-University Transfers: An -Algonquin Joint Study

Pierre Mercier (Presenter) Victoria Díaz Stephen Childs (Presenter for Ross Finnie) Ross Finnie Wayne Lewrey

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College Types of Entering Students

• Secondary schools • CÉGEP – – International • University Transfers – Other Canadian – Canadian – International – – Internal uOttawa

• College transfer • Other – Ontario – Mature Applicants – International – Special Students – Other Canadian – Home schooling

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 2 Origin entering students Fall 2012, direct-entry faculties, bachelors

Mature Other Foreign 1% 1% 6%

uOttawa Ontario High Schools 11% 58%

Universities 5%

Colleges 6%


Other High Schools 4%

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 3 Trends types of students Fall, direct-entry faculties, bachelors









0.0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Ontario High Schools CEGEP Colleges Universities uOttawa

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 4 Trends: University and College Transfers Fall, direct-entry faculties, bachelors











0.0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Colleges Universities

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 5 Pathways

• Integrated collaborative programs – Collaborative Honour’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing (with Algonquin College or La Cité)

• Combined collaborative programs (2+2) – Bachelor in Journalism (with Algonquin College or La Cité)

• Bridge Programs – Nursing (RPN & IEN)

------Study Focus ------

• Credit transfer

• Guaranteed spaces

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 6 Identifying transfer students

• From OUAC – Institution History

• At uOttawa – Institution History – Type of candidate – Basis of admission

• Number of credits transferred

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 7 Challenges

• Institution History – From OUAC or entered by admission officers

– Students may provide incomplete information or omit relevant information

– Most recent institution may not always determine basis of admission

– More than one institution may be consistent with transfer type, the problem is when it is inconsistent • University transfer (Carleton or Ottawa OK, but Ottawa is not transfer!) • University transfer, secondary school is not OK

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 8 Challenges

• Basis of Admission

– Key variable to determine origin or type of transfer when multiple prior institutions

– Text field

– There may be more than one basis of admission

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 9 Challenges

• Number of credits

– Block credits vs. those recognized for program?

– Finished degree elsewhere – relevance?

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 10 Ontario college Transfer Students Study

• Students with basis of admission college

– If multiple stints at uOttawa, retain earliest

– Could have finished college degree or not

– Take into account number of credits retained in the form of “study year” categorization at entry (Insures credits recognized for degree sought)

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 11 Joint Project with Algonquin

• Data set enrichment

– Truer… student geographical origin (local or not)

– Availability of high school marks prior to college for comparisons with straight from high school cohort

University of Ottawa ● Algonquin College 12