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Fair Play.Pdf r« , FAIR PLAY FOR THE Province of Quebec By JOHN BOYD Author of " The Life and Times of Sir George Etienne Cartier" Montreal, 1917 JUSTICE FOR QUEBEC. NOTHING MORE. NOTHING LESS. SIR LOMER GOUIN'S STATESMANLIKE DECLARATION. " They (alk of isolating the Province of Quebec liul Quebec is no further from Toronto than Toronto is from Quebec. They speak to us as they do to children, whom they wish to frighten, liy threatening us with the dark room. But first and foremost, let it lie well understood we are not under the tutelage of iinyliody and in this Cana- dian land we are not the children but the seniors. \Ve are here by the right of discovery, bequeathed to us by our forefathers, by the privilege of the time-honored title of pioneers, by the right of courage, worth and constan- cy, by the will of the most puissant of all powers, — the decree of Providence and we are here to stay. This Can- adian land was hrst the land of our ancestors, it is our native land and we intend to live in it as the equals and tile companions of our fellow-citi/.eiis of other origins, the friendly and loyal neighbors of those who surround us. We intend to live in it and we intend to die in it as our forefathers before us and we shall do so." " I do not use these words as a threat. 1 threaten no- body. I simply wish to say to the other Provinces that, we have no animosity against anyone. .Ml we ask is justice, nothing more, nothing less." — .S'l'r I,outer (I'OIIIH, A'.('..I///., l*riinc Minister of Qttelicr. Speech ill tin- ril;/ of (fucbt-i-, \oi-mibcr 10th, l'.)17. FAIR PLAY FOR QUEBEC. I'v JoiIX BOYD. A few observations on existing pol.tical con- ditions by an Knglish speaking Canadian, who is more concerned with the future status and welfare of the Dominion, than with the success of any particular set of politic'ans may be iipn^os at the present time. It is an undoubted, though regrettable, fact that the national ideals, so fervently cherished 1>\e founders of the Dominion, are in a fair wav of being completely discarded and their great work injured, if not completely destroyed. \Yhal are the causes of the lamentable and menacing conditions that now confront the Do- minion? The two main causes in my estimation are : I. The Imperialistic movement, which has made such headway within recent years. II. The racial discord and sectional division which have been created in Canada to serve base political ends and which have been countenanced 6 PROVING! ;uul supported by the forces ol special privilege ultra-Imperialists desp and political autocracy, which are now endeav- sistent opposition of oring to secure a strangle hold on the country. other Canadian repre; gradually, skillfully an I.— THE IMPERIALISTIC MOVEMENT. ing all that and as a For years the ultra Imperialists, both abroad practically reverted o and at home, with the most powerful support, the. position of a Cn have been carrying on an insiduous campaign to historic phrase emplo; undermine the national ideals cherished and for- in happier days a " r mulated by the Fathers of Confederation. Their which the present Pre efforts and achievements 1 have fully dealt with reason would never 1 in a work " The Menace of Imperialism," which All those who k"< I have just completed as a supplement to the history know perfect " History of the Life and Times of Sir George that now prevail we Ktiennc Cartier." Here I may be permitted to plated by John A. emphasize the main points. Ktienne Cartier nor i To any one versed in Canadian history it is Fathers of Confeder clear that the efforts of Canadian statesmen, un- Flushed with their til within comparatively recent times, were de- ialists are now prepai voted, as far as regards military organization ment of their design and operations, to the maintenance of as large the creation of a gre a measure of autonomy for Canada as had been nization, a military, secured, after much effort and struggle, in the dation or federation purely political sphere, and that the Imperial pi re. under the govei authorities for many years were in complete tive body siting in I accord with such a policy. But of late years the This ambitious sc k. I'liOVlNCK OV QrETtKC 7 privilege ultra-Imperialists despite the- earliest and per- :irc now endeav- sistent opposition of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and >" the country. other Canadian representatives have succeeded MOVEMENT. gradually, skillfully and diplomatically, in chang- ing all that and as a consequence Canada has sts, both abroad practically reverted or is rapidly reverting to •\verful suj)port, the position of a Crown colony or to use the MS camj>aign to historic phrase employed by Sir Robert Borden ?rished and for- in happier days a " mere, adjunct ", a position, :deration. Their which the present Premier himself declared with fully dealt with reason would never be tolerated by Canadians. irialism," which All those who know anything of Canadian 'Plement to the history know perfectly well that the conditions of Sir George that now prevail were never the ones contem- >f permitted to plated by John A. Macdonald and George Ktienne Cartier nor in fact by any of the other m history it is Fathers of Confederation. statesmen, mi- Flushed with their triumphs the ultra-Imper- mes, were de- ialists are now preparing for the full accomplish- >' organization ment of their design, which is nothing short of «' of as large the creation of a great centralized political orga- ii as had been nization, a military, naval and political consoli- :r»&S:lc', in the dation or federation of all portions of the Em- fie Imperial pire under the governance of a supreme legisla- • in comj)lete tive body siting in London. 'ate years the This ambitious scheme has been outlined by 8 TATT7 PLAY FO17 TITF. the autlnir (if "The Problem of the Common- IMPERIALISTS 1 wealth " which represents the views and designs of the famous Round Table association which As has been pointed! has branches all over the Empire and the lead- Canadian, (John S. i ing lights of which are Sir Joseph Flavelle. Sir patriotism cannoi be call John Willison. Sir Clifford Sifton. X. V. Lash. Imperialists are taking Sir Robert Falconer of Toronto University and >ities and engagements Sir William Peterson of McCiill. aided and abat- uf the war they may car ted on the other side by such men as Lord Xorth- ference or convention, cliffe. Lord Milner and Sir Max Aitken (Lord ho'd for the readjustiiK Beaverbrooke). Much to the astonishment and a partially accomplish^ dismay of many Canadians who, like myself. currence in the necessit had faith in the staunchness of his Canad anisni. stances for unilv the li Sir Robert Borden gave his countenance and observes, have not hesit; support to this scheme in an address which he r-kilifuliy planned attac! delivered in London during the sessions of what nf --elf government, an became known as the Iniper'al War Cabinet. have known would ar Well might the Canadian Premier describe, nad.a. The result is th as he did, the constitutional changes that had upon us a struggle for been made without the sanction or approval of land and Canada's voi> the people as " revolutionary ". Not only arc tlu- readjusting confer they revolutionay, they are anti-Canadian, anti- liojK-d. for the sake of national and unpatriotic, using that much abu- thai that voice will be sed word in its proper sense to designate the real >i mud. interests of our own countrv. The time is coming, alreadv arrived when tl PROVINCE OF QUEBEC >t the Cominnn- IMPERIALISTS AND THE WAR. ie\vs and designs ssociation \vhicli As has been pointedly observed by another re and the lead- Canadian, (John S. Kwart). whose staunch !ph I'lavelle. Sir patriotism cannot be called in question, the ul,tra- "". /. V. Lash, Itnpi-rialists are taking advantage of war neces- Hiiversitv and sities and engagements in order that at the end aided and abat- nl' the war thev may carry into the Empire Con- as Lord Xorth- ference or convention, which it is proposed to < Aitken ( Lord lui'd for the readjustment of political relations, itfHiisliinent and a partially accomplished fact. Professing con- i". like myself, currence in the necessity under present circum- is Canad'anism. -tances for unity the Imperialists, as he further K.iitenance and observes, have not hesitated to precipitate a most dress which lie skillfully planned attack upon Canada's powers L'SS:OIIS of what ot sell government, an attack which they must . ar Cabinet. have known would arouse resentment, in Ca- :':n:er describe. nada. The result is that there has been forced "Ws that had upon us a stru^le for the freedom of our own or api)roval of land and Canada's voice must be heard before Xot (inlv are the readjustin" conference meets. It is to be Canadian, anti- hoped, tor the sake ot our national autonomy, iat iniicli abu- that that voice will be heard with no uncertain ii£nate tile real sound. The time is comin»-. nay, I believe that it has already arrived when the srreatcst issue confront- I 1'HOVINCK OF (JUKKI ] 0 FAIR PLAY FOR THE ing Canadians is that of Canadianism vs. Im- very long until Canadians will be perialism or, in other words, the maintenance of a choice between three entirely Canada's national autonomy and complete pow- lives — Imperial Consolidation c ers of self-governement or political freedom as absorption into the United Sta opposed to the ultra-Imperialistic scheme of cen- entire and complete independeii< tralization and consolidation.
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