

Vascular are a group that has a system Non-Vascular plants are low growing plants of tubes (, stems and ) to help that get materials directly from their them transport materials throughout the surroundings. They have small -like plant. Tubes called move from structures called which help them the roots to the stems and leaves. Tubes adhere to their substrate. They undergo called move food from the leaves asexual through vegetative (where is made during propagation and sexual reproduction using ) to the rest of the plant’s . Examples include like cells. Vascular plants reproduce asexually , liverworts, and . through spores and vegetative propagation (small part of the plant breaks off and forms a new plant) and sexually through () and (eggs).

A is a whose An angiosperm is a vascular plant whose are not enclosed in an or . mature seeds are enclosed in a fruit or The name means “naked ” and the ovule. They are flowering plants that group typically refers to that bear reproduce using seeds and are either male and female cones, have needle-like “perfect” and contain both male and female leaves and are (leaves stay green reproductive structures or “imperfect” and year round and do not drop their leaves contain only male or female structures. during the fall and winter. Examples include Angiosperm are also called trees, and . and they have broad leaves that change color and drop during the fall and winter.

Of the 1.6 million species of identified by scientists, approximately 350,000 are plants! Plantae is divided into four main groups or divisions: non- vascular mosses and liverworts, vascular that reproduce with spores, vascular which are conifers which have needle-like leaves and cones, and vascular angiosperms which include flowering plants which is the most dominant .