
Media Release

Bruce Power Chooses Algonquin ’s Radiation Safety Program for Future

Workforce Needs

August 25, 2016 (Pembroke, ON) ’s largest private electricity generating company has chosen ’s

Radiation Safety program as one of its key feeder programs for its future workforce needs. As part of a broader plan to affiliate with specific college

programs to address skilled workforce challenges, Bruce Power is partnering with four Ontario

1 College Way Colleges, including Algonquin’s Radiation Safety program which will become a two year Diploma Pembroke, Ontario program for the fall intake of 2017. If approved, the program name will change to K8A 0C8 Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety.

We want to ensure that people attending college with a goal of employment at Bruce Power as an Operator, Maintainer or Technician have options identified

that will help with this goal,” said Chip Horton, Vice President of Nuclear Operations Support Division who is the executive sponsor for establishing these partnerships. “Although we are pleased to announce these partnerships, it is

Community important to note that throughout this selection process Bruce Power was impressed with the excellent programs available at colleges throughout the and Student Province for people seeking employment in our industry and graduates from all Affairs colleges will continue to be tapped for future employees,” Horton added.

Department The other colleges and programs that Bruce Power has identified are: Chemical

Production and Power Engineering Technology, and Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology, both offered by in ; Power Engineering Technology delivered at in Owen Sound and Electrical Engineering Technology at Georgian’s Barrie campus; and the Chemical Laboratory Technology program at St. Clair College in Windsor.

Office: 613-735-4700 Graduates from these six Diploma programs will eventually be eligible to receive certification under the Nuclear Uniform Curriculum Program, a standardized Ext. 2756 certificate program developed to help ensure potential nuclear plant workers Fax: 613-735-8805 study an industry-approved curriculum. Additionally, students in the partner programs will be offered field placements or co-operative education experiences that are consistent with the program description, including opportunities at Bruce Power. …2

Algonquin College Waterfront Campus Dean, Karen Davies, is very pleased with this new affiliation with Bruce Power. “This partnership will allow us to further develop our already strong connection to Bruce Power to the benefit of our graduates from our Radiation Safety program. This formal recognition of the quality of training our faculty provide to students will certainly make the program even more popular than it already is and will create advanced opportunities for employment for our graduates,” adds Davies.

Since launching its Radiation Safety certificate program in 2008, Algonquin College has been the primary provider of radiation protection workers for ’s nuclear industry. Graduates work across Canada in a variety of nuclear operations including power plants, research facilities and environmental regulatory organizations.

About Algonquin College

Algonquin College is one of Ontario’s largest public colleges and has Canadian campuses in , Pembroke and Perth. The Waterfront Campus in Pembroke serves approximately 1,000 full-time students annually and offers more than twenty full time programs, including Radiation Safety.

About Bruce Power

Bruce Power operates the world’s largest operating nuclear generating facility and is the source of roughly 30 per cent of Ontario’s electricity. The company's site in Tiverton, Ontario is home to eight CANDU reactors. Formed in 2001, Bruce Power is an all-Canadian partnership among Borealis Infrastructure Trust Management (a division of the Ontario Municipal Employees

For more information,

Jamie Bramburger Manager of Community and Student Affairs Algonquin College Waterfront Campus 613-735-4700, ext. 2756