Bridgewater College: the First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 263
VII The Presidency of Paul Haynes Bowman 1919-1946 The Choice of a New College Head After President John S. Flory informed the college's trustees, in April, 1918, of his desire to be relieved of the responsibilities of his office, the trustees appointed a committee (Hiram G. Miller, Sidney L. Bowman, and John C. Myers) "to seek out and recommend a suitable man" for the presidency of the college, and asked President Flory to work with the committee.1That committee recommended, in June, 1918, Charles Calvert Ellis, vice president of Juniata College and the head of its Department of Education, and the trustees instructed the committee to ascertain whether Dr. Ellis was available for the position.2 Because Dr. Ellis was not available, the committee, on November 12, 1918, recommended, as President Flory's successor, Paul Haynes Bowman,3a Bridgewater College faculty member, professor of Biblical literature and theology since August 1, 1918. In response to being approached on the matter, Professor Bowman stated that he was "in no sense a candidate" for the presidency, but that the position held for him "a tremendous appeal," since it offered "a large opportunity for service." He said he would consider the offer on condition that he first be elected acting president of the college "for a period of one year, more or less," before being considered for the presidency. The college's trustees agreed to that proposition and elected him acting president on November 19, 1918, "he to assume active duties at the end of the present session," and fixed his salary at $1,800 a year.4 Election to the presidency by the college's board of trustees, however, was not enough for Professor Bowman.
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