Portland Daily Press: April 11, 1900

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Portland Daily Press: April 11, 1900 S PRESS. DS PORTLAND DAILY _ ~~ ■ 1 ----- ^ ■ fc—fLiL-J■ '-!-■■■ -J II '■ ■'■T—L-1 -!!... .L.l'iJJS ■ ’-!' 1 ■■ THREE ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 1900._ISSrK,iVSKI_PRICE CENT8. of the fifth ooa bombardment cf tba mm. The Major Manlng drajooaa who took the dalle* of Boar stage gun akaa boa already Bred goardr, op orderly did excellent work. Captain hr d Crewe HAVE YOU ORDERED IT? over sixty roands. Uader ooaar ol tba lire tbe Boer* advanced to tba ooitbsm faoe waa ihot dead while ooterlag the tetreat of tba bat rttlnd preolpltalely Of other*. THE . worhs, MaoLrren waa THE WORST DEFEAT YET. coating within rifle range. Tbay also ad Captain oererely wounded and the faraonn ranoad to tbe southwestern posts but Lieut. Milligan, Yorkehlre while te- warn repulsed. ^There was no oasoallty. orloketer, fatally, Tba Boers under Commandant Dan naotouely holding an assigned po'l'cn Lieut. Milligan rode uneaalated to Hama- Creaje are evidently falling bach before th lahama. Ike advance of tba ooathsrn lolief column Med leal worked or and are with two oom- Orderly Waneford, Suit Overcoat ooooeatrollng pluoklly on the Arid which afforded little Spring maadooa who are retiring before Col. -FKOII THE- eoeer. British Said to HavelSuffered Third Planter In order to make a Qnal effort to redoee the town. All tbo forts sod out- HEAVY UANNU.NADINU. lying positions are means I, tba troop* Pretoria, April f Via Leu renin Mar- ara eteadlag to arms and everybody la qce*.) Henry oannonedlug le reported at Disaster. under oovar. All am convinced that this New Custom Tailoring Department Fonrtein Streams 'lhe Brltlib were la the Bears last attimpt. ueleg a natal gun. Lord Methueo la -or- ■noting In the dlreotlon of Uoonelad. MOVING AT BltiUAKSBb.HU. London, April 11.—Tbo Durban corre- spondent of tb> Dolly Telegtapb, tela- FESTER, AVERY & CO. ! graphing Tuesday. April 10, aaya: "Our naval guns hays commenord At Merkatsfontein 900 Men and 600 bombarding tba Boar positions between Reported Captured • Sendaye Hirer and Dlrgaraberg.'• BH1TISH CASUALTIES. Wounded. Pretoria, Monday, April B.—Vie Lou- ranso Marquss)—Tbs British casual ties In tbs fight at Do Wets’ Dorp wers one hundred killed and wounded and four hundred end flfty-nloe captured. TBE BULKS FLED. Wartkopfontoln, Orange Free Stale, Comes From Boer Sources And Is Discred- Monday, April B.—Lord Methnen’a force Story la anooroped here tan allea east of Boo- ited in London. bof. Slnoe the Doahof affair Lord Cheskam, With yeomanry and tba Kimberley mount- ed oorpa baa reconnoltared eastward, but be has oaly encountered a small body of lioers, who lied. LOOKING FOH OPENING. liondon, April 11.—A despatch to the Daily Mail from London, April 11.—Tbe Bloemfontein correspondent of tbo times ttlegrapblng TRY 15 fllNUTE Brandfort dated Sunday, by way of Lourenco Marquez Monday, aaya: "Tbe enemy ora making a general at- HEADACHE says: tempt to discover a strategic opening. Tbalr Dm bars are unknown to us, but'arv — — ■ 1111 ■ General Dewct inflicted the third defeat of POWDERS. “Yesterday anywhere between 3000 and 0C00. They ore or Overcoat made to and Sore ('arc for I.« Xtn- A High Grade T 1 ored Suit measure, British within a week at and moving oeutloualy. Urlppr, the Merkatsfontein, killing and Sick Ilcadnrlir. guaranteed first class hi workmanship, fit and finish. Yonr tailor BOERS BOLD SHKE STATE. ralgla Package of 10 postpaid '43e. dollars for the same 600. charges twenty-five garment. wounding Betbudle, Orange Frae State, Monday, Prewumpicot Manufacturing Co., (15 styles of the Newest, Swellest things to select from at April B.— It la estimated that tbe Boers aj»7diw Cumberland Mills. Me. lie captured nine hundred with twelve wagons, losing ~ bridge over tbe Orange river. Conse- five Boers killed and nine wounded. TUB quently extraordinary precautlone have S16.50. been takes. Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed or Refunded. A to roe of Bo‘« Is looatsd twelve mllee CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK Money east. Is soms leaves Fischer, eor.-espondsnoo proving the publis in a nervons condi- of i*|uine. As s matter of faot tbs liosrs 1’oiTlaud, All Garments Purchased of US are Kept Pressed Free ot Charge. DEFEAT CONFIRMED. that the fall of Ladysmith w»s to bo the tion, fearing everything. prsotlo.il again bold ths Free Stale eastward ef signal for a general Bntob rising.” Despatches from Pretoria as late as ly The tbs Times at tbe railroad. correspondent of Monday did not mention any farther CAPITA I/, Loarenoo Marques, telegraphing Monday, lloer victory. Un tbs ooutrary, they said KNUAGEMK.V1' AT VKPKNEK. $100,000.00 ■aye t all the commandoes Third Great Disaster to British were quiet and, as A llwal, Ncrth, Monday, April ft— An ‘"Trustworthy refuges* assert that the Lord Koberts has hitherto never and Undivided $29,000.00 AVERY & fulled engagement took piaoe today at Wepeoer. Surplus Prolits, FOSTER, CO., Boers obtained at least recently thirty promptly to report mischances es well Xbe I)jots Vlckero-Maxlm did consider- Solicits the accounts of Bank*, lie r- OUTFITTf Troops. pieces of artillery, seme of large oallbre, as or to ths THE BESSE SYSTEM 27 STORES, successes, allow newspaper able execution at first, bur tbe English rantilc Firm*, Corporation* and ROPERATORS^ whleb were Uroauhl overland as ma- to corie-pondrrt* report them,until some guns scon got tbe reoga end did great Individuals, and is prepared to fur- chinery from a West Afrloaa port. Bight confirmation Is received there nish Its the best facilities la justifi- bavoo. Xbe llghtlug was severe and lasted patrons of these gons were despatched to tbe Dree cation for regarding the Merkatsfonteln ami liberal accommodations. 11.—The Dally Mall all day long. Xbe Boers ruoslved a oheok. London, April estate a week ago. The Boer officials open- Minor >s an id exaggerat aoooont of tbs Xbe catualtlss were rather heavy on both the following, dated Tuesday, In WELL puhllabes ly boast that they have succeeded affair. Ibe same In the World 1 DRESSED. ttedderaberg At time sides. Another cernmando Is advenolcg Interest Paid on | April 10, from Lourenoo Marques: ammunition l’ortn- Deposits. Now is the time smuggling through Boer reports bare so often oorrect when Ladies, Gen- Netherlands proved toward Wepeoer from Lie Wet's Dorp. The Hallway company gcese tlemen. Misses and Children are putting territory.” that the greatest anility will be f>lt. Xbe Kooxtllle oommando bus to 1 of to hare rroelred a telegram re- gone Wheeldom M on new clothes. professes The Bally Mall has the following from No farther newi has baen motived cf SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. a Boer near Wepeoer. Did you ever notice an well porting victory Kroonetad, Sarah dated Aiafektog, apparently Lady Wilson, fighting either at Wepener or In Natal. Interviews and Correspondence Invited. dressed in in the Boera capturing 000 British.'' HOUSES HIE FAST. person every way, except March 20: lio?r mports seem to Indicate tkat Lord Stearns Footwear, 8hoes not in upon thle, the Dally Mall ft.—Ue- wearing keeping Commenting "Col. Flamer's eoluain la now within Msthusn la advancing from Boahot Bljemfontelu, Monday, April Cl'I.LEN C. CHATMAN. President. with the new suit? remarks: twenty mltei ol us: but Its advent Is un- toward monnta are oontlnually arriving but We have Uoopitad. I HUM AS 11. EATON. -Cashier. splendid trades In Shoes, “There Is a Merkatfonteln, about eight authorities estimate that tbe desirable unless accompanied by food It la a bold and a competent Bicycles latest designs, superior workmanship, apparently dangerous nl HECTOR*: and a half miles southeast of Kroonetad, wastage of horses monthly by tbe British best qualities used in manufacturing supplies. move, tlnoe, although It tarns ths fight If the be true, this can hardly be 25 no rivals. but, report “The here that young feroes in the South Afrloa must calcu- CULLEN C CHAPMAN. SETH L. LARRABEE —have 55 I and prices to suit the grades of goods. opinion prevails flank of the Boers’ position s• Brandfort, best 55 be the lated at not less than five thousand. 55 Each of “the work,” Our new shoe “THl'-ME," best place.’’ Jan Cron)* has returned to the ranks of It puts Lord Methuen's foroe between E. M. STEADMAN. FEBLEV P. EURNHAM, 55 “the best material,’* and cm- 25 S i.oo shoe for women !u the market. The Daily News hat the following from tb* Investing Boers and la trying to whatever garrison there may be nt Hloern- COL. PLUMEK'S F1UHX. BRICE M. EDWARDS, JAMES F. HAWKES 52 bodying the “best ideas of the 55 Good trades for 9‘3.M> to 93.00. Still dated Monday, by way of Dela- better shoes 9 l.oo to 90.OU. Pretoria, avenge Paardeberg.” hof In the Transvaal and ths Brandfort HENRY S. OSGOOD WILLIAM M. MARKS. time'’ are an 25 Uaterones, 10.—Satur- 55 they inspiration goa Bayi Tacsday. April 52 to all wheel foroe. In tbs environs ADAM P- LEIGHTON, buyers. “It la announoed that a battle day's light of Uefsklng U, „w„u entors Into Stearns ofUolally Boer 5E that £5: The peaoe commissioners at Na- on Only CENTER baa been fought south of Brandfort In l\ LOm was conducted, Col. Plumer's side, 25 Bicycles which can help them ss; &¥cDOWELL, DISCREDITED do not ooneeal tbs fact ples that they under la tbe make the world's finest wheels. 55 539 Street. whleh 000 British troops ware killed and great difficulties, being 25 Congress bare no of hope obtaining pesos wltb In- of the Boer wheaoe re- 55 wre invito inspection of the 25 wounded and 800 taken prisoners.
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    GET MORE NEWS & UPDATES @ INSIDERADIO.COM >> FRANK SAXE [email protected] >> PAUL HEINE [email protected] (800) 275-2840 Friday, March 29, 2013 THE MOST TRUSTED NEWS IN RADIO Tech developer says new chips will power-up HD reception. One of the biggest beefs with HD Radio has been limited signal ranges. New technology that’s said to improve the chips used inside receivers could change that. By focusing on a fix at the receiver level, Digital PowerRadio (DPR) says broadcasters won’t foot the bill for improvements that could come more quickly as Americans buy new phones, cars and other electronic devices. DPR has spent the past 18 months developing the tweaks that would be made to the baseband receiver chip inside radio receivers. The tech company says it would significantly improve the performance and coverage of the digital signals radio stations already have on the air. “We don’t make any changes on the transmission side, which means broadcasters don’t have to spend any money — this is all on the receiver side,” says Mark Fowler, managing member of DPR, and former chairman of the FCC from 1981 to 1987. Using computer simulation modeling, DPR says its new chips will provide coverage gains of approximately 5 dB for FM signals in mobile phones and tabletop radios, and approximately 7 dB for auto receivers. Similar improvements are possible for AM stations. “The new chips would be much more sensitive than what is being used now, therefore we can take a weaker signal, receive it, and the effect is to increase the signal going into various radios,” Fowler says.
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