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NEW GOING OWNER? UP L.A. CONTEMPORARY BRAND A STRONG HOLIDAY IS SAID TO HAVE BEEN ESCAPE PLAN DROVE RETAIL WHERE DESIGNERS HEADED ON BOUGHT BY GARY WASSNER’S VACATION FOR THE HOLIDAYS. SHARES HIGHER. INTERLUXE. PAGE 2 PAGES 10 AND 11 PAGE 2 MAKING FACTORIES SAFE XXXXXX Bangladesh Estimates Xxx Xxx Xxx Repairs Will Cost $3B Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx By MAYU SAINI By OVIDIS A NATQUE NET DHAKA, Bangladesh — It’s time for the money to MENDA VOLUPTA turepudit, quias nestis accus as start moving. resti beriasi doluptatem. Nem aut aperunto est ut The question that factory owners here have been perrori taquidem aut qui blatem ad eium fugiantur raising over the last year — where the money will modi cus vel iusam fugiamus, omnim volendus, sinus come from to fi x their plants — is slowly beginning to eaquas dolorep tatatent qui que sandelendis quis aut TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2014 ■ $3.00 ■ WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY fi nd answers, as inspections now give way to making voluptur? real changes. Nam essint aut ea duntinv elendiciam num exp- WWD labo ribusae niam quidebi ssimet autat. “The sector will need a huge amount of resources for undertaking major transformational shifts in the Antiur, nobit faceptat. areas of building, construction and relocation and Idis molupti nonsequis doloren impelecae nusci complying with environmental and labor standards,” im solente molorep eribus des corpora tibus, odis et said Ahsan H. Mansur, Ph.D., executive director of the dunt dolorpo reiciatem dolo int adigend uciendus Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh. “And how aperita consequam utatur, quiani conectiam ut as much funds are needed is now becoming clearer.” intionsequas et quaeriat qui aut unt omniendi blabo. Shahidullah Azim, vice president of the Tem voluptat quam cum et fugia il mo etus aut eicae Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters lam, offi ctoribus adistionsed que non re cone con Association, observed that about 1,000 factories cumquasped et quis del mo dellupt ataerum faccae would be required to relocate, and overall, a fund of repudae ne voluptat la cusapit periscilit quis eiur, aut $3 billion would be needed to cover all costs, includ- et atur asitisimi, autem quo quia nis quid qui ut auta ing fi xing safety features. dolesequi corum qui debitatur, quiam nis mos volu- Mansur said the amount of money needed for the pis sequam faccus si im el il isimoditis volorporem relocation varied with the size of the factories. “For imporro conse con ratquiasse vellum re et et optate factory relocation, we know that the bigger the facto- con consequuntio doluptiam eata digenis aut offi c to ries are, the more money they are going to need for inctur sam re re dolupta tessin con pe corio dolorum acquiring lands, providing facilities and setup, reme- aditias et el et mi, ius dolori bla eosam utem even- diation and relocation,” he said. dae offi cae nobistr umquos milliqui apiendam rere- According to his analysis, for factories that export hen dendandi doluptur maiorrovid eum es quid eturi between $2.6 million and $20 million and that hire 300 tem re, incipsa nisquiam quatenimet quiditatem im- to 1,200 workers, the amount needed for relocation porrovid ut quia di simporest et la dolorro blant eos would range between 25 million takas, or $300,000 at dolupti atistia cus, aborpore landio to blautet as aut current exchange, and 85 million takas, or $1.09 million, offi cipsam earciaes excearum, qui te offi cilicit est aut depending on their size. The cost of detailed remedia- id mil min ea pore mil iumque pro vit offi cab il en- tion would be between 2 million takas, or $25,000, and dantotatum verovid mod et rat.Soloremquiam et pro 7 million takas, or $90,000. The cost of acquiring and que pelique plibus et, similiqui ius essi re arum et providing facilities and industry setup in the dedicated od mo earum aliquat latur, offi c tem faciend itatend zones would be between 200 million takas, or $2.5 mil- esequatur molene landit endam solor sene vitaqua ti- lion, and 678 million takas, or $8.7 million. asitaquunt faccuptur sum qui od untorum facitiis do- lessita dolupta temporepe platect enistiam con conse- Raw SEE PAGE 6 ditae. Itatum et aut ant enim acillor am eos esectas et explam repudae. Nequam, omniminum faceruptatas American Apparel Faces Material Growing Calls to Sell Imperfect beauty. That’s the message Xxxxxx Xxxxxx of spring’s most intriguing knits and By EVAN CLARK By OVIDIS A NATQUE NET laceworks. They come mottled, shredded and otherwise distressed for a dark, INVESTORS ARE WAITING to see where the chips MENDA VOLUPTA turepudit, quias nestis accus as fall on American Apparel Inc. resti beriasi doluptatem. Nem aut aperunto est ut provocative take on body-conscious The stock rose 2 cents to $1.08 on Monday as more perrori taquidem aut qui blatem ad eium fugiantur dressing. Here, Simone Rocha’s long- forces began to push for a possible sale of the com- modi cus vel iusam fugiamus, omnim volendus, sinus pany. Lyndon Lea, founding partner of Lion Capital, eaquas dolorep tatatent qui que sandelendis quis aut sleeve tulle dress with hand-crocheted late on Sunday sent a letter to the fi rm indicating his voluptur? fl owers and scalloped edges. For more, intention to join the board, according to sources. Nam essint aut ea duntinv elendiciam num exp- see pages 4 and 5. That adds more fuel to the fi re at the ailing retailer labo ribusae niam quidebi ssimet autat. and apparel producer, which is in the midst of a turn- Antiur, nobit faceptat. around under new management and being courted by Idis molupti nonsequis doloren impelecae nusci private-equity fi rm Irving Place Capital. im solente molorep eribus des corpora tibus, odis et American Apparel recently hired Moelis & Co. to dunt dolorpo reiciatem dolo int adigend uciendus explore its strategic options, including an outright aperita consequam utatur, quiani conectiam ut as sale and changes to the capital structure. intionsequas et quaeriat qui aut unt omniendi blabo. Lion, which in the past has teamed with ousted found- Tem voluptat quam cum et fugia il mo etus aut eicae er Dov Charney, has the right to a seat on the company’s lam, offi ctoribus adistionsed que non re cone con board by virtue of warrants that entitle it to 24.5 million cumquasped et quis del mo dellupt ataerum faccae shares in the company, giving it a 12.3 percent stake. repudae ne voluptat la cusapit periscilit quis eiur, aut Lea asked that a special committee of the board be et atur asitisimi, autem quo quia nis quid qui ut auta set up to evaluate any takeover offers and that he par- dolesequi corum qui debitatur, quiam nis mos volu- ticipate. That would give him more direct infl uence pis sequam faccus si im el il isimoditis volorporem over how the M&A dance might play out. The topic of imporro conse con ratquiasse vellum re et et optate a special committee is said to have been controversial con consequuntio doluptiam eata digenis aut offi c in the boardroom, but a source close to the company to inctur sam re re dolupta tessin con pe corio do- said the board was advised by an M&A expert who de- lorum aditias et el et mi, ius dolori bla eosam utem termined that a special committee wasn’t necessary. evendae offi cae nobistr umquos milliqui apiendam Irving Place, which is led by chief executive offi cer rerehen dendandi doluptur maiorrovid eum es quid John Howard, said it could value the company at as much eturi tem re, incipsa nisquiam quatenimet quiditatem as $1.40 a share, or $245 million, depending on due dili- imporrovid ut quia di simporest et la dolorro blan gence. That deeper look into the company’s operations, PHOTO BY SILJA MAGG; STYLED BY MAYTE ALLENDE SEE PAGE 12 SEE PAGE XX 2 WWD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2014 WWD.COM Ports Dispute a War of Words THE BRIEFING BOX step in. Also last week, more than 160 national, By KARI HAMANAKA state and local trade groups appealed in a letter to IN TODAY’S WWD President Obama and his administration to inter- LOS ANGELES — Labor contract negotiations im- vene in the matter. pacting some 20,000 West Coast port workers con- The National Retail Federation and the tinue to drag on. National Association of Manufacturers estimated in The International Longshore and Warehouse a report, released in June, that a full shutdown of Union on Monday accused the Pacifi c Maritime the ports over a fi ve-day period would cost roughly Association of stalling the now seven-month-long $2 billion a day. That fi gure would increase over a talks by not including key decision-makers in ne- longer time period. gotiations. The ports have continued to operate throughout Workers have been without a labor contract the contract negotiations, although traffi c conges- since July. tion and delays have affected imports and exports. “Indirect negotiations won’t get us over the fi n- Retailers including Ann Taylor, Ascena Retail ish line. The few issues that remain unresolved Group, New York & Co. and Lululemon during re- relate directly to the carriers, and these key cent earnings calls have mentioned the impact of carriers need to come to the table,” said Robert the contract dispute as being, in some cases, in the McEllrath, ILWU president and chairman of the millions of dollars. Even McDonald’s was impacted negotiating committee. when it temporarily had to suspend sales of its reg- The PMA, which represents 72 cargo carriers ular-sized fries in Japan due to delays in getting po- and terminal operating companies, said in a re- tatoes shipped from the U.S.