Telematics Transport System History and Development of Transport
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Archives of Volume 1 Transport System Issue 1 Telematics November 2008 History and development of transport telematics G. NOWACKI The Management and Transport Telematics Centre, The Motor Transport Institute, Jagiellońska 80, 03–301 Warsaw, Poland EMAIL: [email protected] ABSTRACT The paper refers to theoretical basis and history of transport telematics. The definition of transport te- lematics and its synonymous term - Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) were described. Further- more the development of transport telematics has been presented, especially general policy of many ITS associations all over the world: ITSS, ERTICO, ITS America, Australia, Japan and Poland. Finally, the applications of transport telematics and basic standards have been characterized. KEYWORDS: telematics, transport telematics, intelligent ,transportation systems, tele- communication, informatics Telematic systems use various software, devices and 1. Introduction applications: • for electronic communication, linking individual ele- The term telematics comes from the French - télémati- ments of the telematic system (wide spread network que and first appeared in the literature at the end of the se- WAN, local network LAN, mobile telecommunica- venties. In 1978 two French experts: S. Nora and A. Minc, tion network, satellite systems); introduced this term - télématique, which was created • for information collection (measurement sensors, vi- by linking telecommunication (télécommunications) and deo cameras, radars); informatics (informatique), and using the following seg- • of information presentation for the telematic sys- ments of those words: télé and matique. In 1980 this term tem administrators (GIS systems, access control sys- began to function also in the English terminology [7]. tems); The term telematics describes the combination of the • of information presentation for the system users (li- transmission of information over a telecommunication ght signalling, radio broadcasting, internet technolo- network and the computerized processing of this infor- gies –WWW, SMS. mation [4]. Some authors define the term telematics, as telecom- This term has begun to be introduced into various munication, information and informatic technology solu- branches of the economy, hence the appearance of such tions, as well as automatic control solutions, adapted to the terms as: financial, building, health, environmental pro- needs of the physical systems catered for – and their tasks, tection, operational, postal, library telematics. infrastructure, organization maintenance processes, mana- A particular example illustrating the application of gement and integrated with these systems. [6, 8, 10, 12]. the telematics is modern transport. Transport telematics © Copyright by PSTT , All rights reserved. 2008 61 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSPORT TELEMatics a code at the start of the message so that only cars affec- ted by that information would receive it. In Germany, ARI (Auto-fahrer Rundfunk Information), a highway radio system using FM (Frequency Modulation), was introdu- ced in 1974 to alleviate traffic congestion on north-bound autobahns during summer holidays. Similar systems were developed in various countries in Europe and they em- ploy RDS (Radio Data System) which can insert several additional data to available vacant spaces in the FM wave as the multi-layered data. At the beginning, the RDS spe- cification was not standardized in Europe. Since 1970, the Department of Main Roads in Austra- lia installed the first system that included 30 signalized in- Fig. 1. An example of telematic system tersections featuring centralized control and TRC (traffic responsive capabilities). encompasses systems, which allow – thanks to a data In the United States, government sponsored in-vehic- transmission and its analysis – to influence the road traf- le navigation and route guidance system - ERGS (Elec- fic participants’ behaviour or operation of the vehicles’ tronic Route Guidance System) was the initial stage of a technical elements, or out on the road, during the actual larger research and development effort called the ITS [2]. haulage [5]. In 1973 the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Transport telematics term has been used in Europe (MITI) in Japan funded the Comprehensive Automobile since 1990 and its synonymous term - Intelligent Trans- Control System (CACS) [2, 9]. All of these systems shared portation Systems (ITS) all over the world. a common emphasis on route guidance and were based on ITS means a system, in which people, roads and ve- central processing systems with huge central computers hicles are linked through the network utilizing, advanced and communications systems. Due to limitations, these information technology [1]. systems never resulted in practical application. Intelligent Transportation Systems encompass a broad In the second phase, from 1981 to 1994, the conditions range of wireless and wire communications-based infor- for ITS development were determined. Technological re- mation, control and electronic technologies. When in- forms, such as the advent of mass memory, made informa- tegrated into the transport system infrastructure, and in tion processing cheaper. New research and development vehicles themselves, these technologies help monitor and efforts directed at practical use got under way. Two pro- manage traffic flow, reduce congestion, provide alternate jects were being run in Europe at the same time: the Pro- routes to travellers, enhance productivity, and save lives, gram for a European Traffic System with Higher Efficiency time and money. and Unprecedented Safety (PROMETHEUS), which was The conclusion from many years of research conduc- mainly set up by auto manufacturers, and the Dedicated ted in the USA and Canada is that the use of telematic Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in Europe (DRIVE), systems results in the reduction of the funds allocated for set up by the European Community. PROMETHEUS was the transport infrastructure even by 30 – 35 %, with the started in 1986 and was initiated as part of the EUREKA same functionality of the system [3]. 2. History of transport telematics (ITS) development Based on the analysis of the literature, it is possible to select three phases in the history of transport telema- tics (Intelligent Transport Systems) development to date – fig. 2. The first phase is the beginning of ITS research in the 1970 and 1980s. Since the 1970’s, several European compa- nies have developed more complex systems that broadcast Fig. 2. History of transport telematics (ITS) development 62 Archives of Transport System Telematics G. NOWACKI program, a pan-European initiative aimed at improving surface transportation systems. Members include private the competitive strength of Europe by stimulating deve- corporations, public agencies, academic institutions and lopment in such areas as information technology, tele- research centres. The common goal is to improve the safe- communications, robotics, and transport technology. The ty, security and efficiency of the U.S. transportation system project is led by 18 European automobile companies, state via ITS. Traffic accidents and congestion take a heavy toll authorities, and over 40 research institutions. in lives, lost productivity, and wasted energy. ITS enables In 1986 the Commission proposed the Second Com- people and goods to move more safely and efficiently thro- munity Research and Development Framework Program ugh a state-of-the-art, multi-modal transportation system. with the specific objectives of improving road safety, trans- ITS America has sister organizations in Europe and Japan, port efficiency and environmental quality. Support from as well as affiliates in Canada, Brazil, and elsewhere. the Economic & Social Committee, from the European The third phase began in 1994, when the practical ap- Parliament and from the Council of Ministers, led to DRI- plications of earlier programs were seen, understood, and VE I (Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in intelligent transportation systems were being thought of Europe) being formally adopted in June 1988, as a three in intermodal terms rather than simply in terms of au- year Community research program. The project DRIVE I tomobile traffic. ITS have started to gain recognition as was carried out between 1989 and 1992. critical elements in the national and international overall In Europe, the term transport telematics began to be information technology hierarchy. used, on a wider scale, at the beginning of the nineties, In 1994 the IVHS program (USA) was renamed the when the EU started to include telematics in the III Fra- ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) indicating that mework Program (1990 - 1994). The third FP was appro- besides car traffic also other modes of transportation ved by the Council of the European Communities. This receive attention and during the first world congress in led to the specific program „Telematics Systems of Gene- Paris, the term - Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) was ral Interest” being adopted in June 1991. A work plan was accepted. prepared, in close cooperation with all the major Europe- Development of the transport telematics and its ap- an actors in the field of Transport Telematics, which iden- plications was envisaged in the IV EU Framework Pro- tified the requirements for work in Transport Telematics. gram (1994-1998). The 4th Framework Program adopted In 1991 ERTICO (European Road Transport Telema- by the Council and Parliament