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1-18-2002 The iH lltop 1-18-2002 Hilltop Staff

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' ~' , ~if ...... *'""'*** ~~l .. ,. llli ' - . The Student Voice of Howard University

VOLUME 85, NO. 28 F'RIOAY, JANUARY 18, 2002 • • ers es1 oan enova ions

BY MAKEBRA ANDERSON water damage could have become a serious the West Towers are scheduled to be moved order to renovate the rooms, students where they were broken, and all minor health hazard," said Larry Frelow, Property back into the building by the end of Janu­ housed on the plaza level in the East Tow­ repairs were made before students were H}lltop Staff Writer Manager of the Towers, "but we did every­ ary as long as things go according to plan," ers had to be moved in two phases. Half of allowed to move back in.Students praise thing we could to prevent anything from said Frelow.Concerns for whether the the residents were relocated to vacant the work that was done to the dormitories The floods in August left thousands of happening." inhalation of the paint or any dangers the rooms in the Towers as contractors worked during their vacancy. "The new rooms are a dollars of damage on the plaza levels of the protective plastic that line the walls and are daily to restore the water-damaged walls. lot nicer than the rooms we were assigned Howard Plaza Towers. Residents of the Instead of moving residents in the West in front of the elevators, officials say they Upon completion, the remaining half of the to in the beginning," said sophomore Crys­ West Towers now know the gripes of East Towers in two phases, as was done with are more of an inconvenience than a haz­ residents were moved into the newly refur­ tal Anderson. "We have new carpet, new residents last semester as the installation of East Tower residents in the fall, the Univer­ ard. "It is virtually impossible to get on and bished rooms, while others waited for the cabinets, and fresh paint, which makes the new carpeting and painting clutter the bot­ sity decided to relocate all the residents at off the elevators with the plastic blocking remaining suites to be completed.Each rooms more comfortable to live in and tom floors of the building.With the plaza one time hoping to speed the process up. the walkway;' said junior Tiffany Lowe. "I room on the plaza level underwent con­ more attractive." level of East completed, residents of the Residents were put in vacant rooms in the know they are there for a good reason, but struction. All the walls were cut out and plaza level have been displaced to other East Towers and should be relocated back I hope they will be removed quickly, so life replaced portions of the floor and ceiling. Please See Renovations, A3 rooms throughout the dormitory. "The to the West building shortly."Residents in in the Towers can get back to normal."In New appliances were installed in rooms

University Chooses no o ow Not to Renew ' Wilson's Contract

By BRAKKTON BOOKER and Direct-TV Pre­ By PAUL CREWE JOZEN CUMMINGS view. However, Contributing Writer Hilltop Staff Writers earlier this week the change was An era ended December 12 fter nearly six months of made and all when university officials instillation, and officials dorms now have announced that the school A filtering a multitude of HBO. would not renew the contract of gripes from pupils about improve­ Henderson head football coach, Steve Wil­ ments the school needed, students suggested one son. returned from the winter recess to a possible use for The I 979 business school revamped and more technological­ the University graduate served 13 years at the ly advanced University. channels is to helm for the Bison, but after Now present in all University having students three consecutive losing seasons housing is cable television, wire­ take classes from and five straight losses to close less Internet, and a new sophisticat­ the comfort of out this season, Wilson's future ed telephone system, which will their own rooms with the team seemed dismal. have final costs expected to be by having the Wilson leaves Howard with the aoproximately $10.5 1nillion accord­ classes broadcast ' . 1nore victories than any other ing tu (:hief I11forma11orJ01ficer,: A. / ovf.':r the station. Bison football coach. Wilson Burl Henderson, Ph.D. Though cable Steve Wilson's work and com­ "It was an expensive project," is a topic qf inter­ mitment to Howard University is admits Henderson. Henderson said est for many stu­ greatly appreciated we have great 12 applicants will be interviewed he hasn't worked for a University dents on campus, respect for the manner in which and among those candidates, three with all of the features, that Howard Henderson is he conducted himself on and off will be selected for a final deci­ now has. "I don't know many other more excited about other the field, Athletic Director Sondra sion set for January 28. Universities that have these services Norrell-Thomas said. Wilson, who played profession­ on a per-student basis other than a advancements Photo By Melanie Nesbitt Wilson could not be reached for ally for 10 years with the Dallas MIT or a Stanford." the school had The ResNet cable television, acti­ made, particular­ Students returned to their rooms after the break to the much anticipated cable connection. A Howard stu­ comment. Cowboys and the Denver Bron­ dent enjoys TV in her bed. The university has named Mack cos, was a 1978 All-MEAC selec­ vated on Jan. 4, is what many stu­ ly in the wireless Alston as its interim head football tion at wide receiver during his dents said is the chief enhancement Internet. of the three. The basic package had "I look at it a bit differently. I look dorms and still be in constant con­ work Interface Card is required for coach and the school is currently final season of collegiate competi­ tact (with the Internet)," Henderson computers that do not have one under the process of selecting a 50 channels including 10 Universi­ at it from a data capabilities (stand­ tion. During his playing career at said. already built in. Residents of the new head football coach. Accord­ Howard, he held team records for ty Channels that post upcoming point)," Henderson said. events taking place on campus, as · Wireless Internet has the advan­ Eventually, Henderson said he West Towers, Meridian Hill Hall, ing to Ed Hill, the university's receptions with 94, receiving wants to see the libraries and class­ and Mays Halls will have on-site sports information director, IO to Please See Wilson, A3 well as ESPN, Lifetime, CNN, and tage over its wired counterpart in HBO. that a student can take their laptop rooms be installed with wireless instillation seminars in their dorms Early on, there was a mix-up in computer and plug into any portal in Internet. As of right now, addition­ next week and the rest of the Uni­ the contract between the University the dormitory and still have access al advancements being made to the versity can bring their computers University Merges and ResNet about what was fea­ to the Internet. wireless Internet system is the down to the ResNet office located tured on Channel 30 of the cable "Wireless has the advantage upgrade from six megabits up to 45 on the first floor of the iLab, where package. In some of the dormitories (because) a student with a portable during the course of this month. Makeshift Dorms students had HBO while others had computer can walk all over the An instillation of a wireless Net- Please See Cable, A3

By DERRICK K. NAYO Assignment Coordinator of Resi­ Operation Vaccination Hilltop Staff Writer dence Life. Some students living on campus Howard residents living in the also joined hotel residents by mak­ District Students Race to Get Immunized Holiday Inn at Thomas Circle ing inquiries with residence life and moved to the DoubleTree Hotel late going through a formal process, said last semester after the University Ron Harris, Senior Staffman at the decided it would be "cost-effective" Double Tree. By ERICA S. HUBBARD free vaccinations and many of the Elementary School volunteer, barred from school until the shots are to consolidate residents from the In August, the University found The District Editor participating Rochelle Mar- completed. The necessary immu­ two hotels, sources said. itself in the mitts of a dilemma as a facilities have tineis. "Not nizations reduce the health risk of Roughly 55 students from the District-wide dormitory shortage hit Last week, the DC Board of Edu­ extended their only is it a law, students acquiring or spreading such Thomas Circle location left either to the metropolitan area leaving col­ cation launched its three-week cam­ normal busi­ it ultimately diseases and conditions as polio, the DoubleTree, on-campus hous­ lege students without campus hous­ paign to vaccinate every student in ness hours in protects the chicken pox, tetanus, rubella, and ing, off-campus locations, or grad­ ing. the public school system by Jan. 25. an effort to children and hepatitis B. uated from the University. The merg­ About 300 Howard students were According to the DC Health Depart­ meet the over­ istrict of Columbia Developing Families the staff." The law is not new to the DC er began mid-November and placed in local hotels because Uni­ ment records, nearly 19,000 chil­ whelming DC law public school system; however, in concluded before the Christmas versity dorms were already filled. dren have yet to be immunized. demand of requires stu­ past years it had not been strictly break with about 30 students going After having the downtown Four The campaign, given the name those needing eeves Municipal Center dents to enforced. to the DoubleTree Hotel. Six stu­ Points Sheraton Hotel and Holiday "Operation Final Push", is in its final shots. 000 14th St. NW receive proper "I am shocked that the DC control dents have transferred from the Dou- Inn consolidated into the Double­ apitol Hill Medical Clinic week and has gained the support of "Many par­ 201 Eighth St. NE vaccination board did not implement this th Tree last semester, the Thomas Cir­ bleTree to campus since January 8 several hospitals and local clinics ents are look­ or more inforn1ation, call the Department of within ten days requirement this requirement in the of this year and approximately cle location finally followed suit including George Washington Uni­ ing at this as an ealth Immunization Hotline at 800-666-2229. of the first offi­ past years," said board member . . another 50 are subject to dismissal after the contract expired. versity Hospital, Children's Hospital, 1nconven1ence cial day of the if they fail to become validated, The University occupies about and Unity Healthcare, Inc. The DC because they academic year. Please See Vaccination,A3 according to Gerald Macintosh, four floors of the DoubleTree and Health Department has set up more have to leave work early or wait in Failure to comply with such law Please See Housing, A3 than 20 locations to administer the extremely long lines," said Clark could lead to a student's risk of being arna-

151 M NW

and Atmospheric Administra­ Hwy. Silver Spring

'" A2 Friday, January 18, 2002 THE Hn..LTOP

Bin Laden's Alleged Escape Leaves Many Students Uneasy

BY JENNIFER CUMMll'/0S and subordinates who are sympathetic to his ter• bombing campaigns and raids. by pounding his fist on the podium does not make HILLYOP STAFF WRITER rorism and the pain it has inflicted, most recently Students also echoed sentiments of uneasiness in me feel safe. HE has been pounding his hand on in the U.S. It is unsettling that after almost 5 that this international terrorist is still at large with that same podium since September I Ith and Bin Just days after the United States' Central months [since 91 ll, this man has not been cap• no serious leads on his exact location. "When this Laden is still out there," said Wilson. Intelligence Agency, CIA, released unconfirmed tured. That is a major problem," said Ashton Wells, whole war started everyone knew Bin Laden was While many students are unified in their feelings reports that international 1erroris1 fugitive Osama a sophomore finance major. Wells' sentiment is the man responsible and it seems like the U.S. of uneasiness about the future of the war on terror­ Bin Laden had possibly escaped no1 only from echoed throughout much of campus. Many stu• would have been able to predict that his crnft ism, some students suggest that the United States , but Pakistan, many studen1s are loos• dents cannot fathom how Bin Laden, a known ter• involves not only conspiracy bu t deception. Now is acting in accordance with the information ing faith in U.S. intelligence capabilities. Bin rorist, slipped through the cracks in intelligence. he's out there on the loose,· said sophomore received and should be praised for their efforts to Laden, accused of conspiring to arrange, fund, and "Maybe if the government did not focus so much Political Science major Renee Wilson. "They keep eradicate the fear that accompanied September commit the terrorist attacks that shook much of the on interceptive intelligence and more on common telling us to be vigilant and calm, but bow is any• I I th and its events. "I have never tried before, but psyche and spirit of the U.S. nnd its international sense, they would have figured out that someone as one in the world supposed to feel safe when this I'm sure it is ex tremely hard to go after a man like allies, is now believed lo have escaped from skillful as Bin Laden would attempt to fool the U.S. coward has the ability to spread his terror through­ Bin Laden, someone who is so skilled at deceiving Pakistan by sea, according to CIA officials in their and all the other people he is running from." said out the world without restriction. They made people. How can you effectively go after and find of the record speculative report. Some s1ude111s freshman English major Valerie Thompson. In the progress when they froze his funding. They can someone who wants the world to believe that they argue that the United States did not do enough to report released Tuesday, the CIA also speculated stop his money, but what about the man himself?" do not exist," said junior psychology major Eboni restrict Bin Laden's ability to travel, communicate that the all too familiar tapes of Bin Laden. trans• asked Wilson. Ekundayo. "The United States has used all the and eventually flee areas which U.S. and Northern mitted first over Al-Jazeera television in Others question the next step in the war on ter• resources it has to go after this man. They tried Alliance military force was central, a region Afghanistan. were almost like planted evidence rorism and how the United States will go about before during th!l Clinton administration. It is not known for being a stronghold for dangerous terror• used to convince the U.S. and her allies that Bin continuing their search for Bin Laden and his 19r• an easy job to catch a terrorist," concluded ist activity. Laden was still in a cave somewhere in rorist associates. "Now that no one bas an9 idea Ekundayo. "The U.S. knew that Bin Laden had money trails Afghanistan. At that time, he may have been long where this guy is, now what? What is the next all across the world along with many supporters gone, far from Afghanistan and U.S. intensified step1 The President reaffirming WHBC 830 AM soars to Campus Crime Report

January 5th Assault Punch Out new heights Lost Property HUH Annex .Stab Wounds Theft I HUH BY KERRY ANN HAMILTON This method broadcasts the station's signal on the Dist. Of Property AM band. The audio is fed to a transmitter or series Douglass Hall Administration Bldg. of transmitters that introduces an AM signal into the Injured Person Theft II Greene Stadium Dist. Of Prop WHBC, the radio station that was established as a electrical system of a building. The electrical system UGL Slowe Hall tool for students in the radio-television-film depart­ then acts as your antenna. Radios in and near the Suspicious Persons Fire Alarm January 12th ment to garner skills is set for a new enhancement as building can pick up ihe broadcast. East Towers January 9 HPT the station will air on the University's cable network Sarah-Jane Thomas. a junior radio-television-film Stolen Property Missing Person on Channel 51, next month. major and the current Production Manager for HU H This is the second major upgrade the student-run WHBC is motivated by the new steps to improve Annex Gunshot Wound HUH Hazardous Odor Theft I station bas enjoyed in as mnny years, with the first WHBC. Founders Library being the change from an analog switchboard to a "I have gained a immense confidence being on air Burr Gym Entry w/o Authorization School of Divinity digital system, which has been standard in the indus• and I also was able to learn various techniques that I Theft I Burglary Alarm Annex try for many years. can apply to my classes such radio production. This January 6th Lost Property Blackburn WHBC riding radio waves, as well as cable's move to add WHBC to the network will give students Aggravated Assault microwaves, many students and faculty alike are elat• the additional exposure they need." Thomas said. HUH 500 Blk. Gresham Theft I Hit and Run Minor Parking Lot ed at the exposure and experience the student will get Brooke Young, a junior radio-television-film 1najor Dist of Prop from the station said Channel 51 is a step in the right direction. West Camgus 2200 9th St. "I am very excited about this venture, students will "As a freshman. I was oriented to working in a stu• Unlocked oor Reckless Driving 600 Blk of Gresham Dist of Prop be able to broadcast up to 24 hours a day, e,·eryone dio and being comfortable in operating the equip­ ILab January 10th with a television set will be able to assess WHBC. ment. Opportunities such as these help to put Howard Alarm Activation Quad WHUR in collaboration with the School of students ahead of their counterparts who do not have Coll:Ne of Medicine Hazardous Fire HUH Theft I Communications is dedicated to providing our stu• assess to such training facilities." · Theft I HUH dents with the tool necessary to facilitate learning Olan1yi Areke, Director of Student 'Irnining at HPT Disorderly Conduct and practical experience," said Jim Watkins. an offi• WHUT-TV said the new student channel as a tremen• Mudd Bldg Entry w/o authorization Break-in January 13th cial in the School of Communications. dous opportunity for students to reach a wider audi• Annex Bobby Patton, General Manager of WHBC is equal• ence. January 7 Hazardous Elevator HUH ly excited about the prospect of having WHBC on the "WHBC on the network will allow students to get Sexual Assault Rankin Chapel network. professional experience while in school. Thus, equip­ Injured Person Cramton HUH "WHBC will be have live segments on channel SI ping them with the skills necessary to be successful Sick Transport Damage Prop. ,, for interviews with artists. There are also plans for a 1n the field," Arekc said. Meridian Hill Hall Sexual Abuse 111 Quad Gresham Pl. live morning show. In addition the station will serve Junior Larry Brown, Jr, Senior Producer for Lost Property Dist. Of Prop. as a information provider. such as cafeteria daily Spotlight aired on WHUT-TV is encouraged by the January 8 menus, as well as campus sports schedules, and improvement to student training. January 11th Blackburn Cafeteria CB Powell Disord. Conduct upcoming events," said Patton a junior. telecommuni• "Channel 51 is a great outlet for students in radio Unsecured Office West Cam8us cations management major. production; thus. allowing them to gain additional Unlocked oors Minor Lot WHBC was founded in 1974, and unlike.some local experience in that field. The addition of on•air expe• 2200 Blk Ga. Ave. Dist. Of Prop. universities, it has been operating continuously since rience will encourage students to strive for excel• then. However, the station is restricted to a carrier fence," Brown, Jr. said. current system. a method commonly used by colleges and universities. Butts Draws Connection Campus Digest Between Attacks and Bible Students feel empowered by eerie correlation

be •inning lommorow \\ith "lluildrnr, anJ BY STEPHAl'IE CROUCII nation's tragedy in a different light, but the evils in :..lamlarning Good Credit. HILCTOP STAFF WRITER materialistic thinking. t kc He \Ith Sc1< nee, Library announced "l wanted students to see that materialism is inad°" l·lilllta«t-SS to databases in the following ,ubject ADVA:-CE REGISTRATION ONLY Register With the recent passing of the terrorist assaults four• quate in sustaining the human spirit and the only enli• lliomcd1cal Refcren,-c Collection: on line at "" w.dcbml> ums/v.calth• month anniversary, many students were hoping to push ty that can sustain your spirit is the word of God,• said hcnsl\c; Nursing & Alhcd Hc.d1h ,cric-.Jwcalthscne,.htm the nation's tragedy aside. However, at Chapel service Butts. Some students understood the message that on: Comprchcn,i,c: Health Source: Qu~,uons·> Call 202 636-0138. on Sunday, Re,-erend Calvin 0. Butts drew a connec• Butts was trying to con,-ey and attempted to evaluate Numnr,/.Ac.idem1c Edition: l1SP DI \'olumc 11, tion between the incident and the bible, teaching the the purpose of September 11th. "What the Reverend Butts was trying to show us is M1flcC for the Pat1cn1: Psychology & Bd1,tvioral Monday, January 21 congregation some important life lessons. that before September 11th there was a focus on mate• ce Colle,tion. P,ydNFO 1887-Currcnt Using Genesis chapter 11 Butts conveyed how the . World Trade Center destruction was very similar to the rial possessions," sophomore political science major No lormal classes. mayhem that occurred in the town of Babel. Brian Woodard said. "It wasn't until after the tragedy anuary 19 In Genesis, individuals in one particular town decid• that people realized the more important thing in life Thur,,,hy, Jnnuar) 24 ed to build a tower that would reach into the hea,-ens. (like God and family). September 11 was a way for School of Bu ine,s Jnd the \\Jshington, IX' According to the Bible, the Lord heard of this plan and God to catch our attention.· r of the Nation,tl Black :..IBA Association The School of Communk;ition, Department of realized that if there language remained the same there Even Dean of Chapel Bernard L. Richardson found 1,,.,,.. • ..,s1 a work-,hop ,cric, tilled. 2002 Wealth Radio. ·1ctcvi11on, and Filn, "ill debut their orig­ would nothing 10 restrain them from accomplishing himself delighted by the word of Butts. "I just admire n Series· rinacial, Politic"I, inal film. Keeping th~ Faith," a narrati,c honor, any type of task. Therefore, God decided to make not only the preaching of Reverend Butts but also the nuerial, Educational Weahh. The one• ing the lifo of ,\dam Clayton Po"ell. The e,·ent each person speak a different language, which ulti­ courage," Richardson said. tshop< will he held Saturdays m 2002. will take place in the Blackburn Center ,ti 6 p.m. mately ceased the construction of the tower. A side from being a pastor, Butts is the President of Butts showed how much of the nation's wealth was The State University of CoUege at Old contained within the World 'lrade Centers and the Westbury, President of the Council of Churches of the destruction could have possibly taken place in order to City of New York and Vice• chair of the Board of keep individuals from performing more evil in the Directors of United Way of New Yotk. future. Also, Butts said the attack on America made Butts sermon even inspired regular church-goers to Amecicans reevaluate their thoughts of superiority. dig deeper into their religious ideology. Sophomore The Hilltop ... Read About It "Those 0ying bombs destroyed years of narcissistic LaNitra Wooten, who admitS she got ready fo r chapel thinking," Butts said. "And suddenly, even those who a bit sluggishly in the morning felt empowered by the always had something to say, found themselves tongue sermon. tied." "The sermon sparked in me a new interest tha1 made Not only did Butts want students to look at the me want to read the Bible even more," Wooten said. January 18, 2002 A3 Students Bemoan Renovations It Just Doesnit Add Up

From Al Towers for a while and to prevent any further Some Students Say Banking is not Helping them Save water damage, officials have recommended Some Plaza level residents are preparing the University construct a fence outside of BY EBONY GIBBS "Other students also complain about the fees they arc assessed to be out of !heir rooms for a long time and the building. According to Frelow, "The rhonthly. "Last month I had over two hundred dollars in overdraft '• question if they will really l>e able to move fence will prevent any future damage co~RIBIJTING WRITl:R fees. But, I just thought I still had money. The ATM kept saying back into their rooms by the end of the l>ecause it will block the water forcing it to Every time sophomore Psychology major Dasia Kendall visits the that I still had money in my account, so I kept using my card, but month."! am prepared to be out c,f my room trickle into the street instead of coming into ATM mnchine, she is constantly surprised that her balance is lower then when I got my statement I ripped up my card and called the for at least two months," said sophomore the Plaza." "It will also double as a security and lower each time. Although she admits that her book keeping bank right away," said freshman English major Kelly Anderson. Raebel Walker. " I was told that we would be barrier and give the Towers more of a cam­ skills are not up to par, she believes that she is one of thousands of A spokesperson for an area bank suggested that this problem that able to move back in at the end of the month, pus feel." but to me that is highly unlikely."Flooding students and account holders alike who fall victim to some of the plagues many are in most cases isolated incidents and cited no has been a problem for the Howard Plaza unfair fees assessed by banking and payment market companies. wrongdoing on the part of the banks; however, due to receot legal Each month when Kendall receives her statement in the mail, she is trouble. Mastercard and VISA officials were unwilling to comment. assessed a number of fees including a five dollar monthly mainte­ The Mastercard and Visa corporations are already under close nance fee and at least one thirty dollar overdraft fee. scrutiny as a result of a recently litigated lnw suit in which the .:District Students Race to Kendall, who maintains an account with a bank on the other side Dcpartm:nt of Justice alleges monopoUstic practices on the part of of the country, uses her VlSA ATM/debit card frequently and both corporations as well a\ accusations of dual governance, anti­ believes that merchants often confuse the card with a credit card competitiveness and violation of other policies. This suit accompa­ and enter it into the complex payment system that way, leaving her nies a class action suit in which thousands of merchants and retail­ ,. Get Immunized subject to paying overdraft fees. ers have accused both Mastercard and VISA of assessing and levy­ From \tlcci11a1io11. A I "I don't understand how I can ba,·e so many overdrafts. The ing higher penalties for off-line versus on-ine banking. money comes straight out of my checking account and it's either The banking and payment markets often come under close scruti­ ; ' Tommy Wells, in a report to the Washington modations and take any possible steps to there or it is not, but I've realized that if you don't keep track of ny for their questionable business practices. Kendcll suggests that ·, Times. make certain that their goal is reached and what you spend, the banks will assess fees. You will pay them with­ all account holders and especially students with limited funds pay ~ The final seven days of the campaign will that the students are in school where they 1 out even knowing what is going on," said Kendall. close attention to all the fees assessed. "It is important that every­ , prove to be the toughest, especially with clin- l>elong. Kendal's money problems plague many other students who are in one pays attention 10 their statements because people will rob you ics vaccinating an average of 2,000 students "We will round them up and ask their par­ possession of the same kind of debit cards. blind if you allow low them to." she said. Kendall is also joining " daily. The Department of Health has put ents to pick them up from school and get the "I think it is a recent policy. It's sort of a scam. They give you all with five other students to examine billing trends and says that she c together an advertislng campaign to get the required shots," said Wells. these fees to pay, but really you only want to spend your money and will attempt a class action suit once compelling evidence is ., word out. In addition, they are planning to Jack Pannell, depu,y director of external no one else's. It is almost as if they give you free reign to get into revealed suggesting wrongdoing on the part of banking and pay­ , have service announcements aired on local affairs for the Department of Health added in debt, and then you have 10 pay them 10 get out of it. It's a little medt organizations. radio and television stations. According to a Washington Post report. "Were still work­ shady to me," said senior finance major Antwan Roberts. "I will get to the bottom of this." Kendall said. Wells, students not fully immunized by the ing to figure out where people arc on Jan. 25 will not be forced out of the schools. Saturdays. When they do. "we' II be there." Instead, the board is willing to make accom- University Chooses Not to Traveling together Renew Wilson's Contract has never been better

From Wilson, Al According to Maria K. DcJulio, who yards with 1,339 and touchdowns with manages graduation rates for the NCAA, 12., All are records that have since l>een Wilson did manage 10 graduate 65 per­ ' broken. cent of his players while the Division I Yet Wilson sti ll owns the record for average graduation rate was only 49 per­ , kickoff returns with 40 in one season. cent for that time period. However, over Wilson also received an honorable the last three years, Wilson's teams were mention for All-American at wide receiv- only able compile a I 0-23 record with a • er in 1978 as well. load of young talent that he hoped would During his term as head coach, Wilson be the foundation for continued success. compiled a record of78-67. In 1993 Wilson followed last yearAs 3-8 record Wilson led the Bison to an 11-0 regular with this year As 2-9 campaign, season mark and the school's first NCAA HowardAs worst record in IO years. This I-AA playoff berth.< Wilson was honored year's 1-7 conference mark included sev­ as coach of the year by the NCAA eral lopsided losses like the 76-30 drub­ Division I-AA, MEAC. Washington bing of the Bison at the hands of North Pigskin Club, and by the Washington Carolina A&T. In that game, the Aggies ' Touchdown Club among others. Wilson put up 62 points in the first half and it • was also selected as coach of the year was likely that those types of perform­ after his inaugural campaign in 1989. In ances cost Wilson his position. 1996, his club posted a 9-2 regular sea­ Over the last season, Wilson brought son record and won the second of two in new coaches to try and return the Black National Championship titles in defense to its dominant form of the three years, defeating Southern past. However, slow starts and lack of ' University 27-24 in the Heritage Bowl. execution on offense forced the defense to During the 90s, Wilson's teams won an remain on the field for c.,1ended periods astounding 70 percent of their games and since his return to the university in 1989 the presence of professional football scouts has drastically Right now is the best time to take a trip on Amtrak! With service to over 500 cities and towns, Amtrak increased. offers a perfect getaway for you and your friend, satisfaction guaranteed. Just reserve one ticket for yourself, There have been a host of Wilson's travel anytime between January 9 and February 28, 2002, and your companion travels for free-but act now, recruits who have later gone on to because reservations for this special offer ends February 21, 2002. • pUISue a career in professional foot­ ball such as Billy Jenkins who is For even more savings use your Student Advantage• Card and save 15¾ on the coach fare on the first fare. with the Green Bay Packers and In fact, with Student Advantage you can save 15% on coach fares all year long I To join Student Advantage •- Marques Douglas who is now with call 1-877-2JOINSA or visit the Baltimore Ravens. Many may recall the record breaking set of For more information about the Buy-One-Get-One-Free offer Just mention code H207 when you call your quartelbacks Wilson developed during File Photo travel agent or 1-800-USA-RAIL. Or take the fastest route to your ticket when you visit . his time at Howard. Jay "S1..-y" Walker Fomttr Howard Unlm-slty Football Conch Ste,c and led "Sweet Flight" White were Wilson ------.. ------..... ------... -- both able to advance to the next level as of play and the defense surrendered at ------well. Wilson was also inducted into the least 30 points to five different opponents Black College Hall of Fame in this season, leading the school to make a Buy-One-Get-One FREE! September of 1999 based upon his lead­ change. Student Advantage Members get Non-Student Advantage Members ership both on and off the field of play. 15% off the regular coach fare, buy regular coach fare, the second the second person is FREE. person is FREE.

Offtf' val"d f1,;r pi..,. ... ~ 1~'"'2/ll.02 ~ trl~ 1119.0l 21&<>l. M:iwnu.~ r."'-d.iiy ..).J~l.:~ Name: __--c----,..c._----'-----~- rt\ff'l/ationl rtqlAI'~ ~ tho!4 ~ ~Md tral"" lv Of'Kc-nt. Cky of NewOriean, and ScnttUmittd only. for the folb,,.ing ~tionll ct.tM-" \1311\l~-l>W and V,A'.12-}JU,Ol. Not VI id '1-Ath I/ff otll(ir State: ______Zip; ______, ddCOW'tts... fates onltfS or p,omOOOl'I$. f1rt pt\JA'~ ~ ~ion ITU\t trl'Yt'I togtthtr on dorm basis to add the remaining dormito­ ttw ldrn1 ut hiner.,y. Ottiet retridfic::ww and ~gt ftf"I NY •N)ly. E-mail: ______From Al ries to the system. TMVELAGlNlS: «eginning on itive step in technology on Howard's part eating on campus. in addition to James Coleman, assistant dean of receive metro cards and I haven't English major. Monday, crews will be going on a dorm-to- all together," Mills said. '------1

' A4 Friday, January 18, 2002

' .. District Briefs Sanchez Speaks World Briefs

Hager to be Keynote Speaker at say/more fire I say/more rhythm I BY J AMIE W ALKER say/more fire/more rhythm/more ISLAMABAD, Pakistan Confederate Event Contributing Writer fire/more rhythm/like the singing com­ ing off drums/under a soprano skyn say Pakistan's president, Oen. Pervez Musharrnf, announced a ban Special Assistant to Virginia Governor Mark R. Warner. John H. Hager was make it musical/I say make it person­ Saturday on four militant Islamic groups, including two that have granted permission to be lhe keynote speaker at a ceremony honoring twO Sonia Sanchez, former Howard aVscnsuaVeven/meaning a blue black been blamed for the December 13 attack on the Indian Parliament Confederate heroes of the Civil War, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. University professor and author of more woman with n baaad tongue/and a for­ that killed 14 people. has pushed Musharraf 10 ban the The ceremony, to take place Friday in the old hall of the House of Delegates, than a dozen books of poetry, including ever phrase/who looks good too/I say Pakistan-based Jaisb-e-Mohammad and Lash.kar-e-Toiba, both has been strongly criticized by many including Warner and L. Douglas Wilder, Shake Loose My Skin: New and call it/sonia." Kashmir militant groups, and hand over the groups' leadcrs foe the nation's first elected black governor and current chairman of a special com- Selected Poems (Beacon Press, 1999) Delighted by Alexander's keen intro­ trial. But Musharraf said in a nationally televised speech that any mission on government efficiency under the Virginia governor. and Like the Singing Coming Off duction and impressed after hearing Pakistanis accused of participating in the deaclly attack would be Drums (Beacon Press, 1998), was the some of DC's finest poets, including tried in Pakistan. Prior 10 the broadcast of the speech, Palcistanl Bush Signs Education Bill keynote speaker for a poetry extrava­ Girls with Hearts, a youth poetry group police arrested more than 2S0 people in Karachi Saturday, using a ganza honoring the life and legacy of established in 1997, Sanchez stressed "maintaining public order" bulletin Recently, President Bush signed into law a new education policy which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the MLK lhc importance of supporting youths increased the standards and testing for schools, provided more of a system of Library on 90I O Streets NW in who are "poeting" nod those who also reward and punishment and lhe delivery of federal aid 10 schools that desper­ LAGOS, Nigeria Washington, DC. ately need it. The policy. a part of the President's plan 10 improve the public Some of DC's most powerful, school system, will make initial appearances in the District, Ohio, and New positive, and provocative poets -Nigeria's powerful Labour Congress (NLC) told workers on Hampshire. Saturday to prepare for a nationwide strike on Wednesday the and performers presented their if original works at this standing­ government failed 10 scrap petrol price ri

H C'--1·,

p, ( J ' 11 : .A.1"'11]U . . . ' . (, f '·< J .., of ln~11wi

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illustration By Antijuan Jackson THE HILLTOP IRA PORTER, Editor-in-Chief CHRISTOPHER WINDHAM, Managing Editor JAMYE SPILLER.Managing Editor

Fo1111ded in 1924

MM Cable Has Arrived I t J 'f ) f' ' 1 , t's finally here-cable! Of course it is not With our University's motto in mind, "­ October, November, or December (as ducing leaders for America and the Global ~ Ipromised), but cable is available in all of Community," what type of leaders would they the Howard dormitories. Although we would be if they were uninformed of the current love to praise the University for following issues and events surrounding our nation and through with their promise of cable, we must the world? How arc these leaders expected to ' say, "it's about time!" It's sad compete with other leaders that here at the Mecca, the that emerge from Universi­ home of the "best and the Our View: ties that have provided them brightest" and the "cream of with endless opportunities the crop," we were at a tech­ The completion of and every resource avail­ nological di sad vantage for far able? too long. We have grown so cable in all of the donni- We would love to clap our accustomed to mediocrity that tories is past due. hands and stump our feet in the presence of cable has appreciation; however, we stirred such excitement and have waited far too long to commotion that no one has finally arrive at a point taken the time to check their where everyone has been calendar and see that it's for years. It's like taking 2002! Hello, Howard University-welcome to too long to get dressed for a party and by the the 21st Century! We should have had cable time you get there, people are leaving, en 10 years ago! route of yet another party. Howard University, Realize that cable is much more than BET's we have advanced, but do not allow it to end Hits, MTV's Cribs, and HBO's movies; cable here. Continue to seek out more resources television holds a wealth of information not and improvements that can be made to What's Your Opinion? found in the newspapers or on the internet. improve the overall quality of life and the edu­ Cable television is more than entertainment; cational opportunities of the Howard Univer­ scan the channels past CNN and the Weather sity corrununity. Let's begin to live up to our e encourage our readers to write letters to the Editor. Tull us what you think Channel and discover that it is life's happen­ reputation of being the "Mecca." about the paper and its contents. We strive to produce a quality weekly ings at the push of a button. W with news pages that are devoid of slant or personal bias. Please address all letters or comments to The Hilltop, 2251 Sherman Ave., NW, Wash- ington DC, 20001. You can also e-mail us at [email protected] An Act of Terrorism The Hilltop. Be Heard.

magine you are a SO-year old parent of crushing it might be criminal. three, one of who is in college at This is the reality Enron employees IHoward University, the other is consider- must deal with after their company's shock- ing entering the Mecca, and your youngest is ingly sudden collapse, which may be directly just a sophomore in high school. You are related to shady business practices by the looking forward to retirement and spending company's top officials. If it comes out that THE HILLTOP time with your wife without ------~ Enron officials foresaw the your kids, newlyweds again. Our v1·ew·. collapse, but that they with- THE NATIONS LARGEST HBCU NEWSPAPER You open up your USA held the information in Today, Washington Post. or order to cash in first, these New York Times on Decem- Enron Emplovees were officials should be prose- JAMAL 0. POPE ber 2 and see several head- J cuted to the fullest extent of BRAKKTON BOOKER SHANNON WASHINGTON lines about the bankruptcy the law. Their actions in JENNIFER CUMMJNGS PAGE DESIGNER unknowingly handcuffed CAMPUS EDITORS of your employer Enron. to a shady deal these times of economic ANTIJuAN JACKSON You thought the company distress are tantamount to JONATHAN C S1Ms lLLUSlRATOR LIFE & STY!..F/CALENOAR was doing great since stock terrorism. To place Ameri- EDITOR MELANIE NFSBITI' prices were steadily rising cans in today's job market VINCE SMITH and you were looking for- with no prior warning, and Au.EN POWELL 11 CRYSTAL ANDERSON SPORTS EDITOR ward to a rich reward when you cashed in because of greed, is as heinous as spraying PHorooRAPHERS your company stocks for retirement. Now add their mail with Anthrax. All Enron officials MONICA BARBARA DIAHANN DoYEN to your shattered retirement plans the fact that found guilty should be treated as harshly as ENGAGE EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER several top employees of your company John Walker, for they are just as much traitors ERICA ffUDIWU) OLANIKE BELLO cashed out their stock options before the big to the American cause as he. AKEYADICKSON AsSISTANI' BUSINESS crash, and suddenly the bankruptcy isn't just NEWS EDITORS MANAGER AKll..ARBELL ERNEST SCOTI ONLINE EDITOR AoYEKrlSlNG MANAGER Guantanamo Bay: Not the Only JAMAL POPE MELlssA C. H ORN WEB AsSISTANT ADVERnSlNG LAYOt.Tr MANAGER SHALA WILSON Answer PHOTO EDITOR DENISE CORBETT OFFICE MANAGER Monday the US military shipped 30 more 80 detainees, why not find the single most ALLISON GENTRY Tuliban and Al Qaeda wanted man in the interna• Staff Writers: MICHAEL BROWN detainees to its naval base at tional community. ERRICA D OTSON Our View MAKEBRA ANDERSON COPY EDITORS Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, Because while their guilt or COREY CUNNINGHAM adding to the fifty detainees The United States gov­ innocence has not been HARow EICHELBERGER already being held for inter­ proven as of yet, there is little D£RRICK NAYO JOZF.N CuMMINGS rogation. Although, many ernment needs to focus question in the minds of the JOSEF SAWYER Americans applaud the gov­ on finding the root of U.S. and its allies that Osama AlsHA CHANEY ernment and rnilitary's the problem Bin Laden is guilty. It has ALYSHA COBB efforts to eradicate terror­ nearly been proven. Branded ism, recent actions have guilty for September 11th caused many to question just through conspiracy, funding, Now in its 77th year, The Hilltop is written and produced every Tuesday and Friday by the how effective focusing on and indirect and direct orders, students of Howard University. With a readership of more than 10,000 students and com­ these prisoners will be in Bin Laden still remains at munity members, the Hilltop is the largest black collegiate newspaper in the nation. routing out terrorism across the globe. large while our military works to ship The opinions expressed on the Editorial Page are the views of the The Hilltop Editorial Board Osama Bin Laden, now the world's most detainees from one coast of the world to and do not directly reflect the opinion of Howard University, its Administration, individual infamous terrorist fugitive is still on the run another. Hilltop Policy Board members, or the student body. The opinions expressed on the Perspectives from international intelligence and military However, the more than 80 detainees, shack­ page are those of the writers and do not represent the view of the Editorial Board. resources and our government attempts to The Hilltop encourages you to share your opinions on articles published in the newspaper. led and blindfolded, wearing taped-over ski The Hilltop Editorial Board reserves the right to edit letters for space and grammatical errors. reassure us daily with photographs of more goggles for the lengtl1y voyage, are the simple All letters should be typed, signed and include a complete address and telephone number. Afghan detainees being sent to Cuba for ques­ pawns of the deep rooted terrorism organiza­ Please send letters to: 2251 Sherman Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20001. Questions, com• tioning. Though all efforts to put terrorism's tional fran1ework and hierachy. Maybe its time ments and letters can also be sent via email to: [email protected]. evil reign to an end are noteworthy, it is ques­ to allow the fallen leaves to crumble and The deadline to submit ads to the paper is the Friday preceding publication.The advertis­ tionable if priorities are in the right place. search for the root. ing department can be reached at (202) 806-4749. The editor can be reached at (202) 806- Instead of focusing so much attention on these 4748. THE HILLTOP Friday, January 18, 2002 A7

, ers Fair Trade, Not Free Trade By Figaro Joseph

The s~alled architects of the global economy-the In August 2001, the International Forum on ical resources? international agencies forced the liberalization of its International Monetary Fund (IMF) aod the World Globalization, a well-respected research organization on There is a mountain of evidence that 'free trade' is market, which resulted in the flooding of its market wi4II Bank-have intensified marketing of one of their failed globalization, issued a report-Does Globalization Help not really free for the global south. Free trade as foreign products. During the I960s and 1970s, Haiti proposals of the past thirty years. The recycled idea the Poor?, which states that "free trade, deregulation, defined by the Bank aod the Fund mean~ that industrial­ produced almost 80 percent of the rice that it consumed now calls for the removing of all trade barriers, which it privatization, and structural adjustment have destroyed ized countries should have no restrictions in dumping compared to about 15 percent today. In other words, the predicts could drastically increase the income of poor the livelihoods of millions of people often leaving them their products in the Global South's markets. The seven whole sector bas emaciated. One can find similar countries aod lift 320 million people out of poverty. homeless, landless and hungry, while removing their most industrialized (G-7) countries have restrictions on examples all over the Caribbean, Lalin and Central The IMF and the World Baok have been pushing this access to even the most basic public services such as imports into their markets that they know the countries Amedca. idea for three decades aod not only does it not work; it health and medical care, education, sanitation, fresh in the Global South cannot meet. They use the term There is l.ittle doubt that the Bank, and to a lesser continues to force the Global South destitution. water, public transport, job training and the like" (p. i). 'safety' as a catch word to mask their protectionist l~­ extent, the Fund have some role to play in this global­ For over twenty years, the IMF aod the World Bank The president of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn, in ing. Furthermore, the G-7 governments have the means ization process. Their role has 10 be specific and cen­ have been prescribing policies for the most part have an address to the Board of Governors on September to subsidize virtually all of their sectors and they do tered around the interests of ordinary folks around the failed the global south. By now one would hope that 1999, acknowledged that "in the developing world, with subsidize them. In the last World Trade Organization world. There have to be mechanisms in place to moni­ the Pund and the Bank would have the courage to do an the exception of China, I00 million more people are liv­ (WTO) meeting late last year in Doha, Qatar, the tor and evaluate their performance. The track record of internal aoalysis and admit their failures. In their histo­ ing in poverty today than a decade ago." During the Europeao Union (EU) insisted on subsidizing Europeao the Bank and the Fund over the past twenty-five years it ry, the Fund aod the Bank do not have a single example same period of time, deb countries have seen tremen­ farmers. The United States is very vigilant in institut­ unacceptable and people in industrialized countries in lhe world where their policies and practices resulted dous economic growth. One can go on and on with ing anti-dumping laws, especially with respect to its should demand that these institutions be held account­ in a sustained level of poverty reduction and economic dreaded statistical facts on the effects of uneven global­ steel industry. The governments of the Global South for able. growth. In fact, a variety of studies have been conduct­ ization, which are the product of the pol.icies of the the most part do not have the means and thus cannot ed during the past few years that show the failures of Fund and the Bank. In light of these facts, the question subsidize their sectors. Figaro Joseph is a graduate student in the political lhe Fund and the Bank and their globalization prescrip­ is; What have the Bank and the Fund been doing for the Tuke the example of Haiti, in the late 1980s and science deportmtnl. He is the president ofthe Graduate tions. past twenty-five with their enormous financial and polit• throughout the 1990s, the Baok, the Fund, and other Political Science Association Judas and His Disciples Introducing Beef Man, a new character by By Josef Sawyer Antijuan Jackson. Follow Beef Man and see the world f rom his eyes. Beef Man, an occassional When will the lies stop? When will people but was already occupied by two female resi­ but not all items were properly taken care of take responsibility for their actions? Before dents. The fourth room was empty but had or accounted for. Anyone who has ever been character app earing only in The Hilltop. Christmas, every student on the Plaza level in no keys; at this point I was ready 10 sleep in in my room knows I have a nice sized televi­ lhe West Towers were told that they would the lobby so I just took it. Since I have sion that is pretty costly. Well, my costly tel• have to temporarily -move their belongings moved into the Towers on August 24th I have evision is now ruined. because their rooms were going to be been assigned seven different rooms. On Monday my television was left out in stripped down bare in ao attempt to remove I was amazed at the lack of planning and the rain with the boll open. It was delivered harmful mold caused by a flood during the communication. The student assistant had no to my room wet. The water seeped into the 8oolM4111 summer. clue of what rooms were vacant or occupied. television and distorted all the colors and the 3YAIJ1,,_,. It is now mid-winter, so I ask the question: At one point, I wnlked around with the stu­ picture. At first, I thought it was the cable, If the rooms had harmful mold wouldn't we dent assistant as he tried to guess what rooms but I don't know any human being whose nat­ WQ~ ~1 I lit!, all be dead by now or seriously ill? Think were occupied or vacant. ural skin color is purple or green. YDI< Yl.ll~ 90CS ~ of it. .stllrtulg tllis about it, we have been faithfully sharing the I was told that I was one of the lucky ones My VCR hasn't worked since it went into ~ Wlr.k doubtt ~~ tt,~ . I Y>ltlll\ ~lisw. is same air with this hazardous mold. Of because there ,vere not enough rooms to storage. Since my television stand was too course, these questions were answered with house all the P level residents. In a situation big to be put into a box I labeled it thinking ~-yet 1t Sllll\S Ulu tmbodH tflj~ to eapiulliu off of more attitudes, more lies aod uncertain faces. like this, there should be no lucky ones, those Perkins Storage Company would live up to its Ol(r N~ Mr. TWO I will give the Towers the benefit of the who Jive on the P level have paid their hous­ name. I have yet to see my television stand, patrirosm. E\letl, ~it 2 ~ hiw.w.f 90C doubt, but it is second semester and it is way ing fees like all other Tower residents. and no one knows where it is. One janitor A~ al\lhem. 5mJ1 pa~ wt doio.'t ~ HO!(r For too late for another major housing problem, I do not blame the student assistant described my television stand to me, but of couldn't these renovations wait? because he takes his orders from the adults course he doesn't have a clue where it might Hour at rtcl4~ glorits of fast ears a~ ~ I knew from day one my room wouldn't be over him, who did not even have the courtesy be. ready by the time Christmas Break ended, I to show their faces until the situation was on At this point I am speechless. I have com­ ba99H ass pal'its bH bii119 t11119 how.a ~9tt!1 patrict, OIi, &.e saw right through the lies but what could I the brink of anarchy. Several students had to plained but to no avail nnd I don't know battl of tragtdH .. -YO\( gets :i slaps to ttit dt.t4 do? I know for a fact it doesn't take one, two, spend a few nights in a hotel until vacant whom to even turn to since those in charge or three weeks 10 strip bare more than 100 rooms could be located. are directly responsible for this. A~ that whitt Ult hilpi119 ~ Udtl'. a~ Sr.i.QIJ. rooms, hook up cable, and put new phone It was not like this situation was sprung on At times I feel that inmates in jail get bet­ lines in. the heads of the Towers. They knew from the ter housing arrangements than the ones set up Jolt~.YO\( 911 afmmp to tiit ~ gullu&t . I walked around the entire East Towers beginning that the rooms would not be in pre­ here at Howard and they are living off tax eow!tsH of~ a~ tvtrtt ptrsor. tl,at l'.tw II: had to bt A Plaza level when the same types of renova­ sentable conditions given the short time payers doUars. tions were being done and as of today many frame. Things would ha,,: gone much differ­ No one wants to step forward and take whitt bo)j! ttsidts, whH HO!( WlllU\11 bt OI\ tlitir sq_Ulld? rooms are still not ready. As a matter of fact, ent if the truth had been told from day one. responsibility for the debacle going on and 1 lhe I> level rooms in the East Towers are still Now, was it 100 much to ask for someone am certain no one will. Students are paying DUJf'.'t HO\{ kearttaw.w.l!"s ~lprost 'l,f,S,,<\AM!' not wired with cable and these rooms are to go through the vacant room listings, go good money for housing but are getting piss ~ah but Cf\ ti-it RtallH l'l'J. HA OOHsh H·h~. tvtrttdAH occupied. into the rooms to make sure they were empty, poor service and arrangements. Somehow, ya When I returned to school two Sundays find out which keys worked and even pre­ Howard always finds a way to make the sim­ s~l11J~ to 911 his tstud'io 0\\. yau. v.iU bt I-la~ ago nothing was organized; and the major assign students rooms with their roommates? plest situations so adverse. figureheads of the Towers were MIA. The It seems like the logical thing 10 do, but noth­ Next year, for Christmas I am going to ask aI« fow. r.i.t. so ~ HA tt,ts opli'-, Cllust rgoc 'Bll{, only person left to bear the bad news was one ing even close to that was mimicked. If Santa for a lie detector so the next time I ask ~ofit... YAH£ARD! student assistant. It took four moves before I someone had called me over break I would a Howard administrator a question I will get a could finally unpack my limited belongings have come and done it myself for free without straightforward answer. because the rest were in storage. hesitation. Tlie firs t room I was assigned was a triple Perkins Storage Company, who was Josef Sawyer is a sophomore journalism with faulty keys. The second room was in responsible for taking students' property, was major from Elliam Cil): Maryland. He can the East and was on the P level, but was still just as negligent as the Towers. My belong­ be reached at [email protected] unfinished. The third room was in the West, ings were delivered the day after I returned, Why do you go? By Raymond Watson

My question is, why even go. And you're thinking, e,,:n get up to go? word from GOD, but leave out and keep doing the sin I would hate for anyone to die one day and stand go where? "Why even miss out on some good sleep to I ask this question because I really would like to that you thought was forgiven? before God and think that because they went to church get up earlier than I want to go and sit in a sanctuary know the answer. God says, "because you are luke­ Simply going to church because it's what your moth­ on Sundays he is going to let them be with him in for two to three hours and hear (not listen, there is a warm, neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out er and grandmother raised you to do, doesn't mean any­ heaven, and then in return God says, "I never knew difference) someone preach about somcthingthat does­ of my mouth.· If you want to go clubbing, drink, thing. NOTHING, you yourself has done is going to (personally knew) you. Away from me." Now I'm not n't effect me? Don't they know I didn't get home from smoke, have sex, ...etc., then you have chosen yourpath be forgiven by God. Geuing up and going to church saying I'm perfect but I am making an honest attempt the club last night until three in the morning anyway, and walking on it. But why do all this stuff over doesn't make everything better. Actually, if you go and at striving to be like God. And I would be held I'm tired.· My question is simple, why even take three Friday and Saturday night, struggle to get up Sunday you hear a word from God and you don't chnnge your accountable for all that I know if I did not do right, and hours out of your day arid sleep to go and hear a ser­ morning, and carry all this filth into His sanctuary, hear actions you are even worse off than before you came, I would rather have a pleased God to be a friend than mon for nothing? a word that moves you, and then leave out and GO because now you are going to be held ACCOUNT­ to have God see me as one of his enemies. If you're not going to go to "listen" to the word and RIGHT BACK TO WHAT YOU WERE JUST THINK­ ABLE for what you heard. But, if you repent for your So if anyone would like to write an answer or be changed by what you heard, then why even go? If ING ABOUT AND DOING BEFORE YOU CAME? I sins, which isn't saying I'm sorry, it's asking God to response, please do, I would like to know. you constantly go to the club Saturday night and strug­ pose this questionbecause I seriously want 10 know forgive y<,u fo{ doing him wrong, aod then TURNING gle to get up Sunday morning to go to church and hear why not sleep until noon and wake up when you feel AWNI from those things that were leading you to Raymond \\bison is a j unior theater majorfrom a sermon and leave out the same way you came in, why like it, rather than getting up early to go and hear a death. Detroit, Ml He can be reached at AS Friday, January 18, 2002


V ~Na, R ~ , TOMORROW, Saturday, Jan. 19@ N.C. A&T at 2PM and 4PM & Monday, Jan., 21 @Hampton at 12:30PM and 3:00PM HU vs. HU(Va.) games will be televised on Comcast SportsNet 11 ~ ~ u T Tlv1 I • _! . LADY BISON - Undefeated (6-0) in the MEAC - Undefeated@ LR 3IFl:t . . \NllRJ.. A(; RONER- Leadjng the na ion in rebounding (ap.ain this) ear) BISON - Undefeated @ LI& 3UTI and - 5-1 in the MEAC NOTE: The Basketball Media Guides are available at Wft'\ I IOivir., ~Wllvt 1v1.C:E t (WC,1,1121 J @ LI-E 3IFl:t TOMORROW, SAT., JAN. 19@ N001 /~- --- ~ HU SHARKS @ George Mason TODAY _..,,.,,,,_""""""-----~~--iiiii-,;=:;;:;

SE (.

@ UNC-Greensboro & @ Western MD

@ University of North Carolina ( ) 0 S o E ( I oor l 1 ac F i s ip u

200 :Vleters: Dennis \\'ashington - 22.24 & Tariq l\lix - 22.54 60 l\leters: Phakiso Collins - 7.66

800 l\1eters: Vashon Flood-Ray - I :56.00 4 x 4001n Rehn• - 3:56.50 Erku Day Rarnsi Bethnnv 4 x 40001 Relay: - 3:J4.10 'I ariq l\lix, 60 Meter Dash -6.93 • . lodi Reid Vashoq Flood-Ray Lnnrt Gross-, Long Jurup - 23' 9" A1nnndn F1·nnklln Lance Gross David Oliver, 60 l\1cter Hurdles - Tn.i Alvnrangn 8. 14 Dist:1nce Mrdley Rrhl)' - 10:44.67 David Oliver Leon Snyder Jeren1y Hardy Vashon Flood-Rny DIVISION OF STL'DFNT AFFAIRS (;erald Bright .IANUAR' 2002 Hilltop Friday, January 18, 2002 Bl •

The Demise Bison Transfers Are So Fresh And So Clean

' of Black , . Aisha Chaney & Chauna Bryant MEAC conference, Williams has a goal of because he wasn't getting much playing time conference in rebound~," said Thomas. STAFF WRITER & CONTRIBUTING WRITER his own. at the University of Colorado. , , A)ong with Williams and Thomas, Mario Coaches "My personal goal for the season is just to Thomas is currently averaging I 0.4 points, Grove and Shawn Radford are two more With transfer players like explosive guard come out and compete every game, play and 7 .4 rebounds per game, and he leads the recruits who joined the team this year. They Kyle Williams dropping Bombs over hard, and to make teams respect Howard team in blocks with 15. both played at South East Illinois junior col- Allen Powell II from behind the arc, and solid cen­ University. When I'm on the court I just want "I hoped to bring some rebounding to the lege. .·· Welcome back sports fans. I hope all ter Aki Thomas getting some serious teams to respect Howard University and to team and have an inside presence", said "I went with Coach Bagget out to South of you had a wonderful and restful Stanklove in the East Illinois junior col­ Winter Recess, since I sure didn't! middle, it seems lege and we watched Because along with , eggnog and that Howard's Mario and Shawn work my Christmas gumbo, I had to eat sev­ men's basketball out, then they came to team may be expe- visit and they really liked eral plates of crow over my holiday . . . break. As anybody who is a regular r1enc1ng a serious their visit," said head reader of my column knows, this space electric revival coach Frankie Allen. "It starts with "They really felt this was is usually reserved for some witty wise­ • crack about the Washington Redskins Coach Allen who a good place to be or Wizards, two teams I beat-up on like had a vision and because of the fact that red-headed, well you know the rest. we were fortu- we're getting ready to Unfortunately, both of these teams have nate," said assis­ start a new trend, and made the long climb back to tant coach Kevin we're trying to build a· respectability, thereby invalidating all of Bagge!. "I knew winning program." my earlier predictions, and ending my the minute they Grove, a junior 6'7", budding career as the . next late-night transferred in, the 210 lb. forward/center psychic on BET. (Listen to me talking team would go to from Cincinnati, OH, has about BET, some people jnst get overly another level." started 12 games and is excited by cable. Hell, I even went out The next level is -,.,..\1"'!'..,•'--,..,~=···•Iaveraging 22 minutes, 6.1 and spent $300 on a new TV and VCR a 10-6 points, and 5.4 rebounds just so I could hook my cable up, but I record and a 5-1 per game. digress.) Therefore, I am now issuing mark in MEAC "My personal goal is my official apology to Redskins fans for play the just to do whatever it calling their team the worst in the record the team takes for us to win," said League. Not only did the 'Skins has had in nine Grove. "I'm not going to rebound from a 0-5 start, they rebound­ years. This year's try and score all the ed enough to fmish with a better record team has more points, I just want to do than my New Orleans Saints. And, the depth, more versa­ whatever it takes for us to Washington Wizards currently have a tile players and a win." better record than my favorite NBA bench that can While Groves' transi­ team the 76ers, so congratulations contend tion to the team was Washington and good luck. (Please many opposing smooth, Radford admits God let the Wizards become sorry team's starters. that it was somewhat hard again, please! Oops, did I type that?) Williams is the to adjust at frrst since Don't worry, I am not going to devote main reason for there were many other my entire column to kissing-up to the te;am's resur­ guys ahead of him who Wizards fans, because I have some gence. The junior were already established much more troubling things to discuss, 6' 6", 215 pound for-From left to right: Shawn Redford, Aki Thomas, Kyle Williams, and Brandon Terry. Not pictured Mario Groves. Photo by Melanie Nesbitt on the team. namely the recent dismissals of NFL ward from "My personal goal is coaches Dennis Green and Tony Dungy. Burlington, New Jersey, leads the MEAC in realize that this is a new basketball team," Thomas. "I can also step out sometimes and just to be a contributor and help Howard's (Although technically Green "resigned" scoring, averaging 20.6 points per game. He said Williams. hit the open J, and force other teams to play basketball team rise from all the stereotypes it sure seemed like he got dismissed.) also leads his team in minutes played, scor­ If Williams is the go-to-guy than senior honest defense." its been going through these past few years," The reason why both of these firings ing, assists, is second in blocked shots, and Aki Thomas is the go-through-guy, as in the Thomas has achieved his goal of competing said Radford. trouble me is this: both Dungy and has scored double figures in all 15 games guy opposing schools are going to have to go on the court for more than just two or three The fifth and final transfer added to the Green were black and represented two­ he's played. Williams is the go to guy on the through for every rebound and shot they minutes at a time, by starting in 14 games team was Brannon Terry, a junior 6'6", 225 thirds of the total black head coaching team, the person they look to for big shots in want. A 6'8", 230-pound and averaging 26.3 minutes. lb. forward from Connor State College. population in the NFL. That's right two clutch situations. native, Thomas said that he's happy with his "Another personal goal of mine is, at the _P/ease SeeBasketball, B3 coaches equaled two-thirds of the popu­ Although the team's goal is to win the decision to come and play for Howard end of the season, to lead the team or the lation, which means that in a sport ' where nearly 70 percent of the players are black there is now only one black head coach. (Remember Arsenic Hall's ot, NFL Playoff Recap bit about "things that make you go hmm?" Well Hmm, hmm, hmm?) Now I'm sure some of you are rolling your By: Aisha Chaney touchdown, Jerry Rice became the old­ eyes and saying "not another story ot! STAFF WRITER est player in NFL history to record a about how black people got done 100-yard receiving game and score a wrong" but hear me out. Dungy and The Redskins hired former University of Eagles vs. Buccaneers TD. Green were not only good black coach­ Donavan McNabb ran for 57 yards and Charlie Gardner and 1yrone Wheatley es; they were good coaches period, threw for 194 more and two touch­ both ran extremely well, and kicker check this out. Florida coach Steve Spurrier Monday end­ downs as the Eagles beat the Tampa Sebastian Janikowski made all of his Before Tony Dungy took over in Bay Buccaneers 31-9, in the frrst round field goals (3 for 3). Tampa the Bucs had had 14 straight los­ ing the one-year reign of Marty of the NFC playoffs Saturday in The Raiders will travel to Foxboro next ing seasons and were one of the laugh­ Philadelphia. weekend to play the New England ingstocks of the league. Nevertheless, Schottenheimer. The Eagles led 17-9 at halftime, and Patriots. The game will be shown at during his tenure Dungy guided the McNabb had already accounted for 161 8:00 pm on CBS. Bucs to the playoffs four times in six of his team's 190 yards at this point. years, and within a botched reception Allen Po,well ll three highest paid coaches in the NFL, despite the His superb play and the team's fierce 49ers vs. Packers call of the Super Bowl. Tampa regular­ Sports Editor fact that he is completely unproven at the profes­ defense resulted in a shut out in the sec­ With the score tied 15-15 in the fourth ly had the most players selected for the sional level. Unlike his predecessor Spurrier, will ond half. Their offense however, was quarter, Green Bay scored the final 10 NFL's Pro Bowl, and its defense has In case you missed the blaring reports on every not be handling the general manager's duties as also very effective, both in the red zone points of Sunday's game to beat the San ranked in the top IO in the league for the new syndicate in the Washington area this week, well as coaching. Spurrier will be trying to avoid and making big plays. Francisco 49ers 25-15 on their home last five years. Hmm? Steve Spurrier is the new coach of the Washington the missteps of other great college coaches who The Eagles will travel to Chicago to field. Brett Favre completed 16 of 21 Dennis Green average 9.4 wins in his Redskins, replacing the stoic Marty failed at the professional level like Lou Holtz and play the Chicago Bears in the second passes for 226 yards in just the second first five years as a head coach, made Schottenheimer who was ousted Sunday. All hail Dennis Erickson, and instead follow the lead of round of the NFC playoffs on Saturday. half alone, after the Packers trailed 7-6 the playoffs four times in those five the 'Skins. coaches like Jimmy Johnson who succeeded on The former Florida Gator reportedly signed a both levels. The game can be seen at 4:30 pm on at halftime. He finished 22 of 29 for 269 years, and won his division twice. FOX. yards. Ahrnan Green ended the game Green guided his team to the NFC five-year deal worth $25 million to become the Schottenheimer's firing came as no surprise to Redskins' fourth coach in two years. Spurrier was most people involved in sports in the Washington with 21 rushes for 86 yards, and championship game twice in three Raiders vs. Jets Antonio Freeman had six receptions for years, with three different quarterbacks! being wooed by several NFL teams but said he area according to the Post. Spurrier was the coach After finishing the regular -season with 94 yards. The Packers will head to St. Green had eight total playoff appear­ signed with the Redskins because of their state-of­ Snyder wanted to succeed Norv Turner, but at the three straight losses and handing over a Louis to play the 14-2 Rams on Sunday, ances in his ten year coaching career. the-art stadium raucous fans, and charismatic time Spurrier was not inte~ested in leaving Florida. frrst round bye and home field advan­ for perhaps their toughest game of the Hmm? owner, according to reports by the Washington After an 8-8 finish to the football season, and a con­ tage to the New England Patriots, many year. The game will be shown at 4:00 Conversely, Jacksonville Jaguars head Post. stant refusal to relinquish his power of final deci­ had counted out the Oakland Raiders. pm on FOX. coach Tom Coughlin has had two con­ "It was the opportunity to coach on the national sion in all player personnel matters, it became clear However, led by quarterback and AFC secutive losing seasons, after reaching scene for a team that plays in the largest stadium in that Marty and the Redskins' organization were Pro Bowl starter Rich Gannon, who Baltimore vs. Miami the AFC Championship game twice. the National Football League, that sells all those going in different directions. turned in an outstanding performance After getting out to an early 3-0 lead, Denver Broncos head coach Mike tickets and with all those fans," Spurrier said. "I tried to make it work," Snyder said in Post (23-29, 294 yards, 2 TDs), the Oakland the Miami Dolphins were shut out for Shannahan has had three straight sub­ Daniel Snyder "sold me by his passion and love of interviews about his dealings with Schottenheimer. Raiders silenced all of the critics and the rest of the game and lost 20-3 to last par playoff and regular season perform­ the team. He wants to bring a championship back to "It became clear I could not bring in a quality gen­ gave their die hard fans something to year's Super Bowl Champions, the ances after guiding his team to two D.C. And he wanted to hire me." eral manager without giving that individual the cheer about when they beat the NY Jets Baltimore Ravens Saturday in the sec­ Super Bowl wins. Spurrier comes to Redskins after an I I-year right to make personnel decisions," he said. 38-24 on Saturday night in the AFC ond AFC wildcard game. Now for the kicker, both Coughlin and tenure at the University of Florida, which included Schottenheimer agreed that this was the main rea­ Wild card showdown. Ravens running back Terry Allen ran Shannahan will be back next season, 122 victories, several SEC championships and a son the two could not reach an agreement, and said In addition to Gannon's performance, for 109 yards and one touchdown on 25 with the Bronco's ownership promising national championship. He is well known for his that without the promise of full personnel control with nine catches for 183 yards and a carries. Shannahan a job for life, while Dungy high-octane offense and temper, both of which he probably would not have accepted the Redskins' and Green are both out looking for often put him at odds with his opponents and play­ job. "The opportunity to determine the composi­ work. This doesn't even consider for­ ers. Earlier this season he accused Florida State tion of the Washington Redskins roster was the sin­ mer Colts coach Jim Mora who has players of deliberately trying to injure Florida play­ gle most important element in my decision to never won a playoff game in his career, ers during the two teams' annual meeting. accept this position as head coach," he said. but continues to get coaching opportu­ Spurrier's new contract makes him one of the top nities. What did Arsenic say again? Hmm?

• I ' ' ' ------B2 Friday, January 18, 2002 • • lSOll att ers, ema1n

By Michael T. Lyle, Jr. Howard a 19-15 cushion with 10:52 remaining in the Hilltop contributing Writer half. With the home team nursing a 38-34 halftime lead, the Rattlerettes immediately cut into the lead after After shaking off a sluggish frrst half, the Howard Deidra Bateman hit a short jumper in the first IO sec­ University women's basketball team remained unde­ onds of the second half, making the score 38-36. feated in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference with a A&M held tough early in the period, getting a jumper 91-65 thumping of Florida A&M on Saturday. by Neisha Cameron that brought the visitors to within Led by Simone Agee's 19 points, the Lady Bison (6- 45-41 with 17:05 left. 8 overall, 5-0 in MEAC) held the Rattlerettes (5-9, 1-4 But, the Lady Bison took control of the game from in MEAC) scoreless for nearly two and a half minutes that point on. Howard used a combination of inside and used a 14-0 run to seal the win in the final six and outside shooting by Asia Petty, Andrea Gardner minutes of the contest. and Agee to put the Rattlerettes in a huge hole. Agee Howard also used a tough defense that harassed scored on a layup while drawing some contact and A&M all afternoon, forcing the Rattlerettes to commit converted the ensuing free-throw for a three-point play 37 turnovers, 17 in the first half. and a 55-43 lead with 14:45 to go. "Our philosophy was to apply too much defensive Another basket by Agee and a three-point play by pressure against them," said Howard coach Cathy Gardner increased the lead to 62-45 at the 13:06 mark. Parson. "We were able to do so and that proved to be Later in the period, consecutive baskets by Petty and one of the keys for us." Gardner put Howard in complete control, 72-48, with The Rattlerettes quickly jumped out to an 8-4 lead under seven minutes left. after a lay-up by Phaedra Masburn. However, Petty Petty scored I 4 points and Gardner contributed a answered with a jumper from the left wing seconds double double (11 points, 14 rebounds) for the victors. later to cut the deficit to 10-6 with less than 15 minutes "Our coach has a formula for us to shoot well," said to go in the frrst half. Agee. "We felt comfortable with it today and it paid After a Deidra Bateman jumper increased A&M's off." lead to 12-6, the Lady Bison reeled off seven straight "We're about becoming a more intelligent ballclub," points to come within one, 13-12 at the 12:56 mark. said coach Parson. "That is important for us. It comes Moments later, Howard took its frrst lead of the con­ from us not making too many mistakes that could hurt test, 15-12, after a three-pointer from Nicole Jackson. us in the end." Seconds later, Cameron answered with a three-point­ Bateman led A&M with 19 points and Candace Lady Bison guard Simone Agee glides for the deuce er of her own that deadlocked the game at 15-15, but a Crawford added I 6 in a losing cause. Lady Bison center Andrea Gardner looks for a team­ , Saturday in the Burr against FAMU. lay-up by Agee and a long-jumper by Petty gave mate for an easy score. ' • lSOll a att er tri e an etain econ ' ' ace osition

By: Aisha Chaney streak at home (6-0) and improve their record to 9-6 like you played your traps pretty well, it's just that our Hilltop Staff Writer overall, and 4-1 in the MEAC, where they remain in half court defense wasn't what it was supposed to be," second place behind Hampton University. said Allen. Bison forward Kyle Williams led all scorers with 27 The game started off slow, with both teams missing With 8:43 to play in the game, the Bison had their •' points and grabbed six rebounds as the Howard shots, and the first points, a jumper by Rattlers guard biggest lead of the game 61-51 after consecutive bas­ : University men's basketball team gutted out an 82-76 Dominique Jackson, didn't come until a couple min­ kets by Williams, Kennedy, Williamson, and Aki : thriller over the Florida A&M Rattlers before a crowd utes into the game. Thomas. The Rattlers narrowed the margin, but they , of 1,583 on Saturday in Burr Gymnasium. Bison guard Ron Williamson quickly responded with were never able to regain the lead. He led on 9-15 shooting from the field and shot 5-8 a short jumper of his own, to tie the score at 2-2. Williams, Thomas, and Kennedy provided fans with from three-point range. Williamson struggled for most of the game, shooting a little drama near the end of the game as all three With this win, the Bison continue their undefeated just 3-15 from the field, but he made up for it by play­ fouled out late in the second period, leaving it up to the ing solid defense (3 steals) and passing the ball to his rest of the starters and the reserves to maintain the lead teanrrnates (4 assists). and step it up. "Ron didn't have a particularly good shooting night, "With Kyle, Aki, and DK fouled out, it was a perfect but Kyle did and Ali stepped up and DK(Darren opportunity at the same time for other players to step Kennedy) made some big baskets," said Bison head up. Myself, Jonathan Stokes, Ron Miller and Ron coach Frankie Allen. "When little Ron's not shooting Williamson were still out there and we had a few other the ball well, he just tries to contribute in other ways guys step up off the bench, like Brannon Terry," says with his defense and passing." Abdullah. " We might've lost something physically, but The game was close the entire frrst half, with neither mentally we tried to stay in it and just believe in our­ ' team leading by more than five or six points, but the selves." Bison ended the half with a 7-1 run that was sparked Even though they were out rebounded 46 to 24, the by a basket from Williams, to tie the score at 30-30, Bison had the edge on free throws, making 26-35, with 2:08 remaining. while the Rattlers struggled all game making only 20- After a free throw by the Rattlers, the Bison used the 35. clock and moved the ball around well and with just Michael Griffith led the way for the Rattlers scoring four seconds on the shot clock, Ali Abdullah drove up 25 points on 8-11 shooting from the field, and 4-4 the middle for a left handed lay-up that put the Bison from three-point range. up32-31. In addition to Williams' performance, Abdullah fin­ On the Rattlers' ensuing possession, Jonathan Stokes ished the game with 18 points, shooting a perfect 3-3 stole the deep inbound pass, quickly passed the ball from the field overall and I 0-13 from the free throw upcourt to Abdullah who launched a 3-point shot from line. just past the half court mark, and it was splash, noth­ "In years past, you know we probably would've lost ing but net putting the Bison ahead 35-31 at halftime. a game like this, where Kyle's fouled out, and Aki and The Bison stepped up the defense in the second half, DK too, but those guys just stepped up and when we setting traps, and pressing, and by the end of the game, had to get it done, they found a way to get it done, and Senior forward/center Aki Thomas crosses over they had forced the Rattlers into 33 turnovers. for that, I'm really proud," said Allen. Junior Kyle Williams floats in for two of his 27 : on the wing, looking for a teammate or shot. "We played our game and we forced the turnovers The Bison will travel to Virginia next week to play points against the FAMU Rattlers. ' Photo by Mark Coleman and when you force 33 turnovers, you've got to feel Hampton and Norfolk State. Photo by Mark Coleman '

' • Bison Preview I ' rac llllS es 1n Howard Wrestling: UNC-Greensboro w/Duke , Howard Men's Basketball vs Norfolk State January 19, 2002@ 10 a.m. EST University: January 19, 2002 @ 4:00 p.m. EST in Norfolk, VA Howard Wrestling: Western Maryland w/Wilkes & By Josef Sawyer "I am happy with the times the team ran in the men's 4x4, it DSU, January 20, 2002@ 12 p.m. EST Howard Women's Basketball vs Hampton Hilltop Staff writer shows that all the hard work really pays off, but there is still University: January 21, 2002 @ 6:00 p.m. EST in room ror improvement" Gross said. Howard Women's Basketball vs Norfolk State Hampton, VA Howard's track and field team competed in their 3rd meet of The 4x800m team comprised of Jeremy Hardy, Edgar Sams, University: January 19, 2002 @ 2:00 p.m. EST in , the season on Saturday at the U.S. Coaches Series meet at Rairord Anderson, and Leon Snyder finished 3rd overall with Norfolk, VA Howard Men's Basketball vs Hampton University: January 21, 2002 @ 8:00 p.m. EST in Hampton, , Penn State University. The men's team finished 4th overall in a time of7:49.20, which was good enough to qualify them ror VA : the team scoring. Top individual performances were recorded the conference championship. The team also has the top by David Olive,; Lance Gross, and Tariq Mix; the men's 4x400 4X800m time in the MEAC. I team, and the men's 4x800 team were also top qualifiers. Other notables from the meet were Nick Wright and Oliver hurdled his way to a second place finish overall, with Bernard Murray, who finished 5th and 8th respectively in the , a time of 7.90 in the finals of the 60m hurdles. Oliver who is 60m hurdles. Andrew Murphy who finished 6th in the 60m : a top hurdler in the conference also ran a time that provision- dash, Dennis Washington finished with a time of 22.00 in the NBA Scores , , ally qualified him ror the NCAA Championships in March. 200m dash to place 4th, and Vashon Flood-Ray finished 8th in "I am pleased with my perrorrnance considering that was the 800m run. only my 2nd meet this season, but I am not satisfied with a 2nd The women's team finished 8th overall at the meet. The team , place finish, Coach Merritt expects the team as a whole to do was lead by Phakiso Collins, and the 4x400m-relay team. Wednesday, January 16th Pacers 100 : better and we will do better as the season progresses," team Collins ended with a 3rd place finish in the 60m dash with a Bucks 105 wurs 96 Knicks 100 izards 91 : captain David Oliver said time of 7 .66, she also 6th in the 200m dash. The 4x400m­ Celtics IOI Sonics 80 ; Lance Gross finished 3rd on Saturday in the long jump, relay team turned in a 3rd place finish with a time of 3:56.50, Jazz 95 Rockets 106 : jumping a distance of 22 feet 11.5 inches. which qualified them ror the conference championship The Wizards 67 Sixers 112 Nets Ill Tuesday, January 15th ' Turiq Mix came home with a 3rd place finish after a sprint team is made up of freshman Erica Day, senior Ramsi Clipgers 83 ' of7.0l in the 60m dash, he also finished 5th in the 200m dash. Bethany, junior Jodi Reid, and junior Amanda Franklin. Kings 112 Bucks 106 Tim erwolves 97 ' The men's 4x400m team finished 4th overall but ran an Franklin also had an 8th place finish in the 400m dash. Leonie Nuggets 107 Pacers 102 ' Hornets 94 : impressive timeof3:13.78, which was 2 seconds off of a time Prao also had a notable perrormance in the 60m dash with a Blazers 108 Mavericks 116 Bulls 86 ; that would have qualified ror the NCAA Championships. 8th place finish in the 60m dash. Suns 99 Hawks 107 : The relay team which is comprised of freshman Vashon Cavs 102 Rockets 103 Raptors 92 Kings 109 ; Flood-Ray, sophomore Lance Gross, junior Taj Alavarez, and The team will travel to the University of _North Carolina­ Raptors 109 Pistons 90 ' sophomore David Oliver ran their first 4x4 as a team on Chapel Hill ror their next meet in two weeks. Saturday and are expected to improve on that time according 1 : io Gross. ' ' •

I , ' • B3 Friday, January 18, 2002 • Both Men and Women Find a Way to Win Against Bethune-Coo

offensively. careers at Howard. Gardner became the 12th female "My teanrrnates did a good job trying to get the ball BY: AISHA CHANEY Last year's MEAC player of the year Andrea Gardner player in school history to reach the 1,000-point mark, inside to me tonight, and I just had a rhythm," said HILLTOP STAFF WRITER was bothered by a sore left foot that she sprained last and Abdullah became the 9th male in Howard's history to Thomas. "I felt good, my shot was falling, and I just felt week, but that didn't stop the nation's leading rebounder reach it. like they couldn't stop me tonight." Courtney Kirk led the Lady Bison to an 85-63 victory from crashing the boards. She fmished with just 4 points, They were each presented with a plaque and a basket­ A key reserve for the Bison was Jonathan Stokes who over the Lady Wildcat's of Bethune-Cookman by scoring but a total of 12 rebounds. ball. came in, played great defense, and led the team in steals 19 of her game-high 27 points in the second half, in the "Even though Dre's (Gardner) foot was bothering her, In the men's game immediately following the presenta­ with three. Seye Aluko, another key reserve, had a break­ frrst game of a MEAC doubleheader Monday night, in she still gave us critical rebounds and she was still a tion, the Bison came out aggressive and with intensity, through performance, hitting two important free throws Burr gymnasium. leader for us," said head coach Cathy Parson. but with their two star shooters, Kyle Williams and Ron and playing aggressive defense. The men's team, led by Aki Thomas' 22 points and 12 Kirk shot 7-11 in the second half and sparked the I I - Williamson struggling for most of the night, the Bethune-Cookman guard Richard Toussaint shot 9-19 rebounds, pulled out a 73-66 victory, keeping them in point run that gave the Lady Bison a 69-54 advantage Wildcat's were able to stay close. from the field and 7of 9 free throws for a game-high 25 second place in the MEAC and making their record 10-6 with just under four minutes remaining in the game. That ended when the Bison finally took charge late in points, but it wasn't enough for the victory. overall, 5-1 in the MEAC. "I knew Dre was having problems with her foot, and it the second half with an 8-point run, to go up 55-47. "We set out what we intended to do and that was to be With this win, the Lady Bison now have sole possession was just time for me to step up," said Kirk. Williams and Williamson may have had an off night, undefeated on this home stand. It was a little bit of a of frrst place in the MEAC with a record of 7-8 overall Along with Kirk, Asia Petty was a key performer, shoot­ but they made a few shots down the stretch at critical struggle early on and we were a little sluggish, but all in and 6-0 in the MEAC. ing 8-17 from the field, including 3-4 from 3-point land, moments in the game and some key free throws with all I'm proud that we found a way to win," said head Despite the score the women's game was far from a for 22 points. Simone Agee's tight defense and good hus­ under two minutes to play. coach Frankie Allen. "Aki had a real good game for us blow out, as the Lady Wildcats were close for most of the tle earned her 11 points and a team high 3 steals. But it was the aggressive play of Thomas (6-10, 10-12 offensively and did a great job rebounding. He's really game. The women only held a six point lead at halftime, Before the men's game began, there was a brief presen­ Fr's) who made 10 of the Bison's fmal 23 points, and what we needed tonight." but started the second half, playing tougher defense, forc­ tation at mid-court honoring Andrea Gardner and Ali snagged 12 rebounds, making this his sixth double-dou­ ing more turnovers, and were much more aggressive Abdullah for reaching the 1,000-point mark in their ble of the season, that sealed the victory for the Bison. The Bison Transfers

From Bl "Once you get out there and see "In the limited minutes he's all of the fans, it gives you a boost. played, Brannon has done a good They need to keep coming out and Welcomes job for us," said Allen. "Even in supporting us," Terry said. our practice sessions, everything With the addition of these new builds on winning a game and players, the men's basketball team sometimes what you don't see is has shown that they have a load of its Newest Editor.... that some players in practice have talent and are currently in second to simulate the other teams' place in the MEAC conference defense or offense, and sometimes behind undefeated Hampton Brannon has done things like that University to help the team when he gets his "I think this team is believing in opportunity." themselves and believing in the Terry describes his play as being coaching staff and you can see it Corey Cunningham similar to that of his favorite play­ coming together," says Allen. er, L.A. Laker guard Rick Fox. "We're kind of at the point now "We have enough scorers, so I with our basketball program where really had no problem finding a we really feel that wr:!ve made Campus Friday role on the team," said Terry. "I'm enough progress and enough a physical player who rebounds, strides that we are a legitimate runs the floor, and brings energy to contender, not pretender, to win the team. I've been on teams all the MEAC. We know it's a tough my life where we had the prolific road and there's some really good Want to join the only twice a week publication on Howard's campus? scorers, but I do the smaller teams in our league, but we really We're currently hiring a Sports Editor and staff writers. Call Ira, Jamye or things." feel that we're building toward Terry really enjoys playing in that. We've just got to keep our Chris @806-6866. front of a home crowd and concentration and focus on one describes the feeling as being elec­ tric. THE HILLTOP. GET INTO IT.

Activities has created a peer-mentoring

I.. Enobong Alexander progratn slated to start Spring 2002. Arts and Sciences Executive President I As the Executive President for Arts and Sciences, Ms. Alexander has shown her commitment to the student body. Her countless programs show con­ cern and caring for her fellow student. Her creativity and innovation have I a profile sheet in Suite 122 Blackbum shown that she is ahead of the game. From programs to information books i I . for Arts and Sciences students, Ms. Alexander is a strong student leader, ' pushing herself to fulfill the needs of her student body while stil'I working hard enough to receive a 4.0 last semester. Thank you for your hard work Center. For more information contact Bari and commitment. I ' THE OFFICE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES McFarlane at (202)-806-5990. STUDENT LEADER OF THE MONTH Ii I B4 Friday, January 18, 2002


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J, Birds Eye View Commentary Theatre Review Happy New Year Johnson's Hambone Lacks Practical Plot

By Marcus Bird ladies aren't looking as young and CONTRIBUTING WRITER spunky anymore; they are looking more BY MONICA BARBARA so paranoid and hateful of white people that he clearly deadened by Johnson's unstructured cre­ advanced, powerful, and ready to take preferred risking his health to having his old ativity. Possibly the best performance was that Salutations fellow Howardites ! It is on the world. In other words, they are football injury checked out by a clinic filled of Luis. A Laporte, Jr. as the misguided, mili­ that time again. The start of the year has looking harder to get. with white doctors. Henry's ignorance was tant youth Bobbilee. Laporte carried off the come. What are our resolutions this Without losing the point, my saved only by its often comical nature. Taney's innocence and good intentions of a young black .. · lunar cycle? Weight loss, new love, friends, a new year, un Nuevo ano, is the overly forceful and boisterous approach to his man caught up in a movement and trying to higher G .P.A.? It all can be achieved at time to go out there and live life as much character Henry proved key at times-as when make a change with full range of believable and •. this quiet interim of new feeling and as possible. Take a girl dancing, go Henry throws white powder in the air after the appropriate emotions. one-ness with ourselves. Then again, watch a movie, ice skating, listen to the departure of a white man, followed with the Javon Johnson's Hambone could have been this happens every year doesn't it? The radio, whatever it is, do it quick; because 1 words, "Shoo, white devil!"-and just plain irri­ much better had he tried less for sensationalism , seemingly wonderful overflow of feel­ the coming of a new year signals that tating at others. and instead strived for a more connected plot. step closer to the day we take our last r· ings and emotions that come with the Brown's character, on the other hand, was a Luckily ( or to his own detriment), Johnson start of 12 more months of situations, breath. May we mercifully not crash in mixture of docile/militant contradiction. The seems to have a good work ethic and strong ' circumstances and events that we have our fast cars, that aren't as fast as our • relationship between two old friends was often need for perfection, evident in his habitually no control over. minds. May the ladies not scrutinize we clouded by a script whose vernacular leaves you reworking his plays, even post-publication. Yes, it's a time to think about last year, fellows by the smudges on our desert focusing instead on what time period the play Friends and family of Johnson are asked not to , the girls who screwed you over, the guys boots. May the chip in my tooth not would best fit. call him for a week: Johnson needs lots of time that whispered sweet nothings in your sully the thoughts of the vixen eyeing V The play rattles on with comic highlights and to work on this one. ear, and then cursed unutterable phrases me lustily from the other side of the ENGAGE' EDITOR the close relationship of Tyrone (Jamahl Marsh) " to you on his cell phone once he lost room. May we be prosperous, ambi­ and his childhood friend Bobbilee interest. It's time to get over that teacher tious, and all the other " itous-es " that ,. A protege of August Wilson, Javon Johnson (Luis A. Laporte, Jr.) can be easily ; who barely spoke English and failed you we can think of! Yes guys, it's a new recently opened the east coast production of his compared and contrasted to that of , in that 4 credit course, and take it over! year, time for new and better things. Get ' tenth play Hambone at DC's Studio Theatre. Bishop and Henry's. This friend­ .. Time to start pumping weights again, some new friends, throw away those old Johnson, a native of Anderson, South Carolina, ship is tested, however, by a chang­ swell up in time for dinner at the cafe Ecko jeans, and run to Up Against the ••' set the scene of the play in a small privately ing and often misguided Bobbilee. and sport a sleeveless shirt. Yes! I say Wall and waste that tuition money! Till owned sandwich diner, similar to those he grew As Tyrone and Bobbilee struggle to it's time to do all these things. Time to next week " laterz " ! ., up seeing in his own hometown, and during the keep their friendship, under the 1, re-associate yourself with the "Howard 1988 election when Jesse Jackson ran for presi­ watchful eye of Bishop, the play _ mentality", fashion, flair, and no "BS." Quote of the week: 1 dent. Debra Booth, responsible for the Studio reaches a climax of absurdity. The It's time to take the reigns of our soci­ " l'bu are one ugly mother*****. " Theatre production's setting, marvelously recap­ attempt by Johnson to create a twist­ etal place and focus on things to come. Arnold Schwarznegger, Predator tured the essence of the old diner, once a com­ filled plot only ended in what could _ With each new year we get older, mon eatery in America, and with great detail. at best be called a spoof of daytime arguably more mature, and a broader Booth's talent coupled with the intimate set up drama, paternity tests included! perspective of things. The sophomore of the Studio Theatre escalated the already ema­ This momentum of senselessness, at nating small town feel the play carried. one point even spurning laughter The talent of Johnson, however, didn't quite from the audience where it was reach the same level of perfection and attention clearly not intended, continued to - to detail that was true for the set. The story of the play's cheesy end. five men who "look for the truth, but fear facing Unfortunately, not much can be it," lacked a consistent and logical story plot and said about the performances of the was filled with many contradictions. One such actors. At times David Toney glaring example was the vernacular and behav­ appeared to be overacting. Due to ior of the characters. Despite the play being set his much better performance in the in the late 80s, the characters spoke as if they Arena Stage's production last year of were enslaved Africans, recently freed. Their A Streetcar Named Desire, it is clear mentality was the same. Henry (David Toney), that the appearance of Toney's overacting was friend of shop owner Bishop (Doug Brown) was likely an attempt to bring some life to a script, , Tastin' DC Restaurant Review: apolis Grill

BY ELENA BERGERON uratively and literally expands. The dining 6.99 bowl) to transport patrons to Berger's CONTRIBUTING WRITER room and raw bar make patrons forget the reg­ childhood home. Our waiter proudly noted gae and 1980s theme parties that mark the that the Grill goes through about 30 gallons of The Annapolis Grill seems to be suffering front tavern's late nights. There, Berger and the hearty, slightly sweet soup every day and from a sort of delirious schizophrenia. Strong flex the culinary expertise that have it's one of their most popular items. Everything at the downtown seafood house made the Grill a young success since its The Grill satiates seafood traditionalists with screams multiple influences, to well-done standards such as create a venue which, from room the obligatory Maryland crab to room and menu to menu, has cakes (not the best in the area, more identities than Linda Blair. but sufficient) with crispy fries Majority owner Brian Berger and cole slaw ($23.99) and an wouldn't have had it any other way. array of fresh fish offered "We wanted to bring Mary land seasonally that are all avail­ • seafood downtown. There's a lot able menu-style or grilled to of upscale restaurants in D.C., but specification. On this occa­ we wanted to create a casual, fun sion, the bacon-wrapped atmosphere with grilled red snapper delighted, upscale, quality food." What he with a strong, smoky flavor and executive chef David Strong that did not overpower the have achieved at their 20th Street sweet fish. Offered as part of locale is a stylish tavern that can yet another menu ( daily spe· ues be anything its patrons want it to cials) the dish was part of a be. $30.00 appetizer, entree, An enormous green marble and dessert package which the ■ cherry wood bar greets patrons at Grill sometimes runs. the entrance and, it's usually the Of course the owners don't SSI bar specials that snare nearby pro­ just stop at the traditional. fessionals for lunch or the grill's More than half the items on the growing happy hour. Indeed, full menu (the only one offered short-sighted customers may be content with chancy opening the weekend after the Sept. 11 throughout the restaurant) reflect Strong's the one menu offered at the tavern's front-the tragedy. training in a number of styles since his stint as list of 36 specialty shots features such concoc­ The 14-seat raw bar usually offers about 5 head chef at tions as the Old Dirty Bastard (Jack Daniel's, different types of fresh oysters and clams and McCormick & Schmidt's. Bourbon sour mix, grenadine and soda) and the Stinky combo-platters that allow patrons to experi­ molasses pork chops topped with orange mar­ Dog (Southern Comfort, apricot brandy, ment. The Tatamagouch (Prince Edward malade and pecans ($18.99) are his luscious amaretto, orange juice, pineapple and grena­ Island) oysters ($8.75 a half-dozen) offered tribute to southern cooking. Maryland rock­ ers dine). that night delivered as promised a thin and fish tacos with pico de gallo ($8.99) and The bar also offers traditional tapas on the wispy, salty flavor but the menu varies to offer smoked salmon pizza ($13.99) also provide an Chesapeake Sampler Menu, meant for mollusks from all over the eastern seaboard. inexpensive break from the grilled fish and drinkers looking for light and inexpensive The raw bar also offers 10 specialty beers seafood pasta mold. alternatives. Shrimp scampi ($4.25), BBQ brewed in Maryland especially for the restau­ No matter which menu or seat is chosen in orca chicken lettuce wraps ($3 .00) and Thai rant in addition to the usual domestics. the restaurant, Annapolis Grill mixes the tra­ coconut cream mussels ($5.00) are featured on Set under muted lighting and a burnt orange ditional with the adventurous to provide the Asian and Indian inspired menu. and dark wood decor, black and white photos patrons with an unpretentious setting for what­ Beyond the drinks though, and consequently of Annapolis scenes don't do as much as the ever experience they want. - beyond the front bar, Annapolis Grill both fig- comforting cream of crab soup ($4.99 cup;


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Friday, January 18, 2002 •

black women. Dealing with life love and all that's in between, in nine chap­ - Persistence and Patience Book Review ters, Greenwood provides a much-needed dose of sister-girl mother-wit, with - Passion and Purpose advice on everything from romance to finance. She also uses her life to pro­ - Positive role models and Patting yourself on the back vide a shining example of all that one can achieve by remaining focused and With this book, readers can expect to be motivated, but not coddled. The c ireenw Ji ts the optimistic. only thing this no-nonsense book lacks is sugarcoating euphemisms. There Greenwood, a native of Washington D.C., came from modest beginnings. are no deceptive slogans that fail to hold black women accountable for their She briefly describes her stint at Howard where she was, "a struggling col­ destinies. Greenwood brings her message lovingly and truthfully. She chal­ lege O Ostudent still living at home" and sharing a double-bed with her bigh­ lenges black women to find balance and cultivate true happiness at it's for black women school-aged sister. source: within ourselves. But with faith, talent and persistence, she has gone on to become a mother, Having What Matters is frank, uplifting, insightful and defrnitely a Iil'list wife, editor of the nation's leading magazine for black women, and a suc­ NlaMcClean read. cessful entrepreneur owning four businesses. She also resides in an 18-room­ STAFF WRITER mansion. But do not be mistaken, none of her accomplishments have come easy. With all that success, naturally there came stress. Greenwood, like many Having What Matters: The Black Woman•s Guide To Creating the Life You professional black women often felt that her various roles pulled her in every Really Want Monique Greenwood direction, often causing her to neglect her own needs. She believed that com­ $25.00 Don't Miss Out! ing out on top meant sacrificing joy. However, through many trials and tribu­ ISBN# 0688175090 lations, she learned to put herself first on her list and began to enjoy the things William Morrow/ Harper Collins she Monique Greenwood will sign copies of her book today deemed most important- what really mattered. In her book, Greenwood To all of you who have been faithful Iyanla Vanzant readers, make some in the HUB, Howard University Bookstore. Check the shares her lessons to encourage black women to embrace their dreams, be space on your bookshelf, because there's a new self-help guru in town. bookstore for times. they slimming down to a svelte size, finding Mr. Right, or moving on up the Former Essence Magazine editor-in-chief and Howard graduate, Monique corporate ladder. Greenwood affirms that virtually anything can be achieved Greenwood's latest title, Having What Matters: The Black Woman's Guide to in using what she calls her "P-Soup" recipe for success: Creating the Life You Really Want reads like a helpful instruction manual for - Planning and Preparation • ' '

vations of people and societal issues. Some of her ventures paid off and great CD Review songs on her CD like the current hit Standing Still, about seeking validation for romantic feelings, the feel good sound of title-track This Way, and the loyal and quietly powerful lyrics of I Wont Walk Away were quite pleasant to hear. She also Artist: Jewel took a lot of different approaches to her songs. From the country rhythms of Everybody Needs Somebody Sometimes to the Eastern-European flavor of Serve Your Ego, you got a good taste of Jewel's versatility. Album: This Way However, at times Jewel seemed to get carried away with the creativity leaving Grade: C+ you clueless as to what's going on, as in the song Do·You Want to Play or in Grey Francine Songa • Matter with lyrics like "You're amusing, you're a real cool show / with your meat Contributing Writer hooks and barbed-wire carnival ... " Plus, the strong accents of country flavor that were rampant in the CD didn't help If there is any CD, that came out this past holiday season, that should be ignored either. She went to Nashville to work with popular country producer Dan Huff, Jewel's latest CD This Way should probably be one of them. It has the unique, cof­ who has worked with Faith Hill, to produce her CD. That maybe wasn't the best fee house, folk pop she's come to be known for, but in this CD she attempts to do idea. Country flavor in her already folksy sound was a bit annoying. Especially it in a variety of styles that leave you more confused as to what type of musician during times when you could tell she was trying to sound southern, as with the she is than before. lyrics of Everybody Needs Somebody Sometimes. The 27-year-old Alaskan native known for successful hits like Foolish Games This CD is definitely a growing up CD for Jewel. She tr(es to explore her musi­ from her 1995 debut Pieces of You and Hands from her 1998 sophomore albuni, cal ability in a variety of ways as she jumps between different genres of music, but ventured down different creative avenues for this CD. She took a more personal rather than open a new side to Jewel that is surprising and new, you get tone imbal­ approach to this project filling it with stories of love, loyalty and her unique obser- ance and lyrical perplexity.

to be helped, e ristmas but no help is given, I watch these things so he dies instead. through disbelief and through the tears etter An innocent boy is shot, that have stained my face. and no comforting words Through my bloodshot eyes Note: This letter was found at the North Pole; it is can be spoken. I am watching the human widely believed to be the reason that the Howard I His mother is filled with race. Plaza Towers now have cable. A mother is ill, her baby is dying. despair; 12/3/01 The young have grown old, she is heartbroken . This is the world that we Dear Santa, The world is crying. have chosen it to be. First of all, I would like to apologize for some A tear falls from a sad one's A molested girl is impreg­ We as individuals, of the things I've said eye nated to the suffering, Like telling people that I don't believe in you A dying patient to this at the age of 14. to the sorrow, and saying Tupac is dead world, Imprisoned by fear; and to the pain, As I stare at my TV set, with 6 channels and says good-bye. she slits her wrist in order must open our eyes again. mad static to be free. I realize that cable is still not here; I'm fed up, A homeless man cries out -Kelsy and I've had it At the pinning ceremony, we were told that by time October we'd be wired Surreali I'm courageously bearing it There lies not a conceived Well, It's freakin' December! The labor that is, Language that conveys Somebody needs to get fired But no fruit These feelings Its funny, Anyway, getting back to what this letter is -I promised myself that about Maybe I'm the one for you As if Mercury himself I wouldn't allow myself I know you are a powerful man who's well But like halogen lamps On winged feet To feel so much so easily And cheap cologne Hath alighted, connected with much clout So fast Do you think that maybe, just maybe you I fear that I may be coming on With Cupid's shafts in hand Too strong On mine heart ... could possibly help me out And yet when I'm around ' -Forthwith- By any means Santa do what ever you gotta do you And I could spread all my Joy in abundance Withhold some gifts, piss down some chim­ -A round "U"- thoughts of you The Elysian fields themselves neys 0 -its happening again On a scale from here to infinity Do not possess .. It's totally up to you a But I may miss my chance I • You show up uninvited in my I have a feelin' that the Grinch is somehow If I weight too long -staccato- involved, but I haven't been able to prove it yet dreams, -And you know how dreams Maybe if the elves brought him in for ques­ -staccato- No matter how I say it, " are- tioning he'd crack under pressure, I bet It still feels the same .... One moment I'm watching you So Santa, I'm asking you to utilize all powers Truer words find not I I'm losing a battle smile, To make HU smile and bring cable to the For even the wisdom of Athena And yet reveling in my victory. And in the next I'm leaping Towers Doth prove futile Off the bridge of your nose and - -Chay When betwixt the chasms of -Olu drowning in it , ,r '

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' -. '• • • '•• • :S6 • '• Friday, January 18, 2002 • •'• ' • • ' '• • i • ' • • By: Harold Eichelberger with her new single "Any Other Night." Also performing Hilltop Staff Writer at this event was the R&B Soul quartet Prophet Jones, and a newcomer Remy Shand who blends R&B, Soul, and • Always a popular hot spot for Howard's freshman class­ Rock in his performance. Other attendees at this event I es, club 2K9 opened its doors to a more elite crowd for included the President and • • what would be a dynamikc sound. Recently the Motown Motown singer Brian McKnight. Hell Sounded Records Music Lounge Tour made its musical debut at Each act performed a variety of singles. Wben Sharissa ·' 2K9. At this event, Motown showcased all of its upcom­ hit the stage no one knew what to expect, but her live .• ing acts for the next year. The performers as this event sound proved to be very noteworthy. Her voice is one that So Heavenly parallels Mary J. Blige and br;ngs that same amount of •,,. ,;By Josef Sawyer soul to a microphone that you would expect from any pow­ erful soulstress. She possesses a strong talent as a well as ~HILLTOP STAFF WRITER • a strong and involving stage presence. Watch out for her ~ •! Characterized by a scow ling face and a nasty success in 2002. .';demeanor, I played my part well. The excess Prophet Jones also serenaded the crowd with a couple of hit singles from their self-titled album debut "Prophet '.iamount of headache that the Howard adminis­ '•tratiou had dished out from 12 o'clock that day Jones." They sang "Lifetime," as well as the O'Jays origi­ nal "Cry Together." The singing quartet proved that they ·' left my nerves in shambles. •. It was now 3 p.m. I watched as countless oth- do in fact posses the same creative attributes as other soul :ers told the gray haired man their terrible finan­ groups. Their sound is somewhat comparative to that of older groups such as the O' Jays as aforementioned above Nastredamus co1tldn 't predict it, but Prophet Jones has the :cial situations and reasons why their account es.-.e1Jtial pote11tial to make it big ;,, the neo soul ga,ne. :wasn't fully paid. Some spoke with tears others and that of Sly and the Family Stone. Their live rendition :with rage; both methods seemed to be effective. of "Cry Together" captured the crowd's full attention and neo-soul revolution.At the end of Remy Shand's perform­ • I sat ready to lash out at whomever, but after kept the motivation of every listener to a high capacity. ance he stood at the bar and he offered a few words. "In :several• minutes of what seemed like endless sit- Remy Shand was an artist that is considered a breakout the upcoming year I see myself as becoming a very good : ting in a line that moved at one person per 30 artist. He possesses the sound of Maxwell with a mix of and successful artist. I just hope that the listening audience :minutes, I was disturbed. I see my fair share of Al Green. By the way, he is white. The crowd was in awe. will enjoy my music," said Remy Shand. "As far as my : pretty faces every day so I was not the least bit This artist can play a variety of instruments as illustrated musical influences go, they range from R&B, to Jazz, and :concerned as she slid into the adjacent chair. during his performance. He went from the keyboard and all the way to Soul. I love all of the old musical legends Remy Shand broke i11to the scene at 2K9 and will definitely "Take a to the guitar during different parts of his routine. He sang such as Miles Davis, Al Green, as well as other great artists : I must have looked as pleasant as a pit bull Message" from on lookers in the music business, as he leaves them ••seeing a poodle. Nevertheless, she tapped me in the dust many songs including "" which is very who paved the way," admits Remy Shand. :and• asked me where the line began. I looked at smooth and seductive. Overall Remy Shand produces a :her as if she was an idiot, and said something to were Sharissa who has a video currently playing on BET neo-soul sound and he is a very strong participant in the :the effect of "yes" and "you'd better get behind :m@." Minutes went by and she asked if the line ;was moving, and I rolled my eyes and scowled •,yes. : In my head, I pleaded with God to keep my : temper and for her to stop asking me stupid ,•o.questions. Like everyone else in line, all I By Harold Eichelberger growth into vast popularity are nutritional counseling, breeds relaxation. One of the more interesting techniques herbal counseling, spiritual counseling, and the Thai mas­ that the Teal Center offers is craniosacral therapy. This a ! W?".''ed was that ugly sticker that, at the begin­ HILLTOP STAFF WRITER : ning of each semester, means everything. Even sage. method in which the masseuse searches the body for ~ if it means cursing out an administrator, shed­ The Teal Center located on 4001 N. 9th Street in rhythm and areas in which there is a lack of cerebrospinal ·: ding a few crocodile tears, or fighting campus You walk in the door from a rough day, and everything Arlington, VA (703-522-7637) offers various types of pro­ fluid as it circulates to the craniosacral system in the f police, students were trying it all, and by this has just gone completely wrong. You find a dent and a fessional massage therapy from the Swedish massage, human body. This type of therapy improves the senses and ·• time I was ready to do the same.(Who chooses ticket dilapidated on your new car, you just failed your Shiatsu, Reiki, all the way down to craniosacral therapy. motor skills. ; those ugly sticker colors anyway?) mid-term, you and your boss got into a rough argument, According to Erin Palmer, an associate at the Teal Center explains, "We ~ God answered my prayer in a different man­ and on top of that you have the worst headache one can their website offer clinical massage therapy for chronic pain or injuries. offer. One wonders what could possibly treat the ills of a ,~. ner, and her questions persisted. After minutes teal, Good massages vary for the individual. Sometimes simple rough day like this. Your entire body just hurts. You are their massage relaxation or therapeutic massage is best for the client. We i :~;:~~t;i~::~;~!ta~:~~~~:eaf :~1 ~:~ begging and crooning for the right touch. You are urging methods are cater to everyo1te's needs." * my sad story and for the frrst time that day I for a massage, or some type of therapy whether you are thoroughly "One specialty that we offer is neuromuscular massage •• wrapped in honey sheets, are rubbed down with oils, you explained in which is not found at every massage center and many peo­ ,I'! realized I was speaking with someone who truly ., cared; she wasn't a Howard administrator, she need something to bring your life back to equilibrium. detail. The ple come to us just for that. It is a specialty we offer," adds : was a student just like me, but she was in a Whether your massage comes from your confidant, or from Swedish mas­ Erin. Neuromuscular therapy treats acute and chronic mus­ ~ much worse situation than I was. an actual spa, there are various techniques to massage ther­ sage is adminis­ cle pain. This treatment focuses on posture, the release of .. apy and body relaxation . ~ After a few hours of talking, I realized I was tered through contracted tissue, the increasing of blood circulation, and to ••• starting to like her. Through conversation I Kanna Paige, a sophomore Health Management major gliding, knead­ correct posture through muscle, tendon, and ligament con­

• • Friday, January 18, 2002 B7

• The Howard University Student Association Presents ••• ..-

• -..- ..• Ancestry, Legacy, Co111111it111.ent -..- ""One Struggle,. One Battle,. One Survival"" February 22-24, 2002 Tennessee State University

The HBCU Student Think Tank is designed to give students of- various ' HBCU' s the opportunity to netwo1·k. and realize that we are all one farnily structure. The HBCU Student Think Tank is also targeted at re­ igniting the fire that still exists among HBCU students. In addition, there will be a number of informative seminars. debate sessions, a concert, " step show, and many more social activities .

• The cost •Of the trip is only $30! (lodging, transportation, registration included). Food vvill be at your ovvn expense.


For more int·ormation call the HUSA of'fice at 202- 806- 7007

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I ' ' ' -- BS Friday, January 18, 2002 The Hilltop The shout outs don't stop. Thanks to my If you act fast you can have staff for holding it down for our first issue of the semester. We tried for Tuesday, but your hilltopics here on Tuesdays you only made Friday worth the wait. Keep shining. and Fridays this semester. The Hilltop. Get into it. --Porter


Dean Orlando L. Taylor at the Health Professions Society Meeting Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 5:30 p.m. in the Varshon-Gregory Rooms (Howard Center)

Corne learn about graduate school, graduate fellowships, and special programs.

Attention Juniors and Seniors! • MockMCAT Saturday, January 26, 2002 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. "Ojficial Stylisi!Mukeup Artisl for the Register at the Preprofessional Center Miss DC USA Pageant 1989-1003" ---~ 202-238-2363 ► Perso""al 11"'.llge C-ovcsuLtlvcg § Maisceovers ► warctYobe st1:1Llvcg §JewelYJ:1 Available ► C-ustol"'-izev1 .si:/:lvc C-are § Maizeup Attention Freshmen and Sophomores! ► R.tlaxi""g Facials Gljebrow wo.xL""g ► Register now for the Leaming Skills Retreat (February 22-24, 2002). ► Persovcalized MaR.eup Classes Available Cultivate the skills necessary to excel and take a positive step in preparing ► C',u.stol"'- C-olor weavlvcg for your future. First-tin1e attendees should pick up an application in the ► Halr Gxte"-slo"'s (for Le"-gth § voLul"'-e) Preprofessional Center (202-238-2363). ► Natural Halr c.are (1$ralv1ii,cg) ► }'araffl"- waxiv..g (foY ha""vls § feet) ► Ma vcicures 'Pecllcuyes Health Careers Admissions Symposium c.alL todal:1 for a CD"'-'f'L•"'-e""tarl:1 covcsuLtatlo"-! Saturday, February 9, 2002 Gast C-oast 1,.eaut1:1 stud lo Located at: Armour J. Blackburn Center -1-9:zo Rees L.a"-e, I',owie, MD 2071& 301--464-0070 A panel of health profession school representatives will discuss the application process, interviewing, financial aid and planning. Sophomores and juniors, come enhance your potential for acceptance. Register at the Preprofessional Center (202-238-2363). W a s.f;(ii u t o n • L o s A n e I e s • N e vv Y o r k

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