
Deriving Verbal and Compositional Lexical Aspect for NLP Applications

Bonnie J. Dorr and Marl Broman Olsen University of Maryland Institute for Ad.vanced Computer Studies A.V. Williams Building College Park, MD 20742, USA bonnie ,molsen©umiacs. umd. edu

Abstract selecting tense and lexical items for natural language Verbal and compositional lexical aspect generation ((Dorr and Olsen. 1996: Klavans and provide the underlying temporal struc- Chodorow, 1992), cf. (Slobin and Bocaz, 1988)). In ture of events. Knowledge of lexical as- addition, preliminary pyscholinguistic experiments pect, e.g., (a), is therefore required (Antonisse, 1994) indicate that subjects are sensi- for interpreting event sequences in dis- tive to the presence or absence of aspectual features course (Dowty, 1986; Moens and Steed- when processing temporal modifiers. Resnik (1996) man, 1988; Passoneau, 1988), interfacing showed that the strength of distributionally derived to temporal databases (Androutsopoulos, selectional constraints helps predict whether 1996), processing temporal modifiers (An- can participate in a class of diathesis alternations. tonisse, 1994), describing allowable alter- with aspectual properties of verbs clearly influenc- nations and their semantic effects (Resnik, ing the alternations of interest. He also points out that these properties are difficult to obtain directly 1996; Tenny, 1994), and selecting tense and lexical items for natural language gen- from corpora. eration ((Dorr and Olsen, 1996; Klavans The ability to determine lexical aspect, on a large and Chodorow, 1992), cf. (Slobin and Bo- scale and in the sentential context, therefore yields caz, 1988)). We show that it is possible an important source of constraints for corpus anal- to represent lexical aspect--both verbal ysis and psycholinguistic experimentation, as well and compositional--on a large scale, us- as for NLP applications such as machine transla- ing Lexical Conceptual Structure (LCS) tion (Dorr et al., 1995b) and foreign language tu- representations of verbs in the classes cat- toring (Dorr et al., 1995a; Sams. 1995; Weinberg et aloged by Levin (1993). We show how al., 1995). Other researchers have proposed corpus- proper consideration of these universal based approaches to acquiring lexical aspect infor- pieces of meaning may be used to mation with varying data coverage: Klavans and refine lexical representations and derive a Chodorow (1992) on the event-state distinc- range of meanings from combinations of tion in verbs and predicates; Light (1996) considers LCS representations. A single algorithm the aspectual properties of verbs and affixes; and may therefore be used to determine lexical McKeown and Siegel (1996) describe an algorithm aspect classes and features at both verbal for classifying sentences according to lexical aspect. and sentence levels. Finally, we illustrate properties. Conversely. a number of works in the how knowledge of lexical aspect facilitates linguistics literature have proposed lexical semantic the interpretation of events in NLP appli- templates for representing the aspectual properties cations. of verbs (Dowry, 1979: Hovav and Levin, 1995; Levin and Rappaport Hovav. To appear), although these have not been implemented and tested on a large 1 Introduction scale. Knowledge of lexical aspect--how verbs denote situ- We show that. it is possible to represent the lexical ations as developing or holding in time--is required aspect both of verbs alone and in sentential contexts for interpreting event sequences in discourse (Dowty, using Lexical Conceptual Structure (LCS) represen- 1986; Moens and Steedman, 1988; Passoneau, 1988), tations of verbs in the classes cataloged by Levin interfacing to temporal databases (Androutsopou- (1993). We show how proper consideration of these los, 1996), processing temporal modifiers (Antonisse, universal pieces of verb meaning may be used t.o 1994), describing allowable alternations and their se- refine lexical representations and derive a range of mantic effects (Resnik, 1996; Tenny, 1994), and for meanings from combinations of LCS representations.

151 A single algorithm may therefore be used to deter- therefore proposed that aspectual interpretation be mine lexical aspect classes and features at both ver- derived through monotonic composition of marked bal and sentential levels. Finally, we illustrate how privative features [+/1~ dynamic], [+/0 durative] and access to lexical aspect facilitates lexical selection [+/0 relic], as shown in Table 2 (Olsen, To appear and the interpretation of events in machine transla- in 1997, pp. 32-33). tion and foreign language tutoring applications, re- With privative features, other sentential con- spectively. stituents can add to features provided by the verb but not remove them. On this analysis, the activity 2 Lexical Aspect features of march ([+durative, +dynamic]) propa- gate to the sentences in (1). with [+telic] added by Following Olsen (To appear in 1997), we distinguish the NP or PP, yielding an accomplishment interpre- between lexical and , roughly tation. The specification of this composition- the situation and viewpoint aspect of Smith (1991). ally derived accomplishment is therefore identical to Lexical aspect refers to the '0ype of situation denoted that of a sentence containing a relic accomplishment by the verb, alone or combined with other sentential verb, such as produce in (2). constituents. Grammatical aspect takes these situa- tion types and presents them as impeffective (John (2) The commander produced the campaign plan. was winning the race/loving his job) or perfective (John had won/loved his job). Verbs are assigned to Dowry (1979) explored the possibility that as- lexical aspect classes, as in Table i (cf. (Brinton, pectual features in fact constrained possible units 1988)[p. 57], (Smith, 1991)) based on their behavior of meaning and ways in which they combine. In in a variety of syntactic and semantic frames that this spirit, Levin and Rappaport Hovav (To appear) focus on their features. 1 demonstrate that limiting composition to aspectu- A major source of the difficulty in assigning lex- ally described structures is an important part of an ical aspect features to verbs is the ability of verbs account of how verbal meanings are built up, and to appear in sentences denoting situations of multi- what semantic and syntactic combinations are pos- ple aspectual types. Such cases arise, e.g., in the sible. context of foreign language tutoring (Dorr et al., We draw upon these insights in revising our LCS 1995b; Sams, 1995; Weinberg et al., 1995), where lexicon in order to encode the aspectual features of a a 'bounded' interpretation for an atelic verb, e.g., verbs. In the next section we describe the LCS rep- march, may be introduced by a path PP to the bridge resentation used in a database of 9000 verbs in 191 or across the field or by a NP the length of the field: major classes, We then describe the relationship of aspectual features to this representation and demon- (1) The soldier marched to the bridge. strata that it is possible to determine aspectual fea- The soldier marched across the field. tures from LCS structures, with minimal modifica- The soldier marched the length of the field. tion. We demonstrate composition of the LCS and Some have proposed, in fact, that aspec- corresponding aspectual structures, by using exam- tual classes are gradient categories (Klavans and pies from NLP applications that employ the LCS Chodorow, 1992), or that aspect should be evaluated database. only at the clausal or sentential level (asp. (Verkuyl, 1993); see (Klavans and Chodorow, 1992) for NLP 3 Lexical Conceptual Structures applications). Olsen (To appear in 1997) showed that, although We adopt the hypothesis explored in Dorr and Olsen sentential and pragmatic context influence aspectual (1996) (cf. (Tenny. t994)), that lexical aspect fea- interpretation, input to the context is constrained in tures are abstractions over other aspects of verb se- large part by verbs" aspectual information. In par- mantics, such as those reflected ill the verb classes in titular, she showed that the positively marked fea- Levin (1993). Specifically we show that a privative tures did not vary: [+telic] verbs such as win were model of aspect provides an appropriate diagnostic always bounded, for exainple, In , the neg- for revising [exical representations: aspectual inter- atively marked features could be changed by other pretations that arise only in the presence of other sentence constituents or pragmatic context: [-telic] constituents may be removed from the lexicon and verbs like march could therefore be made [+telic]. derived compositionally. Our modified LCS lexicon Similarly, stative verbs appeared with event inter- theu allows aspect features to be determined algo- pretations, and punctiliar events as durative. Olsen rithmically both from the verbal lexicon and from composed structures built from verbs and other sen- 1Two additional categories are identified by Olsen (To appear in 1997): (cough, tap) and Stage- tence constituents, using uniform processes and rep- level states (be pregnant). Since they are not assigned resentations. templates by either Dowty (1979) or Levin and Rappa- This project on representing aspectual struc- port Hovav (To appear), we do not discuss them in this ture builds on previous work, in which verbs were paper. grouped automatically into Levin's semantic classes

152 Aspectual Class Telic Dynamic Durative Examples State + know. have Activity + + march, paint Accomplishment ÷ + + destroy Achievement + + notice, win

Table 1: Featurai Identification of Aspectual Classes

Aspectual Class Telic Dynamic Durative Examples State + know. have Activity + + march, paint Accomplishment + + + destroy Achievement + + notice, win

Table 2: Privative Featural Identification of Aspectual Classes

(Dorr and Jones, 1996; Dorr, To appear) and as- of Levin's Ran kerbs (51.3.2): 3 we assign it the tem- signed LCS templates from a database built as Lisp- plate in (3)(i), with the corresponding Lisp format like structures (Dorr, 1997). The assignment of as- shown in (3)(ii): pectual features to the classes in Levin was done by (3) (i) [z .... ACTLoc hand inspection of the semantic effect of the alter- ([xhi,g * 1],[M..... BY MARCH 26])] nations described in Part I of Levin (Olsen, 1996), (ii) (act loc with automatic coindexing to the verb classes (see (* thing 1) (by march 26)) (Dorr and Olsen, 1996)). Although a number of This list structure recursively associates argu- Levin's verb classes were aspectually uniform, many ments with their logical heads, represented as required subdivisions by aspectual class; most of primitive/field combinations, e.g., ACTLoc becomes these divided atelic "manner" verbs from telic "re- (act loc ...) with a (thing 1) . Seman- sult" verbs, a fundamental linguistic distinction (cf. tic content is represented by a constant in a se- (Levin and Rappaport Hovav, To appear) and refer- mantic structure position, indicating the linguisti- ences therein). Examples are discussed below. cally inert and non-universal aspects of verb mean- Following Grimshaw (1993) Pinker (1989) and ing (cf. (Grimshaw, 1993; Pinker, 1989; Levin and others, we distinguish between semantic struc- Rappaport Hovav, To appear)), the manner com- ture and semantic content. Semantic structure is ponent by march in this case. The numbers in the built up from linguistically relevant and univer- lexical entry are codes that map between LCS po- sally accessible elements of verb meaning. Bor- sitions and their corresponding thematic roles (e.g., rowing from Jackendoff (1990), we assume seman- 1 = ). The * marker indicates a variable po- tic structure to conform to wellformedness con- sition (i.e., a non-constant) that is potentially filled ditions based on Event and State types, further through composition with other constituents. specialized into primitives such as GO, STAY, In (3), (thing 1) is the only argument. However. BE, GO-EXT, and ORIENT. We use Jackend- other arguments may be instantiated composition- off's notion of field, which carries Loc(ational) se- ally by the end-NLP application, as in (4) below. mantic primitives into non-spatial domains such for the sentence The soldier marched to the bridge: as Poss(essional), Temp(oral), Ident(ificational). Circ(umstantial), and Exist(ential). We adopt a (4) (i) [E.... CAUSE new primitive, ACT, to characterize certain activi- ([Eve.t ACTLoc ([Thing SOLDIER], ties (such as march) which are not adequately distin- [M..... BY MARCH])], guished from other event types by Jackendoff's GO [v~,h TOLo, primitive.-" Finally, we add a manner component, to ([Vhi,g SOLDIER], distinguish among verbs in a class, such the motion [Position ATLoc verbs run, walk, and march. Consider march, one ([Thing SOLDIER], [Whi,,g BRIDGE])])])] 2Jackendoff (1990) augments the thematic tier of (ii) (cause (act ]oc (soldier) (by march)) Jackendoff (1983) with an action tier, which serves to (to loc (soldier) characterize activities using additional machinery. We (at loc (soldier) (bridge)))) choose to simplify this characterization by using the ACT primitive rather than introducing yet another level 3The numbers after the verb examples are verb class of representation. sections in Levin (1993).

153 In the next sections we outline the aspectual proper- 4.1 Dynamicity ties of the LCS templates for verbs in the lexicon and The feature [+dynamic] encodes the distinction be- illustrate how LCS templates compose at the senten- tween events ([+dynamic]) and states ([0dynamic]). tim level, demonstrating how lexical aspect feature Arguably "the most salient distinction" in an aspect determination occurs via the same algorithm at both taxonomy (Dahh 1985, p. 28), in the LCS dynamic- verbal and sentential levels, ity is encoded at the topmost level. Events are char- acterized by go, act, stay, cause, or let, whereas 4 Determining Aspect Features from States are characterized by go-ext or be, as illus- the LCS Structures trated in (6). The components of our LCS templates correlate (6) (i) Achievements: decay, rust, redden (45.5) strongly with aspectual category distinctions. An (go ident (* thing 2) exhaustive listing of aspectual types and their cor- (toward ident (thing 2) (at ident (thing 2) (!!-ed 9)))) responding LCS representations is given below. The (ii) Accomplishments: dangle, suspend (9.2} ! ! notation is used as a wildcard which is filled in by (cause (* thing 1) the lexeme associated with the word defined in the (be ident (* thing 2) lexical entry, thus producing a semantic constant. (at ident (thing 2) (!!-ed 9)))) (5) (i) States: (iii) States: contain, enclose (47.8) (be ident/perc/loc (be loc (* thing 2) (thing 2) ... (by !! 26)) (in loc (thing 2) (* thing 11)) (ii) Activities: (by ~ 26)) (act loc/perc (thing 1) (by !! 26)) (iv} Activities: amble, run. zigzag (51.3.2) or (act loc/perc (thing 1) (act loc (* thing 1) (by !! 26)) (with instr ... (!!-er 20))) or (act loc/perc (thing 1) 4.2 Durativity (on loc/perc (thing 2)) The [+durative] feature denotes situations that take (by ~ 26)) time (states, activities and accomplishments). Situ- or (act loc/perc (thing 1) (on loc/perc (thing 2)) ations that may be punctiliar (achievements) are un- specified for durativity ((O[sen, To appear in 1997) (with instr ... (! !-er 20))) (iii) Accomplishments: following (Smith, 1991), inter alia). In the LCS, du- (cause/let (thing 1) rativity may be identified by the presence of act, (go loc (thing 2) be, go-ext, cause, and let primitives, as in (7): (toward/away_frora ... ) ) these are lacking in the achievement template, shown (by !! 26)) in (8). or (cause/let (thing 1) (7) (i) States: adore, appreciate, trust (31,2) (go/be ident (be perc (thing 2) ... (!!-ed 9))) (* thing 2) or (cause/let (thing 1) (at perc (thing 2) (* thing 8)) (by !! 26)) (go loc (thing 2) ... (!! 6))) (ii) Activities: amble, run, zigzag (51.3.2) or (cause/let (thing I) (act loc (* thing 1) (by !! 26)) (go loc (thing 2) ... (!! 4))) {iii) Accomplishments: destroy, obliterate (44) or (cause/let (thing I) (cause (* thing 1) (go exist (thing 2) ... (exist 9)) (go exist (* thing 2) (by !! 26)) (away_from exist (thing 2) (iv) Achievements: (at exist (thing 2) (exist 9)))) (go loc (thing 2) (toward/away_from ...) (by !! 26)) (by !! 26)) or (go loc (thing 2) ... (!! 6)) (8) Achievements: crumple, ]old, wrinkle (45.2) or (go loc (thing 2) .... (!! 4)) (go ident or (go exist (thing 2) ... (exist 9) (* thing 2) (by ~ 26)) (toward ident (thing 2) or (go ident (thing 2) ... (!!-ed 9)) (at ident (thing 2) (!!-ed 9)))) The Lexical Semantic Templates (LSTs) of Levin and Rappaport-Hovav (To appear) and the decom- 4.3 Telicity positions of Dowry (1979) also capture aspectual dis- Telic verbs denote a situation with an inherent end tinctions, but are not articulated enough to capture or goal. Atelic verbs lack an inherent end, though. other distinctions among verbs required by a large- as (1) shows, they may appear in telic sentences with scale application. other sentence constituents. In the LCS, [+telic] Since the verb classes (state, activity, etc.) are ab- verbs contain a Path of a particular type or a con- stractions over feature combinations, we now discuss stant (!!) in the right-most leaf-node argument. each feature in turn. Some examples are shown below:

154 (9) (i) leave This is modified to yield the following new database (... (thing 2) entry: (toward/away_from ...) (by ! ! 26)) (13) (act loc (* thing 1) (by march 26)) (ii) enter (... (thing 2) ... (!!-ed 9)) The modified entry is created by changing go to act (iii) pocket and removing the ((* toward 5) ...) constituent. (... (thing 2) ... (!! 6)) Modification of the lexicon to conform to aspec- (iv) mine tual requirements took 3 person-weeks, requiring (... (thing 2) ... (!! 4)) 1370 decision tasks at 4 minutes each: three passes (v) create, destroy through each of the 390 subclasses to compare the (... (thing 2) ... (exist 9) (by !! 26)) LCS structure with the templates for each feature In the first case the special path component. (substantially complete) and one pass to change toward or away_from, is the telicity indicator, in 200 LCS structures to conform with the templates. the next three, the (uninstantiated) constant in the (Fewer than ten classes need to be changed for dura- rightmost leaf-node argument, and, in the last case, tivity or dynamicity, and approximately 200 of the the special (instantiated) constant exist. 390 subclasses for telicity.) With the changes we Telic verbs include: can automatically assign aspect to some 9000 verbs in existing classes. Furthermore. since 6000 of the (10) (i) Accomplishments: mine, quarry (10.9) verbs were classified by automatic means, new verbs (cause would receive aspectual assignments automatically (* thing 1) (go loc (* thing 2) as a result of the classification algorithm. ((* away from 3) loc We are aware of no attempt in the literature to (thing 2) determine aspectual information on a similar scale, (at loc (thing 2) (!! 4))))) in part, we suspect, because of the difficulty of (ii) Achievements: abandon, desert, leave(51.2) assigning features to verbs since they appear in (go foe sentences denoting situations of multiple aspectual (* thing 2) types. Based on our experience handcoding small (away_from loc sets of verbs, we estimate generating aspectual fea- (thing 2) tures for 9000 entries would require 3.5 person- (at loc (thing 2) (* thing 4)))) months (four minutes per entry), with 1 person- Examples of atelic verbs are given in (11). The month for proofing and consistency checking, given (a)telic representations are especially in keeping unclassified verbs, organized, say, alphabetically. with the privative feature characterization Olsen (1994; To appear in 1997): telic verb classes are ho- 6 Aspectual Feature Determination mogeneously represented: the LCS has a path of a for Composed LCS's particular type, i.e., a " " at an end state. Atelic verbs, on the other hand. do not have Modifications described above reveal similarities be- homogeneous representations. tween verbs that carry a lexical aspect, feature as part of their lexical entry and sentences that have (11) (i) Activities: appeal, matter (31.4) (act perc (* thing 1) features as a result of LCS composition. Conse- (on pert (* thing 2)) (by !! 26)) quently, the algorithm that we developed for ver- (ii) States: wear (41.3.1) ifying aspectual conformance of the LCS database (be loc (* !! 2) is also directly applicable to aspectual feature de- (on loc (!! 2) (* thing 11))) termination in LCSs that have been composed from verbs and other relevant sentence constituents. LCS 5 Modifying the Lexicon composition is a fundamental operation in two appli- cations for which the LCS serves as an interlingua: We have examined the LCS classes with respect to machine translation (Dorr et al.. 1993) and foreign identifying aspectual categories and determined that language tutoring (Dorr et al., 1995b: Sams. I993: minor changes to 101 of 191 LCS class structures Weinberg et al., 1995). Aspectual feature determina- (213/390 subclasses) are necessary, including sub- tion applies to the composed LCS by first, assigning stituting act for go ill activities and removing Path unspecified feature values--atelic [@T], non-durative constituents that need not be stated lexically. For [@R], and stative [@D]--and then monotonically set- example, the original database entry for class 51.3.2 ting these to positive values according to the pres- is: ence of certain constituents. (12) (go loc (* thing 2) The formal specification of the aspectual feature ((* toward 5) loc determination algorithm is shown in Figure 1. The (thing 2) first step initializes all aspectual values to be un- (at loc (thing 2) (thing 6))) specified. Next the top node is examined for mem- (by !! 26)) bership in a set of telicity indicators (CAUSE, LET,

155 Given an LCS representation L: ing. For example, our machine translation system I. Initialize: T(L):=[0T], D(L):=[0R], R(L):=[0D] selects appropriate translations based on the match- 2. If Top node of L E {CAUSE, LET, GO} ing of telicity values for the output sentence, whether Then T(L):=[+T] or not the verbs in the language match in telicity. If Top node of L E {CAUSE, LET} The English atelic manner verb march and the telic Then D(L):=[+D], R(L):=t+R] PP across the field from (1) is best translated into If Top node of L 6 {GO} Spanish as the telic verb cruzar with the manner Then D(L}:=[+D] marchando as an .: 3. If Top node of L E {ACT, BE. STAY} (15) (i) E: Tile soldier marched across the field. Then If Internal node of S: El soldado cruz6 el campo marchando. L E {TO, TOWARD, FORTemp} Then T(L):=[+T] (ii) (cause If Top node of L 6 {BE, STAY} (act loc (soldier) (by march)) Then R(L):=[+R] (to loc (soldier) If Top node of L E {ACT} (across loc (soldier) (field)))) Then set D(L):=[+D], R(L):=[+R] Similarly, in changing the Weekend Verbs (i.e.. 4. Return T(L), D(L), R(L). December, holiday, summer, weekend, etc.) tem- plate to telic, we make use of the measure phrase Figure 1: Algorithm for Aspectual Feature Determi- (for terap .. ,) which was previously available. nation though not employed, as a mechanism in our database. Thus, we now have a lexicalized exam- pie of 'doing something for a certain time' that GO); if there is a match, the LCS is assumed to be has a representation corresponding to the canonical [+T]. In this case, the top node is further checked for telic frame V for an hour phrase, as in The soldier membership in sets that indicate dynamicity [+D] marched for an hour: and durativity [+R]. Then the top node is exam- (16) (act loc (soldier) (by march) ined for membership in a set of atelicity indicators (for temp (*head*) (hour))) (ACT, BE, STAY); if there is a match, the LCS is further examined for inclusion of a telicizing com- This same telicizing constituent--which is compo- ponent, i.e., TO, TOWARD, FORT¢~p. The LCS sitionally derived in the crawl construction--is en- is assumed to be [@T] unless one of these telicizing coded directly in the lexical entry for a verb such as components is present. In either case, the top node December: is further checked for membership in sets that indi- (17) (stay loc cate dynamicity [+D] and durativity [+R]. Finally, (* thing 2) the results of telicity, dynamicity, and durativity as- ((* [at] 5) loc (thing 2) (thing 6)) signments are returned. (for temp (*head*) (december 31))) The advantage of using this same algorithm for This lexical entry is composed with other argu- determination of both verbal and sentential aspect ments to produce the LCS for .John Decembered at is that it is possible to use the same mechanism to the new cabin: perform two independent tasks: (1) Determine in- herent aspectual features associated with a lexical (18) (stay loc (john) item; (2) Derive non-inherent aspectual features as- (at loc (john) (cabin (new))) sociated with combinations of lexical items. (for temp (ahead*) (december))) Note, for example, that adding the path l0 the This same LCS would serve as the underlying bridge to the [@relic] verb entry in (3) establishes representation for the equivalent Spanish sentence. a [+relic] value for the sentence as a whole, an in- which uses an atelic verb estar 4 in colnbination with terpretation available by the same algorithm that a telnporal adjunct durance el m.es de Diciembre: identifies verbs as telic in the LCS lexicon: John estuvo en la cabafia nueva durance el mes de (14) (i) [Otelic]: Diciembre (literally, John was in lhe new cabin dur- (act lee (* thing 1) (by march 26)) ing lhe month of December). (ii) [+telic]: The monotonic composition permitted by the (cause LCS templates is slightly different than that perlnit- (act loc (soldier) (by march)) ted by the privative feature model of aspect (Olsen. (to loc (soldier) 1994; Olsen, To appear in 1997). For example, in tiw (at loc (soldier) (bridge)))) LCS states may be composed into an achievement or accomplishment structure, because states are part In our applications, access to both verbal and sen- tential lexical aspect features facilitates the task of 4Since estar may be used with both relic {'estar alto) lexieal choice in machine translation and interpreta- and atelic (estar contento) readings, we analyze it as tion of students' answers in foreign language tutor- atelic to permit appropriate composition.

156 of the substructure of these classes (cf. templates on Applied Natural Language Processing (.4 NLP). in (6)). They may not, however, appear as activi- Washington, DC. ties. The privative model in Table 2 allows states to Dorr, Bonnie J. To appear. Large-Scale Dictio- become activities and accomplishments, by adding nary Construction for Foreign Language Tutoring [+dynamic] and [+telic] features, but they may not and Interlingual Machine Translation. Machine become achievements, since removal of the [+dura- Translation, 12(1). tive] feature would be required. The nature of the alternations between states and events is a Dorr, Bonnie J., James Hendler, Scott Blanksteen. for future research. and Barrie Migdalof. 1993. Use of Lexical Con- ceptual Structure for Intelligent Tutoring. Tech- 7 Conclusion nical Report UMIACS TR 93-108, CS TR 3161. University of Maryland. The privative feature model, on which our LCS com- Dorr, Bonnie J., Jim Hendler, Scott Blanksteen. and position draws, allows us to represent verbal and Barrie Migdalof. 1995a. Use of LCS and Dis- sentential lexical aspect as monotonic composition course for Intelligent Tutoring: On Beyond Syn- of the same type, and to identify the contribution tax. In Melissa Holland, Jonathan Kaplan, and of both verbs and other elements. The lexical as- Michelle Sams, editors. Intelligent Language Tu- pect of verbs and sentences may be therefore deter- tors: Balancing Theory and Technology. Lawrence mined from the corresponding LCS representations, Erlbaum Associates. Hillsdale, NJ, pages 289- as in the examples provided from machine transla- 309. tion and foreign language tutoring applications. We are aware of no attempt in the literature to represent Dorr, Bonnie J. and Douglas Jones. 1996. Rote and access aspect on a similar scale, in part, we sus- of Word Sense Disambiguation in Lexical Ac- pect, because of the difficulty of identifying the as- quisition: Predicting Semantics from Syntactic pectual contribution of the verbs and sentences given Cues. In Proceedings of the International Col~- the multiple aspectual types in which verbs appear. ference on Computational Linguistics, pages 322- An important corollary to this investigation is 333, Copenhagen, Denmark. that it is possible to refine the lexicon, because vari- Dorr, Bonnie J., Dekang Lin, Jye-hoon Lee, and able meaning may, in many cases, be attributed to Sungki Suh. 1995b. Efficient Parsing for Korean lexical aspect variation predictable by composition and English: A Parameterized Message Passing rules. In addition, factoring out the structural re- Approach. Computational Linguistics, 21(2):255- quirements of specific lexical items from the pre- 263. dictable variation that may be described by com- Doff, Bonnie J. and Mari Broman Olsen. 1996. position provides information on the aspectual ef- Multilingual Generation: The Role of Telicity in fect of verbal modifiers and complements. We are Lexical Choice and Syntactic Realization. Ma- therefore able to describe not only the lexical aspect chine Translation, 11(1-3):37-74. at the sentential level, but also the set of aspectual variations available to a given verb type. Dowty, David. 1979. Word Meaning in MoT~tague Grammar. Reidel, Dordrecht. Dowty, David. 1986. The Effects of Aspectual Class on the Temporal Structure of Discourse: Seman- Androutsoponlos, Ioannis. 1996. A Principled tics or ? Linguistics and Philosophy. Framework for Constructing Natural Language 9:37-61. Interfaces to Temporal Databases. Ph.D. thesis, Grimshaw, Jane. 1993. Semantic Structure University of Edinburgh. and Semantic Content in Lexical Representa- Antonisse, Peggy. 1994. Processing Temporal and tion. unpublished ms.. Rutgers University. Ne-w Locative Modifiers in a Licensing Model. Techni- Brunswick, NJ. cal Report 2:1-38, Working Papers in Linguistics, Hovav, Malka Rappaport and Beth Levin. 1995. University of Maryland. The Elasticity of Verb .Meaning. In Processes in Brinton, Laurel J. 1988. The Development of En- Argument Structure. pages 1-13, Germany. SfS- glish Aspectaal Systems: Aspectualizers and Post- Report-06-95, Seminar fiir Sprachwissenschaft. Verbal Particles. Cambridge University Press, Eberhard-Karls-Universit/it Tiibingen, Tiibingen. Cambridge. Jackendoff, Ray. 1983. Semantics and Cogldtiolt. Dahl, ()sten. 1985. Tense and Aspect Systems. Basil The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Blackwell, Oxford. Jackendoff, Ray. 1990. Semantic Structures. The Dorr, Bonnie J. 1997. Large-Scale Acquisition of MIT Press, Cambridge. MA. LCS-Based Lexicons for Foreign Language Tu- Klavans, Judith L. and M. Chodorow. 1992. De- toring. In Proceedings of the Fifth Conference grees of Stativity: The Lexical Representation of

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