The Gazette March 1954
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Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1950-1959 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 3-1954 The aG zette March 1954 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette March 1954" (1954). LU Gazette, 1950-1959. Book 16. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1950-1959 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette VOLUME THREE LANGSTON UNIVERSITY. LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA, MARCH, 1954 NUMBER FOUR Langston University Observes Brotherhood Week During February Adopting the national tlicmc for in year-round activities to build brotherhood, “ Let's (Jet Together," brotherho(Kl," Langston University began its fourth The season was used as an oppor annual obscrvancc of the Broiher- tunity to promote understanding of hooil season here I'ehruary 7, ac the development of religious faiths cording to an announcenunt from and to loster intcrfaith cooperation the ollice ot |ohn W. C'olcman, uni in matters of comon concern, accord versity chaphiin and Director of Re ing to Mrs. ,\ilella Smith, president ligious activities. ol the .\sociation ot Women Stu dents which sponsored the activities The I’ r(JtherhocKl season hail as of the week. .Mrs. Smith added that its purposes: ( i ) "to give people an special efforts were made to build opportunity to re-tledicate themselves appreci.ition for the religious beliefs as individuals to the basic ideals of of others. respcct for people and human rights .\n added feature of this year's , which .ire essential to our uay ot observance uas the presentation of a j life: (2) to dr.unatize the principal specially selected brotherhood team ‘ things which people can do to pro troni the National ('(inference of mote an understanding and realiza ('hristi;uis and lews. The team uill PTA National Planning Committee tion ot these ideals; (]) to enlist the State and national planning comnnittee together with the host school. in the iinisersity auditorium Front row left to right— Mrs. Rosa P. House, Guthrie; Mrs. Beulah Elseberry, support ot a larger number of people N\'e<lnesd;iv at 10:^0 a. m. Th? RevprenJ C. W illiam Black Pauls Valley; Miss Corine Dean, Okmulgee; Mrs. Gladys Dobson, McAlester; Dr. G. L. Harrison, President, Langston University: Mrs. Mannie Williams, President, National P.-T.A,, Miami, Florida; Mrs. C. A. Banner, Langston, Uni L U. Coeds to Attend Conference Principal Speaker versity; M r. Ira Hall, State Inspector,'Public Schools, Oklahonna. Back row— Mrs. Peters; Mr. R. D. Jones, Principal, Langston High School: Mrs. Hosle Reverend Black is a graduate of Campbell, Langston, Oklahonna: Mr R. B. Welch, Langston University; Mr. R. T. Morehouse College and Andover-New- Gracey, Chandler; Mrs. Maggie N;-ble, V/ewoka: Dr. A. C. Shropshire, Lang ton Theological Seminary. For the past ston University; Mrs. Burrow, Oklahoma City; Mrs. Thelma Wilson, Oklahoma five (5) years he has served as pastor City; and Mrs. Autre Prewitt, Langston. of the First Baptist Church, San A n tonio. Texas. In addition to his church activities, he is chairman ot the com mittee on Social Justice, of the N a Langston U. iLangston R.E.W. Group tional Baptist Convention of America, Attends Planning and vice-president of the State Confer To Host National ence of Branches of the N.A.A.C.P. Retreat at Stillwater PTA Conference Langston University Student Plans for the National Parcnt- C'h.iirnuin ot Religious Emphasis *‘That We Might Teachers .\ssociation Conference arc \ \ ’eek, along with members of the being made by members of the local \ arioiis other committees were guests committcc. according to President at a retreat given by the Stillwater Have Life** ■ ■ ■ Harrison. The meeting is set for R. E. W. committees. .\t this meet- June. 1054. inL,' plar were discussed as to how .A iv.udern .American poet. Lvelvn Mr. R. P>. \\'elch, Actin;; Busi Religious I'mphasis Week might be Underhill, wrote these lines several ness Lang>;ton L’niversity made more meaningful to students. years ago: is general chairnrm. .Members of the Those atteiuling the retreat were: 11 hat do \ou ,tii{ uithin, <) Soul, campus comniittees are: I>r. F.inma 1-illi.t.if ne Williams: Hettye W ells iii\ Pijjt/ur? MRS. FREZONIA M. CUDJOE MARY JEAN K6NNEUY Bragg. Dr. lulwin Kdniomls. .Mrs. W’eilgew orth; .\frs. C'arolyn Banner: II hat do you see/{ u'itut'i? T. (). Crissom. and .\Ir. ('. He •\frs. .\f. C. Alleti; Carl L. Jones; .Mrs. Frezonia M. Cuil]oe. Junior, Mary Jean Kennedy, a junior in I seel( a lije ’hi’t shall never die, bert on housing: publicity—.Mr, J. Mr. Clif'on (Iraves. maioring in Business Education, has the department of music was elected Some harm to win Hughes. .Mr. .\. C. Hebirc. .Mrs. A. been elccted to attend the Piiennial delegate to attend the National con From mor.'jlity. C. Parker, and D i. .\. Shrop C!onvocation of Kappa Delta Pi at vention of Kappa Delta Pi honorary .Another poet. Llenry X^’adsworth shire; transportation— Dr. (i. L. Oklahoma City Youth Purdue Uni\ersity, West Lafayette, society at Purdue University, Lafay Longtellow. urged the tollowing Harrison. .Miss Lenouliah (landy. Is Elected State Indiana. .March 11-15, 1954. ette, Indiana. March 1954. challenge to the \uuth of his day; and -Mr. R. P>. Welch; social com .Mrs. Cudioe, a graduate of Doug Build on. and ma{e thy ea.<ties T. and I. President .Miss Kenneily is an honor student high and fair, mittee. .Mrs. Carolyn Banner. Miss lass High School, Wewoka, Okla at Langston University. She is ver\ Rising and reaching upu ard to Lenouliah (iandy. Mrs. T. Hi:j,'hes .\nilrew Jordan, a senior at Doug homa, became a member of Eta Sig active in extra curricular activities the )l(ics: and .\frs. S. Ci. W a.shington: rooms lass high school, ( )klahoma City, ma Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi in and is a member of .\lpha Zeta Listen to rou e< in the upf'er air, for meetings— .Mr. L. (i. .Xfoorc. and was electetl president of the State October. k)5^.. She is a member of, chapter of .Mpha Kappa Alpha So- S or lose thy simple faith in the other member of the committee. Trade and Industry club at the an the Commercial Club and Delta roritv. mysteries. Dr. R. P. Perry. Other committees nual youth leadership conference Sigma Theta Sorority; and during arc to be ajipointed at the next meet sponsored by Langston university her ^ years in college has maintaineil These two poets say far better ing, accoriling to .\fr, R. B. Welch. here last Saturday. an above B average. She's employed than your repnrter can vhat the ISO high school vouths. represent part time in Finance ()ilice as .\s- Medical School workers lor Religious Lmphasis ing six cities, participateil in the con to the ('laim Clerk. Week want e\ery student at Lang ference which uas ilesigned to give _______________ I Recommends May ston Lni\ers!t\ to tind during the Dairy Offers observance of the Week. .March 7 Pasteurized Milk the youth experience in leadership, Admission Test accoriling to Mrs. X. i<. Dillon. Alphas fo Observe through .March 11. Daily convoca The dairy operators have made Super\isor of Trade .ind Industrial t'andidates for admission to med tions with thought-provoking ad available lor use pasteurizeii milk at Mihii' ition. ical school in the fall of 1955 are dresses by leaikrs in the field of re Founders Day ligious .service to youns; people will a low price. The dairy sale room is Theodore Ragsdale. Jr.. a senior advised to take the .Medical C'ollege consider w.ivs of achie\ ing the located west of the campus in the ot Manual Training high school de Beta Kappa Chapter of .\lpha Phi Admission Test in .May. it was an abundant lit'e. the "life that shall Dairy building at the south end of livered the (irincipal address. Rags .Mpha will observe Foimders’ Day nounced by lulucation Testing Serv never die." Seminars, con- the Dairy lane. dale emphasized the importance ol at Langston University, .March 7. ice. which prepares and administers terences. and dormitory meetings citizenship in school, social life, in K)S4. at 7:00 p. m. Bro. Roger You-, the test tor the .Association of .Amer To take advantage of this low • ill probe into the religious prob dustry. and future lit'e. mans from Kansas University. Law ican .Medical Colleges. These tests. price offer, it will be neccssary for lems facing young people toda\', In addition to Jorilan, others elect rence. Kansas, will speak on "A rei]uircil of .ipplicants bv almost you to secure milk coupon tickets especially those who fear that they ed to office were: .Mark N’ormon of ('h.'ice to Love." every college throughout the from the Langston University fi have lost their "simple faith in mys th** Langston high school, vice-pres- Immediately after N'esper services j country, will be given twice during nance office anil bring milk bottles teries" iilent; Barbara Westbrook of Wash the brothers of .\lpha and their j the current year. Candidates taking in exchange or pay a cash deposit Religious F.mjihasis Week will at the sale room for each bottle. ington school, Santl Springs, secre- guest will assemble in the University ! the .May test, however, will Ix- able open on Saturday, .March (i.