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0789738163 Samplepp.Pdf ii The 2009 Internet Directory: Web 2.0 Edition Associate Publisher Greg Wiegand Copyright © 2009 by Pearson Education,Inc. Acquisitions Editor All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, pho- Michelle Newcomb tocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Development Editor publisher. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the Joyce Nielsen information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no Managing Editor responsibility for errors or omissions. Nor is any liability assumed for dam- Kristy Hart ages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-3816-5 Project Editor ISBN-10: 0-7897-3816-3 Andy Beaster Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Copy Editor The 2009 Internet directory / Crew ... [et al.]. — Web 2.0 ed. Barbara Hacha p. cm. ISBN 978-0-7897-3816-5 Indexer 1. Internet addresses—Directories. 2. Web sites—Directories. I. Crew, Lisa Stumpf Adrienne. Proofreader ZA4225.A17 2008 025.04—dc22 Jennifer Gallant 2008030926 Publishing Coordinator Printed in the United States of America Cindy Teeters First Printing: September 2008 Designer Trademarks Ann Jones All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or serv- Composition ice marks have been appropriately capitalized. Que Publishing cannot Nonie Ratcliff attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark. Warning and Disclaimer Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accu- rate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied.The information pro- vided is on an “as is” basis.The authors and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book. Although we made every attempt possible to identify sites that children should not visit; sites can change ownership, comments can be added by a third party, links to other sites may be added, etc. Bulk Sales Que Publishing offers excellent discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for bulk purchases or special sales. For more information, please contact U.S. Corporate and Government Sales 1-800-382-3419 [email protected] For sales outside of the U.S., please contact International Sales [email protected] INTRODUCTION The Internet has changed dramatically in • Podcasts: Audio presentations and the past few years. It used to be that archived radio shows you can play when someone said they found some- on your computer or download to a thing online, they meant a static website, portable digital music player and most Internet directories were • Wikis: Web-based collaborative essentially just website directories. knowledge bases, like encyclope- Nowadays, many more sources of infor- dias for the masses mation and entertainment exist online, including blogs, podcasts, videos, social • Social Networking: Discussion networking, and virtual worlds. groups on social networking sites such as MySpace, LiveJournal, and The trouble is that there’s no consoli- Facebook dated directory of all this diverse con- tent.There are Web directories, blog • Forums/Discussions: Web-based directories, podcast directories, and so bulletin board systems where you on, but what if you don’t care what for- can exchange public messages with mat the information comes in? What if others you just want the best listings, regardless • Virtual Worlds: Areas of online of the type? “worlds” such as Second Life That’s where the 2009 Internet Directory: Web 2.0 Edition comes in.This book is a one-stop directory covering hundreds of EASY BROWSING subjects, spanning multiple content types. In this book you’ll find listings for BY TOPIC the following: Some Internet directories organize the • Websites: Traditional Web pages entire book alphabetically by topic.That containing static information is okay in most cases, but it can be frus- • Blogs: Personal or corporate Web trating when you are trying to look up a logs, which are web-based but are subject that is known by more than one frequently updated with new name. For example, suppose you want to content build a deck for your house.Would that be under “C” for construction,“H” for • Videos: Media clips containing home,“R” for remodeling, or “D” for deck? both sound and moving video, such You could be flipping through the book as archives of TV shows or content for hours looking for it. prepared exclusively for online distribution 2 INTRODUCTION This book does things differently. It Chapter 6,“Family/Parenting”: This organizes the listings by broad topic, chapter focuses on family roles and par- with one topic per chapter, grouping the enting, with sections on adoption, preg- listings together logically. So if you’re nancy and childbirth, single parenting, looking for home improvement, you turn teens, and child custody. to Chapter 11, the “Home” chapter. Much Chapter 7,“Food and Drink”: In this simpler, isn’t it? And if you still can’t find chapter, you’ll find resources for special the listings you want, you can look up diets, restaurants, cooking and recipes, the topic in the index in the back of and all kinds of beverages, both alco- the book. holic and nonalcoholic. The book is organized into the following Chapter 8,“Going Green/ chapters and topics: Environment”: Here you’ll find all the Chapter 1, “Business”: Everything you information you need about environ- need to start and manage a business or mental protection, energy savings, alter- advance your career. Includes sections native fuels, and other Earth-friendly on patents and trademarks, office man- topics. agement, international business, and Chapter 9,“Health”: In the Health sec- customer service. tion are resources for getting and keep- Chapter 2,“Computers and ing healthy and fit, researching disease Electronics”: Topics for the gear and symptoms, finding good deals on health gadget enthusiast, including home insurance, and providing first aid and stereos, computers, and TV/video emergency care. recording. Chapter 10,“Hobbies”: The Hobbies Chapter 3,“Current Events/Political/ section contains resources for pursuing Science/News”: Here you’ll find the best your passions, whether that means read- news and information sources for ing, stamp collecting, antiques, or any of national, international, political, and dozens of other pursuits. scientific events and discoveries. Chapter 11,“Home”: This chapter cov- Chapter 4,“Education”: This section ers topics related to home ownership, provides resources for students of including insurance, mortgages and real all ages, for teachers, and for home- estate, landscaping, decorating, and schooling parents, as well as for lifelong maintenance. learners who want to know more about Chapter 12,“Religion/Philosophy”: academic subjects for their own per- Whether you are shopping for a religion sonal benefit. or firm in your current beliefs, this chap- Chapter 5,“Entertainment”: Here you’ll ter provides resources for understanding find topics such as movies and music, a variety of spiritual practices and games, celebrities, science fiction, and beliefs, including Christianity, Judaism, theaters—everything you need to keep Hinduism, Buddhism, New Thought, and yourself (and others) entertained. Atheism. ENJOY THE DIRECTORY! 3 Chapter 13,“Shopping/Fashion”: Love to shop or make your own clothes? This chapter provides the links for your This icon marks sites where you must hobby, with sections for high fashion, pay to access the content. It also marks bargain hunting, shoes, accessories, the sites that you would visit primarily sewing, lingerie, and more. with the intent to purchase something. Chapter 14,“Sports”: Whether you’re looking for the latest cricket scores, tick- These sites require you to register to use ets to a hockey game, or a good scuba their content (but not necessarily pay). diving instructor, this chapter can hook you up, with links for almost every sport you can imagine. This Not for Kids icon marks sites that Chapter 15,“Travel”: Planning a trip? In contain content that may not be suitable this chapter you’ll find resources for for children. making your reservations, deciding where to go and what to see, and locat- ing the best discounts, guides, and bar- ENJOY THE gains. DIRECTORY! SPECIAL HELPS We hope that this directory points you toward lots of interesting and informa- Throughout this directory, the following tive content, whatever your interests.We icons indicate special features or restric- are always interested in hearing your tions: feedback and learning what additional categories or sites you think we should add to future editions. The Best of the Best icon marks the authors’ picks for top-quality sites. TRAVEL 15 The Internet has made the world a smaller place—and made travel a whole lot easier. The sites listed in this chapter help you find the best fares and fees, get recommenda- tions from in-the-know travelers, make reservations, and buy tickets online.Whether you’re looking for a cruise, an eco-vacation, a theme park, or a luxury hotel, you’ll find it here. Or if you’re in the mood to take a trip without leaving home, check out some of the videos, social networks, and virtual travel sites, perfect for armchair travelers. FlightStats AIR TRAVEL www.flightstats.com Frequent flyers (or even occasional ones) will find this site helpful, whether plan- WEBSITES ning a trip or en route. Before you go, Federal Aviation Administration check flight availability, published fares, and promotions.When you’re on your www.faa.gov way, learn about airport information and It’s the job of the Federal Aviation delays, parking, and security wait times.
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