Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:300 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . MAY 31. 2016 -Jawza 11, 1395 HS Notorious Daesh commander killed Pakistan's Interior Ministry on stan to collect his body," the Sunday said DNA tests confirmed spokesman said. that the second person killed in a According to Pakistan's Inte- in Wardak U.S drone strike in Baluchistan rior Ministry, the other person province recently was Mullah killed in the attack has also been AT News Report mander killed in Maidan Ward- ak. However, the Daesh group Akhtar Mansour, former leader of identified. KABUL: A notorious commander the Taliban. Adviser to Pakistan's Prime did not comment into the matter of the Islamic State known as so far. "It is confirmed that Mullah Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Daesh, along with his three asso- Mansour was killed in the U.S Aziz confirmed Mansour's death Airstrike against insurgent ciates were killed in an airstrike in outfits had been intensified in the drone strike in Noshki area of Bal- on Thursday - five days after the central Wardak province, security uchistan," a spokesman from the drone strike in Baluchistan. country, especially in the past official said on Monday. month, in which scores of the Interior Ministry of Pakistan said "All indicators confirm that the Briefing newsmen, Ministry of as quoted by Dawn News. Accord- person killed in the drone strike insurgents, including Daesh Defence spokesman, Dawlat Wazi- fighters were killed in different ing to the spokesman, the DNA was Mullah Mansour, who was ri said that the airstrike targeted sample from Mansour's body was travelling on a fake identity," Aziz airstrikes conducted by Afghan Daesh commander and his body- and US forces.