Motorcyclist Safety Regulation
MOTORCYCLIST SAFETY REGULATION Dr Siti Zaharah Ishak Director General Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research MAIN SOURCE FOR MOTORCYCLE SAFETY REGULATIONS Road Transport Act Road Transport 1987 (Act 333) Rules 2 MOTOR CYCLE - CLASSIFICATION • Classification of motor vehicles for motor cycle according to Section 5 (1)(b), Road Transport Act 1987 is motor vehicles with less than four wheels, and the unladen weight of which does not exceed 450kg 3 VEHICLE COMPOSITION Registered Vehicles Road Traffic VoluMe Rental Bus, 62022, Others, Car, 0% 592229, 2% 29541, 0% Taxi, 95058, 0% Goods Vehicle, 1262064, Motorcar, 4% 13,725,918, 46% Motorcycl e , 14189693, 48% Source: Road Transport DepartMent Source: Ministry of Works 4 MOTORCYCLE COMPOSITION IN MALAYSIA Under-bone / Scooter Cub Maxi scooter Naked bike All terra in b ike Cruiser 92.42% 95.31% Tourer Source 1. Abdul Manan, M. M., Ho, J.S., Syed Tajul Malik, S.T.A., M. Ruhaizat, G. (2016), Speed study and Behavior observation of motorcyclist along Malaysian roads , MIROS Naked bike Supersports Research Report MRRxx/2016, MIROS, Kuala LuMpur (In press) 2. JPJ (2015) Moped Sport bike Super naked 1.70% 1.88% 3.57% 1.61% 2.31% 1.20% < 90cc 90cc < x < 150cc 150cc < x < 250cc x > 250cc % of registered MC by engine capacity % of observed MC by engine capacity 5 STATISTICS Bus, 39, 1% Lorry, 192, 4wd, 88, Others, 3% 1% 94, 1% 70.0% Bicycle, 122Van, 2%, 47, 1% 60.0% Pedestrian, 50.0% 407, 6% 40.0% 30.0% Car, 1167, 20.0% 19% Motorcycl 10.0% e, 4128, 66% 0.0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
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