TOYS -- B I Aa AC Ar Sc Will Be Referred to the Joint Oom- Cent Without Raising Prices

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TOYS -- B I Aa AC Ar Sc Will Be Referred to the Joint Oom- Cent Without Raising Prices J'-J TUfiSUAr, OBCEMBXB 17, IMC iOanrlrrBtpr Ettrafttg if^rald Avtrst* IMIy arcMotlos Ths Wssthar Far the Metoh et Wsesratoe, IMS ffhMHhS dt 0 . W’Wfenthet nwahe both aa a teacher and In actual tarla waa aatabUahad provldad tor Jnnior membara of the Magahao- In commercial atudlaa. Laat but 95 per cant of tha coat for food. 9 ,2 5 9 ter Country Club will h ire a Hurlburt Quits ^ He S. Cafeteria If tha eafetarla waa to oontinoa, ha ‘■anowball JubUaa.” Friday evening, aha waa teaching tha com- TtaraiiFM f.M eetoM ^ut Town > merclal courae in Danbury High aald, it wlU ha necraaary to dia- Daeambar X7. which wfll be open continue aarvtng hot dlahea. Tha O itl* wm ImM ita ! arhool. She reaignad her poaltlon 0I^r tCuFutun 2^raUl to tte public Mualc for dancing Teaching Post In Danbury to join the ataff of the Losing Money eafetarla aervea about SOO paraona Manche$Ur-^A City of VUiago Charm pcrtr W«dn«d«y •»•- wUl be fumlahed by Art McKaya each day. I t at tk* T. M. C A. at orcheatra, and will continue from Devona Military achool at Devona, | In policy of the Other Oguraa ahowad that whan •«« a t AD MMBbafa art r j nlna to one o’clock. For reaerva- High School Instructor, “ JXi whe*’ribr none but male Behind $1,954 tha eafetarla waa 0rat atartad a U) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18,1841 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNTB ______ >ta kriiic with tham a I t ttona Mlaa Rllaabeth Kirkpatrick VOL. LXVL, NO. €7 or Bill Flatter ahouM be contacted. teachera were accepted left her Ami lAJsing at Rate of auhatantlal profit had been made eairt girt for tha grtb bag. AM tlia Gives as Reason Insuf* unemployed. She haa been aub- but this proSt had been returned >~4„<«y tar tha Nawlagton Honw atitutlng to r the paat three daya $375 Each Month U> the patrons In reduced coats and for CHpptad Oiiklren muat be The Mothera’ Circle of the In­ ficient Salary j and waa hlaed laat night. bonuaaa. ta a ta t bi at tkta maattng. fant Jaaua of Pr^ue wUl have a To give the matter further, con- Stassen Ready Spreading ChrisUnas Cheer dMrlea Hurlburt, Inatructor of To Funriah Tranaporiatlon ’The High Schorti Cafeteria la in Chrlatmaa party tomorrow evening the red for 11,964, and ia going Into aide rati on, the Finance committee Economic Advisers The Board voted iaat night TiM Connecticut Chib of F o ^ at the home of Mra. Sue Kerr, 9 aoclal aciance. and for the paat ' the red each month at the rate of the Board cofislating of George Terry Asserts Bilbo year and a half one of the teach- fumlah tranaporiatlon for h a a Uahranlty la bolding ita fln t Mioit atraat. Membera are aaked reb.1"^ Principal Edaon M. Bailey W. Cheney, William J. Ferguson To Seek 194R paat war annual formal danoa on to bring a 60 cent gift for the grab era hi the veterana’ claaaea of Man- and Carl W. Noren, waa named cheater High achool, haa reaignad M a V ^ io r r Sooai^r 17. IN t at the Raca- beS- ___ and a complete audit wUI be made hmok Country Chib. New Haran. from the faculty of Mancheater Predict Favorable High achooi effective aa of Janu­ aa of next Friday when the achool Nominee Post Tha uiiliaatra of Bonny Barman The Woroen’a Home League of the *^*^|*|*^'fa^nlr^Vr’iLrJd h* iak>.n “ rlltacar- 1° dlacuaa plana whether to con-, vacation wlU atari. baa baan angagad to aupply tha the Salvation Army will meat to­ ary 7. Hla realgnation, which waa iranaportation la to be taken care dliconllmie the entire Certain Contractors MHlc tor dancing from alna p. m. morrow afternoon at two o’clock accepted by th. Board of Educa­ of by Louis A. Andlalo, who si- tion at Ita meeting laat night, waa ,; cafeteria plan. He aald that the Announces WiBinme A Kannath KMar of South Oorm* at the cltadeL Outlook for Jobs dated December d. He gave aa hla I porting try la ebaiiman of the dance com- such that to continue without an LOGO To Carry RepublicanR ep um ie ’The annual Chrlatmaa party of raaann for resigning, dlaaatiafar- j Highland P^rk school. The deci- m lttaa. tion wfth ths salary he ws. ^ 7 * ' - * ^ further the BmMam Oul' will be held at ‘be de6clt. He waa of the Gcncnl Strike Gripe Banner; Favors Chang­ the Elka Home, Maxwell Court, Ing. His salary this ^ Forecast Sees I^rodu^ Would Pay His Debt year * 2 !? ;'opmion that to advance priceu AU membara of Mu Sigma Chi 93,900. No successor wss namsd XMAS TREES An Naples Proviace ing of Wpgner Act goclaty and alumni who plan to go Rockville, tomorrow evening at alx lion Good for ‘Some eawiHiig, are roquaatad to meat at o’clock, when a amorgaabord aup- to his placs last night. Nell Lawrence was engaged t o ! aidewslks from Highland atreet to . Rome, Dsc. IS.—(F>—All tha Second Oongragatlonal chtirch- par will bo enjoyed. A grocery Yean Ahead*; Tempo­ Washington. Dec. 18—(F>—Har­ nil the vacancy caused hy the >>0., ..d '.mV Naples provtnee was gripped Stcpinac Sea tenet Seen Former Secretary Testi­ at aamn o’clock tomorrow evening. Bingo will follow and each mem­ 75c to $5.00 old E. Staaaen ripped the ltd off the ber la aaked to bring a grocery rraljmatlon of Daniel Gorman, a had to walk through a wooded sea- | rary *Dip* May Come by a general strike today In Chinese Reds As VialatkM sT JnsUct a » r fies There Waa 'Under­ Bolton arange uwill conduct an' ataple for a priaa. alao a 60-cent teacher of Industrial arta In the .u ___«______ .1 which, he said, waa 8 per cent be- protest against rising prlcss 1948 Republican prsMdentlal nomi­ gift for exchange. Santa la ex­ Junior High school who resigned Hltes (Mvea Approral standard cost for such Make your choice early at In 1947 But .Recea-, and a acarcity o t tread. Pra- nation battla to^y by declaring Amsterdam. Dec. 15.—(F>— standing* With Missia- other MUltaryUtary Whlatwhli party a month ago. Mr. Lawrence realdea row avanlng in the Bolton Center pected to call during tha evening. Arthur H. Illlng. superintsndent 1 work. Other Sgures showed that either of these tocatioiw: mler Alclde de Oasperl appeal­ his candidacy on an Immediate Open Shansi TIm Netbertonds Catholjc La­ in BeHin, and haa mat conmlcted sion May Not Last | ed to the etrikers to return to bor movement adopted a reno* sippl Group in Gon- Community hall, with Mlaa Fiorina Mancheater mamhera on the com­ of achoolt, reported that Engineer 1 the cost of food was 85 per cent ilatform of changing the Wagner mittee are: Mra. Oaorge H. Wll- hla work at New Britain ’Teach- Just put a Record SENSATIONAL work, promtolng that condi­ lutkm yenteedoy terming thn Slatar of RockvIUe to direct the Bruffee of .the State Board of Ed- | ojf the entire coot, whereas the .352 WOODLAND STREET abor relations act. ne^on With Money llama, Mra. Peter Fagan and Mra. erV College, after having served uratlon had inspected the Prince-1 g|gadhrd under which the cafe- tions would be better next 15-y««r MaUttce p a n ■ e d ganMO. Theae whiata. held every more than four years In the Unit­ 0pp. Schaller Cider Mill Washington, Dec. 18.—<VP) The 89 year old three-time gov­ Areas More two waeka. have bean moot auo- John Murphy. ton street site for the proposed in the slot, closo month. against Yugnslav Archbtahop • Owed for Campaign ed States Navy where he special­ or —^The president’s Council of Stores were reported sacked ernor of Minnesota and former Steplnoc “a vtoiation of juatics eaoofnl and have netted a conaider- new school and alao the adjoining Navy captain added that he la out ised In Radar. 1 property of the Mani;heater Green MANCHESTER E!conomic Advisers today to Naples and Salerno and ra- and of impartial judicature In 1940; Cash and able oum for the purchaae of kitch­ A apodal corgragational meet­ Electrical Repairs PHILCO to steer the Q. G. P. along a “truly Corridor Connecting ing will be held tomorrow evening Aaetker Teacher Eagaged I school, and had given his approval MOTOR SALES tho door and it playtl predicted a “more than ordi­ were that the general aimed at the Catholic church en ognipmant. Mra. Keeney Hutch- strike might exUnd to Reggio Uberal path.” Checks Paid Off Debt Inoon o t tha Home Bconomica com- at aaven o’clock at Rmanuel Lu­ Mias Eileen McCarthy, of Lew-1 for the sites. A letter will lie re- ] 512 West Center Street narily favorable” outlook for Gna of his Srst efforts, Staaaen Sectors Captured; C^v- to Tugostavla.” theran church, to aae whether the ranee, Maas., waa engaged aa s calved from him before the Town, A. HAVIDSON It Kans, plays and nops mmu- Calabria. CtomonstraUans Declaring the archbtahop nfttee who la chairman promiaea jobs and production for agalnat living costs occurred told a news conference yesterday, emnient Commanders aavoral door prlaea. in addition to church will vote to extend a call teacher of ocmmercisl subjects at Meeting to be held Friday in : I.H'ENSED ELEtmtHIAN A. PIERCE m 4O ic0llj— ^\M.j% any size record! “ 1 2 0 1 ” will be directed toward amendtoi could not be charged with “col­ Bollttia! to Rev.
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