
TUfiSUAr, OBCEMBXB 17, IMC iOanrlrrBtpr Ettrafttg if^rald Avtrst* IMIy arcMotlos Ths Wssthar Far the Metoh et Wsesratoe, IMS ffhMHhS dt 0 . W’Wfenthet nwahe both aa a teacher and In actual tarla waa aatabUahad provldad tor Jnnior membara of the Magahao- In commercial atudlaa. Laat but 95 per cant of tha coat for food. 9 ,2 5 9 ter Country Club will h ire a Hurlburt Quits ^ He S. Cafeteria If tha eafetarla waa to oontinoa, ha ‘■anowball JubUaa.” Friday evening, aha waa teaching tha com- TtaraiiFM f.M eetoM e.li. ^ut Town > merclal courae in Danbury High aald, it wlU ha necraaary to dia- Daeambar X7. which wfll be open continue aarvtng hot dlahea. Tha O itl* wm ImM ita ! arhool. She reaignad her poaltlon 0I^r tCuFutun 2^raUl to tte public Mualc for dancing Teaching Post In Danbury to join the ataff of the Losing Money eafetarla aervea about SOO paraona Manche$Ur-^A City of VUiago Charm pcrtr W«dn«d«y •»•- wUl be fumlahed by Art McKaya each day. I t at tk* T. M. C A. at orcheatra, and will continue from Devona Military achool at Devona, | In policy of the Other Oguraa ahowad that whan •«« a t AD MMBbafa art r j nlna to one o’clock. For reaerva- High School Instructor, “ JXi whe*’ribr none but male Behind $1,954 tha eafetarla waa 0rat atartad a U) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18,1841 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNTB ______>ta kriiic with tham a I t ttona Mlaa Rllaabeth Kirkpatrick VOL. LXVL, NO. €7 or Bill Flatter ahouM be contacted. teachera were accepted left her Ami lAJsing at Rate of auhatantlal profit had been made eairt girt for tha grtb bag. AM tlia Gives as Reason Insuf* unemployed. She haa been aub- but this proSt had been returned >~4„<«y tar tha Nawlagton Honw atitutlng to r the paat three daya $375 Each Month U> the patrons In reduced coats and for CHpptad Oiiklren muat be The Mothera’ Circle of the In­ ficient Salary j and waa hlaed laat night. bonuaaa. ta a ta t bi at tkta maattng. fant Jaaua of Pr^ue wUl have a To give the matter further, con- Stassen Ready Spreading ChrisUnas Cheer dMrlea Hurlburt, Inatructor of To Funriah Tranaporiatlon ’The High Schorti Cafeteria la in Chrlatmaa party tomorrow evening the red for 11,964, and ia going Into aide rati on, the Finance committee Economic Advisers The Board voted iaat night TiM Connecticut Chib of F o ^ at the home of Mra. Sue Kerr, 9 aoclal aciance. and for the paat ' the red each month at the rate of the Board cofislating of George Terry Asserts Bilbo year and a half one of the teach- fumlah tranaporiatlon for h a a Uahranlty la bolding ita fln t Mioit atraat. Membera are aaked reb.1"^ Principal Edaon M. Bailey W. Cheney, William J. Ferguson To Seek 194R paat war annual formal danoa on to bring a 60 cent gift for the grab era hi the veterana’ claaaea of Man- and Carl W. Noren, waa named cheater High achool, haa reaignad M a V ^ io r r Sooai^r 17. IN t at the Raca- beS- ___ and a complete audit wUI be made hmok Country Chib. New Haran. from the faculty of Mancheater Predict Favorable High achooi effective aa of Janu­ aa of next Friday when the achool Nominee Post Tha uiiliaatra of Bonny Barman The Woroen’a Home League of the *^*^|*|*^M.eh'fa^nlr^Vr’iLrJd h* iak>.n “ rlltacar- 1° dlacuaa plana whether to con-, vacation wlU atari. baa baan angagad to aupply tha the Salvation Army will meat to­ ary 7. Hla realgnation, which waa iranaportation la to be taken care dliconllmie the entire Certain Contractors MHlc tor dancing from alna p. m. morrow afternoon at two o’clock accepted by th. Board of Educa­ of by Louis A. Andlalo, who si- tion at Ita meeting laat night, waa ,; cafeteria plan. He aald that the Announces WiBinme A Kannath KMar of South Oorm* at the cltadeL Outlook for Jobs try la ebaiiman of the dance com- dated December d. He gave aa hla I porting such that to continue without an LOGO To Carry RepublicanR ep um ie ’The annual Chrlatmaa party of raaann for resigning, dlaaatiafar- j Highland P^rk school. The deci- m lttaa. tion wfth ths salary he ws. ^ 7 * ' - * ^ further the BmMam Oul' will be held at ‘be de6clt. He waa of the Gcncnl Strike Gripe Banner; Favors Chang­ the Elka Home, Maxwell Court, Ing. His salary this ^ Forecast Sees I^rodu^ Would Pay His Debt AU membara of Mu Sigma Chi year * 2 !? ;'opmion that to advance priceu XMAS TREES An Naples Proviace goclaty and alumni who plan to go Rockville, tomorrow evening at alx 93,900. No successor wss namsd lion Good for ‘Some ing of Wpgner Act eawiHiig, are roquaatad to meat at o’clock, when a amorgaabord aup- to his placs last night. Nell Lawrence was engaged t o ! aidewslks from Highland atreet to . Rome, Dsc. IS.—(F>—All tha Second Oongragatlonal chtirch- par will bo enjoyed. A grocery Yean Ahead*; Tempo­ Washington. Dec. 18—(F>—Har­ nil the vacancy caused hy the >>0., ..d '.mV Naples provtnee was gripped Stcpinac Sea tenet Seen Former Secretary Testi­ at aamn o’clock tomorrow evening. Bingo will follow and each mem­ 75c to $5.00 old E. Staaaen ripped the ltd off the ber la aaked to bring a grocery rraljmatlon of Daniel Gorman, a had to walk through a wooded sea- | rary *Dip* May Come by a general strike today In Chinese Reds As VialatkM sT JnsUct a » r fies There Waa 'Under­ Bolton arange uwill conduct an' ataple for a priaa. alao a 60-cent teacher of Industrial arta In the .u ___«______.1 which, he said, waa 8 per cent be- protest against rising prlcss 1948 Republican prsMdentlal nomi­ gift for exchange. Santa la ex­ Junior High school who resigned Hltes (Mvea Approral standard cost for such Make your choice early at In 1947 But .Recea-, and a acarcity o t tread. Pra- nation battla to^y by declaring Amsterdam. Dec. 15.—(F>— standing* With Missia- other MUltaryUtary Whlatwhli party a month ago. Mr. Lawrence realdea row avanlng in the Bolton Center pected to call during tha evening. Arthur H. Illlng. superintsndent 1 work. Other Sgures showed that either of these tocatioiw: sion May Not Last | mler Alclde de Oasperl appeal­ his candidacy on an Immediate Open Shansi TIm Netbertonds Catholjc La­ Mancheater mamhera on the com­ in BeHin, and haa mat conmlcted of achoolt, reported that Engineer 1 the cost of food was 85 per cent ed to the etrikers to return to bor movement adopted a reno* sippl Group in Gon- Community hall, with Mlaa Fiorina hla work at New Britain ’Teach- SENSATIONAL ilatform of changing the Wagner Slatar of RockvIUe to direct the mittee are: Mra. Oaorge H. Wll- Bruffee of .the State Board of Ed- | ojf the entire coot, whereas the .352 WOODLAND STREET Just put a Record work, promtolng that condi­ lutkm yenteedoy terming thn erV College, after having served tions would be better next abor relations act. 15-y««r MaUttce p a n ■ e d ne^on With Money ganMO. Theae whiata. held every llama, Mra. Peter Fagan and Mra. uratlon had inspected the Prince-1 g|gadhrd under which the cafe- 0pp. Schaller Cider Mill Washington, Dec. 18.—— The U. 8. others who have been mentioned aa with a 1940 election cam­ Both Sides of Line Thsy gainsd control of two or mere# oonceded today that “many ’Sm Tm IIm eration was a success and Mr. Dt- From HALE'S nomic etateemanship by leaders of State department haa begun using contendere for the nomination In­ prices ore too high” but dedorsd paign debt. Salvo la recuperating satiafactor- industry, labor, farming and clude Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of three principal ferrying points ToM Os« tractors WmM Pay " powerful transm itten erected at across the Yellow river boundary that a new round nf wage to- «y. ___ IMMHIMfMtSIWfKWaSaKWSCSmCRtWSCMfRCKWRCWaMKNfRIRtS finance.’’ New York, the 1044 standard bear­ Bulletin! {Vice President of C E. creases will moks rsductog them Tsny told Soaote war oontraet Munich to push Ita ndio broad er; Senator-Elect John W. Bricker line between Shansi and Shansi Invootlgaton that Bilbo told him Yet a policy of drifting In those provinces. They havs not alacksn' “Impossible." Mr. and Mrs. Salvators Ral- yeare, or of being content with casta into the Balkans and the of Ohio; Gove. Etorl Warren of Lake Success, N. Y„ D ec.: House Co. Collapses that tho debt would to paid by the mondo and family have moved Cklifornia and Edward Martin of ed their Shansi offensive, main The chamber gave indilustry’a contractors. The New Holliwood leM than nationwide high produc­ Soviet union, oSciala to the Amer­ The United States, While in the Store otoecUve of which is Taiyuan. trot full-dresa reply to .thew CffO from 116 School street to 83 Msple tion, the council cautioned, could Pennsylvania; Senator-Elect Ray­ proposed today that th e ! "Was Oiara any uadezataadiag street ican Military Government’s Politi­ mond E. Baldwin of OonnecUcut Gther Oommunlst bonds launched contention that Industry con of' that tbsss war wm tractors worq bring on a subsequent period of United Nations Security: ford wage tncrcasen ranging up to “eenoua unem plo^ent, under­ cal divialon said today,* and Gen. Dwight D. EUsenhower. Thoniss A. Brennan, of 31 Bio- on offensive agalnat ths Pelptog- to pay any monoy or that oay Edward Lahmann, son of Mr. The four Munich transmitters, To Open Washington Oftlee council send a commission to sell street, vice-presiitent of C. E. Mukden railway. 88 per cent without raising prlcss monay waa to to patd7” oskod Electric Table Broiler production and want.” or subatsntlslly disturbing proSt and Mra. Harold Labman of SI nlaylng broadcasts originating Stasaen said ha la opening the Balkans to investiaate House A Son, Inc., local clothing More than 8,000 troops struck at Sanotor Fsrgusoa (it, Mlah.). Carol Drive end a pnpil at the Enongh Time To Chart Course Washington office Jan. 1 with tbs governmsnt garrison dsfsnd- returns. "Yoa," 'w ry rspUsd. to New York, will nplace State conditions on both sides of Srm, collapsed in the Store nhortly “Bconomlo mtrsgs” was ths rs- Barnard aehooL Is 111 at hla home ’There to enough time, the report department opentlons from Radio Earl B. Hart as hia personal sec­ Ing on Important brldgohssd ena A, fiW iBorasnte bsfora Tsirp held, to chart a course of action after one o clock this afternoon butW ot Wlinsm K. Jackson, with nnsumonla. Ed. who ia a A lgien scheduled to end Dec. 81 retary. Hart waa secretary to 8u- the Greek frontier, and urged mils nortbsost ot Tongshon, lorg- had taeUSed-ha eowkl soeeti na Herald newkboy In the Pine Acres which will aldastep that peril and meme Court Justice Harold H. the couo.cU to withhold Judg- and posaed away beCore be ooutd- ss4-eoal sBlnliif osnSer to north presldsnt of ths cimmbsr. Hs said convorsations about “paymoat of not only “raise the naUonal pros­ at the request of the French gov­ any wag# toersases will bs so- aecUoa to progressing as well as ernment. _ Burton o f jQhlo when Burton waa meni on Greece’s complaints be given medical treatment at tbe China. Gen. Shonkuan Yun monsy.” perity to new high levels but . . mayor of Cleveland and later sena­ Hsiang's headquarters reported hla compsnled by “clossly eorrsspond- can bs sxpMtsd. Relay Point Neoeaaary against her neighbor states Manchester Memorial hospital Under Ferguson’s queetloaiag^ maintain those leveto 'with a de­ tor. troops repulsed the Gbmmunists tog price Incrsa Terry sold It hod been hta duty to gree ot etability which has not A relay point on European soil Staaaan said he will devote hie until a report was at hand. whore he was rushed. Mr. Brennan Jsackson submitted on analysis had Just returned to the store after a four hour battle. Govern provide ceffipalgn funds for thS charactarixed the earlier explora- ia necessary because broadcasts Srst efforts to Washington to ment sources sold both aidss suf­ of the report nuule recently^ for tory and epeculative decades of from lunch and waa to conversa­ 1940 election of Senator Bilbo. To f^ r Ms b Ibisbi B w t sad from New York cannot now reach national labor policy. He also will Lake Success. N. Y.. Dec. fered heavily. tbe CIG by Robert R. Nathan, pri­ •ur Industrial life.” the Soviet union, oSIcials here give attention to bousing, health tion with two salesmen when be vate economist and former deputy do this, Teny eetd he advanced 18.—(A*)— The United States succumbed. Mr. Brenr.on haa not The attack was synchronlasd “about 13,600 plus |780, or about Bsst BsniiRg EOdcscy Is Breaking Thto promtoe of a long-term fu­ said, although Radio Moscow, be­ and amall business. with ossaulU on points 85 to 70 war mobilisation director for the ture free from the swinge of boom cause of technical and typographi­ Praising the, way Preaident Tru­ will propose to the United been in good bealth for spveral govemmant The aaalyata com 14,000." Uss Hand Hammered Desifin — Original — Cast Aluminum yekra and it is believed that heart miles north and northeast of Ttant Shortly afterward Terry sold he and depression must be baaed, the cal advantages, can penetrate Into man handled the coal strike, he Nations Security council to­ sin. Tsngahan Is 60 mliss n o^ tended both Nathan and the CIO Rroii a Steak for licss Than '/j Cent council Indicated, on a foundation the United Statae. said the future of the working peo­ disease waa the cause of death. bod used footo “carelessly.” received a long distance telephone day that it nsme an investi­ Employee Nearty 40 Years east of Tientsin. coll from BUbo In which “Senator All Records For No Smoke! No M uhs! No Fnss! of “free competitive enterprtoe” Relays to the Balkans began ple depends on four things to ths The government military mgan, . Nathan sold industry proSls TEXACO with the government to a support- last Sunday. Soviet offldals here next six montha: gating committee of seven An employee at the House store ora at on ollttme big**, oven ex­ BUbo toM me the money would to for nearly 40 years Mr. Brennan Hsin Sbeng Pao, said ths Cbmmu- repeld me by theae controcton.” tog and spark-plugging role. The have been notiSed that programa 1— No big strikes so productionmembers tp make an on-the- nlsU have 20,000 troops In eastern ceeding war levols. The chamber economists added: for Russia will begin shortly. The can be kept continuously Mgh. spot investigation of condi­ was a native of Colchester, this maintained they are “below nor­ Frieod Present la Seem 2— Raising the salaries of white state. He was boni there on Nov­ Hepeh province. mal.” Terry seld thet A. B. Friend, RANGE OIL Popularity Both With "We suggest that the impedi­ Russians indicated no objection to tions on both' sides of the Aa the C^ommunists pushed cloS' Eureka ments to prosperity In the near this use of German facilities. collared workers such as teachers ember 17, 1882, a son of the late The CIO report coateiided work­ one time campaign manager for to the “new level we have ar Greek frontier. er to Peiping, headquarters an Bilbo and later one of ths war con­ future are of the sort that muat “And so,” commented an official A high American aoiirce said U. ers’ “real" earnings have declined MAWAff Coll 4496 rived at.’’ nounced It had broadened Its de from a 1945 peak. The chamber tractors, woe preoent IQ hta room be worked out, without beneSt of here, “if later there arises a Rus­ S. Delegate Hersehel V. Johnson, fenae sone to include the famed direct government inten^entlon. sian objection to anything con­ 8—No extreme, restrictive legis­ asserted that “by the autumn of when Bilbo telephoned. Vacuum Cleaners lation that would place power to chairman of the council, would Marco Polo bridge. 10 miles west, The witness sold hs later recetv- Le Te W ood COe The Children And through the practical wisdom of tained in the broadcasts it will be suggest that the Sve permanent this year the wage worker woe the hands of the government in and the Tahain district, 18 miles still substantially ahead in real Tank T> pe — With Ali Attachments management and labor, farmers matter between Moscow and members—the United States, Rus­ south. and financiers.” Washington and New York.” violation of labor's fundamental wages of Ms poaltlon bsfore the (Oootlnaed oo Page Twe) Upright With 2 Speeds — Heavy Built rights. sia, Britain, China and France— * ConSdantlal Report Given along with Poland and Brazil, be war or before tbe depression of 4—Consumer reslstantie to high the 1930s.“ Parents, Too. There Are The report sketched an economic prices. represented on such a committee. background for the council’a ConS' Calls Nation’s Report Deceptive Long Debate Resumed Rocket Soars The CIO declared Industry could dential report to Mr. ’Truman which Blum Orders Stasaen described Economist ’The proposal arose as tbe coun­ have afforded wage boosts without S a a U u !^ No he wUI use to preparing hla own Robert Nathan’s recent report to cil resumed the long debate on incrsoalng prices lost spring and Room Heaters economic report to the new Oon- the d O sa the “moat deceptive Greece's charge that Albania, Bul­ To 111 Miles con again in early 1947. Ths F lash es! greaa, to be delivered after the tra­ News Clamp and fallacious report ever ^ven garia and Icugoslavla fomented Chamber replied that pricaa did \Spodal Aoriali ditional state-of-the-unlon and bud­ wide circulation to this country.” toe current bloody guerrilla war­ o up after the Srst wage round, (lAte BnlletlM et Ike JT) Wire) ONLY I Electric Cooking Plates get messages Nathan contended that industry fare to northern dreece to further Man - Made Meteorites Sle ClO’a arguroenta thus proved Mr. Truman’s report. In turn, Bars Qvil Servants Giv­ could raise wages from 21 to 25 per tbelr own territorial aims. Greece “faUaetous” and demanded “what » 3 r“ * TOYS -- b I aa AC ar sc will be referred to the Joint Oom- cent without raising prices. has asked an on-the-spot investi­ So Puny They Elude makes them any more valid now f ” Smith Reeigns Bonk Post mittae of Congress on the Eco­ ing Interviews With- Stsasen’s labor program, aside gation. and the three neighbor The whole argument over the Washington. Dec. IS,—<46— Cempaei at a camera. Yet It Premier Vacuum Cleaners» nomic Report. 'That committee ia from Wegner set revisions, calls countries have countered with de­ Most Eyes Watching meaning of statistics, ntioat of Harold D. Hniltb, former budget givet m a Mwrt, ”picture-of- charged with drafting speciSc legi ont His Anthorization for: mands for an inveeUgatlon of which were obtained by both sides director,^ has submitted hta resig­ bealui'' taa fatter ikM the tua, Islation for euhmlasion to Congress 1—Emphasis on "tho voluntary conditions within Greece Itself, White Sands, N. M., Dec. 18—OF) from tha government, is a prelude nation £s riee-presldent of tbe htetf fsrier thaa many bulkier hy Reb. 1 Peris, Dec. 18—(F)—The Socisl- blaming the royalist-dominated to the CIO wage drive for 1947. World bank. It was announced to­ ist government of Leon Rlum or­ —A German V-2 rocket, trailing sunUmpt. CeauiM high-iaten- Heating Pads (Continued on Page ’Two) government of • Greek Premier ------9 - day, Hmitb tins consented, how­ dw mercury arc . . . previdet dered today that no civil servant of fkmstantin Tsaldaris for the long strin'i of white fire, soared ever, to remain at his post pend­ rclaxiag warmth. Tuck array ia France give newsmen Interviews strife. comet-like to a record 111 miles ing appointment ol a successor to bureau drawer. Aa amariag TOYS or press conferences without Srst • Vote Deferred Until Friday into the hesvCna lost night,, but Its Eugene Meyer, who also has re­ value. Come la for S-miaute Crash Kills receiving authorisation from the Six Prisoners ------Table Broilmasters Speech Called The U;N. Atomic Energy com­ mon-msde meteorites ware so puny signed. Meyeris resignation m mioo# premier blmaelf. mission has deferred until Friday Thomas A. Brennan they eluded most eyes. heed of the multi-million dollar In­ The meaaura was believed adopt­ —at Rusalan insistence~its vote A scientific evaluation of the stitution became effective today. Aapruvud by Electrical Department — Ba.semi>rit. Nine Pupils ed because of statements given by Flee Hos|Hlal • • • Polish Threat on the United States proposals for Thomas and Julia Murphy Bren­ meteorites experiment awaits de­ members of the preceding Georges international control, for which U. nan. He attended the grade schools velopment of film from cameras, Fire Causes $19,000 Datimzi' School Bus Driver Also Bidault government which were S. Delegate Bernard M. Baruch there and graduated from Bacon some 300 of which were trained on Ansonla, Dec. IS—(46— l•'irI' l»c- ttn ttl Jnf«k #/ «iyenr«.> later denied when the public re sought Immediate approval yea- Academy, the high school in Col­ Life Term-Army Prison- Ueved to hgye started in a tool action was unsatisfactory. Red Army - Paper As­ the heavens over this southern Train Victim; 12 Oth' terday. chester. He came to Manchester New Mexico ordnance proving shed did an estimatc'd glO.SOS The cabinet diacussed ellmtoat- 47 years ago obtaining employ­ ' ers Described as 'Dan­ damage to the Main street plant The JWHALC CORK tog certain govermntnt subaldiee, serts Byrnes* Talk Is Soviet Delegate Andrei Gromy­ groun^. ers Are Critically Hurt ko, suggesting that the American ment at Srst as a clerk at Cheney Termed Best Ho Far gerous and • Armed* of tbe Kasden Furl company here a. JK HAM COW MAHCHfSTaii COMH a ^ r e lg n Gffice source said,' but Menace to Existence Brothers. After a short time he today. Fire Chid Jam es T, Uqyle then decided to grant indemnities control proposal was not entirely The rocket shoot itself was Newberry, S. C., Dec. 18—(^F)— jin conformity with the* U.N. Gen­ obtained employment M the A. D. termed the beat so far by Llsut. expressed the belief that the blazo to French Industries which had Hale Paper mill on Charter Gak Phoenlzyille, Pa., Deer—tSr—^46 origtnaied In a hooded oil burner For Children arw M i lanniMiMniaiMMRMiajwiuiwwsasasritoiKiKhimHnHirj^ Nine pupils and ths driver of a suffered a loss of production be Moacdw, Dec. J8—i/C)— ’The eral Assembly's dlsormsment res­ Col, Harold , R, Turner, White —Six life term Army prieoneib PHILCO achool bus were killed today when Army newspaper R e d Star olution voted lost week, won street where he aerved as s clerk Sands commandant. In tbe tool shed and spread to llw cause of the coal shortage. In the office. He joined the House deaertbeO by Volley Forge General company’s office bulldinir where the-bus and-a southbound South­ Black Bourse Bolstered. charged today that Che SepCemberSepti_____ ,| »Bre«m*^nt - for his request for Not only did the 14-tpn (38,463 hospital officials as “dangerous P O R TAB Lf Of All Ages ern Railway passenger train collid­ speech of U. S. Secretary■y or State I more time to study the plan. store in April 1900 aa a clothing ib.) bisslle crack the July 30 alti­ the principal damage nos done. A The pledge of the 74-yesr old saleaman, being taken into pai^- and armed” escaped lost night' Amaaing Imptoveaieat la perfonn- ed at a gt-ade crossing on the out­ premier that he would defend the Byrnes a t Stuttgart and its ap- ' Most of the commission mem tude record of 104 miles, but also from a ward in the Army hospi­ bera already ore on record aa ap- nershlp when the Srm was Incor- l|uake Shakes CoUfurnia ance wititml mol •( 0 rfttiM strist. skirts of Silverstreet, a village franc bolstered black bourse values proval by the British Foreign Gf it established a pew speed of 8,350 tal. at about 800 francs to the dollar, See constituted a threat to the roving the American proposal, porateid in 1914. feet per second—more than a mile Eureka, Callf„ Dec. IS—-<46—Thi> Plaja on iraini, plann, rnnotc loct* seven miles southwest of New ut Gromyko had Chinese and Po- On August 5, 1914, Mr. Brennan A statewide alarm from the heaviest earthquake In 14 years' Berry. aa against 850 last week. The Brit­ existence of Poland. S a second and,about five times the Valley Forge boepltal to all po­ doM, saxiciiicly isatitivR latociiva Do Your Toy liah support to his contention that married Miss CHaire Sullivan, of shook this coastal area of nurtliern .Twelve other school children ish pound stood at about 850, as (Speaking ofPoland’s northern speed of sound. lice departments described the against 900 two days ago. The and western frontiers, which Rus­ a quick vote without painstaking this town, Mrs. Brennan survives t'ai'fornia ml 9:31 a. ni. (cji.l.) to­ were injured to the accident They her husband. To them two children But for southwestern residents, men, who ffed the hospitnl grounds official rates ara 119 francs to the sia advanced to compensate • for study might produce a threat to tbe show was a flop. day. Light lixture- swayed iinil Shopping Here^ were brought to Newberry county unanimity among the great pow- about 10 p. m. yestorday, oa “alx ALSO TABLE MODEL dollar and 480 to tha pound. the two-Sfths ot Poland annexed Of the hundreds who scanned the life term prisoners” knd said they dishes raitteo but n» damage was hospital for treatment Attend­ era later. (Continued on Pngs Twn) reported. Joseph Bognuda. in ants aald all were in critical con­ Gne of Bidault’a cabinet mem' to the Soviet union, Byrnes said: chilly deceit night for something ware “oU dangerous and armed.' For Complete here, toterviewed by Robert WU “The United States will support charge of the I'niversity of Call- COMBINATION RADIO BINGO dition. like the recent meteor showers, Escaped Men IdentlBed son of The Associated Press last revision of these frontiers In Po­ only unidentified observers at Bls- The teletype messege from the forma seismograph at Feriidulc, AND RECORD PLAY­ B in Dragged for HaU Mile month, aald at the conclusion: “It land’s favor. However, the extent bse, Artz., reported seeing meteor­ boepltal to lew enforcement offi­ said the quake centered off 1 ape\ Satisfaction Mrs. H. N. Wallace of the Mc- la all right with me if you ppt all of the area to be ceded to'Poland Conductor Gets Apologies; ites which wers ejected at three cers IdentlSeAme eegsped men es Mendocino. It tasted more thna TONIGHT! Swayi Funeral hdine, where Sve ol that to print, liut of courae I must be determined when the Snal \ 10-secnnd intervals as the rocket Sve aecbndt and approached dam­ ERS. CONSOLE TVPE 1 . of the dead were brought, said am­ may have to deny some points to­ settlement (on Germany) ' is shot skv^vsrrt. (Centlauei* on Page Fonrtcen) age point Intensity. bulance driven told her tha train morrow." agreed upon.” ) Will Lead Orchestra Now Only Few Sm Rockst • • • struck the bus on the side and He did. Seoad Like Obvious Threat Further, only a few reported see­ Twe Prtaoneze Recaptured COMBINATION RADIO AMERICAN LEGION HOME Esgeriexce Similar lucideats dngged it for half a mile down t^ *’AH'' these speeches sounded to ing the rocket itself. To two of Phoenisville. Pa„ Dec. IS—(46—. tracks. Similar Incjdenta were experi­ these in Albuquerque—Mra. Un Two of six erimlnally Iwuine .Army AND RECORD PLAY- Toyland' Leonard Street enced by other newspaper corre- the Polish people like an obvious San FranclHco. Dec.. 18—(46 —‘ 1st laaar Stem . No slight'waa in Store Hours ♦ Some bodies were carried along coin La Poz, wife of a scientist at life term prisoners whe escaped apondenta 'vhose , atoriea were threat to their very national ex­ Conductor Pierre Monteux has oc- tended, Keil said. from the Valley Forge Ctaneral hos­ on ths cowcatcher of the engine istence, as an inspiration to all Munteux'a wife earlier had told yte launching, and Duke Reid, ra­ ERS WITH PHILCO'S while othem w en scattered be­ pitoted to the Paris press. cepted the spoiogics Ot the Han pital were captured today. L, Ralph Second Floor GRAND SWEEPTAKE.<5 The Blum edict algnlSea that tha kinds of adventurers against Po­ reporters, inquiring whether he dio pews commentator—the rock­ Starting Tomorrow side the track,' according to bar- land and the democratic order Francisco Art commission for would accept the apology, and et seemed like a cigarette butt FhlUlps, superintendent of Valley new premier plans to guard against Forge Nst(pnal perk, said paric. OWN RECORD INDIVIDUAL SEAl'S! UOOK PRIZE! information. ^ the issuance of any cmbarrMslng established there,” the Red Star giving him secondary billing in change his mind aboui. not appear­ glowing in a dark room as It rose Night most Msndies- Mrs. Wallace said the crash oc­ ISO miles away on the horizon. guards found the two lying la a' Btatementa during the few weeks commentary said. ladvertiaemenU o t the San Fran­ ing at the cuni'ert, that con­ - curred on a straight stretch of “Tbsrs is no doubt that numer­ cisco Symphony concert and will ductor had retired to his bathtub The rocket enginee’ white hot ter stores will be open ditch on. the reeervatloa about sbr CHANGER. his interim government holds of- mllee from the hospital where thoy^ road. It waa theorised, she added, See. A regularly, cooatltuted gov­ ous attempts by tha United States conduct the orchestra Saturday for relaxation. blast lostsd for 55 ooeondp. For 44 PENNY KlNOO RKtitll.AR KINtiU that the bus driver was not ex­ night. He eniefTfPd to annoimce his de- more seconds, tbe carbon rudder nights until nine had feraed a window to escape ernment Is BChadnled to take office and Britain to interfere to Polish nearly 18‘hours earlier. The ossa, The JW.HAL€ CORK STARIN AT 8:20 pecting the tnin because it waa bj- mid-January. internal affairs pursue in the Snal President EMward Keil wrotc'ths Cl.aion and say that he would de­ fins heated by the exhaust bloat. through Monday, 7:.3tl ro 8:15 In the sky. The rocket who were not Identified Immedtate-: ' M ANCHISrtll COHH- reported running late. The cabinet won its Sve-week stanza the task of releasing a commission's apology for- puttmg mand that a soloist ut his choice, { glowed Richard Sanden, the driver, was revision of tbe frontiersxif Poland Monteux's name in small letters Pianist Solveig Lunde, appear with I landed 37 miles north of the Deoember 23* ly, were taken Into custodjr with-' kllle L the Mrs. Cbarlca P. KloUer, Mlaa at the grave in 8L Jamaa'a cemo- ’ No^race of Girl day that tha Stamford, Ooua.. etu- Tho^e Brennan Mary Rrskar. Mrs. John A. Oder- tery. baarera were Oennki i Stassen Ready dmt vaalehed, toaeksd off dUgtng nuuin, Mias Josaphine Sma^bettl, Obituary C'Ooonail, Jeremiah G’ConnaU,. Due to Lark of I t epenttona ertth a aXam alMval Mrs. J. Kwaah, Mrs. Willlaili Harry O'Connall, Jeremiah O'Coti- ' Found in Pit and kuOdoser that laalad aU day Dies Suddenly J. Meffwatney, Mra. Comtllua R. nail, ratix G'Connall and Hownrd Spaee Today T o Seek 1948 yaatai'day. Poley, Mrs. James M. Reardon. G'C^ncll. Baimingteu, V t, Dec. 19— — Tba Bearrhrte,- working undar At tha next meeting a "White l l e a l b t “ The Inquirer” The dUappearaooe ef Paula Wcl- tha dlraetioo of WllUam DaOcy. (CMttsorS rriNN r s fe One) elephant'* party will be held with William Bgelevleh Nominee Post dso. pret^ iS-year-oM Bennlng- a Bennington ooutractor. dlaeoti- Mrs. Helm Gahrmann sarvlng as Funeral services for William W ill Appear in ton college eo^omore. was as tUmed operaUoaa early today. w.re bom, one daughter, Zita, Mra. Robert 4. NrVetgli Rgeievtch were held at nine chairman of the committee. (Oeatiausd Page Oa*) mueh a mystery ea ever today They worked during the night . V Zmeat 1.. Kelly, whnaa huaband la PunaraJ aarvicea for Robert J. o'clock this morning at 8L Fraa- Thursday’s Issue after excavation of a gravel pit under doodUghte. In the U. a. Army and «'ho la at cla of Aasiaal church. South Wind­ • ^ ------T “ MeVaIgb. of IM Cooper Hill street, rather then the compulsory" set­ failed to turn up a olngla clue preaent homa on furkiaat*. sod on# who died laat night at the Man- sor. iMving the W. P. Qulalt The Sinai Peninsula produces ann the late John J. Brennan, who Ricbitioncls Have Funeral Home, 33b Main streat, at tlement of labor diaputea. that aha nUght have been en­ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY t'heeter Memorial hospital, will be 9—Braektng up what be celled tombed there. appraxtmataly 190,000 easirlo teas Iwaa a I*rlvate PIrat Claaa, in the 9:1b. Rev. John Duffy cooductod StitbaiB. Manorial hospital;- Mrs. of magnaMum or* arunmlly. ■ V. S. Army when killed In aetlofi held at 10:90 Friday morning ai the mass and read the committai Josaph Mellduff and aon, 90 Sum­ "monopallea end dictaterahtpe“ In A report that a girl had baen Call M and wall paake immediate deliTcr>' at Ralemo, Italy, on dept. IS. tS4S. 50th Annivc*rsary St. James's church; laavtng UM service at the grave in 8L Cather­ mer street. uniona PTC. Brennan had entered aervire W. P. Quish Funeral Home, 33b ine's cemetery. Broad Brook. The Discharged today; Mrs. Ellxa- 8—A requirement for secret un­ all tka DIAPERS YOU NEED, alona witk a Main atreet, at ten o'clock. In 1M3 and trained at CSmp Croft, Mr. and Mra. Samuel Richmond bearers were Bert Polbaie, Ales beth Jtnnlaga, 80 Hyde atreet; to t ballote on strlkae but no oon- aaaitary cMitainer for the noiled ones. 1 8 . C. Ha waa In tha North African Mr. McVeigh loavaa his wife, pulsory orMtretton or any FMeral of IS Strant atraat, who for many Murowaki. Joseph Zitulla. Joseph Mrs. 3lsry Staphaas and daughter, I and SlolUan campalgna and wga the Mrs. Mary Donahua McVeigh, two Kadis, John Vlnlktcs and William 115 Main streat! Mrs. Annla Tier­ court with power ta flx future Af^JarM any Chi tx>Con%e flrat member of St. Jamea*a pariah year* mada their home at 113 Bast daughters, Mlaa rrancas. and Mlaa wages and worMng condittona PrMh, ahaahrtely clean diapers Ipeurpa. ney, 39 Griswold street. Itc loae hla life In the war. Hla center street, reached the flftieth Gertrude McVeigh, of this town, Death yesterday: Robart Mc­ 4- Retention of the ultimate delivered as yam need them—no parenta received the Purple Heart a brother, Tbomao McVeigh, of Meroorial Mas* Veigh, 150 Cboper Hill street. right to strike • _ Wise Smithes anniversary of their marriage to­ Olfts for the home they love are moot ap­ medal and citation on Dec. 4, 1943. Hartford, four atstcra, Mra. C. J. mere daily diaper washina for day. and hava been receiving the A month's mind mass will ha Births }’«starday: A son to Mr. propriate. Practical gifts that add com­ Thomaa A. Brennan leavta In Anderson and Mra. Gertrude Cal­ said tomorrow morning at 7:90 and Mra. George Delaney. South Open Mondays From 12:30 To 8:30 P.^M. Until XbmsI yon. congratulations of their friends In fort and baauty to the home reveal jrour I addition to hla wlfa and datiRhler, person and by mall, alao Sowara lahan. of Wast Hartford. Mrs. for Ploto Pagan! In 8t. Jamaa'a Coventry; a daughter to Mr. and Jast Telephone —• WcH Do the vft K ; one brother, Rev. John J. Bren* and gifts. Today was Mra. Rich­ Mary T»nat and Mlaa Anne Mc­ church. Mra. John Plcklaa, Rockville. DANCE Manchestpr People’s Favorite Hartford thoughtfulnaoa. Ftnlah your Chriatmaa Rest : nan, of Haaardville, anil two ala* mond's birthday. They bad plan* Veigh, of Hartford. AI Grntiir'b OrHtcutra ahopping triumphantly at Keith’s, where tera. Mra. Matthew Men. of 143 Mr. MeVatgh was an employee D ep L Store nad no formal oalabratlon because Terry Says Bilbo Every W ^ . ami Kri. Nlfftits you And variety, quality and value. IM.MEDIATE DIAPER North Main atreet, town, and Mis. of lllneao In the family of' their of the Nllea-Bement-Pond division Masonic*, Loclge Lott fl. Lahey, of 19 Winter atreet, only son, Stanlay, who with hla of Pratt and Whitney In Weal K. of C. Rflllmom. Hartford DELIVERIES town. arifa and Uirsa children live In Hartford, a member of Campbell Sure (xiiitractors Installs Offieers Adm. 75c. Tat Inchidrd. Mr. Brennan waa a paat grand Elisabeth, N. J. CbunclL Knights ^ Columbus and Just Received knight of CSampbeli Council, Testerday Mrs. Richmond was 8t. Jamea'p churen. Would Pay Debt Knighta of Columbila, and a Fourth surprised to And herself the gueet Tha Qutah R'unaral Home will be open after seven o'clock this ave* There was a large attendance at degree member of that fraternity. of honor at tha luncheon bridge the Masonic Temple last night for ii\U \ LAI M IR Y . t>t He waa alao a member of the Por* of the Electa, Bridge Club of which ning. (t^mtlnued from Page Oae) Grand Knight Joseph L. PIcaut the Installation of the offlcara for Another Shipment A ‘ WORD') ORIGINAI OIAPIR SfRViCi aatera of America and a charter she is a member. The hoeteases the ensuing year. Th4 ceremony HARTfORD member of Rockville Lodge of wars Mrs. Margaret Richmond today announcad thara would ha a ed cash and checks to repay the apectal maaUng of Oamphell coun­ was carried out by Paat Master ■. . I ’ ’ B n T lk^^ H * B T »0 B 0 1 0 N N Elke. couain of SamusI Richmond, and debt. Janice Richmond, aesiated by Past cil, Knighta of Columbus, at 7:S0 At another time, while he and MIDAY* I S • » K- I ♦< i ‘ I I 1 » H a M T I •» K f. •• 1 ( Piineral arrahgementa In charge Mra. Prank Crocker, The membera Mastar John F. Pickles. After­ tonight to taka action on the Bilbo were baking breakfast In of T. P. Holloran. ITS Center and friends present presented to wards refreotamants were served. IIM PERSON atreet, are not complete. Mra. Richmond a handaoraa table death of Mr. MeVaigh. the same building where the hear­ ic: i: w.Tital IN ules senior deacon; Stewart R. Kenne­ OIbboaa Aeeembly, Ladlea of CO* flwltserland. In Novamber 1989. jreara. dy, junior deacon; Albert D. lumbua, held ita annual Chriatmaa Besides her eon she leaves two lOrauae, senior steward; Walter S. E L L A M A E CARDS M ake a good party laat night at tha K. of C. siatera, Mra. A. H. KUIra of Red Admitted yesterday: Douglas BroadweU, junior steward; Georg* Creek. New York, and Mrs. A. P. ' \ Bird, 39 Harvard road; Louis Qol- Murdock, P. M.. chaplain emeritus; fin t imprataioii homa, with an attendance of over Ciih Pack No. 91 Dunn of West Hartford; a half 70. Mra. C. R. CoeUllo who wan laao, 35 Bunce drtvs; Grant Egg­ Elton S. Johnson, chaplain; Clar­ MORSE sister. Mrs. Cecilia Burgenburger leston. 143 Hollister street. ence Wood, organist; Graham L, to hnva been the gucet alnger waa of Waterhury; four half brothera, t h a t l a t t t unable to be preaent because of Prcsenletl Flag Admitted today: Victor Greaves. dark, marahall; William C. Bray, Carl Aloyslua and Francis De- Stafford Springs. tyler; trustee, three year term, lllneaa. Norman Kronick, youth­ menake of Waterhury and Rev. ful Inporaonator entertainad with D tsch ar^ today: Sharon Rob- Raymond Goalee. Mary C Keeney Tent, Daugh­ Edward Demenake of TariffvUle; srtaon, 109 Hemlock street; Mrs. aeverai numbers. Mra. TIIHc Du- and two grandchildren. Boln. pianist for the club played ters of Union Veterans of the Roaalyn Turkington, 137 Henry WIAR Funeral services will be held street; Miss RoU Drake, 33 Bank fOr the chorus singing of ^ lis t* Civil War, presented a flag to Cub Thursday at 9:30 a. m. at the mas carols. street; Alexia Pepin. North Coven­ Pack No. 91, at the Green school Burke Funeral Home 'at 87 East try; Mrs. Collette Lowe. 77 Oak TIm assembly room on the main laat night. The presentation was Center street, and at 9 o'clock Grove street; Katherine Wagner, tor WM approptiataly dacorated made by Past National President at 8t. Bridget's church with a re­ friendly 49 Birch atreet; Mrs. Mary Irlah. M8M*9 MWSICAt Mill n and Santa Claus waa Impersonat* Beatrice Manning of this town, quiem high mass celebrated by her Wapplng: Barney McVeigh. 148 ed by Mlao Helen Thomaa. Every* after which the Daughters held brother. Burial will be in Hope North Main atreet; Miss Jojroe $69.95 one received a gift alao little color* their Christmas party at their cemetery, Worcester, Mass. Friends may call at the funeral ed cellophane candy bag favors. meeting place, 47 Maple atreet. Give him a “Droeraer" for hla leiaure hogra. Ha A t the attractively appointed '^ e y were entertained by diminu­ home after 3 p. m. today. buffet table, open*faced sand* tive ' Mabel Margaret Swanson, can stretch hla legs on the ottoman, tilt bock as far M E T A L wichas, potato chips, picklas, two-year-old daughter of the sec­ Mlaa Floreare Haow ? VAM as he likes . . . relax In dreamlike comfort. Avail­ fa r peed leeks olives, Chiiatmaa cookies and coN retary of the tent, Mrs. Rmms Miss Florence Snow, formerly r J i r r - i M able in beautiful Upeatries, maple or mahogany fln- Swanson. The baby aang two of 148 Eaat Center street, died KEENIN WYNN BRIDGE SETS fee were aerved by the committee ^ MM61 GUY lah frames. Ottoman Included. In charge, Mra. Walter A. Ander* aolos, “ Away In a Hanger “and Sunday night at the Heaton hos­ TODAY AND TmTRRDAY "It CsBie Upon the Midnight pital. Montpelier Vt. She had been FIRST SHOWING £U6AT*L0MB/^ non, chairman; Mra. Joseph P. K W ^ e d O N O ll Dyer, Mrs. Walter H. SeSdden, Clear"; Joan Strickland also sang making her home for the pant three t r ft las'd Ms le heU Mgk |M \ a aong and Barbara Armstrong years with her alster, Mra. Clara ‘‘Federal - ^ $14.95 Ikudmqn. of Montpalier. Mlaa Snow SmK-JfK'o'nl lUft S n l^ J le ^*T| I ■ * played a piano solo. There was ai^f e s^NiV^dlr“Spert«* m^Veiv \ group carol singing, games and w’aa employed for many yeara In Fugitives Good looking, sturdy, aaoy to aat the folding room of the Dyeing up and foM away. A gift for CM le the fint slip In year presents for everybody under the — with — WV ONA tree. and Finishing department of Che­ QKtmOUHb hours of plaaaant companlonahip. During the evening the presi­ ney Brothera. In addition to Mra. NeU Special While They Last! We have wood and aluminum seta, dent, Mra. Lsma Hutchinson pra- Baalmaa she loaves two other sia­ Hamlltoa too. aented a Mbte to the tent ■ as a tera. Mra. Harry F. Hills, of East PLUS MAKE UP FX)R THE NEW YEAR’S EVE Onter streat and Mrs. Bessie Tay­ Chriatmaa gift from herself and YOUR PARTY Now! MIDNIGHT SHOW! 6 9 * RECORD Bridge TaMas, $9.95 to 99.95 husband, Arthur Hutchinson. lor, of California. Funeral services will be held at A social time was enjoyed and 9 0 K PLAYER.S 8-Ptaee Poker Tabice. 939JW salads, rolla, jello and coffee were the Weeks Funeral Home, Grove served. street, Putnam. Friday afternoon at two o'clock. Burial will be in Putnam. * $19.95 Clear-toned, amooth- LANE MAHOGANY About Town They’re Still Dancing playing portable F u n e r a lfl electric record play­ A dsughter was born last night At th« er with carrying LOWBOY CHES’TS at the Hartford hospital to Mr. •EASTWOOD* caae. OPA price war and Mrs. William Hooker of 11 WllUam 0*Coiinell MAIN ST.-EAST MAKTFOKD L39.93. Save almoat Chestnut street. Mrs. Hooker was Funeral services for WllUam 920! the former Mias Vers England, O'Connell were held at St. James's TODAY THRU SATURDAY' WHITE EAGLE HALL 5 0 * and the baby la the first grand­ church at nine o’clock this morn­ “ EARL CARROLL’S MAPLE LAMPS $69.95 child of Mr. and Mra. Thomaa ing leaving the T. P. Holloran In the **Heart’* of the North End BON England of Oak street. Funeral Home. 175 Center street, SKETCH BOOK” A reproduotloa In flneat Gbionlal tra­ $3.50 ta $14.95 dition, with all the featurea that maka at 8:30. Rev. Francis Byrne, of St. Conatance Moore Moriarfy Bros. The Community Mothers' Club Patrick's church, Norwich, a cous­ Every Wednesday Evening LAMB nationally famous. A preokwa William Marahall Have you looked for maple lamps ? gift that lasts a lifetime. OPEN 24 HOURS of Wapplng will meet this evening in of the deceased, celebrated the ALSO Music By * solemn high mass of requiem. Rev. Then you know how scarce they at eight o'clock at the home of “AND THEN THEBE WERE arc. YouH now And them at TELEPHONE 5156 Mra. Betaey Dougherty, Laurel Frederick McLean wns dencon and * NONE" Ray Henry and His Orchestra Kelth'a. Floor, bridge, table and Hill Road, for a Christmas party Rev, William J. Dunn waa sub- Barry ntsgerald boudoir lamps with solid maple and all members are urged to be deacon. PrcMcnted by the bases. MELLOW MAPLE preaenU Arthur Keating was soloist and Feature Today: 3:09-flM-9:98 Mrs. John F. Barry presided at Ijw t Show Tonight 9:00 NORTH END ATHLETIC CLUB Ex-aervlcemen who did not re­ the organ. Admission 75c. ^ Checking Free! KNEEHOLE DESKS m cL ceive their Christmas gifta at the Rev. Byrne and Rev. McLean EXTRA! PRO FOOTBALL party given by Local 03 of the conducted the committal service The Best TWUA may pick them up at the Union office Thursday night or $59.50 w v A' Saturday rooming. Thera are THEY'LL LIKE A RADIO! idr-' ^ eWM.* gifta at the office for Roy Annie, | Jamea Connolly, John Llebman,' Phllco, CroBley, Rmeraon; RCA, Smart, trim desk In warm, honey- In Town James Muir, Burton Smith and I Motorola, other leading makes. toned maple. Plenty of working space Walter Weir. FIRST CHOICE Many handaome models. A $24.95 on top. Plenty of storage apace In a Now ii cMi Im* io 4« up rour oM j the gcneroua-slze drawers. A acai va IM <11. Pant art cumins ixdi, and wo ha*a gift for the whole family. And Up juw iniiallnl iha laim puM-«ar equip­ The monthly meeting of the' Item! ment (or tervicing and retuodiiionlns — FOR— auimaobilaa. In (act, ooe lottonara aaf Woman's Foreign Missionary So­ that wt now oftr ilw baal aerrico In ciety will be held this .evening a t ; A L L W OOL tews. Ouaw hi and inapoct eur (aedhita, 7:30 at the Church of the Naea- i and lat ono ol oua (actocir-iralaad ow- rene, with Mra. Harold RIckert ; ibanica you an taimait nn iho RUGS week four cat needa. You .yill ho presiding. , | N E W Our aaaortnient la tremendona aad wlU pleaoe every piMaad with nor law aereico and tha card sender In the City. If you’re nrthtloelly Inclined, 9 X 13, From . war wa dmihit ihetk evaty inh to sat The Weslev Group of the South If you’re poetic. If your taste m ea to eteUago. or eeeale Hi right. Methodist WSC8 will meet this photographs, you’ll And just the type of cards you dealre. evening at 7:45 In the Indies' par­ The eouaervarive card aeeken will dlacover soates to their H A SSO C K S $69.95 lor. YEAR’S! Mldng. Don’t wait another innate. Don’t bother looking A "scarce Item now at Bolond riaewhere . . . thia Gala Chriatmaa Show eill please you. Keith’s.’ Lovely patterns. Members of the Army and Navy ^^$SJ^^ELy389£ $3.95 t a $24.95 One textures, fcholce col- I club are asked to meet at the club ora. Come early to select BECAUSE- This year hanaocka take on new im* Motors, Inc. at 7:30 tonight to go to the Quish STARLIGHT CHRISTMAS CARDS that new rug for Christ­ MAPLE Funeral Home, 33S Main atreet. to I portance. Thej^re in luacloua col­ mas. Nash-Sales and Service pay respects to the late Vincent Slykd to spread Christmas, tidings. 20 in a box ors. smart atyles, all sizes. A ;169 Canter St. Tiel 4079 Finley, a member of the club. •OUR AIR^NDITIONED $1.00 bax decorative, useful g ift ROCKERS INTERIOR INSURES f SOFA QualnL traditionally styled Make Your Reservations JBoaton Rockara In sunny ALL-EVENING COMFORT CHEERFUL GREETING CARDS BEDS Colonial mapla. ,-to. add A LNRwrltiM Mft Ill’s Variety of Yule subjects. 21 In a box . charm to any room in the Special Purchase NOW ! ^ home. 9f Fragrancti • r r s THE HOUSE OF ^69c bax $79.00 Telephone 3894 A handsome sofa. At $19.95 BETTER ENTERTAINMENT night, presto!’’It'a a com­ Genuine Mobagany “REMEMBRANCE” iCMAS CARDS fortable bed. Take ad­ SALE Designed to touch every hearL 21 in a Imx vantage of the special price now. ■' Some reeker Gav. Wintbrap Desk •BETTER FOOD AND available la raa- For Your Dancing Pleasure ^ 50c bax bagaay. Alao WINES, LIQUORS, BEERS WALL gald steadied reekera la black, $85.00 LORELLE MERRV XMAS GREETING CARDS manegaay, gteen, Perfect for holidsy s ^ in g . 20 In a box SHELVES bora led. BEATON f ? YES eef !V), 39c bax TAILORED SLIPS c’heramy SCROM. ARM CASE FOR ALL-ROUND Frolic Perfume, Eau dc Cologne, Tele and Sachet $211 Also Includisd In This Selling AND'HIS ORCHESTRA SATISFACTION— ^MAKE RO CKERS OPEN THURS., FRI. AND SAT. NIGHTS UNTIL 9:0 ,, . for ^ lariing picaturc. nm m Photographic Winter Scenes! The Famous Caprie $26.95 $2.10 THE OAK GRILL Assortment! The Gala Assortment. . . Hl-Ho Useful aad decorative AND Cheerio Oikhrome Cards and the popular Etch­ $53.50 mahogany wall ahelves; many styles, dome At • 1 m O F MMANCHESTER i ing atyk cards by Voilsnd. , AuthenUe reproduction of Colonial a . • YOUR HEADQUARTERS in 5 eornar, soma have White and Tearoee. Sizes 52-26. PNI5CRIPTION PHAnMACV oaroU arm roakaie. Mahogany fln- mirror baeka.

\ MANUHBS11ER KVI8NINU HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 104$ PACE MANCMerree k v e n i n q h e r a l d , m a h c h e r t b r . u u n n . W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r i e i 9«R men were not Identifled immedi­ yesterday announced Umstead^ cretkm of the SUte Parote hoard Three Persons ately. appointmcKt ab a succaasor to (he U IHae No Authority which has the power under the CAR PAINTING DrmiEYEB*S f f i r t i e * win ra| mtJ'Si^STZ statutes, to return a parolse to One man was Injured in a laap late Joatah W. Bailey, who died at portsMBts Brst, theI portp. bi NEW HOMES from a gable window of the three- hla liofne here Sunday. Bailey’s prison for reason that seeihs suf- Got Oor Bidipiato HANDY GIFT NOOK Perish in Fire term would havo aacplrad In INR School IhM ht the PrloMiT room. ■oiiU To Overrole Board flclent to It. ' story residence. Nine persona were •IB dkdrlbuU glfU foUowtni o The Judge's mUag yesterday de­ FOR G. l/t 8 0 LIMENB R KLAUG O P. BL lloai driven to Um etroet ' pngioa od reettattoas and soogb nted the habeas corpus petition of INC. BrookUnv. Mnaa. Dm . 18—(iT) \ M m wm be ahom awl ioe Haftfard, Dos. IB—m —Judge ABU At - UaeotaiM Named Beaster MfeW « t T & tM i, tfea mast A. lagMs ut the Baperlor ftobert OTSainaell o f H artford, who mewd up. medeiw M Oatoat at. ( ^'Tai BIOI Two mon and a woman, tha aothac. was retumsd ta state prison last B-11 Gas on Stomach mmmmmmmsnmmrmn-mrmpumMMmieMmsm i tatM M dIata court has ruM that oo court has at thraa children, parlshad today in Raleigh. N. C. Dec. yS—ih— authocitg to Interfere with the dto- rebruary for elolathig parole. hast wUh eft hH W . Voe ran a throa alarm fire that swept an WiUlam B. Unutead. 51-year-oM dwaUe your meoey keek M a* tontli MathodM sartan ots eerdially wotoeoM eacluaiva rooming house at SS3 Durham attorney and a former -I wU M d tlMlr CkrlatoM* buy these hemea htr aa Sttle as la attaM l giis to BdW dsWh and year eertAammum (M) Tappan street member of the V. 8. House of Itep- _r (a Um Cbvreh halt The * 0 - ( 1) (IT ) We The woman wan MentlAad by po. reaentatlves. Is Movth. Garollna'a i vm report to their ia#iBll«« ■Mathty payments wM run Isas B OsMa A coniptetB gift thaa fdS per meathu (Vear PIrw lice as Mr*. Thetm^ Starrett 'The new aenator. Oov. RTOregg Cherry • n t . The iret port Hartford. Oe£TA- Jewt's ING PROBLEM! USE PUR­ Hal nhep CHERAMY NELL PARKING. I t i l W eh h« Iteog Ua. of your Dreams A beautiful gift »c( of April Showera “Fragrance of Youth” .. . "kAaln Cltonert Perfume, Eau dc Cologne, Talc, Balh Softener and Sachet. And Dyers'' MAIN 0 TRSET We Call for and 1 (M ) (TIOefd'e A Luxarlotii CUft D e U r e r ere Regular Parking Rota urs 3 GROUPS OF FffiE F St Fragrancf I *yeur Me sstf «#«* teeli cere e# yea, •he'd glee us .sear N T e l . M a n . 3142 , 1 15c For 2 Hours .ft) Wathtaa A eonesHfe harnin, with all feelleo, yet so very gentle I Not too

Tms lfth%sls|iy d iferct ] Only 5 More Shopping Days To Christmas CHERAMY Frolic Perfume, Eau de Cologne, Talc and Sachet S2«9 MEN’S BATHROBES ... for her lasting pleature. nm m . as miechleeeue as a Rdekws Gift Neckwear mmetmmmeieieteim'uemisiitMetmmmetetmetmmt $5.50 to $20.00

Cheney Ties Men's Heavy Weight I LOUNGING ROBES QiumSi&ajmaffu. $1.50 to $3.50 *rhcre*n be lovelight nhinlng OTlMAVf S lW in her eyes Christ mas morn $ 1 6 .5 0 when, she discovers your gift of choice cosmetics. The. best in perfume, powder, toilet A rrow Ties STETSON HATS water and special gift pack­ B m so n ’s ages is here. $1.00 - $1.50 $7.50—$10.50—$12.50 OLD FASHIONED Special Cloee-Out Sale \ $2.00 The VMnude in Fine Hats ten d F O l YOUR BOUDOIR Toys and Children’s . , ytrtcjel'. Y A R D t c Y F u rn itu re HEAVY WEIGHT EARLY AUmCAH TOILETRIE! PLAID FLANNEL ( ALL SALES FINAL! NO BXCyANGISt SHIRTS ORente e r e re te d Intpired by Invely ladiea ef dnv| [ c a / o JU j e gone by, but ereeied aspreeelyj SalePricB ler aodera YOUI Bsqvitlle $1SJ$ $ 7 .5 0 tolUlrie*. in ekarming bma* sf tl4J5 S-PtfCO TaUa had Ckalr Sots $19J5 T^amjoe 3 TABLETS Early Amerieen derign. Thn' $7.95 Aab Up fregranee I* OLD SPICE . . . ilM S S-Ptoeo TiU o aad Ckalr SoU fracb,' novel, inirigniog*. .*.1 PULL TOYS Y A K D L E Y blended ef rote petal* and tpieae.1 |l.fB Laxarjr Liaor Boat or Whccio so GAY, SO t J 8 BatUsoklB or WkodB OLD INGUSH I17.M FkliiaE'n^MICBrrlagcs Brown Far Linad YOUNG, SO FEMININE. The gerhr riwerim* l»0 OO LAVINDII fOAF yItjeniMepe tnclndej r PUSH TOTS M m T O ♦15 TaiMSoee . • leekM . . (IJ $139 GLOVES $7‘00 pr; Y A K D L E Y KNOWN Tiff Umm Sm» . .. SMltee $LM TwoDnaaBOaaStkk rt«( TU TwIm Wm«v . . tee. .).J. llJ f Toro DoDo On a Stick 98e Hamcoa Stitch. (rvyid d it jfatM iruhrt WOBIO OVER FOR OvU Dentet *•«»<■» . .I.g. THf V.iMtvbMeMli* be«. Sm. w eeaelate ettt, ./•]• IBJ8 Drooood DoOo, to bo oold as>is $$.98 ITS CREAMY, SOOTH- Iwie.e«efel,4 beltl. fl.M Staffod Laaihs, Scottlco, Oowiw, Wkak* Wool Uned SOPHISTICATED AND •4.75 *2.50 *1.50 MO AND FRAGRANT 98c PMICIt fk$$ T$l aMt LoatborHto AEOAL PERFUME lATHCR tmetmmmmmmmmeMmetmfUimtmmmiitmmmetmmmmeu CHILDREN'S BOOUNG CHAIRS GLOVES .70 pr. T«*f Witete ht a—(■ m tnmi to itgAwl ga^ t e m t to aw U 8Jt. tmm *o i i ^ a $2 Tafdtep to ll— tor Anuini aw newei to InN w l end ; IIJB Maplo. Loatker aad Moxkan Tjrpoo $730 $3.9$ •mm m a. eM-TMaTaSS’lSlil $Mto*4 to ffw UJJL te— ffw u—nil i^Mk t— BB.98 PNnkUi OCELOT LAPIN I4.M $3.1$ CARROLL’S $3.49 $139 GLOVES GREY AFRICAN KIDSKIN ROCKING HORSES ^ BROWN AFRICAN KIDSKIN CARROLL’S tCJB $4.9$ LEATHER JACKETS INDIAN LAMB PAW GIFT SUGGESTIONS $535 $3.9$ $0.50—$7-50 pr. MOUTONLAMB *139 GRAB BAG d $1.19 Hoauaeraa* Peg Seta 89c BKAUTIFUL COMPACT^...... $1.60 up $930 TojrClMBLaB.ia ' $$.9$ $ 1 5 .0 0 up M yoHc Rjgrra PolAzm $5.98 (I) DoATypoBMckboards $3.98 # SPECIALS MAX FACTOR SK TS...... $’2.50 up CHILDREN'S WRITING DESKS Manic and Wahiat Finiahed f o r i I m to— J — bs BBiiaB EVENING IN PARIS SETS...... $1.25 up BLACK PERSIAN PAW Woodmist Bubbling $15.95 DeckRMfCh aad Ckalr, Scaly $11.95 MACKINAWS HARRIETT HUHRARD AYER SETS...... $2.40 up $1035 Stadcat's DaM ' $7.95 ^NATURAL SILVER MUSKRAT BATH SALTS APPLE ilimsOM SETS...... $L79 up $5.95 Pool Taklo with Bans aad Coco. $430 $ 1 2 .5 0 up RUSSIAN PONY S Only! Bal-Beariag Trlcydoo for 2.3>ycarriilda. rsgu. 1 J GARDEN Sf'ENT SETS...... $1.00 up « lar $3t.9$ Sale Price $3435 ’ 199 Heary Daty Child's Trleydcc, rsg. $29.50 Now $14.50 49< REVLON SETS ...... $1.00 up DoB Carriageo, DcLaao Folding Typo $293$ $24.95 Smart TOPCOATS and I.arge 14, oz. box. Carna­ LA CROSS SETS . T...... $1.00 up tion, Lilac, - Spice, Violet, $2135 $19.95 GREY INDIAN LAMB PERFUME BOrri.ES A.N'D TRAY .SETS...... $3.98 up $1735 . $14.95 Rayon Scarfs $3*00 Lily of the Valley. Metal Whoelbarrow OVERCOATS MINK BLENDED MUSKRAT DRESSER SETS-Nylon f!rusht>.«<...... 16.98 up And Up $2.49 $1.9$ WALi.ETS ...... ’...... $1.00 up Shniric Board Soto SMART FABRICS YOU WILL UKE. NATURAL LABRADOR SEAL . . . l l a * oemwl BRatol $23$ $1.98 ATOMIZERS ...... , ...... $1.60 up THEY WEAR WELL SILVPRBLUE MUSKRAT WOODMISX Wool Scarfs $2-25 rim Tax caota • hmiiwtimq opoll I’lu.a 'I’ax And Up Black and Brown, Leather or .Plastic COLOGNE I ; IrsHKiancwwiunteKwateKwiidwagsddiawMwsteKWiKwwwfK up B elts $1, $1-50, $2 By Corot BENSON’S $30-00 . *___ f___ j,' •. .4 ' Perfumt...... from $2.00 VISIT CARROLL’S MEN’S BAR TOR THE MOST These groups include the season's most desirable furs—^See IMPORTANT MAN ON YOUR LIST! FURNITURE AND APPUANCES HOSE Toilet Water .... .from 81.75 69c FOOTWEAR FOR THE FA3IILY the new styles, the full rippled backs, the lavish sleeves, the Wool Anklets...... 75c pr. Bb'fS Beautifully Wrapped, 713 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 3535 SWEATERS fine workmanship. You will admire these coats; Every- Besatifully Styled YARDLEY — OLD SI^ICE — WILLIAMS’ — MEN- Pure Wool Anklets & Gift Sets...... from $2.00 up Vi i n lu I T I i : b 'n H - r n u B i 11.00 to $137 pr. Men's Coat Sweaters, Violet. Carnation, Lily of NEN’S — SEA FORTH — HEATHERFIELD — COL­ Siics .16 to 52...... $535 and up on e i$ bemtHfui, ' ^Valley. •' ^ Part Wool Half Hose . .65c75c pr. LEGE CLUB AND FENWICK MEN’S SETS. Att toya Haled aobject M Men's Slip-On Sweaters. Plus Tax. Sizes .16 to 4$ ...... $530 to 59.00 CiHOUS€'^SON. Black or White gNMfgKgagaiardnMMagawgagaiK mmetmmsietmusmmmmstmetmeusMueteteusetesetMe fair IJieilteul quail. Cotton Hooc...... S7c to 50c pr. Men’s Reindeer Sw catcrC...... 59.75 INC Boys’ 2*Toae Goat Swoatcra.: . .$430 785 MAIN STREET Caali m d Carry. Heavy-Biowa Mis Corner Main and Birch Streeta ' 25% Wool Hose ...... 50c pr. Boys^ Fancy SHp-Oa Swoatcra. .$3.00 Shop HAl£’S For Other Exceptional Fur Vahies CARROLL— Perf umes • Cosmetics MANCHESTER. CONN. - 1 ■ MAMUHIMil IfK KVKNINC; HKKALU. H AN CH K«Tl^l COWM- WKUMES5UAY, UECEMUEK 18, IV 4 9 MANCfTPSTER EVElfTNO H R I^L a MANTHEKHEK. IXINN.. WEUNtSSUAT. UELCMBER 18.1948 FAfTB

the Eoard of Cbrtotiaa Education, ^ Olfta" wtre packed and aant to the annual White Otft cereawny Stm- a part of thb Impraaaiva eeremony tha poor In AUanU vrlll ha hotoad 9M for lean than one yaar'a aerrtoa. Gifu A r e Seut Rush Uamorial Congregational day, Daoambar 18. Mambara of the tha young paopla marchad to the bad obarga of packing tboso bonoa. In thair celebratly ef tha In^dior. AJao. effaettva January 1. 1M7. a church acbool brought toyb, alothaa. altar and laid their glfU there. It lo hoped that they win roach ipan y 10 per cent indreaae i^ll be given church In Atlanta, Oaorgla. thia T o Atlanta n iiirch week by Center Congregational booka, and other articice wrapped D. Uoyd Hobron. a member of tboir daoUnation by Chriotmaa ao Thora art MvaitatiMOf ermnborry. to all employeea on hourly or week­ In white, to the aerv^e and during ly rataa. thla conforma to the ac­ church , , ^ 8 Best Year tion taken aa o f January 1, 1P4«. Two hundred pounda of "White ThcM gifta ware praaanted at the when a almlUr Incraaae waa given. At that Uma. alae. an employaaa' Johnton Firm to proflt-ahartng plan waa Introduoad. Invotvtng quarterly caah dlatrtbu- I Bonus to An of ttona baaed on total value of ahlp- menta daring each quarter; under Employers thia plan • par cent and IS per cent dlatrlbutkma were made In Act I Ckrtr>c JohMon VachlM the aecond and third quartern re- a jjr la roundtng tml the heat npecUvety. the rate for the fourth In the n ip ^ quarter being Indeterminable until ___ tu Watery. IWa company December 81. TIES rub an VIAJM been In twalneBa forty yeara. In the manufacture of Tliat Will Qivt You Joy In Giving! atchoa for tntluatrial . h ie volume o f burtnaaa P erson a l NoHeea That Will Give Him Joy In Wearing! FENDER AND tWa year la th^ larfoat BODY WORK Ita Hlatary. aaS U la expected Card sf Tliaiiks S l O O . 0 0 I i m 7 vnu produoe an even W* wUh W exarree our thank* lo SOl.IMKNB A KI.AGG itar demand for iU producU. all thoea who •xtanded thair *rm- MELBROKE the paat three yeara the Mthr to ua durian th* rw n t lOnvM INC of the plant haa been and at th* tUn* of th* doath of oui WRINKLE-PROOP CRUSH-PROOF M UMtat M. Ibi atai amfuitely modemUed. wil*. moth*r and *l»t*r. Wa are eepee- The company haa Juat annownc* lallr nrataful to all who a*nt iBlrltnal I that, on December 20. a CSirlat* bouquet*, flowftv or loaned thair ear*. V 100?i WOOL-TIES M Hama o f tlOO wtU be paid to ' John McVcInh and faaillr. I employaea havfng been with the peter Lewlaaa. Washing ny for one year or more, or Joaeph lewteae. 4C- V Machine Service Oaljr Gcnalna Parts Used! For PfOEipt, BOclsst snd TOM'S EeotMwalcal Servtoa— Ckllt PACKAGE B. D. Psorl's S82.S0 THOMAS SAI’ IKNZA, Permlttw SANTA SUGGfESTS S5 OAK STREET PHONE 6S97 Agplianee A Psmltare 649 Mats 8L Phone 7590 Im the Place to Buy Quality •WINES •UQUORS •BEERS “ G i/fe for the Home** GOODWIN STREET. m s HI'S ' 1 0 0 •ath t o w m s IN 13 PLAIN COLORS MlIfY MlyWiI A WONDERFUL HOUDAY ASSORTMENT MANCHESTER— 0 M * roR oms Barometera Coektnil Sat« S-TON8 181. SUM TO UKI I NOW ON HAND * ALSO PKNCIL STRIPES AND 4-Room Single. 9 aaSuMiod I 7 ~ l O U N O I t WINDOW PANE DESIGNS ■patalra, oil bent, nmay addl- Wine Decanter Sets Silver Not Cnps SUM rOATi ftufiy.i MAKE YOUR SELECTION EARLY twonl featureo of n wen-bunt Them are the Und that he'd pick This popular i Mpper Is Mnrdy borne. Silver Candlesticks Silent Butlera as favorites . . . fine quality ray­ tolled Just light far Christmas anough for outdoor or indoor FTIEE DELIVERY Ycar.'reimd casuals that rate ons in tbs season's top styles. idviiN- 'Thsss are tha haautlfcl CHOOSE HIS MELBROKE TOMORROW! Silver Sandwich Trays Silver Bread Trays high with men of all ages. Select amar I Of handsome grained leath­ towels hard to find at aay p rk » ESSEX STREET. Biss cut—interlined. Choose sev­ Silver Bowls fram a wide eelectioo of cekm er with longwaaring husky rub­ BRKb km at thk Ward laart MANCHESTER— Silver Meat Platters eral to€ his "Merry Cbristmas"l 8-Fnmlly Duplex, 5 and 8. Sterling Encrusted Glass ' and fabrict. . . all well-tailered, ber soles and haUk Uses M t . hot-air beat, X-car garage. Sterling Enemsted Glass Trays aU Wafda low-priced. 34 to 44. ^ A* >r X 4“ Priced to aell. Sterling Enernsted Glass Bonbon Dishes JF X- X- . JF WASHING MACHINE REPAIR Sterling Enemsted Giaas filayonnaisa KELLER’S PEARL STREET. Celery Dishes Man'a and Women'a Cuatom-Talloring MANCHESTER— Sets SERVICE , sterling Enemsted Glaaa Vases Auj M k« Washer picked np. repaired and returned. We gS7 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 32«4 X-Famlly. 4 and 4. nil modem Sterling Enemsted Glass impmveoMnto. near Main St. Silver Sugar and Cream Sets kava S men who do nothing bvt repair Washers. Wa Property haa 4 large gamgoa Candy Dishes Iwre handradi of aatisfled msioniera in Manchester. . aad an additional building for­ Silver Bonbon Dishes Silver Water Pitchers merly nerd for huilneov. Silver Cake Trays Silver Cake Dishes RICHARD V. JACKSON ROCKVILLE— Silver Pepper and Salta I dial operator and nab for Ealerprlea M48. Silver Canape Trays Building In heart ol Indualiinl Leather Cigarette Boxes . ' I cna Manchester seM eectlon with 4 npnrtmrata. Bar Brass Door Knockers and Grill an gmoad door. 4 Brass Candleaticka brich garagea Inriaded. Excel­ ' Bookends— * ' lent Investment. Cheats of Sterling Flatware Heirloom Trays AIm Large Aaoortment of Hammered Aluminum Trays p r a c t i c a l Good Building Lots and Addi­ Tile Sets Paper Weights tional Luting*. BEAU DURA Copper Leaf Trays For Further Information Hammered Aluminum Coasters a fliD M ir f W m RAYON Desk Sets Desk Pens * * m » t ^ 0 ^ CALL M O W N 8 U P N R M o u n t * > 9 8 ^ ■ I Stock up now at this Ward-low EDWARDS & A practical and usehd gift for Such wonderful suit blouses— A handbag Hha hSouamiak * • * b o ^ or girlet Tbf style mothere price! Comfortable band-leg and made of practical plaids •imply, neatly tailored with Jewel briefli of run-resistant rayon . . . SCHWARZ The Dewey-Richman Co. like tor its long service and dur­ necklines... new-looUng deteilal that con take ati sorts o f hard REALTORS ability. Sturdy grained leather real elastic at the waist for per­ wear! These arc ^ousA ready to STATIONERS OPTICIANS Rayon fuigi in white and soft pas­ fect fit I Tearos* only. 8-M-L. •Ml Main Strart JEWELERS with warm plaid lining. 8Ues8-3. tels! Long-sleeved. S im 33-38. wrap as giftsl Plus'30% tas. Ac At AC A^ T E L .: 448S - t-8848 • 7844 At M M AC M 3 f JF > IF JF )F 4- JF IF LAMPS 91 Christmas Biamond Benson's Has Reduced Joi ^ Q^m ei Buy Your Gift Chairs Now from Prices On All Chairs Benson*s Grand KAfTK I TOR TRnW*MD n ia t p u u o - W ★ Selection of Living and Rockers in Stock! P A m m . OAT AFRONS SUfROIS MurruRS Room and Bedroom IN piA sn c Now, more than ever be­ Handsome, practical g^fts, these styles. A Chair for Choose this lovely^ft for her. A “ Right” for iJft-glvingl Choose Every Vse. ( fore, it's Benson’s for Boudoir plastic patent handbags at soft blue rayon velvet slipper, lux- Choose her favorite color firom aa WardsI They look so well . , from our assortment of fins Chairs and Rockers. * nriously trimmed with fluffy Seotdi plaids in colon that are array of odnbow shades. SbeH Choice of $89.50 Chairs wear so'well, that any lady will ndiite bunny fiir. Comlbrtal^ delight in sudi a pretty and prae- appreciate one! •Pliua0%tas. sure to bring Um a "bit o* • Pin Up Lamps Barrel low heel, leather soles. 4 to 9i Christmas cheer". Extra long. ticsl gift. It washes off, rsrists Maple ^ . af 4 3^ creases, won't crack, won't spot. • Toble Lamps ' Chairs )F JF >F >F IF 3F ' )F JF JF ^ $69.50 Cricket JF IF >F >F 4* • Floor Lamps Choice of $98.00 Chairs > Bridge Lamps Lounge • Hurricane Lamps Chairs .• Fluorescent Desk Lamps $79.50; $44.50 Platform • L'. t- ■ P No bedroom is complete Chaise Rockers without an attractive Lighting Fixtures boudoir chair in gay Fuse your engagement and Christmas giving Lounqe There’s nothing like a floral covers that add into one magnificent diamond..Vchosen from platform rocker for com­ spke to the room* Shades for Various Types this collection..j(iutstanding for the quality of $39.50 fort! Tapestry covers in its gems! Each of Ihbse diamonds has been I $69.50 The ever popular Maple Open of Lamps specially selected for its color, brilliance and Cricket Chair* wllh gay Maple and .Mahogany SALE PRICES freedom from imperfections. Choose your Tilt Back Chlntx cover*. frames. Priced as low from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. TONICemKOlBN ton, niunr eONVINilNT gem today . . . and buy it on our spaced pay. as ' $10.95 AIMJNI RAOIOI ' 4is«* RATH MAt SITS MITAl SMOKIR **SAMSON*i Fluorescent Kitchen Units ment plan. Chair and REDL'CEO TO Until Christmas 2 » # CARO TASU Ottoman to $29.50 A stunning NEW Airline— Rewest for bathroom bcautyl Make Dad's a usefUI gift . . , « Charge Accounts Invited $7.95 $29.95 Open Thursday and Saturday NiglitM Until 9 $49.50 ■martly designed ,in?gleandng Soft, pastel yams stitdied on this handsome smoker! Well- A famous'Eamaon''tabk. . . ivory p l^ c l Push-button tun­ firm backing. Very absorbent! made . . . all metal with brown sturdily built with lidd braced $49.50 ing, p erw ^ tone control, short- 19"x34” mat and matching lid cradde finish and chrome-plate m ^ legs. 30x30* playing Matthew Wior wavs band, built-in trim. Low pricedi ^ Cogswell Budget cover. Buy nowl ee ia waakabk gad stUn- JO H N S O N 177 MAIN STREET ^ MANCHESTER imistantl Chair and BENSON'S Terms M ay h e S^nt as Cash •JEWELERS * OPTICIANS • Ottoman Establiahed 1928 BROTHERS F urniture und AppU unees . If Desired ^ q N i r o N J M M N B . ^ for Any ll«m at WardsI * Electrical Contractors 891 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER. CONN. I • $39.50 713 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 3535 824*828 MAIN STREET RMN STREET • TELEPHONE 6227 N A N C H E m R


M ANCn?»n?R EVENING HERALD. MAWTHEWTER. WINN.. WEUNE»UAir, UnjCMMEK 18. l\>44 TMwhov, Gogol, DOateyevahy and was bora la Heoaea. Oenaany. Deaths tM t Night Turgenev. Loo Angelee — George fienry Chicago—R. E. (DIek) Pfennig, Hlnee, 80. aeeocteted with abow trt'f li ' "■ supi lor members at 6 p. m..,S o'clock in the O.A.R. hall with I and Mrs. Adolph lobnaon are ■jAiile to Roocevelt' | m tS A . Bfi, vice president In charge buelnsee tor nearly 80 Mars be- Doing tbla, Mr. Staseen is break­ tlTa^meeting and Christmas' Mrs. KaU WIlHama In charge. [charge. Bfieahttdga, Rnglaad—Mra. Con- ot For Redans HU net income for the throe staaes Garnett, M, translator ot oaihera' operations ef United Air tore ble retirement in lls i. Ho and CoachM iCanrifratrr ing precedent. Juet as he Is break­ K o c k v i l l e party to follow iMk many Raasian wrltera, Inehidlng Unee and a pionecT la aviation. He waa bom In Panola, HL ■*B OMM The Rockvitle Barblem Ctuo Fac^ Tax Charge years was 817MM agd the h4* ing precedent with ble careful WeoB* ray Favored eewM he reported was IdLtlfi: $ 9 .9 5 Tbe recently nreanlsiil Worn-1 wlU bold Its annual Chiiatmaa frraUt^ campaign to prepare blmeelf for I Union OOngre- party tbla evening wUn a amor- Ftotltloua oAae renta and ool- Fmal Oeat on's Guild of I Hartford. Dec. 18— Hert­ the presidency. Action Taken £etional church will meet tMe eve­ gaebord baing oorved■ at ‘ 8 o'clock Baltimore, Doc. Ifi—i^h- Eu­ ariea and ovsretated maintenance Oaly followed by a grocery eoclal and ford's municipal worhera have re­ gene B. Ceeey, one the Lets chargee were Maimed In eonnec* WsriSiSSoSi-cU tlrMl The fourth major cendklate :n ning at 7:80 o'clock a* tbe cburck ceived fite support of the Board of ot the field. Governor Thomas S. eoclal rooms fOr a buMnese aweV exekange af gtfta. PreMdent Rooeevelt'e six execu­ lion with Me real eatate biielneaa $ 1 4 .9 5 WoMmrie ffaeiacy Finance In their drive for poy in­ In Waahlngton and Marywad. For Complet# Dewey of New York, Is modesUy By City Board Ing and entertainment. H mts wtn creases. The boerd last night voted tive aeeletente during the war. Owwal Mm m w be readings by Mleo Doris Mans, A Ghrletniaa party will be held waa uader a Federal grand Jury < OrMlni 1. M l tending to his New York knitting, by the Women's BoeUty of the to reuommend to the Common FWFRWOIUK eelecUona by the Girls Glee atib eouncU that teachere. firemen, po­ Indictment today ebargtag he OeaeraJ Douglas MacArthur but that merely meens that bis Rockville Council Din* end refreshments will be eerved. RockTtlle Baptist church this eve­ evaded income taxes la the waa graduated from West Point * m m m avaiT BvMint ■M tf ning at 7:80 o'clock at the home licemen and all tht rest of the FOR t4 HotHtar*. CnUrM •! ttw open drive to break another prece­ ReHef Oorpe city's X.8«8 employee be given a emeunt ot 870,884. wtU* the highest grades anyoaa ___•! •• cuBscfl Requestfi for of Mra. Adolph Johnson. There dent—that which save that the Burpee Woman's Relief Corps rales, but left ur,settled e decialea Tbe Indictment handed down had made In a q’larter of a oaa- o — lUw — m r will bold Ita annual CtaHstmae wilt be packing ot flftc and boxea yesterday, duuged that during tbe tury. Rapublican f.arty never renomi- Building PermitH for nhut-tniw Mrw Ernest Butcher on how much It should be. MJMlUiUPrHNi e at» i ”7 party for membere tbla evening at T«w ijs ^ ...... { ••i; nates a loelng candidate—is be-1 — W iltii I ^ Rockville. Dec. Ifi— (fipeclal) — M ONf ..j...... •• j ^ Ing postponed until later. fitaee Mr. fitaaaan U the only At the meeUng ef tha Common ^ 4w:::::::itS candidau openly avowing his own Gbuncll held Tuesday avaning ac­ / BmavtUvl MMIIWI 0> eandhMry, his atrategy la the tion' waa takan on several build­ TH8 AMUUIA1W mimm _ ing permits which had been held IlM Am m MM 1‘rw* •• MaiiM**«ly mote interesting. What be Is try­ m WM to tto wo of ropoMMolMM 0< ing to do Is something unusual, over from previoua meetings. as |ieM< oof. American pollUca Public Works committee reported porfeetly. ghop ssriy whUs qsanUtles Isn. that tbe petition of Chester rWMa •I reouMMellM o( eoaeie' Hla situation was described at itOM Iwrem. ore alee i Bloniars to build s second story w Hieoi <«i N. ■. the recent meeting of the Repub- addition upon tha permit which A Gift tor m UhHmo Toosftf fWetf Ceoki Cotfool lloan National comir.lttee. when. bad already been granted, had also »%aile>ere maroeieUtieae; m In one breath.' the membere of been granted. Upon the motion of THE -BRB.tKFAiiTEn’’ Jt8iae Haioowe ■mo'oi Aaeae? • IN that committee admitted that Alderman K. Barthold, tbe peti­ TOf*. Ckieac'. OoiroM oM 8ei«Mi. tion of Matthew Allen for a build­ gtaaeen aeemed to have moat pop­ ing In tlw center for the receipt of MBMIMK on •ORBAO Of / / / / ^ $ 10.95 ciwctiijfnuim. ular support for the 194fi honor, clothing for the cleaning eatab- but that they expected Dewey to llahment. waa taken from tha tabla be the candidate. Staeaan, la for dlscuoslon. Aldernian OotUar aJ2L?:niSK;"%ss5sr«,‘'& moved that the petition be grant­ Jbel Mt down el the toble other words, is edmittsdly ths ed subject to several regulations, liM HOWM. kind ot men average Americana that It be conatructed in accord* sad soak tho faaUIFe satlis think ought to be president But ance with the blue print submittad hrsskfsst. Ss osty — IS OaoMBber II he does not enjoy the command­ to tho council, with no ebangea ea-: The Finest Gift ef AUt audsra isck s hssdsosM ing support of e section -of the cept as approved by tha Fire Mar- Why N«l Settle PrM ipU ^ shal, and that no dry cleaning be gmt les It today. Republican party organisation allowed In tho new bulldtni. I Lost wtator at thUi time, tbla which Is poesesaed by either Alderman Berthold spoke aa not I oooBtry WM bcglnnUiir ■ period or Dewey or Toft. If he le going to being In favor of the situation, BIBLE A Wa/ceme Gift tor Anyone mgtmy which paralyaod our indus­ gst the nomination, he needs not bringing out the fact there te now Master Art E^*^**" F l r e a t O B e trial la w ie ij for a |trtod of only to maintain ble public sup­ a potential fire hazaixl due to the p r^m lty of the Rockville Oarage, G r e y h o a m i BMtha. But the most agontaliic port but also to plaeste soms ot High school, Rockville Hotel and New Winter t a n k -t W b c x b a n e r thiay about I1 was not the Intar- tbs party's practical poIiUciane. adjoinnlg building. Alderman Ken­ Travel Iron ru^tton of poot-war proihictloa It le in the light of tble eltue- neth Smith brought to the coun­ wWch tho battle botwoon Me la* Uon that hie opening campaign cil's attention the recent hotel fireo, and wished to go on record Fur and Flower Trimmed Hats $C.9 S $ . - daMrjp aa4 Me labor nUUod. but aUtement yestarday is Intsrsst- 79 7 5 e .5 0 as bolng opposed to tha granting The cleaner that tehee the week eat ef heaeewerh. Pees tbo fact that thta ooatljr battle Ing. It was aomsthtng la the na­ of the permit However, when a Coatalns slxty-fnur reprodnctlons evarythlng—clesas esrpeta, apkelstsry, dnpet, tsdlstors—has Never alad "salteass waa Mated taward an iaevttable ture of a cautious straddle. Mr. of rellgloa* palntlngn the great vote was taken the permit for tbe ettachmenu for every task. Mother deaervoo tha hist get WTtaklss." This hsadissii eoaopromiee result which could new building wan granted. nuuters, half of them In full color. gtseeen labeled bimaelf a Itboral, $2-98 to $7-98 her this wondertol elaenerl sa solvaa tho prehlam. bare boon ptadktod befortbaad. It was voted to go ahead wrlth Bed letter encyclopedic roncord- but ha made it plain. In the actual stash ahla eavd aad a a i wMcb waa so piadictod. auuiy the construction of Highland lASY BUOOnTtRMt t polldea and principles ‘ he die- avenue In accordance with the lay­ cussed, that be la not very far out presented at the recent hear­ thus, last ymt, the Me labor OTHER HATS—VALUES UP TO $7.98 left of the more Intelligent party ing and the Public Works com­ Adi Ms Sevssts ss fesfarf A Heppy Ckefce for m Merry Christmat tadeee sMhe addiveet bacaa by mittee Was appointed a commlt- fan 41 i ProcHeol, Tee poMUclana of the day. Hie ges­ I ' tlpMi Bum L dssssdssrip aMuat a tbktjr yar ooat lacroaee ture, yestarday, was In the direc­ tae on Betterments end Demegee ON SALE AT 5 0 c to $3 .0 0 la waeoe. They haow they wersat I'n connection with the new street. JOCK. tion of the practical party sup- llie council voted to accept the G s B s ,totaf t a g e t lt H e iaduatry la* port he must gather up In order propoeed layout for Ragan street MILLINERY — Main Floor, Rear. aSRHRbB 0-,% IA T treaded with aa triti"* admayaeos to go Into, the convention wtUi n end to prooeed with improvements HEATER COOKIE ta pay tea er twelve per eeat la* reel chance at tha nomination. In this thoroughfare. Mayor Raymond Hunt called 4.35 daatry has# It wad folac to wind How far Mr. gtiisen can pro­ K. JAB CivMf awes. Outside ebsorv- the attentlyn of the Council mem­ gress in picking up practical polit­ bers to the fine filing case which Batrsets 8 .7 0 are were (n a ta prediet what the ical Buppbrt la a lantallMng ques­ bad been eocured for tho now city 2 A 9 Joles Bsstly, Se« tk.JWIULfco» Qaleki eleaa beat eaa ha avaatual rsoalt would be. It would, tion. But It can be guessed that maps through tho efforts of ths talskly, ef7»Y Ftnancs committee of which Al-i MANCHirrul Comm* they oaid, be aeiaethlat between thoae wbo dany him any chance wtUsatrlnd Rhiewa la aay dlieetlaa wUh dermsn Smith is chairman. eU. Mods or T B j m u C B T S am en and eUbteea per seat Nev* at all may be surprleed. One of the •he adjaetahia, fearkeaa-tadh Alderman Doherty brought iip| Ob this elevsr Jsr, eels PMp. arthelsee, the aeatly battle went clear reasons why Raymond B. tho matter of no reports being re­ little Onmbq Is rssily lefiaetsr. A 8aa aarfenaarl S L 7 9 ea» with each aide pretendtne for Baldwin ef OonnecUcut Is still In ceived from the City Meat Inspec­ twlas, for he's siiowa la a **.**” ■ •»sHy had tor and it wee voted that these be I diSstsat yeas sa seek aids. Memrely te the tree. B|aay weeks that It wasn't cotne politics IS hie belief that a real to yMd aa faicb. But finally, of •ubmitted monthly to the council and practical egort must be made In tbe future. 1 eeuree. both eidas yielded, and the LafTUreiefhofyelMB to nominate some one like Steeaen One petition wee received from I Whlto onJ Cohn oeapedadae fieure orleinally In m s . the Krause Bakery for the erec­ A Doth and WecIhearJ tion of a Neon algn at Its piece ot dibted heeaiwe the basis of settle* Staseen strength is likely to de­ All In One OMUt and the. resumption of pro- business on Prospect street endj velop eleewbere in Now England, this WSA granted. Notice of a Htjps * f « Loom ottd k *dtiea. and hs may bs abis to hasp hearing on Increased freight rateal \ TREE Left of Fun TM i year we art in an identical aaough of tho mid-west out ef the affective aa of January 1 waa read, LIGHTS slttiaMaii. The M f unions are tho hearing to take place on Dec. Mutches of Colonel Robert R, Mo- M at 2 p. m., at Room 589 In the | mUaf aa hMVoaae of some twan Sm si a ' i « 0 8 Oermlck to inske a rsapeotable ■tats Office • building. ty twa par eent. B it laduatry is antrance Into tho 1B4S convention. Members of the council dlscties-j Pretty seas shapes la wflltnt to pay from aetoa to ten ed the proposed changes In revi­ hrlght Ohrlstmes selsrs. pbr MDt 8o there Is point to be sion of the city charter and Cor-| Fsstsa sssUy ts hrsaehss. a ooaytomlss settlement ot from poration Counsel Harry Lugg ex­ Oood qaslHy — Isag hsew Thwn Meeting Bunbtoofi plained what had been done to I lag. twMve to fifteen per cent. The The case for the acqulelUon of date. The council wt'i meet with GIRLS! LOOK! ofily question Is bow leag It Is now school and school aapanslon the Corporation Counsel early in y i j ft/ tplat to take, and how nuob it is January to decide the chungea In Fancy, White eltea has been so thoroughly and Mahogany finished Boston rock­ le la t to cost industry sad labor the various departments prepara­ ably preaented by tbo Board of tory bo presenting the.'ie to the| er with gold stencilling, 24.75 Around and Around and Around Thoy G o t and the whole oountiy to get It Bducatlon—In the exact and full now Loglalature. Figure Skates There is sobm hope that It may and frank manner in which public Due to the fact that tho next I be done more quiebly this year, meeting of the counri'. would fall business should be diaousaed and and erlthout strlkea. Both sldea, on New Year's Eve the membere | presented—that It la difficult to voted to meet Mond.iy evening, $11.98 as a matter of C u t have good anticipate any aerious aueetlon of Deo. SO, at 7 b'clock. reason ta seek aa early oooipro* the appropriaUona n esM at Frl To Distribute Hand M erry-G e-lleenB Aldernian John Gottler of the| misa* Leber Is ffiolag taber l e ^ ^ 'B town meeting. The town la latloa aetlen by a new Oantrees Public Works committee has a.n- A fine watch is one of-the well aware of tho need Involved. nounced that starting next Mon­ $1.98 and should therefore be interested The Board of Education seeme to day. If the weather la favorable j Sheraton coffee table: ma­ most deeply satiafjrinff gifts O jOUTB Blfirkhooril ta putting Ita best foot forward have done Ita advance bargaining and coniimilhg aach pleasant day, hogany . decorated toR the free distribution of sand to for a man or woman. We ABd there are two reaaans fbr .(Uecreetly and well and fairly, and 24.75 ^ /Is T R R B 5 .9 5 Forty-tlures inulivs high sad residents will be carried out start-1 has s natural washable da- ebsnge In the attitude of Industry to have selected the propertlee*’lt Ooasoaloi hath Ing at the east end of the citv. have a splendid collection of lights ip the lah. Always s fsvorlts. slace a year ago. Then there waa wants wisely end In accordance I^sldents are asked to place suit­ uaqueettonably one aectlon ot big ,with the guidance of the town able containera of moderate sice | famous brands.in men’s and laduetry which bad dreams at tbe curbings for tha sand. plan. It will be aoiind public Her Head and hrealdnt ths Amerlcsn labor Charles Bartlett s women’s watches. Make Tilh Tunat business, then, to make the sp. Charles Burtlctt, 78. of Market I V- movsnsent, as It bad beea brekan proprietlone' es they ere request' street, a retired painter, died | that important gift a rr la the racooveielon period follow­ ed. Tuesday at the Rockville City hos­ ing the first Wsrld War. Tbla in* pital following-several months 411-1 Boeay cow milk pitcher of decorated china, watch . . . choosd it here An appropriation ef fS.OOO U I.58. "Autumn In New,England." picture by attact on tho part of tnduetry has nese. He was born ih Rockville' being asked Pridey night for the fieptenilier 25. 1868, the eon of I Anthony Thlepie, 16.80 NOW! diminished ooaMderably, Judging proparetion of final working plane Ashley and Mary Jane Sllcox : by the liberal platform Juet adopt* Bartlett and had lived here all hla for the development of Memorial Gift chairs. ^ad by the National Aasoelatlon of Ufa. He leaves a brother, Georguj . PRICED FROM Field. The town is wlMly commit­ ' Maaufnoturere. And. In the aeo* Bartlett of Rockville, and a sister. ted to this project, and the Me­ Mrs. Etta Hill of Manchester, sev' ' and place, tnduetry erill. thlii year, morial Field Committee la exhib­ eral nieces and nephews. The fu­ at special prices no kmger be operating under the neral will be held 'I'huisday at 21 iting a praiseworthy seal In Its $11*50 leeonveretoa tan forglveaaae law p. m. at tho White Funeral Home. | own ambition to begin actual de­ Rev. Frederick Dyckman, paetor Doiene of comfortable chairs for Chrtetmae in this (Tax Included) whteh. astwOly made the public collection ranifing from oocaakmal pieces ae low ee di!- velopment work there. This pres- of the Rockville Methodist church. I tisssiiry Mwulder a good portion 14.88 to big, loungy chairs at •8.00. Ineiuded also snt appropriation Is the last ns^ will officiate. Burial will be in of tho ooat of last ysar's strlkse Grove Hill cemetery. are wing, fan and barrel back models. essary step before the committee to industry. Frank Wajda can procaed to the actual con­ •si on both Mdss, tbers sbouid Frank Wajda, 68, of 85 Hlglvl o/ M eutokeiie^ struction of the tlrst projeote at street, died -suddenly Tuesday at bo s strong dispooitton to make the field. If it Is approved the his home. He w’ss born In Pdlanvt tha tnevltabis oompromiso quick­ and came to Rockville 48 years free" parking committee hopes, and we hope, ly, without prolonged .dee^Uock, ago. He wea the son of tbo late that thV people of Mancheater can Vee the Fumclt Parkingking Let at the rear of _\ and without the strlkM which, William an I Agatha Janton WaJ-| see some actual work begun at da. He waa a membci of St. Jos­ our store. We'U rodi rodMm your parking tbla year, would coat «|cta side ticket with any purohoM the field this summer. That, |n eph's church, Kosclusako Club and I heavily. Labor and management turn, will require a new and much the Textile Union. He leavea three ehould develop mutual states men- sons. William of Rockville, John I larger appropriation. ship anyway, but this year the ia- and Stanley in Poland, a daugh»| But, since Memorial Kleid le ap* tor. Mrs. ZIgmund T. Slegak o f' vttatton for It is aepecialiy strong. Poland and three grandchildren. pprently to be tne only gesture nf The funeral will be held Friday any kind thia town uiakea to lU The Caadldaits Announce at 8:30 a. m. at the White Funeral LANK LEUNAKD veterans. It becomes us to give it Home and at 0 a. ni. at St. Jos-| MICKEY FINN Secret Mission! CHARGE V The Republican IfiiS oweop- the progressive support it needs eph'e church. Burial a’UI he in St. uTawofit Joseph's cemetery. ANDfUWhNTir _ ACCOUNTS atakaa have now officially opaned, As a project which will be en­ I'MflOWMOOlNN Slight .^eeidents THIS MORNING LCFT AT MRS.PUPFV1I INVITED! ' with tw t fiwfials cf caafiMaey and joyed not only by the* veterans Two ercidenta were reported to I -TNR StORfS ARC «■ * himeunressent of candidacy. themselves but by their children. the Rockville polh-e on Tueedey ts BOCEOWOi P M The two IMB who say they are It le, to our mind, tbo most fitting the result of tha sllpi>ery roade YHC AFTCRNOON j on Tuesday. Waldener Mllkun. aet eendldalaa are fianatse-Robert kind of memorial gesture tbe town >8, of 88 Veniun ,a\enue, reportoil A. Taft of OUo. wbo la procUoat’ wauld possibly make. Ae It le now that while driving on Route 83 ly breaking bis nsek to bs tbs cao' planned, it Is eventu^y going to near the Burke underpasa hie auto [.*amtt. sad Bsnatcr Arthur H. be aomethlng very wonderful, end skidded and turned over: The cer| was slightly damagcut, but he es­ Vhndsiiberff of Michigan, who the Memorial Field Committee de- caped Injury, Wllllum- Miller, 5i». I [ vHB alao prove wUUng enough in aerves every last ounce of public of 64 Vernon avenue, leporteil he event tfin paity chances to fa- backing as It seeks to carry these skidded turning from West'Main • JEWELERS * OPTICIANS'- plana out. street into River street end the car collided with an iron fence, | M l MAIN ST., MANCHfsreS.CONN. ^ .£ MMtttet# Wte OMUU# 90 damaging the fence. B w ■■wwMsa that ha la a Uqttor and tobacco, either sing- WSCB Ifi fHWNT Oavamor ty er combined, hfl*ct the optic Tbo WSC8 of fht Methodist I nerve and sometimes erlously churCh w ill. meet this evening at I B. Btafissn cf Klaneaota. Imnelr alaitt. Wesleyan Hpll. There will be \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. DECrMMBKK 18.1U4« P A G E B L E V ^ MANCHESTER EVKNINC HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WKDNE8DAT, DECEMBER 18. IH4« ' ' ' ' ...... eg* Saturday matinee, December 20 State Department of Health has nitbslea, 04; lobar pneumonia. 27; Nuraes Aidca wbo during tiM war Local Resulcnto and 21, are reported the followtng new caeee broncho-pneumonia, 27; chicken YOIIRCHII4> Club ulll be held In the club rooma H T Ifl— ISSS of diaeaaea In the etate for last pan, 100; mumna, llO, and polio- Parties PlaiiiicNl on Friday evening of thIa week. years rendered such valuaMa as- Appearing la tha caot—Eathar Alioiit Town atatance to the nurses at tha Us- «VINM>>IZ. Today's Radio UlS Benaon. Barhaih Bwaason. Carol i week; Whooping cough. 40; acar- myellUea, ana. No caaea of typhoid LECLERC PHOTOGRAPHED 'thergency Ambulance Plan December lOth at 7 o'cloch. The hi Hartford Play lat fever, 20; venereaL 100; fever or diphtheria were reportsA committee haa alt flnal arrange- mortal hospiui and contlauad Ann Hanson. ^ Funeral Home IN YOUR OWN HOME By Departments A meeting of the committee througt Ihto the *>aat summer, win CHRISTMAS TREES Taking part In the backstage menta made for a good time for from the four companiaa of tba Manchester realdenU taking part JOSEPH ADAMS the kiddiea. There wilt b*. talking have a t^irtstmas party and re­ Msino BrIssbi, Presk Cat A b j Siao Ym Waat work—Bnwet lalleb. Franela Ben- 23 Main Street For Veterans Set Up Here South M.uicheater Fire Depart­ In the ItaadaU Playhouse produc­ evento. Bldncy TOber. Many partlaa are being planned pk-tUTM ahown and Chriatmaa union at St. Mary's Cptacopal g gg WTHT—Evening Devotion. Phone 5269 Telephone 2-1231 ment will be held tonight at No. church, tomorrow night. A smogaa- tion of the hoUday raualoal oomady by the variona tlepartmenta of carola will be aung by the kiddlra. 3*a bouao at 7:30, to arrange for News on all atatlona. w n C —Harknete of Waehlng* hord wUl -be served at t:30 50c to $1.00 ton. “ XJonny Dither" being presented at An e*ergwicy nmbataBM hoaplAU. Formal notification muat Center church for their young peo­ Santa Claua will be on hand to the annual winter party. tha Avery Memortel thimter. Hart­ IMaeMee Beperird la Wash reach VA within 34 houra after ad- give each kiddle a gift which the and the (Tinatmas party will fol­ WDRC—OonnacUcut Bcanomic tea for vatarana tiaa been aH up in ple. The youngeat children in ; low. Aides attending arc raqusstad 1I:BS- ford. for three performances. Fri­ miaaion to include a doclor'a au- the Kindergarten and Primary ,De-1 club haa provided. *01040 will be a Council; To be aiuuNinced. WDRC—Columbia Maeterworfcs. Hartford. Dec. 10— Tha jUn^Matar. Tba arnmfenimU 'The fortnightly MIliUry Whiat to bring 2& cent gifts for the grab day and Saturday evening*- and Annual tboriaatiom pnrtmenta of the church achool,; door priae for the boy who holda iflll be conducted this evening by Richardton't W O N »-T b d « In Sports; Mu- WONS—Joe Sudys Orcheatra; mew aewle by acrmnant batwrwm d. However, In all caaea of gen­ will hold Ihrtr party from 3 to 5: the lucky nombet and alao one for Bolton Orange at the Community . . elcal Roundim. News. . ----- W THl'—4)uU Program, llajor Nathan Qatchrll. dtrcct(«r of uine emergency where the veteran p. m. on Saluiday. December 31 ' the girl, and one for the mother house, Boltfm Center, ^ The ^Center Congregational WTHT—Dance Music. , Superfluous Hair Removed tha local Veterana* Smrtca Ontrr, patient can atand the trip, he may at the church. Movlea aill he who holda a lucky ticket and alao ' Atlantic Service Station w n c —Musical Appatlaere; U. w n C —Irving Cramer and Or­ a gift for the youngeat baby Re- : Church'Choir, augmented by the Its EAST CENTER .STREET TELEPHONE S841 a. Weather Bureau. chestra. ChieT Samuel Q. Gordon of the be admitted pt Newington If he alwM-n and Santa Claua la ex­ Carlyle P. Toabo of 207 Spruce, choir of the Second CongregalloB- 100% PURE WOOL Christmas Party o PERMANENTLY Manebaatcr Pol lea department and prefera. pected. fmahmenta will be nerved whlcji street who baa been under treat­ SiBS— 12:«S— al Church, will present Ita annual WDRC—Rad Barber the three Uwal ambulance owmoa,. Police headqiiartera haa full au­ Mra. Carl Hanaen'a claaa will will include Ice cream, cook lea, | ment at the Veterans' hoapital Irt Chriatmaa Candlelight aervlce on WONS- Freddie Nagle's Oirrhso- 0 PAINLESSLY John Burke, T. P. Holloran. and thority to aummon the ambulance hold Ita party on Saturday, De­ aoda. When leaving, each one w ill; Newington for the past Sve weeks, WON8—Anawat Mon. tra. Sunday evening, December 22, at w n r r —MuMc. Wimarn P. Quiah. at once and alll report action to cember 21. from 2:.K) to 4:30, and be given a bag which will contain and underwent another operation 7:30 o'clock .in the sanctuary of W n c —News; Snookv Laneon • SAFELY ^ arranpeinent with tha Chief the Service renter on a proper (3iariea I.ynn'a claaa will meet on candy, applea, orangea. Al| thoae Friday, hopes to be allowed - to w n c —Prof. Andre Scheaker. Show. SWEATERS the Center church. Redmen’s Sodal Club oC Police a call day nr night to tha form at the earlieat opportunity. Thuraday night December IB. at who have put their namea In and S:4a- FREE CONSULTATION - CALL 2-1264 spend Christmas day with his wife WDRC—Robert TrouL Newa. ItrSS— Police Station 4343 will obtain an Upon receipt of the call, the of- «:.T0 for iU Chriatmaa party. Both cannot attend. If they will call and chlUren. He was formerly a WONS—Jan Ctaurber’s Orcheatra. ambulance for emergency trana- ■ licer on duty will alert the hoapi­ of theae partlea will be at the 3S4B their gift will be pu^ Mide WOMB—Baay Acee. Make Ideal ClfU Saturday Evening, Dec. 21, 8 0*Clodt Sharp motor mechanic with the Army w n c —Liofwell Thomas. W n C —Three Suna. portation to Newington or the tal by telephone that a patient In church. and can be called for. Air Corps, atatloned in Arlaona, WE WILL REPAIR l2t4A— MISS RENA IIALEM'S Mancheater Ueroorial hoapital. . Hnergency condition la on hla way Saturday night, December 21 •tm — W n C —Lee Slmma. EN*rBRTAINMENT! PRIZES! REFRBSHMBN*r8! The Pinda for thta aervlce are there. from 7:80 to 10:30, the CTP club WDRC—Myatery of the Week.* ELECTROLYSIS SALQN ‘ atrictly llnilted. They ar^ included i Veterana requiring emergency will have a party. Membera of WON8—Fulton Lawia, Jr. SANTA CLAUS AND OTHER ATTRACnONS! TOUR CAR—KOW! WnO-Supper Club, CARDIGANS In the budget of the local Service > aervlce will be warned by the the young people'a groupa from Room 16, Rubinow Bldg. 848 Main Stroct police olticer on duty to carry the Second Congregational and til*— FOR RENT , ADMISSION ...... 50c GIFT Oenter and are under the oontrol WDRC—iaek BmlUi Show. of that agency. A erhedule for am­ their diacharge papera ioriginal South Mclbodiat churchea have IDEAL CHRISTA\AS GIFTS Speech ami Musie ' ’daranMnanaaNaaanMBaHMHaHMaaaaFaMMMBM or photnataticl and their claim And You May Pay Later t WOMB—Famooa Songe; Mnetcel bulance free la available at thei been lnvlte«1, and dancing, gamca Roundup. Center. I number Ilf one haa been aaaignedi and refreahmenla will be enjoyed. ^ Amplifleation for Partlea w n iT —Raymond Swing, and Pablic Gatherings Melertlaa Of Heapltal ' on their peraona to expedite ad- WE PICK UP AND DELIVER! w n c —News of tha World. The boapatal to which the veter­ mlaaton and treatment at New­ May Be Found At T:SS— R. FIANO — TEL. 2-1406 an la to be dtapatched la to be de­ ington. GENERAL REPAIR WORK . . . INCLUDING WDRC—Ellery <)ueen. s termined by the attending phyai-1 All of the aervlce organlMtlona Britisli-.\iiN*rirun | WONS—Chiiatoph Speaking. 18891862 clan, the veteran, or hla itext of kin ^ In town have been notifled of thia BRAKES — IGNITION — STEERING WTHT—Lone Ranger, aa followa: I aervlce and It baa been explalne Green section. Priced low WHIST WDRC—Dr. CbrUUan; Newa. for qaicli sale.______COMMUNITY HALI. WONS—It's up to Youth. Book Collertionn of (he S(> Icm of “ Frankie** Carl—^Duke**' 3 WTHT—Flahlng and Hunting, Business Opportunity in BOLTON CENTER I . Ellington—and not to forget Frank Sinatra and “ Bing** M w n c —Great Otldersleeve. REGAL GIFTS Auspices Rollon Orange •iM — ‘ small prograaalv town. I CroHhy’n Favorite Melodieii in One Book. S WDRC—Songa by Sinatra. Door and Playing PHcea! Grocery and MeaL Owner WONS—Gabriel He'atter, News. Colors: White, Brown, Greoa, Navy, Rad, Blue, Malsc Refreahmenta! I 821 MAIN STREET — OVER W.T. GRANT COMPANY M WTHT—Affairs of .\n Scotland, in in health. FOR REGAL GUYS! w n c —Duffy's Tavern. Adnilaalua Including tax. I15r. SniBaBaBaBaBnBnMBaBaBi»a»MaBaBaMVS»»3 AT THE FACTORY STORE nJ ' 7 ) . CHRISTMAS •its— If it is iBBurancc, sac ns for OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 9 P. Bl. WONS—Real Storiea from Real adaqoate protoction. Wt J Ufa. write an forum ctcept Nfe. •:2S— B M A : • A ! WDRC—Dinah Shore Program. Stuart Realty Co. TABU TREES WONS—What'a tha Name of Keallor KniTTino (HIU5 C 4»l«n ao That Songf FOR SAVINGS WTHT—Junior Town Moating, Stuart J. Wasley V ‘ S H; : ^ I-' '."S 'SN OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M, w n c —Mr. District Attorney. —dramatic cologne of the FRESH CUT Insurance Agency GRANTS wm H.M Their Ncedin WeO After the HolM.!' Seumt WDRC—AcaUemy Award The­ THUR8„ PR1„ SAT. AND MONDAY 758 MAIN ST. TEL. flsa "forbidden" perfume. So ater. potent—so lasting! Nursery Grown Stock With Graceful Spreading Boughs WONS — Author Meets the That Arc Eaaily Trinined. Crttles. WTHT—Bing Croeby. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR DELIVERY w n c —Fabuloua Dr. Tweedy, 66 w ‘I AFTER DECEMBER 1.3th. IBiSO— » 7 C:no •■;22 A Supply On Hand for Your Selection! WDRC—Information Please. IWKi /3 WONS—Polka '. (a«« «ce«> WE HAVE A FEW DANDY ALL METAL WTHT—Henry Morgan Show. I W n C — College of Musical TREE HOLDERS Knowledge. lliM — A Few Hemlock, Spruce and Pine Boughs News on all stationa. R E ' G i q L llllB — m i a r i k ^ OPEN ALL THE TIME * WDRC—News; Footnotes. WONS—Winnie the Wove—Griff MEN'S SHOPS » * * S i v > * SCENT SHOP I JOHN S. WOLCOTT & SON, INC. Williams' Orchestra. 9^7 MAIN STREET WELDON BUILDING 901 Alain St. " Tel. 3321 ------TEL.; 8597 AND 6032 ROBES Give Him neam af Cooifart aad Lotoore la Oaa of Oar Soperh New Your Radio ALL WCX)L aobea. W t w#«#h«r ahmadt §• roadyl MROvy duty Did yoo know that wa arc the BUFFALO PLAID VIRGIN WOOL ROBES / and drnif sfylns o» OftANTS low prlcosl oficlal radio servtoe orgaatta* la Moraoa ar Navy. Maen! SHOP at COX'S and SAVE! Uoa for car radloa which ara Nmoll, Medhan aad Large factory taatalled la Dodga, Da* Ot IDEAL GIFTS FOR THAT YOUNG MAN Soto. Paokard, Chrysler. Ply> FOR THE moath, aad Stadebaker aatoma. SHIRTS BROCADED RAYON ROBES Mlea? WcO.' we are. That Kmoll, Madlom. Large Oroat Ides for a Gift! Bed la Maraoa aad Naa-y SPORTSMAN ehould give yon soma ladlcatloa Blaeh la aiaee U y, to 17. Work Artits ^Womon^s Galoshos BOYS' SKATES $9.95 that we are eoasldcrrd a repata* Me and leUaMe oatSt by large eorporatlaaa which a c e ^ our diagaoala and oar chargee wltb- $6.98 $12.95 4.02 1.49 5KI5 Only $9.75 BRONSON aat qnmtloa. Hack rubbor, satin All of which le staaply aa ia> Man's 4-buchla heavy REELS dlcattea that wa kaaw our bosl- gaM *^*** duty work artlei with finish, 2 snap style. aeoa. that w# hava the equip* Military, Cuban, high 5KI POLE $3.75 pr. laeat to repair your radie or cloth uppors. thick,, $2.75 up Cuban basis. Vary aay radio with the rolalmam of long-w ooring solos. t h ^ that wa mahitain as ode* Wolarproef. 6k-11. • popular style. 4-9. gaato stock of parta for ra* REINDEER SWEATERS XMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS Underwater pairs, aad that aar eham a aea GLOVES 1M% Waal BwaaMva'la a Varlely af Myles aqaitable. When you oan m for * TWCheaaa Freae yoor radio yaa get the waiaa ta» Rocking Horses $9.00 TILTS MUUea aad haawtodge that rioaoe Lhmd Olovao, B2M Work Robbon , V Women's Robbort these eorpsratloae get. Waal Used Olavaa. .$SM $5.98 9De So whan yonr mdia oels np. ($7.98 • $8.95 . $9.95) hriag It fa ns ar can na np and 5cooters $6.95 be aasored af repntnMa aervlea L49 ICE by • recognised eenrlec organl- 1.89 eatlon. WHITE SKATING SWEATERS Man's heavy storm rub- Block, sotin finish dross Wagons $14.00 borsforwaoravarwork rubbers with either Aa WMta aad As4s Baft As BaawBaaw. 4M% Virgta WoolVool la MaceMacs Id-44U-4 shoes. Specially wide Cuban, high Cuban or lost and heavy solos. military hoots, to fit' Dolls $4.95 Manchester Olovaa ...... *BBAd Sites 6Vt to 12 various shoos. 4 to 9. ■Gray Soede Gloves. .BBAC ICE $9;95 These are sure to light up the faces of your tots on Radio Service Holttsd Waal Xmas morning. Olavaa • o a$laM 'Sh i m m e r s 73 Birch Street 65e Phone M »40 PAJAA\AS GIFTS FOR THE HOUSEHOLD X' C h ild ren ’s GM^$ Galoshos riaa Bayaa Pojaa Baaatlfal CMaea. I HICKOK BELT SETS C-D. Ha’a probably F o r and Misses BROIL MASTERS $3.95 Notice lag a gift Mhe tide! i 1.94-2.01 Bosp BeUa With lattlslad Bockle. 4-QUART A public hearing will be held by 1 B o o k Block rubber, satin fin­ PRESSURE COOKERS $12.95 Siaaa Bd-4d ta'Tas, Brew*. Blaek. Immediate Delivery^ the Tovi II Planning Commission of ish 2-snop Coleshos, ManchcNter, Saturday, Decepaber L flat heels. Girls* sites, 31. 1940 at 8:00 P. M., In the Mu­ $5.95 nicipal Building to consider .a peti­ Apartment Type 3M lo 8. Misses', 12H tion asking that Article IV. Sec­ 2,79 lo 3. Child's, d lo 12. BABY tion 1 of the Zoning Regulations $3 Rubbish Clothes. Aiito for the Town of Manchester be CAR SEAT.S amended to reduce the minimum | - Burners Rods Robes 82.9.5 arid up floor area required in residences in H otpoint Electric A Zones. Begular S5.85! Weto IICAC! Were SS!S0 . Also to consider a request to TROUSERS , XMAS TREE change from Residence B Zone to Dress Rubbor$ Girl*» RubborM NOW NOW NOW * Buslneas ^ n e an area bounded ga Give hfaa a troly praettoal gift by I.1GHTS follows: givtag hha a pair of Bm o I Troo- RANGES $4.50 S1.75 Set Northerly by West Center Mrs. raXE ALTOUnONB 1.19-1.39 $2.98 S5.9S Street, 140 feet; 1.59 APTEH CmuaTMAB. « Easterly by Cooper Street, 130.45 feet; Man's sandal or storm Block ru b b o r s.otin ALL TOYS NOW HALF P3ICE! Southerly by land imw or for­ Brawa — Gray — Bloe Delivered rubbers for drosswaori finish ’’storm rubbers merly qf Arthur Lrhman, 148.8. No Parking Problem When WOOL COVERTS 6k-l2.Narrawerwido good quolity. 3S to B, . XMAS TREES — 11.25 AND UP feet; and , , ! lasH. Beys'2K-6,1.29. misses* I2H to 3,1.00. WcNt.rrly by land now or for­ You Ufle Purnell Parking $7.98 . ■ merly of William McSVeency, 132 Blase tfl ta M. Youths'. 1L2. 1.19. Child s 7 to 12, 1 00. • > 01. more or less. 'Towiy Planning ConiihiiMion. It’s only a step from Main Stroct R E ^ r t L jo h n ^n Brothers Cliartw W. Holman, and it*B FREE, too, whan >’ou make CORDUROY TROUSERS Chairman, a purchaM here. . Ifa«7 or irawa hi Blasa M la 41. M ELYIM G. ^O X i Carl W. Noren, MEN'S SHaPS Electrical Contractors Secretary, ' $.3.98 907 MAIN STREET ' WELDON BUILDING HIS Main Street STO ttE Manchester, Conn., Decembei S33 Hain Street. ' Tel. 6*227 W.T. GRANT CO. COR. M.\1N ST. AND MIDDLE TPK. TELEPHONE 6161 ,13, 1MB. <

■ I .

i ■ ./ ■ ' /

' •• , - •‘■jT r ‘HANCHESTEII EVENING HEKALU. MANUMIS8TeK. UUMN.. WEUM1S8UAX. DtXmMBt^R IS, 1»4« MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANt:HeFn'RR. IRfNN. WBUNKSUAf. LffcVKManK 18. 19«S S. ______• ______FA O l amtmmmmmmmmmmtmmmttumt tata, cteilcnl-aoctaltats and Popu- OrdepR News CTliiinp of a propoaal to tax utUUy cut- oi a atata tneoma tax, ... of captd from Oumbarland tar tUpufican Movement (MRP> ef Nettonal Defense. *““^ |T a x on Utilities' tomara a paroamaga lavy on gaa, I which ham baan auggaatad.x>th county I from juatloa. B t^ PMk R A Z O R fifiri combined In a compromiac. alaetrlottv and tataphona bUla ; jail at Portland. Ma., Sunday was Headquarters for RANGE AND FUEL OIL ^ tOmtimirS tieni rag* Onei . arraatad hara laat night by auta Arthur Poei aaidltoiM The Oimmuniata Mrved noUee, ■etfdom In England waa a prod Use Considered •weh a fund raMng aehama. t'OglWvaa Captured s s , waa captured in tha B L A D E . tenure by a M4-7 vote as Oommim- •OOM aald, migtot prove lam un- __ __ mPoUoo anand bald for arralgnmant ralattvaa on a tataghomi tia : GEM however, jthet they erouMI oontlnae net of the Norman conquaet. Nwth Raadlag. Maaa., Daa. llffoday In Lawranea dlatrlot court W holesole Gotolino popular than a genaral aalaa tax - I Electric Phonographs Cf//? Set ctal proMama ar* raportad to ba oonaldarlag Uia poaatblUty of a con. i Bontly Oil Comoany aumar tax on public uUllty aarv- EENCORK, tlic frltndlj floor, to ...w e ll... NO SINGLE HARD AND PAST RULE Icaa. Jwt 8UPER1 It’s aaiazfnf Ihal the FLOOR .^31 Main Street TM. ISM sc S-IM1 CAN BE APPLIED TO THE Flacal offtclala. who tab ad that Opposite the Armsry thair namas not ba umd. ampha- m Mtosl for hoUireosuk naraertos, oikI pre­ nNANCIAL PROBLE.M8 OP EVERY Btaad that no dacialowa had man raachad on raeonunondattona In ba ferred by tesdls* ■rehltecta for the moat FAMILY mada to tba Lagtalatura whan it Treat Smart Dress Shop |^«arta«Mi rooMB, sbo adda luxury to modem oonvanaa naat month. Lut aaM jras. tarday that a study waa balng mada 101 .n Main St. M aa d ie ele p m 9 -1 9 9 4 WALLS. Two vary important factmra enter the picture at once without Roing into other KBNCORK to a natural aound abaorber... detaila. They are the number in the AUCTION Yourself grips pictarc hooka or thumb tacka firmly yet GRANT'S family and the retotivt amount of nick- Prid^, Dae. 20tk, It A M. ness suffered. There are thouaands of Legion HaR, 275 Main S t, Sale Of akows no uiarfca...Ita beauty will laat for- cases where the same amount of Income WetbersfleM rrtr, thrill you always. Finn Caaprr Loatee, Rad and To One Men's has to cover the needa of from 2 to 5 While B l ^ Olaaa. Rnby Olaaa. people. There arc thousands of cases Other Old Olaaa. Madam Olaaa. where a family of 2 may have frcafier Chlaa, ativarplata, PamHom, For CkrUtmas: Throw Rugs, and Richest looking and note prse- W hite Stm fortxed dawalry, Unana. New« , Winter Coats $23-95 to $69-95 tksl Gift Set you’ll Me this yearl medical bills than a family of 4. Tao May RMagOaada PHday Shag Rugs in various colors and sizes FamotH fold-plaicd Gem Raeor Of These in haodsome caM with if Gem WethbrsMdUiles Co. t t 7 a k 0 However, no matter what your aitua- H. L. WEIXU. Aeaat Very Ijorge Selection Records Bladaa. t i l SHORTS tion may be it is sound advice to SAVE PHOMB RARTPORD t-M U 3 o'clock Shadow" out ' as much as possible all of the time as a Gripper Front Us Sides Specially Priced Potterton's of his lifol baefclot against any need. Coats Deposit Your Savings In Wright's Manchester’s Largeat Radio and Record Store As An ' Appliancea WELDON DRUG CO. t AT THE CENTER 539 541 MAIN ST. Prescription Pharmacists Point Shop Western Union Telesraph 901 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE .5,321 W . T. G R A N T CO . *i»MAiNtrrRKrr Car and Truck Painting Saving DdHk MdHcIiester Steam Clanning Sanrh a Xmas 15«»*20 A MUTUAL SAVinOS DAHK Middle Turnpike. East Near Bolton Town Line ORIGINALLY PRICED AH Oepeslts lb fhle Bank Are Qaarwilevd la Pall B> Iha Unvlags ■as* Depeett TEL. 7204 Gift Uonroaty Pond el Oonacctleat, tan. fROM 822.50. TO $59.00 At A X. I/\I lUiNILK ALL WOOL, IN SIZES 9^15, 12-20, 18Vi-28H XMAS IN ALL THE NEWEST SHADES THIS SALE IS FOR THURSDAY, TURKEYS Great» Pinaat quality aative birds. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Sizes range from 14 to 26 pounds. Saving! ALL SALES FINAL FRED LUCK **Sman Dross Shop for Friondfy S o n M * I Route SS Bolton > a Art Not AfllUtad With Any Otitor Maiul Telepbooo Manebostar 4020

W i t h

Open Until 9 p. m. H /i i n i n w T yc For IVtNible-fVee DIAMOND GIFTS of JEWELRY Starting Tomorrow E N S I M B li and Continuing Shopping Ubo fro m $8975 * T l^ n g h MARLOW S PURNELL • . 1 DONNELLY’S Monday, Dec. 23 "ManchestePs Thritt-’N*4Hft Cenfer*’ PARKING

il tokos to little' to bring to much joy into % the lives of 6 DIAM O N D GUIDE .D U iT T E othom when $13950 you bJy boro. Modest prices * . . . big solec\ • tions . . .

( f ) ■ f O R 1 FOR F O R ^ ^ f 6 r LOVIIY Hr o t h e r COMPACTS MOTHER FATHER SISTER $3«5 SWEATERS DRESSES Stoat SO-M DRESSJSS SHIRTS , Sizao 1*12 ' SHp-Ona $ 1.98-44.69 Cotton and Spun Raytm WHITE $ 1 .4 0 4 4 .3 0 .Coat Style $1.98-83.98 $2 .80-$ 4.98 $4.98 SWEATERS ** SAILOR SUITS Sizes 4-14 ^ $4.29-87.29 Sizes 14-20 and 38-40 WOOLEN GIFTS ' M ao's SLIP-ONS $2.98 EmMam Rings I.OVELY TO LOOK AT— . Boxed Handkef^hiefa' $8 .75-$ 8.98 ' COAT STYLES COTTON SUITS $2J50 $2.98-43.79 $1.75-42.20 , DEUGHTFUL TO BUY— S0o-$1.9B .A. AND HEAVEN TO GIVE • SWEATERS SUPS • WOOLEN SHIRfS . ' POCKETBOOKS - AOCalora M .98 A Combination Like This Will Make Your Christmas ShoppinR a Thins: $1.10-82.75 of Ease. $1.98-$3>69 SUpdln . .82.98-85.98 ap Button .. $3.49-85.29 3 PC DRESSER SETS BATHROBES And Everyone You're Sure To Please! StoM t-14 BATHROBES Sleeveless $3.98—84.98 $3.49-84.98 $2.19-83.19 Lody’a n Birth Rings ii^49-$9.49 ■ SO SHOP HARRISON’S TODAY Slzaa 14-44 Flannel Pajamas SNOW SUITS SNOW SUITS $1905 Sizes 1-tO Slzaa 2*1 twwpspnsp-w $3.39 $8.49^15.98 BLOUSES Coat Style i$8:45-$l9.98 Lonf and Short Stoavaa . £l •2.70-$4.98 Flannel Ni|^t Shirts ri*, ’-.Ar.; $2.98 SWEATERS AO Sizes STATIONERY & GIFTS Lady's Diamond Man's Massive SUp-On ..8 3 .4 9 -$ 4 .9 8 ALSO rib DONNELLY’S ONYX RING CAMEO RING Button .. 84.9B-i7.9B Scarfs, Ties, Sodu 849 MAIN STREET Extra SIbm 40-4S a iid Gloves JEWELERS AT THE CENTER $49.j|S0 $29.75

' .!■ y,/ r UANnifuSTER KVENING HERALD. MANdlESTER. CONN.. WEUNESUAY. UhGEMHLK 18. 1»48 PAGE FIFTEEN KvcjHir^Ct HKKAKLI. MANl'HCi?!rCH. %XIWN.. W1SLIMSS90AYf DDCEM15ER T8* 194R MlM Rolcfi and Mlm Qortm da Cur- Martoa Jimiaian told tho story, mints were nerved from a gaily r - ^ ------R------ProfesBional Q ub tlor. TWrty-flvo mooibon aad *niio Ckrtitmaa NtghUagalo.'’ by trimmed table and a social Uoae guoaU attondod. Aa epoa firo aa^ Brie KoUy, and Mloa Marion Coory m i t i ' [ ' — of paraoaa falling on aldawalka In •uad during tha montf whUa was enjoyed. Tbe bootegoea osotot- in n A IM wtth goaOm. Olft pMk* oandlo UgM. and a Chrlatmaa uva toad throe Christama poemo. This Ing were Mrs. Philip Emery. Mim town. Chriatlna Handaraon report­ garagaa total IS.800, misaaUnn* Marks Christmas aad profualon of grooaa. gav* too waa foBowad by a carol sing, and ana w« m made up. nad arat to Garbage Bids ed falling on tha walk on Pumall naoua |8«.0Sft and alteratlona and Klorenee Benson. Mrs. Ehrte Goo- Boa^ Meets tkOM chOdran wtM w«ra uaabU to BddlUona 116,820. heuaa a lovely boUday touch. with ’"JIagla BoUo." tho ooncTudlng lee and Mlm Morton Ckaey. Place, breaking her glaaaia and A akoit huatnua aoarton waa numbtr. Santa Claua cam# pranc­ attaud. cutting her face. Matilda Vannard tlw ChrlstmM mevUng of tbo The next meeting of toe club Buy A Practical ing Into the room and dlotributed Tboaa aarrlac on tka Cbriatmaa Are Discussed! held, aftor which tbo prograai will be on January 7. when Mim , A g i ^ F r i d a y potty coBiBBlttoa wara Mra. Morta reported falling on a walk on Saat Prof mol OBol Womon’a O ik waa cholnaan. Mlao Hopo Hoadci U prment to ovoryone. Jeanne Low will speok on "Eng­ Mra.- Valarta BoUuid, Mra. CanUr atraat In front of tha rim t Christmas Carols took ehargo of tbo Quoting. Mlm Gbffm. fancy aandwlchm and land. 1846.’’ National Store raanltlng In her hold hurt evonlng at tbo hoano of ,« n - a a t a t Selectmen to Take Ac-1 being hoapltallred. Both aakad ^ Ann Dalanay. At Local Banks .ti lion Because of Act of MAKES YOIIK CHIISTMAS GIHING EXCIT1N6 Christmas Qift Holliater School T o w n 's E m p lo y e e s The selectmen laat night voted As ctMtomary each aaaaon at ■lah flalMiot ball at S o’clock. I ISO toararda tha overhead light­ Chrlatmaa time, the offices of the Savings Bank of Manchester and StudenU Party Tha Salaetman laat night gave ing on Main rtraat for Cbriatmaa, which waa an Increaae of lift ovar the Mancheater Trust company are S M iM t o n a Tka dtffarant aae- eonaidaratlon to contmcU for tha what waa paid laat year. Thla beautifully decorated with ever­ tViM af tka oaO waaa conMdarad ChUdran of tha HoUlatar achool collection and dlspoaal of garbage raqueat came from tha Chamber greens. However, an Innovation APPLIANCES for a tina Uat nlfkl. but b o «»» will preaent a CSuiatmaa profram in Mancheater from the rear of of Commerce. They alao voted has been Introduced this week by RADIOS a of objaattona tkat wara ralaad by I for Uw PTA thla avanlnf at 7:80 property. Tha action waa prompt- ISO to help defray the expenaea of the singing of Christmas carols for Jnice-O-Mnu...... $4.39 WalUr Mahonay to tka appropM-1 Vatloua fradoa wiU ha rap- ad ^ tha decision of tha man em- Chrlatmaa lighting at tha North a ftfteen-mtnute period during the Pause...have a Coke tkm of tWOO rew eeW M « KMnted, and tha profram win ba ployad in tha garbage department End, which waa |3 more than waa forenoon and afternoon. In Stock tional approprla^ by ^ Ubraty ^ ^ t a d py tha taachara. not to follow tbo order of a town voted laat year. Thla W'aa re- The singers are employes of the Heffting Pads . . . $4.95 eoaunlttla for addttlonal pay to U- Hobart Mclntooh, praaldant meeting to collect the garbage queated by tha Mancheater Im­ Trust Company, namely Mrs. Lil­ krary aaaployao, no dptlnlta action ^ aaaoctaUon. la boplnt for a from the rear of tha property In- provement Aaaoclatlon. lian K. Perrett, Miss Dorothy Stav- GENERAL ELECTRIC Electric Heaters...... $9.35 waatahaa. Mr. Mahoney a o b j^ m w mambap, ataad of from the curb, aa had The report of the Building In- nltaky. Miss Jeanette Paton, Mias ttoo waa ralaad ha aald becaoao w ^ wuilam Scully, treaaurer, bean the |iractiea during the war. apcctor for November waa pra- Oloria Della Pera and Robert WESTINGHOUSE G. E. Travel Irons . . . $7.31 Vbrary eoaualttaa had r M i ^ wlU bo at the door to Uka thalr Richmond. To Aak Several Blda aantad. Tha amount of building Tax inchided. fonoar a rot# paaaad4. I in ITO m « - namaa PkranU — who ■ Jolnad*» I manenwiver tha Mancheater psupio nmrw people um, have ■ for been the month waa lowest of the The accompanists are O. Albert tag H «wc;»«nr^.V»_jri°l??°,jS!!|group iaet year, but who have not] accustomed to the throwing of entire year representing but Pearson and Oeorgs O. Ashton, or­ OLYMPIC COMBINATIONS *Ws year's dues, are urged 1,^ 1, ^ bottlea, tin cans, and other |ft4,70ft in building permiU. Only ganist of the South Methodist Remington Electric Shavers employat. Tlw Mhraqr co m m it^ to do to at this meeting. ,uch refuse into the garbage cans one permit for a dwelling was Is- church. EMERSON ELECTRIC (Fonm om c) 5? ^JSSTSTiaw Teachers and children have d i^ collection, and one of the plans y**L***!? ****** claaerooTO Uiroughout ^ ^ yrlll be aakad will holl^day. a i^ open ^ continuation of thle method, PHONOGRAPHS Magic Flo e i l ^ ^ “ • .■ The other Wd will be aaked for the Coffee Percolatora . . . $3.95 grantingitiag orof a aWOO w uicjva^mcTMM _per ^ | dren’a program soeo «»attw parents | collection of the garbage without yuar td each ampleye Md only 1160 ^ handiwork foreign material Includ^, but will Nutonc Door Chimes P " y*“ * * y y y V* Attention la called to the change also Include a monthly collection Odd Fellows ___ lorp and wae e u g g a ^ . In tline. 7 J0. of foreign n|aterlals. The blda are Ideffl for the New Home wnuaa Buekley of the U w ary to ba aakad for In thla manner eo CAMPING at a meeting held earl­ that tha garbage could be fed to Electric Shaver Rests. . $7.50 ier la ^ month. _ Cub Scouts Party plge which could not be poaeible The BMecUnen decided to give without a separation. When the Thursday STOVES Office Clocks (Numeral) this matter further eooalderation At Ceuter Churchl Mde are advertised the eucceeaful kafbre vMteg to favor or oppoae bidder will be required to poet a AND EVERY THURSDAY EVENING Pocket Sine bond covering the entire amount **M rti2ftpeav*e objection to what Packs 4 a«d 264 of ^ 9 * * ^ 1 of the contract and also Insurance AU Bingo Playerg ka aaM waa the approval c f tka .tional church wlU bold protecting the town for workmen’s Cordially Invited to Attend! ■akeol altoa an Olcatt street and pai^ maatlng and Cairlst-1 compensation and for public and Special $8-9S PrtocemMJatreat given ky the party tonight in tka church property liability. XMAS TREE Town Planning Cbmtniselon, which I auditorium. PstUvlUsa will start I Bills totalllM I29.06S.48 were Xmas Price Only he dalmed waa not leg^y done ~ with the following ordered paid. Two bonds, one for I ^ W u l e d *5kuuto to the n .«.| grtHSTs^d toe* oto^^^ Ilft.OM, I Wko found that legal procedure had Oarola, Oiba and par- were received from Alexander | amcainuiMfafncnfnfnMmMUKafnminMf UGHTS been followed. anU; piaaentatlon of WebMoe and Jarvta to protect toe town in toe I BChlevamont nwnrda, C. J. Hen- development of Woodridge addi­ HOME FREEZERS dilckaon. Cnbmaater Pnek 4; gmb tion. and ’Trebbe Manor. St. Anne^s Circle bag, feaU of magic, R. Shelincr- The Board lu t night voted to We will have 4 more Esco 24 Cubic Ft. Freestrs avail­ 6-WAT FLOOR $1.65 dlnc; rofreahmenta. have all of the emplcwees of toe able for delivery in a few days. We have Installed aev- Children's Host Master Shelmerdlne’a perform­ town who are now bmuM, with toe ance ef mngle nnd sleight of hand exception of toe tax collector and eral in this vicinity. Price $625.00. Terms if desired. LAMPS hno been enthuatastlonny received toe town treaeurer, covered under Motkara ef S t Anac’a CIrCIa on- wherever presented and ebould blanket bond. In doing eo, toe tcrtalnad their diUdren with a prove to be the highlight of toe bond will cover toe position, and LIONEL OBiatmaa party Sunday aftai^ evening. All parenta ara cordially will run from December 30, 1846 ^ S 9 - » 5 •am at i t Jamaa’a achool hito. Invitod______to attend thla meeting _ for for one yar. The town will save RICHARD V. JACKSON Ohm mtcrlng tka ball each ttttle I m svcnlng of fun with their boya. about 2B per cent of toe premium Dial operator and aak for Eaterpriae 9248 for daytime calls. 8omiD UN8I8 AvraoBnr or tai coca-coca comrun bt naat waa praaantad with n Snnto' charge under toe new bonding Eveninga Call Maachester S866 nMMMMfwnMfdKntnMMMfibiAriuhuKni TRAINS plan. The bond of too tax collector COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF OONN., EAST HARTFORD Tha prograai openad with n ISix Piisoners Center Pharmacy and too town treasurer being of a BEAUTIFUL TILT-TO-READ Onlatmaa piny. Thnaa taking special nature will not be Included SIM tax' p u t in tha nMagor aetna warn; Flee Hospital In thts'blanket bond but it will con­ ED. W. BROWN, PhannacUt ^ ------Mother. Bftrbnm ‘ -* tinue to operate as present 4S7 MAIN S’rBEET Claim for DamagM TABLE XMAS WINDOW tram Paga Oaa) Lifetime X t ‘ « A claim of I27.B0 was presented BeUer Became A iig lo , ■Mkara Jenn Delaney, by the Taggart Trucking Company llane laMOn Smltli. Knthy Beatt, Joaeph Bnmo, 26, Staten laland. Service LAMPS , for damage done to one of their It’s Aluminum WREATHS N. T,; PTank L. Ipfton, 26, trucks by coming Into contact 'TS. Dalanay told the etocy with overhanging limbs on Green­ Ike IK at Chrtetmns. “Away wood Drive formerly known ss CAST BUST tha liaiigar'’ and ’’Silent . Horan street. The bill was ordarad NEVER NEEDS $18-00 omra «m g 'by an. with d. An inveatigation ahowed that PAINTING 'V $ 1.00 yklarta Boland at tha phmo. _ W. Va.i Keller. 26; _ MARLOW’S FOR TOYS K M which are growing In the • 2lary lam Dalaaey road ** Twaal Curttaa U Bogarty, 24. Brant highway had large limbs that hung tha MIglit Batoca Chriotmaa," aa Keller and rogariy’a addraaass too low over the roadway. The EASY BUILT tha iafraabioeato wera bdag wOra not avattobis immedUtdy. Town Engineer and Tree Warden *BY FAR THE BIGGEST SELECTION IN TOWN! meveil PoUce Sergt. Carl Tbumm of were Inatmcted to Inveatigate and Interchangeable Off la 6 distaaea waa baard tbalnearky Norrlttown, Pa., aald ”We • • V Jhwllng cf hello aad everyone jola-1 undefatand the men nrc nU eerv- to remove such trees and limb# to SUMMER-WINTER WINDOWS 1 TUBE ELECTRIC prevant like trouble in toe future. THE MOST INCONSPICUOUS C031BINATION UNIT on the •d ln fbe choruaM "Jingle BeUA” Ing life eentonceo to r crli------’Two cqmplalnts were received Personal Gifts . . . or Gifts for the Home . . . Textile •ad BnnU Onus made ua appear- Ing from mpe to murdei market. AI.SCO*s strong, durable frames ARE 80% NARROW­ Store Has Them AU! Slip a Textile gift under the tree •BY FAR THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! •am mtk n huge bag upon bla his a A epokeemnnapokaaman tor toetha Army hoa- ER than other metal frames, gives greater light and %'entllatlng RADIO KITS bade with glfU for nU boys pitnl...... describedtad tha the aacaped escaped men area. this Christmas for added joy. IRONS 24 HOUR SERVICE aad gUta. After making his cheery I u "mental patlenU" and aald X LSfg) frames are FLUTED, this engineering feature BLENDS matiaga f a n ^ aeatad bcclda a they were ’Mangerous’' but were AlJKlU Into any type home, making ALSCO scarcely noticeable JUST ARRIVED iiaiitlfiiHj deccratod Chrlatmaa not armed whan they left toe Martex Towel Sets PAPER VENETIAN tfoa, paaaad out gifts to aacb ward. Kowaver, the gpokasmait call 4 1 6 6 short distance away. You’ll agree It’s A.MERICA'S MOST Ye$! We Have $4-9S BEAUTIFUL COMBlNA'nON SI and SCREEN SASH. (All Prices) Another SUpment ef $9*95 and dalight to added. It w u not known whether MANt'HEHTER TAXI CO. BLINDS r - . — . tbs hearts of thaa U lt guests. _ The the men, who Sed the hoapital Bmprtetnt AtlenNoa •tetMmmmmmmmmetnmmmMmmm aasia party andad with the ^atributlngratribc grounds In blue danlnf uniforms. To Every Gall Pays For Itself Thru Fuel Saainga And Y’ear ’Round Comfort I Tree Lights e f lltUa manger acanu aad stoek- obtained weapons later. SMALL . IMMEDIATE DEIJVERV QQAQ CHAIR PADS L’S BATHlNEnES 8 Trs. To Pay — Free Estimates. ■ H O lie O O U O and Sets Red and Blue Only ' XMAS TREE tVRITE P. O. BOX 61 $ 3 . 4 9 WASHING Nu-Era Products Co. MANCHESTER 49c Each In limited quantities Come Early! MACHINES STANDS HANDKERCHIEFS Self Locking— WUI Hold Women’s and Misses* All Metol Scooters Doll Carriages Ladies* Handkerchiefs Sizes 23 to 33 Inches Water to Keep Your Tree MERCERIZED SOX C o ^ c s and Folding Types Whito and Colored Ready-to-hang $ 3 4 - 9 5 $1.98 • The Best Values in Town! 29c to $1.79 each TONIGHT'S 35c Pair $1.29 Each While They Last! White and All Colors Children’s $14.98 Jnsta Few Left! $2-98 T H E N I G H T ! Handkerchiefs C hild ren's B e a u tifu l 17 — 3 for 50c and Colored Embroidered Maple Rockers 25c each Ten Pins, 98c to $1.98 A sso rtm en t GUEST $1.98 Paint FLASHUGHT “For Luxury Underfoot” R ^ l a r $2.98 TOWELS Sets 59c to $2.98 Charm Tred Ruff— BATTERIES BINGO V Table and Chair Sets With Matching Finger- LAMPS Cord Rugs >1 Sewing Tip Towel. Boxed $3.98 8T. BRID G ET'S Preshrunk and Washable K its 5 9 c to 9 8 c Regulmr $7.98 U e a l ta rt 3 25« All Colors Just a Few Left! Church Basement $1.19 Betty Jone f o r M o th e r 24 X 36 . . $3.98 Chemistry Sets 9wPie^e Boking Set EVBRHOT Made By GlSiabeke 4 Qt. WEAREVER The new compacts arc aa beau­ 24 X 48 ____ $5.98 $ 1.00 to $15.00 ROASTERETTE Playing Siam At S:IS STUDIO SETS WhUe They Last! a tiful aa Jewelry. The desifftts $1.00 Set WITH 3 MATCHING PILLOW COVERS PRESSURE 2 Heath ara freah and fascinating. The 34 X 54 .... $8.98 In Floral Cretonne Patterns and Striped Homespnna metals have a new sheen and I An Odd Lot of OverstuSod Compete With Cord if i COOKERS loveliness. They’re ideal gifts! . $9.98 Set - A Complete Line of Ideal for Small Restaurant Come and ace them today! For That Special Miss! Chairs At $2.98 FOR HIM A LOUNGY COGSWELL CHAIR (Others to $16.50) Worth Considerably More! FOR HER A SMARTLY TAILORED WING NYLON HOSIERY M etal Toys $13-95 $7-95 Faatnrint SCRANTON LACE f gnMfaMfn(ac«fn(«(nmm(«uM«MfB E LG IN A N D StiU Available Dolls’ High Chairs WADSWORTH I TABLE COVERS At Reasonable Prices! COMPACTS AND You will find the $2.98 CIGARETTE CASES $5*98, $6*98, $9.98 i C.PEARL5 Textile Store H artford 891 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER,CORN. jj| $1.30 Pair A. L. SLOCOMB, Prop. Opposite Army A Navy Club ' Ncgt To Alliyn Thsatar 913 MAIN STREET — NEXT TO THE BANK 649 M AIN STREirr TELEPHONE 7590 MANCHBmW EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY, DBCEMBEK 18. IMS PAGE SEVENTEEN 19€9 MAMUMIUi I |!.K tv tNINCi HKKALU. MAMCMCSI CK. UUNN. WEDNESDAY, DEt'EMBER IS, Duffy eUtad that ha eould no |Moriden Spurs PA’s in Road Ernie Dowd to Explain > Police (kiuii longer da anything with tha ymrth Thff Close, Exciting Games Sport Chatter and ha waa brought to trim today. FUEL AND A i r Oppose Pros TUt Thursdav Ha waa airsstod tot eauslag n dto- Rod Dogutto a BOW Job ^bringing the Meriden Americaa ¥ I Reynold L> YrlaeH, 18, ot Cbeet- Dffwffy-Richman Legton 8vo to town tat a gaaM.| Conrt Rule Changes wro nuf I»dge was presentod In court turbanoa by flfbUng. wtth two R A N $ E V A 1 j In Rec Senior League carting* Christmas trees up Btoaeu ' this morning on tho chargs of othar boys lavrdvad. m tbs rtar of IConteat FMday N iflil attoat. Red haa a bachar up, JacMe The Athletic and Football oom- \ Travel to Middletown I breach ot the poace. riincll’s eaaa 48 Blgalow street. Omeer Klaa- Co. ReHuMa. Metorad Horviee Robb. mlttoos of the American Lofton To Face HiUsidcs in Local Official Listed t I had baen contlnuetj from day to man made Um arrest. North Ends Gain First At Armory Featnrea root wlU meat tonight at 7:80 at aonml fouls cslted during , day since October 8, duhng which rrisell waa found guUty by OCULIST Fiem Om ef Maactieet»f*a OMeel Dealere ladapandent Ctoak (aoaa Jarvla the Lagloa dlomo. Independent Contest On BasketbaU Oinie Tbs rHMdader of Um l liaf>4«r II i time he was on probation. Judge Raymond R. Bowavo aad Place by * Dmbbing Sum m ary Former Endec Star Motors hk a Wert SMc Rsc Bowl- win tocluda tha pafsonel wpsar- m i n» n*e MwliH ; The probation officer. Jaqiaa flned 818. 'raBSCRIPTIONH FILI.BO tog LeagvM amteh tonight while Jimmy Murray eald this oaorn- Tomorrow Night at Y ; ^ •nca of Hugh Orasr. Btalr (luUloa Newaanent A Jk N Quo Ataqr * Ravy < Tomorrow night tha Poilab- Whtn Ui* min «uwl wmI Mar­ NEW FRAMES Naasttng (bar Mi Mheri of tha PaganI’s Wart Stdas stack up tog that an gomea scheduled to I and Ray Ooatiag. kaskaWnll cel the nihcrman had gone home THE W. G. GLENNEY COMPANY aar'atato champtoashlp Mart- agatost Ploaear Parachute. the East Side Rec Junior League j Amarican boys tram wtU Jourasy Coaches to Appear ooachaa at tha Ualvasslty of Oqqp LKNH miPLICATED Notches Close Win WUson rf » • • • 4 e 4 lor the night there waa nothing for PHnNX < l4t m d a ^ Um SUvar City Spun tomorrow night have booa cai to MiddlatowB to pisy tha HlUaidas nccUeut and Trinity. "7 “ BeOla, rf . »4444«44e Many baaketball fana have a In addition. Bob Tsdford, Alan UH pool king to do hut huddle REPAIRS MADE ttag M gMMS rt ...... 0 adlUoa may exist until All ths playvrs are requsated rules and rsgutatlpna of tba sport. has basn going grant gutan wtth tha FlemI Amwgemeata By Bgperieaced FWrtota ftondy colt s boos to tbs tort tow Xarray. i g ...... 1 •H) starts which the Prac have esserg- irlsHnas night at tba anaory. Thtvaday night at the TMCA Ueona’a franhman .team to data. and the boUotn of the baaket waa i Instruction Bscowds broke the tie aad Urn M«n*gar MltobaU baa hopes of after Christanaa. to meat at the Bart SHm Rac not half covered, -no. not even For F u i r ti ^ Weddlnga, Analverenrlee led victorious la their 4mly two Thnrsday night at aavan o’clock the First Annual Basksthall CMn- Tha cUnlc, arrangod hy TMCA haarta ot Uw Knight’s rooters who Totals .... .14 8-8 81 IouUnga la win ba atagad. Part of tha DIractor Joa MeCSuakay Is apan a quarter covered. Fiem Year Hoem for Uw trip. Candlelight Processional DAILY DBUVBR1B8 TO HOSPITAL thought they bad tbstr Biat vle- ■alghtBaf (88) Player-coach' Haary Sajac haa O. Jarvis 84—182 rtrogram wUI Inctoda a talk by to tha publle. No artw lltoi wffl He went to Marcel and begged | tory at baad. B P Pta. the Spues* Hat of fornwr Bad Msgnuaon — 80 Ernie Dowd! vatrraa local refaraa ha ebargvd. Tha progieto atorta him to ebangc hia mind. I AND SURROUNimfO TOWNS orNotU r was tbs big maa for tbs 8 0 -t 8 m -K > REYNOLDS L. McVeigh, rf I aU n. Othaia tocluda Eddie Oorm- Bmle win explain U rah at 7:80 with movlaa foDowlag tlw bargain ta a oargain." anap- SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH Kaigbts. gstUag fiv* boops la Um J . McVeigh, rf 10-1 f My. Uayd Slavtai aad Pate Ool- B ow lin g Totals ...... 485 504 511 1530 Lucky 7 Trips ebaagaa and will > dsawnrtrata ped the fiahennan. "Do not bolhei Flowera Tetegraphed To Any M a t In the U. 8w A., firrt half to give Ida team a lT-15 OTfsO. I f ...... 7 Od) 14 mie until the baaket Is full." With anakL Dawn through tha yaaia ' DRIVING Caaada.aad BtiroM. Member of the Flerlet^ Telegraph adgv at tbs second period. Ool# Packard c .... 8 0-0 8 I tbeaa high grade stare have arara « Osuatvy Club Eaagas Girds Quintet that he got ta a boat and rawed Main Street and Hartford Road had bis (Mcoad-half spurt to McOonvtUe, rg 10-1 8 Karayo (4) away to mend lua nets a half mile Delivery Ajeoeiation. Ibam Na. 8 (8) SCHOOL bring his club to victory. Vanoour rg . . . 8 1-8 1 bast epporttloa la tba Bast R. F o rd e...... 80 •— —— 80 Mahonmr ...... 114 87 108— 880 off ehore. The Italian Amerlcaa’a aotchsd Mcftortky. If . 8 8-1 4 Stoano ...... 104 88 108—888 Brown ...... 100 148 115-861 la two closely foakhf gas Poor Jamea! Again and again SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 'CW BM Itartfor. 8-ttN tM BLORIDGE 8T. TEL. 84M their second victory to a row In the Sajac la stlU oaa of tho greotest Ruaconi ...... 100 106 147—868 last night, Moria‘ irtVa Wolvas long rtiot start to tklo oocth Faulkner ...... 108 90 105—301 BASKETBALL he threw hia line but hopeleaaneee ascoad tilt downing the lueklHs Totals ...... M 1-a 88 B. Anderson ...1 0 0 89 81—870 Sullivan ...... 119 W 128—841 faated Moriarty*sMoriarty*a Ooama ta filled Ida heart and be knew that 7:S0 O’clock Den aad Bton’a team 88-88. Bnvtoo. Boors at half Ubm 17-UI— Ootanskl la atrteUy a foodor, al- Lackappslla 87 86 101- overtlBM gaaw gt-Sl, white Marl If he stood thero fishing for e hun­ tbougk bo'has at UaMS aunagad R. Smith ...... 118 110 80—318 the Itollan’t Mg oenter wae tha Mg Knights of Oobnahus. •Itaferae Bristol ...... — 81 87—188 arty’a Lucky 7 tripp«d ths pravi- Brifish-Amarican Pros dred days he could not fill the bas­ gua for hia club, getting pleaty ef Hedtoad. Umpire. Kovis. TIaM 4- to soora la Um double Sgura ool- 580 545 080 1680 oualy undefeated Oardtnals SS-Sl St, ket. Tiret Are add frtim OeatUcore and OstTsati. S mtoute pertoda. am. paifteira fO) Dobkins dropped to tbs tytog ' va. huddeoly thera was the screech-1 Uoyd MlUar, a forsMr ladlaao Total ...... 518 488 478 1481 gandy Brown again triad hard to Trtaa Na. t (1) D. V ennsrt...... 90 96 98—284 and winning hoop for the Wuvss lag of many birds and looking up j bring victory his way, getting four­ I) Unlvarrtty great la aaotber star E. Buckland. Sr. 110 M 188—881 Pairfleld ...... 116 84 100—810 while K^rtw and Thomas ware Undefattted the boy aaw hundreds of aoa gulls TMf DWARF WHldTLEDWTH ALL Hl< M16HT, Still Scarce teen more potato. with the Spun. A newcoBMr to Morlarty ...... 84 104 181—808 Breen ...... 96 10? 110-808 Mitatamhng for thr. Clowna. gnreeptag tha aky, darting to tho s ■ Spedak For The Hofidays! The North End A. C mads tt OalU. rf ...... Umoo parts, Millar haa averaged Oilbertemt .....1 8 1 88 85—815 McGowan ...... 80 111 82—298 Iff the aacond game tha Lucky Mffriden Spun water, landing on the beach and came between the boats so tkst Have that eastag recapped tour straight at the expense of the OorranU, rf .. 15 potato per game in the Spurs* B. Buckland. Jr. M 88 87—877 Barerra ...... 318 lib 148-877 managed to edge out the Ant frolicking In uia wevea. was full! The boy King ran up four prevlotta atarta. place CkrdlnalaL Every roan on tha end down on the beach ao happy when Marcel let go the slsaors HALE'S SELF SERVE ky Geedyeer Factory Meth­ previously undefeated B p r « e Braatoski, If . W. K noSa...... 71 70 85-888 “rfa a pretty sight, isn’t ItT" James' hand waa not there to get SPECIAL PRICES OlH IMPORTED WINES Btieet News CItib to the finsle. The Oeootfi. E . . . Prlday*a ganw wQl stsirt at 616 618 587 1672{two teams got Into the scoring Inquired s pleasant voice. "Why, be could not bear to keep still. The Oririnal In England I Pochatt’a (8) ^ column. The winning baakst STATE ARMORY them and the slsaors fell to tho ods before it goes too far. Spruce Streeters tried hard but PaganI, c . . . o’clock with the Rnlghte ot 0>- Totol .480 458 588 1458 what’a the matter, little girl? You "Oome!" cried the dwarf. "Race • DIAMOND RUBT PORT abua facing the Itallan-Aoscri- Dickinson ...... 88 lOT 82 -277 dropped In by Kerr. to your fisherman and finish this bottom of the aoa. •.00 s If ' ...... S7.00 Oouldn’t match tbs shooting of Par- Savtoo, c .... 6 8-10 look very and!" (To Be Continued) e DEL PRADO SPANISH PORT elitok and Sumltoshl and the aD Quagllo, rg . . 1 0-8 caa eSub at 7:10 to Um preUml- Bomono ...... 81 87 80-273 Jasaaa turned to find the che- bualneaa!" He pushed James Into Tram Ns. 4 (8) Pockett ...... 80 81 120 - 291 Out Of Tha North Friday Night, Dffc. 20 e BON CORE IMPORTED around play of Wimpy Kosah. Itod Oantilcora, Ig 8 3-8 aary. 86 79 4 84—858 ikMc face of a fat Uttla dwarf a dory and the boy took the oars 8 0-0 R. Johnson Simmons <...... 185 126 129 -379 FraEMlawy At 7HMi. Itogaa-Aascrlaan and rowed eagerly ont to tea. THURSDAY SPECIALS Dagutla Mid Jack Robb played OalH. Ig ...... » a a a a a a Parllment . 78 118 88—891 ..112 83 118—318 peering qulssically at him. P iiiilir KecHirdN Nichola-BriatoU Inc* We Carry a Complete Line of Domestic Wines, Sparkling g best for the Spruce Street chib. Ridoid, Ig . . . 8 0-0 St. Georgs Suntrana, Alaska—Bowlera ot Otok va. Kalghtn af Ostewhoa. "I have evatytklag in the world "Have you given It up?" cried Piper ...... loom 8S-S08 Uila Alaakan town are planning to Its Center St. Tel.4047 Bargondy and Champagne | .100 111 115—327 to bo sad abotttr the fisherman as James ap­ .18 8-80 St'les .... 500 483 539 1538 send two teams to the ABC tour, Admiaalon: AduHa 80c. ChlMren Under lO, 50c. tax hiel. proached. Warrantee Deeds A WINE FOR EVERY MEAL! X Totals ...... Last NighCs Boyce . . . 0 1 - 91 MeOaaa’a (2) nament next March In Lm Angeles. "Bakaa!" criad tbs dwarf. "How Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! 'a (88) could that bt? Buraly ao lovely a "Tat," replied James. "For the Jean A. Sargent to Maurtes P. Martin ...... 133 84 105-83’J baaket ia full." Corranti, property at the comer B P Pte. Bowling Total ...... 383 480 478 1875 Guthrie ...... 108 102 121—331 lasa as jroursalf can Had aoUUng HOLIDAY PACKAGE . 10-1 a but hapi^aaaa ta Uts world!" "What! It can't be!" of Fairfield and Middlefield streets. Smltb. If .• Team No- 17 (I) Kledcr , ...... 03 109 104—306 Painting and Whltcher. If .81-1 T "But It Is. And now. If you Victor Polstein and Msurioe ONE BOTTLE SEAGRAM'S V. O. I M MV "Ym" •• ' Lucas ...... 84 M 86-879 Angelo ...... 100 82 84—270 "But, you asa. 1 am not a lass at pisase, may I use your sclssora?" Magld to Harold O. Miller ai|d Extra Fancy Fruit for PamO, If . .81-8 1 Harrington .. 86 88 8 8 - 866 Helm ...... 106 96 86-298 all!” Then Janaa told tha friendly "Certainly, ’ ce rta in ly a g re e d Lilly B. Miller, property at the ' Paperhanging ONE BOTTLE SEAGRAM’S ANCIENT GIN e •eaaeaee* .8 8-5 14 Tita Hartford Road Orin took all WcUierell . ..115 80 105—810 dwarf all hia troublea. "And you the fisherman very pleased and comer of Rocklngbsm and Preston Cotter, e .1 0 -0 f four pntota firom Nick’s Servloa In Porterfield .. 97 113 103 -313 040 48$ 520 1543 see,” ha aadad. Though 1 have .0 8-3 8 ^ Wart Bids Rac BowUng League aatonlabed to have gotten ao un- at reels. Fruit Cokes______tb. 49c Expert Mechanka! Dnfly. rg R. Forde .. 97-i' 97 obme so tar aad waltod ao long tho [pected a haul of fish. Andrew R. Loomis to Gustav W. Haugli, rg ...... 0 0-0 0 I match last night. Pacad by Bobby flshonaan woaT lot mo cut the He leaned from his boat and Stelnhtlber et al, property on Alton Reaaonable Ratos! aay “Tear qrtefcly. AB we need Lebteds, Ijg ...... 8 0-0 4 March’s 363, Carden Orova took .Total ..383 354 499 1885 Hag until tha basket la full. How Hunt’s ftoprenw FRED'S PACKAGE STORE three points from Lea’s Esso In an Form New England paaaed the aiaaora to Jampa. But street. Free Betimates! H ' Comer Spmec and Blssrll Streets to know la kaw nawk yen waat could anyoao over fUl so largo a at that very moment s small wave ()ult Claim Deed aad whether yaWra wIBhig aad Totelo ...... 18 8-18 88 I other ttec match. Charley Barrera’s Team No. 7 (8) b ^ a t i” 1360 trlpls was Important ta the Aldor Davlau to Louise B. Da- Fruit Cocktail in able to omUm tha small pay- Score at half time. aO-lO^-l.A.’a. Lockwood 85 82 81—248 Pro Football Loop "Baay,” said tha dwarf tran­ vlau, property on Thomas Drive. rnta. Na delay watttad far a Referra Kovla. Umptre, Murray. fjial SCOTS. Owens ..... 85 95 85-265 quilly. "i am tha very one to help Lease John Linnell & Sou wardT ta paaa aa year hwa. Time 4-8 minute perioda. Oonatry CMk LcagTW Weiman ' . .102 103 87—292 you." I OAK STREET PACKAGE STORE Lapel Ornaments Maurice p. Oorrentl to Jean A. No. 2'/t Can T fSI.BPH O N E 49rt4 For l-vlatt loaa, phaaa—thea The Putters took three of the C. Anderson .. 94 100 113—307 Boston, Dec. 18— (F) -Form a- "Oh. caa you flahT” aakad Heavy Syrup 45c I 2S OM SIrMt Sargent, the premises known aa oaaM la to alga aad pirh ap tha .North Bad A. C (4i) four polnta (ram Team No. 8, the Haefs ...... 104 113 118 -335 tion of an eight club New England | lamea but not vary hopafuUy ba> 9 Middlefield street for 3 years 05 Bones Drive B P Midlrona blanked the Jiggers. 4 to SssmmmmawmsnwiwiWBasnsaii tsssswsfsimiwfsiwrs caidi. Wheliier yoa waat a Profesaional Football League, with causa ha fsit that-aot oven tan from January 1, 1947, at a yeariy UTTLB Maa (8X8 ar 888) *« Parchlak, rf ...... 8 3-4 0. aad Team No. 8 nipped Team Total ...... 470 483 484 1447 fishamaa oouM flO the basket In rental of |420- payable In monthly Hunt’s Hupreme pay-day ar a BIO one (gISd ar Sumlslaoki, If ...... 5 0-0 No. 1, three to one. High eoores Team No. 8 (1) plans to extend the loop to ten | thae. payments of $35 on the first day of 88881 far a year a r asaie. atogla Grysb, c ...... 0 8-3 for the night Included triples by Tucker ...... 88 89 81 -250 mambers waa announced today. "Not L But my gulls «an.” each month In advance. or Half Peaches in ar nMrrled...aa atotlrr what Vllga, c ...... 0 0-8 Murphy 845, HUinskl 335 and Me Remmy ...... I l l 71 86 -888 daudo B. Davldaon, elected I Than tho dwarf wtaistlsd with Skrabac, c ...... 0 0-0 Bride 339. R Anderson . . . 88 99 100^-287 president and secretary-treasurer SB hia oalght aad before James’ Opalach, c ...... 1 0-1 Church League Noren ...... 91 106..105—302 for a three year term, waa dele-1 satooiahed ayes the gulls left off Heavy Syrup No. 2Vi Can 37c ZamalUs. rg ...... 0 0-0 St. James No. 1 took f e • a e e a e Methodist No. 1 gained three of Total ...472 474 478 1434 ball League to effect a working the four from TVmple Beth Sho­ dwarf laaaad fwward aad began Mnlne Rubacho, Ig . agreement with that organlaatlon. apaaUng with many strange Oleksinskl, Ig rn, 8 t Mary's and South Metho­ SoftbaU Leaguo FranchUea are owned by ths sounds, with whtoUea and squawks dist split, each gaining two polnta MehoM-Brlstol (8) Providence, R. I.. SteamroUera, Jos I aad harsh toaes. And bow and Blueberries l '/4 Lb. Can 45c Smart Santas A laaa af 8188 oaala 88aaa whaa Totals ...... 17 ^17 48 aa did St. James No. 2 and Ocm- Brennan .. 97 112 103—318 McGee; Pawtucket. R. Wart then a whlapar of Incredible sweet pnaapUy rapM ta 18 awathly cordU Lutheran. Second Onngre- Httl . . . .110 100 84—294 Spruce St. News (81) gatlonal took three from St Brid­ rtore, George Duffy: Quincy j Grandmother’s enaaetxitiva laatallnMata. ff B F Chapman ..115 92 183—340 Manets. Anthony Casns; Hartford, "What did you say to thamf' get’s and North Methodist No. 2 Archiry ..112 too 87—290 810.65 each. Hampton, rf ...... 2 1-3 and the Cento. Oongregatlonel di­ Conn., Blues. John Mahon; Port­ orled James whan tha gulls sud­ Are Shopping Robb, if ...... 2 3-6 Genoveal .103 105 131—339 land, Me., Sagamonrs. Donald denly took off from the beach, 2 Lb. Jar 39c vided four points. High triples Mince Meat Anderson, e ...... 1 0-2 were: AbralUa’ 360, Jsm rofs’s Valle; Holyoke Golden Bears, Uae after Una of them, swinging Plerro...... 1 0-0 Totals ...... 537 GOO 538 1584 Joseph Conway, Fitchburg Pan»- 340, A. Aceto’s 363 and RIein> 351. Rockville (I) gimcafuUy Into tha air and out Janet’s for Nice Bucchlno, ...... 8 1-3 BUl Ocaa tripled for a 367 score coB, Nelson Progln, and Bristol, over the water. FINANCE CO} Alvord, rg ...... 1 1-5 Psseka ...... 118 130 88—336 llerahey aad Foes collected a 360 three Harrison ...... 88 103 102—293 Conn . Yankees,'Frank Longo. "1 told them to fill your basket,” .-Wale TUraIrr BalMlar O ^ U a . Ig ...... 3 1-1 game total A salary limit* of $1,000 per eaplalned the dwarf happily, e rtoer riMai Klelnschmldt. ig ------0 0-0 Alien ...... 110 105 86—301 Vf Lb. D. H. Baver, Btr- Gayton ...... 88 104 82—274 game was established with a play­ "n a y •wiu do anything for me, Baking Chocolate Feminine Gifts! Uceaaa 'Ma. Ml er limit of SO men with the proviso you see, because X qjga the only Totals ,.12 7-20 Pitkat ...... 84 101 84—280 other creature la the world who that each club must dress a minl- apeaks their langukge." SporU Sehrdmle TotaU ...... 488 543 442 1473 muro of 38 men for each contest. And so It waa! As James watch- Guarantee for a visiting club sd each gull darted into the waves, Dee. IS Umpires <8) was set at $1,000 and each club enma up with a flab, flew to the Fancy Mixed Nuts or BaakotbaU CHnlc at YMCA— Rowsell ...... 96 84 132—312 agreed to post a forfeit of $1,000 batch and dropped it into the huge The , 7:30. Free to public. Massey ___ 62 75 88-245 with the league as amiirance that baaket. ' Friday, Dec. 28 Bralnard ...... 103 100 121—333 it would live up to its obligations. In leas than an hour the basket Diomond Wolnuts i.ii. 49c Basketball - BA Ptm vs. Meri­ Vlttner ...... 125 116 89-330 den Spurs. 9 p. m.—Armory. Stevenson ___ ,97 94 119-310 Burr Nurseries Soadsy. Dec. 22 ;sthall—Middletown at PAs. Totals ...... $03 488. 539 1530 Lifok Your Best All Kinds of Figs and Dates 2:SO^Eaat SMo Rec. North Bads (4) 1,000 Taeoday, Dec. 84 L u ca j...... 106 98 101—300 And a Variety of Fruit Cokes Baaketball—Rec Senior League. Yaworskl ...... 90 131—121 Annonnea Deptula ...... 105 88 117—320 XMAS TREES 7 p. m. East Side Rec. Maahlckl ...... 118 117 135—360 Hubacha ___ ,.101 101 130—322 Taylor Tha Bstahliihmant Oi A SholB Hon Aad Ikara Majewskl ...... 93 — 03 High school and college girls can 75c to $5.00 HANDBAGS Tiwiy Sale, middleweight boxing rotate ...530 507 594 1631 quickly whip up these charmers Sweet Potatoes Can SWEATERS HANKIES champion haa been awarded the during Christmas holidays. They'rs A lovely gift for any wom­ Edward J. Nell Memorial Trophy Make yoar choice eariy at equally smart on suits, dresses, Lovely cardigans and allp­ No womar. aver haa too an. Depot Square (8) S. 8. Pierce Fancy ons, Including reindeer as the man who did the moot for Sobolewakl .... 97 120 83-300 either of (hcoe locationa: sweaters and slack suits All cro­ mnny< Prices start at Late Day Shift the fight game In 1946 . . . ZZale patterns. Priced from Plaetice ...... 82X8 8. Mldiatekl 96 100 chet^, the varlty Is diverse and Is the eight huui to win the Interesting—a bright green and No. 2 Can l.eathere ...... A8.0» 8 E. Mlchateki 120 96—216 3.')2 WOODLAND STREET T omatoes 25c Oordee S5.00 award. Otlwra wera Henry Arm- Farrand 142 117 102—361 white' wool "snowberry”, a tlVo- $3.30 25c BIEN AND WOMEN ARE NEEDED TO GRADE rtrang, Barney Ross, Jamea J. 0pp. Schaller Cider Mill inch cluster of flowers with bead SoMeakl 77 87—164 or AND SORT ROBBS, SHRUBS AND OTHER Walker, Billy Conn. Jack Dempsey, 100 180 101—351 centers, tiny flat flowcra on a lacy ' MANCHE.HTER C.n 1 7 c Beany Laoaard and Joe Louta . . . white valentine background, Tomato Paste *'1 - r - NURSERY STOCK Tha CMcago Cuba will play 36 Totals ...... Oil 607 469 ^ MOTOR SAI.ES brightly hued bunch of grapes, a ■pring OBhlMtlan gaaiea. Drills win Jarvto Meters (1) cluster of corde' tnimpet flowrrs 512 West Ctnter Streei Navy Brand NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! WE-TRAIN YOU I start Feb. 18 at CataHna Island. Lucas ...... 101 113 07—810 —plenty of spa/kle to add dash to Cfeltf.. . . Al Priest of Cambridge Mitewakl ...... 85 07—182 any sort of costume. They make A. PIERCE Cans gained a ckwe dectokm over Tom­ August ...... 89 90 —179 nice ItUlc remembrance gifts, too! Peas CALL AT OUR OFFICE OR TELEPHONE my Sullivan last night in Boston Covey ...... 83 117—300 R. SCHALI.ER To obtain complete rroebeting brtore a record Boston Garden McCurry ...... 187 103 146—878 Instructions for the Six Lapel MR. HOGAN ~ 4161 crowd that contributed $59,944 to Ornaments (Pattern No. .ISOS) / hraak tha 81 yaar old New Bng- send 15 cents in Coin plus i cent Pure Lard kmd groaa ra^ p te raeord. The postage, your name, address and prevloua high resulted from a the Pattern number to Anne MITTENS liip GLOVES SLIPS AND Btotch between Kid Kaplan and M C m a n d W5 MA 8r “B u d " & " B o b " Cabot, Manchester Herald, nr>0 Babe Herman in Waterbury . . Ave Americas, New York 19, N. Y. Soft, fluffy mittens to In White*. Brown and PANTIES Burr Nurseries Tennis star Jack Kramer la flnelly Any Kind Club Soda keep Her fingers warm. Btock. Priced from 119 OAKLAND STREET MANCHESTER showing old UnM form In Mel­ I wAoaenhiN' naour HR wno NO Nceosnr.c ^Lk.XltE98lwni Prices start at Lovely, Intimate gifts for bourne. '' A o«tmjk;ao9iw < Ht was A CAkTAlwiy Rf TEA Mt XlNlteMit Large Bottle 2 r.r25c eomeone extra epecial on wawetaoisrtSHCkiwot - RVoirtLyiuaN© . wosk he $1.10 $3.30 your Hal. SRIDOMN ONI iih c Freah I Noctil Celery Bch. UMBRELLAS COSTUME The Answer to Your Gift Problem NfW AU-PUkPOS( WASHING GkANUUS { U n OfF AND CAPRY AWAY DIRT. GRFASF AND GRIMFI Freeh There’s no finer gift for JEWELRY GIFT C L RTI r I CATE gny woman than one eASISR s e e Broccoli of our atyltah umbrel­ im t ARM A sez:* By Sue Burnett las. What greater gift than to give your sweetie This simple daytime dress Is Freah Nice. Inexpen- added beauty? This Christinas give her a Have Your Motor Qiecked phiUcularly appealing to the elve leweliT to oUghtly larger figure. Uncluttered, FAsrenr Jamea’ Beauty Salon Gift Cortifleate. This On Our Green Peppers add spice to will enable her to receive the James* beauty easy to maks. It’s one you can de- ClIANIB MSNU $ her outfit. DYNAMOMETER s psiui on to keen you looking your . . . no soapy film no 4.98 aervioea she wants . . . wheft she wants them. b ^ . Plan to make It for warm Stop in tomorrow . . . and get one gift off your chambray. wiping . . . no grimy sink! Freeh Batteries Three Accemorlea Pattern No. 8046 comes in sixes WNITIB CtOMIS Don’t be a falr.wMthcr friend. Giw Earrings ’ Pin Seta mind! 34; 88, 88, 40, 43 44, «6, 48 and 00. ... no rubbing .. no bleach­ her aomethlng she can use when the .J' Mushrooms Necklaces ' Braceletn 'CARE SA Vf S WEAR' 'Rwd" MICHALAK Siae M. 8 yards of 35 or 39-inch. ing ... no scum in the tub!_^ skies are dripping. For this pattern, send 25 cents. "Bob" OLIVER In Oblns, your name, address, else cuaHs nooss aim Large, Juicy dsfired, sind the Paittera number raiNi . without streaking to'Bus Biunett, Bhrenlng Herald, or scratching - no dirt- JAMES’ pluynJ^. 1180 Aw. Americas, New York 19. catching coat! Oranges N. Y. OPEN UNTIL AT YOUR . The Fall and Winter Issue of By Ih* mtaktrt •/« 29 FsBhion is brim full of smart Ideas 9 P. M. EVERY BEAUTY SALON FRONT-EMD FAMOUS SUMFOlO foi every wdnosn w;bo plies a ffRoem's NIGHT UNTIL JANET’S SPECIALISTS‘ ncbdla Easy-to-make styles ... BAKINO POWOES Baldwin Apples ^ ^ e r i ic c spedsl designs by Anurics’s tdp ^ NOW designers .. ■ lots of tdras < DEC. 24 wlfh aeCMBMtw . free printed [ 3 ’ '” 25c pattern in nook. Price 25 cento. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESI EK, iAINN^ W CDNESUAI, DELLMEEK 18, 11I4R PAGE mnwtam MANCBEVTBB EVEIfTNO HTCRALO, MANt^fTWITEIl. COKN. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER It, lf4 « name ia aomlaation. even If 1 II.I.F HU KS HV HINT AINK H »K wonted to." * r r Articles fer Sale 81 Waalfff—Tu Btqr 88 S£ AstsweMles fer Sale 4 Offered 18 Maateal— DraaMtle 29 •no, but that could be fixed.! Sense and Nonsense CHRISTMAS Traea, fraahly SHOVEL-A-DAY hot water baaL It Is n xsd ." U n t i l C h r i s t m a s , t h e S k i p p e r hast e n l is t e p ^ t h e IfM DUMP track «n h S jrkrd I wm HAVE taoot PLANO rUNINO aad tapaltiaa. 'aifm yeM xfefnidd aeaeialty. laam. 1’ . P 50o to $8. ar aad boUsr for ante. 115. Can CHXLO'S Dask aad chair, ta good 7?Baall” sold Sidney from the | At ChriatiMoa Lootog one’s temper sometimee body. Ck»«d eoadltion. Prtocd for hltohen ItaoloMm. Aloa t*** aad Player Qasnficd • » w CWiitetkrXC-Htoscw»ne*kr*e-' bock seat, "era you Inoang?" ______s e r v i c e s o f " S k y s c r a p e r '^ s m i t h I ^pelow Woodbridga. Phone 8689. •818. Mra. Kantcm. oondltlon. Phona 4088. Each time that ChrUtmaa tide sttracte enough attention to win Oaiiiied qolck Mlo. CkU M l«. arall eorarlnaa. ManeSaatar Ploot Oockerham, w w * lewKX. e*. "Tou'll see." Laughlaj;, he got | DUU 4819. JEANNFTTE COVERT NOLAN dtswa nosr bettor service, but more often It entrartat Oh., se Chttafa atiaat LIONEL EUctrle tralit. two GRAY AND white comblnaUoa out of the surrey end helped Mies; «a barm rather than good. 1M5 L A S A LLE ^QRVcryblo, | » S cnii seat. ELE C TR IC train, awltchaa, nceaa AdvertiseiiienU My thoughts ntore often stray •wltchao, large track, atatioa gaa nad o4L Good condltteo. Amy down. “Here we are.” To friends 1 love, tho cannot Ai^Tertnenaib dawB. Brunncr'A >1 Oaklaod houaa, automatic whlatla. Good PhdM SM I. aoriaa, 4187 gnuga. Pboaa 8-3486 XIII The school teacher was talking fltooot. PboM 61SL A LL A P P U A N U B S aarvMae nad Help Waateff—Fesisle Si For Rent For Sale Mias Amy didn't know: ob* meet rapnlrad. huraara, rafHffaratora as BOW, 8190., Phono 7963. reeUy didn't; but she gave the In- Mias Amy couM never after­ To those who ar« farthest sway. to a class in aolenca; For Rent For Sale CHRISTMAS Purnitnra apsetela, MANCHB8TBR’S Stater ta rags, Riding be*id* Basil Ustenlag to ward remember exactly whet did Toacher Now, Junior, name me rang aa. waahara, aln. AO work WOMAN IN vicinity of Adame. timely markdowns to aava you magastnaa, papsr aad scrap T o B oy' T o Sell to him, Mlaq.^Amy thought o f bar avltebla answer. Begides the buck Down Memory's troll 1 stroll Mch McKoa or Oantar etraeta, to care CHRISTM AS traea for aala. wbola- teeth end the Bartlett poor coa- happen, though certain highlights year. a polsonoua subetance? To Bay To Sell Ante AeceaaorlcB T Irea • guarantaad. MaCra aerrle* Oo. ania nad rtU ll at Dolphin Lunch, money on quality furniture. 164.95 matate. W U call at your homo amnlfold boantifytag ■Uraciaa reoBoUMd clear. Junior Aviation. Pal Maaoheaier 8 eat i. for four year old girl In my own toura. Baaol* hod on oh M tor. With ever a warmth In my heart Mancbaater Oraoa. 8863. PTaa 4a- Innar spring student beds, now aad pay yon aighaat prteaa. Oo- CLASSIFIED ADVT. aad woodcred If than tant ouch a The opening ceremoalea—ohe Which draws my friends all dons TMchcr (looking sternly) - NEW riKBS. M « roespA o« homo. Good boura. CnU after 6. trlnaky, 183 Blaaall stro et Pboaa thing os pushing your luck too for. ’’Booh^ Beal] eaclalniad ."Booh Urw and tabra Export rutcoato- Uvaty. Pricad from SOe up. 949.86; 888A0 Inner spring mnt- remembered theid. end somebody's - to me. Junior! Ihiptaln yourself! CLA8SIPIBD ADVT. 3-0678. traasas, now 888.96; 874JW Studio 0879. DEPT. HOURS: end tripe, Mrs. (temeron. Just bo- tio. 8 ooun raeeppms Mrrtoo. | ohlaaa rapauad. le yaara* aepar- Boon bod bognta by gaklng singing a solo which woa applaud­ Whether near or for apart. Junior- W ell one < drop will k ill DEPT. HOURS: ooudias, now 864.50; 8M.86 studio t:S0 A. M. to 4:4S P. M. Doughtera of tha Old Dominion cause Boosle's grandfather was a ed, though not bv Miss Amy. To madam! Maaebootor Tiro and RM apeli laaea. ChU, A. Brat lar 84a4ai DESIRABLE oponlag at Me­ goaeral the root of you people •iSO A. M. ta 4:48 P. M. morial Hoepltel for atenographar. CHRISTM AS Wraatha. 75c dsUv- bads, now $79.00; 8M.S0 aofn waoa’t chlofly for Um putpoaa o f the tronaoctloa of old bualnaaa, she Jones—The Chinese mods It on iBtpaar, Broad atraoL TalA I arad. Phone 8774. BuMncai Loeations for here must be judged at the cou- “Tho trouble with women tf they ooo M «9 OpoB • a. m. to f p. I OLD PLOORS BANDED can Miaa Johnson. Phono 518L bads, now 879.00; I79JM aofa otoctlng BlakoavUla'a dologata to paid no heed. Aad then tha chair­ invsriabla rule to oottla all thotr badat now 869J10. *rerma t f daalr- Rent 64 tlM annual naboaol coavocoUoa voeatloaa aa a lot of old acoro- man o f the nominating committee ora not ambitious enough." do- Laying nad Halahlag. RO LL F A S T gym bika, practical­ debts on New Tear's Day. WOMEN TO aort email plants. ad. Benson’s Purnitnra, 718 Math Wanted—Real Estate 77 to ba held nozt moath In Wash- crow* end fuddIduddlesT Blokeo- had rloen to report. 'Sm ith -So 1 understand. buL Claras the sacretery .of a labor J. E. Jaaaan, ly naw. A lso an alactrlc rnsor nnd vUle Isn't thinking otralght." THREE Practically now tlroo, Warm working quartera, good straaL OaU 8585. .Ufgton. A rbotoricol query; Mioa One name only, Besote Pome­ then, the Chinese don't have a organisation; 'end wv thought the TkL WUUauuiUc 9938. avaalags. small end-teblse. 166 Mlddla WANTED To Buy—A home ta "But. B eall-” lodlaa o f the home poeoeased the EOO-IS, and S new tuboa. TaL| pay. 8 hours par day, 8 daya O FFIC E Por Rant — 10x15. Ex-, Amy felt'oafe onough In oMlng roy's; and a definite tenoloa In (tertstmoa tbs wvsk before. VOtV-VnSfm wallot botwooa Birch Turnpike East Phone 3-3779. cellent loeaUon. Phone 6988. Manchester. Oaa be xiagle or two- "Thia year the Blekesvllle major portion of the to-be-destred 8500. W ATE RM AN 'S patnonal arraod wsakly. Apply Warsbouaa, 38 *rWO-BURNER Plortnca oU haaU yoo. Woon’t it iha cuotom, BooU the L-oom, the preatdeat lifting her aad Mapla atroota. T uoaday. Oon> ar. A p ^ m e a t sixa. Good condi­ family. Will wait for oecupaaey. Daughters must rebel agoinat the Thoughts . . . 'nwra Is olwaya quality. i ' “f sandea. Local arraoda, eaekage Lydall atreat or Phono 4864. C. If home is eulteble. Write Boa k then ookod. that in tha choogtaff gavel If there «‘ere no further talBOd aua of aaoBoy and porao8> dallvary. Ught trtiehiiia. Auto tion. Phorona 40OT. of dalegateA tha Daughtera ovary Pomeroy tyranny end elect an­ nominations— a vacant placa for the man who L. Vandarbrook A Son. j Building Materials 47 Herald. other delegate a pretty girl the al itaaa. Ptedor ploaiw phono Trailers fer Sele 6-A aumbar plaU ear rtea to Hartford, Wanted to Rent 68 where tried to mit tbolr boot toot "Madam Preoldeat!” wortu wall . . . Footprints on the M15S. Howard. ^ n n o 941788. WOMAN to do housework tadco GJL ROOM haatera, $8.40 and forward, to moka a favorablo Im- prettiest In the chapter." Beall The choir racognlaed Mra. Ruth­ sands of time ora not mods by PROMPT action oa all realty paused dramatically, and added: HEW INTER8TATE, 71 foot., . ^ .... weekly at 47 Itcphena street NA’n V E Lumber for aala Various 810.96. Nlchote-Briatol. 155 Center RESPONSIBLE working couple atcaokm oa tha national body? erford Earle. sitting down . . . When you always Social Situations l o s t —SDrar braeolot. Batnrday, atresL desire S or 4 room rant Write tranaaetloBA SlagloA douklee aad ’’Rooe Ctetneroa!" tell tho truth you don’t hovs to Call 7384. etaea. Phone 6810. buataeaeoe tor aale. ifloo Amy murmured yos. And to T move the nomination o f Miaa GSnaJUly dooifn. 4P Now atraot, lag. ftaaga and fual oila, aahaa Box Y . Harnid. that end, waon't It traditional for Rose (temeron?... ."Oh, *my remember whet you've sold . . . ar, 38 fM t 81850; new Palaoa. TWO-BURNER parlor heater. 88 Realty Co., Realtora. 69 Rose (temeron os our delegate to The flltoatlan: In the post your or oau 8517. Reward. all alnmtnum, 34 fo o t 88,900. and rubbiab ramovad. Phone a younger Daughter to bo oloctedr darling!” Mlaa Am y thought and Many a person has on excellent Charter Oak street Call after 4 FURNISHED room, centrally lo­ atraaL TWepboaa 8X10. the aatlanal convocation la May." Christmas-card list hoe grown so Trallarhomaa, Inc. Phone Man* 4525. I f no nnawar call 6466. WOMAN OR girl at New Model *T)b. yea,” Mloo Am y ooid. And had to clutch at the support rod WeU!----- (3aspa, a sort o f luU, aim In Ufa. but no ammunition . . . MIBSIMO p r o m Pord oa Brala* Pud and Feed 49-A p. m. cated, wanted by alngla buatneaa People who Uve In gloss houses long that It hoi^ become a real bur­ ard Plaoa, Thuraday aisbt. laaa'a ebamrr 4490. Laundry, 78 Summit street didn't oU the other ehaptera in of the surrey's teasled top. and two .quick aecondo. almoat RANGE BURNERS cleaned, aerv- WELL SEASONED heavy hard woman. TU . 4488 or 3-0040. PROPERTY 'Ownara, tf you ara shouldn't. . . Giva a convict enough den, and "you have decided you now loathcr jacket and froooHoa. the United Statoo oend o ff from "WeU, Mrs. (temeron?" olmulteneoua, oo that the praoident must do oomothlng to shorten IL loed. Waehlng machlnaa, tracuuma COMPETENT girl dealring per­ wood alaba for furnace, atova or considering caplteUxtng on the rope and he’ll skip . . . Christmas No qaooUoaa akked tf jacket la Machinery and Tooto 82 WANTED—Rent by veteran, wife present high prioea, oonteet ua. their mldot gome exccptiooaUy Mloo Amy realized that they had to cboooo between them. Mias Wrong W ay! DMlde not to send repaired, lawn mowara ebarpanad manent employment as store flreplaca. Cut any desired length. .charming young mombor? Thay oomoo. but ones a jraaria enough ratoraad. Staaraa. 141 Eldrtdse Gersfes—Service Stiiraffe 10 aad rapnlrad. Sew « hied. Pick up nnd child. B vl:ted end o f month. W a.ara paying top caah fa r raal* were drawing up to the Earle Rose Cameron's nomlaaUoo hod . . . Many a man stays home nights any cards tbls-year. clerk. Holland Cleansers, 1007 A perfect aubsUtute for ragtUar CKBAJI Bsparator. Sea Warda aoom to." oold Mine Am y tenta* atraoL and dailaery. Piicndly Plait Shop. Phona 6908. dantlal or oommordal proporty. house end Basil woo looking qulx- been moved and seconded. because he bos the bouse to him­ BIghfi Way; Bond coida only to OARAGE Por Rent acrou from Main street. seasoned cordwood, $16 per famoua oraam saparator Uvely. T vo oaon the newapoper xlcaUy at her. She gently shook "Ara we ready for the vote?" Poat office, center of town. Phone TIS North Main atreat Phone F or action today phone 77EI or self . . . A roUlng football gothani thooe persona who mean somo- l o s t —Stthday. t il color GblUa cord. 86.50 half cord. Phona 8779. lea's Bnast All alaetric, aan to DESPERATE local famUy of four pbotographOL Too.” her hood. A wary nice Idee, she Slipe of paper sad penctla were thlng to you peraonally, to those 3>1448. 4777. 5339, or srrite Brne-Buni Realty no score . . . Always borrow from paa, a ia 8 montha Plaaaa Can Help Wanted— Male 86 oparate. Cloan aklmmlng. Baaeh urgently need rant Permnnant ” Then wby,” Baoil demanded, appreciated It.* But— circulated, the tension heightened, a pessimist—he never expects It who have shown you klndnsaoea Cb., Realtora, 118 Bast O nttf beads bent. SHEET METAL WORK modal, 803.75. Mont.gomary Ward residents. Refarancea. Phona 3- atreet, Maachaater. ’ia BlakoavUla’a delegate always *3u t you think nothing can be bock anyhow . . . A man doeon’t during the past year, and to thooe GREEN HARDWOOD. 814 cord, Oo.. 834-838 Main atreat 0477. Baaalg Pomeroy, who'a 80 If oba’a doacT" "I shall vote for Beosle," Roae who are so lonely that cord from Moterepeles—-Bicpelcs 11 delivered. Phone 8654. look for a happy ending to a love Hot Air Pornaoe Repnlrtoa. BARTENDER for Uvern. Write WANTED—A modern single with a day, ugly aa a mud fenoe. with •Tfothlng. Basil. And I’m not murmured. affair—merely one without hys­ you might cheer them a great M AN OR boy*o bicycle wUh car* Box R Herald, atatlng aga SBIABONBD hard wood fo r atoVk, all conven'encea. Will pay cash buck teeth and the undenlung even a voting member, you know; "Oh, my dear!” Mias Amy whis­ terics . . . About the only thUv Now Hot Air and Air Oondltlonlna Moslchl Instrunicnts 83 Hog for Sale 72 figure of a Bartlett poor?” I wouldn’t be allowed to put a pered. through aUff Upe. ’Dh. no!" left In this worid that con ba BARBER Shop la open rtar. Raaaonabla. CnU 6783 after | Purnaeee laataOed. furnace or fireplace, $16.75 a aad w ait fo r Fabnuury occupancy. 6:80. Sidney glowered at Rose. “Don’t shocked is groin . . . Strenga that The aitantlont You would Uke fnr tiiMlniar Good Srat-clnaa bar' WANTED—Mala typist Apply at Cord, delivered. Telephone 6970. W rite Box Q. Herald. he a asp," she croaked. Entree Trouah and Conductor CABLE P L A Y E R piano, reason­ M ANCHESTER —5*room house, men coll money "dough." Dough (o oend a Chrlotmaa cord to a per­ bar to aanrloe you. 1 wU return BOY’S Prewar bicycle. Good con­ Carlson Oo., 44 Stock Placa. FUNNY BUSINESS The penclla scratched, the ollpe otlcka to youri fingers . . . Whet aa aoon aa poiiilbla. Earl Btatra, Ropalrina. W E LL SEASONED hardwood, cut able. Call 2-2031. 2-car garage, and other buildings, IF YOU have a home fo r sale and son whose family has recently suf­ dition. Uaed very Uttle, 835. Call I any length. When ordering please Including 4 Iota In Broad street were collected, the clerks retlrod this country nooda la a good five fered a death. pnfclator. ____ WE*KE LOOKING FOR are having trouble getting re- to tabulate the votes. Anxiety 5690. NORMAN BENTZ give atxe and length wanted. Im­ PORTABLE Musitron record play­ section. Aaaoc1n*e Realty Oo. 3 aulte phone 4607. Reaulte guar­ cant nickel . . . The only thing at W rong W'nyi Bend a merry caH 377 Bprace Street All-Around MachinisU mediate delivery, $17 for cord er. Just the present for the fam­ 2516 or 5-1354 after 6 p. m. congealed Miss Am y’s blood; she mother's knosa tbsas days ta her which smphaslaaa the gaiety of N O iB AT. ooatalntes th e ' aaai anteed. skirt . . . A JoUywood wadding Is, f i o f i AMTU, km* rata and mloo T el m External Grinderi load, |9 for H cord load. Call ily from $47 to 874. Brewer Ap­ . i would surely have perished, hod tbs cautetmaa season. USED BOY’S WcycU, 36”. price | she aot caught Mra Barie’a eye as a rule, a rateke . . . bp their walidnc tbrouKb It 81- Internal Grinders 7083. Leonard Gtgllo. pliance, 1173 Main street. East HYDE STREETT—Modern aibt room Bight Wayt Bond a dignified $15, Phone 3-0549 after 6 p, m. CUClTrKIC Motora rapaiii • and single, in excellent condition, ocroos the'room. Mra Earle wsa esr^ porhspa one that la religtouo WoMon’a- Pharmacy. Turret Lathe Operators Hartford. Phone 8-5575. Open 'til A young bride was much an­ Ur\*i>tkl VMiHalf. Inf. rawtndlng. All work guaranteed 9 until Christmas. screens and atorir sash, nice lo­ amlUag, mouthing oometblng. Miaa in tons. Aoa Elootrio Motor Ropaira 881 Engine Lathe Operators Garden— Farm— Dairy cation, Immediate occupancy, Am y thought she woe saying la noyed by her hushond’a prosence Bnetneea Servicee Offered IS North Main atraot oppoalte Da> Drill PreM Operators LEEDY 2 4 octave vibraphone, 89,000, cash $3,500. William Good, pantomime: "It's all over but the in the kitchen while ohe was pre­ Products 50 FOR SALE shouting." paring dinner. And when he ae- pot antraaca on North Behooi Radial Drill Operators portable In carrying case. Phone child, 7025 or Hartford 2-0787. B o o l'S Al4D HER BUDDIES Toll Ua About It CALL DBAJrs ParaoMl Si atraot Phone 6648. ARDMORE ROAD — LOT All over? Yea the cJerlu had cldsnUy knocked her cook book to BY EDGAR MAKIIN Bnmch Operators GREEN MOUNTAIN poUtoes. Hartford exchange ^4367 after the floor, she flsrod up: fhr Kratinn MoaaiaB of WARM AIR FURNACES . number one and number two. 6:30 p. m. BOLTON—Five acres of good 60x125 tU Completely fauid* flnlohed their tabulating. MRTV. os Nu vhotkil I cvwnnt waUe. artaioam Milling Machine Operators land on State Highway; young "Miaa Rose (temeron hoe baen Bride—Now, look what you’ve NOUOOIM«| t OtONTT wwte yoo.,T,.'you^% CLEANED AND REPAIRED | Amelia Jarvis, 873 Parker etreet scaped. House 25x31 fL la* elected—" done! You've kwt the place and 1 VOW J WIM "iUhchaatat 8US. Automatic Lathe Operators Phone 7026. M USICAL InatrumenU of all home orchard; three-room dwell otoun I U t FA n MMOVS VAN CAMP BRUTHEK8 Ics] gunranteod work. Date check­ kinds— new, used, trades, terms. sulated, oak floors, 4 rooms Miss Amy heard thsL but bar haven’t the least Idea what I am Tool and Die Makers Ing In need o f rcpalrn; no con­ cooking! KROtoY \a you O IBI* .Weeld Uka rtda ta Paari 249 North Main SH"eet ed In the homo. Oar radios a Instrumental InstracUona Ward on first fioor, 2 unfinished eyes Vere so blurred with tears, Geuge Makers veniences. Sale price, 82,000. Kay UUhO atraet, Kartfnrd, hotin 8:18 to 5. Telephone 6844 apeotalty. Mancbaater Radio Household Goode 51 Krause. Tel. 5356. Marshall Realtor. T el 2-0715. on second fioor. Flreplaee, she could see nothing at aU...... Phasa8887.. Barvloa 78 Birch strMt Phooa Tool Grinders The meeting odjouraod to the The Way Of Money 8-0840. THREE large room bungalow with shower bath. Holland coal dining room for refreohments of “Money Wka." * Aircraft Sheet Metal Men VENEriTAN Bilnda wood, steal ar People say. aluminum. Choice oolora Conven­ Wearing Apparel— Pure 57 lot 100 X 125. (teyatal Lake. Price buminff warm air furnace salad and oondwichea, Miarbat and RADIO — Elaetrical Applianoo PIBLA'S Rafrigoratlon aarvteo Pattern and Model Makers— But It ne%'er gives fs r 8 a k Barvloa rapalra. picked up aad | ient terms Phone for estimate, 81,600 caah. Phone 2-1801. with thermoatatic control sponge cake and coffee. Domoatla oommerctel, repairs on Wood THREE-PIECE rust color^ 100 "Mamma!” Itself sway. 1888 if li A BU L tnfck. 1888 Boick doMvtrad prampuy. 80 years aU mahea Day aad night aorvtoo. Excellent opportunities are offered no obligation. Mancheatei Vans- and blower. Hot water heat* —David Deutech esparienca l»hn Maloney Phone | tian Blind Oo. Pbont 3-1534. per cent wool eult with fdlsrallsr. "Yes, Rose?” Miss Amy stood I 1M4 Pord ooavartlhlo 88 Biron atraet Phone 8-1438 to skilled and samt-sklllcd men In In A-1 condition, slxa 1 4 830. er, gas and coal combine^. 8-1048 1 Wntaut atraot up. trembling. All the vitamins needed seem to flooMb hear aootor. Kaanoy*a Oa- this rapidly growing Indiistra. In USED FURNITURE bought and Phone 2-0944. Set tabs in baaemmit. "I don’t want to go to Washing­ ratTaM daDd. Phono 8888. RELIABLE Radio repairing. Free tereatlng work, good pay, plenaan WASHING MACHINES be found In plebeian dlahes. pick-up and delivery service. sold nis Red Shop. 59 Hudson REPAIRED ALL MAKES Hatchway to yard. Scrceni. ton, Mamma. I want to stay here." REFRIGERATION SERVICE ■urroundlngs nnd modern working street MoorS'e Ueed Furniture. The protest went uniegistered. MODEL A FORD COACH~ Phono 4607. oonditlona Our emplovment rep- RACXXXIN coat, else SflC In excel­ 18 Venre' Experteswa l storm sash, encloaed rear A mother was greatly disturbed Phone 7251. lent condition. Call 8940. veranda. 25 year F4I*A. People were surging forward, St the Inactivity of her three-year' Goodtlies. . ALL MAKES reaentetivaa will gladly giva you RcasnneM* Ratee! shaking Miss Amy's hand; her full Information on any job for B E A U TIFY Your Home with vane- mortgage, 4%% Interest old son os morning after morning Household Servfcca A. BREWER face was blissful. he sot beside his father’s garden HOUSEHOLD AND which you qualify. Apply Mon ttan blinds. Choice colors. Con­ SKUNK Fur coat, else 14, In good rate. 30-day occupancy. In* So Rose said nothing more___ 1988 ^PLYM OUTH 4-DOOR Offered 18-A dnya through Saturdays — 8 a . M Telephftoe 8-4NM8 seemingly doing nothing. venient terms, (tel) for.esUmatea. conditloa Call 6627 after 4 p. m. apectlon by appolntinent. (To Be Continued) Mother (finally)—Why don’t ALI.Y (NIP What'n tho Pitch? BY V. T. HAMLIN SEDAN— Radio and heater. COMMERCIAL to 4:45 P M. Office 1« located on HarUord 5-879U. FOR C LEAN IN G , waxing and Willow Street, lust off Main Street. M AN'S Cteesterfield navy blue No agents. you go and play with your brother ? Esoellent ooiMUtioiL From a Youth to His Parenti| i-ooM ua WaOV(6, CHUVS- '6000 OOH*. O O S - po’Jahlng all Boon and counter* Bast Hartford. FLLKiK problems solved with overcoat. Practically new. Size Boy— D o ^ y osid he was afraid Tel. 4510 After 6 P. M. You call us "young delinquents,'' tlieae squash vinos were going to w ry fio o r YUL JUtT HAVMM lyOwiAfftt . oaU 3-0366 or 8759. Daly’ s Ino 40-42. Phone 2-2880. OWTOA I 0UT,ru.TAi|8 Ts'DOOR OOvfVN WMATHAtotNl/ linoleum, asphalt tlia. oountei Read Herald Adv8. ‘But, Judf9, ha thinks'up tht bast anawara whan ha's And criticize all we do; run sU over the garden, so I'm 1948 P ONTIAC 4-DOORj ‘ RCIENTIFIC apeclallats In asphalt tUa and PR ATT W HITNEY Expert workmanahip. free esti- 8A9 A Th 8 CAOf WITH YOUS . & GIRL'S sport coat, navy blue, 100 fully ralaxad!” May we remind you, parents, waiting, and if they start to run linoleum Inatellatlona and Soor matea. Open aveninga Jones Our chief guide has been you. arABT / J P V AMar.r T hiCA 9AUU.f CHIEFTAIN — RsdJo sad | REFRIGERATION CO., INC. malntenanca AIRCRAFT per cent wool Ancuna, slae 14. I'll catch them and bring them heater. Very nice. East Hartford. Connecticut Fur< *s Oak street 'Phone —Jo-Anr. Powell. back. 8-1U41 Uke new. Tel. 2-2013. SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH • -- 87 OAK STREET EXPERIENCED gaa station at­ Buildinf—Contractlsff 14 CHRYSLER 22-Inch ateel furnace, NEW BLACK winter coat with ( ‘ A U M \ A L BY IMCH lUKNEN YOUR PONTIAC DEALER tendant Inquire 653 Center fur tuxedo. Perfect satin rain­ MANCHESTER 2-1226 street. Hr. Miller. 8157. Also blower and pipeless SPECIAL! 91 EAST CENTER STREET] I CARPENTER work of all kinds furnaces In stock. Devlno Oo.. coat and other clothing. Tel. 3- % Roots aiding, additions aad niter, WANTED— Two paintera Apply Waterbury 8-5038. 0477. 6 and 8 cyl. Valve and Carbon Job. Block I BOmCBLLO AND Schulte ntlons Also new oonatructloa. John McCann, 30 Laurel street P.UAX Woanaa to do Ooam aUto Slaffert Phone 9-0958-9-1589. FOR TH E HOME, Apex vacuum COLE MOTORS Phone 7388. TW O MEN'.S overcoats, size 42 and Valves refaced, m otor tune*up. One awTiaa. looal traeklag. Aahaa cleaner, $69. Trade in the old and 44. Call 2-1169 after 5 p. m. PHONE 4164 d waste ramovad. Phona vacuum and pay the balance on Week Only ...... $16.85 9-1888.______- Heating— Plumbing 17 Dogs— BlTds— Pets 41 monthly liutaliments. Brewer Appliance 1173 Main street, Eteat RANGB Buraars olaanad and aarv- [PLUGGED Main sewers, sink, YOUNG Canaries, all colors, guar­ Hartford. Phone 8-5575. Open A l / load by a ma.t with a perm it AU lavatory and bath drains effi­ anteed rilngera Can be seen at 'til B tmtil CThrietmas. JARVIS work guaranteed. Also sales on ciently machine cleaned. Carl 195 Henry street. A. M. Harris. INSURE COLE MOTORS m PKE(‘KI.KS AND HIS FRIENDS Blff Moment BY MKHKII.I HMISSKII w aad uaad burnara. Joseph Nygren, plumbing, steam fitter 5467. 91-93 CENTER STREET PHONE 4164 and pump mechanic, 15 South with Banna. Phona 9-0147. TWO-BURNER oil heater with McMarzs OF TMc STUotwr Boot, tm« « TMtRf nORC . iT IS Fa s t y n yolmlsapctv Bcaa.RvKa.vaooyj street Phone 6497. CANARIES For Hals. Guaranteed McKINNKY RROTHBKS iM O W A GLORIOUS OOCASIOM/.--7HS V«t«rans' chimney. Phone 8654. OMJf BTT)N<» IMaT • we n r gonna c r a sh - u n o / singers, (ten be seen at 174 (teo- Real Entale aad toamanee SSMOR HiaiOkY C lA SS HAS OuuCHASfO MfS RAV NAva TN£ MANCHESTER I PLUMBING and heating service A PAINTING W)«CH IS 1D BO PI ner street. Phone 7121. R Grlm- NINE-PIECE mahogany dining­ 606 MAIN ST. PEI. 6O6C MONOK. OP PUUINO SHEET METAL WORKS and repatra. Steam hot water N TUaiR NAME l b SMAOVSIDO THB 0 » l p AT W lS ley. room set, good condition. Call at O'. AIR OONDinONING and warm air. Boilers and radia­ UNVaUNO/ aerala 24 Harvard road after 5 p. m. HOT Am irURNACBB tors available on priorities. Ed­ PEDIGREED Cocker Spaniels. Inatallad and Repaired ward W. Johnson. Phone 6979. Boston and Fox cross, police and Baveatrougha and Conductors BEDROOM set Including chest of BODY AND FENDER Immediate Occupancy Collie puppies, Zimmerman's, drawers and dresser, also Shovel- All Tnae of Sheol Metal WorkI | Lake street. Phone 6287. NEW BRICK HOMES LOCATED ON COLUMBUS STREET. 38 Yaam* Bxperianca Roo6ng— Repairing 17-A A-Day hot water heater. Can be REPAIRING Jarvis Reolty Co. seen at 73 Walker street.. 4 rooms finished, two unfinished upstairs, copper tubing, standnrA TELBPHONB 9418 A C AN AR Y Solves yojir Christ­ ------1------TURNPIKE fistnres, maple fioorlng throughont, kttchen cnblnets, Gsr-Woou S Derae BaeS I RE PAIR OR replace asphalt shin­ mas problem. We will save your \ W . 41IS ee YSTS ANTltfUED reflniabad and repair- gles, slate compoaltlon or tin W HITE enamel kitchen range for AUTO ROUY WORKS nir-eondittnning, with oil burners. ad. Ruah or splint aante replaced canary until Chiistmas. l.,aigF wot>d, oil or coal. Also five burner roofa chimneys, flashings, eaves- assortment of '.'agis and staiv'.s. 166 WMt Middle Tpk. Tel. 7043 These Houses Are Open To And Cna Be Bought By Anyeuet TleaaanB. 188 Sootk-Maln atraet troughs. B. V. Coughlin, 390 oil stove with attached oven. Phan# VM8. Oeissler's and Spratt's canary Phone 7387. Woodland street 7707. food and tonics. Tropical fish, CLOCKS Rapnlrad. Guaranteed I aquariums, heaters and thermo­ W H ITE Tabletop gas range, used NUHOMES, INC., BUILDERS CHIMNEYS rebuilt and repaired. .tw sYnn work, renaonnbla rates, prompt [ Roofing. AU work guaranteed. La stats, dog and rat (ood Ebco Pet very little. Mrs. Marie C3arkc, 14 For G. l/s Only Salesnwn On Premises Saturdays nnd Soadays aorvlce, wUl pick up and deliver Rose Bros., Phone 2-0768. Call Shop, 403 Center street, rear Fairfield street. 6709. For Appointment, Calf 2-0488, Manehester WANTED corner Griswold street. Open 0 a: RED KIDKB • ______^Strmnftra BY FRED HARM AN WyruA Dial 9-1951. any time. ANDOVER — It you have m. to 9 p. m. Phone 3233. R O YAL Bengal combination gas tUfPOhiNii RUSHED ■y ^leN^rTRicAONiV/ 8HIPDHAPB Kllohen aasamblaa | and oil stove, tan color. Very 85M to 8500 and can afford Mwa WERt fOUNP ‘ ‘ Got Station ROCFLNU — Hpecialtaing (n re­ to pay 848 per month, we have are top quality oahtaata, charm­ pairing roofs of aU kinds, also RABBITS, pure breed Chinchillas. good condition, just like new. Ok)R RANCH. OAVr A year' old doe nnd a year old Must be sold before Thursday. available olz new unite — fonr W)'ATvooutD rxcaiEvo ingly dasigned and durably buUl I new roofa No job too small or DO 10 TOU f Attondont to your own raqulramaate. For buck. Also young rabbits. Phone Vincent Marcln. 60 Starkweather roonla down— two onffnlsbed np largo. Good work, fair - Msyict. sn. t. a mto. a a on. .«*. /«•/» and Spaniels now. Aj^.<.C. regts- on quality living-room suites and ford. Oeenpnney within 80 to dDo Turnplko W est water, gas, walk and curbing. “ i tell you I was aecond in my data graduating from high Stattnff Ate> Experience Painting— Papering 2^ tered. Phono 7724. ^ sofas; 2 pc. mohair suite, reg. 45 dnyz. Sale Price 88.450 with dormers -> 88,100 withont dor­ QNE LOT—Brookfield street, overlooking the Old Golf L^. AU school— but thay’va made an awful lot of changes in this ‘It certainly IS an axpanaiva nscklaea! It coat him two and References. TERRY’S Household aervtca. Don’t I $219.50 now $169.50; 3 pc. Law- lmpro%-en>ents — ready for your new home. put off that odd job around the INTERIOR and exterior painting. son suite tapestry cover, reg. mera. math book!". yaara in jail!" Poultry and Supplies 43 HENRY STREET—A very choire resldentlnl section; Bowers house or offloo. Let Tarry do It Aleo psperhanging. Prompt eerv- $340.50 now $208.00 ; 3 pc. mod­ street, north and south of Henry street; Tanner street, Mather Wo do anything from ooUnr to Ice. Kiiy^ price. D. E ' Frechette ern suite In frelze upholstery, reg. ALLEN REALTY CO. street, city sewers, water and gas. Several Other Locations. VIC FLIN T A Child's Faith BY MICHAEL U’MALLEY and RALPH LANE ntUc. Phona 7690. 183H Birch | Phone 7630. DELUXE dressed roaster turkeys, $310.50 now $270.50; 3 pc. modem R E A L'n iR S Reniember—prices on lots are rising. 'Buy now and save! atraet siUte In frelse upholstery, reg. B A B trO B O — Btaaell INTERIOR Painting, waU papar- .^also laying pullets. Phone 2-0617. ISO CENTER STREET $349.oq, npw $298.00; 2 pc. Law- TELEPHONE 5105 at. S-Pkadiy Duplex. 8 raoms A LL MAKES o f sewing manhlnee ] Ing, callings raflnished and Boora 6 >4 TO 7 POUND average, roast­ son suite In beautiful shade of ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. Sale PHm 88A00. axparUy repaired. Slngar Sawing Phono Edward R. Prico. 2-1003. All Lines ol Insurance, 4 ing chickens. Orders taken now green anchor-loop, reg. $275 now 5IAIN STREET REAL ESTATE — INSURANCB Machine Oo,. 838 Main atraot Inrinding Lite, MANCUE8TER — Henry St INTERIOR and exterior painting, ■for Christ mss. Dial 7256. $230; 1 Georgian sofa in beauti­ Tat 8888. ful rose cover, reg. $149.50 now hlort gages Arranged. OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILMAMS OUR BOARDINfi HOUSE MAJOR HINRM.E Datoh O a M a t aO eoB- decorating, commercial, Induet- NICE YOUNG fresh killed tur- Gange la basement rlal, residential, expert workman­ $08.00. Terms If desired. Benson’s keya, 11 pounds up. It you want Furniture, 713 Main, (tell 3535. to aaB. ship by veteran. Reasonable. Call the best In a turkey try our tur­ a SLWlc GIVES 10U SEifE'S A PUZZL£T)1ATLL ^-fOOSH,tBAldDBK.^J^ HMr( COULO j 6855. A (3ROWM-UP FBELIN', key capons. 17 pounds up. Orders DOB6MT rrr STtziPALLTHBesARsish % iMPosstece/ ^6i2u ceenA l MABOaBBYEB—North Sdiool icon coNK.uscte am o s.^ m fiur wmat could^ mi« n am « o I PA IN TIN G and paparbanglng taken now for (hriStmgs. Phone JEN NY LIN D bed. complete. Rea- 7 raoma FOR SALE ' 7733. sonable. Phone 2-1244. FOR SALE T E X T IL E H E LP W AN TE D •**'1 FOUaR>‘lU lSlldtM & j f THAT O B LATe Q OOSm i 4 Large Good work. Reasonable ratea 12'a SARAM yriMBOG SRUCB OSISCCT Bw7 v00OU> 8 M . Sale PriM 87A9e. 14' room papered, 812, Includes 400 MAIN ST.~ 1941 1 1-2 Ton Chev-| WE BUY and .aell good used WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE: 5UMPS-wUX>t<« UKb / f LBT 5AB (W M eTTn CfeKTAito ’ paper at 6O0 a roU. Raymond Articles for Sale 45 furniture, combination rangea. Valoablo Buslncas Corner, M t o a f - m . Bu t d o . it a l a b ^ h^ ^ c h s m ic a iA MANCMBWTBB — Flska Phona 8854. rolet, 159” wheel* gas ranges and heaters. Jones' suitable for Doctor. 8 rooms. SAblDceS LAN e g g s : ■*-' JT S TB S T/j j B r l l N A FOWL’I 16 m.m. MOVIE projector, |15. Furniture Store, 36 Oak, Phone Usrge loL Jacquard Weavers Male and Femala 6B9IT3M.TRI9 LOOS.** S batM*, 7.50x20 tires. I INTERIOR and exterior decorat­ Brand new, used only once, (tell ing, roofing, floor sanding * and 2-1041. Velvet Weavers Male and Fcmalo 7 ” MSB GOLD 2-1579. rAOOlOBafc general repairing. AU work guar­ E. CENTER ST.*- Box Loom. Weavers Male and Female 1938 3*4 Ton Interna* anteed. Porch and lawn furniture TW O PAIRS ladles’ shoe skates, .K 6 6 .A A Valuable Building ISite, has Warpers Male and Femsio WASH IUBB8 IDLDito B ^ Im m la ^^raSrictad ^*2 sprayed at cost tvlth any con- size 6. Perfect condition, $5 each. frontage on Foster street ntoo. It'slah! BY LESLIE TURNER tional D*15 Pickup. tract CaU H. E Webster 6965. Phone 2-9127, General Help Male and Female m o w JAR. TBOA MR.IMKK oovBirnnr<-vAOANT— n « w ATTEN tlO N J.R MslCBi. ONCOUNrffBWItl t I INTERIOR Painting and paper­ ANDOVER— COUNTtBB! 1933 Diamond T with I G IRL'S White figure skates, prac­ WITH EXPERIENCE: UOTBNTOHIBB hanging. Fibers sanded and ra- Near Main Hlgksray. bnaatl- AN' HIRBW iXnNNNTI0N.Bur 12 ft. platform body finished. AU types of commer­ tically new. sixe 5, (tell 6866 G. I.'s tul 9-Room Singly 8 fireplaces. ANOTBi tIT ■fiTTA.MOW cial and Industrial spraying Loomfixera Mala TOO! 400 CINDER blocks. 18c each. Large lot. Large maple trees. Thomas J. McKinney. Phone 2- Aa excellent borne. Harness Buildar Male -J# AX OCB OmOB These trucks are in excel­ 0106. 2,200 feet 4" clapboard. Bath 4-ROOM SINGLE — Fuli tuby conqplete with fixtures. Alqo WM— Sheet Metal Worker Male lent shape and cariy a 30- insulation, laundry In bkae* AUJBN REALTY CO. BRUSH and spray painting, 3x7 sheets ol Americiln walnut PORTER S T .- MM day guarantee. paperhanging, new celllnga floors plyvi’ood About 1,000 feet of 1x4 ment, automatie ffas hot sanded and flnirited, general re­ finished fir, 6,000’ of molding. NICE BUILDING LOT Apply s f B ia n pair. R. S. Porterfields TeL 4752- Phone 0191. After six 4485. Brun­ water heater. Goal furnace. fB ^aiaa 4894. ner’s. This home can be bouffht Union Motors STEEL Frame baby carriage, $8; with very amall down pay* Arthur Al Knofla Cheney Brothers Employment Office Private Instructlopa 28 also a 2 burner electric plate, ment under G. I. Bill. '* REALTOR - 146 Hartford Road Inc. 12.^. Tel. 5819. / 12-18 I ELOCUTION develops confidence; ) T rie PROOF 127 Spruce Street For Further Information 87.> Main Street Manchester, Connecticut iiimiiirtri the abUlty to use the right word ONE P A IR girl’s figure skates, TEL. 5440 - 5938 Manchester In the right place. White Studio. size 3. In A-1 condition. $6. Phone C ALL 4113 tM dJUnldAdvB. 709 Main street. Phon* 3-1892. 8887. I