Bedrock Geology of Edwardsville Quadrangle

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Bedrock Geology of Edwardsville Quadrangle Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF EDWARDSVILLE QUADRANGLE Department of Natural Resources Joel Brunsvold, Director MADISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS Illinois State Geological Survey William W. Shilts, Chief Joseph A. Devera and F. Brett Denny 2003 BUNKER HILL 12 MI. 2 000m. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 90°00' 40 E. 41 42 1.6 MI. TO ILL. 140 57' 30" 44 45 R. 8 W. 46 R. 7 W. 55' 48 49 580 000 FEET 89°52'30'' 38°52'30" 38°52'30" 159 Psb 400 Eberhart Cem St James Cem 4306 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 4306000m.N. HENKE LANDING STRIP 375 Psb Shelburn Formation 400 350 Pennsylvanian Desmoinsian ek 800 000 re C FEET Pcb Carbondale Formation Gard Pcb 400 I M Quercus Grove 4 Maple . 2 Cem L E 157 M A Quercus Grove H Park 4305 Line symbols: dashed where inferred Petroleum and Coal Resources a h i c 26 k 28 n o a h of Madison County 27 r a C 25 B Barnett (Resources have been removed) 30 29 Contact 375 28 43 Macoupin County 04 475 Bedrock topography (elevation in feet) Madison County 325 350 4304 325 Coal test (depth in feet) Oil test, dry hole (depth in feet) s Golf gh ou Course rr u 43 Oil test, show of oil (depth in feet) B 03 . I . I 33 M 35 M 2 7 1 2 N 36 31 D O 34 32 L Edwardsville T Mine shaft, abandoned E 33 I . S I F G M H Quadrangle N I C 5 V T I I . R I 350 L L E M V I 0 375 1 R 55 Mine slope abandoned N D O O 157 T O L A W 400 Psb T. 5 N. 143 375 Mine underground uncertain location St. Clair County 50' Graney 50' T. 4 N. T. 5 N. 1:500,000 Psb ek re Underground coal mine area C T. 4 N. 43 Oil and gas fields Coal mine area 02 400 Camp Torque (coal has been removed) ek 159 re C 4 gar Su 425 3 kia 1 ho Ca 2 Introduction Tradewater is dominated by shale with sandstones and siltstones. The The Colchester # 2 Coal Bed is also present and can locally be 3 6 5 43 k 4 01 base of the Carbondale Formation is the base of the Colchester Coal in feet thick. However, this coal is highly variable throughout the e e 143 r Bedrock Geology of Edwardsville Quadrangle is part of a this area. The most widespread limestone in the Carbondale is the quadrangle and has not been mined. The Danville # 7 Coal Bed occurs in C 159 statewide 1:24,000 scale geologic mapping program by the Illinois Hanover Limestone Member. It is a light gray to olive gray, lime a number of boreholes but is thin and discontinuous. 43 St Boniface 01 Cem Department of Natural Resources (Illinois State Geological Survey). mudstone that contains a few < 10% small brachiopods. The upper part Pk Park This map was funded through a grant by the United States Geological is argillaceous and has a nodular texture, the lower part is a massive Oil and Gas St Marys Bluff Cem Survey. Geologic maps may aid in the exploration for economic minerals limestone. The top of the Carbondale is marked by the Herrin Coal. Junction 425 including coal, petroleum and natural gas, and may facilitate regional Overlying the Carbondale is the Shelburn Formation it contains the Numerous oil and gas tests were drilled in the quadrangle. The Hoppe Hamilton Park Cem planning. Brereton Limestone Member at the base, the Bankston Fork Limestone deepest test was drilled to the Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone at 2,500 Trinity City y feet below the surface in T. 4 N., R. 8 W., of Section 26. All wells were Ch & Sch e Member and the Piasa Limestone Member in the upper part. The Hall n 43 Nelson Elem o 00 Sch o The Edwardsville 7.5' Quadrangle is about 18 miles east- Danville Coal was reported in a number of boreholes. dry and abandoned. A few had shows of oil in Ordovician, Devonian, M northeast of St. Louis, Missouri and is dominantly composed of Middle Only two formations subcrop below the Pleistocene. The and Mississippian strata. No oil has been produced from the Pennsylvanian (Desmoinsian) strata. Regional dip is 2 to 3E to the east Carbondale subcrops in a large paleovalley trending east-west in the Edwardsville Quadrangle. 43 EDWARDSVILLE 00 11 L 9 i and strike is near north-south. Bedrock exposures are rare in the northern part of the quadrangle. The Shelburn overlies the Carbondale 10 12 tt Woodlawn 450 le quadrangle due to drift cover by Pleistocene glacial deposits of the and subcrops throughout the rest of the quadrangle. References Cem 7 8 9 157 Glasford Formation and Peoria and Roxana Silts. The only bedrock M High Sch o exposures seen in the quadrangle occur in Wendell Branch in the From drill records Chesterian units present include: Ste. Chenoweth, C., and Barrett, M.E. 2001. Directory of Coal Mines in 475 on ey southeastern corner of the map and Judys Branch in the southern-most Genevieve, Aux Vases, Renault, Yankeetown, Downeys Bluff, Cypress Illinois, 7.5' Quadrangle, Madison & Macoupin Counties, Jr High Sch part. A tan, fine to medium grained, quartz arenite with mica that is thin and Golconda. The Edwardsville Quadrangle is east of the St. Louis Illinois. with 'Coal Mines in Illinois - Edwardsville Quadrangle'. 4299 bedded was observed in Wendell Branch. Siltstone was also seen in the Fault Zone seen on the Geologic Map of the Bethalto 7.5' Quadrangle Illinois State Geological Survey Map (1:24,000). D American Legion u 450 n creek at a higher elevation. Both sandstone and siltstone are part of the (Devera, in prep.). Chesterian strata represented is more consistent in Denny, F. B., (in preparation) Geologic Map of the Prairietown 7.5' Golf Course la p 500 C Quadrangle, Illinois State Geological Survey Map sheets IGQ Leclaire Shelburn Formation (Desmoinsian). Mainly gray platy shales occur in borehole data. The angular unconformity seen in the Bethalto 42 Wolf r 99 e Cem ek Judys Branch also part of the Shelburn. Quadrangle is more of a disconformity in the Edwardsville Quadrangle. Series. La ke Tow There no longer is an angular relationship between the Pennsylvanian Devera, J. A., (in preparation) Geologic Map of the Bethalto 7.5' er L ak e A large area of the quadrangle has underground coal mines at a strata and the upper Mississippian strata. Quadrangle, Illinois State Geological Survey Map sheets IGQ Leclaire Lake Series. 4 depth of 350 to 375 feet below the surface (see mined-out-area inset and Radio Towers . I Leclaire Elem Sch (WYRT) L L M I Smith W. H, 1961, Strippable Coal Reserves of Illinois, Part 3 - map for detail). The Herrin Coal Bed of the Carbondale Formation was Economic Geology 5 O T 143 E Valley View . Madison, Macoupin, Jersey, Greene, Scott, Morgan, and Cass I N the seam that was mined. Coal mine subsidence has been a problem for I M R Cem 1 Rotary A 14 13 143 . the City of Edwardsville, Illinois. No coal mines are active in the Coal Counties, Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 311, 4 pls., 40 p. 16 Park 17 4 M 15 Radio 18 quadrangle. Tower 16 Eleven coal mines were active from 1875 to 1958 within the 4298 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY There is 140 feet of relief in the quadrangle; the Pin Oak Edwardsville Quadrangle (see mined-out-area on the geologic map; AT EDWARDSVILLE St Marys Ch Township being 570 feet above mean sea level and Cahokia Creek is 430 Cheowith and Barrett, 2001)). All of the mines were in the Herrin # 6 47' 30" 47'30" feet above mean sea level in the lowest area. Most of the quadrangle is Coal Bed. The thickness ranges from 2.6 to 8 feet and was mined at a flat which is reflected in the bedrock topography. depth ranging from 350 to 375 feet below the surface. No coal mines are currently active in the study area. North of Edwardsville, Illinois the Grover-Gifford 475 55 Cem 42 Bedrock Geology Herrin Coal occurs at a strippable depth in a extensive area north of the Metro East 97 High Sch paleovalley on the geologic map (Smith, 1961). Denny, (in prep.) Ballard There are three Middle Pennsylvanian units that occur below the discusses the adjoining area to the north in the Prairietown 7.5' Geologic Cem 42 Pleistocene: Tradewater, Carbondale, and Shelburn Formations, in Map where he also states that the Herrin Coal occurs at a strippable 97 Radio Tower ascending order. The base of the Tradewater Formation is a depth. The subcrop line of the coal is equal to the contact between the (WSIE-FM) Township 525 Park conglomeratic sandstone that contains rip-up clasts of siltstone, and Carbondale and Shelburn on the geologic map. The Herrin Coal is Kuhn Station Frickenstein limestone of the underlying formations of Chesterian Series. The eroded by pre-glacial erosion in this area. The extent of erosion on the 21 22 Cem 24 19 conglomerate marks the boundary between the Mississippian and Herrin Coal within the paleovalley is based on the bedrock topography 23 Bartlett Cem 20 21 Pennsylvanian Systems and the sub-Absaroka unconformity. The (red contour) and a structure contour of the top of the Herrin Coal. 4296 159 Sunset Hills 4296 Country Club W end A.
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