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Product Information C05 DeutschLatin C05 Caput Encephalon Nn. craniales 1 Nn. Olfactorii (I) 50 Cerebellum, corpus medullare 2 N. opticus (II) 51 Vermis cerebelli 3 N. oculomotorius (III) 52 Cerebellum, tonsilla 4 N. trochlearis (IV) 53 Flocculus 5 N. trigeminus (V) 54 Mesencephalon 6 N. abducens (VI) 55 Aquaeductus mesencephali 7 N. facialis (VII) 56 Cerebrum, pedunculus 8 N. vestibulocochlearis (VIII) 57 Lamina quadrigemina (Lamina tecti) 9 N. glossopharyngeus (IX) 58 Pons 10 N. vagus (X) 59 Sulcus basilaris 11 N. accessorius (XI) 60 Ventriculus quartus 12 N. hypoglossus (XII) 61 Medulla oblongata 13 Cerebrum 62 Medulla oblongata, pyramis 14 Ventriculus lateralis 63 Oliva 15 Cornu ant. ventriculi lat. 64 Medulla spinalis 16 Ventriculus lateralis, cornu posterius 65 Canalis centralis 17 Ventriculus lateralis, cornu inferius 66 Medulla spinalis, fissura mediana anterior 18 Foramen interventriculare 67 N. cervicalis I 19 Ventriculus lateralis, plexus choroideus 68 N. cervicalis II 20 Nucleus caudatus 69 Sulcus intermedius® posterior 21 Nucleus caudatus, caput 70 Fasciculus gracilis (GOLL) 22 Nucleus caudatus, corpus 71 Sulcus medianus posterior 23 Hippocampus 24 Hippocampus, pes Cranium internum 25 Fimbria hippocampi 1 Foveolae granulares 26 Lobus frontalis 2 Sulci arteriae meningeae mediae 27 Lobus parietalis 3 Dura mater cranialis 28 Lobus occipitalis 4 Sinus sagittalis superior 29 Lobus temporalis 5 Diploe 30 Sulcus lateralis Basis cranii 31 Corpus callosum 6 Fossa cranii anterior 32 Corpus callosum, rostrum 7 Os ethmoidale, lamina cribrosa 33 Corpus callosum, genu 8 Crista galli 34 Corpus callosum, truncus 9 Canalis opticus 35 Corpus callosum, splenium 10 Processus clinoideus anterior 36 Septum pellucidum 11 Hypophysis (Glandula pituitaria) 37 Columna fornicis 12 Processus clinoideus posterior 38 Commissura anterior 13 Os sphenoidale, ala minor 39 Glandula (Corpus) pineale 14 Os sphenoidale, ala major 40 Thalamus 15 Fissura orbitalis superior 41 Adhaesio interthalamica 16 Foramen rotundum 42 Hypothalamus 17 Foramen ovale 43 Ventriculus tertius 18 Foramen lacerum 44 Plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii 19 Fossa cranii media 45 Commissura epithalamica 20 Sulcus nervi petrosi minoris 46 Corpus mamillare 21 Eminentia arcuata 47 Recessus infundibuli 22 Os temporale, margo superior partis petrosae 48 Chiasma opticum 23 Porus acusticus internus 49 Cerebellum 24 Fissura petro-occipitalis C05 EnglishLatin 25 Sulcus sinus sigmoidei 74 M. zygomaticus minor 26 Foramen jugulare 75 M. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi 27 Clivus 76 M. nasalis 28 Canalis hypoglossi 77 M. orbicularis oris 29 Fossa cranii posterior 78 M. zygomaticus major 30 Sulcus sinus transversus 79 M. buccinator 31 Os occipitale, protuberantia interna 80 M. masseter 32 Sinus cavernosus 81 M. risorius 33 Plexus basilaris 82 M. depressor anguli oris 34 Sinus petrosus superior 83 M. depressor labii inferioris 35 Sinus petrosus inferior 84 M. mentalis 36 Sinus sigmoideus 85 M. hyoglossus 37 Sinus occipitalis 86 M. geniohyoideus 38 Sinus transversus 87 M. mylohyoideus 39 Confluens sinuum 88 M. digastricus, venter anterior 89 M. digastricus, venter posterior Cranium externum 90 M. stylohyoideus 40 Os frontale 91 M. omohyoideus, venter superior 41 Sutura coronalis 92 M. omohyoideus, venter inferior 42 Os parietale 93 M. sternohyoideus 43 Sutura sagittalis 94 M. sternothyroideus 44 Sutura lambdoidea 95 M. thyrohyoideus 45 Os occipitale 96 M. cricothyroideus 46 Processus mastoideus 97 M. sternocleidomastoideus® 47 Porus acusticus externus 98 M. scalenus anterior 48 Arcus zygomaticus 99 M. scalenus medius 49 Os zygomaticum 100 M. scalenus posterior 50 Sutura frontozygomatica 101 M. levator scapulae 51 Foramen supraorbitale 102 M. splenius capitis 52 Saccus lacrimalis 103 M. rhomboideus minor 53 Os nasale 104 M. trapezius, pars descendens 54 Cartilago alaris major 105 M. trapezius, pars transversa 55 Sutura zygomaticomaxillaris 106 M. erector spinae 56 Foramen infraorbitale Vasa 57 Mandibula, processus condylaris 107 A. carotis communis 58 Incisura mandibulae 108 A. carotis externa 59 Mandibula, angulus 109 A. thyroidea superior 60 Mandibula, corpus 110 A. laryngea superior 61 Foramen mentale 111 A. lingualis 62 Os hyoideum 112 A. facialis 63 Oesophagus, pars cervicalis 113 A. angularis 64 Medulla spinalis 114 A. occipitalis Musculi 115 A. auricularis posterior 65 M. epicranius, M. occipitofrontalis, venter frontalis 116 A. temporalis superficialis 66 M. temporalis 117 A. zygomaticoorbitalis 67 M. auricularis anterior 118 A. maxillaris 68 M. epicranius, M. temporoparietalis 119 A. carotis interna 69 M. auricularis superior 120 A. supratrochlearis 70 M. auricularis posterior 121 A. subclavia 3rd portion 71 M. epicranius, M. occipitofrontalis, 122 Truncus thyrocervicalis venter occipitalis 123 A. thyroidea inferior 72 M. orbicularis oculi, pars palpebralis 124 A. thoracica interna 73 M. orbicularis oculi, pars orbitalis 125 A. et V. intercostalis posterior I LatinEnglish CO5 126 V. jugularis interna 127 V. jugularis externa 128 V. subclavia Nervi 129 N. supraorbitalis (V1) 130 N. supratrochlearis (V1) 131 R. zygomaticofacialis n. zygomatici (V2) 132 N. infraorbitalis (V2) 133 N. mentalis (V3) 134 N. auriculotemporalis (V3) 135 Plexus parotideus (VII) 136 N. occipitalis major 137 N. occipitalis minor, Plexus cervicalis 138 N. auricularis magnus, Plexus cervicalis 139 N. transversus colli, Plexus cervicalis 140 N. phrenicus, Plexus cervicalis 141 Nn. cervicales, rami ventrales 142 Plexus brachialis Glandulae 143 Glandula lacrimalis 144 Glandula parotidea 145 Ductus parotideus 146 Glandula submandibularis 147 Glandula thyroidea ® 148 Cartilago thyroidea 149 Membrana thyrohyoidea 150 Lig. cricothyroideum 151 Cartilagines tracheales C05 Head and Neck Musculature English Head Encephalon Cranial nerves 1 Olfactory nerves (I) 50 Medullar body of cerebellum 2 Optic nerves (II) 51 Vermis of cerebellum 3 Oculomotor nerve (III) 52 Cerebellar tonsil 4 Trochlear nerve (IV) 53 Floccule 5 Trigeminal nerve (V) 54 Mesencephalon 6 Abducent nerve (VI) 55 Aqueduct of mesencephalon 7 Facial nerve (VII) 56 Peduncle of cerebrum 8 Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) 57 Lamina quadrigemina 9 Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) 58 Pons (bridge of Varolius) 10 Vagus nerve (X) 59 Basilar sulcus 11 Accessory nerve (XI) 60 Fourth ventricle 12 Hypoglossal nerve (XII) 61 Medulla oblongata 13 Cerebrum 62 Pyramid of medulla oblongata 14 Lateral ventricle 63 Olive (olivary body) 15 Anterior horn of lateral ventricle 64 Spinal marrow 16 Posterior horn of lateral ventricle 65 Central canal 17 Inferior horn of lateral ventricle 66 Anterior median fissure of spinal 18 Interventricular foramen marrow 19 Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle 67 Cervical nerve I 20 Caudate nucleus 68 Cervical nerve II® 21 Head of caudate nucleus 69 Posterior intermediate sulcus 22 Body of caudate nucleus 70 Fasciculus gracilis of spinal cord 23 Hippocampus 71 Posterior median sulcus 24 Foot of hippocampus 25 Fimbria of hippocampus Internal skull 26 Frontal lobe 1 Granular foveolae 27 Parietal lobe 2 Grooves for middle meningeal artery 28 Occipital lobe 3 Dura mater of brain 29 Temporal lobe 4 Superior sagittal sinus 30 Lateral sulcus 5 Diploe 31 Corpus callosum Cranial base 32 Rostrum of corpus callosum 6 Anterior cranial fossa 33 Genu of corpus callosum 7 Cribrous lamina of ethmoid bone 34 Trunk of corpus callosum 8 Cock‘s comb 35 Splenium of corpus callosum 9 Optic canal (optic foramen) 36 Pellucid septum 10 Anterior clinoid process 37 Column of fornix 11 Pituitary gland (hypophysis) 38 Anterior commissure 12 Posterior clinoid process 39 Pineal body 13 Small wing of sphenoid bone 40 Thalamus 14 Great wing of sphenoid bone 41 Interthalamic connexus 15 Superior orbital fissure 42 Hypothalamus 16 Round foramen 43 Third ventricle 17 Oval foramen 44 Choroid plexus of third ventricle 18 Foramen lacerum 45 Posterior commissure 19 Medial cranial fossa 46 Mamillary body 20 Sulcus of lesser petrosal nerve 47 Infundibular recess 21 Arcuate eminence 48 Optic chiasm 22 Superior border of petrous part 49 Cerebellum of temporal bone DeutschEnglish C05 Head and Neck Musculature 23 Internal acoustic pore 71 Epicranial muscle, Occipital belly of 24 Petrooccipital fissure occipitofrontal muscle 25 Sulcus of sigmoid sinus 72 Palpebral part of orbicularis oculi 26 Jugular foramen muscle 27 Clivus 73 Orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscle 28 Hypoglossal canal 74 Zygomaticus minor muscle 29 Posterior cranial fossa 75 Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi 30 Sulcus transverse sinus muscle muscle 31 Internal occipital protuberance 76 asal muscle 32 Cavernous sinus 77 Orbicularis oris muscle 33 Basilar plexus 78 Zygomaticus major muscle 34 Superior petrosal sinus 79 Buccinator muscle 35 Inferior petrosal sinus 80 Masseter muscle 36 Sigmoid sinus 81 Risorius muscle 37 Occipital sinus 82 Depressor anguli oris muscle 38 Transverse sinus 83 Depressor labii inferioris muscle 39 Confluence of sinuses 84 Mental muscle 85 Hyoglossus muscle External skull 86 Genohyoideus muscle 40 Frontal bone 87 Mylohyoideus muscle 41 Coronal suture 88 Anterior belly of digastric muscle 42 Parietal bone 89 Posterior belly of digastric muscle 43 Sagittal suture 90 Stylohyoideus muscle 44 Lambdoid suture 91 Superior belly® of omohyoid muscle 45 Occipital bone 92 Inferior belly of omohyoid muscle 46 Mastoid process 93 Sternohyoideus muscle 47 External acoustic pore 94 Sternothyroideus muscle 48 Zygomatic arch 95 Thyrohyoideus muscle 49 Zygomatic bone (cheekbone) 96 Cricothyroid muscle 50 Frontozygomatic suture 97
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