Vol. 23. YIOTOBUy Buy WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1896.

♦♦♦mmmi ...... « No. 93. I ,llm ot the X s rions 1 Kporting chib The* Mines ! men Wifi fight St liSipounds. OPPONENTS THK TUXtx, > New Leather Belts I 17’~At A,e"( "’’lay THE EARTH We make a specialty of selling la-rd Kroebcry’s hay home won the rare ttoeks in developed mines that we I i i'î Ho,,t C#P« valued #1 £3tiU know are In the hands of Jegltl- UNOPPOSED and SIAM) eddfd. , .•■•le .mining men who know their . TREMBLED v.rvoe e. l With Stèr-iftîg Silver Buckles btuinesa. If you went to .mho, money in stocks consult ns. Know Cona*mUve« arc I>le*aeied With ■hot President Wyckbff, of the Bank of And Trimmings what yon are buying and you will f*«tr Hetliy Owf-generell- -N«r Amoterdain. and then ahot him- In Japan, and a Wh.,1 with not regret harestlng in B. O. pd Iretdcra. ^ «elf, hat been IdAtffied as lieorge H. dorerai Hundred. ofLtree, At . . . Ih-tuple, .residing on West Stud street minas. Was Destroyed. Semple he. always borne a good repu 0 Invest. Don’t Specnlate The Political Atrooephere Indicative And yon will Is- all right. W, •fa Sweeping Victory for The Auhterrauean Trouble finntrff Challofler. Mitchell & Co/s, i tan com luce you that our opinion Llhèrali»m. Twwuly Hour, and C.iustre- is worth something. natloe Hetgnetf. •THE JEWELLERS. 47 GOVERNMENT ST. H. Cuthbert & Co’y. Equal to iho Canadian ’Depeeannan- A Terrible Famine .Theeui „« the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • ton Which Mr. htoVelly Prompt tj Rejected. ■ Moot Pro.perows Pro y-ithgrr». /iff mHRS?

Ottawa. June 17.—The results of yea- Mrj ,r Moklnlpj** Great Excuse for rîlhSW terday’s nominations ere moot satisfae- Hla Ultra Protectionist Yokohama. June IT. News at a ter­ buy to the I .iberat# and eorrespotpifogly Principles. rible disaster, inreltlng the kua of ever s a Well dishearten tug to the gorrrnmegt. i n thousand live», reached here from the Sg Otmwrraflres hot si» fusing tsiaed of Yesao. which cvmtalnv -Tta- their leaders at being demote Hoed iu nortberu previne* of Japan, in. loadon. June 17.—The Qlobe this at *g*gteSg«flHOrM ««■*» ..Utteuun.. von as i (ding on the potfttrgl ’ tshlma. JW» Miuka, Beaten Path sled ta their oitponenta in.the way they situation in the United States, says: Toksehi, Ishikar, Kirahari, Teshiw% Ki- baye hero. •••» . "We haw no resuon to suppose that taml and Neiuoro. . . sfcjste The I’Itiseti,, government organ, this McKinley is a 1res urdeut protectloalst All these section! of the ialand seem than formcriy, but his election to the morning, dore not *rrWSTïS« the l-rreldenry would utulouble.ily he a aeri- to hare been more or lee. shaken by a ;■ elect loua by acclamation, itnd in official oua misfortune to British commerce, as subterranean disturbance which 'lasted fra SSfo. }****■« * asm# tea £2? he MX» X Trtxwmv tinwm for fe-tm,*..- abnor-Twroty ioon,. Jtarfn* that' terms to rote, lag the tariff which President Cleveland toute A «rule. •J3a , Brel ptent it already beaten. Two Where la 0.1 a itate of the utmost terror preralkd toned down. The rerenab of the United ami a Patron h«*e btawetectrerby at= ™ AH «idea- Shied, tidlowivl shoek tn root Paint. *) -Htotre no btager CiUeJi fh> erpemlltire. clamatlon to one Conservative, and four and recurring deficits are as much the alnutst uninterrupted sneecsslon about P-ÏÏLZ°2tJy" r,r w With Uellor. eoastitueneire la which there are no rule as recurring surpimwe used to be; every eight minntea. It Is estimated that Conservative» running, make, the uor is there much r.*.m fur retreucu- there were 130 sharks of greater or less dont P080ET that ment except in the monstronsly intl.te.1 poaitiua start ont with serrn seats to ...id scandalously Jobbed te nsion list « obtain one held by their opponents. It teas t* not in the treof Mely that McKinley for til., preaeat, any accurate detail» of only at the teat moment that a enndt- wtB apply the knife to that aims tree. the disaster as conn, Hocopticn to beat. date watt put up against VaOtenrowt I-eaoioes are e most eon renient reward the mainland of Japan iml Yea*, from Reeetvvd tble day (18tb Veiling 28 la. arid* just re- for election sendees. Ereti President which the former la «operated by the in Dorchester, and the tg,position to Mr. Cleveland shirked arerhsuling the list Juno) direct form Uneo-bâll eel red by express from Lon­ Strait of Tiugarax iRangsrl, is said to «L, Belfast, one cam Ladles’ don. Chenille, Spotted, at Lanrier In Quebec East It purely fac- «*> « riew to placing U n^.n , ,e« aod Omtlemene Fine H. 8. at 2Sc. per yard. Cream, WBLUNGTON eorrnpt footing Therefore the method at I or. more likely, ia the TBSwan” **at lewwet market prices, Pa|l hands of the anthoritie.. The whole mfa., at price» ranging free White. Black, Brown, Mar . white labor Thc outlook i. that Mr. Laurier will retrenchment being iinpreetieahh- until I A Ce.. Broad tte political rlrtoe at the United States It to $4 per doa sweep Quebec sod hare a good ma­ town ef Knmaiah, however, ia reported Aimi 1 raidies m «a------». ..t.. SS&feTard. at foot ef ” "«• "’bust. McKinley will be able ’•> have been destroyed in the awful.oc- jority in . to recommeod a strongly protective tar riea of earthqnakee, which were accom­ We’re an equipment here The Jap on bis “na- I At the Dominations here yesterday Iff at absolutely necessary to stare off panied by a tidal wave, and it la be- that would grace any store Mr. MrVeity said that au accredited cheaply. lieved that It was this, or aontb* sus* . In the city. Styles and prices WWIlK B of 8lr <'horion Tapper Came to St. I.oms. Mo.. June lT.-rA chttl dria- illog rain marked the oecotri day of the giant ware from the sea which practl- >!“ «!i 5tat»l » secret pledge to sup- Jtopstbjiean TOUtentron. Unie Interest lamphlad Mahli raily wiped rot the town at Knmaishl. " tatt remedial tenlsterion. TM. pledge U felt by the greet .mo* of deietmtos In which ia situated towards the Japan sv-a Battiest stock I» the FOR THE NORTH: w,«U not be aael publicly, and Mr. Me- the pjwcedlngs from the fact that Me kinh-y s nomination I» almost certain. oil a narrow seek of land separating if moot of the time; were task Veltr could do and any as he pleased. from Volcano Bay ro the PaeHir aid» 12 yds. for 7Se. 8lr Chari* Tapper, of roeree, send» a of the island. sellera that it will be hard width at 10c. per yard. IBABBAB A BOSCO WITZ telegram denying II Mr. McVelty la The ialand of Yesao, in the past, has Majhaty'a adkhrlliai River rridy to the same, told your eoneepeo- sacrificed Tat sea ad several similar vtmUttoaa. ,n.l mm! Way Porta, wla Vaaotraver. leave* ilent that hr can prorr all that he has 2 contains a ih,«her of active ami extinct Thursday, June l8th said, on unimpeachable erldence. In any volcanoes Uopuler rumor has ft that the number of lives hast and the amount At T p’cloek p m., from Porter’s Whert For ronrt oflaw. There were those listen, * Blf Cawlle Line Strainer, In Col- THE WESTS1DE tatght or poooago apply to tog to him yesterday-# meeting tr*« Owk'fMPW VtMN'^ "f damage door J» Jar in umu of the CAPT. J. D. WAKKKN Manager, knew that what he said was correct, •el at Mghi, figures .rotained in the ketof official dia- #• HVTCUKSO.N * CO- had They Aon,-not deny ta He did not ta1'*’ *3sa. theLe» eetta- - qnske. acremipepied by a tidal wave, say that Air Charles Tapper directly reomsi destruction of life In the north. tmodc any pry-ltten to him. but it was ■l*AaAMfca«ewlkih*eA f* taut to the Bottom With a Human • rn province: that the town of Kotnnl- Dominion Election. by »8 accredited agent. Freight a€ Which Few Mem­ •bi ia hetiervd to have been .tesfroyef Returns to the *abrrie« department of bers are Moved With a Iona of probably a thousand lives. the spring ratrh of seals by Canadian A full official report of this great cal Liberal Ceeeitiee Ma 10 Vewris. token off the British Oolumbix amity has been asked for, and Is ex­ HALL, GOEPEL & CO., J™ -«* *« Cretrel tîommittee Booms. sod Washington coaal. show . .terrene pected shortly. It I, fered that a Bren, France. June 17—The British Balmoral Block. Doagtee stmt, on iif nearly 1,«0«i .kins. ""tuber of shipping disasters must htiw ioo Government Street. steamer Drummond Castle, Captain X THVB8DAY. the luth inet., at 8 pet. resnhe.1 from the filial wave, but Dévor­ All members of the ahosre committee are PAHBEXfiEBS itiet A BAD riCAKfc. W I-terre, frukt Cepe Town, for Lon ai day» must neeeaaarUy chpoe before Fire Agency _ fSSLSn, requested to be present. _ ’■"'I. raUMwl at midnight with an an Ô» a Train Dynamited and Attacked ta return, from the Interior of the shaken known steamer and sank three wienie district ere received. , . _.r Marine Agency- Jsssr c™e*^ Cuban Insurgents. wM lta fgyaengyn. and lOB.'n*, Japan ha» suffered from a number of Life and Accident - «• ***** >»•«.»«. c».,-,. H«t«ns. Jonc IT.-Bredley T. John- rare and crew. Two men were picked twrious .arthquakri. during the past rot. returned here from Mat-naan, it 110 doatluc upon, some wreckage by lah- few years. ,’.pre-tally ln 1804, when Railway Agents **• cm., panne r.u.v c-,. PUBLIC derriopcl Iteday that he was a ixieocn- ermen off Ushsntr near where the boot three thousand house» were destroyed in Steamship Agents- *36 *3 Bti

Orey, H-oith -Dr. l.aiidcrlmi. *L. ; ► TENDERS VETERINARY. Jamicwiu, C; W. Allan. I*. R- THE NOMINATIONS Orey, Xerth-J. Clarke, U; 4. S. F T('v 'tkiunart buroiok. Laughtin. C. FUL Mortgagee’s Sale Orey, Ka-.t—Dr. 8i>n,el<-, J. and cuntebtetl are users of Jïy in»triicti<»n» of the mortgagee and Men Who Were Formally Named B<>wi-«, I*. Halinian.1 nml lloark-A. A. Oaru, under and by virtue of the power* con­ , «17, Victoria. B. 0. mm Candidates Throughout I.; Dr. >i.HlI**Ur, *1'.; Hark, 1*. tained in a certain indenture of mott-, the Dominion. 'inlti.ii—J. Wakhe. I..; D. Ueettra-li, page which tun he inspected at the «V. u#ce of the undersigned, tenders will SCAVENGERS. H-imlkmi—A. T W<««I ami T. H be received up to the 22nd day of Jpnc. McPbenion. I..: 8. Barkrr aid Her ECLIPSE LH06. for the purchase of the following wo Liberal*. One Patron aed One BovHI». I'.; W. W. Builiaiiaû and J. land# and |»remisi's described a# follow*: All thoee piece* or parcels of land ait- Conner* atl re Kleçted by Watkina, I’m •Ha.tln*», VVvsl—U. Corby,» C.; T uate. lying ami tK-ing in Lake LMstrlct, Acclamation. Ritchie. L. In tin- Province of British Columbia, Ha.tioya. Piaat—J. Harley. L; W. D. SOAP . and more particularly «leeeribed as the Nortim.|..* C.: T. Balroiiquel. P. Haatina*. North - S HaryHt, L.; N. that they wear a broad smile every division of start of nectkm five (5) Lake Dintrict aforeeaid, ami coiitaiuing fire WANTS. Following is the list of candidate# W. OracaMen, C. day. Keep cheerful and use Eclipse Heron. En#t—Dr. Macdouakl,* L.| <*>» aert-a more or less as shown upon nominated throughout the Dominion H&p and you will l*e happy. Buy the map filed In the I«and Registry Of­ CHRONOMETER WANTED- Mu, be I, good Tomalay, (xirrcchsl according to the la I* Dkfcww. !vk"v- Cowan. C.;VW. .1 Bowser. 4.K.C. F. Hanna, C ; A. C. Dewar. P. V. JL ‘By i.* in British ÿr;mXr'2 • X ! ■ Lanarlt, North—B. Rosamond,* C.; J. THIS MAN ? to leeward or under and by virtue of the power» con- gM*l a. Addrrev It M< B« Me. A R.C M i I' M- : ■ ■ ■ ■ m.!' uruif ngtfddw Vam-ottrer Island - A. Hnsiatn. C.: .1. I-anark, South—J. (L Haggait.* C.; J. gage which cau be inepwted at the offitv •ItargaC. A.R <* : W. \Y H. Mc!m.<*< L. MrNetHy. P.: 4. Fcfmi*pn. A.-R. C behind a wall to .‘it ., TO let. ccived up to the 22nd day of 4une, 181*1 L. fxvd*. North ami tlrenville—C. F. TO RENT—|Cur the»um'm»r. bedroom sed sit* r;—Victoria —W.—TarafthNBMi and O. {. Fmst. L;î J. R. Ij»veil, C. * light his cigar. for the purchase of the following land* Mwsr rtKtm. wt«h.US* *f kitchen.. Apply Mn». MFlne. L: E. G. PrW and T. Ksrk. *U Ijeed*. Siiitth—M*. H. Fretlenhnrg. L-î and premise* deaeriltcd as follows: All «•, Uo*e Bh>. Vale and Carflb 8.. Horton, Pi He has an wfleWepe *.i'i Ih. A pp y corner Cnrr THE TEUtilTVUlhN. iwrtniiR #31) and thirt 7 lS East—Dri Dorieli#, 1*.: W. ' ■ C x\ Olbeei M \ of aectiouh twenty-eight #29> and #bi*y- MATCH made to nine MX)), a* shown ujgsm the official W< Ti * xW. Mariloeald, *C, • ! - Arainiboi*. Weet—N. F. Darin. *C. fi fui mutc jTgrticul- * PO*"SWtE. 3. K Melon.-* P I' ■ I, : * • light in the winch arly des. ribed u|xm a inap^r plan de- Alherra—K. Oltrer, L: T, B. Cod»- posited In the I>and Registry Office, Vle- toria, an4 there -nunihere: the greater the Saskatchewan—H«nl w. Iwabrfer. U; and forty-hlne (249). 1i3sr«iK-ssrjBa 1 chins. *C. Date! June 6. 189#i. rj. .McKay, ÇU Craig. I ml. C. Middlewy.. Wwt-Clhftt Uî Dr blow, the brighter MANITOBA ! "J5U* MLMlêsex. RodtB—M. MHltigan. I*r Brandon - Dalton McCarthy. Met'.: Agent* for ilk* mortgngee itburnn^-mium 2fi% Broad street, Victoria. NOTICE-Xcbon, alumln. T. Postlcthwalte. P.; W. A. MeDona’d. ;ka and l^arry Sound—W. H. E. B. EDDY'S - -...... -, Pratt. L.: MHTorwilek, Ç.; Col. tVBricn. fleurie. role Xftgâr-H. L; Rléhdrdaon. txr -»t. ting- 1». Broder. •McC. FOR SALE. XlifiiMilngJa# Conmee, 1*: j. H Marqueti>-3 H. ^ahdown. U; Or. I Ijivroirii- ned Nmderrllto—Pelletier. OUHOIUT MAN. Khs-k. C. • Dear E build year own house àlao. ▲. H. . *L.: Uanong. «' Mlwiisqiiol—Hteck, <1; Mrlgs. L. Barman A Oo. M Brand st. G loeceater—Turgeon. L.; Blanchard. mnek. C. . i Mimlclm- Dug.». C.; LebHlr. !.. nothing to Bell, and want no money, bnt Ottawa City—^Wm. Hntebiaon and S- Iwlng a inn believer la the enlvereel A CHOICE LOT; well located. S2DT: $10 down LOST OR FOUND. I Munlwei »«d«, C.; l.'berlaml—P. Mitchell, L ; Oxford. North-Kara, CStitherlah'l. Jlkft C.I Hoe. V. l^Hgrllrr, 1, feet eetrecy, and as I not wish to LEGAL NOTICES. Robinson. *C.i 4. Morrisic.v. lad. •L. Montreal i8t. Anne dtvli**i)—J Queen’# and Bunbury—O. U. King, L.; Oxfwd. Southr-Sir R. Cartwright. expose myself either, pliai ■•wwi. Qi’iiiu. tti 1 Mr8b.w, U P.P* :famSmWÊkO. Box 38H. ‘MÈilljondon. Out. Wilroot. *C •L.; T. R. Mayberry. Pro. .'hl^eStol" * ”4’ Fu d.r plrow ml urn to Muntn-al iSt. dlvi.i;,n) >. NOTICE. m» eolee mWf Re*!icoeehe Tladdow, L.; McAlltst-r. Tee! F*e ifher**«ini’. *L.; A. V. Cfimp- u. IVeny. L: Miyor WU*m 8iulih. C.; •MU. l'UABIÆS’ .WAFK. bit.... R. 8. Hi John etty-J V fcUra. U: 4. A. Parik KsHMtvw*#. »kt ll>i<»r»n. XlbKlh'ii» W. Abtotno -dhrbtggk-dDr, MISCELLANEOUS. By a Norrou Margin a Dreadful Cata* Cbesley, *C : W. Pugeley'. IihI. UiKklivk. <1.: M. M*<‘ksy, L. SHALL AI,VERTU «et In tJB. . _ fR Joby>, city and eon ni y—TllCk , Prath. tk»uth~Erb. L.: Donald. 1*-- Montreal #L James ditiaieul -La- t raphe to lha Presale# Is Mi ratal. «TL: J. D. Hase#. C.: McLaughlin." PrMham. *C. nro required to WÊtmmmi’ talk-. Dremarale. 1. esy of Joly. au., ini. ana I ml. Pct«rhor»>. West—Hall, I*: Hendry. Montreal iSt. Mary dlTMoeh-L-l-lii» I'-. "•« i:r. ■ U, Wi. PPML.______< io the raid serai# era it Victoria -La Forest. L.; D01*» h i>** - !.M 0.: P. Dwfirv. I- l Tuppt-r was un hi* wsy up to questro to pey sash ledsbtness forth» Pf-tcrlxiri», TTfint Tuing. L.: Bnirtiham. H. BroWn, executor, si the offi.e of the B. C. * W. WILSON Niml.t- Ek.i.T.rt, r.-lathavU fra.h Win*l*ur .VI, Sntunl#;night on a Loed ft lave*, meet Agency. Urn I ted. Govern­ Westmoreland—(*. W. Robinson. I». *C. INmtiar--W. J. l*un|wn-, R;* ” D» ment «traet. Vleterlo. n uMBuis a*d aiiirimM. Powell. *C. , -V I « ! Trunk. train, a v-ry uu- iMHiry, I. ... plcuaant accident acAmd, which might MoSHlLLIPH, W(X>rrON ft BARNARD, York-Allen. I*; Hon. Foster. *V. Pmnlx. *L. Portoeuf -8lr Henry Jidy de Lbthla- jftrtjtiyrii Winding, >Hrtioralar the JEx- 7t ' 'WTiw^ni. :'7rr Frtnre S^tw^rd-fettiT. tr nH' Kr U.re. L. R. Sfalonl. C. t easily' tare proved a most tragical wranna. P.P.A.: Dmlfer. r. «tjuelwe. Kaat-W. Ion tier.. L; <’. lo- i: flair. At in the iironihtg. the D#Ud Ihto »th dsy of M*y !«. m»lm Annapoli»—J. W. Ijongley, L.: Mills, Renfrew. North T. Macknx L.; I ton. dere. C. train being ten wiles wrat uf M'ood- JEWELERS, ETC. KÎ. P. White. •A RC1. ijnebec. Pentre -A It Anger».- V. sfock. the r-ratrlr jriu of- the front driv- An||gonlsh—Mrtsaac ■ t-hteholm; BeiilW»*;-*«wl8--r>'riM»mL-.ntraap tàiiirellàl1." 1» Tti* whe<-l broke, «««deg a ride rod «m- ESTATE OF JAMES BURNS. Quebw. Went—T. Mriireevy, CX 11. necting with a rear wheel to fly ui> ami Late of the City cf Victoria, B. C, Deceaaed, H u»«um1 >M w arxix, *L; UartaMse* dH* «town with terrible force. The eugiuc Kickle Alarm Qnclwc County Freiyout. Ind. 1».; was *ovn siuppetl, bat not befpre the MiVberwn, L.: Sir ti Tapper and II. Wilson, Ind...... 1 ANSOSIA ALARMS, IMlc. r McDooar.il, •<’. Mtocoe, North-D. McCarthy, *MH\; Fit spat rick. L side rod had torn huge aplinter* out of *o the Trustee. and Executors' «KRMAN ALARM», Tee. fVdohester—Flnrsn Miff!h»re, IÙ: Vr ‘STcw nrt. L: H. I^unnx. r. Richmond and Wolfe— Stenaon, L; the traek awl wrenched part of the ten­ Ou.reamed l»o ream. D. Dlntock. C. Hintiw. South-T^rwhilt, *C.; laeii- Clevelaml.* C. der off. The accident hai*pene.t Just be- having env elalss neon the estate of the said Vnmberlnnd-Hon. A R. Utekey. 'LL; uox, 1*. mrheheti. Bruueau, I*: Hon. A. Dca- fore reaching a bridge. Had it occurred James Bora#, lets of the city of vjnoria. Brit t#h Co umbra, ar* to »pw1 Ih* amount 5. A. 5T0DDART. H. J. lesson. L. Toronto. ,East—J. Ro** H«ibertwui, A.; ' mi the brMge, the action of the rod and full vmiculaf* therein to us on or Di*h,—A. JLJCenp. J*; Dr- J. he H C.i Ewraoju Coat»worth* C. . ' : ' " 1 might harp, remitted te gfeat «Mrawtpr... SSS,'t&^Ü£-:îri.NeSSÂ.1l?ff The New Jone*. C. Toronto, Centre—41. R, R. (‘«K-kburu*, RouvIUe—Fournier, | St. John’* and lUu-vUie—Bechard, L.; monilng. Wharf street, Victoria, B. C., the executor of Ilallfav— Keêfe and Knaaell. Is.: Ken B. 0*b*r. C: E. T. Hunter, MeC.; W. tira said setae*. 12 mouths..7L^o^.œvr Practical sM,'s; nr- and Borden. <1. T. R. Preston, Ht. "HaSfUÏ ëBrTXKx- SITfr« n«*r, — ____;______wnut. iRvixo. '■■IWMWW; Ts.: FWikih. IV - Vfrlori»; South - McHwgh, Ta j Vtoo- t Droeiihioe mreé», vicMh, k ft, Bnikjiimn liivernnaa--Dr. Mclennan. L.1 tfr. for iliv Kvreulur. 1-IJnnrim. UNDERTAKERS. ramena. * p.m. and Victoria. 8.. C. Camphell. I.: to. l*. C ; Uor»hm. P.rDroves, Mvfer, Cj. Vlmfronll -8rguiti. L' .: HnrwowL l- whole •ytuiti. Read this: lawn» or gardens at other than the , Wrivht Ikvlin. L.: MeDoewU. C. time above mentioned, *the water ertlt I. -VS."SKIT Uni Bhuror TrTüBBa^Hbr r------^.. “I want lo praire Hood’, flarreperllla. Wentworth. Xorthr. Brant J. Sonur P. K. ISLAND. he tnrned off and there shall he charg­ - c. vine.* I. ; Mtiiin. <• Khum— Mrlmyre." I. : M.rdon.H. C. My health ran down, and 1 had the grip. ed In addition to ordinary ratea the sum ONTARIO. >Ventw«»rth. South—Pettit, C.Î Baiu, Qn.'vn's ,W ret—De vivo,* L.: Js-nklee, After that, my heart and nervooa ay.tem of fifty ceate for each InfraetUm. Addington -ti. W. Dawson, «L.; J. : -Can. were badly effected, eothet l could not do J. le RAÏMVR. W. Bell, C. York . North - >fntork.* L. : Strange. C. iL#.t—VVnloh.* L.; M.rtlli. ley own work, Our physician gave a* - Water t’ommireioner Funeral Director and Embalm» Aiaotoi x;. U- MawloueU. Dy a,» Mey#%ss* mime help, hot did net earn. I decided, Ulty Hall. 21 at May. lSUll. my— \ ■ ' Prlhfc. Rart-J. Yro.«TT; K Hunt. C. to try Hood’e HarreparllU. Soon I coold '“ll.iihwell—David Mills, J. Clan prtnre, Wi'ut-8. Pvrry, I... Hack*1», V.".:;, \ R « ■ do .11 my own homework. 1 have taken vy. C. York, W.-at -Wallace,* A.-R. C.; R, ïw. Ind. ESTABLISHED 1884. Brant South-W. Pateraen, «L: R. Piatt. G.: Brown, P * - FOOLI8H PR RJ 17 DM KB. 'Vrocivme X. rnmlmîng; tSt 1- T.- MKk Kootenay Mine: Wood. «C.; W. finit, Mef. ArgrnteallnAi&M. fftLSMfiSuJm. Mm Loan Em, tag — y-WT ml are. ro rery ' «rëfûriLKnti l^lisr M» OOTMÜMBIT BT LATSST ,N FORMATION OP . fc— nxnncts. jiid neglect the head dri'cs-T Hr Ikasiser,' L.; I' !.. I'-u- I'. ,Hood’« PHI, with Hoed’» Barreparllla, Bcaphttrool#—Bcrgertpi. C.; Tnrte, I*. I» 11 hvanre they are prejurik-rtt In »rte" New Finds, and they have done me much good I ' B^lleehaswe—Hoy. C,; Talbot. VL, heist 1 hair? Ijidlea of the moat eialf-1 MONEY TO LOAN piwltlon* In the land are wevnne Pod. will not he wlthoet them. I have taken 13 Transfers, Bruvv. Bant—H. f’argUI- 4- T'i- Rf-rthlcr—Bfflu.4i»leil. L. (acclamation). Ob sny approved security. Busins* strict ■ i.i' BonavHituri---1(î. P. Roy, C,; W. L Mmirnft emuifartnred »i»d«. Tm-y. bottles of Hood*. Barre pirilla, and through ly conddentlâl Shipments of Ore, Cardwell—W. Webb*. *McC.; W. U B# Faiivcl, I* .r,- heantirnl nr.d .ttraetive and fflrv n the bleeslng of Hod, it bee cured me. Privet* entnine*, Piadort street Developments. ^ Walnh, C. Bronn* «-Foratcr. C ; Fisher. L. «harm In* np-si-rninee lo the lace. 1 worked ee herd ee ever the pest tin- F. Landsberg, Prop. -<]!»rleto«t—W. T. IbMlgin*. *A.U,<,: T. t'batnbiy and Verchere» -<* O. TalF Throw âréle year htlw notions of pro, nue, and I am thankful to «y I am WITH PULL QUOTATIONS OP Butler, C.i tleinifb*. led. loo, C.i C. A. Geuffrio.i,* L. , itrlety. and examine lhe Profèretr » well. Hood’s PHI. when taken with P. O. Box ft* f*12-ly eleaant line. ,,f Wlga. Swltehe,. Hyiid. Cornwall nml Ktnrmont—D. Bergiu. (’hnmplain-~Marcoltc, C,; Trudd, Iml. Hood’s Barre per Ilia help very ranch. " Stock and *C. ; J. G. Snotaing^r, L.; J. O. Adams, L. and Wavy Front*, etc. Head the "d- r.-rfhereout In another column an V bear Mas M. M. Mtmmnroka, Freehold. Penn. Share Prices. Chflricvoix-Cimon, (L Angcra.* I». This and many other cure, prove that JOHN MESTON READ..., blindas -A. Johnstone. L-i A. Bmder, ChatvauguiiT I.nciivalier, C.; J. P. h, Mind he will he at the Viet, r.a heel 4T. ,P. Fox. Ind. YTrtorle, We,!nea»«y. Thnnelay anti ____ Durham. Ka*l -T D, Craig, .*LV. V\ m. Uhirrmtimi —8*nrnl. I*d tirllcr, C. Friday, July I. 2. and a. ■---- ^ THE MINER Mcljeen, M t'nmplun—'Willard, L.; Pope,* C. PUBLISHED'AT NBLS ....DttJrhum, We*t-R. aÉhN*j D, F. UorchcMer J. Ik Muriu, C.; Dr. Vail-, M Walsh, C.iC. J. Tborntoa. 1>. lamtmrt L. ' ('.Mnth Itennvly enpeclajly valuable f,.r Hood’s The oldest mining paper In B. .C., To I Elgin. Bsst -Dr Wilson, U: A. lu- Druuittumd and Athabaeka -Lavergne croup and whooidn* coenh. It will *ive had of sll news sgeuts or of L Pe|»tn. C prompt relief and I» aafe.and pk-aaant. Sarsaparilla I It for aerernl yen Mr. Geo. Shedden, Nlgln. Went—G. E. Cgaey, *L; A. (isspe ïsemlenx. L; Ktmis, C. Is Ih* One Trot Blood Purifier (IHwftllMl McKillop. P. ~~ Hochelngn -I.n< hai>elle. C.; Madon-. It ha* never failed to give, the moat per- t jKgeet for Victoria and Vancoi v.rüi U MiCnvn I. V U 7 ■■ ■ - . fet aathfaethm. O. W. RlehardA Du Prepared only byC. l. HooJ wCA^bwl* Mss-u Huntingdon J. White, C.: J. Schrir qoeane, pa. Sold hy all druoriatv. Hood's PUtov^h.TCx1 ton. 8ntith~M. K, Cowa». 1»; Ur. Langley & Hendereon Mr,» . wbolerel- Not lot-. 8. A King. Ç.; W Ma*on.> V. Jolielte I^ireMc. C.; Bnzincttc, L- ageuta, Victoria and Vancouver. Carriage Maker Frontenac Dr. Roger*. P.. #iee! Jae«tne* Cartier —E. Mrtnk, C.; A. lOTlOttO Al)VBgTl»kR»- Chss|*. <■ lu • rr hi: \! -i. im.-ln. « Rover. I*. -Nottingham. Brnwel*. Irieh point for atendlBg •«*vertlaetuenta meet b* BLAOKflltlTH, StO. Hast Ion rtreet. betweea Oovernment «■ L Wi^uu V Karoouraska—L. Taschereau. C; H. •atUnie and meatln certain» .1 ttc. -r banded lo at the sg«« before 11 a.ra. Langley. I. Cored to triOe ceeeet gat better value; •f the day Use ‘Chaafs’ I* «Seelred fce «,-«.* A. • WÏI titwwnMe. tiouth—Dr. Retd, H’„ ; J, G. fiirwMv I* f** City Labellc -PouHr. C.; Rmiraeas, L. •#* -

. , ,*A;rocHrpv*M>hydV*eSFir:^ ialfrag*- v’«hwtNj>Oeay:myB«»ea*»B .. S‘.^>J

■ _ .f - MMMHatHai .


ewsewee*» ...... lade bv Waller Svott & t o., of Hu infield. X. J,. •he inhabitants of ,to- Hty, ^viag fo the VERY TAME AFFAIR British Columbia, : ■ Old -’il.I dl.x Ile lin. ■ : ! ri DYNAMITE IN WAR. pw* A tht $gmie«C IN l* working I t**»1’ A**d insufficient food. The failure mo*t satisfactorily and giving the bt*| j of the water supply under these cireum ; ‘dam-ex, is a dire entomity. Cot •ervative Candidalee > «•w#*. In ti. M rn __ _ T .. . ■a» f ÜUt . RELLA COOL 4. I* the drying room, wbirh is filled near Cuban ,neorfff"t» Make » Bold At­ ; 'ni"u‘*« U»wky. th.. Aruirv-Hu >rti« a Very Small Aadleaa Bella Foula, Jour 7.—June 3 wàa a ly to the ladling with drying ruck,*, tempt to Cut Or Havana's : 'vbo *ks relias is I provisiuuully from Spring Itldge. ! Morow caiflê on Saturday, was again xad day in Bella Cools, und especially dent to hold many thounaml* of wot Water Supply. . . C..IÎ.-U Sti - I..!,', abeetea. In this room a bo i* the varw- j arrested on Sunday afti ruoon IFy tin* Seagram’s Whiskey where th** angel of .loath visited and Ml " bn ' - "!,d, s.|, t, i!l guards of the Cabanes castle. He gain- laid it* cold and mention* hand apon graphs a* tannery labels are made dirt j «1 an entrance to the castle by taking Audience Left, and the Speakers Had the Moved wife and mother. Some and water proof. The power I* furnish Fever and Smattno* Bre.k On, ,n m,v«i,ta«<* of "**">* **T> »»d obtuine,i ever and Smallpox Brpak Oat In , a„ interview with the prisoner* taken to Keep their Speeches “fur f time ago Mrs. KwMnhl gave birth to by a Crussley Bros.' Ld.. gas engine K. P. KITHKT * VO « «'«.. Wharf SI. the City -A» American on board the Competitor, who are ,-on Next Time.” a big lia by boy. and she never was we'l of 9th borset*»wer. simv, she said she did apt feel wick, luît Art let Arrested. | ^«**1 there, for a New York guiper. her strength-failed and she got weaker When taken before the eommander of the fvrtrewu Mr. Da w icy claimed his ami weaker -every day until cutuvy at Jw „ III- WH» m .«tog i.t ira,. tt-WWot -'tW—«-H «•«wTfnvn TTC was • CCTCTX -used 'nfr^wrnf-vtfp-pn^wiriht r—e-r- wr»i The -srddHS The Jimtr ÎT - Th$l " cBy wir ___ * trae that held last evening nd «ml three children mourn the lew. startled and alarnn d Saturday night at the Spanish law. Mr., Dawley left to- 'Wows’ Hall, spring Kid go. It ernroent has decided «<• eanpjoj day for the interior of the island. Tb** little child live* and is taken care I» o’clock by t|ie uom* of two auecesslv** pit interests of the Orv-'yauve «• ■•■I- the former in active aeniee. Th* mar­ Marqui* of Palmero, the government explosions, which shook the ground for . /ffd.ite», hat despite the l-ifiH Ippifli IVit^i the exception of a child that shall. however, de, tores that he will not M-eretary. say* that Dawley ami others ICE ^kof both the president and vképwrtdtiit a long diwttiiue and was heard for wf who do as he his done ate to blame for last winter; this is the first death acecpi a command except in thiba. of the Conservative association it was that h.ts vecurred in the colony, add eral miles. Consternation prevailed fur certain of Gen. Weyler's onier* relating to mUitary peases whk*h have been iasu- impossible to got the very «lin» audience in : h ! I,.! i-'!. time and it was f es red this was a HYDFtOIX eiitbusiaatic over the onndutato*. The ami iu the lwgidbiug of onr. settleuient. rerfeet wledem 1 -?« - » T ™ , , ,>'1 to repn-sviitatlves of the pro**. The ttly was to hold a long . : . : - . ■ ■ W..U1.I glrr m p.rf«:t bvalth. Because J ***** °* » mêmMJÈHk, Jrisphto of-Gwral Bimddl Johnaaa, who A Peru BtoeKed JilrtBg Weil meet lag, then* being present besides Cm The weather is very nice: rain aai! wo1M>" «• eot i____ has been in Cuba for several weeks, aro vamlidate*. five of the prin.ip.U ( on- sunshine plenty, and everything "*“»’ I t>«<-'"îr WttT*rw*rirti mL“" Kxciti*.! throngs rushed through "tBe In-i-omiag very uneasy a ton, l bis fate. ». C. Cold Store,. str«***ts while ait arme#l i>arty proveethtl He left here on Saturday morning for ■ nil Ire ISf-.-to. rorvative speakers. Mewr*. Daniels I . . "J „ ■ i h tb. of (rood built, flood', H«n«. H. I). li. im. ken, R. A. lewllt U.-4tr in the^ direction from whi< h the dvtona- Matanxas and expected to r«*tuni on Tb,. .H.t.nwi, ...wbrot,.,) Th.. Vllfwli , : y« rule k ibe On. Tru. Stood Vorlfl.r. It Sunday. The Matanxas train to Hat Her i#“flwi:—DrrHetmeken. ibe "«rainill.'. 11 tld WH» : Ultra food braltl______:z_rmw tiiÇthè stone l.ridut s at Christiana and audience.Hfifif satiH from - ffcé sla-t. *■'■11 «W*kd mil. SfKKi lH". «or,, limit!' Ibe In* fouodotloe-poi» blood. aim wu* derailed yvatenhft' by a dynn Was still *m« Hew before the Candida to* O v. Cirlitm. Bov. v. Hoogotail and H. I ■ jÉÉÉg (■ Concha and the acqumluct of Fernando i ‘»lte explosion by the insurgents. Th* MEETINGS. got through, and by the time Ur. He! B. f'hriotinwoi. Aftvr llu- pr.«r,»iii,i' : HOOD‘8. PILLS are purely vegetab'e. ! Buptlmo were tlie laiiuls that had suffer < fabled* of General J*«hn»on have ’ta-eu perfeetly^banaless. always reliable and yd. and from the action of dynamite. J nuatile to ascertain anything reganllni u.eken had finished then- wa* only a dieui-r gjmmipml.aMd »v.i»..l....l«. Wraw} btaritoloi. - ■ handful uf iiliifinm lirtki ijjgjBB * ------539P99ÇIK?» ■ - - ■ ir notes and keep -their *pewb*w fur another ov Weilnemloy .Inae 17tb, «•jPJ-U*. Tiwea cditnrml - t*u. -the tat*» | A 9. KSrpc ftgfiAu ■^statement* yf the tVmwemtttTe emdl-1 date*, tie WHteiided that the Mberarfl Thursday, June IStb, ixdicy was one of fere trade, and o| prove this. tie read w bat Hon. Mr. OMfttlra’g Nall, Sprint Ridge. ■ • ! M ! Friday, June llltb, . word he had uttered respecting *ae ce­ llmates Was the truth, tin* whole truth Hntm't iridf», Prie» ire.’., Had. and nothing but the truth. He repeated rhfit the gpvcvhmetit had agmd to gtvi l /YÛ/^TH Saturday, June SOtb, nid to the British llwttr, iml that he a as A. 0. Ü. W. Hall, Victoria. and Mr. Karle had just as uu«h inters* W££ r rs Æ/r o Jînckr II,, .wok., of lb, IoBB| in It ns Mr. Kitli«*t had. He never UWral ...... * made the statement that the government had agre *d to give aid for VZ» miles of Monday. June S2od. the British Tantir Another geatUnum had made n e of it, but he iVol. I‘n.*ri M O.W. Hall, Tatca St art. had hi. He sail that th- g.-veimwe* mid promis* d aid fur HNI miles of A rnitv.vr on t^e istand amt VS mile* . f DOMINION the British - Parifie on the Mainian I. The British IbcKr wan'd use the IS. A X. a« a pert of Mât ÈÊÊÊ» W& JB&n* General Elections then rtturned to hue set afieétit, ring to the- general imiicy of tb* gox /H /A zxz / 7- q ■ no ■ n *■ ■ iem.*rratire ' 'eawpaign' ■ jutHfihkl*. it T»Mf t ru I I VlUimitW*. iMivin»Hnatna t“ ,1,T**e - waa true that money had been swden «uppurtrr» of th, Oppoeltkm t'.bdld.tM, from the goyenuùeat, but no man omi'd prove that a member of the government "lr. William Templeman had lienefite*!. He threw a slur at Hon. by Maying that he way L>v' a close jiersoual and political friend of Dr. <3. L. Milne, Hon. Mr. Mercier. This waa need as an Bftlfi. wonia. he Jw Balmoral Building, corrupt as the Conservative* had hn*n. Dotigiae «reft. The colonel read a k»t of figure* from AU «ho or, will,,,, to artl.etr «id ulM». 4kf kw itimiJiUii, try U9«Wli« V*«n and show that the Uberal provincial ire United to i«n ih,m.. l„, gorernmenta had been extravagant. As the privitoges of the rufims, which are an arguments against hi» o|ipouenta be open day and evening. Ï^Jïï****' M“* *» **» -«non» polling up by a type-setting mai ium* He von- TOhoUttoloM «n on hand and I hr gw tei ded that hi* action and tb«* action of W«m«sÜ!. ,Udbr ,m*h “"y the government be the ik-b.s>l question V I DARING PGWDhS th ns. We >kHdd ■ h**ve HFhem ka. British Columbia, as ih*- provmcui PURE « WHOLESOME government had the managenvm of the school*, but in Manitoba there waa .1 ■ ...ALL GOES... I e*.Mr. Daniels, “tin* man from Cvl.piit?. * I i who had been i.a*#irg remark* during .,'W I " ■- Col. Prior's *|we<*h. wsl* the next 5»/a4< / •Tîjl v np« i.ker He sanl he saw a 1'i^uc. r - i"l H' - I " yeor*v He mwhl to Ik* a Liberal. - ** »*+ * iiyjy .. «imi4* by the carload. He had a fA bill rr-i-Y v^n.% BèHimftÜN» ttW* to g,-i rid -.IT. Finally. Mr. M.imclx, v. \ . tiiiumg hi this strain, had to give • hee-l] to the era * of the audience, and sit THE CHAMELEON down. Mr. Karlé .* And His Provincial. Hues (and Cries ■ IN HOMES WHERE .... tc at ctnisiderible length in glowtwg terms. It hgd lieen denied. by the Op White Star but he contended that tt was. He «'*<• pa d sum.* attention t.» the Tim****. obj#K*l —<»»»»*■ fiient* mad** ^y himwlf and t ot Frkrr. huito. w.U uii44 wMb » ptonmtt , Ha saw ut» v**h-*»hs for «hanging l and the pip*1* <>f ’Qb* acqueduci upon fnXTffi Di^XmSiRs mEbt views on th** school question, and de V ■ >i I'i •!.< which th** city Is d«iM»h*leut for itx wuror To-day the banns were published g I dared himadf in favor **f the erfereem ^Tfce^ee» »kPI*r. were much damaged. It can­ Anti Discus* Matter* pertaining to IS USED. of Manitoba. third time for Air. j£. Br>nil.lsou and not be stated bow extrusive is th.* dam­ Mixto Mattie Hnmmir U*np v«ar doobt but that the dyua- ; re,,rewntiBg the j.riu. ipal roiironds of water and when it was a great event to A.. R lohiixtone St Co., against Ib unis /^-VWORU) 9 mite which cause,I the wreck was placed I the Fuite*! States- und Fauoda Im- we a ship. The story of his landing at Jrtmati, "the Jdfdan estate was ***l*l by | by agvht# of the insurgents. It has been ; lawtum pajs rs of inlerost to this branch Bsquimalt was very interesting AM Sheriff Drnk* Sheriff Drake reminded j oM Medals «ndVfAIR thcr determination, simoupeed sum- ,.f *he railway »**rri.v were rotni ami rtWTE STAR - this led to his «-onteutkfcu that the the imhHc that he gbarauteed n*> title j , tune since, to cut off the water supply dtocn***ed. while many *H.untry had prospered and proc^fffO. thwTHirchflfwr, -but was m. ri ly there «>f Hu vMtia,nud ao.JffiTSe lv W«kft ihi.x j >yux* admitted. . . . . , BAKING P0WÎER There had been hard time*, but prosper­ to- -ell Mr. Jon Ian’s interest, 'j he hid* ' city a* nearly uninhabitable as possible. ity was -comma. Freteetkm. h«f w« n#„merely nominal, Mr. !>.. IL Mar- i Sunlight -4 .bv greatest approhcinubn J* frit on U .ran once In Vax tar’s UttUUw Puts ^ shall to irig tin- purchaser of thé whole j amount of the roph-cy and effectiveness fi.r sick h-Hi.v be. Milo twees» or coMtipa- wav the first law of natim*. and1 ft wu* tton. you will never be without them. They If that bad made Kngtomi great, lie}** f°r S7H- with \vhi.h the insurgents hate been are purely rosetsble; small, and easy to had figured «mt how many a.-res „l Archie Dick, son of the mine inspec- ! able to carry *>ut the outrage. I«a*t take. Don't forget this. laixl it would fhk** t>* produce the pro- ror. box M-verely injured by falUng from j night was spent in fear and dread of CARD. d« n* imuort. 'l i:it*> thi* city, and foiityl ♦h.* toil oxter of the central school, down ! g=EF2 immediate danger. Th**««* fears were that it would only take :tl mil. * „f Is nil 'vhieh he was sliding. largely dispell*.**! by the return of day­ Men Wanted. .Messrs. !.a:ic>t-y .V Vo', having «; .•<»d e-:t at tHO or«e* to the mile. Why i- i ,,t light. (heir rvtsii bueluess, Mr K H iro-orArv. It i* believed the in sergent» are bent »iip*-rl!.i.'inb nt ut the r-'-T-ih «b-tHirtu,, ut of his unit irate*! 7 The d«K*tor did not an­ VANCOrVKR. Twenty-Five Men are wanted im­ ’to above flroi tor oxtor 20 years, b gs (» swer this, but went on to rend « The Isrgf Iniikling rwntly .-rectni on j upon investing Havana by cutting off ox mu«*h as possible the supply of necessi­ mediately to work by the hour at r the nee' <-*ari*-s of i.h>. WALKLKY. KING & CASEY The chairman said the eandhhfte» lithographic *Iej»ftrtroent, has n<*w to*en 'G=*- election The jtn-ss r**om. which is at the rear, 1 H«IW Thought Il.j.rr. high Howl, fa^Toir, .“U;r.r.s2^ „k;<; - ere r*«,.seete*l t.* report te the ehsirmsn —Ladles, a fine line of A3 se contains «be mm lithographié«rai.li,. «tone ; «pk-n.li.l i-ook. r, onlj WU. it Ferry & KLi hi U. ibrtrM w «hoars tit Fox's, 78 Chrrt Bt 4 -Tiroir'» ohl wiiirt, Jotranro- smvr;"»' ss(fetes for the «Ustrtet In sHfetett they are L p.m.; 8 p.at, te t p m. rcguured ns voter». • . . :• •


'JUNE. protested against the re.lucti.in of these dutlee, while the tai npon the ter^l still remains. livery workman who left the workshops at noon .-wan a HOW TO VOTE. mensonger to tell The Courier to talm British Opinion 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Its fear*, that there Is uo fear of any 14 15 16 17 18 " *'19 20 work being cloned down. (Loed’chacra.) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Dr. Helmcken asked last evening why the laud needed to produce the products Canadian Conservatives—Hard on Col. used in Victor!* was not tinder cultiva litre? Hu rely the doctor due» not hold Prior's Colléagues. JOSHUA DAVIES the. i.lbcral* responsible for this stale of AUCTIONEER affair*.affairs. Is not rather the high prices EARLE THOMAS, Room T. n«»rd of Tnhde Koilding. whichwhk-li the nationsi policy make* the farmer i*ay lor hi# machinery, ri and sr oth- THE LONDON TIME*, Merchant. rm io hs liâia i ntge- H^er^SÛr^Pfh... tïïmeé: rp»ponmWr for tKTftct dlïrt the people will not take to farming, and that the one feeling, that of deep regret for the wrong done .farmers’ none make their home* in the to the fair fame of the eldest .of her daughter na­ A GOOD START. tions by the laxity of her politicians.1’ MILNE G. L. Physician. The election content is going exceed-, Mr. Karie seems to know more about LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE. iufïy well for the Liberal*. Two of thele Liberal policy and the Liberals “It seems to be possible in the Dominion to se­ their vandldate* and a Patron wer- nru selves. He ears that although themselves. He aayg that cure the political support not only of Individuals elected by aorta mat ton yesterday, while they deny That tbelr policy la iminediatr' but of whole produces by gifts of money. The only one Conservative waa returned un­ free trade, he knows Mr; Karie PRIOR. E 0., •hotthl go pu the roe locality is bribed as well as the member, and the opposed In four districts there are in opposition to Anna Eva Kay. consequent demoralization spreads through ell Merchant noue but iJWral candidate* in the field. ranks.” 1 : ' - ' ' T Ih:.t Ih -I'M :n ‘Practice makes perfect/ The CoF .LONDON GRAPHIC. taenVa friends hare taken great pains miel ht improving■ in the rehearsal of hla ■----w -It is uo iutiyr possible to doubt that corruption to convict the Patron* of having con­ speech every eight. The original com- poser will prenently begin to feel prood in Its worst form Is rampant In a large portion of TEMPLEMAN, WM., cluded an alliance with the Liberal* of H, .JÜIS.-Çâfladian rlyll MTTlCf.’’ —------...... Publisher—...... *afmi armwy rtectlun of a Patron by acclamation It 1» less dlEenlt to understand. now « ‘ LONDON TELEGRAPH. does not practically amount to 11.. that we aie grfflag .evenlag perform­ 1 “Enough, unfortunately, la already known In ances w-w dur fepreseutsttves in alar tton of a Liberal. The Patron* are well parts, how it is that they have been England to make It clear that only the most réso­ ' AflasPà to • be dlametrically **- »p|ioiii'il to ■Me to spend so ranch time In perils- lut» and draatlr purl (lea t'nn can redeem public life...... the enevrement on the tariff and other ment and sehteve an ttrrtr. ------In Canada from the taint of corruption, the like of leading features of ita policy. Therefore which we have not seen tn our own country for the Lihetala start off with practically Aceortllng to Sir Charles's own ic- hundreds of years.” ctntttt of hla farewell tom- it baa been seven wall to one held by their oppon­ a series of remarkable demonstrations. BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE. ents—a attereea to which they could not Done this include the procession at Win- “Rascal* out of office defraud the public in order hare looked forward. The govern nil»* which he estimated at 401 gl and ■ to bribe rascals in.office, and rascals In office pros­ LUMBER, e •ttch oil act mil iiunt consisted of few- incut'» worker, are quarrelling with titute themselves, sacrifice their honor and forsake iv iinmsn) Miaht it xi •neb other—nhr -nryvt rign of y*ty «■ their trust in order to keep on good terms with the mora Illation. There ran be no doubt sô hé stretched té tnelad# the Monwai rascals out of ôflee." .... " “ meeting, at which he talked to the re shorn It. the Tipper [tarty !• already de­ porter, trees use he could not get aaoth LONDON ECHO. feated and the litherale’hare victory ae- nudiencel Victoria Luster & Mfg. Co., Ltd., “No country can prosjter where public depart- It Would he pretty hard work cveh for ‘ meats are In league with fraudulent contractors, Have again opened their yard at Laurel Point, and « MIMHTKRS’ tU ILT. full-grilged cabinet minister to per­ and where ministers are open to offers.” suade the are prepared to supply Contractor* and Builders, Tn his attempt to defend hi» party of Victoria that they have been l » called attention. There is a eontrasl in and 4a at vine hi, .appert to Mr. Tne ’rimre to an admis,ton op «te part of ’ CHVSMhaScacs deed. Per vne railway a loan *f ? eotte, Mr. imnrier’s standard-bearer. add. which is !*oth amr the Manitoba government themselves that this government has the power to «00*00 and a subsidy of 40*90 a mi!c Mr; Johasten's stwoipHOeent Of t:H prising, and, in many way*, unfair. The party has thrown the Tories into great Interfere and this parliament hat the for 250 mile»; for the other a autmd/ obvious function of Italy, become th** Chess, Draught disorder and nsnores the return of the . land, would be to exercise rlgfit to interfere hy legislation, bet of «3,200 for miles. And there no­ 25 to Liberal candidate In Mi-gentle. a moderating inrtin n< i u|kmi German this Is a J»wcr which should he used body who belle res that tt wan really In­ only very sparingly and .in eases of PuWlnbed by MTWPwovutcw" LiafTBo Liability; aggreaaiveuess and to lend to a reconsid­ Subscriptior for Canada and the United Sut » |t, tended to grant even tide paltry earn i r Nearly all the foremen of depart- eration on the |sut of thst country of flagrant wrong-doing. • • • • What It the inference to be drawn from thh? the latter cane. mints In the Maaeey-Harria works. Tor- Its attlude t*> Great Britain. This hos­ unto, have publicly announced their li­ tility may be gratuiton* and unreason­ The Inference that there is implied an engagement on the part of the govern­ Mr. Patelauu at Brant lot d: He had tre «ton to vote usinât the Tnppcr ran- able, imt «twakiug from diplomatic in­ dtdntes. The neat of traitor, at Ottawn formation of undoubted authenticity, it ment of Manitoba that as soon is the been toM. and they had all been told, ■irt-iis. ideanlag ont, and- manofaetnrera may bt* asserted that n frauk and posi­ grievance has been Investigated they that the advent of the Liberal party who have been voting Tory In past ele. ■ tive iuUdligtknct- between Engluml and are themselves prepared to give the ■would mean the ruin of their Industries. tiens will help to do It. The Tapper Italy, based ap8K ON WHBEIjH. SLAVISH SUPPORT. anmun Ctoekahntt Plow Compati) and the Ver­ party, hot It has given the opponents nt "Whatever measure the gorernment $1.00 ity Plow Company bed their daty re­ Tnpperlsai a good point when it make, Wing a song of bicycles, a pocket full of bring, down I am going to support."— duced from 33 per cent, to 2tS per cent. this confession: “Cndonhteilly the tar­ |ppR Col. Prior at Esquimau. iff "evils real reforming. If the govern Four ami-twenty different kinds and each Bad they closed down? The Binder the ix-wt one sohl; MANLY INDEPENDENCE. -ni taken our advice in tin- isi-t "I will support no government, no Twine companies bqd had . severe cut they vronld have-gone Into this contest 'Each one with its partisniis it* euhqrle* made upon the protective dalles of their »ti -- 1 party, that will attempt to coerce a ail with a tariff far |pis exposed to the ter province Into accepting separate products Had they do* I down? hostile fin- of its eritica," If the «tar Every one the daintiest that ever bnrv a king, schools."—William Templeman at Baan- ■ Load rimers.) The Bala work», the r ants tariff reform It should support ‘lie lehton. party pledged to tariff reform. The kin* kas left his «mating house Maaaey-Harria, the Carriage works, and ami wisely spent his money i"S. copy. all the plow works hsd had the l.rotec- Ont of weakness emaes strength whew The queen amt he are hlcycllug, forget- “We believe In pwrinetot rights, and tion duty re.hi. -I. while the duties on the Wood has heen |)»ruted enriched and ting breall anil hneey.: will opjrtiae- coercion lu any form to­ raw ‘material were left upon them, ami rltallxed By Rood’. FarmparBia- The truth? tmv hmtgfrt a wheel, too, amt wards the province* of the Dominion in had they rloai d down? (I-ood cheers.) left her hanging doth»*: respect to matters upon which they —We keep the' shape* hi TwouM take a nimble Mackbird now to hare been entrusted with the powers to Mr Rk-har.1 Cartwright had risen ig his Indies’ and gents' •a. - Ulheore nip off half her m«c. huri.late.”—Messrs. Templeman and place in "th. il-u».- of Commua» am! ...... ;S&. -Xtottu. Milne in their addrciw to the elector». dg.tljl I.W-JJ.LI i. -, - ■ ■■


—Prepare for the great event Chloride of Lime the Wg chew at Victoria, Jane 22. Fine Finish, For disinfecting. In perforated —Okcll * Monta lantaon and gt tin boxes, fan be kept dry and gage preeerrea are a luxory. Tty th Reasonable Prices Cocoa Nothing But Straw of full strength until all la ut BOWES. Ut Dispenses Preseriptione. —A Snap—Happy Thought Cooking At the repeated request of ,o.„, Store, extension chwta, only «37. »t Sk«ne Lowe, of ear-customent we have placed ¥S-oxssw?{eJsrt — ■ Ferry A Turner*» eld stnn.l, Johnaon Fh*t*«rgph«r, - (tovmatat St. j •”,*** » full Hue of COCOAS street. whk-h Inctadea among others the H«tg. vriH do for —» now. The man whn wm following well known lines: gotfggLto bnulnew, nowwith a heavy winter hat Local News. —Thle morning the grand Rtf/ sur­ DEATH OF MAJOR SHRAPNEL. | prise,! Warden John by s visit to the Baker’s, > • ™ _“»>’* «joins Justice, to the cllraetë or hlg head provincial jail, which they thoroughly Although it wa# known that Major Ckaalngs of Utj and Trov. dil News le InHtootcl. They seemed pleased wlttt Shrapnel was suffering from partly»to Cadbury’s, hat ltt the mont economkal let a Ceeéeesed Perm. the results of their investigstloas, lor they were heard, on leaving, to pens some and that hi* dt-ath might occur at any Rountree’s, QTW made for busineag weer. We bavé men’s complimentary remarks about the clean time, the Intelligence wa* w>mething of —Kodaks at Fleming Bros., Govt, at ...... —'See of the premises and the as Van Houten’s, -...... *mw ^ ** boari^- Ifonjfs TÏrÈaa" has I» Win «ay qni^r visit Victoria next week. Those who d*ire to eptead a eery but on Mon,lay morning it proved to *!*> • tne* bulk Coco*» *t 30c. tween, and « fall eggortment in each price. 7 —Trout rods and flies, see our «ne Pi amnt evening should mil ferp-t the hnve been a sleep from which there was <6*- «od 56c per pound. stock at Fox’s, 78 Govt. St entertainments given by Mr. Neil Bur­ no awakening in this world. A son of ton to-night in the Flint ITesbylerUu Major-General Shrapnel, originator of cht.rch ball, under the a ttapices < f .the —A joint picnic trill he held at Sidney the celebrated shell, he inherited re­ Victoria Tea House, on July 1st by the Methodist Sunday Sc ttlah s -cietiea of Victoria. Mti bnr* CAMERON, schools. * ton's selections are of a most vart.-I markable inventive talent, and was also *o onivuuau. the CASH cloth!ER. - . . 66 JOHNSON W character, lu "Jean Stuart's eneoaster a good artist, ntusleisn and composer. —Bankrupt stuck of Stores No. 9, with Dugal McThthh," Mr. Burton A thorough, gentleman of the old admet Happy Thought eely «36. at Perry * keepa hie itntknee in cinftaaotta merri­ he was patient under Injury and strong­ Tamer's old stead, Johnson street • ment, and his touching edition of ly attached to bis friends. la hit ."Balrnles Cuddle lh>*o" meets the —The Daughters of St. George wlU prime whet In Ireland and the High We All Need hearts of all parents. The programme lands is termed "a flue man," he was ax shortly hold a. rSIIro hall A commit la moat jodieion^ Arranged. In ad,:, Great Shoe Valuer— tee has been appointed to make Sr excellent specimen of the British drag­ faagemsnts Bon to Mr. Barton. Mtae Brown. TtoHn oon. He served some years In the 3rd 1st: Misa Wilson, soprano; Mrs. tlw -Drogen-gusada, which lie left with the —A Change. la to he found to several eases of cca, soprano, and Mr. Brown, will sc —Royslette crepe#, a sew and pretty rank of captain; he fllled several import­ Ladies' Laced Tan Oxfords we opened material for draping man lets, etc.. y„u aht and add to the varietv and arivae- ant military positions in Canada. India, 4fc9JM*At#e «flak. Tigt.attoiMkiiL.tef. .Irjilaml. Jlmt Bni'Uinil», wut. rniml nklta — »P ttta morning. Ther sell ' - - --- , U small anil k * HVMtt worthy ’St ,‘tiiy 3LfSl pc, pair; abo some WiOwBm tatraekmaatertat Qaehee, with the rank W* cannot ratlmete the bewflT one receive GBP, and all Hcotcbmt-n. their wlw of major. After living for neverai year* - -1 list'd Turned Laced Oxford of a darker d»ughte4-3 and »wetthenrta, should at­ frora « «My'» outing In the country. After —Last evening Pride of the Island Kn*,d|HL b«* eamc out to bring eonfined lo the office or .tore daring r •h*d<'- hcautifolly finished, that lodge. Sons of England, Initiated three torn! and th»* help to honor the mrui- fWUi* with hi* wife and family, aad new membera and nine applicathma were orj of the Poet Rtirna. while enjoying ha* iired here ever eince. Several vhiM- th* week.WCTrm* ”It '*l* ws --- $— r "Mr. %chc>r Martin and pomrivlee in «mm; Hi* coffin HM draped Attend the Opposition other* will rleliver address­ Witt. the. L'niou Jack, and okl officers of both arrive*, foibwetl hi* to it* Rambler meeting at the A. O. V. W. ee at the A. O, V. W. Hall reetln* ptaee beside hla faithful Hall this evening and hear this evening. who had preceded him many years. The t'AA.LaLaLsvV. tîp.tnta+I+r+ funeral- —- —serriee- was i-rii,>iuimperformed ujby iurthe the truth. Ret. Canon Greene, and' the pallbearers rO-NIGHTH MKFTI.NO. were Messrs. John ("aye, late Rifle - Bond Bros.' ahow la an Innovation Brigade (With three medala and three ta a renie uni os, logic» I displays. The Addresses by the Opposition candidates, eta «pal; J. Barney, who screed with D. a. Mardonnell and Others. entire exhibition la a epcceaalon of aov I eel's naral brigade In the Crimea, for Seen ’Em ? •Itlea and original faatores, and can be whleh he wears rile Rah le. Crimean ***** *s It I# with the vtdfbrated ‘«O * J” enjoyed at Victoria, Jaae 22. • The testing capacity of the A.O.V.W. and Tnrhiah meddle J. 6 Ma raton, late hall wHI no donbt he «hated to its foil 10lh Foot, f.lneolnshire Regiment, and. tut It will brief na back to —So nnttaqally interesting are the ex capacity at this evening’s meeting, call­ J. W. Bin Ten iex-es plain Rlmeor For- hi bit ions of the celetated Bond Broe., In safety; ao fear of ha slag to ed In the laterects of the opposition can ester.1. W. Paine, and C. Wood, of the What? that it la mid hundreds visit the gnat »■ -THE RAMBI.RR" Is tile Vida tee, Mr. WUIIan. Temple man and Canadian Militia-Orillia, Oat., Packet, •bow. daily that are not In the habit of Jane 5. Why our going to clrcuaea. She It at Victoria Dr. O. L. MUne. Bealdeu addresses by coats and rests that ...... ee June 22. the candidates and other local speakers. Ladies are especially in. D. O. Macdonnelt ex-M.t’. for Norn Men's fancy rents worth $2 and 32.56, —All the esses art for hearing In the Filed to attend this even­ small debts court to-day were adjourned Lanark, Ontario, a well-known jturltv clearing for «1 each. ■aril I he 34th, when they will be furth­ «ntiarUn sad platform speaker of ing’* political meeting In Man's while flannel ability, win lie heard upon tint, issues ol er adjourned until July Sth. It la ex­ the A.O. U. W. Hall Scat* slightly soiled, were IS now «2JS0. Odd pected that kg that time the question of «MM aMI Teats at half pries. ------«I M—WSriliailllj at the eea# debts yesterday evening addmuasd the eiec- in the gallery are reserved. Weiler Bros court srt wllt be derided Vietem West and created TUB FARMER'S LAMENT. AGENTS. —Charles Davis was charged In the rltr police court the, morning with ta- i Was once s weit-off farmer, now r Gilmore & McCandless, deceet exposure. The take was re- ta debate upon any of the questions worried and In debt. *» akd st luasius nant. ■ended until to-morrow. Two dranke Issue during the present campaign, n I've got poor a -payin' taxes, bat 1 tain •f the Niarral Hill frM liait; were dealt with in the uaual way ami should thia fair and manly challenge to pay 'em yet. («■pup rrufcrtiflL - ■ WePIS- Wgk Imposed upon a wheat- tweepted a Terr Heel)’' meeting may a tax on food and clothing,'pool A * ê i Yi man for riding on the sidewalk. looked ft». and scanty though they be. In clew of the fact that the ladles « But Sir Charles Tapper says, be thank- Attend the public meeting evincing a great amount of Interest fol, fer “ther*’ «4xaiu'tb’* bginsa. teaIs at twon tm.*a— " 1 iSSll bO^bml at the A. O. n. W. Hall this evening and hear D. G. Mac- na' the interest ain't all paM. donnell, ex-M. P., tor North Tee worked hart from early moreld", till the evenin'e dewy shade. Lanark, on the Issues of the Wife an' me don't follow fashions, aa' A Nutty day. I doa’t get on a »|wec. Yet Pm peer, although they tell that -ther' ain't no tax on tea.' —Aid. Partridge today posted the Don’t fail to attend the SHADS of Tan Laced Booth for Gents of Ofollowing notice of motion: -That at Victoria. the next regular meeting of the council Opposition meeting at the In my bonne there' the Distinguished English K Make reached he will move that the mayor be re­ A. O. U. W. Hall. Yatea St., carpets on the floor. An- the tariff wouldn’t let here yesterday. This la a richer color than quested to obtain forthwith the opt ni. n this evening. of Chrietopher Robinson. 9*1, of Tor- Waepite all the gold mines in the county. It’s a onto, or other nnineot counsel, aa u An' my wife can t get a bonnet, that the poeition and liability of the e*ty CLOSING EXERCISE*. would be a laxuree. with regard to the Point Ellice bridge sari we mast he thankful, for "ther' ain't no tax on tea.' dlmater. and when such opinion la olr Of Miss g. r. Smith's Musical Classes A. Dartdsoa. Victoria, BO. turned to instruct the city aulidtor te be Held Yesterday. I can t bay a hM o' cotton, but I hare . ffpeeraed thfjvby." ...... Testmday the closing ciccriuts of tu pay a tax. MANSELL’S, 95 Goverameat Street. -Just préviens to. his deptrtnre for Mlaa 8. F. Smith’s musical classes took An' they lecy on my wood pile by a doo- Mean MoPhllitpe. Wo«too a Euroite Mr. John Fannin, curator ol place st the studio, 57 Fort street. The ty on the BM~ the provincial mtioeitm. received the tol- prises were presented by Mrs. Dewdney, Aa' the Mit that's ta my porridge taa't lowlttg letter stased by Dr. K. I usiuted by Sir Henry P. P Cream. now admitted free. ton. honorary secretary of the Natitr.il The prise list follow.. Bat be Lord be thankful for one thing, History Society of HriUsh Columbia: Senior Clues.—Miss Marion Hornsby, that ‘ther' ain't no tax on tea." "I hare born requested on behalf ,if ,h,- gold medal, 1st theory. 1st history and instrumental: Miss Genevieve Grant. Oace I tried to bay » pieter, it was tilbo Nslural History lety of Bfitish C-.l- MIHIl llata I tKa.y uaid- MINERAL HILL sthokiu mtea clear df yww.ewny"unit*' ----—t-- ,1tll'piinjtn* ,, e- Had. Ihawat Mhm Linda fur the east; to express (he pleascie Est special prirr; Miss Usai, CoMSieiag C»., efilknu, special prias; Mtae Josephine PURE PRESERVES Had It been a great OU palatin' at year having baas cntrostcl with Spencer, rd special prise; and Mies LIMITED liability. Asd ast ehasp Jims, sea shsuH ten thousand, then yon aee. Important a mission to the Interests ol __ McNiff. 4th prise. Kr»«--MU. Rode Brash and -Twonld have been a work of art,'.*' Try OKELL & MORRIS' the provlncint mnsenm. in nndertahr g they said, and been admitted free. the work they feel confident that year Misa lViunlfred Johnson, equal. 1st £?*: ?? !! M,ad chambers, 2nd prise: efforts win be crowned with much ouc- When I am working on the hark Jot, I .ceaa. and at the same time they regatd" Edna McKeown. 1st s,N-ci„| prixe; Mtas Klfrids Allison. 2sd tqtecial prise; Mss- would often like to know ... It aa a fitting recognition of your ar- tar Fyeil Hirnber, 3rd spennl prit-; Just bow long ’twin be till sunset, or *• med L. i.oedi doua and weU directed services in bulk! - *1* Florence Phelr. 1st pris,, ids no; «W dinner horn would blow. ing up such a valuable and popular in sa,| Miss Gertrude Meyer, 2nd prise So I thought * sgatèh I'd purchase, but - alitaUon. The members whn at» la the mi,i .spokF up. any a he: hettrtv Sympathy vl'h the objects yon Junior «ec.od.-Mta. Marie George. Doety'e thirty-five on watrhea, hot we hive In view anticipate that the result-, 1st pririsc theory ; Miaa Charlotte Spee- get in dis monda free. DENTISTRY “LOOK IT UP.” of your observatitma -la ..«he va» ggJ** Wl*'J1«eo?: * Mika Gertrude scientific Instttatir-'ta r.-htch tt win Move's a cut a pound on engur. thirty- theory; Mias 'Withta fourteen gays. D - '„ ..At./" your pleasure to Inspect will, with your 5*"”' J"' I**",1?1 vrtnr; Miss Lillian five per rent, on boots,- WillL nermllusrmit. Woo,, a a.*.fci. good judgment and vipc experience, have pttle, 2hd speeial prixe; and Mtae Lot­ Doesn’t help my wheat or barley, or In- Yw, dur rnader, they haw bug aa Important and lasting mSuence on tie McDonald. 3rd priae. etease the price of roots. thateosi V .taahletdaim. One-Half the Usual Prices the fntnre of the mnsenm. as the dir­ Infant I'lnaa.—Maater Albert Chadley. Diamond» s-ill net ont my meatier, t ho following la on aalract to “ fwàwg it up,” aqd qow tijet the ector of which you have nlr.-ndy achiev­ > fctsm te the govern, pme; Miaa Phyli. Ebert., prtae; Mi* thongh they may tie nice to see. Iberal clslm two vela, of gal ed such success. 1 am farther requeet- Beth Hall, prixe: and Mia. Fhssle An my only crumb o' comfort is. “ther’ HOUSES ARE LET, EXCEPT THE V« to convey the host wishes of 'In- so Upeucf-r, pria*'. ain't no tax on tea." ridty for a pleasant journey and s safe BIG ONE, ws are turniqg our »t- Everythin' a farmer naea, everythin’ n fumed sway; a* tiee *• the arable acreage that we All Opposition «ympathisers are farm wears. wiUi a «trike of worth W unto the let el Bay these ------will bold Hand-rak,-. cradle, scythe, or pitchfork *1 ho country rook « of«r at prices to defy competition. requested to meet at OentralCom- •dy mtnfiunvd, to ■ r*‘r".l>*i'b*'* h-ri""' sa.ptsPox Awarded mittee Rooms, Balmoral Block, —each its load o' dooty hears; Highest Honors—World’s Fair, This is ralh-d "the pt»,r man’s tariff." P**ed. ihron** Yes, M0UJ1T TOLMIE ESTATE, Douglas Street, on Friday Even ft» It keeps hint poor, yon aee. elelmo lyl itkbflhm* claim».* Full Set of Teeth, $10.00. DR ing June 19th, at 8 o’clock sharp. An* they tetl me to he thankful that Since I he above values Have suffered, but by a fav­ “ther’ ain’t no tax ,at tea." »* AI torn I *cd n ▼wry Bmi Met of Teetn...... »ib M in h*a tourné mtoth.a'KSf SSU53 orable flnaqoial arrangement we., Omd Mtatug PorngMy. waieb to , P(r*i Ttsih...... ooo PBKntjSAJL. Once they told nsrthaV cnmimer. didn't o«i«i niu»«...... !V,...... « «mi are meetiqg tye drop in prie*. • have the tax to pay. a te U o*u~per At»«lg«w fllHag...... j oo Drtirt“* V*1K'”UI<‘r' •» •* the Hotel That It made the things sU cheaper, €$**•*•' Fllheg...... j kttmtlu Teelb...... bo We mutt pay our past due tax* that it worked the other way: -asrsahsm the ip (jefegef ether et A. W. Reach and Dr. t'orrtgan, Van- An’ I've thonght the thing all over, an' awe*leal miners Children’* Teeth...... orbe “SOLO UP." eouver are regiaterrd « the New Kng- l*m blest If I can aee Alherallodega Cleaefe* Tee«h. laed. If • hat's so. then, what's the | ■MVMRR gasniteS b*** “4 material Call for map and get particulars W CREAM E. A. Black, Ottawa. Is at the New thst ‘‘ther* ain't no tat on tss. EaglaaA i i of FIVE aqd TEN «ere plots, all John G. Campbell and James -tanin. Wifs an' I are getting feeble, soon we’ll Wellington, are at the Oriental. both he goto’ wher- Umitrd r.oital, 0 ile.elep ^ “ ready for U|e plow, that will pre- D. fl. Macdonneil. ,rf Vancouver, eg- T»X'W do not worrit people, tariffs do A very limited number

TRANSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION. totdn porchnacd by the mechanic., labor­ er» ami farmer» were taxe» from b) to fill per root. Again, the cheaper etaaaea Oregon-Asiatie Steamship Line. of pioda we* tjtxnl »o maeh » 1*™^ Chilly Evenings General Steamship Apney. A TORY ou,l *o much per cent. A torn w no w THltOUtiM TICKETS “Zpelle.1 to wear . cheap heavy over- an' bent provided for by it wrap lined with To and From All European Pointu ,-oat la taxed by the-Dominion about »" per cento while the nun who m" «fiord Fr Honolulu: • DISASTER to wear a costly melton eeeaped with . ed Fibre Chamois A UiMi LIim*. VarUian.. \ ...... Jittw» 27 inuaiiial duty of about 3» per , nt.. and Allan Line, Lanrentian...... July i CHINA and JAPAN. „ through the Hat. The tnftfi does This* |a prepared I» Hlf Montwal rkimihkm Line^Angloman . . ...Jut* -T certainb dIncriminate agnlmit the poor Dorn in hf u fJjM', A'anvviix^r- - • - • - July 4 A8LOI N, 4*00 tons, due 33th June. (tnUtillg Co., anil may It ImflEEV at Hoaalae Liberal Belli •« Semple'. mail and wja framed In thetoterrata of ' MOUNT I.EKANON. fi.»j0 ran». I lib July. nny «tore nady for »», ii»iltfr>i1tt ur disapproval of AOiemOAl» RATTAN CO.. 10*6*7». 0«. the gorerameiit of the. country. It >a* V X -■ u Houm ttonal Policy hat been to Canada. Mv. Tletorta ta Vaaeoevef daily, oseopt Mao- nuly at *uch times they could say to tlu? day at I o’clock, Caaaidy In hi» remark», .rosy not haw party iu power “Depart fmtn me ye vaocoover to Vtotoria dally. wandered furl tor from the point of •will done, Ni, » *‘tiilKir an an good and faithful serranto.” The trade ft. Ko. 1 traie. dlaeeaaloh. When Mr. 1'awl.ly wleto-,1 8TM1N8TEB I to nuke s aecotnl speech Mr. Maedoo •Ine*tion was no doubt tbe most import­ transportation. ant in the contest, but there are other hail had sightroa years of the N. 1*. a»l The only line running hell sat down and allowed him to do issdes which should not be lost sight of that It had aot fulfitte.1 thoae |iromi«-s of Wr John Macdonald, II» spotwor. and r«5Fsi so. Bnt Mr. Caealdy wa» only furnish in this • terckm- father, -Neither the agrietiKnral Inler- log Mr. Ma,domicil with ammunition. btt government had mad«‘ a reputation 2—DAILY TBAINS-2 When he »« lt»w* the aerond time Mr. for fbemieîvés, bat what * reputation! eata o» tto. mamrfactoruut latere*» No Trouble Ï2M Macdoonell borat hi. pretty hubblra, rid A voice—Boodling. with the exeepltou of a few combine* beaefitteil. The majority of the mann- tefnrmfirtot, about died hu mice tou» argument» Mid took Mr. fck-aife—Yes,, some people ejaini f.rtnrrrs had heroine ro dlagnated with Fnrgo» him to tiu* for HU guttering generali- that the SJberala were as bad when in i Service offered via “ïfc* OooftetOB, tira Mr. Mncdonnell wa» partfenlnrly power, but the records did not show it. the national pulley that they were now on the able of Mr. I-ourler iLood »|>- .forcible in hU remarks on the Manitoba If the Liberals were going to suck the Northwestern Une* Wleelpeg, life Idowi of the country a* the Con­ plan*.) The population had aot In- Thursday tad Bâter- school question. He pointed out the m-aaed, for immigrant* have not been m-apolis aud 8t. Paul to MUwao- «tain placed eu the fair name of the servatives had done then Mr. Hesife would say help Cana»la.” but ho kept in Canada. Statistician» m*|”; kc aad CMcffgo-tfe a plmonre. Thursday morale* at t vinee by a man who deemed petty tatne.1 the natural Ineria* of popnla- Through Puilmam Sleeping Cars, ter than principle, and olfi.v and anl- did not believe N* He believed that K tton teas ttro pee rent., hot to the la* II you contemplate a trip East, company i ary of mere im|M,rtanee than' the n*|»n- there were sufflrient men ten rear» It was only l.tl 1er cent. loiermedlal Elegant Oiqing Cars, tatiou of the provlnro. Canada to govern it free from the acaa- please drop a Hoe to T. W. Tea*' Canada, could. •*»«? acc.muuod»fc « Mr. X. IL Satlfe gave an mvttmr d»h. which have heougbt shsme and re- pnuieh on the fair name of Canada. popntmloh of rai.fasl.iaa» The Conser­ tend trips to wwt oaeatpew address, dwelling pnrtlcutsrly on the vative. had no* fnlfilletl their loouito.. '.ml, Minn., snd' reciMeg dishoinety which has characteriaed the «Hear, hear.) In place of going to tbe RCLAT BOUND BOUT*. old errantry for their example in.-politic*, and the etcetoie »h..ùhl now give the aMmref the eoaesnuwnl nt Ottawa mid Mhoreto o-tdmw.. The men now at the _ Instrattsl folder, Dee, wltli'detail- ehtoh has called the strongest coudrai. the present Dominion government hàfé gone across tbe border to copy th«^ Jkomt head of affair* were net tome*, but the ed information about the throe 1» THflOUBit TICKETS i ft— thu’ “‘rr"-*- iTe»*. fratnrrs W Americas politics. « Hear, trader of the l.itoral. party. Mr. I*nr- ier. was a gentleman againstJai"'1™ the perh traîne tetrrtng Bt. Paul and TsThtosga, Ha. Tsmptswun and Dr. Milne, who hear.) Mr. Kcaife read tbe opinions of sdelpl.to. New Yurfc. spoke briefly, rewired a ronaing reeèp- the English press on the rotten condi­ virieat whla|»er of »n«|ilrion timl never Minneapolis every «lay la thy A. C^naton. a»I All Pidwta K**t and South. tiou and at the eoneluak* of. tto- meet­ l«s-n breathed. I Loud apptonw.t HI* Alan le CHIBA and Japan via. tion of rfhifTs Ut Canada. kTrue tin- wask, together with any apeetolyto- ing three cheer» an hearty that there majority of those ofiintons wrtre written fir* lienteaaut. Sir Olieer Mowat, wai Nultbern Pacific ».fi. Co. *“» IMS-ullarly noted for purity of adminis­ can be no miatake atont how the sturdy two years ago, but If auch a condition fartnatkm you may desire. Your elector» of Victoria West no going to tration. I Renewed «Hdause I tto the of affairs existed then, it did doubly so home agent grill roll you ticket» ESpHALT A NANAIMO RY. vote on June 3".i at the present time. (Hear, beef.) Mr. other hand, file Charles. Topper bad The saly all lull rests to Nelsee. * C.. Mr. Th». Trahey, the well-known Scaifv again referred to the following lieen ealle.1 by memls rs of hie own party via this first data line aud reserve IWE TABLE NO. 26. aad Kooteaay Hold Fields. shipimilder. was voted to the chair, and the “prior,- of potttlrnl rraek»m.-n" effect st 8:00 a m. on Saturday -me.. Mich -1-rut* nt Lovruptew lii i line mr înrffr .-* ~«fc ' train.Jm.UraCT4rt»’'IU^Ïwf Time. .... BRIM | Dr. Miiu • to addres* Uk csmlUiates- and ayants *4 the Topper ]the fare of the wflthijig dcmiwmtbHi *»» tance, oh atmlieuflo». - Forrn--dtoakfi mil IraW9nnim>,\iu filw ■ fil tm A fils gorermnent are ‘ hawking about the art., anil aw or eddwuf emintry an order-invoaneil granting C,l that he wool,I pursue a rt.urac ud hi P,mJU” O* W onv Ou rising to address the electors the' Interest of Peo'cstant nr Catholic W. PARKER, •sk over twelve million* of dollars to fifty . Dully AD CHÀBl/rilN. he was greeted with rounds of n|>- or sixty railway projects. Is this- a hit) hi the In'errot of the Dominion. His Pngrt Bfi^und Agent. .Seattle Kan’drt «tom Agt.. IT"------— plseee. He at once dealt with the were ties utterance» uf a stslesmsu A. M. Poettosd. - g**««tm* fbW»»»i»w*nt rt H*iy* 7on wrimiNi thi* ilonfi npplaitse) and 'no one rouH make tff Vtotoria for Nanaimo and Manitoba school q nest i un. introducing '•-••• : ■ his remarks by calling to the miiuts of ii mistake in feltowtng the lemlerahip «# WVWrtat m...... 8dt 4.» FOR ■ vd. «ml tbe vonntry ha# » right to a*k Ar.]Umti««k....A.. lift 7.18 •*> thow* present the mmndfieent reception you that the tnanufy «ball not he lm>t* Mr laurier. llratol applause.) Ar Weilinvlo* 7.48 given to tbe Hon. Joseph Martin by the <4 to provide vampiiigii Fetid*» f<»r n The chairman Invite! anyone whft GOING SOUTH. fteopfr of Victoria West, when he sd l«oUtt#wl party. A tv you prom-ting tH** ■•Iree» the,meeting in favor dressei them ip the bye-eU-etbrn about trva*nry. or art* yon allowing th#1 public of Menem. Prior and Earle to do so now. Dally 4—*1* months Ago. Tbe Man-. but no one appearing, to* tofrodnetnl Mr. . Tralaa will ran hoti M question ires as ranch a burning issue lea «hi#* of f the Canadlnn |MopTc. *iuT nn- St aiWrceaing an. h i) Inrg. ainttt-nc.- {an Mfirj à... .MS ml. 5:15 p* For rates and Information apply at roereioa: Ihey had refnaed to accept the they want ♦<* know if tbi* onlcr-ln-coun- In Victoria West. Allh-ngh now > f»« A^UNBMUnT*" JOSEPH HUNTER. Ja* roatproel* of the provtnee of drat of Vanwuver. h i cltiara of IV SATÜKUAYB. Manttidui. and ron«e,|neatly the ques­ PmrtSg**™ “City of Kingston” metbod of jltng the treasury ha* provluro. hi- was directly Intereati-.l in lew Vktdrififit...... 7M tm., i.fi* fi.*. H. K PRIOB. tion to »« far from aetUment aa It ever yoor approval. »\h an*Wi-r i« rcojH . t the contrat in Victoria a* well aa to the J . i . - -.it , — Gee. Freight end Few was. Dr. Miiu. '■'I ■ r. contrats on the Mainland He , «. | LfMf Mdfirt *1...... M* i.*., e.H fill. the dHTerrat laplltnts lending op to th* If each n condition of things cxbtcil 8» pm plrasct to I.» prrarat to ««»lst hto phi J BUNDAYS. ESQUIMAU A NANAIMO RAILWAY II 4» — tss-'T | pgeeeot dHBeuli.v H that the it wn* Mini ply H|>paliing. and it wa* even friend. Mr Tçmplcm:,» When he i.Ur., provinee lead done everything thnt wa» th#» greatest possible reflection on the Moid»»um-ir« Area lighting hard tin- )..»>- Uoie tirtonait------M# fi*. SW fi»- 4 4* am Ar fair and reasonable to bring about « *' -I ' ' - • vurt'r 'Int ■ • - tic , of the l.lhcral isirty in North Ism SJJgft *t. .. W:15 fi*. 5:1» fi* Steamer City of KlogMon makes connap- settlement of the i|u«rtton. but foe po- " - ■ (Ml-*' f»»r i: rirli. he ha,I no Stronger friend, no more ______tlon at Tacoma with Sort born farldo tmlee tmesl itnrpciees. with the unworthy nt, of »uch a letter hi the leading newspa- Str. JODI, to and from pointa east, end south. iaaistanf than Mr T»"'-: ‘- »i'-';i . " . ■ ■ Jeet object of attempting in laptur,- the per of tbe Dominion. Mr. Bcaife point­ L, r. LOCKS. Master. •Daily except UomOm, Catholic vote, the Dominkui govern ed «Hit that the R, Ç. representative* Mr. Mwitorncii attri'-ntmi ht» )>oiwe:i.j i,and Registry Act. Balls ». follow, calling at way porte *» sneers» to Mr. Tempi- man1» valuable* as ! « freight and psssengaia may offer. AgL Victoria. 4 ment peratotentlr attempted to coerce a were probably as good a* any we have sistfiliep an*l to* would he ntigrstotul in- , ■ _ Lv. Victoria...... Toewtaj. » » sister province Into accepting « system had in the |ia*t- and that warti‘1 *ay- dee.1 if ...... I not now r,s-l)-r..-»te. Mr. In too -""'•'•'••♦'•o'e.'l.nror » I.t. Nsnalmo 1er Comot. Wtouoa^y, T a.m. of schools répugnant to nine-tenth* of hie much—hut hew had f£ey c«»mlocted Morsloi'uell wos IP,' seqnatatrtt wrtn j BUj'ItgU *?!*■ LÎ: hiSdit.ttorNvi°w?* àaratoly, T tS her I«e-'pie. i Apple use.) The doctor themseive-»? Did thev ever *tsml tip for was a firm believer to prorlneial rights ■ fi»** 2TAT ’■ the right la preference to party? sa, h» IV house with M.-seraJ IteVos- .»» (Applause i He wa» In favor of liun- ft ‘fieri of Vo*) Cot. Prior had *t»ted and Bntlster. who were Into friend, of, ,!<««• I-Vrrayrt ran lhmll-1* »J Ptonllon jVt ”v£sa NELSON & FORT SHEPPAQO RY. aeetnriiin, umh-onmiiwtional «chords and st Oder Hill ihnt Mr Teroplcman from the dot* etatlne. Store «treat. flu prttvprovineeliter Ofof Hrlli.1-Hnuoj' ritolamhla •’oL jy£Je*^(g lS2?ImO* al)«“toTlTlfI — would never sniiprwt any party that hid a bean* at ke Oeritdodie wonldn’* amount to hill of I*riur hail atntiNl that Mr. ,rrmi«i'*,t«iu ! ^ Ticlia ta the n i*od« gmasrdiHMffff ALL BAIL T0™NELS0N, B. 0. far It» object the coercion of Manltohu Ottawa, and in answer to the question. coubl not «meant t<» h hill of Ire*n* rt Graham, on Uta Mhlt if PACIFIC COâSt 8.8. CO’Y (ferait Apidnn*.) •What would <*ol. Prior amount to?*’ OitnwA. Thu* may h#> (H I*rinr'* nr-m- April. IKS. and cam! Dr. Milne then referred to the tariff he niiswercfl that he would not make « The only fhrongh lino re Neêeam Ksria, ion. It wwa certainly not thr opinion <*f H. Vi WOOTTON. —' Dispatch a «earner Kootenay Lake and fffocaa Point*. question. He clearly pointed ont the duffer of him self by voting for anything the LlbtoraU In the vicinity of Ottawa, Deputy RrgbKrar General. difference betewen the poKrtes of the hi# leader or party did not dictate. Jn**t Every 5 days for San Francisco dlmf. hcor.4 Mr. rep» Office. Victoria. B C*. June THROUGH TRAINS SKHl-WERKLt. two parties. The CimeerVkllv.-s t«-»ev *b Got. Prior *elwer* vüfeïT W Carrylsg Her Majesty*» Malle P4'M>nt#Hl a fv>m»tfht',l>cy near tHtawar ttn- eil In prolerltog the claeeee at the ex­ nafty’a call ami never thought of think til g»-rrvm.xndir.*cd cut of the fcwgea. He FROM ocre* WBAEF at a r.M. pense of the masses, while the Liberals in* for htnmelf at *IW" (Hear, hear lettered that duties should to' levied for and laughter.) But Mr. Temple man wa* km w the optiUon* of the Likwil* therv. UHATIUA - • 4UAI21 T A.M. Lv...... BPOKANK . Ay. 610 P M the purposes of obtaining « revenue and Jiuil# of Fterner **tiff. He distinctly and they had the bighc#t .qdnion of Mf.t All Ladies TattinWroau* ability. When the Ubenie I not solely with the object of protecting #tnted that he w ould not vote «for Mr. Know that ta make « few manufacturer., of the rotinfry. will at- ar# 'returne»l in p« xuer aa they will be eg attract* FOR ALASKA. rsam-sgg^x* oik Juw Zl AUxad appiauiM ) the, wg t*r. Mtlne pointed ont how the preen, twwpt to coerce MaoMoha. wwrt'wX' cm BF Town A, . * July I and 18 »æ--~ — yHSWWàteÎÏS run- Ylrtoria wnntod In i4e metphers. prvvtuc#* a «wMnrt mlnl*fcr. m t ,hr* QUEEN, - - Jfily e ««r 21 iu tlaoud madauae.) ## «front rtçf» of the bgck that * t. AJXUgT A CO.. A,«su. favor of the rich. For Inetanvé. all *he Mr than pointed out that we Fie nwt-wiry to «ccnro the ' * Ï

. » • • A-»3I 1 ‘

•>f a Hewtvea nt-gov.Tm»r to bototor up Mr. tîasetiy—Tes. it has assisted the ■ . . !i,i others ■ 1 the («onitk-Mt, -h«var. hear. ih-1 laughter. - man it facturer*, which have given em­ stauncher ami truer Conservative* than but the Liberal* will give the proriiw** ployment to the people. such a* Mr. Cassidy and Hugh John n full-flvdgvtl cabinet rpprewntatm*, lias ' the population lll'-il P ti tx : ■ NOT “FI LL-FLEDGED.” and they will not ovrrbxik Mr. Temple gone to? ter than thylr country, and will follow man'* abtiity and the great norvimi tv- Mr. Cassidy—We are at a groat disad­ Sir Cherie* Tapper wherever he lea-la ha* n*ivl«-n-d the. paftj. |Lo«d »P vantage witk regard to imputation. them? (Loud epptcuisc.) “It I* understood that at an earl/ date the de­ planar.) «Loud laughter and voices—1 should say What «1M Clark Wallace do? And partment* Of customs und inland revenue will be Mr. Maei'mbell, runtlnuing. etatwi we orr.l lr. Mac-doom that the «lectors in tbi* tentent should. Mr. Cassidy—The nations! policy had tog nearer home. No stauncher One**-r- restored to their former atatns. This will give Mr. * however, look to the prieetpk-* th«* -an made Canada the moat prosper..u* coun­ ■ vér lived than Clark Wailavc-. .lohu F. Wood and Lieut.-<"ul. 1‘rior full igluiateriul try in the world. (Loud and dechiive didatt * advocated rather than to the 1 : ' ■ : nmk. They are ministers now in one nenee, t>ut « thcmwhfw. Ho won Id ato.d i'l - hit i". ■ pal politic*. He liad been cfffeied a »c‘>t discus*!»* the per—al charac ters of the Mr. Cassidy defended the pwilion of li the cabinet not at P5.0U0 but nt $».- not the ministers over their own department*. It rant at the head of affair*, hut he Hugh John. Macdonald. He had c hang­ : ' tvatt thought at one time during the reconstruction claimed th<* right to diwuwi their publie ed hi* mind tn-canse he had received ad like Hugh John pocket : 1 > - - ; n t..rm . - h:,! - . that Mr. Wood should become a minleter, and the act*. «Hear, hear.) Krery elector had an t take-the salary. l*oor though be Te tii. Bwtor. of tito Ehctoral Dutrkt would not change his mhtd. "Mine I* wa*. he un* lit of sterner elittt. He new man take the eontrolleraMp, hot the special the right to inquire into what are the the party that bought thi- gre-at North­ of Victoria: peo|>le that are governing the oonntry considered priagipies above office and aptitude Mr. Wood ha* shown for the administra­ west: mine is the party that brought c.-f ; ... , .. Mr. Mavtlvunvll expressed hi* sorrow prosperity to the people of the coun­ Gentlemen; We respectfully solifif tion of the customs department made it unwise to tliat there was no one present to repre Cauaenrative government in legislating try Un tighter*, and mine ie« the pertv •gainst Manitoba. (Loud «pin use.) four votes and support at the general effect a change at this juncture. When the pres­ sent their opponent*. He bad been ad­ that built up the Industries of this eoun dressing public meetings for a numb* r When «’large Wallace reeigued the .elec tion for the House of Commons, at ent plans are carried out, however, the customs and tty. fLaughter.) Mr. Cassidy before government looked arouttd for a ,min which we will i- -I'di.iiii, of years, but this whs the Brat time- that taking bla scat warm-d any Ctmserva- inland revenue' branches, which are both highly . w-<«o«d who had faleu *o tow . who was so m- nii tereat of the «Jt*|fo«itiou party. •“«. »HI l“- again fit il Hedged, departments,” -Tororto MnibRmpfref- ...... ami b«- then and there invited anyu i- ^ J| through Ctarke WalhkV» aetton. and "in w’WÊt^mniSFisrssBSf tere arc no Const-Native* «hen. for the wvKare „t tÿinwte und 1» ! v h-uv; ' it « ' pi.... nl 4 La lighter.) they found him in the i*rorinee of Brit pabtie platform to dho-us* public qww* Mr. Macdonue». oil rising to reply, isb Columbia. UoU preserve our fair hi eneere a rerlr.1 uf prosperity In this tior.*. (Applause.) If a man ha* a good ; *nld he was surprised that Mr. Casaidy, ill - . !t !.. owifitnenry sin! throughout the l*i- cause, he need not Is- afraid «I whom h<- did not know, ha* spokeu of aiqdan»».) The people of Victoria bad miuion; * rhsnge In the ferlerai adnun re turned himJ«y * narrow majority, but open discussion, and it ct-rtalnly show* e verything hnt the tine point» of the he i.tratlou ia aliaoluteiy neeeaaary. oHi wcaknest of the cause they ire tiomil potter. His irrelevant remark* when Uiey fia«i time to c isider they, expensing when the government carolt- reminded him very muc h of a fox. which would ae« that they bad sav ficed the We fully einlonu- the Oppoaltlnn plot- a held one day. ' form, adapted at the Ottawa convention . • ■ ; : ... on the same platform. «Applause.) Mr. found h cow hc-ll. Tfie fox turned it in June. 1SU3. _ As the eaudidates or ure good ui.n ami true the) will ’.'ij** Mnc-donnell. after voiemg his MHOS <1.i- un mii- able atnl it rattled, on the other that jwrty wo an- oppoaed to the rum approval o£ those who would WiffMt side and It rattled, and Itoeoming mysti­ out that xtnin.on June Zlrd. t.:id party whet her‘right**- wrong, and who fied rrmarked: “Ï don** know who you oil. ii.'ai imlioy whleh has now had * THE ETES IF THEM would n .t vote for men advocating just arc or what von arc. but you are a toiig- Mr. l'empli-mun canto forward amidst trial of eighteen years, and are of opin principle* »*ee«u*e these...... men...... were I not . I<»»gue<|. rattle-brained fellow anyway." great applause. After aeeh exwllvut Um that the -highest interests of t"au- strict partisans, went on to deseritK*:UcserU** «I»ed IsngbUr and aympathetie tries of speeches from previous iqipok rs lie S«a drn;:-nd a relnorai of trna oadllCIa would not detain them long. At all oT Are Fixed Upon South Ameri­ those who form- the «oslasmHI eecaaû^dwwwute.4*B«*e!t. voi it try. He rsveiwed the Watonr of Hto -fjffiNwT vneeffhifk -mtftorr»tTV»a^atr the nefarious plots by which the ‘-nest uf-j form anti Mr. Maadtinttêlî anowedhim a hearing, and be thmiglit they had* lion of a sound fiscal policy, whiefi, Uailors” had a ..-reeded in driving M.r, to sp^ik. He thought that Mr. Mac- greatly iM-ncftttkl the- loberai came. tion of a souicl fiscal policy, which, (Laughter.i But took at the unfairnt-ns can Nervine. ihat he not doing any injustice to any tcsil honest, and getting 8ir Chsurlea Ihip- *h'«uld not l*e treated so after endeavor or the Tapper )»arty. Mr. Potts, at ■ J--.' dan. will promote domestic and for- per in. Sir Maqkenxie Rowell Is now in ! ;,,K r° Ms view* before the electors cigii. trade and liaatai .t return uf pros- torn,loo. liul he b.. left »,t • Ito, '«»-1 " that Ltiieral *iH-akcr* woeM not--be ab - TowiWiigyiüg fhiT*«lim nf rrWft Mvx aiaedmihell astofivcT^fr ^ssid^ towed at Conservative meetings. lo our people, and to that end we Beyond Doubt the Greatest Medical Discovery the el«M tors of CaBadik llt«ir. hear.) | “** ’Ml not intend that hi* story should belieir that the tariff shouiil he reduced Of the premier, said Mr. Macdoonrll. be»awu where the na were similar to the sentiment, expressed We better# tn provlndal right», and by that apsgjgt .«a eoerehUL (Ap- will oppuee coercion in any form o- Sflffl KRBT OTHIB EM HIS FilLSB IT C1BB piaaae.t of (’mod*, ami aa ho «anted to he Mr wards the prorlnm of the Dominion In He then briefly reviewed the history He wunlil just touch for a moment he «ouM. rive both «Idee. The wuMt- reeneet to mnttera upon which they hare of the men in the cabinet. Hoe. Mr. in« man him to pay Sflpcr rent, nu the uiatn the enormous aum pah! anqually Anger* resigned because lie hadn’t faith rlothin* he wear* or the retail man. by British I'u!uui!>ia into the Dominion been entrusted with the powers to leg to Ma<*ee«ie Howell's «remises to carry who ia tile la* ouUecter tor'the D-tuin- treasury. The l'o| BUte. 1 n the matter of the Manitoba A Discovery. Baaed on Scientific Principles, that out remedial U-gislation. hut he was '"1 formatent, taxes him $7 for every onai to coatrurert this argument, hut if Uoestioa we are ,,f opinion that taken bs«* b> 81r,Chartcs. M lft SSI shU he buys: but on the other hand meat he very evideot to tin- 'hand ub- the offer of the Qieenway government Renders Eailurç impossible. Ta il ton. who had been premier of «Jm- the national potier allow, him t., iui- aerraet that British i'olumbia has not to so amend the school law that the "Ijtft. comes into.Jhe cabinet for tb«- ren imrt ra*a free. (Laughter! If a man been treated fmifabty lit the matter of ïon clearly shown by a spreeh wbie b t* j cannot pay the taxes on a suit of electh appropria tions. tHeer, beer. I Now clergy man or repeeeealatlre of any de­ n portes! hi the Montreal Oasette. the]| es. he ran get rag* free from taxation, at—nt the British Pacific railway. Col. nomination would hare the right to Im­ lea-ling Conservative org.-Ni of Montreal. | The law comnet* n man to yrtmr some Prior has at last admitted that the es part religious instruction In the public Mr. TaUton stated that hr had ««me to thins tlaeght»). so tin- national noHey tent of the n ill to the British Pacific schools, at stated times: waa a most Ottawa to »«-«- the* «be remedial hid • allow* the poor man to gH rags in fJei* railway sraa fSdfOO per mile for twenty, reasonable one, anti that it ought to bre mile#: Tfmt in The great sum that was again introduced without any a«-| of duty. The*»- rags are taken to the here been accepted by the minority sa «-ndmeuts. Thsit he would support ttokj w.it.He» milk and made into shoddy, is going to build the British Pacific hill without even reading it and caps are taxed 8) per rent., railway, (laughter.; 1» that the kind • compromise and by ell parties is a Bishop Langevin had said it was all but on the other hand if * man wants of aid Nte want for the British Pacific liberal and adequate eompUanre with right and the bishop eoold not be ml*- horse hair he ran get it in free: Coal railway T . the judgment of the privy council. We taken. (Laiighter.l Ami it wan for «il k taxed from W 1m V*> rs-r cent., A Voice—No. are «till In hope that, along these linen wnrh «wtkv a* this, sa hi Mr. Maedon-] but the tariff allows you to buy teachee He had it on the heat of authority and under the policy of conciliation ol SSS5£sS8*K hell, thpt th«‘ people ..f Canada are that wiH suck your Mood ..«it free of that the C. P. IL had not asked the Mr. Inanei—tu shora all Caaada is paying Mr. TaUleu flT^OO a year. Hon. duty. (Loud laughter.) move*, which IK,minion government for aid to the ""iwlWe Mr. Desjardins is another sweet bid | •‘verv mu. nods, are taxed an per cent. Crow's Nest Pass railway. The govern- now looking for a final settlement of thin fr« m Quetow. «Hear, hear and langb- but I# a man wants to quit this life h. lueut claimed that the Liberals otmtru.- distorting qaeation—the strife and In | paw - ■ araenle few at duty, ted tbie Bhl, ami isms-quently .11.1 a tolerance* which are provoked by denom SOUTH while mayor of Idwehot to ottnoUy w. l- 'tfdchter.i The national |»!ky «U1 great injury to British Columbia. This inational differences and rejigimis ran-1 •nine an Italian niaueif war heeaaae it rod then Jet yon real ip jour grave on was not so—it was mere election clstv dlouiiiuur tie* the r-. riwnled the TtaTtao gevernment. lie til -yen hare paid a tat he xour i.oln. W*. fAwfaaae.; >w tuaelui*»» hkt re­ arena of Canadian latliti.», at least tit 1» » si., eahmet eUnlsU-r for the »mh Mr, CnaaMr Na» «.H the marks, which were neressaidly brief, be- pie of Canada to pay S7.UI* » year, i la-ople were preapwoea, ami while Mr. eauae of the lateness of tile hour. Mr so far as the publie school eystem tii Mr. Muedotiiieli. turning to Ontario. * aasuiy waa apeakin* Mr. MaedunnrH Templeatau poiatt-d out how Injudieb.us our coantry Is concerned. JNERVI T«,luted ont the! the Conservative» it thought he waa proepermia. bat be ask­ it would be to split the vote on the 2tpJ We will support a progressive railway ed th. people to put their hands In their Of the present month—a straight ruée teinpte-l t.> get Chief dustier Meee.Hth policy, and If elected will strongly urge and Mr. Osier, who were men of wwet. poeketa to find ont If theft were pros- should be rust for De. Milne and him­ men of n «lUH tibmty. -BuT-lhee.. men re­ perbns, Mr. Casaidy may fa- pm*i« r- self. (Isold appianae.i If he should go the Importance of assisting a trank line fused to go Bio the neat of trgitora. to tola for U waa mid. and not dia,atra*. to Ottawa, to- would, lie hoped, amount to open op the great coantry In the associate theniaelvea with hoodler*. and j Ingly, that lawyers fatten in hard to a something more than-us Col. northern part of British Columbia, by the Coeaervatirea were compelled to Hrnea. Well might Mr Charlra Topper, Prior Uu'ld he would be-"a hill of which a transcontinental line would tra­ who had |>reyed a ad grown rleh on la-ana.” t Laughter ami applause.) But take in a third--law. lawyer. COL Tis­ verse a rich and yet uninhabited region. dale. as their minister vf .mllltts. >)ur- money Slcbeil from the people of this tn the name of common scuse. what log the last aeweioo of tin- lainae. no one r“tlltlf>. **y thaf ffie eonnfry was proa- ■pm Murs'Prlot HH Carl, amount,d in" amhis optmailion■ -■ wmm to perons. hot the people thgeselree knew to? whereby the prorlnce of British the remedial bill than Mr. Joseph Mar­ whi-tiu-r they were proslH-rot» or m>t. A Yofctr—Voting machines.. (Laugh­ initia has bees forced for yeses to ter, j tin, whom they had heard la this hvU. and wunld roteaeeordingiy. Mr. Mac- contribute to the Dominion treasury In dennefl also took Mr fasiddy to tawk Yes. voting mtarhlnes. Their retord Is 1- rStV"* lia.ml applaaae.l None waa more treu , «.louts, excise, fishery end ether dues, .‘■'oViad cheat la hie denunciation uf, the Topper tor charging the Liberals with ehanglng not « proud one. as till- sm-aker j.dntcl and to eastern monopolists, over two their polH-y when in I SOI the CoaaiTte i Hgne. ami be nt once la-tame a shin­ out. There Is not ■ prominent man"'in tuilliou doliara a year in exceae of the Ta M. reciter tsf rood heoVb tempor- bio with medical treatment out. i the Uheral party ■ieltf r‘* eavraa while pora.bly ru’coaa- ally, and with neatly all medicine», hp ing mark for g.o.-rnm, •um returned to us for ill purposes. ful for the mettent, com never be leat- Mr. Daly waa shipped to Knnn»' at the, are s.lroeatlng preferential traite tHepr- that they aim ittepty to tr-at th, organ , t hear.l , Wc helierc that it Is polsible to sd ■ :.a. Those to poor health soon know elnense of the i-Miutry be<»use he was i not iu any case ever rote t„ whitewash Htatmsy.bediseased. South America» Mr. Caaooty. rontlnilcl Mr. Mar,ion a handler If ever one should have to b - minister public affairs absolutely free Whether the rimedy . they «re using lferrlne paean by the erpans, wnd im- friend, of Maekenaie Howell and the i ly a passing Incident In their ex- medlstely applies Its curative power» dealt with. tAppiauoe.i If t|t<- chvtors from the scandals that have been a perlen.y. tracing them ep for the day. th.night It wcaild be In the interest of to the neper centres, from which ns Into W mis was tke -««, HI D«T«-r ateted that tbe tout market char,,,-‘.eristic of the rule of the or retr--thing that la getting at the organs of the body receive their supply Who had an aUennottaly op- the coantry. tint . province am* t hern - rmt eh rite dlsea.e add Is eurely and ■sld. The net ve centre» stives ho .Out them a. Lite noils, on preoeqt and tile adminiat rations, and p, rc.ur.ratly ret toeing.______' sUh jHatiBoi». Ity the Qrgam ■for rhv rake gf aoBtiB& Tiiesitnyv titiff _sjid rtij np g swooping will «apport no man dr set of men tbit «wirtiB outward «rtcence rtf- fc~|HHiitoU 4» ti* otoetimtonf* ur cwmttir TouTIke groend ffcat the Ikmrtn-.tonjority—for l»r, Mliuc, and himmdf. will shield; criminal», whitewash baod- are 5? view in* U .. a won' 5KÎ . to*. §«mmM ■ Tnl^lVi vltiiv ww strimgi-r than hi* nqnml tor lers. or condone corruption in high der. but critic.| and aaptrlenced me* ! biood, liver remptalnt all owe the» iituba. tH«*ar. bear) act. Lonl Watsou* opinion was qnot- The t-halnrntn in a brief si-cech allml I:*” fo? ,origin to s dSaagaoient of «b» serve Tlk» Tupitors wvf* auxstus to *H Huxti •sl to prove this. Ho .lotit*.! Mr. ttos evi tn the excellence of the epeerhea that v, n s. vritb the one reeult-they bave centres Thousands bear tcsllmoey had been henni. Hr thorght that If any We teUere-ln Canada usd have tilth Isks btmwm be had tlx» oW uwu a si.ly or anyone vlw t<» bring u|i any h-sr.rl in her future. Her progress hits been found that Its ctsim of perfect eurm- that they have beet, cured of dsw **•» (IlvnewDtl laughtor.) Th* lu,» frWonw tn show that ttw* minori*r hn-1 had come to scoff they had remained to d by a ruinous tariff and by maj- tive qualities csnnM t* gainsaid. troubles, even when they have become pray, c I .a tighter ,,„i apt,la,nr.) . às ô r,7rô^ cî"th.'!c^L,t^’ ISSU ra to baffle ,h, skill oft l*re <-.»mis*lW biro to swallow htmsDir, ■ «Ttovanco. He «amrot do it. «Hear, itdmjnialralion. In erery department of hoar.) Ther beat» v The me,-line «dosed with a vote of u anp tressed rf th» knowledge that the the most eminent phyolclan». beesuee row and all. and Hugh John. <*Ce tro* the oublie service. High taxation has a**-1 of a-1 dleesse la the nerve centres, Mouth American N-rvlo. h%» t— bill of rigffts wbit h diwi|»p«amt and thanks to the chairman mid cheers for lawn crushing the energies of her peo­ ebswptoe of ib« rights of Ma.mtoW, the Queen, I .aureter and Tcmplcmsn and Situated at the bane of the brain. in headquarters end cured there, wa* now merrir a tool uf Wr (Tbirl*< whirii has lieen |iron“, principle m-stmal qualll,,». but they know be- T.____Mr. Maedonnt‘11 tra-ie] *?• k"?*» «hut yond all question that It docs rvery- «ffaestioir. The. Couawwativ»* altemi»t1 tile f'onservatlre mt-errmvnt hail tiom- tent simply incalculable, her progress, M dlsenfe or Injury affect this part of thing thst :• claimed for It It ,,a„d» e«l to mislead tho eleetors b> twisting] to please the blsbop» of Ijneh-e. No but It has not -only because it had not Ihc human ejatem and death It almost alone a» the one great certain curia» the nttMtnns <»f Mr. isanrier, I Britisher wimUl stileni- te Wing i-'H-r.-i-t. time In eighteen year. Irretrievably certain. Injur, the spinel cord, which remedy of the nineteenth century. Why ami the ronw-rvatlre gi.Ti-rameht trtti ruined both the people and the coantry. la th# medium of these nerve mb- j should anyone auger distress stiff atek- finit this out on Jnite Zt. ily.mt With an electorate iuttuvneed by prin­ ««”•■ and paralysie la aura ta follow. | nem while tMs remedy ts practically worn» tia*e by a titlff and ttoe youngest Here Is U. «rat Principle. The trou- st their bund» person would be quite gray before «bel ptaiise.T Mr. tlrtu-nttay's ■ Iter .«as a ciple and right, there is «till great hope ! T ,catty country would 1h« in â paaétkm to ad«qn fair one. an offer that rommeuik-à ireet, fur our country, and especially tor this For Sale by Dean & Hiscocks and HaU & Co. a fire-trader iwtiey. He r.-fern-xl u, :h** [to the maj.trilk of the i«-,,|,le. „i, nrorinca with ita. Immense nstnrsi thsf iwolwl.lr Messrs. PiriM- tutfi Ks.-le _-’ftltoii m*m ,*mjk&r* «ay Wealth a mi magnificent opportunities one an were Willie# to «vwlpt. hnt the govern foe expansion. Notice of Assignment. fûïai not tiie bettellT* the vpost*il to those present on everyone hat s fool ,„nld change His your Chemist. mind. Mr. Micdonnelt einptintlenliy Uyy alao correct \ letoria to demand that the old order redpecUre fHfsonal grounds, hut on isditk-al of things «hall he reversed and that a ground*. He asked the pe-oplf at the stnt.vl that Hugh Jolin had «II the fa<-ts My. the creditor, oI the is- now has when, he need those nol.l, new sad a better system of government "tCald.dHTbe ssld dred TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE outset to disabuse their mirols of any shall be inaugurated in ita «lead. e mid Thome. Butman notion that the r eon. fool bat n knave. (Load applause.! "— "~ T ~ . *T" a-ajirem '"UW otto fin Mr. t'asidy. exrltcdl, Ik, y.„i dare —Mr. James I'erdnc. an old soldier re ■Bid OUtiglKHr forward or deliver | - fhe homo* of rominon* Indeed to aay siding at Monroe. Mibb., waa severely 35655 Wm lm* duly reriSed.addrJ PUBLICLY TESTED _ that the question would not lie dealt aay Hugh John is a knave? Mr. Mardunnell—XV'hen you trump oh afflicted with rheumatism, but receiret and proved to be super­ fairly with them. (Laughter.) Mr. proigpt relief from pain by using Cham­ Indebted to thrtaw then referred-'to ••■the trade pob thus.- geelleewfi-a rim* , they hvwi. When yon .ton, h them on a s,,rv „i«.t berlain's Fain Bnlm He says: -At ior to any other body In love with the policyanf protee- they squeal, I say if that cap fits ne times my bark -would ache so hadlv that And pottco ts berebyatvee tint after i ild Mb dsy of July, IM. the Ini.tees sod .. tfen of wiiMi the Cooièrvalires were can wear it. I Loud apphtnae.l Doc. ACHE I could hardly raise up. if I had not h the hone of ao men s fir™ Ihti hen- te whim gnees wlll proorist to dlsirtbute tbe sseeu Bold by All Chemists »od dtreefi the avowed edyoeat**._ The f\*ns«*rvu Mr. jUasaidy. like Hugh John, try t ) gotten relief I would not he hei «mongst the partie eotiUed thereto, bating mtwSneSyb' yur l*Ur ™" * ■write these few tine». Chamberlain « tire policy wap only inrhlenta! pn>tee- drag the greet r,ii,«erratiTe pert) regard oely to tbe claims at which tbe mil from Langley & Henderson Bros. Vcaraa-q Lrm.s Liera Pius ate very small I’aht Balm has dose me a great deni of trustees sad assignees NtgU thee have had Itoa. They did n«»t raise more money through the mire loan ntieiniit to follow nj«o«tft»i*.. One or two Nib make notice, and I hot tbe said trustees sad s-slgaeee than wa* neeeaaary to carry on the Tapper? The elector» of Victoria eltonhl adoae. Ther am striettv cegetableaim nrirai tor —8 istatbutlea have bed eetiee. tariff assisted the Industrie* of the taaàk in such an outrageons course. iLorit* aim misa* es, tn Tet Dated this «tit day 515k use. Jaiat** Bay try.’ applause.) Are Dalton Mcl’arthv. WHO traflkr. Volet*»-- It doeu't do it. might now be leader of the party, Mr. —Bovs, get y»er lacrosse and tunning B A- W1LM0T, UH MU Uhtt •hore from Gilmore A McCandleaa. • Kay 18th 1W& City Bagla*

...... :--- -..... v iL'roitiA^Aiu » ——in' 1 ____ . •TTfi « » « » 6 c a ramra rrTmrvj | Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U.S. Gov't Report Communications- : ..ttniiiiiiiiiiiiiiml

“ PROTBtmOMSTB." To the Editor: ‘-Herutator," whose identity evCrybwiy knows,writes a lot of Look at This tyaügffi stuff lie calls argument on the trade question in the Colonist this morning, ABSOLUTELY PUBE to the course of which he talks about the protection afforded to tailors, dress MV8T THE WEDDING RI.NtMJO. makers and all such operatives. Fine Sterling Silver Blouse Sets, 75c. a Set. I Now 1 ten give “Scrutator" » lint of THE-SPR1NC ASSIZES Pearson's Weekly: For two thews local Conservatives, persona who wax and yearn, ever since the Romans plight­ eloquent about the beneBta of the Na­ tional Policy and the necessity of pro­ Fine Sterling Silver Cntf Links, 50c. a Fair. | ed their troth with a tiny Iron band, tecting home industry and labor, who Oerrow* Creech Murder Case Ooro- the magic circle has kept its hold tiptn have their CLOTHES, every atltch of ■aenued Thla Morning Jury the world, but will that hold be e« brio them, MADE IN CHINATOWN. Far­ Sterling Silver Thimbles, 25c. Each.. la Be looted. to the future? It must be remembered ther. I can give him the name of the ty.j,.Jfu-r Q". .the fine * nothing mon- Chine* arm that at present does the 'bwsiaos with these- white ring Is not neeeurary to circles. These people even get their Brand dory Preparing a Vrecent- legal contract of marriage. boots to Chinatown, on the opposite aide went on Alleaed Nuisances Nor are signs wanting that Its star is already on the wane The engugement of the street to the tailor shop, tt oui,I Davidson Bros Near the City. "Scrutator" like to see the names? 4 ring may be regarded ns doomed, stnt- Prim.-ss May svbstititted an ergs»-.- , CL’MTL’X. 59 mvi.t Ursvolct for .the conventions! ling Jewellers, Government Street. of betrothal. She has not, imlee.!, de­ A LÀÏ S PROTEST. The aaalzea Were continued Weday. HI» clined the “mystic symbol of the union To the Editor: i was very pleased to Lordship the chief Justice is the presid of Itearts" presente.1 by the Welch pro see in your last Friday evening's Issue TTTyTTVfVf I«VHVttffvf Iff HVtlfMVirfTTTTtfTtTrrVTTfitftlf Mf iif Iff iff iltPfHtMf Mf ttf Mf iiyMf HtHIMfMf MfTft ins judge, as Mr. Justice Urate > pie lo the Duke of York.-but the refusal a communication signed “Excelsior," slightly todlspwed. The Queen vs. of the engagement ring might quite Nlr- the writer of which I assume to in* a John K. (Isrrow. M l) and Harry ly by regarded as the ti tot step to the person of good logic and common sense. Oreech. charged with-the murder of path toward the abolition of its more It in enough to ronse navone'n right.-.«is THE VICTORIA STOCK EXCHANGE. Mary Ellen Jane» on the lUh ofDe in,portant rmcesaor. indignation when Vlctorln'e retire sen ta- ember lost was commenced before a There is yet another argument against tlve, Col. Prior,. ran, when niMrerelng • H A B* Lier. fairly well BUe.1 court room. Mr. A. his constituent» in a public meeting, a* «I. Smith. DJMJ., aselsted by Mr. H. the wedding, ring. The ring was adopt; {mm tttid îtiimorW. in ta» &a%fi «▼*' «rown; Mr. 8. Perry _ . __ *. very poor opinio» of the intelligence Name of Stock. and Mr. Prank Higgins tot Ur. tinr- wl en mt-snagis were sent by word .»f m. uth. Il wâ* tBc eastom, in order to and morality of the i*oplv he rvpre* wets. One is tempted to oak, Mr. Edi­ r°Ar Mr. Hlggina challenged seventeen pNtV the anthentlvlty of the bivutr, to R.C. drt. tm. now «* : : I i rt ' -'I ‘ tor. W thi«.In the reaeo» why women Juror, and Mr. Mills Htteen, tt berame trr awtpifWMidy absent from Conaer- nécrosa re for the sheriff to call up vative |H>litkHi meetings. .Women, si MA t»1. indiscriminately out of, those Thus, wlttn a man took< nnto himself o-mfr; wlaw ht pkred at lit» head of - © Pleases a Grocer ___ et in court. After noon mss ttlr vital interest in all things pertaining to following jurors were selected ; A. Ws houachoM. that delegated rfhthnrtiy Wtl« made visiWt to the world by coo- the commonw < McL Baiinerman (forem.,,1. Thus, in the tiny» Jttc, woman dtoarke, 3 A Parker, 3. t. Virtue. J. the only- dlntmvtkm being that the wo- that her duty i« t«> stay at More than to have a customer ™*~ m. Painter, ti. B. Harrbnm. Thos. Car ing stocking*. To tree loving woman non. a 1. Glaçon*, A M. (Iregg. Cha* her ring on, the left hand. ft* tell him how well that last pound ! clng the Inferior hind of the two. while the interest» of theft young are the firet Maynard, J. Cathcsrt and Mm. Me the man., an- lord and mentor, carried consideration, and we have a |*erfect Gold tt/tfe. Mp. fC- of Tea suited. That’s what the ^M^Smlth opened to the Jury, telling right to demand »f our npreeeutative» hi* upon the riiht '«• superior band. St kilmo Oold M. Cocap In a day. therefore, when Xb- woman as far aa in them lies that they should customers who buy Earn Lai’s Pure them that theirs was a serious and ran- rdnmve uud not foeter facili- JkJfO - iUhlfi ifa, HTT. 1 • 'JLRTU. TTm*.t t-ttl W 1.1f"W M illlfl tW ùLkim» the authority of her uwtt riajit and aeomfwBy répudiatne the ide*,v»f be- flSi for evIL ATT honor to The Women*» Indian Tea tell ua. It is put up . to refetence to abortion and murder Council fur the noble w»»rk they are do­ -end alau in reference to aiding .or abet; ■ - ing in the v»u*e of purity and "fight‘ in sealed packages oi one ting to the eommlaaloB of offeneee or r to refuae the symbol. If. The LMdne qootattons of B. C. Mo» indeed. there should he a conferring of there is, uuliappily, room for all their tare». July. 1907 ale. 128. 138; B. 0. di ben ? ter try a pound. who coonset» or procure» offences. The effort». Why do not the clergy rise in crown's witness... would he celled to ring» at all It would be mare in keeping turwr. July, 1917. 118. 121 and B. a with tlv their might and denounce such language prose that a sound ha# been used on and tactics aa thone used at that publie Mbe Janes by Ur. (Innow and that age is art In favor of hi- being the «telegated authority. 1 Surely they are not Creech had been the imdlgntor ami with A certain book tolls ua that righteoue- what intent would be the queutionfor It b not generally known that to »U Erskine, Wall & Co. lh**re are about twenty-four different ie exalteth a nation. Aa for Mr. the jury to decide Dr. hr»»*- Hall Hpfthil is well known he 1» only a FLIES wan the Bret witness. On Sunday. 7th waken of Huge and three qnnhtiee of Cor. Fort aod Government Streets. goid. The «heap quality la la favor nonentity, therefore imi further notke December tost. Creech came te him and ncetl be Uken of him. Can you inform Prom 60e. to 89 a doaea. naked him to go sud we Min. Janes, with the Scotch and Iriah. while in the *CU»s«'*ôl north « f England heavy ring* 91? in dr Mr. Editor, who brought E. King saying that she was having a miscarri­ Dodds here and why he disappeared so 3 M immmmmttmixm age, or words to that effsrt, and also maud. Of the two style» of ring-tlie round and the broad tort—the popular suddenly and quietly? Waa It because HltJltT SMOB* » Hffll. that she had been treated by Dr, «ar­ some «f the Cooecrvative party remem­ row. who had operated on her. Mr. bered that he was the same man who a Hlggina asked that the jurybe told that nwt showy. The went* of the- Veiled For the Kingdom In this respect are supplied, few years ago went through Ontario as­ any conversation between Dr. Hall and sailing the cause of temperance and mor- „tVtR SOLD IN BULK. for the meat part, hr Uinninghatu. Creech was not evidence against Us ality which the late Mr». Yeoman* (one Whitest, client. Dr. «arrow His Lordship said where the trade la ae brlaà that it la no of the finest lady orators on that ques­ Dominion Election be would give a general dlreetiou aa to «.common thin* for one establishment to tiro out batches of from aixty ’« tion which ever listened to) that.. Dr. Hail. .-entmwUg, aald hr told was then advocating? But the eastern Lightest ni Creech to go and get Dr. «arrow, a» he ac-.-nt V dozen a week, and, » wouldn't ro. The nevt mero*-- "fern* to throw a Kttk* light >m fko 4n- Sweetest Cdus. (Hundayl Creech came again, ogam at pect of spy decay in their thriving trade. ter»»»t which most saloon keci>er» are wave noon, and again V T in the evening, 7^' mm OF FlMMÎttFXK. taking In politics Bt prewnt. Bpeecbea Use when he prevailed upon him to go, s»r and sentiments such as Col. Prior ex- All Ward Committees tog he ws* the family doctor and wonid presaed can not fall to influenw the have to go. He went and found Miss In nothing I» Jepar.w vrogrew mon‘ youth of the city. Ocean Janes to bed; her temperature was 106;I evident than in the change that hae la it by comluct like this, Mr. Editor, he made a vaginal van mina turn and re­ taken fdaee hi the old marriage euatAma. Central Committee Rooms. Formerly ■ fwtlier'* gift to bin daughter that Ontario's prei 1er. Hon. Oliver Wave moved something protruding: he thought Mowat. has kept his position for marly it wan a mines rriage: he told them to a* nhe left hi* bouwe a bri«le waa abort nword whirii «he was told to i a quarter of a century? Certainly and nonet to him the Belt day, bet he heard emphatically no. Canada's Grand Old Baking on heréelf ahcMild nhe fail to pieaae her nothing until Tuesday morning at I d- - Ewing, 19th Inst, ai I o'clock. clock, Wketo Creech came and said Miss hityhapt On the wtddtog day ahi tm ■■ the people by living a life of honesty, Bowder. ered her fhee with a thick rice paint, ^- 37 Fort Street aneee husband «mid divorce .hie wife at the men who will not tolerate this state were consistent with there being no of affairs. I>et us have good men and Kootenay will. In 1808 a law won enacted bring­ true and them» things will soon „ be I» raaa to Whit* the operation» o' ing regulation» in Japan very near to Contains the new those of fhe wratem nations.—Min: spoil» Tribune. AFFIjYLNO IfEtt METHOD. I . sound might he enlleil the vul­ —The apportion central committee science throughout the world. gar Instrument or way it bringing Thre prufrawr I» vrr, mm.-tittoos a boni Kootenay cures all kinds of aient an abortion. rooms are now located In the Balmoral Block. Douglas street. «ha use of hmgttagr. His y.mngret and is a positive 1 Mr. Higgins then etstiwcxmomed 'he danghtrr has learnt-,! to ride a who»,I, ocooooocooooo witness, who said he oinM not tell-wliat _ ™ Rheumatism. Miss Jane» war «11 tiering from, and he ROYAL Baking Powdcf and the fart h> eery apapreut In h«-r iron- versaHoq. Now and thru he moved are, . mdM Mt nwenr lhat an akvrtton waa ■ ' easily In his ehafr. toil be made no com­ ever pv’rforme.1 on Miss Janes. He ,.tl- ment. After a time, he so snld that an abortion is sqmetlm wj honors at every world’s loir "Lerla, woeld you mind closing thiv. Fine the result of tight hw-ing, overwork ■ where exhibited. g«liu? »* «*1 as an Mm.7. . • a pnsflcponWntr Vo abort Inti-. Dhetog vwWhs r«*d» h, t hey find then turni-d with rross ex.tnlit,;.flotl techttieg! terms were a btiszled look and inquired: paaragtoto mediraf^exftook < presto, .-d “As roM'W Irkêtï" ..... “As cold ae sn Ike." by Mr. Hlggina. who seemid to have a “I don't understand you." bteed.fVwm aplmple te the dhrar.v of medical Jurisprudence St h'.a AYER’S That la very strange. It secs,. seeord with yottr theory of verbal ex- we ohallengt Police C< art Clerk Page was en'U.I ,0 linselon. If à blry.l» cun lie insistent, Cigars. prove Dr. I Sing'» dcponttlon» taken »l Ecaem* thet Kootenay Hair ly he railed a -bike.' will net cure. the (sdk-e court, as Dr. I stag Is unable objection to my alluding to au Icicle an Ikst" -----...... —------The grand Jury asked lbs lordship VIGOR what course they -hmvM pursue, ti they itfltiu natural -We supply sharing out*ta that Medicine Creighton’s wanted to report on a entonnee in the guarantee, (let one; et Fox's. 78 ( ' to the hair, Gov. Oa., «abut*. an. nhnia- of a piggery owned by one of the also prevents •t street,___ We would have you sample our latest Jnrvtwm.B» hvrdahip said importât**» of Mirnmas lfltd ITavsUas .Ne. m i Sh.inid be a judge otr Ms own rase, and The* unbaeoy persons wao suffer trom If you thoroughly enjoy a good cigar. " tq» them to ask the juror to retire. Dtgby, *. », sags: We have many different brands. , A little more Ceh»* îlewe. 4mwue ”e Izondon. June 17.-At the -olrmifl! of- fiif- thi* evening It w«* »t»t«*l that began HAVANAS. nothing can Iw aald at i>r«wnt r.-gnid- to turn ■ \ MANÜBL OABCLk. Notice to Water Consomeps. «L ECUADOR. Poodle Dog Hotel territory tn dispute with British Onlana. out. Af­ HENRY CLAY. end that the British •urreylug party had ter the MAZZANTINE. RESTAURANT. been orderwl to atop work and had ap­ uae 1 • - DAIZ Y. OARC1A. pealed t«> the roluntal authqritle» fut* one bottle of Ayer'» Hair Vigor toy of wntcr from the Victoria Waterworks LARRANAOA. shall usv ftuclt water fur irrigating, t. hair waa restorwl to its original LINCHKON from 11 JO a m i" report**! ht color anil ceased falling out. An <*rpt l»ctwr«*n thé hours of 5 p.m. and until ft ft.m. If water is nmi for watering MANILLAS. that 3») ToB troops were killed at • .. idicattOB baa ti­ 8 p m. 2« CENTS. with Cretan insurgent» the hair In good condition."—lire. lawns or gardon* at other than the U. F. Fbswtck, Dtgby, 5.8. time above mentioned, the water will LONDRES. 1MX5EK from 8 p.m., until 8 p. "I have need Aver’* Hair Vigor be turned off and there shall be elrnrg- VRQÜEKOB. m. no CENTS. , tu 1I l"*ei wtrilrtireitg i lgt If L ib - It?f a DDttl'Nr.T- —I lu... Treirwra4.,a TBIT*L . Nn.ll-.. , CONCHAS of fifty cents for ca<-h infraetlon. SKNORITAR. MeSW.LrN - fn th«* «**»'■ m June Vh • hair, which was fust becoming era* wifv of Rowell R McMillan, vf -. dauq,hW. back to Its natural r -lor."—H. W. J. L. HAYMUBe CORTADOR. Mart Men ef a* Ugto at Fegehr Mem. Haskluoff. Paterson, N. J. W- f-r < COQCBTAS. Cky Hall. Slot May. lHftH. my'Jg Ouv Family ntalag Room Is the host to the city. Laaohecm of ah Wads pot up yirjaasa:AïEB.'S rfAIR VIGOR Notice?. tor tourist» and «portomea. at the sboru* Abode sod as late Asron Work mss. , „ ,, Ailed, sod racrxMD bt Tbs foasml win t-ke pi c» on Heionln. Bastion si rust, between -Government a E. A. Morris, from the absvs r wldsace. St le» »,m„ sal DtU-C AYSH & CO.. ICWELlsMASS., U ,S. *. Langley. Is closed to traffic OPEN DAT AND NIQHT. al U a-m , from Christ Chare* re»th