With 2006 just starting off many are happy to have left a myriad of security problems behind in 2005. I hope you see more security awareness and experience a cleaner network environment this year. This issue brings more technical articles and reflections on the past year. Many of you e-mailed us asking us to review software titles and hardware, so you’ll be glad to know that we have a review in this issue. Keep those comments coming and thanks for the support! Mirko Zorz Chief Editor Visit the magazine website at www.insecuremag.com (IN)SECURE Magazine contacts Feedback and contributions: Mirko Zorz, Chief Editor -
[email protected] Marketing: Berislav Kucan, Director of Marketing -
[email protected] Distribution (IN)SECURE Magazine can be freely distributed in the form of the original, non modified PDF document. Distribution of substantively modified versions of (IN)SECURE Magazine content is prohibited without the explicit permission from the editor. For reprinting information please send an email to
[email protected] or send a fax to 1-866-420-2598. Copyright HNS Consulting Ltd. 2006. www.insecuremag.com The popularity of web application firewalls is on the rise. These tools used to be reserved for a very small percentage of high profile deployments, but, with the number of less costly products appearing on the market and an open source option available for anyone to try out (ModSecurity - modsecurity.org), they are finally available to the majority. In this article I will describe what web application time I thought it was a beautiful idea. Other people firewalls do and give you a quick overview of their must have liked the idea too because by mid 2005 most useful features.