Declines to Sanction Issue of Newspaper Supplements in War Workers' Campaign Liberty Loan Work Exempted from Lighting Restrictio
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PUBLISHED D.ILY under order of THE PREXIIDENT of THE UNITED S.TATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Cheairmna * * * COMPLETE Record of U. X. GOVERNMENT Activities VOL. 2 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1917. No. 439 DECLINES TO SANCTION ISSUE LIBERTY LOAN WORK EXEMPTED SENATE ADVISES RATIFICATION OF NEWSPAPER SUPPLEMENTS FROM LIGHTING RESTRICTIONS OF THE TREATY WITH URUGUAY INWAR WORKERS' CAMPAIGN The fourth Liberty loan campaign has AS TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS been released from all lighting restric- INDUSTRIES BOARD HOLDS TO RULE tions, United States Fuel Administrator Harry A. Garfield announced today. ANNOUNCED BY STATE DEPARTMENT This action was taken at the urgent Scarcity of PaperCompels Chairman personal request of Secretary McAdoo, Expected to Promote Trade by Re- and in accordance with President Wil- Baruch to Deny Application of son's proclamation of October 14 empha- moving License Obstacles and Pro- John D. Rockefeller, Jr.-Tele- sizing the vital importance of the loan at this time and declaring that it must viding for Certificationof Samples grams Explaining Circumstances. be successful. to Avoid Payment of Duties. Liberty loan street signs, outdoor The War Industries Board authorizes meetings and all other campaign instru- The Department of State announces the following: ments, approved by the Liberty loan au- that the Senate has advised the ratifica- The following telegraphic correspond- thorities, will be exempted from the tidn of a treaty concerning coinmrecial ence between John D. Rockefeller, Jr., lighting regulations of the Fuel Admin- travelers and their samples between the chairman of the United War Work Cam- istration for the duration of the cam- Uruguay and the United paign. Republic of paign for greater New York and Bernard States. The convention was signed by M. Baruch, chairman of the War Indus- the Secretary of State representing the tries Board, is self-explanatory. It illus- United States and the Uruguayan minis- trates the rigidity with which the War -ter of foreign affairs, Dr. Baltasar Brum, Industries Board, due to war necessity, " The War Is Not Over," during his visit to Washington on August is holding to the established rules. The "Every Man and Dollar" 27, 1018. The convention is likewise in communications read: progress of negotiation with other coun- Text of Communications. "Is Needed Now to Win," tries of Latin America, and its eventual acceptance by many of them is hoped for. NEW YORK, N. Y., October 15, 1819. Says Secretary Lansing Mr. BERNAED 1M.BARUCH, Result of 1915 Conference. Chairman War Industries Board, The negotiation of this important con- Washington, D. C. The Secretary of State issues the fol- vention is a direct result of the First lowing: Pan American Financial Conference held As chairman of Greater New York Inter- United War Work Campaign, which in- in Washington in May, 1915. The Our men in France are driving for- High Commission, created to cludes all the Jewish, Catholic, and Prot- .ward. Our Government is redoubling its national estant organizations give effect to the recommendations of the working for soldiers efforts to send men and munitions over- Conference, and sailors under authority of the War 'Pan American Financial seas. The battles are going well, but formulated the preliminary draft of the Department, and which was brought they must go better. The war is not of the about by the President, have arranged treaty and with the cooperation over. This is no time to slacken effort of State and the Ajuerican with all New York dailies to publish an or to fail to do our part here at home. Department 8-page supplement regarding work of diplomatic service brought about its To keep up and to increase the pressure by the ministers of finance campaign Sunday, November 10, immedi- on the retreating Germans is the only consideration of the 20 American Republics whose rep- ately preceding campaign week. certain way to win. To do this the Gov- work of Mr. T. E. Donnelley, chairman pulp resentatives participated in the ernment must have all the money it the commission. The formal negotia- and paper section, has declined to issue needs. We are asked to loan it, and we priority order for necessary tions were conducted by the Department paper on the are asked to loan it now. The Fourth and the ground that a similar position was taken of State of the United States Liberty Loan will put new armies in offices of the other nations con- regarding Liberty loan and Red Cross re- France; it will supply our men with foreign quests. The amount of cerned. paper involved is munitions; it will destroy every hope of of the removal so trifling compared with the value The movement in favor to the Imperial German Government, its which existed In some the campaign advertising and educational troops, and its followers; it will make of obstructions advantages of the countries to the operations of commercial supplement as to seem victory sure. Germany is bending. early meet- to fully justify a reconsideration on your travelers dates back to the More pressure and she will break. Every ings of the International Congress of part of this decision, which I earnestly man counts, every gun counts, and every has been a request. Immediate action necessary. Chambers of Commerce, and dollar counts more to-day than ever be- matter of discussion for nearly 20 years, Will appreciate telegram at my office at fore. The Government must have the your earliest convenience. Failing to get money it needs. Loan it to your coun- Has a Two-Fold Aim. you to-day by telephone, am sending this try. Do your part to win the war. This convention has a two-fold aim. message. First, it will lead to the consolidation of Jons D. ROCKEFELLER, Jr. provincial and local taxes which have NAVAL CASUALTIES. been imposed in some countries upon Chairman Baruch's Reply. The Navy Department reports the fol- commercial travelers. Countries which sign this treaty agree recipi-eally that OCTOBER 1, 1918. lowing casualties: Roderick Perry Taylor, machinists mate henceforth only a single license fee may Mr. JonN D. RocKEFELLER, Jr., first class, U. S. Naval Reserve Force. be collected from commercial travelers 26 Broadway, Neo York City: Mother, Mrs. Sarah Taylor, 511 Broadway, from one country traveling in the other. Orlando, Fla.; accidentally drowned while will entitle the Your telegram of October 15, referring in foreign service, October 10. The payment of this tax to the plan of having the New York Ralph Hiram Christenson, seaman second traveler to operate throughout the entire an eight-page supplement class, U. S. Naval Reserve Force, attached to extent of the jurisdiction papers publish U. S. S. Huntington. Father, Carl C. Chris- of the country, (Continued on page 5.) tenson, Rio, Wis.; drowned October 12. (Continued on page 4.) 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1918. EXPORTATION OF NEWS PRINT FIRST ESTIMATE SHOWS ARMY BOND SALES FORGING AHEAD AND STANDARD NEWS PAPER BIG BUYER OF LIBERTY BONDS AS CAMPAGN NEARS CLOSE War Trade Board Announces The War Department authorizes the Wednesday's Reports Encourage a New Ruling Concerning following: Committees in Belief That License Requirements. The first returns of the Army's sub- Will Be Reached. scription to the Fourth Liberty Loan to Quotas The War Trade Board announces, in a be made public were anounced yesterday Approximately 54 per cent of the new ruling (W. T. B. R. 266), the fol- by Brigadier-General Herbert M. Lord, $6,000,000,000 Fourth Liberty Loan. or lowing ruling with respect to the expor- Army Liberty Loan Officer. $3,269,001,500, had been subscribed last tation of news-print paper and standard Theqe returns show that the Army, night, according to official returns re- 1eWS: exclusive of the American Expeditionary ceived at the Treasury Department. 1. On and after November 1, 1918, ap- Forces, had subscribed approximately This means in plain language that pa- plicants for licenses to export news-print $30,000,000 of boids, up to Monday, Octo- patriotic Americans must subscribe an paper or standard news to Central and ber 14. To this amount there must also average of slightly more than $900,000,- South America will be required to make be added eventually the amount sub- 000 daily between now and Saturday their applications on Form X, as hereto- scribed by the American Expeditionary night. It is the most gigantic financial fore, and attach thereto, duly executed Forces in France, Italy, and Siberia. task that the people of America ever and filled in, Supplemental Information Total About $45,000,000. faced and the necessity of every man, Sheet X-23 (a new form). woman, and child who wants to see the Captain Robert W. Daniel, assistant Name of Consumer. Allies win this war striking sledge-haml- Army Liberty Loan Officer, states that mer blows for the loan in the next three 2. if the consignee is not the ultimate the total Army subscriptions to the days can not be emphasized too consuner of the news-print paper or Fourth LTherty Loan will exceed strongly. standard news, the applicant should $45,000,000. This means that the Army Loan Committees Optimistic. state, if practicable, the name of such will buy of this loan double the amount ultimate consumer or consumers, and ob- subscribed for the Third Liberty Loan. Liberty Loan comittees throughout the tain permission from the War Trade The eagerness of our soldiers to sub- country declared emphatically last night Board simultaneously with the issuance scribe to the loan has been indicated in that every district would be put over its of export license, permitting the con- a striking manner.