WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REPORT A publication of the Epidemiology Unit Ministry of Health & Indigenous Medical Services 231, de Saram Place, Colombo 01000, Sri Lanka Tele: + 94 11 2695112, Fax: +94 11 2696583, E mail:
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[email protected] Web: http://www.epid.gov.lk Vol. 47 No. 33 08th– 14th Aug 2020 Neglected Tropical Diseases - Dracunculiasis (Guinea-worm disease) Dracunculiasis (Guinea-worm disease) Dracunculiasis is a parasitic illness at the brink of eradication, with only 54 cases reported in 2019. These 54 were reported from 4 African countries. The parasite enters the human body through ingestion of water contaminated with fleas that are infected with the parasite. The water fleas are killed in the stomach, liberating which interprets as they acquire infection in the the larvae inside them. These larvae penetrate same way as other intermediate hosts but are the intestine wall and migrate within tissues, and not involved in transmitting the infection to the in the process grow to their full size (60-100cm). definitive host. The disease is transmitted to The fertilized adult female worm emerges from humans through ingestion of food, water or soil its exit –usually a lower limb, where it forms a contaminated with the parasite eggs, or after painful blister. When infected persons immerse direct contact with animal hosts. There are 4 their legs in water to soothe the pain, the worm forms of Echinococcosis, each caused by a dif- releases its larvae into the water. These larvae ferent organism of the genus Echinococcus: are ingested by tiny crustaceans known as water Form Causative organism fleas, where they mature into their infective cystic echinococ- stage.