JULY 1955 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS NATIONAL INCOME N SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FIELD SERVICE Albuquerque, N. Mex. Los Angeles 15, Calif. No. 7 321 Post Office BIdg. 1031 S. Broadway JULY 1955 Atlanta 5, Ga. Memphis 3, Tenn. 50 Seventh St. NE. 229 Federal BIdg, Miami 32 FIa Boston 9t Mass. > - U. S. Post Office and 300 NE- Fir8t Ave. Courthouse BIdg. Minneapolis 2, Minn. Buffalo 3, N. Y. 2d Ave. South and r lational Jsncome I lumber 117 Ellicott St. 3d St. New Orleans 12, La. Charleston 4, S. C. Area 2, 333 St. Charles Ave. PAGE Sergeant Jasper BIdg. THE BUSINESS SITUATION. 1 New York 17, N. Y. Cheyenne, Wyo, 110 E. 45th St. 307 Federal Office BIdg. Philadelphia 7, Pa. 1015 Chestnut St. Chicago 6, 111. 226 W. Jackson Blvd. Phoenix, Ariz. 137 N. Second Ave. Cincinnati 2, Ohio NATIONAL INCOME AND PRODUCT 442 U. S. Post Office Pittsburgh 22, Pa. OF THE UNITED STATES, 1954 4 and Courthouse 107 Sixth St. Cleveland 14, Ohio Portland 4, Oreg. List of Statistical Tables 5 1100 Chester Ave. 520 SW. Morrison St. National Income and Product Accounts 6 Dallas 2, Tex. Reno, Nev. 1114 Commerce St. 1479 Wells Ave. Denver 2, Colo. Richmond 20, Va. 142 New Customhouse 900 N. Lombardy St. Detroit 26, Mich. St. Louis 1, Mo. 230 W. Fort St. MONTHLY BUSINESS STATISTICS....S-1 to S-40 1114 Market St, El Paso, Tex. New or Revised Statistics • •. 28 Chamber of Commerce Salt Lake City 1, Utah BIdg.
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