Neutral Britain Plan Ursuit Planes To
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i . <^0 * \ W B D IflB B y’AT.MCBlICTIf*, j H W Tht Wcathtr xdi rweeaet of C. A. Weathsr jianrtff«i«r gpgtttng ^i^ralft Average Daily Ciftulation fe. rer^ihe Meath ef Nevember. MM lUda tealght sad Friday, be- eotalBg aa^ drizzle Friday; m 4 9,016 so eoM tsaIgbtV asrtheaat wlads ioilgKt aad Friday^ Btfeaiher e f the Audit Boraan of Ctrealatfoae Manchetier^’—’A City of Village Charm Pledge to Aid Poland Held ill Oxark Slaying ursuit Planes To >Hawaii Defense; CHRISTMAS Delayed Nail Attaek; A ^ ’v ALL THROnCH TE HOUSE Neutral Britain Plan No War Agreemeni Marshall Testifies He WE*VF GIFTED IDEAS for every home on your list— wonderfuU spiritMfting Allied PrOseculors vFile Probers Are Told cided to Rob Combi accessories for upstairs, downstairs, every nook and corner. Com e see wh*g a Goi^ing Stalenieiil on Konoye and Kido Squadrons in Natidf host of delightful ways we have to say “ H appy Holidt^** to your favortte hostess. Seven Pays’ Postpone Of Most of P-36 b And whether your Christmas remembrance goes m a big or a Hule package, i inent in Erfort to Advice to Short D efend Hawaii; Dei beH^f-aU qmalky, aU the uray Keep Britain Out of To Be Arrested Knowing of A| War With Interna On Hawaii Perils ment to Fight tional Military Tribu For War Crimes fere Japanese At nal; Held Up Action Marshall Sme Danger A Washington, Dec. 6.- Two Powerful Political “Ben French. 43, (Irftl Mrs. Edna Westerman, 31. and her 15- Dean Achesoii * ' h Time *First Six Hours —Gen. George C. Manball Nuernberg, Dec. 6.— — yeai^old son. Gene, atw being held at Vienna. Mo., following the fatal Graf Testifies Figures in List of .shooting of the hoy’g father, Henry Westerman, at his Ozark home. testified today that early -< *■ ' ^ '-V ' 2? Britain’s pledge to aid Poland O f Known Hostilities* Hamp Rothwell. county prosecuting attorney, said Mrs. Westerman Seen Ruining 1941 he decided “to rob pr in the event of hostilities de- Nine Issued by Mao And *ReaV Perils as and the boy had g i^ e d statements that Gene shot his father with a tically all combat put layed.start of World War II About Orders Arthur} Considered by *22 rifie. (A P wirephoto.) * Sabotage*, * Surprise squadrons in the Unit seven days as Hitler unsuc Iran Policy States of most of their P-; cessfully tried to keep the Japanese as Among Raid by Air and Subs* Kenitedy Gave planes’’ for the defense 0 British neutral, according to Top War Criminals Hurley Charges Under Washington, Dec. 6.— (JP) Hawaii. Marshall, then chil a statement by Hermann Hopes to Settle of staff of tha Army, also told^^ secretary ‘Destroyed’ Goering filed at the war Present Head of Hart Tokyo, Dec. 6.— (/P)— ^Two — Pearl Harbor investigators congreasionst committee inv crimes trlsl today. ford Vice'.Squad Wit powerful political figures learned today that Lieut. And ‘Defeated’ Ameri gating the Japanese attadt- Tried t« ‘'Eliminate lnter\«ntloa' whom many of the Japanese Gen. Walter C. Short took Pearl Harbor four years ago I Allied proeecutors filed the ness; Told to Stay in can Policy Of Nation he knew of'no commitment themselves consider among General Motoi^' command in Hawaii with ad statement with the International President Roosevelt for the Ua Military tribunal. Goering, one of Line to Hold Job their top war criminals^— vice from Gen. George C, 'Washington, Dec.. S.— Maj. ed States to go to war before the 20 Nasi leaders on trial said Prince Fumimaro Konoye Marshall that: The danger Gen. Patrick J. Hurley shouted m was attacked. Hitler originally had planned to The matter of aending additio |T> y^;r , •• .:; . Hartford, Dec. 6.— [JPt. — Detec and Marquis Koichi Kido— time for Hawaii would be a stormy session of The Senate i IV e Invade Poland Aug. 25, 1930, but Strike Brighten pursuit planes ( to Hawaii 4^' tive Sergt. Charles A. Graf, pres were ordered arrested as war “the first six hours of known K held up bis attack until Sept, Foreign Relatiwis committee to brought up by (Committee r '' ' hoatiitties,’’ and the "real perils” while his diplomats sparred to try ent head of the vice squad of the crimes suspects by General day that Dean Acheaon had "de William D. Mitchell. were "sabotage" and "surprise to‘ “eliminate British Interven Hartford police department, in Su MacArthur today. Seven other stroyed” and “defeated” Ameri Corporation and United raid by air and by submarine.’ Pearl Harbor No. 1 Doager 'l tion." perior court today before Judge P. men whose activities date back to British Press can policy in Iran. Mitchell recalled a War-Nal The Goering statement said B. O'Sullivan and the jury, gave the imperialistic preludes of the Auto Workers Head Correapondenoe Received Acheson now is undersecretary department agreement in Britain’s signing of the Polish as testimony against his former chief. Pacific war also ^were listed as This was disclosed when the of state. No. 1 man under Secre 1941 that attack from the air ws slstance pact on Aug. 25 made H it Detective Sergt. James A. Ken wanted. , Toward First Negotia Senate-House Investigating com tary Bymca Ho formerly was an Pearl Harbor’s No. 1 danger. ler pause. The fat reichsmarshal nedy, who with ten others is Premier Three Tiroes Reports Loan mittee received files of corre assistant secretary. As a reault of that. Me tions in 16 Days of i^pondence between Marshall, then added that he had been in secret charged with conspiracy to inter Konoye, the dashing prince who Hurley, who resigned last week said, hOyaought "to aee contact w>th Lord Halifax, then fere with the administration of Armv chief of staff,. and Short as ambassador to China, did not radical meaeurea might be served as one of Japan's most Walkout; Signs of from February to October, 1941, British foreign minister, "to do public justice. prized “front men,” had been pre W ill Be Made explain Immediately the basis for to meet to a degree" the Also disclosed, were exchanges his contention that Acheaon had everything to stop war with Eng. Sergeant Graf said he had been mier three times. Kido, a small, Optimism Appearing the Pacific outpost. bet'n'een Marshall and Lieut. Gen. defeated American policies in the land." appointed to the vice squad June shrewd wirepuller, served as Em- " I made the decision," he Describing Hitler’s last-minute 12, 1941, and has served since that United States to Lend C. D. Herron, 1940 commander in Near Eastern country. “ to rob practically alt combat ] O' By The Associated Press efforts to keep Britain out of the rat; u;-d:ri;;rec«;; ““ Hawaii, detailing the history of an Shout Bhck and Fourth suit squadrons in the United 8 t war. Col. Merwyn Griffith-Jones, Grady, Capt. John Kivney and De Hopes for settlement of the $4,400,000,000 Sub "alert"- ordered that year because of most of their P-36 plane*." >• Jittery Tokyo received another He and Chairman Connolly (D., assistant British prosecutor, de tective Sergt. James A. Kennedy. of fear of a Japanese sneak raid. The general explained that tn shock before it had recovered General Motors strike were ject to Approval of Tex.), shouted back and forth at scribed the diplomatic maneuver He said after Kennedy took com Herron reported that alert had not were certain engine defects in raised today as the corpora each other before the testimony ing as "a bogus offer of negotiation mand of the aquad on Mai-ch 1. from MacArthur’s announce upset troops or the civil popula then new P-40 (Warha'wk) figk ment. Japanese Communists an Congress, went into the record. ■ .'■ii, intended simply t<j bribe or other- 1944, he had a conversation vith tion and the CIO United Auto tion. er planes. Senator Bridges (R., N. H.). vkise keep England from assisting Kennedy concerning a rqmor that nounced they would release on Workers headed toward their 1 Thirty-one P-86t were Saturday a list of 1,000 asserted dema.nded answers today to three Poland." he. Graf, and two other members of London, Dec. 6 The fact that Hawaiian forces up, he recalled, leaving Japanese war criminals, including first wage negotiations in the questions arising out o f the Sen his squad w'ere to be removed. He States loan of 34,400,0(>0,000 to —w — A unuea i vvere kept on the alert for months fighter equedrona in the Unit ValeaslMd War Maehlmi....... the emperor and empress. days of the walkout. Nei ate Foreig^n Relations committee A fter seven days of behind-the- said he took this up urith Kennedy Britain, subject to approval by in 1940, on direct orders from the States wiUi three P-36s each, j following a conversation Graf had In No Position to Criticize ther side in the wage fight hearing on General Hurley’s res shall said the 31, with the pur scenes activity, the records intro Congress and Parliament, was an W ar department, was disclosed in ignation as ambassador to China. with Chief of Police Charles J. In the Diet, Premier______ _____Kijuro which has idled 213,000 work- the Arm y Pearl Harbor Inquiry planes already in Hawaii, hr duced as evidence revealed. Hitler nounced today In the British press Bridges said the debonair dip Hallissey and that Kennedy said Sbldehara declared that his gov-jers offered a formal statement. hoard’s report made public last the total there to 50.