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NEWS BULLETINS Lems WAAT. 970 VEAP. 660 WM... 770 WOR... WABC. SSD WEVD. 1330 WL1B.. 1190 WOV...1280 WBBR. 1330 WEN.. 1050 WILMA. )570WPAT. 143C WBNX. 1380 'WHOM 1480 WNEW 1130WQXR. WBYN. 1430 WINS.. 1010 wnrc.. 830WWRL 1600 11-11:80,2-2:30-Institute of Community Leadership: From SyracuseUni- The New York Times Versity-WNYC. now broadcasts its 1-1:80-Sydney Hillman Funeral Services: From CarnegieHall-WMCA. 1:304:45-Brig. Gen. Charles T. Lanham: "MinorityVeterans Prob- NEWS BULLETINS lems"-WMCA. every hour on the hour over 2:254:45-Baseball: Dodgers vs. Chicago-WHN; 2:30-6:15-Giants St. Louis-WMCA. Vs. WQXR WQXQ 2:804-National Professional Championship Tennis (1560 on your dial) (F38-45.9 megacycles) Forest Hills-WNYC. Matches: From 7 A. M. 5 P. M.., 8-8:30-Earl Wrightson, Baritone: Paul Lavalle Orchestra-WEAF. to Midnight to Midnight 8-8:80-Passport to Romance: Mitzi Green, LawrenceBrooks, Songs; Sylvan Levin Orchestra-WOE. Morning 8-8:30-Play: "Adventures of Sam Spade"-WJZ 5: 00-WABC 8:55-WOE. WNW (premiere). 6:00-WHN 9:00-WABC. WMCA, 8-8:30-Play: "The Aldrich Family," With Ezra Stone-WABC. 6:30-WOE, WMCA, 1VLIB. WQXR 8:05-9-Symphony Hall: Shostakovich-Symphony No. 1 in F-WQXR. WHEW 9:25-WHN 9-9:30-Break the Bank: With Bert Parks-WJZ. 7:00-WEAF. WOR, 9:30-WMCA, WNKW . WQXR, WJZ, 9:55-WNYC - 9-9:30-Comedy Quiz: It Pays to Be Ignorant-WABC. WLIB 10:00-WOE. WatCA. 1: 30-WRAP. WHEW WLIB, WQXR, 9:30-10-Variety: Bob Hannon, Tenor; Evelyn MacGregor, Contralto;7:45-WJZ, WABC 10:30-WNEW Abe Lyman Orchestra-WEAF. 7:55-WNYC 10:55-WNYC 9:3040-Wayne Ring's Show: Larry Douglas, Nancy Evans, Songs-8:00-WRAP. WOE, 11:00-WOE, WMC.A. WABC. WABC. WMCA, WLIB. WQXR WHEW, WLIB, 11:30-WJZ, WAX& 1040:30-Mystery Theatre: "Bury Me Dead," With Irene Winston, WQXR WHEW Claudia Morgan-WEAF. 8:30-W/WCA, WHEW 11:55-WNYC 10-10:30-Boxing: Ray Robinson vs. Joe Curcio, From Madison Square Afternoon Garden-WJZ. 12: 00 -WRAF. WOE. WLIB, WQ}CH WABC, WMCA, 2:30-WHEW 1040:30-Mercury Summer Theatre: "The Search for Henri Le Fevre," WHN. 3: 00-WLIB. WQRR With Orson Welles-WABC. WQXR. 3:50-WHEW 12:30-W0R. WJZ. 3:55-1VNYC 10-10:55-Mayor O'Dwyer, Governor Dewey: Speaking at American Le- WMCA, WHEW 4:00-WLIB, WQXV gion Convention, at Hotel St. George-WNYC; 10:15-10:45-WNEW. 12:55-WHN, WNYC 4:25-WABC 1:00-WJZ, MICA, 4:30-WHEW 10:0540:30-Beauty in Music: Beatrice Mery, Soprano; Milton Prinz, wLIB. WQXR 4: 55-wNYC 'Cello-WQXR. 1:30-WHN, WHEW 5:00-WLIB, WQXR 10:45-Senator Joseph C. 0. Mahoney: "Full Employment Bill"-WEAF.1:55-WNYC 5: 30-WNEW 11:30-12-Tales of the Foreign Service: "Disaster at Sea"-WEAF. 2:00-WJZ, WMCA, 5:55-1VNYC Evening Where there is no listing for a station the preceding 6: 00 -WEAF. WJZ, W XR WABC, WHN. 9:30- NEW program is on the air. WLIB. WQXR 9:55-WNYC __ 6:50-WOE. WHEW 10; 00-WMCA. WQXR 6:45-WEAF, WABC 10:30-WHEW MORNING 6:55-WNYC 10:55-WNYC 7: 00 -WOR. WMCA. 11: 00-WEAF. WOM 5:00-WABC-News; Variety Music WOR-Myrt and Marge-Sketch WHN. WLIB, WJZ. WABC. 5:30-WEAF-Recorded Music; Weather; News WJZ-The Breakfast Club, Variety WQXR WMCA. WHN. 5:45-WOE-News of the Farm; Market Trends WABC-Newa Reports-Joe King 7:15-WEAF, WJZ WEVD. WQ)Elt, WJZ-Farm News-Philip Alempi WMCA-News; Isabella Beach. Talk 7:30-WOE. WMCA, 12:15-WRAP, won 6:00-WEAF-Modern Farmer-Don Lerch WNYC-Masterwork Hour WNEW 11:30-WOE. WNEW WJZ-Galen Drake-Talk: Music WHN-Gloom Dodgers, Variety Show 7:45-WRAP, WHN 3.2:00-WRAP, WOE.. WABC-Arthur Godfrey Variety Show WNEW-Manhattan Mountaineers 7:55-WNYC WJZ. WABC. WHN-Radio Newsreel 8:00-WMCA, WLI13. WMCA, WQXR WLIB-News; Recorded Music WQXR 12:55-WRAP, WHSF- WNEW-Military Music WQXR-New York Times News 8:30-WEVD 1: 00-WJZ, WABC. 6:30-WOE-News; Monoghan's Morning Watch9: 05-1VQXR-Plano Personalities 8:45-WEVD WMCA WMCA-Muste and News 0:15-WOE-Aunt Mary-Sketch 8:55-WABC. WNYC 1:55-WHN WHEW-News; Songs of Faith WABC-This Is New York-Bill Leonard9:00-WOE. WMCA, 2:00-WOE 6:45-WNEW-Morning Meditations WLIB-Household Hints 7:00-WEAF-News; Bill Herson Show WQXR-Music in the Air WOR-News; Gambling's Musical Clock 9:30-WRAP-This Business of Living-Rod BY SHORT WAVE WJZ-Don Hallenbeck. News Hendrickson Eastern Daylight TIme-Megacycles WMCA-News; Variety WOE-Food Talk-Alfred W. McCann WNYC-Sunrise Symphony WMCA-News; Recorded Music LONDON WHN-Art Brown, Recorded Music, News WNEW-News; Variety 9:00 A. M.- 5:00 P. M.-18.08 WHEW-Anything Goes; Gene Rayburn WLIB-First Row Center 5:45 P. M.- 7:00 P. 5L-15.31 WLIB-News; Wake Up With Watson WQXR-Opera Music 7:45 P. 38.41:00 P. M.-11..68 WQXR-New York Times News 9:45-WEAss-Robert St.John,Comments PARIS 7:05-WQXR-Morning Parade WHEW-Salute to a Star 9:00 P. 38-10:00 P. M.-11.54. 9.55 7:15-WJZ-Good Morning, It's Knight; Music WLIB-Your Morning Guest 7:130-WEAF-Arthur Gary, News 9:55-WNYC-News MOSCOW WHEW-News; Recorded Music 10: 00 -WEAF-Lone Journey-Sketch 7:07 P. M.- 9:00 1'. at.- 6.02 WQXR-Breakfast Symphony WOE-News, Henry Gladstone MELBOURNE 7:45-WEAF-Reveille Round-Up: Music WJZ-My True Story-Sketch WJZ. WABC-News Reports WABC-Valiant Lady-Sketch 8:00 A. DI.- 8:45 A. M.- 9.54 7: 50-WJZ-Gordon Frazer, News WMCA-Ncws; Music Box BERNE 7:55-WNYC-News 'VNYC-A. W. V. S. Garden Series 2:20 M.- 2:50 P. M.-10.405 8:00-WEAF-World News Round-Up WNEW-Make-Believe Ballroom 8:30 P. M.-10:00 P. M.- 7.38. 8.345 WOE-News; Prescott Robinson, WLIB-News; Price to Pay WJZ-Ed and Pegeen Fitzgerald WQXR-New York Times News WABC-Morning News Round-UP 10:05-WQXR-Browsing Among Records Leadership From Syracuse UniversaY wmcA-News; Housing Report; Music 10:15-WEAF-Lora Lawton-Sketch WLIB-News; Music WNYC-Weather Reports WOR-Bessie Beatty Show, Interviews WQXR-New York Times News WL1B-News; Wake Up With Watson WABC-Light of the World-Sketch 11: 05-WQXR-Other People's Businese-Anna WQXR-New York Times News WNYC-Lura Davidson, Organ Dettinger 8:05-WQXR-Brealcfast Symphony WLIB-The Knowing Mr. Newgold 11:15-WOR-Tello-Test-Quiz Show 8;15sWEAF-Your Not So Early Bird 10:25-WJZ-Betty Crocker, Talk WOE-Breakfast With Dorothy and Dick10:30-WEAF-Road to Life-Sketch 11:30-WRAP-Barry Cameron-Sketch WJZ-Hymns ofAllChurches WOE-Take It Easy Time; Music WABC-Phil Cook, Music WABC-Romance of Evelyn Winters WJZ-Home Edition; James Doyle; WNYC-Help Wanted; Music WNE1V-News; Make-Believe Ballroom Marvin Miller 8:25-WNYC-Consumer Guide: Music WQXR-Composer's Corner WABC-Tena and Tim-Sketch 8:30-WEAF-HL Jinx, Talks; Interviews 10: 45-WRAP-Joyce Jordan-Sketch WMCA-News Reports WJZ-Talk-Nancy Craig WJZ-The Listening Post-Sketch WNYC-BBC Radio Newsreel WABC-Missus Goes A-Shopping WABC-Bachelor's Children-Sketch WHEW-Hews; Bing Crosby Records WMCA-News Unity Viewpoint-Talk WNYC-Consumer News WQXR-Concert Stage WHEW-News; Recorded Music WLIB-Knack of Living 11;45-WEAF-David Harum-Sketch 8:45-WABC-Margaret Arlen Show 10:554VNYC-News Reports WOE-Victor H. Lindlahr-Talk WNYC-New 'York Today 11:00-WEAF-Fred Waring Show WJZ-Ted Malone. News and Stories 8:55-WOE-News--George C. Putnam WOE-News; George C. Putnam WABC-Rosemary-Sketch WJZ-Gems for Thought-Dr. Francis C. WJZ-Breakfast With Breneman WMCA-This Woman's World-Susan B. Stifler WABC-Arthur Godfrey Show Anthony. Eunice Hill WNYC-News WMCA-News; Music Box WNYC-Health Talk 9: 00-WRAP-Honeymoon in New York WNYC-Institute of Community 11:55-WNYC-News AFTERNOON 12:00-WRAP-Joe Mainline, News WMCA-Recorded Music 4:00-WEAF-Backstage Wife-Sketch WOE-News; Lyle Van WHN-Food Talk-Canton Fredericks WOR-The Better Half Matinee WJZ-Glamour Manor-Comedy WLIB-Home on the Range WJZ-Jack Bench Show WABC-News; Kate Smith's Chat 1:55-WNYC-News Reports WMCA-News; Song Music WABC-House Party-Art Linkletter. WNYC-Middey Symphony 00-WEAF-The Guiding Light-Sketch WNYC-Juilliard Summer School Concert WHN-The World at Noon WOE-Daily Dilemmas WLIB-News; Art Ross Show WHEW-Take It Easy, Variety Show WJZ-John B. Kennedy, Comments WQXR-New York Times News WLIB-News; Luncheon Musicale WABC-The Second Mrs. Burton-Sketch 4:05-WQXR-Symphonie Matinee WQXR-New York Times News WMCA-News; Songs of the West 4:15-WEAF-Stella Dallas-Sketch 12: 05-WQXR-Luncheon Concert WNYC-Institute of Community WJZ-Something for the Girls 12:15-WEAF-Maggi McNellis-Interviews Leadership From Syracuse University WNEW-Denver Darling. Songs WOE-Morton Downey. Songs WEIN-Racing Results 4:25-WABC-News Reports-George Bryan WABC-Aunt Jenny-Sketch WNEW-Music Hall; Variety Show 4:30-WEAF-Lorenzo Jones-Sketch WHN-Gloom Dodgers Variety Show WLIB-News; Origin of Words WOR-Ask Dr.
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