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3-1954 The aG zette March 1954 Langston University

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VOLUME THREE LANGSTON UNIVERSITY. LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA, MARCH, 1954 NUMBER FOUR Langston University Observes Brotherhood Week During February Adopting the national tlicmc for in year-round activities to build brotherhood, “ Let's (Jet Together," brotherho(Kl," Langston University began its fourth The season was used as an oppor­ annual obscrvancc of the Broiher- tunity to promote understanding of hooil season here I'ehruary 7, ac­ the development of religious faiths cording to an announcenunt from and to loster intcrfaith cooperation the ollice ot |ohn W. C'olcman, uni­ in matters of comon concern, accord­ versity chaphiin and Director of Re­ ing to Mrs. ,\ilella Smith, president ligious activities. ol the .\sociation ot Women Stu­ dents which sponsored the activities The I’ r(JtherhocKl season hail as of the week. .Mrs. Smith added that its purposes: ( i ) "to give people an special efforts were made to build opportunity to re-tledicate themselves appreci.ition for the religious beliefs as individuals to the basic ideals of of others. respcct for people and human rights .\n added feature of this year's , which .ire essential to our uay ot observance uas the presentation of a j life: (2) to dr.unatize the principal specially selected brotherhood team ‘ things which people can do to pro­ troni the National ('(inference of mote an understanding and realiza­ ('hristi;uis and lews. The team uill PTA National Planning Committee tion ot these ideals; (]) to enlist the State and national planning comnnittee together with the host school. in the iinisersity auditorium Front row left to right— Mrs. Rosa P. House, Guthrie; Mrs. Beulah Elseberry, support ot a larger number of people N\'e. \\'elch, Actin;; Busi­ Religious I'mphasis Week might be Underhill, wrote these lines several ness Lang>;ton L’niversity made more meaningful to students. years ago: is general chairnrm. .Members of the Those atteiuling the retreat were: 11 hat do \ou ,tii{ uithin, <) Soul, campus comniittees are: I>r. F.inma 1-illi.t.if ne Williams: Hettye W ells iii\ Pijjt/ur? MRS. FREZONIA M. CUDJOE MARY JEAN K6NNEUY Bragg. Dr. lulwin Kdniomls. .Mrs. W’eilgew orth; .\frs. C'arolyn Banner: II hat do you see/{ u'itut'i? T. (). Crissom. and .\Ir. ('. He­ •\frs. .\f. C. Alleti; Carl L. Jones; .Mrs. Frezonia M. Cuil]oe. Junior, Mary Jean Kennedy, a junior in I seel( a lije ’hi’t shall never die, bert on housing: publicity—.Mr, J. Mr. Clif'on (Iraves. maioring in Business Education, has the department of music was elected Some harm to win Hughes. .Mr. .\. C. Hebirc. .Mrs. A. been elccted to attend the Piiennial delegate to attend the National con­ From mor.'jlity. C. Parker, and D i. .\. Shrop­ C!onvocation of Kappa Delta Pi at vention of Kappa Delta Pi honorary .Another poet. Llenry X^’adsworth shire; transportation— Dr. (i. L. Oklahoma City Youth Purdue Uni\ersity, West Lafayette, society at Purdue University, Lafay­ Longtellow. urged the tollowing Harrison. .Miss Lenouliah (landy. Is Elected State Indiana. .-15, 1954. ette, Indiana. March 1954. challenge to the \uuth of his day; and -Mr. R. P>. Welch; social com­ .Mrs. Cudioe, a graduate of Doug­ Build on. and ma{e thy ea.e conducted in two A buffet supper is slated for .April test. separate sections, one for faculty 1954, at 6:30 p. m. in the Faculty The M C A T consists of tests of members and one for students. Some Religious Emphasis Week, March 7 to 10 Lounge. general scholastic ability, a test on of the highlights of the week will be Here are tome of the interesting topics you will not want to miss: understanding of modern society, the appearance of the Freshm.-n "Christ in the Affairs ol Nations," "W hat Shall W e Do to Be Saved," "The “W'hen I look at this congrega­ and an achievement test in science. Choral Reading group as actors and Matter of Marriage," "Moral and Ethical Standards," "I* Atheum Un- tion.” said the minister, “ I ask my­ According to ETS, no special prep­ actre-sses in two one-act plays on American," "The Common Faith," "Should the Younger Generation Be More self, ‘Where are the poor:’ And then, aration other than a review of Monday evening. .March 7, 1954, Self-E«pressive?" when I look at the collection, I say scicnce subjects is necessary. All sponsored by the English Club; an to mvself, ‘Where are the rich?’ ” Continued or Page Tn o Continued on Page Two L A N 3S'O N i!r,..t;R-::TY K'ARCH, 1954

Langston University Gazette i n - 9)id y^fu Knxyw.

I'r.ktice te.khiiig will pro\e .1 re-

gnttul ixpirieiici ior sdnie young

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if slie knew tlu sh.irp h.iircut chick

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.\iiiither Tex.Ill is liere to st.irt a

c.impUs diiemm.i. 1 .it em -up (ireeiie

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A Leffer fo the Editor M'S. C U r ’e H .ir.oy in V,->spor St'^vices I le.irts .ire b!ei ding .11 S . in l o r d 1 I.ill, I p.i\ersit\ ol W om en .ind I’hvllis • .ir.tfcii Ih.:! In ■ ;■} ' t.' \\'hi.itli\. but th,i\ might .is well ill' 111 > .'S (1 ^ll; i;.!> M'-.. :-.:t > . A K A Chapter To Alpha Phi Alpha T:'c- : I;;:- g i ’. e u p biC .iuse Ills he.irt belongs It - ( >1' th e ] u k f I'i'X ill’ \i II ! .1 : ih Give Fashionetta Enferfains 135 '11 '■ ■Mieoiie elsi'. '!u' iriiN'.i \iUi ant l-;- In ir ' I ■' \\ h'!i’ the lirst l.idv is ,iw.i\ the t ' '■ .irlii'iiv \ c ' ; w iiii r, . !i : d ’>'.1': p ! . p . W i ii't t h e y L .iek ev 1 r IS I'., 't . I' .. v ^ . 11. L . . I'lK". It kii.)' lilC ’.'" i Men af Rush Party \ I)..:- lu ■ I' Seems like "Zeke " iust . I; 1'.-: :lu " .M I !.. k r < [- W :k - ')! • t.i n-nn-'!'..!'' '.• .n d t e d .lii-i t h ;: t\ tr.ef. in I 111.ike tlie b.ibi. s lo\ e h i m . Ills Dn \c:: h i ' .11: ,•!■■ : hi ;■ s '.’.e:e ,i!l biii!t up lor .\l\e r/m e V. !'‘'t :".i r. I . ; ^1 !d t iu:.i’.i ! in.nations r;. fiM! i i . kf'. : ■ \■ i'.; '! r-.i v - ■ .iv III il. t:;. lists ni .\ij !;.| I’i.i .\Ipb.l |” m1 1 luii’ir .ipi'e.ired on the scene; \ ■ t .1. ^ i i th. twi nt\ .innuai (•: I'u rsc /.e k e h.ii! to b.ick d c w n . \\\- h.i'.i •!^ ..-iji:- - n: t<. I'i.i tin rtv i’.ii h .ij'I'e n e d to .\ N 'i J i- th I is ,!ii-d ( .r.n!\ ■ I )idii't think it Vi !i:i^ > : s i x -t ! i m - c - '\'.o ’.'I.' t ' : s I'- n.t.i K.ipj'.i .md w oil id !.i -t .m \ w .ly. ( ir.iiiiK 's n o t to o • . ., ,i:id I .1111 '-iin s i ' l u K i i . II r - -i' S' .. _! ...iii.ite ii: oihi. I s (il o u r ;•'! . i / s, i n i . i.: ' ' . . .!. ;;; , :■ i D .T oth.S ..inij-iis \’.Us i'resem ;or tlu .lii.vr. lust I'll.ind girls, '.i.i'"'. w h o \M u ik l ,i_ r u ' ! Nio.i; Ili:_ in 1 k ’MW h.i re.i:!'. th.e c .m ip iis li. it tb.N iii'titiitiuii IS net ;(.r;t\ is u !' I he sn;(.i^(.r sLtt’Il, lelicvtid tile ■ I . I .II'.'! si'.e i't g.ili h e r h.ird, Il soil ilon't be!ie\e it .isk ■: tl'.it It 'I'.iHiiil ■ i r c M ip'n 'i'! ti> h i . ' ,itii;i sp lie re t'le p -irt\. I lie re ! . i r t ; i r k : ■' ^ ^ . ■ . >:. • r in 'innnn . .\l!iii: h e \' hit In h i m t h r o i h • i'l'. c-r.iiv.: iii'e h, In I .irie W.lldoll. h i i ' i . i ’- s h i ! ’ . I t . ' : . . - A :! r b.r. i n g n i n d e l e d si;c- Kildi ipli R. leiiluiis .nil! the guests I r.i\> T M t\. " hii h -s .in u .r. ' r - ■--■■■ . • ■■ •.>: t 111 u c s t si- r-i. h e r i.i- \ \ ' h o <.'■(! \iui couldn't _et .iround ; '.'li .ii I'lultr iIk- Ntiril'. Wire introduced to the ixicuti'-i . .1. ". e : ,. li.v contmued Ml it'i .1 1 ri’ken :i’ot • Liav :s It ■ ■■ st.ii; 111 liet.i k .ip p .i. A t.i!'!t' o! ills , \i.itii v. ith t'lR- . s ’ : i ' - ■ • . ’ ■ .; i I- I • .-..i !t .i'.e w n r ’d io u s ■s'l t s(i iii'c.uisi. h e IS siiil .I'co iirtin ' . . toric.i! in.itiri.i! dispi.iyed tor -.'•X I K'u'.tN !t his, R, .'h •! I’lj'-.'-t. I hristi.iii tr. :i.; i>n o n e n o t. the ediliv.itioii ol our guests. ( i.imes I,!';.r. ■■ 'h--- (>! th.t ■' 1 r. 1.1. • v e 1 .I’ll. I’lei le ll.ihii.iin. lust ’ is tin stor\ behind .\lr. .i::\ t:.,it .'';i t: \\ere |'!.i\ed behind soit music unf.l • ^ M tt (■: ( 'V • - . i Sv ' I 1 'i]ii;n - Ti'.I.u it's llettv )'b<'rne. j ■: !':k I.; th' •tu.icMs. ( )t;;i'r’.'.' l l r o t h i r j o h n I'l.itilielnr. w i t h Ir.s 1 lom i ’ri " ' s lr.ti\ ( 'sbortie !nit • .l. - 't \.i;i t '"'-k lh ;r- si, voo! .lir ol West X'lrgini.i took ir.ii 1 ^ p M Up',‘lon O rrega Holds W orkshop next w eik it's I ,:\the I )ou.:!.iss. ;'h '■ .1 i.i»;L;:t\ r i ! stii lcnt ;i' . \er\ cl(.\ir!\ .is .M. And Observes Founders Day \, ' Ml i'-.ili:> th.iil lli't .i.'.i'li ;;-'.l.i!1\ ' ' Rri’ .\Ier\\ti L.ickey. president Episode of ths Week Th- tb.eiiie ot this year's work T . i;\I'! .1 j’ft - i i - ' ' : j : i sjliit!.' i>; I'ei.i K a ’i'p.i extend. 1 tiie welvoiiu ■.■■V I irt; IV (.; v» li.r. slinp \s.i "I m.i u .i1 Respoiisibilit;.. the A p,iri\ o: I(.',;r entered .1 w . il- 1 si.;jK tir.i; VI i K 'f r iv . r . .; l i f am! tiie I'n theis j'r'setited .1 I 'r a l ' .It Its pc.U;. .it. Ch.i'len-e ol h.sjual ()p[iortuiiit\ ist.ibiislud )' ot business, Tliere [hunc s\stini \'.c li.r.c. pro' directix i.onceined with i'.it ;t hi.v- i'fcii. w h .U It Mrs. ('l.iire 1 l,ir\ey. national undir- w e - e ' ' M l .o'.ip’es but one m.ili h \ (ireek !:.e cn college c.impus. I .mi siin- ihc iii.iu)rii\ ut .1 h' . li ;• ti! scf .u' ir.stiiutuiti :r.iilu.ite [irogr.mi ad\isor ol .\!ph.i oiil\ lur a "oiu' night 't.iiid." ,\:tir I’.roiher I. 11. H ughes \ the priii- r.a-r.Li.i tk.o ;tt;t;n n . Pi'.it uh.n f ; c liriip ;is t!:is h i\.ipp.i .\lji.a. I’rom H.itoii Rouge. .1 Coil'Uler.ii'le .uiioiint of t m e h.ipi'ciuii to It' 1 ):il It UL’t iuis|':.n.cJ. cijmI sjie.iisir .ind .ill the ires’ Sikh. .1 shi)rt ixTK'.i (•: f.tiu-. Louisiana’. Mrs. M.irguerite l oshee. p.issed. down the rn.ul rolled .1 bi.; •I'iidv s te!I von .iboiit ttie "poiiit- Ill siillH'l'iK s U'.lstc ll.lskl t ' ■■'■■n 'i 'r in it-'it ; I .il: ih'^st.- ir:id'.’>\ ste rn r e g n d i r i c t o r . .^Ir.s iM'ev lu iic k . I )i:t sti jn 'e d .1 \'. ell- . in.:'' iiiki. h e ti.ld. Ct:.\ spiiilsl.M'. 'I'.iki- ,1 '."i^ik .It \o u r Ir.iiig cniidi ki’je. ( )k;a.; .md Miss .Xnn.i'.H .. j r n o l l i e d l.liK \’. !lo p u s h e d h i i m . llv 1 !u Iin nil ii r tlie sninkir c.irriid ■ th;” ,; is ilniic. .i!v! ilc'v tun.s. ])ii t!’i.\ s.ittsiv \iii:' I)ii ll;t\ S.iwver. executive director ol tl' t li n ii ig h th e c ro \'.d . . \s sb.e .ip- '.Mr!'I ■ lie .I turkey i\'.ith or with.out institiitU'!! will roinplctfh come up t" \i'i;r st.iiid.ird- 1 .iin hr .inch Y\VC'.\. Oklib.onia Tu}. pro.iched ill'.' t.ible. one letil.T.e o: iint ! ii!>ei.i!e s.iuct ). bre.ul. .\lph.i (' cxistfiici.'. sure t!;e\ di nut. :or i; tliMc ser'.e'l .Is colisull.lilts. 'lie m.iichei! i iM ’i'ies rusi'ed mitside. Is .invoiie ti d.oes s,itis:\. diat pi.r- I’lii .\.p:i.i iiot colUe. brother- I' si e n u i! thoii.;! I-,- l.K't tliis iiist'tu tid 'i T he '.iri'up .ittemled wurship str’> t'l V’. el !’,^;i:! -.nuike. s.iniK. pe.inuts .md soii .1 p>i(ir t.iste o ’ b.otiie liie. groomid i,id\ would ne'.er !e.r.e. 111 .1 s!( .iiic! t h e in tiii- 1, e on Sund,i\ .ind present;'! .Mi'. L'ei;i.i!i- lin e d iitiii'j outside. ('r\ (i! \\h.r it has lu-cn shmik! tn Ill \o u r ediu.itiiiii Loiir'es. .in tlu \ I'.ev as guest spe.iker in N’esper reiM. '’ Tin guests wen introduced .md Mor.ii: Ne'.er go out with sciiieone's c()iir.i_'i.' t'ru' t.K iiltv .nil] stu.irt\. t!\it htcn I'ut hftorc tlifiii. I n r lKv-s\ eiju:jMlieilt. lou'il I'et- bv .\lph.i Zet.i ch.ipter .it the ''''.Kiiiiig: S p r i n g is iiM .iround this I '1 to th e t ; r lill’str.lte th e I’olllts ti. be COS is .1 i K.dh '1 a ch.di hi'iiie ol Mrs. .\1. (\ .\!leii. I\'.ent\- th.e Corner, .md tn ill of \o u ^ irb N;,’_rn j\ipii!atioii ('! nkkihoni.i .iiul ered. \\\Ik do th.eN ' v'.lio h.r.e m.r.e irieiids .ill d u r­ Mirce t r e s h m . i n g irls '.'.erc i i u i t c d . Kappa Calendar its si.irriiiip.iliii:: c o ti i n n in i tR ’'-. I )(K s tlie t a c u l ty t.iki. u n d e r co n - h iitert.iinment incukled iiuvk.dinc ing: the u .ir be i I'cc.iiise nov.' K.ipp.i .\:ph,.i I’si tr.itei iiit\' pre­ IIi''.\' iii.itn o: the stiuk'nt v.lm sider.ituiti. whe: .i stikknt i.iiU tii iii’_'. "ni^lit 'ii.ick ' .ind I' Is 'he tmie :or liiosi. who h.r.e been sented si\ bonks 111 the L.iiigston .lie now atttiiii’n^' I.ancstoti woiilik p.iss ,1 c o u rs e , it c o u l d b e .is S i ’uvei'iirs .iiiil pri/.es w e r e g i v e n ;is i]ii!et to \’..ike ii['. S|'rmg brings in kitcr ve.irs, send their elvMreii much, their l.iult .is the student s' high school, about ch.mue. there's .1 different Uit'b. I’lig iloin^s .ire sLludiiled in !\.ip to'..;ston l.’tii\crsit\'. il it shimli! Stuiieiiis. we h.i\e regulations pist •lir in 'lie .itnvispb.ere, l i t it this spring— the ( Foie rcm.iin .it the same le\el it is n o w .IS .ill institutions oi higher k.irm ng. 1 /) \i':i Coming To .M.irch o! K.ijipa .\!pb..i I’si. W. I , r n a s tiu le n t, as I h . n e s.;'il, Iv. _;ukitions \\ e .ill k n o w e m u s t LANGSTON UNIVERSITY 1 leiirv (Ireelle will be ,1 g u e s t o n nnil I ,im in ,i position to see tlie abid.e bv. Hut. .ire we k;ds or yuiii:: L.ingstoii c.impus. lie s in tour the That W e Might th in > tlvit .ir. 'jo i n c o n in m e n .in d N s o m e ii ' o u n g n ie n r.ii'i Dorothea Towles c.impus and cliser’.i t!n ..cti’. ities o:’ .ini', .■roll-;.! th 's n -titi;tio n . althoiiL'li \\omeii who should by now know I-’oni f)>n .\lpli.i I’i J i.ip te r . I • ;i h e rt o n i\' lo r a slicirt the tlie\ \v.iiit to t.ike in li!e. Charm Clinic e'.uiiiig 01 de\ sdivjs In the t;':le. Students, something to be I','.ehn I’ (!hoir of ( )klahoma and April I Gratis V.'c h,a\c a Stuilent C'ouneil !u:c done. These things | h,i\e mentioned Cit\: and .1 brilliant arr.iy of semi- l.o'.er ■ elopill;: with his .idored 1: th.i' is ( r,;,!ni/ei! to ser\e the stu­ .ire lUst some ot tlie m.itu coiidv I’.ir s|n.ikers ,md con'voc.itii.n min­ FASHION SHOW "I L'W m u c h is th.e I'arc ■" dent hi-lv. lUit the ureatir portion tioiis existing here .it L.ingstoii. I’ut isters. 1 .1X1 1 ) " I li.its' all right, sir. (<: this sni.knt hodv 11 behalf of the ;ommittee which The \oiiii.; laiK's lather settled all th.c presiiiuit oi the Student ('oiiiv It \ou illst stop .ind t.i'.e I. itice ol 8:00 p. m.— Auditorium is Wdrkiiig diligentlv to m.ike tlie th at!"' cik .\nd th.ere are thi. c who are them, .md \vork .md ^tr. e your obser\.ince 01 Religious I'.niph.isis not (•'.en eoncern'-d. I’ut as loivj as h .in lest. it c a n b e d o n e ! Il c.iii not W e e k .1 \ e l e m e n t in o u r c o m - this condition exists, there rca!l\' is be done in .i d.i\. or .i motitli. I lile, this reporter urges .ill not an\ need tor a student eouncik realize that it may take \e.irs. hut students ,ind ;.icult\. C'hristi.ins. atluists. jnd seekers, to p.irticip.ite This is mu d:rectl> the Student it’ \(Ui. the students w ho tio\s' .ire \ » V‘V ('outK-il's tault. nor is it direet'.v tlie attending Langston, will start the liilly in the offerings, .ill of which s tu d e n t I'o d y t.u'.lt. h u t i n d i r n t h ' lound.ition. We will see a .ire designed to turn vour .ittention h o th . L 'n less t h t r e is s o m e sort ot better Langston in the luture. 'i'hc to tlk .Nl.ister's ex|i|.in.ition of I lis understanding: and co-cipcration be­ Langston in which my kids, your : ' h comin_' to earth— we might .vv h.i\e life. tween the two. this st.itc ol' suiii- kids, will be el it by in Liter years. 1r existence \\ill remain. Vours trulv, I h.l^e hten on this rainpiis lor j / LL/IL H\’ANS. Iw Medical School more than a year, and iiave heart! •a million complaints Irom the stu­ C.ontmitid From l\r^c One dents here. Init these complaints Spare Room tjuestions are ot the obiectivc type. have been coni'ncd onlv amon;j ” 1 tell you I won't lui'.e this • \pplication forms aiul a ISulletin thcmsches. Students!'! 'i’ou can not room! " protested the old lady to the ot Iniormation, which gives iletails i;ct anythini: ilonc that way. tor bellboy who conducting her. ot registr.ition and iulministration, that is wtiat vour student council "I'm not going to p.i\ my good as well .IS sample i|uestions, are is l-i;-. That is the wav to get re­ money I'or a closet with ;i ..'.e;isly av.iilable imm premedical advisers sults. Hut il tiie student council little folding bed in it. it you think or directh trom I.dii-ational Testing doesn't uft any results, then j;ct a that just bec.uise I'm Ironi the coun­ Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Service, liox ^1,2. Princeton, [. new student council and '. I.iving sKjii. a tenor virtuoso, who has been hailed as one of the lor |i.irt!Cipatu)ii in track. most outstanding tenors in the his­ lire.iux three lettermen re­ turning to carry tlie load. 'Fhey are tory ot {..ingston University, re­ turned to study here. D uring lus .tl>- ('harlcs I loriiheak. a iunior from .\rilmore. ()klahom.i; Robert ash- sencc Irom the L'niversity. M r. Liv- in^ton, a junior from W’ashin;;ton, inbston vveklv at The Som­ D. (!.; liilly Svvmton, a senior from brero. which is located in “Th e \’al- Detroit. NIich. 'Fhese men were ley of the Sun " in .\riz(jna. Lie was members 01 last season's memorable a member of the Sunset X’espcr rcl.iy team. choir, an organization lhe- lirst meet in which the Lions consisting ot 500 members. Livings­ will participate will he the quad- ton was one of fit teen Negroes who N A T H A N IE L HARE meet at Tex.ts (\)lle,u'e. The ALFRED LESTER cjualified t'or this '.:roup. I iis activi­ l.ioninen will cumpete aL'ainst 'Le\.h ties in music also included the or- Two Langston Universi+y Students Win colle;^e. I’ ishop and W'ilev. ’ L. U. Freshman Gets ‘ ganiz.ition ol .1 comm unity choir in M.ison. .\rizon.i. ;is well as serving nu'it will lie belli . Honorable Mention ■IS din ctor ot the church choir. NW Golden Gloves Championships ( liher meets are: Prairie N'iew Rel.ivs .April 2^ On All-America Team During his previous tenure at I N Il) — \'athanii.'l 147- L.ingston. Livingston was a member NViUy Rel.iys .\|iril 17 .Allerd Luster, gu.ird poiind iiovicf, iiml l.oniiic Kemp. Ze+as Observe 'Finer of the b.isketball team, president 0: Xav i( r Meet .April 24 on the Langston L'ni'.ersity footb.ill i(ii) [Kuiiul noviCL'. \\(}n cham pion­ the L.ingston L’niversitv clioir. stu­ Womanhood Week' With ( ’ofit'erence meet ,it team, received .111 honor.ible m ention ships in llu-ir ri-ApectUf (iuisicms dent director and soloist of the choir. Soutlurii Mav h - on the Pittsburgh Courrier's .\ 11- •It the Ni)rth\\fsi ( )kl.thom.i ('mlikn Vesper Service Feb. 21 :ind an active im .m ber of the Stud.ent .\merica lootb.ill for tlie (iliAcs lourn.inK iit as I Lire dcUatcti Larnhda .Alpha and l!eta Phi Zeta ( '.hristian association. 'cason. Luster w is const.intly a .\l\in ( )\\ ens. a lso (it^stiui L'ni- chapters ol Zeta Phi I'leta S(ir(.)rilv, lessie Rav loiies. a iunior. m ajor­ thorn lor the oppositi(! sjvilarship whi/: lull count in inst seconds to \\;n honor is ^iven to a woman who has contriliution to social stand,irds, they ha'.e exemplitied sincc entenic. The Langston Lions swept a three a place in the lin.ils. duens cd.;ed done outst.indini: civic and reliL:ious Tuml'lin;,: .iiul stunts (,ii .i[v,iar:itus the mvstii. shrine ot Ome.:.i. game series trom I'lshop C'ollege to a iiec:sion o\er liill FlemminL; vMirk in her communitv. alvv.ivs h.ive been valu.ible .mil po|'- end their HyS4 b.i'ketb.ill su.ison. W’ednesdav and retiirneii Tluirsda\' T o clim.iN the observance. (Uir an- in that their chief contribution The Lions pLiceil third in the South­ Convocation Schedule and sent Ponca C'ity's Lancelot "Pdue I\evue" w ill he hclci on is the ilevelopm ent of org.inic v is- west conference, w ith S o u t h e r n Sund.av. II p. m. Prime.iu\ down tor the lon^ cor.nt Thursdav ni.:ht. I’ebruarv cer.i along with certain soci,il st.ind- clinchinu the title :uid \V'i!ey the fhursday. i ' :■ a. m. in =;i seconds ni’ the second [leriod. w ith three hi,ch school non-competi- .irds. and attitudes lavor j'hvsi- r u n n e r u p . Mond.iv. I' : ;i' a. m. K e m p a n d 1 larc recei\eil trofihies live skits aiul with the Delta Si_uma eiluc.ition. Douglity. f)ixt)n. .md P.uterson The Rev. C. W illiam P.Lick for championsliips in tlieir respective 'Fhet 1 sororitv. \lpha Phi .-Mpha, It W.IS lor the above re:ison that divisions v.hik ()\\cns aw.iriied led the wav for the Lions in the TuestI.iy. .1. m . f)me"a Psi Phi .ind Kappa .Mpha the "I’livsical lai. Tiiinbling club" home series :ig;iinst l!isho[i. with !\ev. Shirkv (!. Sanchez a siher ;..;lo\c tor runner-up. Psi fraternities competing’ for the W.IS organi/ecl. Its sjionsor is .Mr. L.ingston w inning the first game \\’e d p .e si!.iv . 10: ;o a. m . Two other Lan:;ston L'nivirsitv p r i/ e . Crovve-ll, instructor in the P. L’,. de­ to ()i) ,ind t.ikini; the secontl game Rev, I. ('astina fackson students. .Xlbert Snvth and C',corue The theme for the year is "Finer partment and the ch.iricr members I;'' to L\’FN IN (; A C TIX’ITIF.S M iller, ilroppeil their initial bouts in W’onun in a L'ree U'orld. .md iilticirs .ire; St.mli'v \\’hite, S u i h 1.iv . 4 :0 0 p. m . the tournament. Smith out- The tlu'me lor our "P>lue Ivevue” senior: I'luuiie Steam, senior: Betty Mov ie. "Kevs to the Kingdom " pointeil h\ Charles Miles, hard-hit­ IS "l’ a;:s to Richcs." liell, sophomore, secret.irv; lietty Mrs. Cenoria Johnson S u n d . iv . (<:do p. m . ting \ ’.ince .\'rm an. .ind Miller losi D.ivis. sophomore: isohrrt R e c e p tio n a close decision to Phillip Porter ol sophomore. presuiiiU: Fr.ivis hdli Speaks at Seminar Tuesday. S:i^; p. in . I'.n iiL Oklahoma Ci+y Youth ott. sophomore: Lisep'.iine White. 'Lhe l.anustoii L'niversitv tiuhtcrs Soror (Y-nori.i [ohnson of ( )kl.i- ".In F.i'Lrtin'^ of Soti^" C nntniH id I-'roiu ( ) n c tre.isurcr; Lois 1 lopson. homa C'itv. ( >klahoin.i. speaker F.velyn Pittman ('hoir have been invited to participate in tresliinaii; liter Hurt, treshman, Oklahoma City, .M.iry and K.tih- ,it .1 monthly seminar recently. \\’ 7:00 p. m. the st.iie tournament. c.i[n.iin: NLirv A . SLuighter, iresh- erine Ruilil ot Muskogee, Kenneth Soror [ohnson spoke on "(dioosing N fo v ie . N’a d i s " reporter: KonaLl 'I'l/nijr. tresh- Stevm s f)f L.ingston. Melvin Doreii. .1 ('areer." She is a member ol ('hi D orm itory retreat each evening :i iiian. College Dennocrats Shawnee, llobbie I lughlon ot Langs­ Zet.i .\lpha. ol the Zet.i Phi Beta 0 : 0 0 p. m . \\’e h.ive had much fiin .mil loy ton. ;i tiance team Irom Douglass Sorority. Inc.. .md at present is Active on Campus in preparing the perform.inces that hiuh school. Okl.ihoma ('ity. loan executive secret.try of the Urban vve have given in the W’e went The ncwlv oruani/rtl C! o 11 e g c Roundtree. S.m Springs, and Lmies League of Okl.ihom a (^;tv. JET MAGAZINES Democrats on I.ani^ston's campus L'ord. ( )klahoma City. to the '>’.M.C..\. in < 'klahoma City S.iturd.iy. L'eb. 2". and ,1 real are very active. The orLzanization is The group was welcomed to English Club To SOLD W EEKLY headed by W'esle;. IL I'.ilmonds, Langston university by L. C. Moore. evening o: tun in tlicir uvm .iml in­ door swimming pool. We h.ive been Oklahoma ('itv. Other otlieers are Dean of Instruction and Ilurlo n Fu- Present Plays BY trel of the brick masonry depart­ .isked to perform in th ' ’i’. C'arnival \^'llma lean Roland, secretary. O kla- The F.nghsh club of Langston ment. Other Langston university in nklah om a C'itv ,it the M hom.i C!itv and Frank .Mills, treas­ L’niversitv w ill jiresent three one-act personnel participating c>n the pro­ .luditoriiim where Duke L'.llington L E. SANDERS urer. W’ashinmon, I). ('. p lavs sometime during the month ;M'.d his aggregatio.i will supply the In the next meeting the ori^aniza- gram were: Rev. |ohn nuisic. W’e are looking lorvv.ird to of .April. 'Fhese plays w ill he the tion w ill iliscuss "('ivil Riuhts and Director of Religious Activities; Dr. club's project for this year. 15 cents per copy i-'.mma F^ragg. Dean ot Wdinen; this .IS one of our highlights ol the Political Integniy." W atdi the bulletin boards for fur­ Rev. i’. n. Pike. Rv'sident Super .liniig with the "(iytn Night" Watch the bulletin boards for the ther announcements. that vve are to give in] next meetinj; of the College Dem o­ visor of .Men. and M'^s Youra .\pril in the L’niversitv gym. c ra ts. Oualls, Professor of English. — M VKV A . Si. V fc .H TK R , Reporter.. F. T. A. to Attend Spring Conferences

The W illiam 1 1. .Martin chapter

of the iMiture Teachers of .America w ill attend tlif’ two d.iv spring con­

ference (if the Slate L'uture Teachers .

w h ic h w i l l he h e ld at .A. ,\ I. C!ol-

lege. Stillvvater. Okla.. on .April 2-3.,

Last vear diiring the conlerence j

at W’cathertord. Oklahom.i, Miss

Bettv Osborne, junior froin Okla­

homa ('itv. was ek'cted State F.ditor

of the F.T..\. News Letter.

I'rosh: "W hat'll we do tonight.'"

Soph: "To ss a coin. I leads, wc get

dates; tails, we'll go to the movies Z. Crawford of Langsfon goes in for an easy lay up. Lllleton No. 53 alone; ami if it stands on edge, we'll loots on. No. 49 is Dickson of Langston. The Lions rutclassed the Texas College Mr. Crowell's tumbling team entertaining during half-time ol a basketball game. s t u d v . " Steers both nights. LAN':,'‘-TON UNIVERSITY CAZETTE MARCH, 1954 Reiigious Emphasis Week Speakers, March 7-11


.M;-.s l.( il,i .\iuiers(iii is ,t I*hi fk t.i ■ ■ \ , . 'l.,-. 'H'C-ll tl\c K.i, (i.i gi.hlu.ite 111 the .'\giies Scott W. lUiniei ( Mill) l-.aston,Jr., is a Dr. Walter R. Hearn, instructor . ■! ‘'-ll I SilllC- his lll!'llSv h(K>l -I'lKgc. .\tl.iMi.i, (Fiurgi.i. 1 ! ' I g i a d yining v.ho has 111 biochemistry .it I'aylor umversitv, .. .i: ■! ; pi- ■■■ in ri'^'ii II' uate study done at the l.'m li.ul .1 long c.irier in iohs tie.iling is .1 Plu P.eta Kappa and a graduate ' ■' ! P . ( hri'-ti.i:! i M r s i t \ ..i I'.iliid rn i.i. l ’.Ki:ii. S c h o o l with student religious work. St.irt ol Rice institute. He earned hi.s - ■ . > M( \ VW ('.\. dl iuligicn and ihe L iiuMi I tieo- mg out .IS ,1 ( \) min Ph.D. .It Illinois L'niversity in 19=51. 11 ' ■ HI D.lll.'^'. lull J! I'lll.ltriJ scinni.irv. Siie currently holds ister. he mo\ed inio .1 position .is .1 .\ H.ipitist, lie as his main goals '■■’n \!' ulliv(■r^■t\ ,ir i>\iiir.|, the [Hisuiiiii ol nation,il studuu V. .\l. ,\. secretary lor 111 lile "to gel people who think to f >!' ■■ I !:• rcv'civcd tn : ' ■ ■!' V. ( . .\, M. .iti\. .It t h e L'ni the P.kilic .ire.i. 1 ie hec.inie id- trust in lesus Christ, and to get m : - ; ’n t, .1.; liTlll.l, M iss .\l ld e r -;ii ' ■ in tv -.I.IN ^ 111 I'.p ‘ iiu ’ .It iior ol ihe Intercollegian, well- I'cople who trust in jesus ('iirist to I ( UK inn.Ill un;\fr .itv .iiiil the ■.dll'. sjiiM .il lie ld s dl s tu c k ,ind known V. .M. ('. W’. ('. A. think. Included in his counselling ;iiU r<'st IIU h i d e till- S u i d e n t ( 'hris- ■■ ( ic iir ^ f llll.irlls .'C. I l l ' IS .1 student ni.ig.r/iiie published in \e w .ireas .tre " I'lie .N'.ituri- of Spiritual I- :n!H r ('! ; In " . ■; I )i i' i l\ .1 i : , II.k ; Mii^Mr.iMi! Hi \ .irious countries ’>ork. lie has taught atul adminis­ Pruili ,ind I’ (Christian Liv­ ‘ ii'.; ldi ' III tlie I onieniporary '^l_Pia .Mph.a I'psildll. .Uiil P.llllK.'cllv tered religions activities .it Smith ing. 1 Ie .idniits his speaking .\riUii,,in siHMtidii. She is an excel- l-."'rT.irv I I s -!uir;h college. L'liiversiiy of .M.issachusetts, style tends to he "pretty informal, a '.. iiKUi is the l irst I (iiniiuinity k'!it < .iu:'se!!di in the lie!d or \oc.i kawreiice C'ollege, Ste|'bens College, .ilthough more thought provoking •"•iircli (It I ).illas. Ills .'uinscllinu lions lor wonu'n. Ixila .\ndersdn .md I’.irk I'ollege, Park\ille. ,\io.. .IS .ire iiiaiiiK pcrsdn.i! prol'ii mi'-. rep rcsi iii( d the l c h u r c h .it where he is employed at jiresent. .\ tli.ui eiitenaining." .\ navy veteran, ■ .Hid n1.11 riauc. ( liriMi.ui I'thics, th e !:rst W o r l d A s s e in b 1 v of student of theolouy of Paul Tillich. he also teaching experience ,ind rcl.itKuis. Ai a r-' ( hurJies and has attended m.uiy I'.aston atiended Vale uniuTsity anti at Illinois .ind Vale universities. In­ intern,itidnai student ci>nferinces in nt isir to Ok!ah('m.i iini\t'r'.:tv I'nion Theological seminary, lie has cluded in his many organizations is iikr- \.ir .« n is 1 countries and In- , _■ tlirir ixcli^idus W'ci k, ht traveleil around the world, and is h.- . .'.!.i Her 'nirrests .ind hobbies in- memhersliip m the .\nierican Scien- : j-h.iM/i'ii l<'\c "wnti. and .'lude the the,Iter, b.illet, and s\s iin- much in demaiui at student religious ti.ic .\tlili.ition, an organization of n;it pl.iy." m in g . conferences. ('hrivtians uho are scientists.


Ke'.ercnd kune' .\. liiernev is Cr. k. .Messenger is minister of the .1 meinl'e.'- oi the Dominican order Rev. (\'!cstine Pfannenstiel, be­ Mrs. iithel R. l\ethm,in is a ('hris- 1 .ind Is ,1 [iroiesso; ol theoldgv and P'lr-t C' church m Stillwater, longing to the congregation ol the tian Science praaitioiur in the Tiik.i ( ikkihonia. .Nlesseiiger received his .It ^ - '-i phiidsdphy ,1: tl'e X..'>Rr unnersity ■Missionary Servants of the .Most area uho has appeared throui;hoiit degree irom Texas (Christian CT . ■ I , : i!. ! - \!rih \e\\' ( Irle.ins. kouis;.ui.i. the o iiK 1 lo'.v Trinitv, is an assistant at St. the nation c)n assignment from the Lniversitv at Port Worth. His grad­ ! 1 !(' l;,is c.itholic universitv ior Negroes m I’r.incis X.i\ ler Parish in Stillwater. Mother ('hurch 111 l^ioston, .M.iss. uate work was done .it the L'niver- .=:;.i uni \ m e r K . i. H i s gradu.ite work in Okl.ihonia. June 11*48 P'r. Pfannen- 1 ler work also has de.ilt with peoples sitv ol ('hic.igo and the .Semin.iry at ^ till- 11,1' Philosophv vs as cc mpleled at the stiel was sent by his superiors to iriiiii countries other than the L'nitcd Northwestern L'niversity. He holds I '■ ' M U l t l l C.ithohc L'niversity ol .\nic.Tic.i in Oklahoma to help in the diocese Ix'- States. Pier stuik career includes the .\I..\. degree irom the L'niversity ■■ (il'I!, iiul W.i'hington. D. lie is .1 noted e.u.'C 01 the shortage of priests. \vt>rk .It the 'jni\ersities of Colorado ol C'hic.igo. • m arti.ii iou!i'>cllin.: lectnn r on Thom isti^ Thought and and .\riz;'iKi and \e w .\k \ico St.ite , r o i i i the author ol lllueprint h'r \\'hile in S'illw.iter be has been Ik' : "A fe.ichers college. 111 addition to spe- .\Ir. .VIessenger came to Stillwater . ■ . .. . A r k . , a n d I'hom istic Rs. .iscming." Reverend ■issoci.itei.1 with Neu 111,111 C'kib work ci.iiized study in Science; from the (ileii ( )ak church in Peoria, ‘ K ' . 1'. I ) . .it H i i k c .\!clii(.rne\ been chapl.iin lo r the on tlu' c.ini[His of ( )kl.ilu.nia .\. aiul she has t.iugh Sp.inish. Mrs. Reth- Illinois, where he served for live i h'. >loct(ir oi jihilcjsopln N’ewman clubs of kouisiana State .M., besides heing an assistant in man is a member of K.ap;ia Delta years. In addition to that he has ,it l l d s t o n u : i i - the parish. Kealizing also the great university aini T 11 1 a n e .Medic.1! Pi and .\lpha Psi ( )inega. She saw. served the college town churches at ■ ! . h u rt'll !ii''tcir\. neeti of tlie colored people of Still- school, llis main w ork as a counsel­ "Il you would be a spiritual pionnr. C'anyon ami Denton. Texas, .Mes- ’ li. ii!\\atcr. he lor deals with nurses .md medical w.iter for more liel[) P'r. he y oi.rsell— the ( iod maile you , senger is keenlv intere'ted in college- ■ r / T ; \,i'. a m i V. av a I Students. 1 lis belief in “ ('lOii's g re at Pi.uinenstiel is working at the pres age stiidents as is witnessed bv the j est vv’ork (il e.irth is man. .Man's ent time on a to get the to be. 'I'dur horizons will be un­ •nc general bn,in.i tact that nearly his en'ire ministrv • : ;1 '■ .M cthoiiist I'hurch ' master art is the leading of man to ('atholic church s;,irted in that part limited and all your discoveries has heen spent in college com­ '. Ti nn. 1 Ood.” ol town. blessings." munities.

it* ROBERT A. &ELLER REV. J. CASTINA JACKSON NORBERT L. ROSENTHAL [ohn Sa\rc has lueii cainpus min­ Iveverend (lingerich was horn in I ister 01' the I-irst (Hiristian church of Okmulgee, Okl.ihom.i. and received Robert A. Cel ler was born and j Norhert L. Rosi';.thal, rabbi of Stillwater, fur the tour years. his high school education there. Iveverend J. Castina Lickson, di­ reared in .Vehraska. He attended the Temple Israel congregation of This week he is servitiij as sponsor .\fter accepting the c.ill to the min­ rector 01 the Xorth Tulsa Baptist Tulsa, was a chajilain in the army 1 Listings c()llei;e where he was a i of the student relijiious council as istry, he graduateil Irom Oklahoma center, Tulsa, Oklahoma, anti part- tor tive years, for which he received well as co-director of Relit;ii)us I'jii- City L’niversity and then received memlK'r of the debate team and cap- j time instructor of preaching at the a citation lor meritorious service. At phasis Week. Mr. Sayre entered the his Master ol Theology degree trom tain of the track squad. 1O k 1 a h o m a School of Religion. [iresent, he is vice-president of the L'niversity of Oklahoma in 1942. lliff School of Theology in Denver. Langston, Oklahoma, is a graduate Chicago Rabbinical association, vice- and transferred to Phillips university C!olorado. .\s a graduate of McCormick presielent of the Family and Service in where he spent four years, Fol'owing eminary work, he re- Theological seminary, Mr. CJeller be­ of Morehouse College and Howard comniittee. and a member of the receivi'i^' his P). in K)46 and rc- turneil to Oklahoma to ser\'c pas- came a tieltl missionary for the University (summa cum laude). He History and Psychiatry committee maininj: for one year oi graduate tor.ites in Marshall and Medlord, Hoard of Xational Missions, i’res- is active in youth work in Tulsa, of the C. C. .\. R. Included in his Oklahoma. In i