Gatt Bibliography: First Supplement 1954
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GATT BIBLIOGRAPHY: FIRST SUPPLEMENT 1954 - June 1955 • GATT Secretariat Villa le Bocage Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland August 1955 Spec(62)7 INTRODUCTION The GATT Bibliography which was published in March 195^ covered the period from 19^7 to the end of 1955. This First Supplement lists the books, pamphlets, articles and periodicals, newspaper reports and editorials and miscellaneous material including texts of lectures, which have been noted during the period from January 195^ to June 1955. A small number of items falling within the earlier period, but not recorded in the original Bibliography, has been added. It should be noted that the section of the Bibliography dealing with the Text of the General Agreement has not been brought up to date because this material, together with other GATT publications, is fully dealt with in the List of Material relating to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, obtainable free of charge from the secretariat. The seventh edition of this list was issued in August 1955. Spec(62)7 Page 2 1948 El Acuerdo general de Aranceles y Comercio. Comercio exterior (Lima) Noviembre 1948 122Q Bruno, C. La nuova tariffa doganale itallana e le trattative multilateral! del GATT. Tndustria italiana elettrotecnica (Milano) novembre-dicembre 1950. Eichhorn, Fritz. The international customs tariff discussion in Torquay and Germany. Uebersee-Post (Nurenberg) No. 4l, 1950. Die Liêberalisierung des Welthàndels. Eih Bericht iiber die Durchfubxûng des Allgemeinen Abkommens iiber Zolltariffe und Handel auf Grund der4. ; interna- tionalen Handelskonferenz in Genf vom 23. Pebruar bis 3« April 1950. Europa- Archiv (wien) No. 5, 20. Juli 1950. 1251 Die Ergebnisse der Konferenz von Torquay. Wirtschaftsberichte, Kreditanstalt- Bankverein (Zurich) No. j5, Januar 1951. Pranke, Hans. A economia brasileira em face do GATT apos a conferencia de Torquay. Publicacao do Departamento de economia industrial do centro das industrias do Estado de Sao Paulo e da Fedaracao das industrias do Estado de Sao Paulo. 1951. Liebich, Ferdinand K. Die europaische Zollunion. Ihre Moglichkeiten und Grenzen. Deutscher Bundes-Verlag (BonnJ, 1951. /Examines customs unions in relation to the Havana Charter and GATT/ Lovinfosse, H. de. Torquay. Vie économique et sociale (Anvers) No. 22, Janvier 1951. Les résultats de la conférence de Torquay. Moniteur officiel du commerce et de l'industrie (Paris) 17 mai 1951. The Torquay negotiations. Italian economic survey (Rome) January-February 1951. Spec(62)7 Page 3 1252 Gabriel. Die internationalen ZpHtarifverhandlungen in Torquay unter Berucksichtigung der wichtigsten Vorschriften des Allgemeinen Zoll- und Handelsabkommen (GATT). Zeitschrlft fur Zolle und Verbrauchssteuern (Bonn) 1952. Gonzalez, Ariosto D. Informe sobre la conferencia de aranceles y comorclo celebrada en Torquay. Imprenta naclonal (Montevideo) 1952. Gordon, N. Perry. The GATT, a postwar limitation of retaliation in commercial policy. Thesis, Harvard University, 1952. Mickwitz, E.v. Die internationalen Bemuhungen zum Abbau der Handelsschrânken. Die Entwicklung seit dem Abschluss der Konferenz von Torquay am 21. April 1951• Europa-Archiv (Wien) No. 11, 1952. 125J L'adhésion provisoire du Japon à l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Moniteur officiel du commerce et de l'industrie (Paris) 12 novembre 1953- Arita, T. Tariff concession under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Journal o£ international law and diplomacy (Tokyo) December 1953. Bright Singh, D. The GATT and India. Indian year book of international affairs (Madras) No. 2, 1953. Britain, GATT and colonial producers. West India Committee circular (London), November 1953. Chamber stands for revision of GATT. Commerce .journal (Auckland) October 1953* Diebold, W. L'organizzazione internazionale del commercio (ITO): ragioni di un ins-jccesso e prespettive di superamento. Comunità internazionale (Roma) aprile 1953 ^ Eighth session of GATT. International survey, Central Office of information (London) 12 November 1953- Exel, A.L. van. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT; zevende zitting, Genève. Ekonomi dan kenangan Indonesia (Djakarta) No. 6, January 1953. Spec(62)7 Page 4 Forlaengelse af GATT-bindingerne. Tidskrift for industri (K^benhavn) 15 September 1953. GATT-organisationens sidste arsm/^de. Tidsskrift for Industri (Kj^benhavn) 15 November 1953. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Pakistan business news and views (Dacca) 1 December 1953. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). A background vote. Royal Institute and international affairs (London) 13 November 1953» mimeographed, 6 pages. Howe, CD. General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs, its achievements and failures. Commerce (Bombay) 10 October 1953- Issues before the GATT conference - Japan's application: Britain and Commonwealth trade. Capital (Calcutta) 1 October 1953» Kingsley, J. L'importanza del GATT per il commercio internazionale. Studi e statistiche. Camera di comercic, industria e agricolotura (Milano) No. 6, Novembre 1953. Linden, A. Australien offrar GATT for skarpt tullskydd?" Svenks utrikeshandel (Stockholm) 15 September 1953- Planquette, Françoise. Un bilan de la 8 session du GATT. Echanges internationaux (Paris) décembre 1953. Problems before GATT. Indian finance (Calcutta) 26 September ' 1953. Stein, P. Soil die Schweiz dem GATT beitreten? Paritatische Kommission der Schweizerischen Baumwoll-Industrie, Quartals Bericht; 3-6, No. 16, 3. Quartal 1953- Tariff concessions under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Journal of international law and diplomacy (Tokyo) August 1953. Vor der Revision des GATT-Abkomniens.' Oesterreichischer Volkswirt (Wien) 20. November 1953. What happened at GATT. Foreign trade (Ottawa) 21 November 1953. Spec(62)7 Page 5 January 1954 Australia and GATT. Tariff schedule participation. Financial times (London) 20 January 1954. Australian decision on GATT. Tariff concessions policy accepted. The Times (London) 20 January 1954. Australien und das GATT. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich) 22. Januar 1954. Benefits and limitations of GATT. Australian financial review (Sydney) 14 January 1954. French plan for lower tariffs. Manchester guardian, 19 January 1954. Further tariff reductions - the GATT, its purpose and its importance. Bulletin, Julius Bar and Co. (Zurich) No. k, January 1954. Le GATT publie un "nouveau plan d'abaissement des tarifs douaniers". Agence économique et financière. (Paris) 20 janvier 1954. Gonzalez, Ariosto D. La organizacion del comercio internacional: El Acuerdo General de Aranceles y Comercio (GATT). Commentario y texto. Camera nacional de comercio. Montevideo. 1954. /Text of GATT in Spanish and a commentary on each article_./ Il nuovo piano del GATT e la posizione doganale dell' Italia. Mondo economiço (Milano) 23 gennaio 1954. Paris tariff plan is levient to United States. New York times, 18 January 1954. Le plan français d'abaissement général des tarifs douaniers. L'Information (Paris) 19 janvier 1954. Royer, Jean. Le GATT, assurance-vie du commerce international. /Lecture given under the auspices of the Comité d'action et d'expansion économique, Paris, December 1953^/ Echanges "internationaux (Paris) janvier 1954. La taxe de k%i La France respectera-t-elle ses engagements envers le GATT. Echanges Internationaux (Paris) janvier 1954. Twenty nations grant Japan GATT tariffs. Journal of commerce (New York) 5 January 1954. Spec(62)7 Page 6 February 1954 Acuerdo general sobre tarifas y comercio. Naeva economica naeional (Madrid) 1 ' 11 febrero -IS&P- -~: ' ~ Le cqpanerce extérieur et le rôle du GATT. Banque (Paris) février 1954. Further tariff reductions? Weekly bulletin. Julius Bar arid Co. (Zurich) No. 4, February 1954. (Sorter, W. GATT after six years - An appraisal. International organization (Boston) February 1954.--- Kommentar zum GATT-Zollsenkungsplan. Die Industrie (Wien) 20. Februar 1954. Planquette, Françoise. Un nouveau plan d'abaissement des tarifs douaniers. Echanges internationaux (Paris) février-mars 1954. Salter, J.A. A British view on GATT. European review (London) February 1954. Squaring Strasbourg with GATT. "Economist (London) 6-J'ebruary-1954. Staff papers presented to the United States Commission on foreign economic policy. Section VT, tariffs and trade policy, February 1954. United States Government printing office. March 1954 For cooperation1inworld trade." Expanding rôle of GATT in world economy, (also in French and Spanish editions). United Nations Bulletin (New York) i5-March"1954.' " GATT - eighth session. External affairs (Ottawa) March 1954. GATT proposes new approach to tariff reductions. Economic digest (London) March 1954. - The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) - What it is and what It has done. Monthly journal, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and manufactures, March, April 1954. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Enterprise (Dacca) 1 March 1954. Spec(62)7 Page 7 Generalavtalen om tolltariffer og handel. /Account of the rules of the Agreement, survey of the activities of the Contracting Parties in Norwegian; text of the Agreement in English and Norwegian^/ (Oslo) March 1954. India and GATT. Economic weekly (Bombay). 20 March 1954. Plan for Tariff Reduction. Economic digest (London) March 1954. La politique tarifaire de la Grèce. Le messager d'Athènes, 4, 5 et 6 mars 1954. Teilermâssigung der Zollsâtze. Aussenhandelsberichte, Rhein-Ruhr Bank (Diisseldorf) Mà'rz 1954. Weeda, W.A. De achste zitting van de GATT. Ekonoml dan keuangan Indonesia (Djakarta) Djanuari 1954 and