AUGUST 15, 1968 Graduate Student

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AUGUST 15, 1968 Graduate Student jpv**—-a McCarthy Aides )M m~ Bfc f '$ m Upward Bound Stress Georgia Ifc • '"^ Pd ATLANTA. Ga. (AP.— Georgia—with or without Gov. Lester Maddox as a candidate—has become a pivotal point To Present Play in Sen. Eugene McCarthy's drive for the Democratic presi- dential nomination. By SARA HEKTER and DIANE LEWIS Another group, working with tele . ision pro- McCarthy forces have taken control of a challenge to duction, are showing three of their films to Collegian Slaf. Writer mark their last days in the program. Georgia's Democratic National Convention delegation, and "We are black , we arc white, we are are giving it top priority in their attack on delegate seat- young, we arc alive and wc are beautiful." The third group which chose the field of ing at Chicago. These words from the opening lines of the photography have exhibits of their work on The McCarthy strategy apparently is two-fold: Upward Bound production of "Who Know. display during this week. Parents of the stu- dents enrolled in the ,program will be spending Tarnish Image Where I'm Coin '?" express the mood of the play to be presented at 8:30 tonight and tomor- the day on campus tomorrow. After visiting the • To attempt to tarnish Vice President Hubert Humphrey's students in their residence halls and attending civil rights image by forcing him into a position of align- row in the Grace Lutheran Churc hat Bea%cr Avenue and Garner Street. Upward Bound stu- classes with them, they will attend a closing ment with a delegation picked by Maddox. dents are presenting the play, a final project of dinner. Students return to their homes Satur- • To try .to polish McCarthy's own image on civil rights their eight week program at the University . day, Aug. 17. by basing the Georgia challenge and those in other states Admission is free. Director of the program at the University primarily on the. question of racial discrimination. 'Masters, Hughes, Fcrlinghetti' is James L. Ferine, instructor in community «§&"-" -.; development. The shift in the emphasis of the Georgia challenge .*& "Who Knows Where I'm Goin'?" is an to the racial question came after the McCarthy organiza- Sfe? origmal production compiled from the writings 'Students Have Head Start' tion captured Georgia's rival delegation in a bitter fight. of students and leading pools. "Il is." said Ted The Upward Bound program is designed to The Georgia Democratic Party Forum, an organiza- Martin , director of the play and teacher in the give selected young people a head start on pre- tion of dissident Democrats which initiated the challenge, Upward Bound program, "a montage oi paring lor college. The majority of the students based its case primarily on the question of the party loyalty various material , some by Upward Bound stu- in the program are expected to return to their of the Maddox-picked delegation. dents. We are attempting to express some high schools this fall and continue their studies and extracurricular activities, McCarthy Pressure university attitudes of young people today " maintaining Some of the material adapted for "Whc close ties with designated staff members at the Forum chairman E. T. Kehrer later told newsmen he Knows" is from Edgar Lee Masters' "Spoon nearest Penn State Commonwealth Campus. had been subjected to intense pressure from McCarthy's River Anthology ." including the title song: the Others ha.e oeen accepted for college this fall. staff to change the emphasis of the brief from party works of Langston Hughes, one of the most The program this summer was sponsored loyalty to race, but had resisted. famous black poets; and the works of Law- by the University under contract with the U.S. At Macon. Kehrer was elected convention chairman. rence Ferlinglictti. modern "beat" poet . office of Economic- Opportunity and ad- but the McCarthy organization ' immediately took control. Also contributing to the writing of the plav ministered b> the College of Human Develop- During the ensuing fight to elect a partisan delegation, arc two Upward Bound students . Bruce Fykes ment. Kehrer angrily turned- in his gavel and left the hall, de- Gilbert Wilson, two tutor counsellors of Up- The students enrolled come from eight and counties. In selecting nouncing the "amoral, tough and financially well-greased" ward Bound . Tiko Campbell and Shelley Todd , them. University person- tactics of the McCarthy forces. Lou Florimontc. writer tor WPSX-TV and nel worked with the Fayette County Com- Kehrer, one of the founders of the forum in 1966, teacher of a playwnting workshop for Upward munity Action Agency, Inc.. Blair County invited representatives of both McCarthy ' and' Humphrey Bound students, and Martin also helped write Economic Opportunit y Council and Central to the Macon convention as THEATRE GROUP of the Upward Bound Program at the University will present an Pennsylv ania Community Action Agency, Inc.. "national observers." the play. in Bellefonte. McCarthy sent an efficient staff, headed, by Washing- original semi-musical production at 8 p.m. Friday in Grace Lutheran Church. Cast in- The writers ha\e incorporated into the play " ton attorney Joseph Rauh, who is rules and credentials cludes, from left, seated, Reba Anderson. Uniontown: Idella Still. McClellandtown: Da- the Martin Luther King "I have a drc-'-" and excerpts from "A Day m the Life," coordinator for the campaign. vid Patterson. Harrisburg: and standing, Beniia Mosley, of McClellandtown: Walter Car- speech Humphrey did not respond , probably for two reasons: a play presented by the Douglas Association der, of Sewickley, musical director and a faculty msmb.r for the program; Janelle Sigel, Term. 7,300 Will Receive 'Lesser Evil' during Spring State College, Jonetta Peffer. West Leisenring; and Ted Martin, production director. Slic'cs for Background • The Maddox delegation includes some delegates who are for background and atmnsiih^r" dur- Humphrey supporters Slides, Degrees at Ceremon y , and others who consider him the ing presentation of the play, have been chosen lesser evil among the announced candidates. Despite strong photos from Time and _\'c.. _ \\ ec-. sentiment for George Wallace among Morton To Give Support from news University Commencement cxercisss. some others, the dele- magazmes. maikmg the end of the Summer Term will gation probably could be counted on the go for Humphrey "The material ha* been selected for its under the unit rule. be held at 2 p.m. Sundav . Sept. 1. m Re- university of time and place," Martin said. creation Building w ith nearly 1.300 graduates • Several forum leaders, including Kehrer. are pro-Hum- "We want to present something to the public expected to receive degrees. phrey .and hoped to elect a majority of Humphrey sup- that reflects \ outh and their attitudes about porters on the rival delegation. The candidates include 720 senioi s for \ Rocky Aide Joins INixo racism, war and peace, iuslice and injustice , the baccalaureate degree: 490 candidates for Kehrer said that even local McCarthy supporters had life and death. We have attempted to be honest ' agreed a pro-Humphrey delegation the master s degrees; and 84 for doctorates. would have a better SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) — paign. Nixon announced Morton . with these attitudes. These are things you can't Forty-two seniors at the University will "posture" before the Credentials Committee and stand a Richard M. Nixon enlisted one Sen. Thruslon Morton, R- appointment to newsmen on really avoid unless you stick your head in the better chance of making the challenge be graduated with honors at commencement successful. of defeated rival Nelson Ky., chairman of the Rockefel- the lawn outside the tour-story sand. " exercises. Kehrer said he now considers the challenge a lost Rockefeller's top strategists ler for President Committee, hotel building where his stalf is The play ends with the "Hope Machine." 3.i Forty-three senioi s at the University are cause, and has announced plans to convene the forum exe- yesterday as a special met with Nixon at the can- working. The senator, who has people joined together on stage as an abstract candidates for commission^ in the armed cutive committee to determine the organization's future traveling adviser in his Re- didate's beachside resort cam- know n Nixon since both were machine working together for hope. forces, the commissions to be awarded as a course. publican presidential cam- paign headquarters and agreed freshmen congressmen in 1946. 'Enthusiasm Dedication ' part of the graduation exercises. to join his campaign after was at his side. The project , said Martin , has been received Seventeen will qualify as second lieu- Labor Day. He said 'Morton would advise with an "unimagmable amount of enthusiasm tenants in the U.S. Army Reserve and eight Collegian Notes "This is the year we can put him on issues and on U.S. and dedication." as second lieutenants in the U.S. Air Force it together and win ," Nixon Senate campaigns. Later, Mor- It climaxes the work of one group of Up Reserve. said to Morton., who .had work- ton tol d newsmen he was confi- "ward Bound students who were working in the The U.S. Navy has listed seven for re- ed on Nixon 's losing 1960 dent that Rockefeller will cam- area of theatre. More than 100 students are gular commissions and nine for reserve com- presidential race. paign actively for the GOP enrolled in the Upward Bound program at the missions as ensigns. There is one senior for Journal ism School To Offer United Front ticket "without my talking tc University this summer. The students are com- a regular commission and one for a reserve Working to present a united him, but I'11-talk to him." pleting their eighth and final week with a commission in the U.S.
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