oug thr h hu ice m st a u n j r l i a g i h CENTER FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RIGHTS c t o s s Human Rights and Reconstruction in Afghanistan MAY, 2002 oug thr h hu ice m st a u n j r l i a g i h c t o s s Center for Economic and Social Rights 162 Montague Street, 2nd floor Brooklyn, NY 11201 Tel: 718-237-9145 • Fax: 718-237-9147
[email protected] www.cesr.org Credit: University of Texas, Perry-Casteñada Library A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS n the post-Cold War era, more people than ever live in abject I poverty, deprived of any meaningful opportunity to fulfill their human potential. Established in 1993, the Center for Economic and Social Rights is one of the first organizations to challenge economic injustice as a violation of international human rights law. In projects abroad and in the United States, CESR combines research, advocacy, collaboration, and education. The basic aim of our work is to mobilize people to confront the policies that keep them poor. While the challenges are immense, real change is possible when communities use human rights to hold decision-makers – be they governments or corporations – accountable for their actions. e are grateful to all the Afghans and inter- facilitating the mission in Peshawar and Jalalabad. We national aid workers who consented to be also thank the Board of Global Ministries, United W interviewed for this report. It is clear that Methodist Church, for additional financial support. the main reason for optimism about Afghanistan’s future lies in the courage and resilience of the Afghan people, The mission participants were Hadi Ghaemi, Roger and the dedication and commitment of aid workers.