HCP Limits By Meal Type December 2016 Table of Contents

Established Dollar Limits for Out-of-Office HCP Held in the US

Out-of-Office HCP Event Types Impacted By Meal Limits

HCP Meal Limits & Standards

HCP Meal Limits & Standards

HCP Meal Limits & Standards

Meeting Break HCP Meal Limits & Standards

Tiered Dollar HCP Meal Limits By City

Promotional Speaker Program HCP Meal Limits & Standards

HCP Meal Limit Management, Updates, & Exceptions

International Meal Limit Policies

2 Established Dollar Limits for Out-of-Office HCP Meals Held in the US

35 of the 41 responding companies reported that they have established dollar limits for out-of-office HCP meals held in the US, while the remaining 6 companies indicated that they currently do not.

Does your company have established dollar limits for out-of-office Q. HCP meals held in the US? (n = 41)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

23 12 35 of 41 No 6 6 of 41

Yes 23 12 35 of 41

6 6 of 41

3 Out-of-Office HCP Event Types Impacted By Meal Limits

Of the 35 companies that have established dollar limits for out-of-office HCP meals, the majority apply these meal limits to advisory boards, speaker training, investigator meetings, and educational programs.

Please indicate for which types of HCP events these meal limits apply Q. [select all that apply] (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

"Other" Responses Below Advisory Boards 22 10 32 of 35

Company L Any HCP event

Speaker Training 21 8 29 of 35 Company M Internal

Any meeting with HCPs Company O attending Investigator Meetings 21 7 28 of 35 Separate amounts for Company Q patient meals

Educational Programs 16 10 26 of 35 Company S 1:1 Engagements

Company GG Training

5 2 Other 7 of 35 Company II Faculty dinners

4 Breakfast HCP Meal Limits & Standards HCP Meal Limits for Breakfast

Pharmaceutical companies indicated having an average HCP meal limit of $61 for breakfast, while consultants/vendors reported having an average limit of $43.

Please specify your organization’s HCP meal limit ($) for breakfast. Q. (n = 35)

Breakfast HCP Meal Limits

Average: Median: Range:

Pharmaceutical Companies (n= 23) $61 $50 $25 to $135

Consultants/Vendors (n= 12) $43 $36 $25 to $135

Overall Totals (n= 35) $55 $45 $25 to $135

6 HCP Meal Limits & Tax/Service Charges for Breakfast

27 companies reported that their HCP meal limit for breakfast includes tax/service charges, while 7 others exclude tax/service charges from this limit and 1 remaining company indicated that “if it is a meeting, tax and service charge is excluded”.

Does this HCP meal limit ($) include or exclude tax/service charges? Q. (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Includes tax/service charges 20 7 27 of 35

Excludes tax/service charges 2 5 7 of 35

Other 1 1 of 35

"Other" Responses Below

If it is a meeting, tax and Company R service charge is excluded

7 Typical HCP Meal Selection Standards for Breakfast

33 companies reported having meal selection standards for breakfast, with the majority of both pharmaceutical companies and consultants/vendors indicating they typically provide eggs, , one meat protein, , fresh fruit, and juice. The 2 remaining companies indicated they have no specific requirements in place for breakfast.

Which of the following does your organization’s typical meal selection standard Q. include for breakfast? [select all that apply] (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Eggs 19 10 29 of 35 Yogurt 14 7 21 of 35

Coffee 20 9 29 of 35 Continental breakfast 8 8 16 of 35

One meat protein 20 7 27 of 35 Oatmeal 10 4 14 of 35

Tea 18 9 27 of 35 Breakfast potatoes* 1 1 of 35

Fresh fruit 17 9 26 of 35 Soft and water* 1 1 of 35

No specific food Juice 17 8 25 of 35 2 2 of 35 requirements in place

Breakfast breads 18 6 24 of 35

*Other response provided 8 Additional Commentary on HCP Breakfast Limit Policies

Please provide any other relevant comments regarding your organization’s Q. HCP breakfast meal limit policy. (n = 8*)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

While the HCP meal limit for breakfast is $125 per person, we never pay that much due to budget constraints. We typically spend Company B between $25-$40 on breakfast (depending on the location as some locations may have higher rates than others)

Company H We also have a second breakfast limit for COLA cities of $65 inclusive

Company J Depending on location, all of the above (standard meal selection options) can be provided within our cap

Our meal limits are structured for on-site and off-site meetings and not structured by meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner). For onsite Company K meals our limits are $25-$40, for offsite meals our limits are $125

Company O We have one meal limit, $135 all inclusive of tax and service. This applies to any meal provided, i.e., breakfast, lunch or dinner

If it is a continental breakfast the limit is $25 and if the event is in certain locations (such as Manhattan, New York) the spend is Company Q higher for a hot breakfast e.g., $65 inclusive

Company GG We usually host a without stations

Company HH Limit is a little higher for certain meeting destinations, such as Hawaii

*27 of 35 companies did not provide a response to this question 9 Lunch HCP Meal Limits & Standards HCP Meal Limits for Lunch

Pharmaceutical companies indicated having an average HCP meal limit of $70 for lunch, while consultants/vendors reported having an average limit of $56.

Please specify your organization’s HCP meal limit ($) for lunch. Q. (n = 35)

Lunch HCP Meal Limits

Average: Median: Range:

Pharmaceutical Companies (n= 23) $70 $55 $25 to $135

Consultants/Vendors (n= 12) $56 $50 $35 to $135

Overall Totals (n= 35) $66 $50 $25 to $135

11 HCP Meal Limits & Tax/Service Charges for Lunch

28 of 35 companies reported that their HCP meal limit for lunch includes tax/service charges, while 6 others exclude tax/service charges from this limit and 1 remaining company indicated that “if it is a meeting, tax and service charge is excluded”.

Does this HCP meal limit ($) include or exclude tax/service charges? Q. (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Includes tax/service charges 21 7 28 of 35

Excludes tax/service charges 1 5 6 of 35

Other 1 1 of 35

"Other" Responses Below

If it is a meeting, tax and Company R service charge is excluded

12 Typical HCP Meal Selection Standards for Lunch

30 of 35 companies reported having buffet meal selection standards for lunch, with the majority indicating they typically provide , coffee, two protein choices, , vegetables, and tea. Of the 5 remaining companies, 3 indicated they provide pre-fixed/plated and 2 others have no specific food requirements in place.

Which of the following does your organization’s typical meal selection standard Q. include for lunch? [select all that apply] (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Buffet – Dessert 17 8 25 of 35 Buffet – Starch 14 7 21 of 35

Buffet – Coffee 16 9 25 of 35 Buffet – Single protein choice 3 4 7 of 35

Buffet – Two protein choices 16 8 24 of 35 Buffet – Three protein choices 3 3 6 of 35 `

Buffet – Salad 16 8 24 of 35 Buffet – Depends on /cost* 3 3 of 35

Buffet – Vegetables 17 7 24 of 35 Pre-fixed/Plated Lunch – Dual protein 2 2 of 35

Buffet – Tea 16 8 24 of 35 Pre-fixed/Plated Lunch – Single protein 1 1 of 35

Buffet – Bottled Soda/Water 15 7 22 of 35 No specific food requirements in place 2 2 of 35

*Other response provided 13 Additional Commentary on HCP Lunch Limit Policies

Please provide any other relevant comments regarding your organization’s Q. HCP lunch meal limit policy. (n = 9*)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

While the HCP meal limit for lunch is $125 per person, we never pay that much due to budget constraints. We typically spend Company B between $40-$60 on lunch (depending on the location as some locations may have higher rates)

Company E Reps are allowed to pick whatever meal contents are best for their business and customers within meal limits

Company H For COLA cities $100 inclusive

Our meal limits are structured for on-site and off-site meetings and not structured by meal type (Breakfast, lunch, dinner). For Company K onsite meals our limits are $25-$40, for offsite meals our limits are $125

Company L We are making cans of soda and bottle water per request and billed on consumption. Talk has begun to "up" this limit for lunch

Company Q Depending on location it could be more or less e.g. Manhattan it is $100 inclusive and if it is a second tier city it is $60 inclusive

Company S Plated lunches are rarely used

Company Y If the company offers pharma , we normally just select food choices to fit within guidelines, preference for

Company HH Certain destinations, such as Hawaii, allow a higher daily maximum

*26 of 35 companies did not provide a response to this question 14 Dinner HCP Meal Limits & Standards HCP Meal Limits for Dinner

Pharmaceutical companies indicated having an average HCP meal limit of $125 for dinner, while consultants/vendors reported having an average limit of $111.

Please specify your organization’s HCP meal limit ($) for dinner. Q. (n = 35)

Dinner HCP Meal Limits

Average: Median: Range:

Pharmaceutical Companies (n= 23) $125 $125 $95 to $140

Consultants/Vendors (n= 12) $111 $120 $74 to $150

Overall Totals (n= 35) $120 $125 $74 to $150

16 HCP Meal Limits & Tax/Service Charges for Dinner

28 companies reported that their HCP meal limit for dinner includes tax/service charges, while 5 others exclude tax/service charges from this limit and the remaining 2 companies indicated that “if it is a meeting, tax and service charge is excluded” or “tax/service charges excludes beer/wine”, respectively.

Does this HCP meal limit ($) include or exclude tax/service charges? Q. (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Includes tax/service charges 21 7 28 of 35

Excludes tax/service charges 5 5 of 35

Other 2 2 of 35

"Other" Responses Below

If it is a meeting, tax and Company R service charge is excluded

Tax/service charges Company S excludes beer/wine 17 HCP Dinner Meal Limits Inclusive of a Pre-Reception

If yes, please explain… Is your HCP dinner meal limit Company C Our meal limits are all-inclusive per event Q. inclusive of a pre-reception (e.g., Company D Includes beverages & hors d'oeuvres beverages & hors d'oeuvres)? (n = 35) Company E All components of dinner are included in the meal limit provided Company F Any reception and dinner is included in the $125 inclusive rate

Company G We either offer a dinner buffet or a stationed heavy reception - not both. Beer/wine bar provided as well

Company H If we do a pre- reception yes it is included - it is not done often - mainly used for investigator meetings

Company I Includes beverages & hors d'oeuvres

Company J This is usually whatever property can provide or using item from buffet menu 18 6 24 of 35 Company K Yes, all inclusive including tax and gratuity Yes Company M Typically $25 would be allotted towards beer & wine Company P Stationary hors d'oeuvres for 1 hour 18 6 5 6 1124 of 35 Company Q Receptions are not a meal cap category with our policy so everything must be included in the meal cap

Company R Do not typically have pre-reception due to meal limit 5 6 11 of 35 Company S All food and beverage tied to the event (including beer or wine) Company T Includes beverages & hors d'oeuvres

No Company U Inclusive of dinner food and beverage but we don't do pre-receptions

Company V Pre-reception drinks, hors doeuvres add to meal

Company W Includes beverages & hors d'oeuvres

Company Y Includes beverages & hors d'oeuvres

Company AA Total spend is $ 135 inclusive regardless of the breakdown - reception , dinner, etc.

Company CC Includes beverages & hors d'oeuvres

Company DD It is all inclusive - even includes room rental charges if there is a fee

Company FF Any meal function for dinner (reception, bar and/or dinner) must be less than the dinner limit

Company II If the speaker does a dinner on own, the limit is $85. If done as a reception, limit is $115

18 HCP Dinner Meal Limits Exclusive of a Pre-Reception

If no, please explain… Is your HCP dinner meal limit Q. inclusive of a pre-reception (e.g., Company A Don't do a separate reception however if budget allows we try to do food stations

beverages & hors d'oeuvres)? Company B We typically do not include a pre-reception due to meal limit (n = 35) Company L We do not offer any "pre" function as it can be misunderstood as entertainment

Company N We do not do pre-receptions and only do hors d'oeuvres or appetizers when included

Company O No reception, try to include two beverages per person

Company X We budget $20.00+/- per person 18 6 24 of 35 Yes Company Z These are considered part of exhibit hall Company BB No reception held 5 186 6 1124 of 35 Company EE Bar is separate expense

Company GG Pre-reception is considered a separate meal 5 6 11 of 35 No Company HH Receptions can be covered under breaks or other food and beverage

19 Typical HCP Meal Selection Standards for Dinner

The majority of companies indicated they typically provide coffee, tea, vegetables, dessert, two protein choices, starch, and salad. 10 companies indicated that they provide pre-fixed/plated dinners and 1 other company currently has no specific food requirements in place for dinner.

Which of the following does your organization’s typical meal selection standard Q. include for dinner? [select all that apply] (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Buffet – Coffee 16 7 23 of 35 Buffet – Bottled Soda/Water 14 4 18 of 35

Buffet – Tea 16 7 23 of 35 Buffet – Appetizer 5 3 8 of 35

Buffet – Vegetables 15 6 21 of 35 Buffet – Cocktails 2 4 6 of 35

Buffet – Dessert 14 7 21 of 35 Buffet – Three protein choices 3 2 5 of 35

Buffet – Two protein choices 14 6 20 of 35 Buffet – Single protein choice 31 4 of 35

Buffet – Starch 14 6 20 of 35 Buffet – Depends on menu/cost* 1 1 of 35

Buffet – Salad 14 6 20 of 35 Pre-fixed/Plated Dinner– Single protein 5 4 9 of 35

Buffet – Beer 14 5 19* of 35 Pre-fixed/Plated Dinner– Dual protein 1 1 of 35

Buffet – Wine 14 5 19* of 35 No specific food requirements in place 1 1 of 35

Two companies also noted having a limit of 2 alcoholic beverages per person at dinners *Other response provided 20 Additional Commentary on HCP Dinner Limit Guidelines

Please provide any other relevant comments regarding your organization’s Q. HCP dinner meal limit policy. (n = 7*)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Company E Reps are allowed to pick whatever meal contents are best for their business and customers within meal limits

Company H COLA cities is $160 inclusive

Our meal limits are structured for on-site and off-site meetings and not structured by meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner). For onsite Company K meals our limits are $25-$40, for offsite meals our limits are $125

Company N $50 limit for in-office; $100 limit for venue-based programs

Company Q Spend can be higher or lower based on location. Manhattan is $175 and second tier cities are $100

Company S Rarely do we use plated meals for HCP events

Company HH Dinner limits may be higher for certain destinations, such as Hawaii

*28 of 35 companies did not provide a response to this question 21 Meeting Break HCP Meal Limits & Standards HCP Meal Limits for Meeting Breaks

30 companies* reported having HCP meal limits for meeting breaks, with pharmaceutical companies indicating having an average limit of $39 and consultants/vendors reported having an average of $32.

Please specify your organization’s HCP meal limit ($) for a meeting break. Q. (n = 30*)

Meeting Break HCP Meal Limits

Average: Median: Range:

Pharmaceutical Companies (n= 20) $39 $25 $13 to $135

Consultants/Vendors (n= 10) $32 $23 $15 to $135

Overall Totals (n= 30) $37 $25 $13 to $135

*31 of 35 companies indicated having a HCP meal limit for meeting breaks, however 1 of these 31 did not provide a response to this question

*4 of 35 companies provided “not applicable” in response to this question 23 HCP Meal Limits & Tax/Service Charges for Meeting Breaks

24 of 31 companies reported that this limit includes tax/service charges, while 6 others exclude tax/service charges from this limit and 1 remaining company indicated that “if it is a meeting, tax and service charge is excluded”.

Does this HCP meal limit ($) include or exclude tax/service charges? Q. (n = 31*)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Includes tax/service charges 18 6 24 of 31

Excludes tax/service charges 1 5 6 of 31

Other 1 1 of 31

"Other" Responses Below

If it is a meeting, tax and Company R service charge is excluded

*4 of 35 companies provided “not applicable” in response to this question 24 HCP Meal Limit Guidelines for Meeting Breaks

18 companies reported their HCP meal limits for meeting breaks is applied per break, while 13 other companies apply this limit per 2 breaks, with 8 of the 13 including continuous beverage services within this limit as well.

Which of the following does your company’s HCP meal limit ($) for Q. meeting breaks apply to? (n = 31*)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Per Break 12 6 18 of 31

2 Breaks and continuous beverage service 4 4 8 of 31

2 Breaks (i.e., morning and afternoon break) 4 1 5 of 31

*4 of 35 companies provided “not applicable” in response to this question 25 Typical HCP Meal Selection Standards for Meeting Breaks

27 of 31 companies reported having buffet meal selection standards for meeting breaks, with the majority indicating they typically provide bottled soda/water, coffee, and tea. Of the 4 remaining companies, 3 indicated meeting break meal selection depends on menu/cost and the 4th currently has no specific food requirements in place.

Which of the following does your organization’s typical meal selection standard Q. include for a meeting break? [select all that apply] (n = 31**)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Bottled Soda/Water 16 10 26 of 31 Baked or prepared item 12 8 20 of 31

Coffee 16 10 26 of 31 Nuts 10 5 15 of 31

Tea 15 10 25 of 31 Re-plated breakfast pastries 8 6 14 of 31

Whole or sliced fruit 15 7 22 of 31 Depends on menu/cost* 21 3 of 31

Packaged 13 8 21 of 31 No specific food requirements in place 1 1 of 31

**4 of 35 companies provided “not applicable” in response to this question

*Other response provided 26 Additional Commentary on HCP Meal Limit Guidelines for Meeting Breaks

Please provide any other relevant comments regarding your organization’s Q. HCP meeting break limit policy. (n = 8*)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

We do not have a set limit for breaks, we have been instructed to provide a "reasonable" break to include coffee, tea, bottled water, Company B soda plus one or two snack items, usually one baked item and one fruit item as options

Company F Break rates cannot be combined

Company G The $60 includes the beverage service

Company H COLA is $40 inclusive - please note options are not all included at breaks just a variation of what we do

Company N We do not do breaks at speaker programs

Company Q Same regardless of location

Company S Sometimes a lunch dessert is moved to the PM Break. We tend to focus on more healthy options

Company DD We do not offer breaks

Depends on the length of the meeting whether breaks are offered. Some directors only offer a beverage and some offer a Company II snack

*27 of 35 companies did not provide a response to this question 27 Providing Continuous Beverage Services

22 of 35 companies reported providing continuous beverage services all day, while 9 currently do not, while the remaining 4 indicated that continuous beverage services are provided based on certain factors.

Do you provide continuous beverage service (e.g., coffee, tea, bottled soda/ Q. water, etc.) all day? (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Yes 14 8 22 of 35

No 8 1 9 of 35

Depends on certain factors* 1 3 4 of 35

*Other response provided 28 Tiered Dollar HCP Meal Limits By City Tiered Dollar HCP Meal Limits By City

15 companies reported that they currently have tiered dollar HCP meal limits by city, while 20 do not.

Does your organization have tiered dollar HCP meal limits ($) by city? Q. (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

9 6 15 of 35 No 14 6 20 of 35

Yes 9 6 15 of 35

14 6 20 of 35

30 Premium Meal Allowances By City

Please check the cities for which your organization has a premium meal allowance above your Q. standard allowance and provide the % premium above your standard meal allowance for each. [select all that apply] (n = 35)

Number of Companies: % Premium Average: % Range: % Premium Average: % Range:

Not applicable 14 6 20 of 35 ------

New York 8 5 13 of 35 49% 10% - 150% 33% 5% - 100%

San Francisco 6 2 8 of 35 55% 10% - 150% 23% 20% - 25%

Boston 4 3 7 of 35 23% 10% - 35% 22% 20% - 25%

Chicago 3 2 5 of 35 23% 10% - 35% 23% 20% - 25%

Los Angeles 3 2 5 of 35 23% 10% - 35% 15% 5% - 25%

Washington D.C. 3 2 5 of 35 30% 25% - 35% 13% 5% - 20%

Miami 2 2 4 of 35 23% 25% - 35% 15% 10% - 20%

San Diego 21 3 of 35 30% 25% - 35% 25% 25%

Honolulu 12 3 of 35 35% 35% - 35% 18% 10% - 25%

Dallas 11 2 of 35 25% 25% - 25% 25% 25%

Philadelphia 2 2 of 35 30% 25% - 35% ------

Phoenix/Scottsdale 11 2 of 35 35% 35% - 35% 30% 30%

Denver 1 1 of 35 25% 25% - 25% ------

Houston 1 1 of 35 35% 35% - 35% ------

Seattle 1 1 of 35 35% 35% - 35% ------

Atlanta 1 1 of 35 35% 35% - 35% ------

Other US city/cities 3 1 4 of 35 88% 25% - 150% 15% -- 15%

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor 31 Promotional Speaker Program Dinners HCP Meal Limits & Standards HCP Meal Limits for Promotional Speaker Program Dinners

23 companies reported having HCP meal limits for speaker program dinners, with pharmaceutical companies having an average limit of $125 and consultants/vendors reporting an average limit of $131.

Please specify your organization’s HCP meal limit ($) for a promotional speaker program dinner. Q. (please type “N/A” if your organization does not conduct promotional speaker program dinners) (n = 23*)

Speaker Program Dinner HCP Meal Limits

Average: Median: Range:

Pharmaceutical Companies (n= 19) $125 $125 $95 to $140

Consultants/Vendors (n= 4) $131 $138 $100 to $150

Overall Totals (n= 23) $126 $125 $95 to $150

*12 of 35 companies provided “not applicable” in response to this question 33 HCP Meal Limits & Tax/Service Charges for Promotional Speaker Program Dinners

Of the 23 companies that have HCP meal limits for speaker program dinners, 19 reported this limit includes tax/service charges, while 2 others exclude tax/service charges from this limit. The remaining 2 companies indicated that “if it is a meeting, tax and service charge is excluded” or “tax/service charges excludes beer/wine”, respectively.

Does this HCP meal limit ($) for promotional speaker program dinners include or Q. exclude tax/service charges? (n = 23*)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Includes tax/service charges 17 2 19 of 23

Excludes tax/service charges 2 2 of 23

Other 2 2 of 23

"Other" Responses Below

If it is a meeting, tax and Company R service charge is excluded

Tax/service charges Company S excludes beer/wine

*12 of 35 companies provided “not applicable” in response to this question 34 Typical HCP Meal Selection Standards for Promotional Speaker Program Dinners

14 companies indicated serving pre-fixed/plated dinners at Speaker Programs, while the remaining 9 companies currently offer buffets, in which the majority offer dessert, coffee, tea, beer, wine, vegetables, salad, and bottled soda/water.

Which of the following does your organization’s typical meal selection standard Q. include for a promotional speaker program dinner? [select all that apply] (n = 23*)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Buffet – Dessert 8 1 9 of 23 Buffet – Two protein choices 6 6 of 23

Buffet – Coffee 8 1 9 of 23 Buffet – Starch 5 1 6 of 23

Buffet – Tea 8 1 9 of 23 Buffet – Appetizer 21 3 of 23

Buffet – Beer 7 2 9 of 23 Buffet – Single protein choice 2 2 of 23

Buffet – Wine 7 2 9 of 23 Buffet – Cocktails 1 1 of 23

Buffet – Vegetables 7 1 8 of 23 Pre-fixed/Plated Dinner– Dual protein 7 1 8 of 23

Buffet – Salad 6 1 7 of 23 Pre-fixed/Plated Dinner– Single protein 3 3 6 of 23

Buffet – Bottled Soda/Water 6 1 7 of 23

One company also noted having a limit of 2 alcoholic beverages per person at speaker program dinners

*12 of 35 companies provided “not applicable” in response to this question 35 Additional Commentary on HCP Meal Limit Guidelines for Promotional Speaker Program Dinners

Please provide any other relevant comments regarding your organization’s Q. promotional speaker program dinner meal limit policy. (n = 8*)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Company A Try to get to use pharma menus

Company E Reps are allowed to pick whatever meal contents are best for their business and customers within meal limits

Company H We usually offer a choice of 2 entrees and beer / wine is also included in the $125

Company L The Speaker trainings have the same limits as any HCP meeting

Company N This applies to venue-based programs. Our in-office programs have a $50 limit and the rep brings in the food

Company Q If Manhattan $175 limit, if second tier city $100 limit

Company S Typically there is a menu choice for the entree (with one protein)

Company V Speaker bureau vendor, sales rep and venue decide on menu offerings within budget

*27 of 35 companies did not provide a response to this question 36 HCP Meal Limit Management, Updates, & Exceptions Managing HCP Meal Limit Exceptions

The majority of companies reported that they either negotiate the menu/rates or refrain from working with hotel/event venues whose base-prices exceed their established HCP meal limits.

How does your organization manage meal costs when base-prices at a hotel/ event Q. venue are higher than your established HCP meal limits? [select all that apply] (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Negotiate menu/rates 9 8 17 of 35

We do not work with hotels/event venues whose base-prices 11 1 12 of 35 exceed our established HCP meal limits

Sr. Management/Compliance approves these exceptions 3 4 7 of 35

Part of our up-front site search process 5 5 of 35

Adjust/change the meal format 12 3 of 35

Pay difference in room rental fees 12 3 of 35

Use alternative location that is within our HCP meal limits 2 2 of 35

38 Managing HCP Meal Limit Updates

Respondents indicated that their HCP meal limits are updated at varying times across organizations.

When was your organization's most recent update to your HCP meal limits? Q. (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

<12 months ago 4 3 7 of 35

13 – 24 months ago 7 3 10 of 35

25 – 48 months ago 5 1 6 of 35

>48 months ago 5 1 6 of 35

Unknown 2 4 6 of 35

39 Factors that Impact HCP Meal Limit Updates

“Peer company sharing” and “real world hotel pricing” were reported as the most common methods utilized by responding companies to inform updates made to HCP meal limits.

Which of the following approaches has your organization utilized to inform Q. updates made to your HCP meal limits? [select all that apply] (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

"Other" Responses Below Peer company sharing 12 4 16 of 35 CompanyCompany C LInternalAny assessments HCP event

5 5 Real world hotel pricing 10 of 35 Company MApplicationInternal of what a modest meal costs Company E in a standard Any meeting with HCPs PharmaForum 2016 Company O 4 3 7 of 35 Company N Cost ofattending living indexes Meal Caps Survey Separate amounts for Company Q Compliancepatient mealsworks closely with the Meetings department and we provided the Inflation/CPI indexes 21 Company Q 3 of 35 Company Smeal 1:1cap Engagements survey from Pharma Forum. Meal caps are currently under review Company GG Training Other 5 1 6 of 35 Company W Benchmarking Company II Faculty dinners Company DD Compliance Unknown 6 4 10 of 35

40 International Meal Limit Policies Meal Limit Policies for International Meetings

For international meetings, 14 companies indicated they apply the HCP meal limit of the most restrictive country’s (attendee) principles/limits for all attendees, 9 manage this on a case-by-case basis, 5 apply the country’s limit from where the meeting is being held, and 2 apply the host/sponsoring country’s meal principles/limits.

For international meetings (e.g., when the US sponsors a meeting in Spain and multiple European Q. countries are in attendance), what HCP meal limits does your organization typically apply? (n = 35)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

Most restrictive country’s (attendee) principles/limits for all attendees (i.e., 12 2 14 of 35 European country in attendance)

We manage this on a case-by-case basis 3 6 9 of 35

Country’s principles/limits (i.e., Spain from the above example) 4 1 5 of 35

Host/Sponsoring country’s principles/limits (i.e., US from the above example) 2 2 of 35

Unknown 21 3 of 35

We do not currently conduct international meetings 2 2 of 35

42 Additional Commentary on Meal Limit Policies for International Meetings

Please provide any other relevant comments regarding your organization’s Q. international meal limit policy. (n = 7*)

Pharmaceutical Company Respondent Consultant/Vendor

We apply the host country's limit, but will have to work to get exceptions for attendees from super restrictive countries when Company A it's not practical to get everyone to that limit

Company B We do an extensive comparison for hotel selection as well as food and beverage limits for each meeting

Need to verify with local company and lowest common rate based on all attendees will apply. If multiple countries attend an Company F event, the lowest rate applies for all attendees

While some countries are restrictive to the point of not being able to provide a balanced meal, we seek the approval of our Company J medical directors in each country for guidance and "leniency" when necessary (i.e. location selected due to program in conjunction with congress) We also follow FPia rules per country so "host country" applies first, then we need to look at the countries with stronger rules Company L (France) and perhaps offer separate dining to accommodate attendees from there

Company R Compliance must approve the meal limits for meetings with mixed audience

Lowest common denominator. We have had cases where a delegates limit is even below 60 euro. In these cases, the HCP Company S may be excluded from the event all together or a company representative from their country may take them out separately

*28 of 35 companies did not provide a response to this question 43 Thank You

For additional questions or information, please contact:

Don Paras (610-233-1285) [email protected]

Chris Weleski (610-292-4742) [email protected]

Natalie Notoris (610-233-1808) [email protected]

Zach Hyder (610-233-1280) [email protected]