.. ' , . .,1 • l VOl,UME XI.Ill NUMBER l3 RAKF:RSl-'tt:i.l). ' . COLLEGE. MONDA l', APRii. 19, 1932 ·'. -Check out Health Fair and get checked . ,. By SAU YING Cl-lU The _blood chemistry analysis is a results wilt be checked by officials in . ·_ · Staff Wri'ter . multiple-test screening for. dfabctes; con~ultations and advice i~ given out. HealthFair-'82kickecioff!Oa.m. kidney-· and liver. ailments; according to the results and the Friday with.opening festivities at the cholesterol, protein, iron . and special neech of the participant,"· BC Campus Center. Local and ABC thyroid imbalance; gout and other stressed Dralle .. TV.celebrities were on hand 'to help conditions. "We expect 7~8,000 people to celebrate the expansion of the an- ,;The charge is.to cover-the paid . have taken advantage of the free nual tradition; The celebration lab technician ·and ·the paperwork . services as opposed to, the 1,500 began. the BC campus run of the needed to· be done,". said Sandy . when it was a one day event at BC,,,- f.iir. · · Drait~. project director. said Dralle. · . This' rear's expansio·n includes 15_ . "There also will be many health The service will include weekdays . sites during a nine day duraiion in- .organizations on hand to provide in- on college campuses in order io have ---'---stead:oftheone-siie anctorie'day ser~ . - fcirmation~on-how to-prevent-future. more siu-dent~parllctp-anrs; . (i·-:.wm- . vice of the past. _·. health problems and where_ t<> gel .. continue to servjce senior citizei-,s. _ Coordinated. by (he . National help," according to, _the vetera_n of -· Pralle went on to say that "this . Health . Screening·. CounCil . .for several years with publicity for the . fair is ne>t intended to replace the. Volunteer Organizations, Jilc;, the •·fair, Dralle. · _·_. ·· .._ . · . doctor. The fair is for educating free health service stih will provide . _Free immunizations will be of- people to be responsible to meet . - . health care screenings of heightand. fered to children and the L_ori Brock · .. their healih n~eds and provide in for- . weight, blood pressureOvisual acui- .. · Junior MJ,iseum had health screen- '111ation for services in th~ir com- ty, and anemia. The only .cost will irigs for children on their April 17 munity. _ . · be an $8 charge for the blood opening. · ''Pople shoutd·realize the value of ,...,.,,.. __ -~ · chemistry · analysis. Ail ·of·· the . Anoth_er change will be the with · the service, it could. prevent. and ,.,, ... -·-- screenings is for adults 18 and .· the handling of the test results.: detect health problems," encourag- above. ''Results were usually sent home ed Dra)le. with the participant. This year the .Health Filr officlal~f In one segment ~f th~ Fair, checked the eye slgbt oflndlvlduals with specialized machin~ which .. · determined the effe<:llveness of the right and left vision and mirror "lslon. (Pholo: Sal Portillo) . : - :, . ' . ' . ' . - . .Admissions offic¢beginS . ·.early•iregistration. program . By ROB -WALTERS. figure~ oufif 4;SOO to 5,~_stud~nts Sion st~dents. :who may' \Yant to . ~ . · . 'News EdHor . -.·._ . __ ,. uiilize registratioii . procedfare, we · make adjustments in - sch.edules - - Li\st Monday; the BC Admissions -. may be able to 'regisier ihe. remain- ·_· . depend'ing on. the outcome of sutn-· .. -. anf.~~ot4.$ ;.offi~e., ~S?ori. lts '.eaflf ' ing .stti,d~nt~ in two d~ys:~•, she ~aid.- 0 n'ler~'?O\ltses/<;omments $cog~~s: · >;;. '.reg_istr_afion, .program, : ~hit;:h·. is . · ·.Early registraticm,. which will fast:.· · -. ~ttjdents nqw · en,rolled.iri classes/ .'desigflfd bolliJ9:helpifudcnts·take:, until Jilli 2i; is being taken\ftwo . _·. wh_ic_~~ are;.-p~!.'"re_cjuisites fo~ other ·car.e of l'egislration this sp~irig for admission office . wind6ws where ·_ classes need _not. fret,· :')8YS ScQggins; ·next. fall's classes and· fo alleviate students will rec~ive an infotmatiort .· "That won't_ be to<> much of_l! prob~ Jong r:egistratiort lines which occur . pack~!. )nforniatlbn . forms . may )em, the basis of. allowing to drop .... a:t (he beginnln'g of each semester I . either be. left persoriaJIY at the and ·a_dd wiH give them a chance to •.• ' ,said Sue' Scoggins; director of aci~ records office cir returned through . adjust-t~~~r sphedules; ... < .· . ·.. · missions ancl 'r~f<>rd~" . ·· . mail. ··- . · _ · ·. · _ Expla1nuig the back~ro1;1nd of t~e . • After· the first two days of early_·,._. Pr~grarn·changes fo1".those w~nt-;< ~Jan, .Scoggi'}~ 'sai_d.-•th'e . early ' resistrati~n. scosgins -. i-eporteci · -· ing to: drop ~r add a das~ will be ac:: -· registration id_ea •'has'sort or revotv- - •. -·. more than 240.studerits.had taken · cepted µntilAugust 12. This service . · e_d aroun~ the ll!ail registration and advantage of _the program. "It will especially benefit summer ses~. has gradually exp'il.J:t#ed.fl . The· records office has made' no. definite plaris for continuing ~arly. registration 'rot the '8J . spring . · C1c1ttlisg:tbe rlb~on.to open.the fesUvllieii of the BC Health Falr'wblch ls btlng co-sponsored by the ASB and KBAK semester. "We want to see howsuc- ·are BC President John Colilns (far right) who look{on as David H.ead (center) of the Kern County board of super­ • cessful it is this year;'' she stated, visors snips ·the ribbon. Directly next to Collins going right to left Is George Smith or Chevron USA, Je1nlne Turner of ... the popular soap opera "~neral Hospilal''; 11ext t0He1il ls Susan Brown, alro of GH, Dr. Leon Hebertson M.D., -· ' . · adding "So far, students have been coming fairly steadily and they seem· dlrectoi' of the Kern County. Heall~ department, Wayne Kiiimer, vice president and gener~ manager qf KBAK and. enthusiasiic about it... Laura Purdy, a representative of Don Rogersi See page four for additlomll Health Fair lnfonniUon. (Ph'o.to: Sal Portillo) · · · · ·· 1 . · · -- BC, Channel 29 join . .. ... .·· .· . ... efforts for HealthFair Prom date Matf The no·~harge .. ~ine day wonder. : ·:KBAK Chann~l.29TV (s.spon~ . new A SB tradz tzon of Health Fair '82 is the result ofthe soring allthe tele_v1s1on publicity for . cooperation between heaith Health Fair '82. They alsosupplied BJ'. JANET LAWSON ca~d holders need to buy bids for the organizations and the community. celebrities for the kick off festivities: ... • ··and ASB to break .even .. "BC is. th·e prime sponsor of the Friday. ANDREA PERRYMAN · The last time BC had a prom was overall operation," said Sandy "Chevron USA is contributing to ··._Sta rfwriters abou~. twenty years ago. David Dralle, project director. the fair by paying the bill for all the - 'After: M absence of about 20 There are 25 volunteers from the printing costs," according to Dralle, · Rosales, assistant dean of student years'.'the ASB is sponsoring a prom affairs, says the reason it · was H~alth Careers Department with For the other sites there are site which it hopes will continue to be a sponsors., discontinued was . because "the volunteers from ASB officers and tradition, It will be from 9. p.m.-1 · students perceived it as in institu· ~lubs. "Site sponsors take care of all the · volunteer workers, equipment, and a.m. Friday, May 28, at Rio Bravo tional safety valve," plus there was According to ASB Vice President, by the pool, said Tino Arredondo, necessary supplies at the various a change in moral values. Tino Arredondo, almost all of the ,:\SB vice president. ASB officers will participate. .sites,'' stressed Dralle. Site sponsors include Chevron "But the majority of the ~. It will be semi-formal with guys in This prom will not be like a high USA sponsoring minority sites, volunteers come from clubs with suits and girls in evening dress.es. school prom, ac.:ording to Jul..ie Prudential Insurance for senior MEC'hA and the Dorms p_roviding The theme is "Cette soiree en-· Nuanez, student dirc-ctor of ac. citi.zen sites, American National the m05t. chantee,'' which in English means tivitie1, it will be "more of an "The ASB also donated money, I Bank, BC Dela110 Center, Cal Cot, "this enchanted evening." elegant look ... a <ubt~ aff.a.H " communitv clinics and hospitals; ·. think $4~,'' elaborated the student and health organizatipns and coordinator of the BC Health Fair It's girls choice. but anyone may She alS-O st.tt~ :ha1 1t is a · '1ood way prh·ate groups from the community. site attend a~ long as their date i< a BC to start a trad1t1on by havinc wme Chamber m "Health Fair ·~ 2 is held in con- r .. "I.JI the volunteers are ;u~t that, student, Arredondo adds. The 2 5-0 .un ju.n<11on ..,:h the Kern County bids to the prom wil! go on qje ,he work ts voluntv-v ~re ts ;u~t Health [)(par.men: and endcrs.ed nv. Apri! ~6--\.iay 21 in the Bu\lnas Of­ one paid penon and one ns1st~nt ." Su.ana added ll\at phoc... tht !(err: Count'.' \iei:11.:.a.l Soc1e:, fi..:e and are Sl2.50 with A.SB .:.ard s.a.1~ Dralle ...,u bt taken at tbr r--om fOtl tac. "It 1~ {OOrd1nar~ b~ :he '-at10nal uid Sl~ 00 .,.1thou: Toe-e -nil ~ BC ...,11 aJ~ donate 'GWpmen: owantins to Ien.ewber tb£ Health S.:r~1ng Counc1I no refund< given kid•• for the BC '1te a.Jona with tM ttllln· "Tllese ~n~n and ,01un:~r1 ed &ldl reelitt the UTlport.an<X of m-.in~n­ The band ~II be ··Four Play.·· • ' ' Thu f t.lT ihouJd b( ptttt)' IU.:: · iq sood hoealth . thu ti :he-tr •a~ ,roup from S.kenfiekl who will ces.sful beaux ~ are 11 tM tradl· of ensunn1 tlw peopk of the corn­ DUY a va~ of mllDC ~ uonaJ 11tc and the lonta( ooe of all muity have t~ c~." !e'f"Pl'CS.~· estimated eo1t of t~ prom is 19 ctinia The BC ace will run ror ed 12.1 ~~.
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