baker Sfreet neighbors t;y\lb,. efc . ln 'managing the star~, Now 48 with . _ -.. Los_-_Folkl9ristas_ here··~unday. q~'alifiers for the state champion:, team could be mentioned, ihat nickel. - ----_ --·-_ ' ;. - . : , . ~. prise, -ironically served to flourish ~ tremblor, Adams recounts. , _ fort less facility. _ _- . __ _ sons aged 25 arid 21, he will launch a - ships ate: Micli'eUe_ Barnett, Marie - - . -- - - 1 ·•- - - - . '"You know what free enterprjse_ ' fledgling sliop in east Bakersfi~ld - - D\lring 1960; Adams moved to h_is Much of th_e_ hecti~ _hoopla and second career unrelated to the toy methods of work, its values, even its · -Jelmini; Cheryl- Tutton, • K aryn- - would-Barnett be greathas I"attended -- the- - junior· -is," ·says Teac_h. ''The freedom_- o__f _ : ·Los ·F-olkl_or·_·1s••s'-._"' of Mexico Cit_y·· •. .Spanish arid Portuguese to several language.» · that would beughts of: Mexican and Latin store during August of that unstable fan inside the front door that is still - helicopter.,. · - 1 · - . the passing parade of lead toy . ion in one and three meter di_ving) senior·- - nationals, as, long- al'fias t e .t1me- th-e scree' npl·a·y· -•or,. the recen1-m·_ov1·e, .Nuevo- Canto- (The.. New- Song).- ' '. P standards are m~I. ,or .qu 1 ,ca 1ion, ''The·.· P.os_t_m_ ·an·_ A-lw· a·y·s· .·R·1ngs_ · -· · · - · styles. Americans.arid (3) Songs of protest, year. 1-ie had consideredilocating in operational after 45 yeafs. ''AH t~e Obviously relishing 'the soldiers; the clickety-cl~ct of_ elec-. and Kathy Morrison are qualified. . ---- · - - - - - · - The group plays over ·so m- -_ The music of El Nuevo Canto is among which some speak of the according to Barnett...... _ -.·a·cc,'' ·has- b·_een h·'l.ed· by cr·,1,·cs· · - · - • described as "A music which - other sectors of the city but finally grocery stores had a fan over the recapitulation of his career, Adams - iric trains ·and o_ther metal toys an'd- ·-- , .... · Making up the balance. of the · - h - , - · ed , - , .,., - stritments, both European arid - problems a_nd everyday .difficulties - - - Although she asn t tram ,or· · for h'1-s ab'1lity to· -wn··i·e sc· orch'1ng-. · · l -· - - · - optedfor Baker S_treet since the only -- front door in those days,'' Adams - recalls with a touch of nostalgia the - the eventual transition of plastic and team are ·Clancy White and Lisa· American ndian (Latin or Mexican) reflects and expre•ses a' group's of life.- and . • . . --· ' --·_ other toy shop in town was already' -relates .. "It helped· keep the ·mes -· numerous children whose birthdays · video games. Qualls. --(See pqe 3> realistic -dialogue. One .reviewer, and. sings in many languages, from _geography, its way of life, -its __ . __!l!lht1cal mvolvement. established at Ninet~enth and L out.'' ·and Christmases he had chronicled And even if . he- didn't admit Streets downtown. -- · ·In comp~ison to other business·_ in his store through the years who it-which he does - en.- .. - j.-· The subsequent earthquake areas of Bakersfield, Baker Street , are - n·ow buying -toys for 1heir thusiastically-the Oepjletto,like ,- halted downtown business, flatten­ has remained fairly stable through children. twinkle in his eye says he enjoyed ' - Fatllff-son team Rk•ard and Henry Adams sltih t~ prkes on remaining ed his competition and rejuvenated -the years. The primary reason for And the reca!! includes "" so~ e, e"· single year of it. Auto class- -performs ,inexpensive tu:ne- ups me,cba,ul~ ta tllelr Baker Strrtt 101· ,hop now in its final month of business. Advanced • By LINDA PRICE - -cases he feels will "l!enefit class . simulate· trade conditions, and ·if _ _ Staff Writer_ · _ __ learning .•, . we don't do major - anyone cannot come to dass. Did you ever think you'd.be able engine -work." · However, Jones "they'd better let me know ... just to · get your car tuned up for -says, they will make rec()mmenda- as they would an employer.-" anything near $16.SO? Well, accord- lions when _the job is too major for · "They've been real good,'' he .. ing to instructor Carl Jones, the students . says. And ~t the end of the semester, students from his Advanced Auto Jones says that the purpose of · each student counts up their ;.·. "receipts,'' which indicate how ,_ .. -. Electrical and _Carbuietion class_ opening the garage to the public is have been performing tune up's and to create "a trade-like situation.'' much money each student would :; ' - other services with ·110 charge for He says "you don't get the same have made for an employer, and he : .j . charge labor for his work during the •,,;." labor for several months now. pressures in class (that are present in The example of $16.SO, cited by the lrade.)" semester. Jones says this 'profit' for Jones, included a $3 expendable One complaint that Jones says the hypothetical employer is taken materials fee for lubricants and employers have had about students into consideratfon when grades arc shop supplies with the remaining who begin working in profCSTional gi,en. $13.50 going for parts. garages after college cl= has And, he says, he has a kind of un· According to Jones, auto parts been that "1hey knew 1he theory, written -"contract" with his supplitts "gi,e around a 40 pacenl but they couldn't do the 111ork fast students, tl\4t anyone re.:ci,ing an A or B in& may Ii.st him a.s a discount to people in the trade.'' ln enough." He Uj'l ''lhcy can sil and on :he case of the BC pragcs. lhe dis- wa1ch all semester," but Jones refer= !her apphcat,ons to count they recc,ve from Southern hopes th" "hAnds on" expen= pountial emplo.,.... Auto Supply, cs pa,w on to tM wiU help remedy the problem of bc- By the end or !be >emes 1.,. • Jones say, ll\10eDU ,_.,.. ··around 20 to customer Con,equently. the in& uo,o 25 tune UPI ai,ot,;e . " wllx: h • he u )'' . •=• lunt up that J= uys So far. Jone1 uy, the PfQlnlTI, co.u around $62 ,n a p,-ofessional wluch hu bttn ,n "l)ttatioo lina, are perfonned on • v ar,rty Of can aaraa•. may be obtained for Stptcmbcr. hu been suppodmu-:811, Pl t, k .•• " ., me, A-n , k ..,. ea~,-,... et...,.._• ... •••_. et • ...... n Pt I _._ ...__ 1- - tllere .... '"lboal Por • 1111 J I mart =eLt "• - ea t E ... • c-t ''\'•--"111•w II J rw ... to -.1 sure Ullle: C# QI! -,· I. s m "' en- ... ,...... _ _ __.. ... __ , .... s •>1 s I be tmed.'' •14 I n' tllel lhow up all the lu. .... c.1 '-11 :lO .. , ... _,. tllll .... 3 t,," ...... J_L •-...-- • -• .. ..., .. dille,_ 0 ...... ,. lls 'r ...... ,--,. dlly -, lab dme. '' HI -,. me, rt ID a.a.-lJ:lO ,-. dellJ ll J95 1W . 7

.. - • .. •, " ' ' - ""IIPlll"I...-~--.-- .,.--- ... -- , . -r---.. ' ~-~------·- ~~ ----- ·---~ ------....-~-~ --,,...... ,....,.._...,.,...._..,._....,l"""l"""'!P"______..,....,...... __.... -:-_.....-~_ ...... ~--~ ... - --- . ---~-~ -

P4Gt: 2 MON DA\', APAII. :W.. 19112 MONDAY. APRii. 2'. 1911 Davis to perform . . The 21 young musicians who make up the Davis Senior High School Madrl~al Choir wlll perform at 10:30 a.m., Monday, May 3, in FA_30. Business, Industry Career Day Thursday Cho1r members are chosen by audition and since the 1960's the .:~ '. .. _group has enjoyed a reputation as one of the finest musical ensembles Business and Industry/Career Day, sponsored by BC, Kern Hlah ..,:, In Northern California . ; .. · . School District and the Kiwanis Clubs of Division 33, ls planned 11 tl)c ·:,: Heal.th Ed program set ·;: ' They give about 50 concerts a year, including an annual command Stadium North Concourse Thursday.· -.;. perfo~m~ce at the .Golden Empire Music Festival. Last year they · The next Health Education program "Arthritis" will be presented Employer~ and representatives from 70 companies, schools and were mv11ed to ·appear at the prestigious Chap.man College '1nvita· al 7 p.m; Tuesd~y in· the Rosewood Retirement Community, 1301 · organizations will be· on campus 9 a.m.-,2 p.m. Thurs.day 10 let New Stine' Rd. .. . · tional Choral Festival. · . students know what type training is needed for their respective com· Each May the madrigal singers embark on their aniiual tour, which Dr. Martin Berry, a board certified rheumatologist, ,wlll discuss panics. this year will take them to Arizona, Nevada and Southern California. diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and s9me self-help hints. In addi· lion, Dodie Perrin of the Kern C,:,unty Arthritis Association, will.be There will be representatives from banking and finance, agriculture ·, .. I .At the Monday concert the vocalists will offer madrigals from the Rational decisions. clouded. and forestry, comm~n_lcaqons, construction trades, data processing, 16th to the Wth century, sacred music from· the 19th century, with present with reference materials and literature. ' engineering, health professions, law enforcement and corrections, humorous and contemporary selections scheduled to close the concert., There is no charge for the program, and it is open to the public. I . . mechanics, merchandising, oil industry, secretarial opportunities, There is no admission ~harge. . ' by emotion, law, religion sports, and the military. Art. .. show, sale May 14. By J.L. STOOPS you reconcile your votes on both Cases Band Democra~s need help · Staff Writer C? . An exhibition and sale of original American and European graphic Art competition winners· on exhibit . The news has compelled 'us to make a lot of moral CAS.E D; An infant was born with Down's Syndrome, · The California Democratic Party is employ.ing college students.to art will be presented, I I a.m.- 5p.m. Friday, May 14, in L-4. .• · Art works chosen for display at the .s«ond annual Juried Art Com- judgments lately, moral-medical judgments' on life .and · a rare ·and cruel malady which causes severe act as regional co-ordinators, community organizers, voter registrars A representative wilt be present tcranswer'queslions concerning the death malters: · · mental retardation and other . physical · varioQs artists and their worksand the various graphic techniques petition for J(ern County and regional artists can now be seen at the and canvassers during the Democratic Community Outrea~h: . . · · BC Art Gallery through Friday. Exhibit hours are 11:30 a.m.-2:30 Unfortunately, the lives at issue belong to total defects, _Including ~ . deformed esophagus employed. Positions, avai.lable in 13 Southern California u_rban areas, will con­ p.m. Monday-Fridar. and~ Wednesday and Thursday. evenings; strangers so it is easy to. expound strongly, wax which precludes normal feeding of the baby, sist of.both full and part-time posiiions from June 15 to September. phnosophically and al great length:....eilher pro or . The Slate Supreme .Court allowed the parents 6:45,8:45 p.rri. There Is no admission charge. The salary .varies with each position. · Th_e exhibit was started to allow local artists the opportunity of sub­ con~on the ·right ot wrong of the matter, from a safe, IO order·feedings withheld from the week-old. Dance· program slated , . !'or more information call David .Lui, (213) 937:2218. Interviews mitting their works fc;>rjudginti: by an out-of-town juror, according to .·· . detached viewpoint. . · . boy and he be allowed to expire, But lawyers will be. gra.nted to interested students . During Nalional Dance Week, April 25-May I, the BC Jazz and . Berti! Brink·, BC gallery director. . . . . Our verdicts must therefore remain rhetorical but, as· intervened,.· petitioning a · U.S. Supreme· Modern· Dance classes. will present "Emotion in Motion" at Robert Barret, director of the Fresno Art Center, was juror for the -- . . - - --~ an-lmlT)ediate-me_mber of-the fam.ily ponder-your deci-.~­ -Court-justice to-ordercth.e boy"fed-and-kcp>"---~~~ -~ .. ---···-· 1 -~~...JWc.12.:.45_ p m · Tuesda:,,___o!Ltbe ,maia.. gym flQor_and_again...aL __.. ___competition.._l3acreLsi:lects ...exhi bita_forJhe.Eresno. Center.aiid.J!lorks ._ _ •-~ sion on these cases ·or recent and. continued national · · alive against the parents' wishes. Who is in ·' . Veteran-Student club ...cforrning' · 11-J I :30 a.m., Wednci°sday on the grass area beiween.the Library· and notoriety; ~ an iridependcnt judge of art shows .. He was formerly Recreation . . . the right? ·. . . . .·. . . _SE building. · Supervisor/Visual Arts of the Long Beach Recreati,:,n Administrative The moral, ethical, religious and. legal evidence caii· · . AVS, Associated Veteran St~d~nts, · is re-forming· under· Ron · · Center...... · . · become overwhelmingly preponderant for both sides on CASE A: An ad~lr.patient has been in a coma for .. Brndley'.sle.adership. Interested v~terans should contact Bradley Tufs· Criteria for thejudging induded competency displ~ycd by0 the artist these issues. Is there a greaier love ··than' that· which Election sign ups. begin today several months, breath and heartbeat sus­ . day, Wednesday, or Friday, anytime after 1:30.p.m., at 833-6150, or for his o( her medium and the ability to show well-executed purpose of • spawns lhe decision to terminate the life of·a (tjved one? · contact Phil Feldman,.Dircctor of Student Act.ivities and Hous1ilg,1il tained only by the complex machinery of a .These-·numbersdon't. : . ,- •' . . count. . intent. . . ' . . ·. •· _.· ·. ·... ·.·· .· .·., ..· .· ·.. · life support system. Medical prognosis: life The.common denominator for all of.the above cases CC4 for further information. · · ASB election signcups will begin tpday 1n campus center 4. All ,\SB .. attend school, the ·total is only 57 A $10 entry fee was paid by 35 artists.for submission of up to three in tlti_s vegetable condition will continue as IS the fact thai'·none of the lives involved can voice a Camay (66 percent) while General offices for the upcoming fall semesier are open. Sign-ups will run until By ROB WAL'tERS percent.· pieces each. Out of the total s(Jbmitt~d. 34 works were chosen for the long as the'machinery keeps running. Do yciu . vote. An~ therein lie:S ihe probiem. It's ieftto somebody Hospifal ran a close second .. And . 5 p.m., Friday, May 7. Campaigning begins Monday, May 10, .and . News Editor . The survey, part of the third an· Surday was. selected by SO percent elections will be Monday, May 17 and Tuesday, May 18. · · · exhibit Th~ competition was publicized through art classes and art pull the plug? . . to try and deierinine how each woul.d. vole if given the. College Bow.I Thursday . . . stores within a 100 mlle radius of Bakersfield. . oj)p,:,rtunity. . . . The results are in from the most . nual Campus .Monfror Series, was as the best day to spii. CASE B: Abortiol), When does a life become it life? At important poll ·that. has ever been wiB \le a battle of the brains when competes aginst Porter­ . !'our cash award winners were Al Dav~ $100 for an untitied work;. The somebody wh(i° nei:essadly assumes the· impossi· . conducted by CASS Student Adver· . . . There was a three way tie for . .It BC the ins.tant of conception? A· month litier? takenl And the win'ners ·are Bud­ tisirig to determine pur;;hasing ville and Cerro Coso Colleges in the College Bowl Thursday in the Barbara Garrabrant SIOO for "Fish Fry,,. Thomas Trivitt $100 for ble task is a governmental legal or!egislative body as far favorite rriass: m11rderer, with .·, MEChA plans· car show, dance 0 Eight months later? Or 'is a life being taken.at wis'er:and Miller. Fireside Room. The. CoHege Bowl i.s a question and answer garne . Did You Say A '10' Boys;" and Sita Sri Jaerajah $50 for 'removed from the essence: emotion aQd h~arlbreak' of . trends among college students .. Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler and . . M.E.Ch.A; will sponsor a Cinco de Mayo car sho\.; and dance, Fri· ''Gardfns.~~ · all during the: term of pregnancy? And who .. According IQ the CASS Advertis­ played beiween two ieams four P,layers each·. ·...... th~ matter as you andJ. And li.ke any resultani commit· ··The· survey reported beer. con- Jim Jones all gett[ng 33 percent of bf day, May 7.The cai shOIV .wm be 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m._with judging tak· . has the right to make the decision, the law, ing, Inc,; which surveyed 1,175 col-·. Points are scored by correct answers to questions __:isked_t,y_the . the in4ividual or neither? . tee dedslon, it represents a compromise, hopefully ~c- · lege' siudents, the ·two inost favorite sumption among students averaged the vote...... ing place at ip.m. Troplties for car show.winners wiU be presented at· ~-- ... . ceptable to a maj6r,ity. · .· · · · · · 50 ounces. per week·;,vhichseems to f>erry ComO;.-Oilligan's Isla.nd, moderator, Phii Feldman. Each college will field one team and play the· danc.e featuring the "The lnoculaiors•:. [sic); . (formerly CASE C: A sheriff's deput)'investlgating a disturbance domestic brews were the:previously one game against each or the other schools. . mentioned. , Th.e preterred import .· me· a -little low. It also showed, a Sunset Strip and The Thrill Seekers ·. "Foreplay"). . . .· . . . ·. . .is greeted at the front door of the residence . We're not sure S~loinon and his wisdom .could do slight indease among the number of · , all got one vote for f11vori\e TV pto- · . Some of the students who are competing for BC are Andy Smith, · The dance will be held at th.e Campus Center, with proceeds going · Swim team by woman holding a rifle. The deputy morei It seems like all controversial issues which could . was Molson Golden; a premium Larry Dunn ancl Sean Fowler...... (Continued fro~ paie 1) a Canadian brand. . • . women· (60 per~ent) who consider gram o( 1966, but the runaway win· · 10 the·M.E.Ch.A, scholarship fund. . · · · · shoots first, wounding the woman who, it be satisfied by a simple, neat right or wrong answer we;e 1hems'elves regular . beei drinkers. · ner was the ever-lovable Batman at . · The Bowl will begin at 11 :30 a.m. and everyone is welcome to ate For more information, contact Ruben M. Fernandez,.395-4532. . seUleil long ago. ·.. · · .. . _·· · · · · Almost 80 p¢rcent ·. of those tend and cheer. on the teams. the senior nationals for two years, · pionshfp team in all the years I've . ' developed, was pregnant, Tlte woinan sur- That;s good; As 01. say, ."A beer- 45 percent. . . • .... ·. • . Barneit would like 'to train again, coached. . .· . · vives but the· bullet kHled the unborn child · · . Nothing left to us but apile of Gordian knots and a responding· consider themselves regular beer·.drinkers. And among drinking wench. is belier than no And of course, .for the most im- ·· depending cm w)lere she wHl·funher . ''We've been secon;I mariytimes . . ' and the deputy is charged with second degree definite, emphatic . maybe-with. extenuating . cir- wench at all.". portant r~sults ..the staff votc\1 as its cumstances. college-age Americans who do ~ot tier coliege education ahd . if the but we have riever Wein the COR· murder. Has murder been committed? Can favorite Boo Dylan'song ''Mr. Tam. facilities are available for traitiing. . . ference championships," said In. otheLar~s s~rveyed: .peanut tiorine Man" followed by "Blowin' This year's women's. team also Turner. · •. · ·. · . · butter was reported as the top . In The Wind'' and "Stuck Inside a .· . · .h . .. . :- i broke records • in, .the 200 . yard.. This yea~ Turner .will retire from ·.. t. .· o . .. ·. l.· ....e' ..· .·.· .. E.·.: . ·d.·. z"t·· o.. r.... staple,. with creamy style winning . Mobile With Tlie Memphis Bliles ' ·medley.· relay/ breaststroke · (Torii ·. teaching but will continue ·. his · ... ··~Lette.rs . SO, · out over. crunchy,,Skippy ,wa's the ·.: Again,".with .Zland 20 percents Cruthfield), butterfly (Kathy Mor- coaching.career. • ...... · . . =.; -~----.-,--~------~-~------~------mmtp~~Ubra~.A~as~~ R~~~cly, .. ·· ..•. 'rison)ai:id freestyle (Cherie Queen), "I can actually coach~ Jong as J CartQon brings reaction ·.. Margaret Tha.lcher's. bodily. func: Patri~ia,Bruen . !&· disappointing. Jn' 'ihfs: age ..Qf . pain reHevers. go·, Tylenol was the . . 'Al)d now Jor,itie very, very most according lo Turner.· . . . . · want. Wheri I set , too, decrepit, . . · · · · ·.... · . . tions inOuence her politicaJ ileci- . BCstude'nt enlightened. p~ople /iJl}d .·•con~:: .. most preferred...... · importarjt tesu)ts,. the staff proved· · .'.'It's been a: lorig season, bui it's· · dilapidated and.old, then they can t>ear· In re_sponseEditor: ·.. to. the e. d. itoriai· car, .· sio.n.s?- Or are you· concluding that ' , · · .. . scfousness__ raising thaiyou see.fit· t_ o . Jri a ·survey I co.nd_ ucted.· · of • ·. th_.e c_._._A. SS results ·.inco. rrecfb_y· _Vo_. tin.·g·· .. · · b!iel! an exciting year for me because .• , .,,get somelfody else/'· expl~ned the·:·­ Arge.ntina was justified in· taking· . To the editor: . · . c<1ntinue the biased stereotyping · -Renegade Rip staff members,. I · as its favorite beer ...• drum rcill · it's the first tiine we've had'a cham- . coach. :. ... . loon by Jeff Goertzen in .the April British property by force? . . Your bigoted · cartoon . against that has perpetuated the put-oown . discovered the staff's favorite blind pl~ase ... :_ Hlres Rootbeer, which ·. 1. 4 issue of the Ren_egade_. Rip:. · I · · · · · · · ·· f · · · · · · . Obvl_ously he is wa_sting"·tafont ... Regard.ess· · of your intentions this women·· in the AprilJ9· · issue ·of the of the· · other hal of the human ex-· ·person. (50 percent).·· · is Stevie . ,:inly proves· tha_t those.silly ·surveys · narrow-.minded a!titude has. only RIP was executed in very bad taste. peuence, Wonder. ··Its. favorite soap · wa~. are never very,accurate anyway. wi_th such. archaic .attitude and · · · · · · · · b 1· · h d · gratified people. who l)eHeve that· Women have been designated as a · I·. e ,eve m t e ·r irst amen rttent; sophomoric portrayal of a serious women cannot function outside the minority, and this has been widely however, this carries an obligation· ···YOU CAN · situation. . · · · kitchen or, (as you state) bey'Ur unique British mu.st ~ leas: :-,.,.,a 0( ~~ W CY Eighth Prizes -Scholl FxN(•·,-, Sonrlols a.: ~s unditt 600 style ser. ice recognized -.orldwrde for quality ~:e """'"' Md be *'"""'i ro ....,.... yo.st 1 0 ,...... ,,"Xl. nnr F,r,rr1cc rin°'~1 T.q,1rl', r------,[r'ct rr.: ,I*' 'r- <.'"'\:' 1-•1 A 0-N'n S:.-~'·)'.-es I natil.:r. ~t ieas: tour year~ M ar- Air Fc.-c~ ~ and pers-0nal attention D1s.,;:over a grcar ne"' Officio! Rules 5Id c,r.,,.--., ~ .,,_ • '-E''i• l l- - ',,.__-: _I.- .-,-•-. - _ ·' ·,o - " A- . -:,·.·-:·~-! anos ~~ ,tudent> er,oiloc in tht A• Scholl Ste9 Into A. DNtom s,, .. :gstokes. I Fora ROTC 1wo,,_ P''9"11'" """''"'°"""' tho 5100 P.O. lox 7961. Chicago, Illinois 68-0. I m.:,,INv tax tr...... ,....,.,.,. 1.... 1 ilM ,he ~ ... , . ~· , tudon!> F nd rut ia:18\1 Obo.Jt • "'•<».- A• Fcrot . . -- .. .., ,._ ~ .. _·· ,.. .,. -,_..... a-. - - • . .- .....- -.. ·- . - . I ROTC~ lf-d abo..1 thl A• Faa....,. cl Ille 3 . .:. .... - - · :,.... :,-~·~,::- ... ..,.- b.for• A"'9"sf :; ~:~.--· ... - .• ,,· f- • ~~- 1 Ycu M Forot ROTC c<'.U>Mla hM tht dot.. - . I 31. 191'2 : · · "-.:~-~--: •' ,-:•o· ·-.:- ",e-::·~-::: ... · ~ ':...:.· I :...... -•-e""::,A.··.---.e·~,,.:_c c,p·'. -·:.--,~- -.- :·,:.,.. -.-· I

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..~ ••,,,!!"'"""~"'-,+'.". ,._, 'f>r..,.,--•c-~"'."""- -- --.- ,----.- - - - .• PM;t:, MONDAY • .t\PRIL 26. 1912 Rt:Nt:GADt: RIP BC strides through Metro Relays

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i. .'

·, ' . . ' _. ____ ,._ . ··- ' . ,· 'Practice Inspire determinate for Javeilne thrower Diane Xra~. who consldtrs wind factors. Marlene Blunt coaches . ·- woinen's field and track 11cth·1ties. . . . :.,: . ; . .., ' • Photqs: Mike Bogn

& ScoUllke Pole vaulter Clint Hunt soal's high enough above "the bar while competing for BC;

'-. ~ . :'. '".\' ' . ,. .. ~ ..~ ·- -~'.."'

·"<· '

i· .. !-'..,, ,:,, ' . ! .= i: !, ,_.·


' .. ,···,,·., ''\ ~, ' .. . ~-: ~ ,. Kevin Knight dbplays his technique In the long jump In effort to gain a · • 'I. ' - i few extra Inches which could prove the dlffe~nce between victory or se~ :-~-}~~---- ·: ., - cond place. .: ~f\ ;


1,. •, .. -· . ·,

Dan-ta Muo•brimer sl111bes through muddy waten In the steeple chue. At Kevin Kni&bt demon,tntes t1M fkill requlnd to rlar the llurdles alld nwnt.a.llll rKHI BC laTIUitio1taJ . hdl Jtesm.

...... (:..1..... ·-· • ...... 0...... s., -7 ,,,, ...... ,._.,,...... a,v ...,. c *"·

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