X43 bus time schedule & line map

X43 - Via , View In Website Mode Prestwich

The X43 bus line (Burnley - Manchester Via Crawshawbooth, Prestwich) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Burnley: 6:10 AM - 8:00 PM (2) Manchester City Centre: 4:52 AM - 9:40 PM (3) Queensgate: 5:45 PM - 11:00 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest X43 bus station near you and nd out when is the next X43 bus arriving.

Direction: Burnley X43 bus Time Schedule 44 stops Burnley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:10 AM - 7:00 PM

Monday 6:10 AM - 8:00 PM Chorlton Street, Manchester City Centre Tuesday 6:10 AM - 8:00 PM Arora Hotel, Manchester City Centre 18-24 Princess Street, Manchester Wednesday 6:10 AM - 8:00 PM

St James Square, Manchester City Centre Thursday 6:10 AM - 8:00 PM John Dalton Street, Manchester Friday 12:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Victoria Bridge Street, Salford Saturday 12:00 AM - 7:30 PM Chapel Street, Manchester

Strangeways Barker Street, Manchester X43 bus Info Great Cheetham Street West, Higher Broughton Direction: Burnley Vinca Grove, Manchester Stops: 44 Trip Duration: 76 min Northumberland Street, Higher Broughton Line Summary: Chorlton Street, Manchester City Cliff Crescent, Manchester Centre, Arora Hotel, Manchester City Centre, St James Square, Manchester City Centre, Victoria Moor Lane, Kersal Bar Bridge Street, Salford, Strangeways, Great Cheetham Bury New Road, Manchester Street West, Higher Broughton, Northumberland Street, Higher Broughton, Moor Lane, Kersal Bar, Kings Road, Sedgley Park Kings Road, Sedgley Park, Longeld Centre, Buckingham Road, Manchester Prestwich, Willow Road, Prestwich Hospital, Bus Station, , Kingsher, Rawtenstall, Longeld Centre, Prestwich Prospect Road, Rawtenstall, Hollin Lane, Constable 459 Bury New Road, Manchester Lee, Lime Tree Grove, Constable Lee, Thorn Street, Reeds Holme, Spring Side, Reeds Holme, Crawshaw Willow Road, Prestwich Hospital Hall, Reeds Holme, Black Dog, Crawshawbooth, Bury New Road, Manchester Adelaide Street, Crawshawbooth, Primary School, Crawshawbooth, Middlegate Green, , Bus Station, Rawtenstall Goodshaw Fold Road, , Goodshaw Lord Street, Rawtenstall Avenue, Loveclough, Commercial Street, Loveclough, Goodshaw Lane, Loveclough, Oak Mill, Kingsher, Rawtenstall , Alma Terrace, Dunnockshaw, Beijing Saint Mary's Way, Rawtenstall Restaurant, Clow Bridge, Reservoir, Clow Bridge, Cotton Row, Clow Bridge, Waggoners Inn, Clow Prospect Road, Rawtenstall Elm Street, Rawtenstall Bridge, Rossendale Avenue, Summitt, The Summit, Summitt, Gainsborough Avenue, Rosehill, Rose And Hollin Lane, Constable Lee Crown, Rosehill, Rose Hill Avenue, Rosehill, Rose Hill Back Constable Lee, Rawtenstall Road, Rosehill, St Matthews Street, Burnham Gate, Carlton Road, Burnham Gate, Railway Station, Lime Tree Grove, Constable Lee Burnham Gate, Mechanics Institute, Burnley, Bus Sunny Lea Street, Rawtenstall Station, Burnley

Thorn Street, Reeds Holme Holmes Terrace, Rawtenstall

Spring Side, Reeds Holme

Crawshaw Hall, Reeds Holme

Black Dog, Crawshawbooth 560 Burnley Road,

Adelaide Street, Crawshawbooth 612 Burnley Road, England

Primary School, Crawshawbooth

Middlegate Green, Goodshaw

Goodshaw Fold Road, Loveclough Rings Street, England

Goodshaw Avenue, Loveclough

Commercial Street, Loveclough

Goodshaw Lane, Loveclough

Oak Mill, Dunnockshaw Heber Street, Dunnockshaw

Alma Terrace, Dunnockshaw

Beijing Restaurant, Clow Bridge 2-6 Manchester Road, Dunnockshaw Civil Parish

Reservoir, Clow Bridge

Cotton Row, Clow Bridge

Waggoners Inn, Clow Bridge

Rossendale Avenue, Summitt

The Summit, Summitt Rossendale Road, Burnley

Gainsborough Avenue, Rosehill

Rose And Crown, Rosehill

Rose Hill Avenue, Rosehill Manchester Road, Burnley

Rose Hill Road, Rosehill St Matthews Street, Burnham Gate

Carlton Road, Burnham Gate

Railway Station, Burnham Gate

Mechanics Institute, Burnley Yorke Street, Burnley

Bus Station, Burnley Croft Street, Burnley Direction: Manchester City Centre X43 bus Time Schedule 52 stops Manchester City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:39 AM - 8:40 PM

Monday 4:52 AM - 9:40 PM Bus Station, Nelson Railway Street, Burnley Tuesday 4:52 AM - 9:40 PM

Town Hall, Briereld Wednesday 4:52 AM - 9:40 PM Wesley Street, Burnley Thursday 4:52 AM - 9:40 PM Casterton Avenue, Queensgate Friday 4:52 AM - 11:40 PM

Queensgate Depot, Queensgate Saturday 5:57 AM - 11:40 PM Road, Burnley

Murray Street, Queensgate

Duke Of York, Duke Bar X43 bus Info A682, Burnley Direction: Manchester City Centre Stops: 52 Ormerod Road, Burnley Trip Duration: 75 min Dawson Square, Burnley Line Summary: Bus Station, Nelson, Town Hall, Briereld, Casterton Avenue, Queensgate, Bus Station, Burnley Queensgate Depot, Queensgate, Murray Street, Queensgate, Duke Of York, Duke Bar, Ormerod Road, Mechanics Institute, Burnley Burnley, Bus Station, Burnley, Mechanics Institute, Manchester Road, Burnley Burnley, Railway Stn, Burnham Gate, Carlton Road, Burnham Gate, Rose Hill Road, Rosehill, Rose Hill Railway Stn, Burnham Gate Avenue, Rosehill, Rose And Crown, Rosehill, Gainsborough Avenue, Rosehill, The Summit, Carlton Road, Burnham Gate Summitt, Rossendale Avenue, Summitt, Waggoners Inn, Clow Bridge, Cotton Row, Clow Bridge, Reservoir, Rose Hill Road, Rosehill Clow Bridge, Beijing Restaurant, Clow Bridge, Alma Terrace, Dunnockshaw, Oak Mill, Dunnockshaw, Rose Hill Avenue, Rosehill Goodshaw Lane, Loveclough, Commercial Street, Loveclough, Goodshaw Avenue, Loveclough, Manchester Road, Burnley Goodshaw Fold Road, Loveclough, Middlegate Rose And Crown, Rosehill Green, Goodshaw, Primary School, Crawshawbooth, Adelaide Street, Crawshawbooth, Black Dog, 180 Manchester Road, Burnley Crawshawbooth, Hollin Way, Reeds Holme, Spring Gainsborough Avenue, Rosehill Side, Reeds Holme, Thorn Street, Reeds Holme, Lime Tree Grove, Constable Lee, Hollin Lane, Constable The Summit, Summitt Lee, Rockcliffe Street, Rawtenstall, Market, Rawtenstall, Bus Station, Rawtenstall, Tesco, Prestwich Hospital, Longeld Centre, Prestwich, Rossendale Avenue, Summitt Kings Road, Sedgley Park, Moor Lane, Kersal Bar, Northumberland Street, Higher Broughton, Gt Waggoners Inn, Clow Bridge Cheetham Street East, Higher Broughton, Strangeways, Victoria Street, Manchester City Cotton Row, Clow Bridge Centre, St Mary's Gate, Manchester City Centre, Barton Arcade, Manchester City Centre, Town Hall, Reservoir, Clow Bridge Albert Square, Chinatown, Manchester City Centre, Chorlton Street, Manchester City Centre Beijing Restaurant, Clow Bridge 2-6 Manchester Road, Dunnockshaw Civil Parish

Alma Terrace, Dunnockshaw A682, Dunnockshaw Civil Parish Oak Mill, Dunnockshaw

Goodshaw Lane, Loveclough

Commercial Street, Loveclough

Goodshaw Avenue, Loveclough

Goodshaw Fold Road, Loveclough Back Rings Row, England

Middlegate Green, Goodshaw

Primary School, Crawshawbooth

Adelaide Street, Crawshawbooth 612 Burnley Road, England

Black Dog, Crawshawbooth 560 Burnley Road, England

Hollin Way, Reeds Holme

Spring Side, Reeds Holme

Thorn Street, Reeds Holme Holmes Terrace, Rawtenstall

Lime Tree Grove, Constable Lee Sunny Lea Street, Rawtenstall

Hollin Lane, Constable Lee

Rockcliffe Street, Rawtenstall Burnley Road, Rawtenstall

Market, Rawtenstall Saint Mary's Way, Rawtenstall

Bus Station, Rawtenstall Lord Street, Rawtenstall

Tesco, Prestwich Hospital Stanhope Avenue, Manchester

Longeld Centre, Prestwich 458 Bury New Road, Manchester

Kings Road, Sedgley Park

Moor Lane, Kersal Bar The Drive, Manchester

Northumberland Street, Higher Broughton A56, Manchester

Gt Cheetham Street East, Higher Broughton

Strangeways Great Ducie Street, Manchester Victoria Street, Manchester City Centre Victoria Street, Manchester

St Mary's Gate, Manchester City Centre

Barton Arcade, Manchester City Centre Barton Square, Manchester

Town Hall, Albert Square Bow Lane, Manchester

Chinatown, Manchester City Centre 43 George Street, Manchester

Chorlton Street, Manchester City Centre Direction: Queensgate X43 bus Time Schedule 48 stops Queensgate Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 3:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Monday 5:45 PM - 11:00 PM Chorlton Street, Manchester City Centre Tuesday 5:45 PM - 11:00 PM Arora Hotel, Manchester City Centre 18-24 Princess Street, Manchester Wednesday 5:45 PM - 11:00 PM Thursday 5:45 PM - 11:00 PM St James Square, Manchester City Centre John Dalton Street, Manchester Friday 5:45 PM - 11:00 PM

Victoria Bridge Street, Salford Saturday 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM Chapel Street, Manchester

Strangeways Barker Street, Manchester X43 bus Info Great Cheetham Street West, Higher Broughton Direction: Queensgate Vinca Grove, Manchester Stops: 48 Trip Duration: 80 min Northumberland Street, Higher Broughton Line Summary: Chorlton Street, Manchester City Cliff Crescent, Manchester Centre, Arora Hotel, Manchester City Centre, St James Square, Manchester City Centre, Victoria Moor Lane, Kersal Bar Bridge Street, Salford, Strangeways, Great Cheetham Bury New Road, Manchester Street West, Higher Broughton, Northumberland Street, Higher Broughton, Moor Lane, Kersal Bar, Kings Road, Sedgley Park Kings Road, Sedgley Park, Longeld Centre, Buckingham Road, Manchester Prestwich, Willow Road, Prestwich Hospital, Bus Station, Rawtenstall, Kingsher, Rawtenstall, Longeld Centre, Prestwich Prospect Road, Rawtenstall, Hollin Lane, Constable 459 Bury New Road, Manchester Lee, Lime Tree Grove, Constable Lee, Thorn Street, Reeds Holme, Spring Side, Reeds Holme, Crawshaw Willow Road, Prestwich Hospital Hall, Reeds Holme, Black Dog, Crawshawbooth, Bury New Road, Manchester Adelaide Street, Crawshawbooth, Primary School, Crawshawbooth, Middlegate Green, Goodshaw, Bus Station, Rawtenstall Goodshaw Fold Road, Loveclough, Goodshaw Lord Street, Rawtenstall Avenue, Loveclough, Commercial Street, Loveclough, Goodshaw Lane, Loveclough, Oak Mill, Kingsher, Rawtenstall Dunnockshaw, Alma Terrace, Dunnockshaw, Beijing Saint Mary's Way, Rawtenstall Restaurant, Clow Bridge, Reservoir, Clow Bridge, Cotton Row, Clow Bridge, Waggoners Inn, Clow Prospect Road, Rawtenstall Bridge, Rossendale Avenue, Summitt, The Summit, Elm Street, Rawtenstall Summitt, Gainsborough Avenue, Rosehill, Rose And Crown, Rosehill, Rose Hill Avenue, Rosehill, Rose Hill Hollin Lane, Constable Lee Road, Rosehill, St Matthews Street, Burnham Gate, Back Constable Lee, Rawtenstall Carlton Road, Burnham Gate, Railway Station, Burnham Gate, Mechanics Institute, Burnley, Red Lime Tree Grove, Constable Lee Lion Street School Stop, Burnley, Ormerod Road, Sunny Lea Street, Rawtenstall Burnley, Duke Of York, Duke Bar, Murray Street, Queensgate, Queensgate Depot, Queensgate Thorn Street, Reeds Holme Holmes Terrace, Rawtenstall

Spring Side, Reeds Holme

Crawshaw Hall, Reeds Holme Black Dog, Crawshawbooth 560 Burnley Road, England

Adelaide Street, Crawshawbooth 612 Burnley Road, England

Primary School, Crawshawbooth

Middlegate Green, Goodshaw

Goodshaw Fold Road, Loveclough Rings Street, England

Goodshaw Avenue, Loveclough

Commercial Street, Loveclough

Goodshaw Lane, Loveclough

Oak Mill, Dunnockshaw Heber Street, Dunnockshaw Civil Parish

Alma Terrace, Dunnockshaw

Beijing Restaurant, Clow Bridge 2-6 Manchester Road, Dunnockshaw Civil Parish

Reservoir, Clow Bridge

Cotton Row, Clow Bridge

Waggoners Inn, Clow Bridge

Rossendale Avenue, Summitt

The Summit, Summitt Rossendale Road, Burnley

Gainsborough Avenue, Rosehill

Rose And Crown, Rosehill

Rose Hill Avenue, Rosehill Manchester Road, Burnley

Rose Hill Road, Rosehill

St Matthews Street, Burnham Gate

Carlton Road, Burnham Gate

Railway Station, Burnham Gate

Mechanics Institute, Burnley Yorke Street, Burnley

Red Lion Street School Stop, Burnley Red Lion Street, Burnley

Ormerod Road, Burnley Dawson Square, Burnley

Duke Of York, Duke Bar A682, Burnley

Murray Street, Queensgate

Queensgate Depot, Queensgate Rosebery Street, Burnley X43 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved