The London Gazette, February 25, 1870
1048 THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 25, 1870. granted by Her Majesty's Court of Probate Principal to determine the lease at Lady Day, 1870, so as to give the Registry to William Thomas Till, tlien of No. 52. Lime- purchaser the advantage of possession. street, but now of Richer-court, Lime-street aforesaid, Also, as part of Lot 2, the freehold vault under the paved Tobacco Broker, the son of the said deceased), are way between the above two houses, extending from the front required to send the particulars, in writing, of such in Love-lane to an equal depth with the house No. 6. The claims or demands on or before the 23rd of March vault is at present in the occupation of Mr. Bower, who has next, to us the undersigned, Solicitors for the said admi- hitherto paid for the same £2 per annum, and the said vault nistrator, at our office. No. 2, Fen-court, Fenchurch- forms part of the larger vault running under Botolph-alley. street, London; and that after the expiration of that time, The properties may be viewed by permission of the the administrator -wilt proceed to distribute the assets of the tenants, and particulars had, and conditions of sale had said William Thomas Till, deceased, or in trust for the (gratis) of Messrs. Tippetts and Son, Solicitors, No. 5, parties en tit led thereto, having regard only to the debts or Gt. St. Thomas Apostle, Queen-street, Cheapside; Messrs. claims of which he shall then have had notice, and will Roscoeand Hincks, Solicitors, King-street, Finsbury-square ; not be answerable or liable for the assets so distributed, or A.
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