Vol. 23. YIOTOBUy Buy WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1896. ♦♦♦mmmi .................................................... « No. 93. I ,llm ot the X s rions 1 Kporting chib The* Mines ! men Wifi fight St liSipounds. OPPONENTS THK TUXtx, > New Leather Belts I 17’~At A,e"( "’’lay THE EARTH We make a specialty of selling la-rd Kroebcry’s hay home won the rare ttoeks in developed mines that we I i i'î Ho,,t C#P« valued #1 £3tiU know are In the hands of Jegltl- UNOPPOSED and SIAM) eddfd. , .•■•le .mining men who know their . TREMBLED v.rvoe e. l With Stèr-iftîg Silver Buckles btuinesa. If you went to .mho, money in stocks consult ns. Know Cona*mUve« arc I>le*aeied With ■hot President Wyckbff, of the Bank of And Trimmings what yon are buying and you will f*«tr Hetliy Owf-generell- -N«r Amoterdain. and then ahot him- In Japan, and a Wh.,1 with not regret harestlng in B. O. pd Iretdcra. ^ «elf, hat been IdAtffied as lieorge H. dorerai Hundred. ofLtree, At . Ih-tuple, .residing on West Stud street minas. Was Destroyed. Semple he. always borne a good repu 0 Invest. Don’t Specnlate The Political Atrooephere Indicative And yon will Is- all right. W, •fa Sweeping Victory for The Auhterrauean Trouble finntrff Challofler. Mitchell & Co/s, i tan com luce you that our opinion Llhèrali»m. Twwuly Hour, and C.iustre- is worth something. natloe Hetgnetf. •THE JEWELLERS. 47 GOVERNMENT ST. H. Cuthbert & Co’y. Equal to iho Canadian ’Depeeannan- A Terrible Famine .Theeui „« the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • ton Which Mr. htoVelly Prompt tj Rejected. ■ Moot Pro.perows Pro y-ithgrr». /iff mHRS? Ottawa. June 17.—The results of yea- Mrj ,r Moklnlpj** Great Excuse for rîlhSW terday’s nominations ere moot satisfae- Hla Ultra Protectionist Yokohama. June IT. News at a ter­ buy to the I .iberat# and eorrespotpifogly Principles. rible disaster, inreltlng the kua of ever s a Well dishearten tug to the gorrrnmegt. i n thousand live», reached here from the Sg Otmwrraflres hot si» fusing tsiaed of Yesao. which cvmtalnv -Tta- their leaders at being demote Hoed iu nortberu previne* of Japan, in. loadon. June 17.—The Qlobe this at *g*gteSg«flHOrM ««■*» ..Utteuun.. von as i (ding on the potfttrgl ’ tshlma. JW» Miuka, Beaten Path sled ta their oitponenta in.the way they situation in the United States, says: Toksehi, Ishikar, Kirahari, Teshiw% Ki- baye hero. •••» . "We haw no resuon to suppose that taml and Neiuoro. sfcjste The I’Itiseti,, government organ, this McKinley is a 1res urdeut protectloalst All these section! of the ialand seem than formcriy, but his election to the morning, dore not *rrWSTïS« the l-rreldenry would utulouble.ily he a aeri- to hare been more or lee. shaken by a ;■ elect loua by acclamation, itnd in official oua misfortune to British commerce, as subterranean disturbance which 'lasted fra SSfo. }****■« * asm# tea £2? he MX» X Trtxwmv tinwm for fe-tm,*..- abnor-Twroty ioon,. Jtarfn* that' terms to rote, lag the tariff which President Cleveland toute A «rule. •J3a , Brel ptent it already beaten. Two Where la 0.1 a itate of the utmost terror preralkd toned down. The rerenab of the United ami a Patron h«*e btawetectrerby at= ™ AH «idea- Shied, tidlowivl shoek tn root Paint. *) -Htotre no btager CiUeJi fh> erpemlltire. clamatlon to one Conservative, and four and recurring deficits are as much the alnutst uninterrupted sneecsslon about P-ÏÏLZ°2tJy" r,r w With Uellor. eoastitueneire la which there are no rule as recurring surpimwe used to be; every eight minntea. It Is estimated that Conservative» running, make, the uor is there much r.*.m fur retreucu- there were 130 sharks of greater or less dont P080ET that ment except in the monstronsly intl.te.1 poaitiua start ont with serrn seats to ...id scandalously Jobbed te nsion list « obtain one held by their opponents. It teas t* not in the treof Mely that McKinley for til., preaeat, any accurate detail» of only at the teat moment that a enndt- wtB apply the knife to that aims tree. the disaster as conn, Hocopticn to beat. date watt put up against VaOtenrowt I-eaoioes are e most eon renient reward the mainland of Japan iml Yea*, from Reeetvvd tble day (18tb Veiling 28 la. arid* just re- for election sendees. Ereti President which the former la «operated by the in Dorchester, and the tg,position to Mr. Cleveland shirked arerhsuling the list Juno) direct form Uneo-bâll eel red by express from Lon­ Strait of Tiugarax iRangsrl, is said to «L, Belfast, one cam Ladles’ don. Chenille, Spotted, at Lanrier In Quebec East It purely fac- «*> « riew to placing U n^.n , ,e« aod Omtlemene Fine H. 8. at 2Sc. per yard. Cream, WBLUNGTON eorrnpt footing Therefore the method at I or. more likely, ia the TBSwan” **at lewwet market prices, Pa|l hands of the anthoritie.. The whole mfa., at price» ranging free White. Black, Brown, Mar . white labor Thc outlook i. that Mr. Laurier will retrenchment being iinpreetieahh- until I A Ce.. Broad tte political rlrtoe at the United States It to $4 per doa sweep Quebec sod hare a good ma­ town ef Knmaiah, however, ia reported Aimi 1 raidies m «a-------». ..t.. SS&feTard. at foot ef ” "«• "’bust. McKinley will be able ’•> have been destroyed in the awful.oc- jority in Ontario. to recommeod a strongly protective tar riea of earthqnakee, which were accom­ We’re an equipment here The Jap on bis “na- I At the Dominations here yesterday Iff at absolutely necessary to stare off panied by a tidal wave, and it la be- that would grace any store Mr. MrVeity said that au accredited cheaply. lieved that It was this, or aontb* sus* . In the city. Styles and prices WWIlK B of 8lr <'horion Tapper Came to St. I.oms. Mo.. June lT.-rA chttl dria- illog rain marked the oecotri day of the giant ware from the sea which practl- >!“ «!i 5tat»l » secret pledge to sup- Jtopstbjiean TOUtentron. Unie Interest lamphlad Mahli raily wiped rot the town at Knmaishl. " tatt remedial tenlsterion. TM. pledge U felt by the greet .mo* of deietmtos In which ia situated towards the Japan sv-a Battiest stock I» the FOR THE NORTH: w,«U not be aael publicly, and Mr. Me- the pjwcedlngs from the fact that Me kinh-y s nomination I» almost certain. oil a narrow seek of land separating if moot of the time; were task Veltr could do and any as he pleased. from Volcano Bay ro the PaeHir aid» 12 yds. for 7Se. 8lr Chari* Tapper, of roeree, send» a of the island. sellera that it will be hard width at 10c. per yard. IBABBAB A BOSCO WITZ telegram denying II Mr. McVelty la The ialand of Yesao, in the past, has Majhaty'a adkhrlliai River rridy to the same, told your eoneepeo- sacrificed at sea ad several similar vtmUttoaa. ,n.l T mm! Way Porta, wla Vaaotraver. leave* ilent that hr can prorr all that he has 2 contains a ih,«her of active ami extinct Thursday, June l8th said, on unimpeachable erldence. In any volcanoes Uopuler rumor has ft that the number of lives hast and the amount At T p’cloek p m., from Porter’s Whert For ronrt oflaw. There were those listen, * Blf Cawlle Line Strainer, In Col- THE WESTS1DE tatght or poooago apply to tog to him yesterday-# meeting tr*« Owk'fMPW VtMN'^ "f damage door J» Jar in umu of the CAPT. J. D. WAKKKN Manager, knew that what he said was correct, •el at Mghi, figures .rotained in the ketof official dia- #• HVTCUKSO.N * CO- had They Aon,-not deny ta He did not ta1'*’ *3sa. theLe» eetta- - qnske. acremipepied by a tidal wave, say that Air Charles Tapper directly reomsi destruction of life In the north. tmodc any pry-ltten to him. but it was ■l*AaAMfca«ewlkih*eA f* taut to the Bottom With a Human • rn province: that the town of Kotnnl- Dominion Election. by »8 accredited agent. Freight a€ Which Few Mem­ •bi ia hetiervd to have been .tesfroyef Returns to the *abrrie« department of bers are Moved With a Iona of probably a thousand lives. the spring ratrh of seals by Canadian A full official report of this great cal Liberal Ceeeitiee Ma 10 Vewris. token off the British Oolumbix amity has been asked for, and Is ex­ HALL, GOEPEL & CO., J™ -«* *« Cretrel tîommittee Booms. sod Washington coaal. show . .terrene pected shortly. It I, fered that a Bren, France. June 17—The British Balmoral Block. Doagtee stmt, on iif nearly 1,«0«i .kins. ""tuber of shipping disasters must htiw ioo Government Street. steamer Drummond Castle, Captain X THVB8DAY. the luth inet., at 8 pet. resnhe.1 from the filial wave, but Dévor­ All members of the ahosre committee are PAHBEXfiEBS itiet A BAD riCAKfc. W I-terre, frukt Cepe Town, for Lon ai day» must neeeaaarUy chpoe before Fire Agency _ fSSLSn, requested to be present. _ ’■"'I. raUMwl at midnight with an an Ô» a Train Dynamited and Attacked ta return, from the Interior of the shaken known steamer and sank three wienie district ere received. , . _.r Marine Agency- Jsssr c™e*^ Cuban Insurgents. wM lta fgyaengyn. and lOB.'n*, Japan ha» suffered from a number of Life and Accident - «• ***** >»•«.»«. c».,-,. H«t«ns. Jonc IT.-Bredley T. John- rare and crew. Two men were picked twrious .arthquakri. during the past rot. returned here from Mat-naan, it 110 doatluc upon, some wreckage by lah- few years.
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