Spiritualism M (&Mf ^Britain
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(Heoistebeo as a Newspamk. &|re ©Itost ifcfosilptr ranwtteb foliar Spiritualism m (&mf ^Britain. THE 11 SPIRITUALIST ” is regularly on Sale at the following places .’—LONDON : xx, Ave Maria-lane, St. Paul's Churchyard, E.C, PARIS: 246, Boulevard des Capucines, and 7, Rue de Lille. LEIPZIG: 2, Lindenstrasse. FLORENCE: Signor G. Parisi, Via della Maltonaia. ROME: The International Library, 346 and 047, Corso. NAPLES: British Reading Rooms, 267, Rivi.ra di Chiaja, opposite the Villa Nazionale. LI--GE; 37, Rue Florimont BUDA-PESTH : Josefstaadt Erzherzog, 23, Alexander Gasse. MELBOURNE: 96, Russell-street. SHANGHAI; Messrs. Kelly & Co. NEW YORK: 24, East Fourth-street. BOSTON, U .S.: g, Montgomery-place, and 18, Exchange-street. CHICAGO : “ Religio-Philosophical Journal ” Office. MEMPHIS U.S.: 225. Union-street, SAN FRANCISCO: 319, Kearney-street. ’ No. 207.—(Vol. IX—No. 2.) LONDON: FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1876. Published Weekly; Price Twopence. Contents. DALSTON ASSOCIATION OF INQUIRERS BRITISH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTO SPIRITUALISM. SPIRITUALISTS. The Affection^ Nature of Man.................................................. 13 ESTABLISHED 1870. 38, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOO HSBURY, W.C., Incidents In the Life of Andrew Jackson Davis:—The In alliance with the British National Association of Spiritualists. Dutchman’s Ghost—Davig’s First. Psychological Expe Entrance in Woburn Street. riences—The Sensations of a Mesmeric Sensitive.......... 13 PpmrnwT Heiorlch Heine:—An Apparition's Opinion of Ghosts— HENRY D. JENCKEN, ESQ., M.R.L THE READING ROOM AND LIBRARY Spiritual Slavery—A Prophecy—The Leper.....................16 Barrlster-at-Law, Member of Council and Honorary Secretary The LaBt Days of Miss Martineau. By Henry G. Atkinson, of the Association for the Reform and Codification of Are open to members and inquirers from 10.30 a.m., to F.G.S..................... ... .......................................................... 17 the Law of Nations.) 9 p.m. Newspipers and periodicals relating to Spiritualism The Testimonial to Andrew Jackson Davis ............................18 fromali parts of the world, as well as other high class journal^ A bitting with Dr. Slade. By Edward W. Cox, Serjeant- Council are regularly taken in. at-Law, President of the Psychological Society of Great Mr. Thomas Blyton, Mr. R. Pomeroy Tredwen, The library contains a large collection of the best works on Mrs. Amelia Comer, Mr. Thomas Wilks, Spiritualism and occult subjects, including some very rare and Britain........................................................................................ 18 Mr. Alfred E. Lovell, A Seance with Dr. Slade. By C. Carter Blake, Doct. Sei. ... 19 Mrs. M. Theresa Wood, value bid ones; also various works on historical, speculative, A Spirit Message purporting to ccme from Charles Bravo. Mr. Jonathan Tozeland, Mr. John Bouse. and scientific subjects, by tbe best authors. A Lending By William H. Harrison,,. ...................................................19 Honorary Secretary and Treasurer :—Mr. Thomas Blyton. Library haB also been formed. Correspondence:—Manifestations in the West of England Rooms:—74, NaVARINO-ROAD, DALSTON, LONDON, E. Terms: One Guinea a ye*r includes membership, use of reading room and library, and two books from tbe lending through Mr. Eglinton’s Mediumship—The Court Journal Extracts from Prospectus. on Spiritualism and Spiritualists—Kardec's Book of The objects of this Association are to collect well-authenticated library; and entitles all other members of tbe same family Mediums—Suggested Testa—“The Stolen Picture”— facts affecting Spiritualism; to offer facilities to investigators; aud, residing in the same house, and who are also members of the A Seance in Paris—The Education of Children—Free by various means, to induce inquiry into Spiritualism. Associatiou, to share iu, the above privileges. Half-a-Guinea Wisdom—Dante on the Soul—“ S J. Sahel Esq.”— Ordinary experimental seances axe held weekly, ou Thursday a year includes membership, aud one book from the lending Spiritualism and Men of Science—Wbat are Work'?— evenings, at 7.45 p.m. to which Members are admitted, as well library. Five Shillings a quarter entitles non-members to the as members of similar Associations which reciprocate similar use of the reading room and library, but not of the lending North of England Spiritualists’ Conference Committee 20 privilege. Strangers can only be admitted to the ordinary seance library. Psychological Experiences of Mrs. Woodbull........................... 22 held on the first Thursday eveuiug in each month, on introduction Objections to Spiritualism .......................................................... 23 by a Member. The last Thursday evening in each month is devoted Freelances for Inquirers h.ve been instituted through tbe A. Remarkable Materialisation Seance inNewcastle .............. 23 to special seances with professional media, lectures, discussions, litwrtdity of some of the members, admission tn which may ba Spiritualism and Physicists.......................................................... 24 reading of papers, or narration of experiences of investigators; to obtained thiough any member, or on application to tbe Spiritual Manifestations in Daylight...........................................24 which strangers are admitted uudcr the same regulations as are secretary. enforced on the first Thursday evening in each month. Tickets for Suitable r^oms may be hired on moderate terms for seances, Spiritual Lectures in Liverpool...................................................24 such ordinary meetings as may be of general interest, in connection Answers to Correspondents.......................................................... 24 with cabiui-t, &c, and also f -r committee nr other meetings. with the “ Brixton Psychological Society,” arc also placed at the Light refreshments are provide i a-i moderate charges. ParagraphsLecture in Newcastle, 23; The Spiritualist dis|x>sal of Members of the Association by that Society in reciprocity Scientific Research Committee ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 of the privilege granted by the Association to similar organisations. Inquirers and fo eign Spi i uab'sts viriting England are In addition to the weekly meetings and seances, Members of the cordially invited to visit the rooms, and the secretary will he Association have the privilege of attending the public seances ot hsppy to afford them any in ormatiun in her power. several well-known professional mediums on payment of reduced Communications should be addressed to fhe re-ident secre RS. WELDON’S ORPHANAGE.— fees, particulars of which can be ascertained on application to the tary, toise Emily Kislingburv, 38 Great Ru«seil-sc eet, W.C^ “Grannies Nursery Rhyme Book” will be published Honorary Secretary; and, also, of utilising the well-stocked Library, and Post office orders wadepiyableat tbe GreatRussell-street M comprising numerous standard works on Spiritualism and kindred Post-office. as soon as Mrs. Weldon has obtained 500 subscribers at 5s. subjects.It All the English Spiritualist newspapers and magazines ar will be illustrated, and will contain thirty original times in all regularly supplied to the rooms for the perusal of Members. the different keys. (Tbe words of several of them are also The alliance existing between this association and the British original.) Two are by Cb. Gounod, also & hymn at the National Association of Spiritualists ” will greatly assist the mem IBERTY HALL. 19, Church Strpet. Isling beginning of the book. “Souvenir,” Cb. Rawlings, &c., will bers in their inquiries, as amongst the objects for which that ton. Weekly Seances. &c.: Sundays. Ile&ling, at 11 am., also contribute, but the greater number are by “Grannie” Association was established in 1873 are the following., viz.: SeiL vice at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Seance at 8p.m.; Is. Friday. Seance al herself. Mrs. Weldon sells everything which is given her, for To aid students and inquirers in their researches into certain 8 p.m.; non-subhCribers, Is. Saturday, Development Glass at phenomena, known as Spiritual or Psychic: to assist In giving the benefit of the Orphsnage. Gifts < f old clothes are likewise publicity to the results of such researches: to afford Information to 8 p.m.; subscribers only. most acceptable. Address, Mrs. Weldon, Tavistock House, inquirers into these subjects, by correspondence and otherwise: and Taviatock-square, W.C. to collect statistical facts respecting Spiritualism.” All communications to be addressed to tho Honorary Secretary, ARDIFF.—FREE LIBRARY of Soitntifie at tbe Rooms of tbe Association, 74, Navarino-road, Daiston, E. A and Spiritual Literature, 157, Bute road, Cardiff. Thia ast London spiritual meetings.- stamped addressed envelope sbould be enclosed In all letters re CLibrary is opened Free bj b. Sadler, Spiriuu 1st, b.j the loan LECTURES giving information about Spiritualism are quiring replies. Copies of the prospectus, rules, circle regulations, of books, and having placed for this purpose the wbol- of his directions “ how to form spirit circles,” and catalogue of books In private library, consisting ot 100 books end pamphlets to Edelivered every Thursday evening at 8, p.m., at Mr. Cogman’sthe library, with any further information, can be obtained on appli Lecture Booms, 15, St. Peter’s-road, Mile-end. Inspirational cation. commence with, he woulo thank friends to assist him.b’ he addresses every Sunday evening, at Seven o’clock. Admission Subscription for Ordinary Membership:—Annual