Workshop on Motorcyclists Safety: ‘Riding in a Safe System’

Session: in the regions

Moderator: Edwin Bastiaensen, IMMA

10 June 2021 14h-16h CEST 2

Goal of the ITF Workshop ‘Riding in a Safe System’

• Powered two wheelers are 28% of global traffic fatalities • Decade of Action 2021-2030 aims to reduce by 50% • ITF Workshop will propose safety policy directions

• Today’s session: ‘Motorcycling in the regions’ – Updates on safety through 7 presentations from the regions – To understand regional specifics and priorities 3

ITF workshop ‘Riding in a safe system’

Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Wednesday 9 June 2021 10 June 2021 15 June 2021 16 June 2021 17 June 2021 23 June 2021 29 Sept. 2021

2pm-3.30pm 2pm-4pm 2pm-5pm 2pm-5pm 2pm-5pm 2pm-5pm 2pm – 5pm CEST CEST CEST CEST CEST CEST CEST

Opening Motorcycling Modal Shift Sustainable Vehicle safety, Training, Road Speed Consolidation of Closing Session in the regions and urban practices, work Protective education and infrastructure and management, Recommendations plenary needs related issues Safety and ITS licensing road environment adapting speed towards a safe and behavior to and procurement system integrating different PTW mobility environments

By invitation Public Public By invitation By invitation By invitation By Invitation By Invitation By Invitation Public

Horizontal issue : Child and Youth safety 4

Scope: Powered Two Wheelers (PTW)

Moped (L1) & Motorcycle (L3) • A ffordable, fuel-e c o n o m ic mode of personal transport • Small footprint, reducing traffic congestion, s m a ll p a rk in g , Q u ic k d o o r-to-door journeys

• Different rider and passenger position compared to cars • Limited bodyw ork and space for luggage and protection • T w o -w heeled vehicles lean in curves • Specific training and license f o r a c c e s s • Use of certified helmets/personal protective equipment (PPE)

, step-through/, street, tricycle, classic, super- sport, touring, , custom, , dual-purpose, off-road… … and electric 5

Welcome to ‘Motorcycling in the regions’ - session

• Welcome • Presentations from the regions 7 x 10’ each • Q&A 15’ • Observations / closing 10’ 6

Regional reports on motorcycling

1. China – Ms Bo Sui, Traffic Safety Research Sr. Engineer Autoliv, China 2. India - Mr. Prashant Banerjee, Executive Director, Society of Indian Automotive Manufacturers (SIAM) 3. SE- – Mr. Johannes Loman, President, Federation of Asian Motorcycle Manufacturers (FAMI) 4. Latin-America – Dr. Hilda Maria Gomez, Consultant, Colombia 5. Africa – Mrs Tawia Addo-Ashong, Road Safety Lead, World Bank SSATP 6. Europe - Mr. Antonio Perlot, Secretary General, European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) 7. North America – Dr. Jeff Michael, Research Associate, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Q&A Moderation: Mr. Edwin Bastiaensen, IMMA 7

Questions and Answers 8

Questions and Answers

What do you think are the one or two most efficient solutions for reducing # motorcycle fatalities and injuries in your region towards 2030, or, in other words,

What are the most important policy measures or aspects leading to a significant improvement of in your region? 9

Questions and Answers

1. China – Ms Bo Sui, Traffic Safety Research Sr. Engineer Autoliv, China 2. India - Mr. Prashant Banerjee, Executive Director, Society of Indian Automotive Manufacturers (SIAM) 3. SE-Asia – Mr. Johannes Loman, President, What are the most important Federation of Asian Motorcycle Manufacturers (FAMI) policy measures leading to a 4. Latin-America – Dr. Hilda Maria Gomez, significant improvement of Consultant, Colombia 5. Africa – Mrs Tawia Addo-Ashong, Road Safety Lead, motorcycle safety in your World Bank SSATP region by 2030? 6. Europe - Mr. Antonio Perlot, Secretary General, European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) 7. North America – Dr. Jeff Michael, Research Associate, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Q&A Moderation: Mr. Edwin Bastiaensen, IMMA 10

Observations 11

Variation in share of in traffic (%)

Percentage of registered PTW s per total registered motor vehicles by country Percentage of PT W fatalities of all road traffic fatalities 12

Differences in road infrastructure & context

… Research & Pilots ….

Source Miros 13

Diverse vehicle types and styles

PTW ≤ 4 kW

4 kW < PTW ≤ 11 kW

11 kW < PTW ≤ 25 kW

25 Kw < PTW ≤ 35 kW

PTW > 35 kW

Power/engine capacity variation across the regions 14

Vehicle requirements and global harmonisation

World Forum WP.29 in Geneva • 1958 Agreement - Harmonized Technical United Nations Regulations and mutual recognition of vehicle type approval • 1998 Agreement: Global technical regulations

Harmonisation benefits: road safety, environmental protection and trade 15

Diverse motivations to use motorcycles

• Primary Mobility – Affordable, accessibility – Efficient, economical • Alternative (urban) mobility – Avoid congestion – e- – MAAS • First responder service • Business – Delivery – taxi en a b lin g business and public service • Leisure accessibility to jo b s, h ea lth , ed u c a tio n a n d leisu re 16

Motivations to use motorcycles 17

Motivations to use motorcycles 18

Motivations to use motorcycles 19

Motivations to use motorcycles 20

Motivations to use motorcycles 21

Motivations to use motorcycles 22


• Geographical differences accentuate the context in regions • Varying and growing share of PTWs on the roads – Mobility and accessibility function is key in most regions – Diversity of vehicle styles, types and use – Recent increase in use of PTW for commercial purposes

• Some common areas of attention reported by regions – Need for inclusion of PTW safety & mobility in policy – Importance of rider training Safe, sustainable motorcycling – Safe System approach in infrastructure requires policy support – Harmonisation of minimum vehicle requirements – Importance of accident data and investigations – … 23

1. China – Ms Bo Sui, Traffic Safety Research Sr. Engineer Autoliv, China 2. India - Mr. Prashant Banerjee, Executive Director, Society of Indian Automotive Manufacturers (SIAM) 3. SE-Asia – Mr. Johannes Loman, President, Many thanks to our Federation of Asian Motorcycle Manufacturers (FAMI) keynote speakers 4. Latin-America – Dr. Hilda Maria Gomez, Consultant, Colombia and… 5. Africa – Mrs Tawia Addo-Ashong, Road Safety Lead, World Bank SSATP see you next week. 6. Europe - Mr. Antonio Perlot, Secretary General, European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) 7. North America – Dr. Jeff Michael, Research Associate, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Q&A, Moderation: Mr. Edwin Bastiaensen, IMMA 24

Next steps

Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Wednesday 9 June 2021 10 June 2021 15 June 2021 16 June 2021 17 June 2021 23 June 2021 29 Sept. 2021

2pm-3.30pm CEST 2pm-4pm 2pm-5pm 2pm-5pm 2pm-5pm 2pm-5pm 2pm – 5pm CEST CEST CEST CEST CEST CEST

Opening Motorcycling Modal Shift Sustainable Vehicle safety, Training, Road Speed Consolidation of Closing plenary Session in the regions and urban practices, work Protective education and infrastructure and management, Recommendations needs related issues Safety and ITS licensing road environment adapting speed towards a safe and behavior to and procurement system integrating different PTW mobility environments

By invitation Public Public By invitation By invitation By invitation By Invitation By Invitation By Invitation Public

Horizontal issue : Child and Youth safety