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Stratigraphy Stratigraphy Biogeography 1 Prof. J. Hicke Geologic Time Scale you are here Carboniferous Biogeography 2 Prof. J. Hicke Importance of Theory of Continental Drift to Biogeography “No contribution to biogeography has had more of an impact than the theory of continental drift.” “Plate tectonics, perhaps more than any other phenomenon, has had profound effects on the biogeographic patterns of both terrestrial and marine biotas.” Lomolino et al., 2006, “Biogeography” “…these changes [geography of continents] explain many aspects of the modern distributions of species.” “Biogeographers recognize that the modern distributions of life reflects both present-day environmental conditions and the past history of the planet.” MacDonald, 2003, “Biogeography” Biogeography 3 Prof. J. Hicke Evidence for shifting continents: Cartographic Biogeography 4 Prof. J. Hicke Evidence for shifting continents: Geologic mapping Glacier location and movement in the past Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 5 Prof. J. Hicke Evidence for shifting continents: Geologic mapping Locations of rock formations Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 6 Prof. J. Hicke Evidence for shifting continents: Distributions of fossils Biogeography 7 Prof. J. Hicke Beetles Fishes Evidence of Continental Drift: Distributions of living species Plants Clawed frogs Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 8 Prof. J. Hicke Mapping age of ocean floor Biogeography 9 Prof. J. Hicke Examples of Continental Drift Biogeography 10 Prof. J. Hicke Examples of Continental Drift Other mechanisms behind land bridge formation? Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 11 Prof. J. Hicke Movement of Plates Through Time Biogeography 12 Prof. J. Hicke Changes in climate and CO2 Biogeography 13 Prof. J. Hicke Effects of Continental Drift on Climate (At least) Two possible mechanisms for major global climate change 1. amount of land mass at poles to support ice caps 2. ocean circulation G transfer heat from equator to pole G effects on aridity Cooling of Antarctica Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 14 Prof. J. Hicke Transition to Quaternary: Shocks to biota slow cooling WVFossils/ Carboniferous_climate.html rapid oscillations Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 15 Prof. J. Hicke Biological tools for assessing past climate Palynology Slide courtesy C. Still Biogeography 16 Prof. J. Hicke Biological tools for assessing past climate Packrat middens up to 40,000 years ago Why? G crystallized urine slows the decay of the material G dry climate of the American Southwest G middens protected under rock overhangs or in cave Biogeography 17 Prof. J. Hicke Biological tools for assessing past climate Tree rings and coral bands up to ~10,000 years ago hundreds of years Biogeography 18 Prof. J. Hicke Position of ice sheets, exposed land during LGM Global mean temperature was 4-5 deg C lower than today Biogeography 19 Prof. J. Hicke Regional temperature effects during glacial periods Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 20 Prof. J. Hicke Dust measured in ice cores Slide courtesy C. Still Biogeography 21 Prof. J. Hicke Slide courtesy C. Still Biogeography 22 Prof. J. Hicke Eustatic sea level change Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 23 Prof. J. Hicke Eustatic sea level change Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 24 Prof. J. Hicke “LGM” Differences in vegetation types Biogeography 25 Prof. J. Hicke Slide courtesy C. Still Biogeography 26 Prof. J. Hicke Downward shift in land cover types during LGM Equatorial Mountain Changes Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 27 Prof. J. Hicke Differential species responses: rates, direction Biogeography 28 Prof. J. Hicke North America refugia Lomolino et al., 2006 Biogeography 29 Prof. J. Hicke .
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