Summary of public consultation feedback- proposals for multi-year event licences Below is a summary of the feedback received in response to the public consultation undertaken as part of the process for multi-year event licences. This public consultation is legislated and was administered via Council’s consultation platform Your Say from 8-29 May. This document provides graphs and tables summarising the feedback and also outlines our response to the feedback received. Summary of public consultation visitations/lodgements: 65 visits to the Your Say Adelaide website 3 people completed a submission form.

Level of support to grant multi-year event licences to the proposed events 3





Corporate Cup Corporate


Mother'sClassic Day


LuckyMarket Dumpling

Walk a mile in boots my mile a Walk

Skating At Victoria Square AtVictoria Skating


Vegan Festival (Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga) Festival(Victoria Vegan

Mitsubishi Motors Australian International 3 Day 3 International Motors Mitsubishi Australian Vegan Festival (Rundle Park/Kadlitpina (Park 13)) (Park Park/Kadlitpina Festival(Rundle Vegan

Strongly support Support Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

Rating of satisfaction with event management approaches for each event 3




Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Additional approaches that event organisers could implement to improve the running of their event and minimise any impacts

Comments received Staff response Limit road closures to the minimum in scope and time. It is not clear which event this comment relates to. We always strive to ensure that road closures are implemented in a way to minimise disruption as much as practically possible. Members of the public are invited at any time to provide feedback on a planned road closure. This feedback will always be considered and amendments made if deemed possible.

Glendi Greek Festival Level of support for Reconciliation Plaza to be closed for more than 24 hours during Greek Festival for each of the remaining years of the existing multi-year event licence.

Response Number of respondents Strongly support 2 Support Neutral Do not support Strongly do not 1 support

Rate of satisfaction with proposed event management approaches proposed by organisers of Glendi Greek Festival associated with the closure of Reconciliation Plaza for more than 24 hours during Glendi Greek Festival for the remainder of their multi-year event licence.

Response Number of respondents Very satisfied Satisfied 1 Neutral 2 Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Additional event management approaches that organisers of Glendi Greek Festival could implement to improve the management of the closure of Reconciliation Plaza and minimise any impacts as part of their event

Comments received Staff response Maintain traffic flow around the square with clear diversion signage. Should the closure of Reconciliation Plaza be supported by Council, there would be a requirement for the organisers of Glendi Greek Festival to provide a traffic management plan. This traffic management plan should outline alternative routes around the square and diversion signage. Some previous Glendi festivals have ended up owing money to the A financial check has occurred on all proposed multi-year event Adelaide City Council. Have these debts been paid or, perhaps, licences and it is confirmed that organisers of Glendi Greek Festival forgiven? The organisers should make payment of debts a priority, currently do not have any debt owing to the in especially to the Council for the privilege of using the Park Lands. connection with the delivery of Glendi Greek Festival.

Adelaide Festival Hub Level of support for to deliver concerts as part of the Adelaide Festival Hub for each of the remaining years of their current multi-year event licence

Response Number of respondents Strongly support 1 Support 1 Neutral Do not support Strongly do not 1 support

Rate of satisfaction with the event management approach proposed by organisers of the Adelaide Festival Hub for the delivery of concerts for the remainder of their multi-year event licence.

Response Number of respondents Very satisfied 1 Satisfied 1 Neutral 1 Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Additional event management approaches that organisers of Adelaide Festival Hub could implement to improve the management of the concerts as part of the Adelaide Festival Hub and minimise any impacts as part of their event.

Comments received Staff response Ensure sound engineers properly monitor noise level limits from Should the addition of concerts as part of the Adelaide Festival Hub concerts be supported, the event organisers would be required to adhere to the requirements of Council’s Event Noise Mitigation Standard Operating Procedure (currently under review).

Other comments received as part of submission forms A letter was received by Ms Gunta Groves during the public consultation. The letter and our response to the letter is included below.

Addendum to the Submission to Adelaide City Council re Multi-year event licences (2019-2024) for Park Lands use Some of the broader aspects of the proposed multi-year licences need to be considered. Event management approach The Events Management Plan 2016-2020 (APLEMP), according to the implication in its title, will be rewritten for the years after 2020. I note all 12 of the applicants for a multi-year licence wish to have extensions that go beyond 2020. What surety is there that the new requirements in the revised APLEMP will be the same or better as for 2019 and 2020? Or will the new agreements for the multi-year licences contain assurances that nothing will change for the applicants for the length of their licences. If so. there will be inconsistent expectations applying to the various licence holders in the Park Lands.

On the matter of difference, why is the Glendi Greek Festival exempt from the requirement to comply with the APLEMP? What does this mean—open slather? Some previous Glendi festivals have ended up owing money to the Adelaide City Council. Have these debts been paid or, perhaps, forgiven? The organisers should make payment of debts a priority, especially to the Council for the privilege of using the Park Lands.

On another matter of difference, why are some events required to ban single-use plastic straws and some not; and why are some events required to use 'best practice in waste minimization and recycling including compostable materials' and some not? Surely, if these requirements are important, all licences should be subject to them. Some of the 'event management' requirements are poorly expressed and provide few criteria against which the performance of the licence holder can be judged. A good example is 'minimize vehicle access on the Park Lands'. How can this possibly be judged or challenged? You could drive the metaphoric truck through such a requirement. Another is keep sound levels to a minimum to minimize disruption to nearby residents'. So, the licence holder can decide what 'minimum' might sound like to suit their purposes and some disruption to nearby residents is all right. And one that throws in doubt any possible policing or measurement of transgression or fulfilment is ensure sensitivity to nearby bird life'. Putting aside the idea that any , loud and well-lit human activity on the riverbank is more likely than not going to disturb birds nesting, roosting or just trying to feed, how is the licence holder going to demonstrate 'sensitivity' to some acceptable but undescribed level? This is not an argument to omit such aims in event management but merely a pointer to the need to set criteria that are enforceable and measurable.

Omission from the information available for public consultation The City of Adelaide has a system of licence/lease charges that include discounts for many licence/lease holders. Despite the Council complaining that spending on Park Lands is very high and borne mostly by the city ratepayers, the discounts proliferate. If licences are to be multi-year' and for a particular site in the Park Lands, it is fair to charge a premium for such surety and exclusivity. Information about the financial aspects of these special deals for these 12 applicants is missing in this public consultation.

A comment on the principle of 'multi-year' licences The past few years have seen a particular strategy being employed by Park Lands lease holders, in particular. The strategy involves achieving a renewal or extension of an existing lease and then using that as an argument to build new, usually extended, facilities on Park Lands, sometimes under the guise of consolidating buildings to diminish the footprint of built form. This strategy can be seen to be very pertinent when considering multi-year' licences. The longer a licence holder occupies a part of the Park Lands, the greater the chance that an argument will be made to allow some infrastructure to remain on the Park Lands from year to year, or that extra facilities need to be provided by the Council. Part of these improvements' might be more forrnalised vehicle access and parking, power and water supply, and sewer lines. Not only are these requiremeits by the licence holders extra costs to the Council but lead to more and more built form and vehicle movements on Park Lands.

Gunta Groves Honorary Life Member, Adelaide Park Lands Preservation Assoc Inc Board member, Adelaide Park Lands Authority, 2010-2013


Our response to this letter is as outlined below:

• The multi-year event licence provides us with the ability to vary licence requirements and conditions at any time without the consent of the recipient of the multi-year event licence holder. Therefore, any possible future iterations of the Adelaide Park Lands Events Management Plan 2016-2020 and any other relevant policy/guideline positions of the CoA will be applied as applicable, to recipients of multi-year event licences. • Organisers of the Glendi Greek Festival are not exempt from the requirements of the Adelaide Park Lands Events Management Plan 2016-2020. • Organisers of Glendi Greek Festival currently do not have any debt with the City of Adelaide associated with delivery of the Glendi Greek Festival. • In line with Council’s Motion in July 2018, all licences for new events must require the ban on all single use plastic straws that cannot be recycled or reused. We are also working with existing recurring events to support them to implement this single use plastic straw ban. • The Adelaide Park Lands Events Management Plan 2016-2020 sets out as part of its guidelines that event organisers will use best practice in waste minimisation and recycling including compostable materials. We recognise that not all event organisers have the resources and budgets to fulfil this in the immediate and that this action takes time. In supporting the recently adopted Sustainable Event Guidelines, we are currently investing in and supporting industry to deliver more sustainable events which includes waste management approaches. • As part of the case management approach to supporting external events, on-site inspections and assessments are regularly undertaken. Aspects such as vehicles on site and respecting of nearby wildlife/nature are assessed. These inspections allow us to ensure ongoing compliance to event licence conditions. • All events that occur in the Adelaide Park Lands are subject to Council’s Event Noise Mitigation Standard Operating Procedures which set out permissible noise levels. • All event organisers are subject to the Park Land Site Fees. Instances where fees are reduced only occur when there is clear evidence of forces beyond an event organiser’s control which has impacted on their site (ie OBahn works). It is not appropriate to charge additional fees to event organisers purely on the basis that they have a multi-year event licence. • None of the proposals contained in this report for multi-year event licences will be provided with special deals on their Park Land site fees. • None of the previous or currently proposed holders of multi-year event licences have built permanent infrastructure on their event sites. Infrastructure brought in by event organisers is temporary and necessary for the building of their event site. • One of the projects contained within the Adelaide Park Lands Events Management Plan 2016-2020 is an event infrastructure upgrade project. Subject to Council’s adoption of the 2019/20 Integrated Business Plan and inclusion of the event infrastructure project, event infrastructure upgrades would first occur in Rundle Park/Kadlitpina (Park 13) with investment in /Murlawirrapurka (Park 14) subject to 2020/21 budget considerations. In scope of the event infrastructure upgrades are power, potable and recycled water and waste water disposal.