DRM – Agriculture Task Force Monthly Meeting
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DRM – Agriculture Task Force Monthly Meeting Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Resources Meeting Room 6th December 2018 DRM – Agriculture Task Force Agenda 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Approval of Minutes of 18th October 2018 3. Monthly updates: a. Early warning weather forecast b. Agriculture Sector Response Update/Monthly Dashboard c. Regional Agricultural Situational Update 4. Update on the status of major crop pests/diseases in Ethiopia 5. Enhancing Livestock Feed Security System 6. Meher Assessment: update and call for a separate meeting 7. AoB DRM – Agriculture Task Force Minutes of Meeting from 18th October 2018 Action Points: ▪ Response Plan (for IDPs, Returnees and Host Community) draft to be circulated among DRM-ATF in November. ▪ FAW Gap Analysis draft to be circulated among DRM-ATF in November. ▪ NMA and MoALR to sit together, discuss and highlight recommendations that will be disseminated to the farmers. Mechanisms for dissemination to be discussed as well. DRM – Agriculture Task Force Minutes of Meeting from 18th October 2018 Monthly Updates ▪ On-line survey to be circulated to DRM-ATF, and partners will fill up the questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DS9KGCY ▪ Sharing of the updated products with partners along with the reminder for the meeting invitation to review and provide feedback where any before publishing on www.humanitarianresponse.info ▪ MoALR requested that the regional update should be triangulated with NDRMC and MoALR at the next DRM-ATF meeting. DRM – Agriculture Task Force Monthly updates: ToR and Action Plans: ▪ Final versions of the Action Plan and ToR to be resend via email and DRM- ATF members to endorse them at the next meeting. Response Plan for IDPs, Returnees and Host Communities: ▪ Agriculture Sector Coordinator to visit Benishangul Gumuz soon and establish a focal point for DRM-ATF in the humanitarian coordination mechanism there. ▪ Agriculture Sector Coordinator to circulate the MoALR Response Plan with the TC members and consolidate the comments. ▪ Response Plan to be circulated among DRM-ATF before the next meeting. DRM – Agriculture Task Force Monthly updates: Meher Assessment: ▪ Agriculture Sector Coordinator to share the Check List as soon as possible and collect comments from DRM-ATF partners. ▪ DRM-ATF to have Meher Assessment related meeting in the following months. DRM – Agriculture Task Force Monthly updates: AoB: ▪ IPC Team to provide a presentation at the MoALR soon. ▪ The Agriculture Sector Coordinator to share the new EHF allocation with the DRM-ATF members today. ▪ MoALR to present about FAW and other crop pests/diseases at the next meeting. ▪ MoALR to share the results of the Pre-harvest Assessment. DRM – Agriculture Task Force Monthly Update: Early warning weather forecast November 2018 Assessment and December 2018 Forecast Outline • Weather Assessment month of November 2018 • Weather outlook month of December 2018 Moisture status distribution month of November Nov 1st dekad Nov 2nd dekad Nov 3rd dekad 14 14 14 Humid 12 12 12 Moist 10 10 10 Moderatly dry 8 8 8 Dry 6 6 6 Very Dry 4 4 4 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 Nov monthly MI 14 12 10 8 6 4 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 Vegetation Greenness (NDVI) in fraction - 2018 November November 1 November 2 November 3 November 1 Rangeland WRSI in % - 2018 November November 2 November 3 Summery ❖ During the first and second dekad of November some places exhibited moist to humid moisture condition due to unseasonal rainfall particularly the first half of the month. ❖ The situation might have negative impact for areas which are under harvest and post harvest activities. On the other hand the condition had positive impact for improving the availability of pasture and drinking water over eastern and north eastern pastoral and agro pastoral areas of the country. ❖ After the second half of the month the rainfall amount and distribution was decline and the observed dry Bega weather condition could favor the ongoing harvest and post harvest activities in most parts of Meher rain benefiting areas. ❖ Bega is the second rainy season for the southern and southeastern parts of the country, the received rain during the month could play positive impact for improving the availability of pasture and drinking water over pastoral and agro pastoral areas. Weather outlook month of December 2018 ❖ In normal condition, during the month of December most part of the country goes under dry moisture condition and some high land areas also experiences chilly and frosty weather conditions at night and morning time. ❖ In the coming month of December the Bega season dry moisture condition is expected to prevail across the country and this may intensify night and morning time coldness and chilliness over most of the high land areas and it may lead to the formation of frost. ❖ The forecasted dry and sunny condition should be taken as good opportunity to perform harvest and post harvest activities over the place where Meher season crops are fully matured. ❖ Thus, farmers are strongly advised to use this opportunity to collect fully matured crops. The night and morning time chilly and frosty condition may have negative impact on fruit and other horticulture plants. ❖ Therefore, farmers need to be assisted by agricultural professional for effective management of chilly conditions. ❖ On the other hand, light rainfall is expected over some few parts of the SNNPR, Somali and southern Oromiya and this may be favorable for Bega season crops and perennial plants as well as to ensure the availability of pasture and drinking water for the pastoral and agro pastoral community. ❖ In line with this, Bench Maji, Kefa, Guji, Borena, Liben, Afder, Gode, and Korahe low land areas are likely to experience light rainfall. The rest part of the country be expected dry moisture condition. DRM – Agriculture Task Force Monthly Update: Agriculture Sector Response Update / Monthly Dashboard DRM – Agriculture Task Force Discussion: Meher Assessment: update and call for a separate meeting Addis Ababa – 6th December 2018 Ethiopia Agriculture sector 2018 Information Management 19 Summary I. Timeline, Analysis and Updated products for the sector II. Assessment Registry III.HNO 20 Monthly Reporting and Product Timeline Partners report to ALS on Maps update previous month 3Ws Collection of beneficiaries 5Ws report Dashboard data for monthly reached and Gap to OCHA Newsletter update plans if analysis needed 1st to 10th 15th 20th 25th 25th to 30th 21 I. Analysis HDRP Targets for Livestock Intervention Regions Afar Amhara Oromia SNNPR Somali Tigray Total Target 81,689 45,802 162,834 985,861 542,204 35,948 1,854,338 Regions Livestock Feb Mar Apr May June July August September October Percent Afar 81,689 - 1,197 3,821 3,821 3,821 6,563 11,146 11,146 21,684 27% Amhara 45,802 - - - 14,909 15,509 15,509 17,309 17,309 17,309 38% Oromia 162,834 3,791 5,813 11,902 44,398 77,371 100,040 100,040 121,929 216,164 133% SNNPR 985,861 10,763 11,513 12,263 14,649 37,582 37,582 38,582 38,582 39,541 4% Somali 542,204 - 7,489 11,799 14,199 15,872 13,772 18,464 20,116 29,848 6% Tigray 35,948 - - - - 49 1% Total 1,854,338 14,554 26,012 39,785 91976 150,155 173,466 185,541 209,082 424,186 18% I. Analysis HDRP Targets for Emergency seed and tools Intervention Regions Afar Amhara Oromia SNNPR Somali Tigray Total Target 7,228 28,792 45,290 18,955 288,626 1,364 390,240 Regions Agriculture Feb Mar Apr May June July August September October Percent Afar 7,228 - 0% Amhara 28,792 - 4,583 4,584 4,584 4,583 18,045 18,045 63% Oromia 45,290 13,405 13,705 14,030 14,030 15,950 15,950 29,408 43,414 43,415 96% SNNPR 18,955 2,360 3,077 5,228 6,798 8,500 8,500 22,878 32,511 33,687 178% Somali 288,626 - 200 360 360 360 360 360 4,280 1% Tigray 1349 - 1,364 101% Total 390,240 15,765 16,782 19,458 25,771 29,393 29,393 57,229 94,330 100,791 26% II. Information Management products and outputs 1 5Ws ▪ Gap analysis figures for both response and funding Dashboard ▪ Sectors targets highlighted in the map ▪ Situational analysis in the month Gap Analysis ▪ Achievements and gaps against targets Informs response 2 ▪ Response using the hot spots classification 3 Maps 1. Agriculture Partners Presence Maps 2. Livestock Partners Presence Maps 3. Resilience Partners Presence Maps 4. Agriculture Sector Partners Presence Maps III. Assessment Registry ✓Assessment tracking to be shared among with partners in helping to make informed programmatic decisions ✓Fits in other food security analysis like IPC ✓Communication and advocacy support ✓Identify the key gap 31 Ethiopia: Humanitarian Needs Overview HNO 32 PURPOSE The humanitarian needs overview (HNO) promotes a shared understanding of the impact and evolution of a crisis within the humanitarian country team (HCT) and informs strategic response planning. HNO Global Guidance & Template : https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/programme-cycle/space/document/humanitarian-needs-overview-guidance-and-templates-updated-august-0 Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) Process Data collection, Cluster and Validation & Planning consolidation & Inter-Sector Analysis Approval information gaps analysis 1 2 3 4 Timeline November Decembe January r 1. Planning • HNO Structure & Analysis Framework and HNO template Finalization by • Key indicators (Cluster & others) for Severity and HNO analysis 30 November • Severity of Needs methodology • Humanitarian Population methodology 2. Data Consolidation and Info Gaps • Seasonal Assessment: Data Collection and Results Secondary Data Analysis • Finalization by 21 • Response data (4W update) December • Periodic Monitoring Review update • Household Economic Approach (HEA) – Results • Displacement Tracking Matrix - data and results 3.