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(Y:F~~{UA___-/Iff~F§1UA 187·187' RESOLUTION NO. NO. 43• 43 • A RESOLUTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICNrIONTHE PUBLICA'rION OF AS ESTIMATE OF AS ESTIMATE OF EXOENSESEXOENSES FOR FOR ALL PURPOSESALL PURPOSES FOR THE VILLAGEFOR THE OF VILLAGE KUNA FOR THEOF KUNA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR YEAR BEGnmING BEGIN1HNG THE 1ST THE DAY OF1ST MAY DAY 1954, OF AND MAY ENDING 1954, THE AND ENDING THE • 30TH DAY DAY OF APRILOF APRIL 1954. 195 4 •. BE IT IT RESOLVED RESOLVED BY THE BY CHAIRMAN THE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD AMD OF TRUSTEES BOARD OF TRUSTEE:> OF THE VILLAGE VILLAGE OF KUNA:OF KUNA: Section 1. 1. The The fOllowing following classified classified estimate estimate of the probable of the probable amount of of money money necessary necessary to be raised to be for raised all purposes for all in thepurposes in the Village of of Kuna, Kuna, for thefor fiscal the yearfiscal beginning year beginning the 1st day of the 1st day of May 1954, 1954, and and ending ending the 30th the day 30th of April day 1955, of April be pUblished 1955, be published for two two sucoessive successive weeks weeks in the Kunain the Herald, Kuna a weeklyHerald, newspaper a weekly newspaper published in in the the Village Village of Kuna. of Kuna. Section 2. 2, That That a statement a statement of the entire of the revenue entire of therevenue Village of the Village \ for thethe previous previous fiscal fi~cal year isyear as follOWS: is as fo11ows: General receipts TaxGeneral receipts receipts---------------------------7~69~977269.97 TaxBalance receipts-------------------------------6183.19 on hand 6183.19 Balance on hand----------------------------4789.084~89.08 Section 3. 3. That That the probablethe probable amount ofamount money necessaryof money fornecessary all for all purposes for for the the fiscal fiscal year endingyear Aprilending 30th April 1955, 30th is as fOllOWS: 1955,is as follows: Salaries 7830.00 Salaries-----------------------------------?830.00Lights ~ 1200.00 . 'WaterworksLights---------~---------------------------1200.004000.00 'Waterworks---------------------------------4000.00Streets 1200.00 Streets------------------------------------1200.00Irrigation 1000.00 Irrigation---------------------------------1000.00 Printing--------------------------------~-- 250.00250.00 • Fire Dept.--------------------------------- Dept,--------------------------------- 594.00594.00 Miscellaneous and reserve Miscellaneous and reaerve------------------2519.!162519.~6 $18593.16 Est imated gen eral rec eipts 7269.•97 EstimatedBalance on hand general receipts-----------------726~.974789.08 ToBalance be raised on by hand----------------------------4789.08 taxation To be raised by taxation-------------------q$A0.105940.10 Fire Dept. Dept. 2 mill2 mill levy--------------------- levy--------------------- 594.01 594.01 $18593.16$18593. 16 Section 4. 4. Notice Notice is hereby is hereby given that given the amountthat the of $5940.10 a.mount of $5940.10 to bebe raised raised by taxation by taxation will require will anrequire additional an additional 10 mills 10 mills over and and above above the 10the mill 10 levy mill authorized levy authorized by law and that by law and that the trusteestrustees of theof Villagethe Village of Kuna willof Kuna hold awill public hold hearing a public hearing in thethe Board Board Room Room at their at regulartheir meetingregular the meeting 7th day ofthe June 7th day of June 1954, atat 8 oclock 8 oclock P.M. atP.M. which at time which all persons time all will persons be heard will be heard on thethe question question whether whether the said the 10 millsaid additional 10 mill additional levy shall levy shall be made.made. · . Passed by by the the Board Board of Trustees of Trustees and approved and byapproved the by the Chairman this this 6th 6th day ofday May 1954.of May 1954. AttestAttest;: ;: Approved Clerk -•-. ;(y:f~~{UA___-/Iff~f§1UA--- l •. ~.
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