
BEER'I\I'BONES Volume1 lssue2 APRITJ-gg7

'thc with grxld cornpliny, is like a little chnmtrr, across crevit\sc', irtLr-! \)l f,ii.r.ii.u. liciiiirrirr,.;li,ri titrrvii u sit;1;e,.iiurig .l J)aisu!e. 'louge' llessage from the ,\lcrxrllri dorvn thc iltd into the President Iror tltose ot vou c()nternpllting tirssil chiunber. This may sound daunting but Gav has c'llrckedttre 'The Y V elcorneback tirr frorn 1997. minuteon Run". This cave was tust oprned in the Hope you all h:rd a grxxt breali. sixties with the aid of a smiill Things are looking gcxrrltor 1997 blast or two and wa.stbund to bc with the KI tnp plannedand only relatively uruemarlelbie as t'nr as needing those tlrrt {iIIe string trl cave tbrmation was cclnce-med.It pay Lyndlee betirre 9th April or lvAS subsequently used ils a tiey wlll miss out. If Iou now training cave. In 199i. cavie anl L'itn't corne tirr whatcver rcllsorr iunateur palaeontol0gist Lurds"rv also tell Lyndlee or \!e mlrv get Hatchernoticed that the urverskrj stuck paying tor those thut tion't been walking straight through a rum up. Sthenurus skeleton, md (rvith \!'ell, enough from me. I'm sure permission) conducted a the rest of the nervsletter is preliminary snartrng, er. I meirr temptingyou so havea gotx1reud. testdig. However.if it rvlusn'ttbr this, the cave wouid.never huve Jts Colrner Pre-tident cornc to tie attention of ex;rn palaeontologist.Gavin Prideau.x. Island Dig. The imgrruurce of the nc!'v The big is tlrst the trlp to i\lcrxrta thls yelr. (iO dig appniaching megdaunid deposit in Westem and i tirr one. lun eagerlyurvtriting Thcrc is no(hin!: like the ()t "\ustniliit wAs nol lost. on Gar,. lirh .\prii Alrtrcugh lrtrn()sphere thedi!' lrt Alc(x)t1 -l'o Current undcrslrnding ol divrp;xrintedthat more people are uncoverrernldns of creaturesS Quaternary tauniusin thc '"vestern unublc til ussist in tnrlliottvc:rs old is quite;rr',e this majur hulf of the contincnt ltre pidaeontoklgicaldig, those going inspiring.Aud tirr you wh

Rutlcne Sltanttn, Furulruisinq cottrdrntrtrtt-(plt()ne 32.72666bi.

Ne*s from the Lab -fhc new iliti)rrnlrt()nccnUc irt thc Gone:the Nlrlrctxlne('in'cs is ultdenvlrr'..\ diprotodon optslum, rrewThvlircolco skelcton hirs hcerr whichgrew as cornpletcd (u-lu Ed Blulel arxJ big as a Pctcr Dlcnkc) iutd is u'lLitirrg hippo- .;ust polsmu!. assernhly.Thc sen'icesof Stevcrr Ililyter hlvc hccncrilled on. Sornc ot vou rniry hltvc se€n his wondcrtul -l-dirnertsionrrlrvlurlc rnund ;.rtt]lc Si\ Whlrlc ['etrtrelrt Victor illrrborrr. llc will bc rcsponsihlctirl lr sitnillu'stvlc ol'