Our Lady of Knock Church, Lackagh Parish Fr. John O’Gorman P.P. Lackagh, Athenry, H65 PY96 Parish E-mail Address:  087 250 2 750 [email protected] Saturday Vigil Mass - 7:30pm. Sunday Mass - 11:30am Website: www.lackaghchurch.ie Legion of Mary: Friday mornings after Mass. Parish Office Opening Hours 2:30 - 4:30pm. Newsletter notices must be in Adoration: Mondays: 2pm - 10pm and Monda y, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday by noon on Thursdays. Wednesdays 10am - 10pm up to and including Friday 1st March only ‘Carnoneen’ - Padre Pio Mass: Second Monday of each month. Parish Office only  091 797 114 Parish C entre Booking ONLY: Office is closed on Wednesdays and  087 68 77 845. Baptisms: First and third Sunday of each month on Public Holidays. Please note this phone number is at 12:15pm sharp Parish Secretary – Mary Duddy. NOT the Parish Office number. At least four weeks’ notice is required. Lackagh Church Radio: 106.9fm

nd Saturday 2 7:30pm Denny Hession, Barnaboy. Month’s mind. th THIS Saturday is Candlemas Day: Andrew Casey, Dublin . 8 A . (brother of Peter in Grange) Feast of the Presentation of the Lord . Sunday 3rd Jimmy Conway, Liscaninane. nd St. Blaise 11:30am Nora Morris, Canteeney. 2 A. Sunday is the Feast of St. Blaise. Pat Heneghan, Knockdoe. 2nd A. Monday 9:30am Private intention. Blessing of the throats will take place at both weekend Masses. Tuesday 9:30am Deceased members of the Costello family, Cregcarragh. Wednesday 9:30am Private intention. Parish office NEW Opening hours: Thursday 9:30am Private intention. Friday 9:30am John, Maggie, Tim and Margaret Joyce, Ballinvoher. From Monday 4 th March the Parish Michael and Mai Naughton, Lisheenavalla. Office opening hours will change.

Eileen Martyn, Cahernashelleeney 4th A. also her husband Tommy. The new hours will be from th Saturday 9 7:30pm William, Bridie and Liam Murphy, Ballyglass. 11:00am – 1:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Patrick and Phil Burke, Lackagh Road. Thursday and Friday. Bridget Joyce, Prospect Hill and Carheenlea Sunday 10th 11:30am Mary Carbin, and Grange. 9th A.

Please pray for: Paddy Finn, Lisheenavalla. Myra O’Shaughnessy, Headford. Bridie Loughnane, England. Breda Bird, Ipswich. Brendan Lyster, Athlone. May they rest in Heavenly peace.

Sunday is the Feast of St. Blaise the patron Saint of sore throats. The blessing of t he throats will take place at both Saturday evening Mass and Sunday morning Mass this weekend.

Adoration : There are still a number of vacancies in the Adoration rota. If you who would like to participate in the Adoration on Mondays or Wednesdays and would like to give one hour per week please tell Fr. John or  087 250 2 750. Thank you.

Baptisms: Anyone wishing to book a Baptism from now on must call to the Parish Office to fill out the ‘Baptism Request Form’ and make arrangements. Dates for Christenings will be finalised and confirmed when a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate is received in the Parish Office and all paperwork complete. Thank you.

Thank you to John Joe and Anthony Duggan for supplying the beautiful St. Bridget’s Crosses for St. Bridget’s Day. The money received will go to the Church Renovation fund.

Weekly Choir practice continues every Tuesday evening at 8:00pm in the Gallery. New male and female members are welcome to join.

Dublin Medjugorje Pilgrimage Group for the Youth Festival 2019 at August Bank Holiday weekend. One of the biggest events of the year in Medjugorje. Departing from Dublin - costs €725 per person sharing for 7 nights. Payment can also be made in installments.  James Treacy 061 921 470 or contact Joe Walsh Tours 01 2410 800

Mass Bookings for 2019. All Mass booking are made through the Parish Office. Saturday evening Masses are still reserved for First Anniversaries and Month’s mind. From time to time Saturdays are available only if there is no Month’s Mind or First Anniversary, this is usually known about two weeks before the particular Saturday. Next weekend Team: C th th Ministers of the Word – Saturday 9 No 2 Tuam Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine led by Archbishop Neary is on Sunday May 5 at 2.30 pm. Sunday 10th Number 5

Youth 2000 Retreat, Oranmore, 1st - 3rd March 2019: The Youth 2000 Connaught retreat will take place this Spring in Calasanctius College, Oranmore. It begins Friday evening finishes Sunday afternoon and it includes talks, workshops, daily Mass, games, reconciliation and healing service. 16-35yrs. Donation only. Food and accommodation provided - bring a sleeping bag! For more info and booking see www.youth2000.ie, email [email protected] or  01 67 53 690

Anam Cara Galway the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening this coming Wednesday 6th February at 7:20pm in the Clayton Hotel, Monivea Road, Ballybrit, Galway. This is a free event and open to all bereaved parents. As Anam Cara will need to confirm numbers for teas, coffees, etc, please RSVP to [email protected] before Tuesday 5th February or  085 2888 888.

The next Latin Mass in the Old Rite (Tridentine) will take place in the Parish Church Knock, NEXT Sunday 10th at 5:30pm..

New Cregg Cemetery: The New Cregg Cemetery Committee AGM will be held in the Annaghdown GAA clubhouse in Cregg this coming Tuesday 5th at 8:00pm. This meeting will be of interest to parishioners who may have loved ones buried in Cregg Cemetery.

Gianna Care - is a voluntary organisation that offers help to mothers in crisis pregnancy. They are 100% pro life.  Emma 087 9620 760.

Prayer in honor of St. Blaise I promise you, St Blaise, that the words coming from my mouth will always speak: The truth and not lies; goodness and not harshness; forgiveness and not condemnation; pardon and not accusation; calmness and not irritation; love and not hate; joyfulness and not sadness; faith and not disbelief; hope and not despair. St Blaise, keep my throat free from illness so that I can praise God, my Creator, and thank you, my protector. Amen.

C O M M U N I T Y N O T I C E S.

Enrolment for all prospective pupils in St. Vincent’s N.S., Coolarne for next September is now open. Please  School Secretary 091 797617 for form.

Sunday Afternoon dancing in the SMA Hall, from 3pm–6pm. Music by Mary Pender and Liam Merrigan. Admission €10. All welcome. The Beef Plan Movement Group The Beef Plan Movement group will be holding a registration evening this coming Thursday evening 7th at 8:00 pm in Lackagh Parish Centre. All suckler, store, dairy and beef finishing farmers are welcome. Registration is €10. Please give your support to reach our target of 40,000 farmers . For more information  Kevin 087 6550 198 or Nigel: 087 210 7144

PLEASE Lock up your dogs during lambing season: Dog owners are being urged to make a special effort in ensuring that their pets are kept under control at all times and locked up especially at night as the peak lambing season approaches. Thank you.

Men’s Health Seminar- this Monday 4th at 7.00 pm in The Ardilaun Hotel, Taylors Hill, Galway. Men of all ages welcome to attend.  087 286 3013

Chair Yoga class every Tuesday morning from 10 - 11am in Carnoneen Parish Centre.  Nuala 086 1701 965. All welcome

Monday Morning Yoga classes from 10 – 11am in Carnoneen - Parish Centre. These classes are ideal for some gentle stretching and breathing techniques to help you relax and calm your mind, healthy mind healthy body. All levels. Also on Thursday evening from 8 - 9pm.  Majella 087 1938 495.

Couch-to-5K in Claregalway: Clare River Harriers Athletics Club has commenced a new C25K series and running until the end of March. Each session will leave the Claregalway Community Center every Wednesday at 7pm sharp. Everybody welcome. Full details on www.clareriverharriers.com.

The Claregalway & District Day Care Centre Valentines Ball on Saturday 9th February. Tickets are €50 to include dinner, music and entertainment. Tickets available from the Day Care Centre, Hughes SuperValu, Glynns Centra, , Rafterys Centra Claregalway, the Claregalway Hub and the Clayton Hotel. Music by The Conquers. Not to be missed!!

New Cregg Cemetery: The New Cregg Cemetery Committee AGM will be held in the Annaghdown GAA clubhouse in Cregg this coming Tuesday 5th at 8:00pm. This meeting will be of interest to parishioners who may have loved ones buried in Cregg Cemetery.

Samaritans need volunteers: If you would like to find out more, come along to one of our open meetings this coming Wednesday 6th in 14 Nuns Island, Galway at 8pm and on Wednesday 13th February in the Menlo Park Hotel, Galway at 8pm. 086- 2468203 or visit www.samaritans.ie/volunteer.

Bawnmore N.S. Open Evening takes place at the school this coming Thursday 7th February at 7pm. All parents of children starting school in September 2019 are welcome. Any parent wishing to enrol their child is invited to contact the school at 091-798600 for an enrolment form as soon as possible. Morning club, pre-school and homework club facilities all available on site.

Grants available for warmer homes: Are you considering energy upgrades for your home? Find out more https://www.seai.ie/grants/home-energy-grants/s .

Are you interested in joining a Community Employment scheme? Are you in receipt of any of the following payments for at least 12 months : Jobseeker's Benefit (JB), Jobseeker’s Allowance (JA), Jobseekers Transitional Payment (JST), One-Parent Family Payment (OFP), Deserted Wife's Benefit, Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner's Contributory Pension, Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner's Non-Contributory Pension or Farm Assist. If you are please contact Turloughmore GAA Hurling Club at [email protected] or any club officer.

A Ghrá Care Services has vacancies for caregivers in Counties Galway and Mayo. Flexible hours and attractive rates of pay. For full details of requirements and application form contact Eileen Kelly at A Ghrá Care Services, The Mall, Tuam, .  093 60716  [email protected]

Samaritans Need Volunteers: Open meetings on Wednesday 6th February in 14, Nuns Island, Galway at 8pm or Wednesday 13th February at Menlo Park Hotel Galway at 8.00 pm.  086 246 82 03 or visit www.samaritans.ie/volunteer.

Museum Lotto: There was no winner of this week's Lotto Jackpot. The numbers drawn were 1-11-25-27. There was 2 match 3: Ronan McDonagh and Aidan Whelan . Promoter's prize: Martin Joe Farragher. Next jackpot €5,225. Tickets can be purchased at the Museum and from local businesses. The lotto can now be done online at lackaghmuseum.ie. Your support for the Lotto and for Cash for Clobber is greatly appreciated for the upkeep of the museum.

The AGM of Lackagh Museum & Community Development Association is scheduled for Wednesday 6th February at 8 p.m. in Lackagh Museum. If you would be interested in being a member please join us, all are welcome.

Athenry Adult Learning Centre have free tuition in basic reading, writing, spelling, Computers for beginners and iPad and technology courses. Work in small groups or on a 1:1 basis. Courses are free and confidential. Deirdre 093 34746 or 087 640 4438

Community Catering meals on wheels are currently delivering in your area. If you would like to avail of the service  091 700 800. Varied menu options, good value, short or long term- you choose. Our service enables older people or anyone who needs additional support to maintain good health and independence to stay living in their own home. We provide a tasty nutritional meal and a choice of soup or dessert delivered straight to the door.

GAA Lotto: Numbers Drawn 2 - 4 - 24 -25. No jackpot winner. 2 match 3 winners €100 each : Ronan Keane and Kathleen Kearns. Sellers prize: Sean Walsh. Next weeks jackpot €6,100 Turloughmore Juvenile Hurling Club will hold its 2019 registration night next Friday, 8th from 6.30pm - 8pm upstairs in the players’ lounge in the Centre. Registration can also be paid online and the link to this can be found on Turloughmore hurling facebook page. Progressive 25 Cards every Tuesday at 9pm in the Social Centre. New members welcome.

Presentation College Athenry Reunion: If you enrolled in the Pres in 1973 or completed your Leaving Cert there in 1978 and would be interested in a get together of your former classmates, please  Ann 086 819 5127. If these years don’t apply to you, please spread the word to anyone you think might have enrolled in ’73 or graduated in ’78. It would be great to meet as many as possible again to see where the intervening years have taken all of us

Al - Anon meeting: Al-Anon meeting takes place every Saturday morning at 11.30 am in St. Mary's Pastoral Centre, Athenry..

Tuam Cancer Care are holding a Free 6 week programme called 'Cancer Thriving & Surviving' starting on Thursday 14th February from 10.30 -1pm to help support people recovering from Cancer. CTS was developed by Stanford University, it is given over 2.5 hours once a week for six weeks. Some of the topics that will be covered will include; Dealing with fatigue, frustration, pain and isolation. Living with uncertainty, making decisions about treatment, communicating effectively with family and the health professionals, nutrition. For more information or to book  Tuam Cancer Care 093 28 522. Notices for the Lackagh Parish Newsletter: must be emailed or submitted in writing for inclusion. No notices will be taken over the phone. Please read over your notice and have notices free from incorrect spelling and not in poster style, plain text only please. The cut off time for notices is strictly Thursday at 2:00pm to be included in the weekend newsletter. Notices arriving after this time cannot be included. The primary purpose of the Lackagh Parish Newsletter is to inform parishioners of the times of Church Services and parish related and organised events. When possible, notices about events run by community based charities, organisations are publicised. However, due to constraints of space there is no guarantee that all notices can be published on any given week.

The parish Newsletter can be viewed on www.lackaghchurch.ie Email address: [email protected]