This book is for educational use only and is not recommended as a means of diagnosing or treating an illness.

All matters concerning physical and mental health should be supervised by a health practitioner knowledgeable in treating that particular condition.

Neither the publisher nor authors directly or indirectly dispense medical advice, nor do they prescribe any remedies or assume any responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves.

OxyLife is a registered trademark.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.


General Acknowledgements.

I am grateful to Mr. William Guiol who encouraged me to take on this task and who I am privileged to call my friend.

This book is not intended to diagnose, treat or otherwise claim any medical treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor.





An Introduction to Oxylife…..……………………………………………..………..……6


Modern Day Living………………………...……………………………………………..10

Quotes from Medical Specialists……………………………………...……………….12

Oxygen Deficiency or Hypoxia………………………………………………………....13

How To Take Oxylife…………………………..…………………………………………14

Achieving Normal Blood Sugar Levels……………………………………………….15

Is Oxylife Safe……………………………………………………………………………..16



Blood Analysis……………………………………………..……………………………..19

Laboratory Reports………………………...…………………………………………….20

Oxygen & Blood……………………………..……………………………………………23

Animal Welfare………………..…………………………………………………………..24


How to Use OxyLife...…………………………..………………………………………..25


Oxylife Recipe………………..………..………………………………………………….28

Technical Information……………….……………..…………………………………….37

Questions & Answers……………………………...…………………………………….40

Conclusions Magic of Oxylife…………………………………….…………………….45


An Introduction to OxyLife

For nearly 14 years now I have been using OxyLife, to help me with my diabetes. I was happy in the knowledge that I was oxygenating the cells of my body, and I was ensuring that there was enough oxygen in my body to assist in the metabolic processes, and the many wide and varied functions that require prodigious amounts of oxygen, to ensure my health and well being.

My first encounter or knowledge of OxyLife was when I was living in Zimbabwe and I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. This was in 1988, and a doctor friend, who had about 10 diabetic patients, suggested that I should go onto Oxylife as a means of assisting in metabolizing glucose.

This doctor had a very good response to using Oxylife in his patients, so I agreed to start on this product, a decision I have not regretted for a moment. I started to study diabetes and the role of oxygen and diet again, because unless you use this information, you cannot take charge of your own health.

The first rather worrying point about being diabetic, is to know that my red blood cells were in good shape, because I also know that most diabetics have what is generally termed “sticky blood”, which means that the red blood cells aggregate, and as many as 50 or 100 red blood cells can stick together, thereby losing the ability to enter the cells through the capillaries.

In all the years of taking Oxylife, I was confident that my blood remained well oxygenated, and that the excretion of glucose from my body had adequate oxygen in order to accomplish this task, a result which was confirmed as each blood test revealed.

The many functions that rely on oxygen for the successful implementation of metabolic functions, is both amazing as indeed they are numerous.

Oxylife helps to restore oxygen to the cells which have a huge task in trying to protect us from the massive pollution from the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink, all of which requires huge amounts of oxygen to excrete these pollutants. 6

Our lungs were designed to provide oxygen to our cells in order for our bodies to function at optimal levels, however, with so much pollution; it does not take much thought to understand what will happen if pollutants have to be removed, and that function is dependent upon the amount of oxygen available, something has to go without!


- Air Pollution:

It is well documented that air pollution is very high and most scientists are concerned about the level of pollution around the world.

The Far East countries have been battling air pollution and smog in their cities for decades.

Major cities around the world have shown a decline in the amount of oxygen in the air and the new minimum standard of oxygen content in the air has been dropped from 21% oxygen to 18% oxygen.

Most of the larger cities of the world have this problem, and in the USA, some 345 of 700 counties failed the smog test.

Smog is highly toxic and causes many respiratory infections among the population. When smog levels are high they contain, ozone, hydrogen cyanide, hydrocarbons and sulphur dioxide, all these products are harmful to plants and humans alike.

Carbon Monoxide from motor vehicles is another pollutant that we do not even think about but when we breathe this toxic gas into our lungs it combines with haemoglobin in the blood and prevents the absorption of oxygen, which, in extreme cases, results in asphyxiation.


- Water Pollution

This is still, and will remain a source of illness for many people.

Most of our rivers, estuaries and oceans are heavily polluted already, and we add toxic chemicals to the water supply to our homes, which they say will protect us against disease, yet the diseases caused by these toxic chemicals are among the worst and most feared conditions in our unhealthy lifestyles.

As an example, chlorine is added to our tap water yet it is known that this product produces a by-product called “trihalomethanes”, which is a known carcinogen.

If water was treated with Oxylife, there would be no bacteria to worry about, because it is well known that pathogenic bacteria cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment, furthermore, Oxylife is so stable that it will not evaporate or dissipate from the water to which it is added, so, at a stroke, we could eliminate many deaths and ill health from just that one decision.

Of course there are many other types of man made pollutants that are added to our so called “soft drinks” most of the fizzy drinks we buy and give to our children, are sweetened with products like aspartame or high fructose corn syrup, and we wonder why our children become obese, sickly, and do not thrive as they should.

- Food Pollution

This area is a minefield of bad news, as the food industry goes on the rampage of making good tasting food with added toxic chemicals, such as high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, colorings, fillers preservatives such as sodium nitrite, a known carcinogen that is used to preserve processed meat products, which look so enticing in the supermarket packaging.

White flour too has an added pollutant called “alloxan”, this product makes the bread white and fluffy, so looks very nice and of course is a deadly chemical for diabetics, because alloxan is known to kill off the beta cells in the pancreas helping to add to the problems of a sugar eating nation that is becoming more and more diabetic.


Mercury in fish has now reached alarming proportions and even fish caught in the very remotest of oceans, at the poles, are found to have a high mercury content.

Meat from farm animals also carry huge risk for the consumer because, antibiotics, and growth hormones are present in the meat you eat.

- Toiletries–Polluted

Out toiletries are also polluted with chemicals such as sodium laurel sulphate which is also a known carcinogen.

Deodorants too have become a source of disease as aluminum has been shown to cause breast cancer.

Don‟t be fooled by the labels of, “pure”, “natural”, and “organic” as many of these products contain 1-4 dioxane yet another known carcinogen.

Perhaps it is worth mentioning at this point that the four major killers in the world are; heart disease, diabetes, cancer and stroke. All these diseases are man made and can be reversed with a radical change of diet.

- Soil Pollution Unfortunately, our soil too has become badly polluted with the addition of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer, fungicides and of course the water that is sprayed onto the crops, from polluted rivers, dams and underground sources.


Modern Day Living.

All metabolic functions require oxygen to operate at maximum level however, we also know that all the pollutants we ingest on a daily basis requires oxygen to excrete these toxins, and therefore, some of the functions we expect, are not always able to be performed at their optimal level to keep us healthy..

In addition to the pollution, there are other reasons why we need oxygen, to maintain our good health and well being.

Emotional Stress, we all know about this, because life has become more stressful, in addition to perhaps family pressure and the many upsets that come our way. This creates the production of adrenaline, which in turn requires vast amounts of oxygen to return to a normal, happy lifestyle.

Physical trauma is also an oxygen user because when you are injured, your circulation is reduced, and the oxygen required by the cells and tissue is denied this essential element.

Infections too, use up free radical forms of oxygen to combat bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Frequent use of prescription drugs, used to counter infections, also depletes cellular oxygen because oxygen is required to eliminate these toxic substances.

Oxygen depletion or “hypoxia” is a serious condition when you consider that the amount of oxygen we can obtain from the air is slowly dropping in volume and more importantly in quality, therefore the addition of oxygen to your already overworked body is almost essential if you are to beat the pollution threat.

We also know that more than 50% of the Amazon Rain Forest will be gone by 2030, just a few short years away.

This too will reduce the oxygen content of the air by even greater and more significant amounts, which will add to the enormous pressures on our oxygen supply.


Our lungs have evolved as a very efficient organ, capable of filtering out most of the dust and particles from good clean air however, we no longer have that good clean air, which adds considerably to the task we now give to our lungs to resolve. If all this is true, then it follows that we are not receiving enough oxygen to ensure our good health and well being, therefore, it is also reasonable to suggest that additional supplies of oxygen that is in a stable form, and does not create free radicals, and is proven to supply nascent oxygen to the red blood cells, is essential.

Let me try to explain what happens to your cells when oxygen is not present. Firstly, they do not die as you might think; they simply use another source of energy, namely, sugar.

Now that is not surprising since those of us who choose to take large volumes of refined sugar, refined flour, trans-fats, hydrogenated fats and saturated animal fats, will almost certainly have this condition.

Secondly, your red blood cells will be unable to offload the prodigious amounts of oxygen and nutrients required by your cells and tissues because, each red blood cell needs to travel through the capillaries in single file, and this cannot happen if the cells are sticking together ?

This opens the door to some of the feared diseases such as cancer and candida.

A high-glycemic diet is one that includes any white sugar, any white flour, white rice, honey, maple syrup, alcohol, coffee, wheat, any junk food, and most fruit, (some fruit such as berries and cherries, are moderate to low on the glycemic index).

Improper diets drain oxygen from our bodies and most diets are excessively acidic, with the emphasis on red meat, coffee, fizzy drinks and junk foods. When excessive amounts of positively charged hydrogen ions are in the tissues, they combine with and use up oxygen.


Quotes from Medical Specialists.

This quote by Dr Freibott, explains why oxygen and oxidation is so vital; “It is the lack of oxygen in proper amounts in the system that prevents oxidation and oxygenation, which energizes the cells to biological regeneration”. These processes are the “foundation of life and death”. If the normal environment of the cell can be maintained, it will not lose its growth and reproduction potential. Sub-oxygen creates sub-oxidation. Oxygen is a powerful detoxifier. When its quantity is deficient, toxins begin to devastate body functions and deplete the body of life giving energy.

Dr Otto Warburg, who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine (twice), proved that the growth of cancer is inhibited in an oxygen rich environment. His Nobel Laureate Lecture showed that when oxidation fails and fermentation is substituted for a cell‟s energy, the pathway to cancer is opened. Authorities also stress that diseases, especially yeast or fungal infections like candida albicans, occur most frequently in any oxygen-poor environment in the body.

The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic cell respiration.

Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals, is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy, yielding reactions of the lowest living forms.

Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness. Edward Stanley, The Conduct Of Life.

Dr S. A. Peoples – Professor of Pharmacology, University of California. As a bactericide or fungicide, stabilized oxygen works primarily on the basis of oxidation. Apparently, being able to supply a stimulus to the organs own physiological response as well as offering additional oxidation capacity at the cellular level. When utilized, it combines with the natural bodily functions and immune responses to become an effective medication with virtually no toxic or side effects.

Gilbert Gordon, Professor and Chair, Hughes Laboratory, Miami University.


Stabilized oxygen has many potential advantages over other oxygen carrying compounds, like hydrogen peroxide that is currently in the market place. Stabilized oxygen is popular with athletes for its energy giving properties and it is used by sports teams at all levels, even up to Olympic level.

Oxygen Deficiency (Hypoxia)

This condition is very common, when you consider the amount of oxygen required to eliminate all the pollutants, stress, trauma, drugs, lack of exercise and of course not to forget the normal metabolic functions of our bodies, it is no wonder that hypoxia, is so prevalent, and because it is hard to detect, and is arguably the greatest cause of disease.

Oxygen provides sustenance and energy to all the cells of the body, and it cannot be denied that most of us abuse our bodies due to the modern day , style of living.

However, oxygen works very hard to keep our immune system working to maximum level and also keeps us free of harmful bacteria.

Bacteria cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment, so oxygen is essential in controlling bacterial infections which are a constant danger to out health.

Oxygen is selective in killing bacteria because there are good bacteria known as “aerobic” bacteria and bad bacteria known as “anaerobic”, that means bacteria that can only survive without oxygen.

Oxylife is non-toxic, stabilized molecules of oxygen. It is a liquid and comes in a dropper bottle so it is convenient to measure and to take, and Oxylife will remain in the water in the glass, unlike other gas type oxygen products, Oxylife will kill bacteria over and over again, without loss of potency.

Lack of oxygen (hypoxia) results in circulatory problems, digestive problems and cancer, and should be taken very seriously when considering your health. It is required for healthy metabolism, assimilation of nutrients, complete digestion, brain function, circulation, nervous system response and elimination. 13

It is not possible to have a healthy body if oxygen is not present in optimal quantities, it also follows that the quality of the oxygen available is less than optimal in these days of polluted air, plus the other forms of pollutants which we have discussed previously, indicates clearly, that oxygen must be increased if we are to gain the optimal health we are all entitled to have.

How to Take Oxylife.

A maintenance dose, of Oxylife is recommended for people wishing to maintain their health and well being. This is recommended at 20 drops in a glass of pure water, first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening.

Training athletes, are recommended to take 20 drops in 200 ml of pure water three times daily.

Chronic health problems, require immune support. It is therefore recommended that 20 drops of Oxylife be taken in pure water three times daily.

Children, can also take Oxylife as follows; Up to 5 years of age, 1 – 3 drops. 5 – 10 years 3 – 8 drops, 10 – 16 years, 8 – 10 drops, and above 16 years as per adult dosage.

Pets, can also be given Oxylife, as they respond very well to this product. Cats and small dogs 5 drops in their water, medium dogs, 10 drops in their water, and large dogs 15 drops in their water.

Large animals, have also benefited from taking Oxylife, even race horses have shown excellent improvements in their race times.

Purification, of water, add 5 drops to a 200 ml glass of water, this will take all chlorine out of the water, and will kill all bacteria.

Water Storage, add 10 drop for each 5 liters of water and store.

Vegetables and Fruit, spray or drench with 10 drops of Oxylife in 200 ml of water, to ensure all bacteria are rendered harmless.

Notes, never take Oxylife in “hot” water as this will change the molecules. When taking Oxylife always choose water that is cold or at room temperature. Keep Oxylife away from direct sunlight, as this too will change the molecules. Store at temperatures of less than 130 degrees Fahrenheit.


Achieving Normal Blood Sugar Levels.

As a diabetic, I leaned to take control of my condition and took particular note of my dietary requirements and of course, I always tried to ensure that my red blood cell‟s were given a chance to provide the prodigious amounts of oxygen and nutrients that are required to keep me healthy.

My main diet became raw live food, which I maintain to this day and consequently, I also maintain a normal blood sugar level however, I was very firm in my belief that oxygen would play a major part in oxygenating the cell‟s and continue to take 20 drops of Oxylife each morning and evening in pure water, (reverse osmosis).

Chlorophyll is a key nutrient for diabetics and I advise all diabetics to take at least three dark green leafy vegetables each morning for breakfast in either a juice form or as a smoothy.

Chlorophyll helps to balance the pancreas and the Oxylife will support the huge oxygen demands that this disease places on us.

It is essential to maintain a fasting blood sugar level, that is first thing in the morning, of 5.7 mmols or the equivalent of 85 mg/dl however, you will need to be disciplined in your approach, by cutting out dairy, fried foods, hydrogenated fats, trans-fats and all refined sugar and white flour.

Your body mass index BMI will also normalize and the combination of raw food and Oxylife will provide you with much more energy than you have become accustomed to.

For those who have an issue with the taste of raw, dark green vegetables in juice or smoothy form, you can add an apple or some berries which are low glycemic foods and this will enhance the flavour, or you can add the only sweetener that is safe for diabetics namely, “stevia”, which is available in both liquid and powder form.

Try to eat at least three times daily but limit your evening meal to a light salad, because you will get the benefit of a lower FBS each morning and help to regularize your digestive system.

If you do eat a snack between meals, then try to limit this to a small amount of nuts such as, almonds or wall nuts.

Try to always take your Oxylife on an empty stomach because you will get the benefit of the full absorption of oxygen. Is Oxylife Safe

Oxylife is a safe, non-toxic product. 15

Oxylife is manufactured using a very special technique which isolates the negatively charged molecules.

Stable oxygen is invaluable in providing oxygen to the cell‟s through the oral route, and will not disperse into the air as other products do or even as oxygen gas does.

When Oxylife drops are added to pure water, the increased oxygen this provides to the water is retained, and even after a month or more this will remain in the water.

Oxylife provides 12000 ppm (parts per million of oxygen ), as a comparison, tap water contains only 8 to 12 ppm.

Oxygen is known to kill all pathogens, that is disease causing bacteria, and tests show that if Oxylife is added to water, and bacteria is added to that water, the bacteria will die, and this exercise can be repeated over and over again, and Oxylife will continue to kill the added bacteria.

It is a very useful product if used in public places or where many people gather, such as cruise liners, hotels or supermarkets, where many bacteria are picked up by touching the handles of a supermarket trolley, or the handles or doors, particularly toilet doors.

Many people have successfully used Oxylife to wash vegetables and fruit, where it is suspected that germs may be found.

Oxylife is the same structure as the oxygen we breath, so there are no contra- indications and there are no side effects from taking this product.

However, oxygen will attack all toxins within the body and many people have increased bowel movements when they first start to take Oxylife. This is perfectly normal as the toxins are expelled from your body by this powerful anti-toxin. If this happens, you can drop the dosage from 20 drops three times daily to 10 drops three times daily, then, when the toxins have been removed, reinstate the 20 drops. You will feel much better once they are removed.



Nutrition plays a very important part in our health and well being.

As mentioned previously, much of our food supplies are polluted with chemicals and added hydrogenated fats and saturated animal fats that create major difficulties for our healthy living.

If we combine the healthy diet with adequate oxygen supplies, we will turn our unhealthy condition around and become cardiovascular fit and feel many years younger, the good news is that it is never too late to change, and we can peel back the years of abusing our immune systems, quicker than you may imagine.

This book is not intended to advise you about diet but we can give you some basic ideas about what we are doing to our health by eating poor food and drink

An example of what I mean is dairy.

This food may taste nice but once ingested, it causes inflammation, which is the fourth stage of disease, so by eating dairy we are encouraging disease.

A similar objection applies to fried foods, this causes the fat being fried to turn into hydrogenated fats which are extremely bad for out arteries, and will lead to heart disease.

White processed sugar and white processed flour are also two very bad products for our health and well being. Both of these will support diabetes and heart disease.

It is well documented that live, raw food is the real food of choice for humans and not the highly processed ones we have been lured into purchasing.

Hypoxia, or a shortage of oxygen in our cells is now in epidemic proportions and is the start of some of the most feared diseases known, including candida and cancer.

Heart disease too remains the number one killer of humans, yet it is well known that heart attacks occur in the absence of oxygen, therefore, if your red blood cells are adequately oxygenated, your body will not create the conditions that will bring this about.



This is a key issue and one we should all take care to understand.

Dehydration will interrupt many functions within our body, remember that your body is 70% water, and will respond to dehydration as best it can, but why allow this condition to arise ? We know it can only do harm.

If you become thirsty, your body is telling you that it is too late, you are dehydrated, so it is important to re-hydrate your tissues, however some damage has already been done so try to provide good clean water before your body starts to let you know .

What is good clean water, well we know that water is polluted by chemicals, as mentioned previously, so what do we need to do to avoid this trap !

We need to ensure that water is pure, has no chemical additives, which will harm you, such as chlorine, the by-product of this chemical is known to cause cancer.

Reverse osmosis, is a recommended treatment for water and is well worth the cost however, this water treatment will take out bacteria, viruses chlorine, heavy metals, and dissolved minerals, but they do not remove chloroform, trihalomethanes, pesticides and some organic compounds.

The ideal filter therefore is a reverse osmosis filter combined with an activated carbon filter system which will take out all the harmful ingredients of the water without restructuring this vital, health giving fluid.

Water, as well as oxygen is required to flush out the toxins which invade our bodies every time we eat or drink, as this is now recognized as a serious issue among dieticians and some of the medical profession alike.


Blood Analysis.

We have included two color photographs below to illustrate what your red blood cells look like when they lack oxygen.

You will notice that the red blood cells in the photographs taken before the administration of Oxylife are sticking together, and as many as 10, 50 or even 100 cells can be in this condition, you will also notice that these red blood cells are irregular in shape, carrying lots of unwanted waste products and showing a high degree of free radical damage.

Most of you will know that when your red blood cells are in this condition, they cannot flow through the arterial system in order to deliver the prodigious amounts of oxygen and nutrients that are required by all the cells of the body in order to maintain a healthy balance and to remove all the waste which the blood system is responsible for. It just cannot perform to optimum levels and therefore the system becomes clogged and inefficient.

When the cells of the body cannot get oxygen, they start to change their method of survival, by taking on what is called an anaerobic life of their own. They start to find other means of survival and look for sugar.

This is available and they start to protect themselves against oxygen, just like cancer cells do.

This is when the system takes on a dangerous downturn in our health. Sure, it takes a long time, years in most cases, but don‟t be fooled, it will become exhausted and start losing the fight against the toxins, therefore this is your choice, and is a matter of waiting until your disease has a real hold before you are summoned to your doctors office to be told the truth about the results of your lifestyle.

As always the good news is that it is never too late to change, and your immune system will respond accordingly.

You will notice in the photograph taken after the addition of Oxylife, which is less than 30 days after the start of Oxylife, the red blood cell‟s are round, individual, not at all sticky and free flowing, which allows them to carry all the nutrients and oxygen they can, and importantly to offload this vital cargo into the tissues via the capillaries


Summery of some Laboratory Test Results on OxyLife™

- Dried blood analysis before and after the use of OxyLife™

The OST or Oxidative Stress Test is a procedure whereby a drop of blood is applied to a prepared slide in approximately 8 layers and allowed to dry. Oxidative stress or free radical activity appears as white dots or puddles in the layers of dried blood.

The first sample taken Sept 8th 1999 shows considerable oxidation. After following the application of OxyLife™ for approximately 6 weeks at the recommended dosage, another sample was taken, the pictures in both circumstances are from the same layers of dried blood each time (layers 2 and the réduction in oxydation is significant).


Dry Blood Sample Dried Blood Sample before OxyLife™ 6 weeks after OxyLife ™

The white puddles before the use of OxyLife™, this free radical damage, it has almost cleared within six weeks.

Notice: Free radical damage has an effect on aging as well as opening up the door to cancers.


- Live blood cell report.

The pictures below are live blood cell analysis, before and after the use of OxyLife™ for 21 days. As you can see, which is typical of the many tests that I have done with OxyLife™, the integrity of the cell and surrounding fluids has dramatically improved. Prior to the use of OxyLife™, there are several detrimental conditions noticeable in the live blood cell analysis. The ideal condition of the cells, is similar to the pictures shown, after the use of OxyLife™ for 21 days. The cells should be separated from one another, round in appearance, with only a light, shaded area in the middle of each cell.

The picture prior to the use of OxyLife™, show the cells clumped and clinging together, which is an indication that the cells are unable to carry oxygen and nutrients efficiently to other cells. The aggregation of the red blood cells is a very good indication of future health problems, as the efficient transportation of oxygen and nutrients is extremely important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The before picture also shows fungal forms such as candida or yeast infections. The OxyLife™, after only 21 days, has eliminated over 90% of the fungal forms. You can also observe bacteria outside and inside the cells in the before pictures, which has also been nearly eliminated after the use of OxyLife™, There is sticky, fat aggregation, plaque and crystals noticeable in the before picture, which have been reduced dramatically with the use of OxyLife™.

Live Blood Cells Before OxyLife™ Live Blood Cells After 21 days of OxyLife™


I here are still some minimal blood conditions noticeable after 21 days, however, in my experience with the OxyLife™, these conditions will continue to diminish with the constant use of the product. As you can see, there is a dramatic difference in only 21 days in the integrity and health of the cells, with the use of OxyLife™.

- Laboratory Tests.

Here are some reports that we have undertaken regarding the effectiveness of Oxylife.

Brl Beta research Laboratories Ltd. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Time-Kill comparison study of Oxylife & Hydrogen Peroxide on Sisu-Dolhilus.

The tests proved that when Oxylife is added, the friendly bacteria is not affected and therefore will allow the normal bacterial flora to flourish while the pathogenic bacteria were eliminated, this is vital for good health and well being.

Laboratory tests carried out by AGAT Laboratories of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, clearly indicate that a direct relationship exists between the amount of Oxylife dissolved in water solution and the amount of dissolved oxygen present. As the volume of Oxylife increases (in terms of number of drops) the level of dissolved oxygen also increases.

Baylor Research Foundation, Dallas, Texas. Testing the antibacterial value of Oxylife, as a means of treating water to make it potable and safe to drink. With the present data, it is clear that Oxylife efficiently kills pathogenic organisms of interest in rendering water potable.

Omega Institute Test Results. A treadmill was designed, such that baseline studies on two female subjects were obtained for oxygen saturation, PO2, PCO2, base excess evaluation and PH of arterial blood. The subjects were exercised under the standard stress test measuring cardiac output and stress parameters. The subjects were then allowed to rest for six hours and ingested Oxylife during that time. The experiment was then repeated using identical stress test model. At the end of the studies, blood arterial samples were compared with the control group. The data revealed that in both subjects, the oxygen saturation of the blood showed significant elevation in the resting stage after Oxylife was ingested. The base excess, (buffering capability of the blood) was significantly elevated in both subjects at the termination of the exercise, when compared to the control. More importantly, in the control exercise group, the buffering capacity was in base deficient (-6), and in the study group at the end of the exercise, showed a base excess capability of (+13) This is a highly significant increase in performance based upon an increased oxygen saturation of the blood.


Oxygen & Blood.

Oxygen is vital for life, without it we will die, yet we are no longer able to breathe sufficient good clean air to keep ourselves healthy.

In addition we have to cope with chemicals in our food, and in our water, chemicals that we know are harmful to our health.

We can now categorically state that these chemicals cause many diseases, we know which ones are responsible for which disease.

We know that every metabolic function in our bodies requires oxygen, we know that stress requires additional oxygen, or that injury requires oxygen to repair the damage caused to our cells, and how infections require huge amounts of oxygen to overcome the infection.

And all this time we are taking in less oxygen from a damaged and polluted world, which would normally be used to keep our immune systems operating at optimal levels.

So, how do we keep this optimum level of oxygen in our blood? The answer is to take stable, negatively charged molecules of oxygen as provided by Oxylife.

Oxylife is absorbed directly from the digestive tract and will provide 12000 ppm of nascent oxygen, that is non-toxic, stable and, does not create the damaging free radicals, that oxygen gas or unstable oxygen does.

Healthy blood must show the red blood cell‟s to be round, individual and able to flow freely through the arterial system, regrettably, most of us do not have this ideal situation because we rely on our breathing to have enough oxygen to take care of all the essential functions, this incredible product provides.


Animal Welfare.

Both small and large animals have benefited from the use of Oxylife.

Even race horses have been trained on Oxylife to improve their stamina and race times.

Oxylife is designed to increase the dissolved oxygen in the blood, thus allowing them to perform at a higher level on the race track.

Oxylife is absorbed through the digestive system directly into the red blood cell‟s, of the animal in exactly the same way as for humans.

Many veterinarians have used Oxylife in their small animal practices, by adding this to the animals drinking water.

Both dogs and cats benefit from this form of treatment and many testimonials are received from grateful pet owners, who have seen their pets returned to a normal healthy life.

You may be surprised to learn that most processed pet food, that is ready to eat, is produced using chemicals that are harmful to your pets.

The use of Oxylife will provide additional oxygen in order to excrete these harmful chemicals.

All metabolic functions require large amounts of oxygen and in addition, to excrete these chemicals, therefore a daily amount of Oxylife added to their water supply will assist in keeping your pet healthy.

Most veterinarians will understand that the placebo effect cannot be proved in animals so the results are assessed in each individual case.

We should not be looking for drug related answers to health questions when natural products such as oxygen is available, and which will provide the support in order to return the diseased state to a normal healthy animal. 24

How to Use OxyLife

There are many applications for the use of Oxylife. The major areas of its application are to kill off harmful organisms and at the same time increase the concentration of Oxygen.

From Agat laboratory "After testing the sample you have sent to us against various organisms common to drinking water, we have concluded that it is indeed an effective disinfectant and most certainly has other applications. "

For purification of fluids:

1. Add approximately 5 drops per 8 oz. glass of water, juice, milk, etc. 2. Add 10 drops per gallon of water to inhibit growth of disease bacteria. 3. Add 20 drops per gallon, or 2 oz. for 45 to 55 gallons, of water for longer storage.

Please note that the expiry date on the bottle is in relationship to the bottle being opened and closed and used periodically. Potable water properly stored with Oxylife can keep uncontaminated for 5 to 10 years.

Use with toothpaste: tooth decay and gum problems are caused by infectious bacteria. Place 2-3 drops on tooth brush to inhibit disease bacteria.

To control bacteria contamination: on vegetables, seafood, poultry or pork, add 60 drops of Oxylife to a gallon of water. Spray or dip for 30 seconds or more. When water becomes dirty, filter through a coffee filter and re-use.

For mouth wash: add 10 drops 3 times in 2 ounces of water. Swirl in mouth or gargle for 60 seconds or more.

By taking 20 drops 3 times a day people have reported.

- Travelling? - Boating? - Camping? 25

- Hiking? - Water Storage?

Wherever the WATER is questionable or needs storing use OXYLIFE

Oxylife is a revolutionary formula that harbors a very high concentration of NON-TOXIC, STABILIZED, ELECTROLYTES OF OXYGEN - Oxygen in molecular form. One of Oxygen's many properties is that it destroys harmful bacteria. Researchers have not found any anaerobic infectious bacteria that Oxylife does not kill. It is effective against Salmonella, Cholera, E. coli, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus A. It is even effective against Giardia-Lamblia.


One of the most significant breakthroughs of the Twentieth Century.



We have numerous reports of people who seem to have continuous bouts of flu and chest infections, who have been tempted to try Oxylife, to find that their conditions, not only improve quickly, but the return of these flu symptoms are infrequent and the severity is limited.

I know one lady in Harare, Zimbabwe, who had been confined to her home for over two years with emphysema, yet within six weeks of starting to take Oxylife, she was able to take her dog for a walk, without experiencing the shortness of breath, that had been the reason for her staying in doors all that time.


Oxylife Recipe.

If you are diabetic, it is important to understand what food groups you should be using.

For instance, chlorophyll is essential for re-balancing the damaged pancreas, and chlorophyll is obtained from dark green leafy vegetables.

Therefore, this book will recommend dark leafy vegetables for breakfast, either as a juice or as a smoothy, also note that the food recommended is uncooked, raw, live food.

So first thing in the morning this book recommends a 200 ml glass of pure water (preferable reverse osmosis) with 20 drops of Oxylife added.

The next recommendation is to take three dark leafy vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli and celery.

Juice these vegetables; (200ml) then add two fruits such as a whole (small) lemon, which will ensure that this juice will promote an alkaline blood system, and an apple, which will provide a pleasant tasting juice to start your day.

Mid morning you will want to eat a snack of some low glycemic fruit such as berries or nuts. This should be a small handful and not a large amount.

Lunch should be a salad with avocado pear and a low glycemic sauce or balsamic vinegar, plus some steamed fish such as salmon.

The mid afternoon snack should be some raw carrot and/or celery together with a small tomato.

The evening meal is also important in that it should always be light. Never go to sleep after a heavy evening meal. It is recommended that you take 20 drops of Oxylife in 200 ml of pure water,, (preferably reverse osmosis).

This meal should be light as recommended, and a green salad with lettuce, tomato, 28

celery, onion, and various nuts such as wall nuts or almonds.

This will give you an idea of what you should eat. Next I will explain what you should not eat.

All fried foods are to be eliminated from your diet, all dairy products including milk and cheese must be eliminated as well.

All processed meats must be eliminated from your diet as well. So, this then provides you with the strategy for eating well, and at the same time will not add to your diabetic condition.

A word about phytonutrients. This food group helps to protect against cancer, and people who have this group in their diet will have a 50% less chance of cancer than those who do not eat this essential food.

Plant sourced phytonutrients provide antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin E, plus carotenes and terpinoids.

Diabetes will not manifest itself unless we engage in a lifestyle conducive to this condition. In other words if we do not eat a diabetic enhancing diet, diabetes will not happen.

So, what constitutes a diabetic enhancing diet? We all know that sugar is the main culprit, that is white refined sugar, you need to cut this out of your diet completely.

If you require sweetness in your meals, only stevia, is acceptable for diabetics, and should be used by non-diabetics as well. This product can be used in liquids and for cooking, as it is available in both powder and liquid form.

The next product to worry about is white flour, because this contains an ingredient call; “Alloxan” which is a known chemical that destroys your beta cells, and is therefore responsible for enhancing diabetes.. The alternative sweeteners are very dangerous for diabetics, for instance you probably know the story of “aspartame” a now largely discredited sweetener, 29

High fructose corn syrup is also a deadly form of sweetener used by manufacturers in salad dressings, sources, fizzy drinks etc, because they are very high glycemic index products and will result in heart disease.

Next, we take a closer look at fried foods, because this forms trans-fats which will adhere to the arterial walls and several years of that will encourage heart disease as well.

Hydrogenated fats have a similar effect and should be avoided at all costs.

Saturated animal fats too are diabetic enhancing products, so they should be avoided, yes meat must be cut out of your diet.

Don‟t be fooled about protein, many vegetables have protein including broccoli, which has 32 percent protein, remember meat has only 28 percent, and half of that is responsible for causing inflammation in human‟s.

So by following the recommendations above, we are on the way to reversing diabetes.

You should continue to take your glucose readings every day and you will find that your fasting blood sugar will appear normal each morning, that is 5.7 mmols or 85 mg/dl.

If these reading are above that level, you will need to look at what you ate in order to assess what caused this higher reading, then cut out that food.

Now that we have the rationale sorted, let us take a look at what we can eat. We do require Omega 3 oils and this can best be obtained from Flax seeds, avocado pears and nuts.

There is a belief that omega 3 oils are readily available in fish, however, this only supplies EPA, a vital source of essential fats, but, EPA will only be able to provide a portion of the fats required in your diet, therefore, flax seeds, avocado‟s and nuts are preferred to fish, because they supply the complete omega 3 oils, and all the combinations can be produced by your body from this source. 30

You can experiment with raw plant based, live foods, and there are many ingredients that can be added to change the flavours and various essential nutrients.

Don‟t be fooled by labels on foods, they are often misleading and can contain many chemicals which are harmful and will help to entrench your diabetic condition.

Try to buy organic produce, this is slightly more expensive, but worth the effort to find it, however, there are many small market garden‟s which supply organic and probably there is one close to you. This is generally competitive with the large supermarkets and is usually fresh from the ground that day.

Sprouting seeds is fun and you will have the benefit of adding these exceptional nutrients to your diet, they are a great addition to salads.

The following are a few recommendations for meals and snacks for between meals.

- Breakfast. Green Vegetable juice – about one pint. Add 20 drops of Oxylife.

- Snack. Pate with crackers.

- Lunch. Salad with avocado pear and nuts.

- Snack. One pint of smoothie, with three vegetables such as cucumber, broccoli and celery, and add one small lemon and a small apple to taste.

- Dinner. This meal must always be light, therefore you can have soup, and a small salad with mixed vegetables. Add nuts such as almonds and walnuts.


- Breakfast. One pint of green smoothie.with one teaspoonful of cinnamon Add 20 drops of Oxylife. You can add your favorite superfood to this smoothie or spirulina and or chlorella, but make sure these are reputable brands and not mixed with unacceptable chemicals.

- Lunch. Salad, with nuts and guacamole, black bread with tomato.

- Dinner. Remember to keep this light. Soup with crackers and perhaps one piece of fruit (low glycemic) or a small bowl of berries, such as blackberries, blue berries rasberries etc. Take 20 drops of Oxylife in 8 ounces of water (200 ml)

Green Smoothie

- 3 x Bell peppers (mix the colours) - 1/2 Avocado Pear. - 3 x cups green vegetables – spinach, broccoli, celery. - 2 x tablespoons – lemon juice. - 2 x tablespoons of ginger juice. - 2 x cups pure water. Blend until you have a smooth consistency.

Aloe Vera & Lemon.

- 2 x cups Aloe Vera. - 1 tablespoon lemon juice. - 1 x cup pure water. Blend until smooth. There are many exciting sources, soups, milks, smoothies and muesli‟s which make delicious vegetarian meals.

It may take a bit of research but these products are all available locally and you will be surprised at the variety of flavors and textures which you come across. 32

I will also supply a small example of soups and dressings to give you an idea of what to expect when putting together delicious meals which are both healthy and satisfying.

Don‟t think that these meals are boring, they are anything but boring, and if you have a sweet tooth this is well catered for in these healthy meals.

As previously mentioned “stevia” is the only sweetener we recommend. It has no glycemic index and is therefore freely used by diabetics.

Tomato Dressing.

- 1/2 cup sun-dried tomato, rehydrated. - 1/2 cup sunflower seeds. - 1/2 cup pure water. - 2 x tablespoons olive oil. - 1 x tablespoon lemon juice. - 1/2 tablespoon of ginger. - Pinch of sea salt. - Pinch of cayenne. - Pinch of Hing. Blend to smooth consistency.

Avocardo Caraway Dressing.

- 1 x Avocado pear. - 3 x tablespoons lemon juice. - 3 tablespoons ginger juice. - 2 x tablespoons caraway - 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. - 1/4 teaspoon sea salt. - Pinch of cayenne. - Pinch of Hing. Blend to smooth consistency.



- Classic Tomato Soup. - 2 x cups sun dried tomato. - 2 x small tomatoes. - 1/2 cup sunflower seeds. - 2 x tablespoons cold-pressed olive oil. - 2 x tablespoons lemon juice. - 2 x tablespoons ginger juice. - Pinch of sea salt. - Pinch of hing. - Pinch of black pepper. Add pure water and blend to consistency preferred.


- 2 x medium tomatoes. - 1 x bell pepper. - 1 x young nopal cactus pad. - 1/2 cucumber. - 1/4 cup cold-pressed olive oil. - Pinch sea salt. - Pinch black pepper. - Pinch Hing. - Pinch Cayenne. Blend to smooth consistency.


- 3 x cups cooked grains of choice. (cooled) - 1 cup cooked beans of choice. (cooled) - 2 x cups diced vegetables of choice (coloured bell peppers, celery, spinach, cucumber, tomato) - 1 cup nuts or seeds, chopped. - 1/4 red onion (optional) - one-half bunch minced herb of choice (cilantro, basil, oregano, thyme, 34

parsley) - 2 tablespoons olive oil. - 1 teaspoon salt. - 1 clove garlic. (minced) - 1 teaspoon lemon juice. (or lime juice)

Brown Rice & Bean Salad.

- 1 cup brown rice. (cooked) - 1/2 cup cooked beans of choice. - 1 tomato chopped. - 1 green onion (chopped) - 1/2 Avocado (chopped) - pinch cayenne - 1/2 cup cilantro. (chopped) - 1/2 lime, juiced. - Salt & pepper to taste. - 6 large butter lettuce leaves, whole, to serve as wrap for the salad. Mix all ingredients in large bowl, serve in lettuce leaves and eat as a wrap.

Diabetes Healing Salad.

- 4 cups green beans (cooked or raw) - 2 cups black beans (cooked) - 2 cups kidney beans. - 2 cups chickpeas. - 2 cups celery, diced. - 2 cups red bell pepper. - 1 red onion, thinly sliced (optional) - 2/3 cup lemon juice (option: apple cider vinegar) - 1/3 cup olive oil. - 25 drops stevia. - Salt & pepper to taste. Warm together in pot for 5 minutes while stirring, serve warm or chilled.


Optional Salad.

- Sea vegetables, dulse (whole or flaked), nori, (whole or torn sheets). - Superfoods, spirulina, or other green powders. - Fresh herbs. - Roots, (burdock, and/or radish) - Olives whole or pitted. - Spices, (cumin, caraway, curry, coriander, turmeric) or other favourite spices. - Pinch of hing, cayenne, black pepper, and/or chipotle..

Tomato Salsa.

- 1.and 1/2 cups ripe tomatoes, diced. - 1 and 1/2 cups cucumber, deseeded and diced. - 1 cup cilantro, finely chopped. - 1 tablespoon olive oil. - 1 tablespoon lime juice. - Pinch cayenne. - Pinch sea salt. Chop all ingredients and add lime juice, oil, spices, and salt. Strawberry Salsa.

- 1 cup strawberries, sliced. - 1 cup cucumbers, deseeded and diced. - 1 cup tomatoes, diced. - 1 cup cilantro, finely chopped. - Pinch cayenne. - 1 tablespoon lime juice. - 1/4 teaspoon sea salt. - 1 tablespoon olive oil. Chop and dice all ingredients and toss into bowl. Add remaining ingredients and mix.

Raw food diet, together with 20 drops of Oxylife each morning and afternoon, will keep your glucose levels normal, your weight (BMI) normal and a well oxygenated body which will support your immune system and ensure a very healthy lifestyle.

36 [email protected]

Technical Information

I will need following information from the producer of Oxylife

a) Composition (if possible) of Oxylife in % for the 100%: Oxygen, oxides of chloride, sodium, carbonate, distilled water. b) What is the formulation of Oxylife : I could tell you what the formulation was for Oxylife but!!! as I am sure you can understand the formulation on how we stabilize the oxygen molecules is a well kept secret. c) For people with no salt diet how much salt contain in a day ratio: 60drops? The amount of Sodium that is in 60 drops of Oxylife would not be enough to concern someone that is on a no sodium diet. It would be about equal to what would be in a head of celery. d) Distilled water is not a product normally to drink, is the amount of dist.w. contained in Oxylife while dilued in water not to be take in consideration??? The amount of distilled water in Oxylife is not of any concern. Distilled water is good water to drink as long as a person is taking some minerals with it.

If you have safety data informations forms (for transport generally needed) or any other official document, official homologation for canada etc ,this will be fine. Is it better to register the product as nutritional supplement or as water purifier?

This would depend on your government regulations. We do not have to have any type of testing or government approvals to sell the product as a dietary supplement. Also the Health Protection Branch indicate they have no objection to the sale of Oxylife as long as we do not make any laims.

Oxylife is NOT Hydrogen Peroxide etc.

Fact of formulation for OxyLife liquid stabilized oxygen dietary supplement was developed after testing of Hydrogen Peroxide formulations (over 40 years ago) and realizing the toxicity, instability, and allergic reactions that many people encountered. Our research led to the safe, and more effective OxyLife formulation that we market. 37

Hydrogen Peroxide (H202), Another type of oxygen carrier was also an earlier form of oxygen treatment that was used with limited success in the treatment of the sick. In its time it was the best available oxygen supplement carrier available. Any product that can help deliver oxygen, other than through the breathing process, would have varying beneficial effects when ingested. Again, concerns were for its toxicity if given in more than small amounts. Like ozone, hydrogen peroxide was only semi-stable oxygen, and would release unstable nascent oxygen into the body, generating free radical activity. As it entered the body, biochemical reactions generated an even more toxic substance, namely, Hydroxyl radical (the reaction of hydrogen peroxide also produced as a result of oxygen metabolism). The most deleterious of toxic oxygen metabolizes and is known as the Haber-Weiss reaction. Almost all cells of the body generate peroxide, an unwanted by-product, as a result of oxygen metabolism. Our red blood cells contain an enzyme catalyze to scavenge this substance as soon as it is formed, in order to reduce toxicity to the body. When we introduce hydrogen peroxide into our bodies beyond that of what they produce, our red blood cells are unable to produce sufficient catalyze to reduce its toxicity. For this purpose we suggest hydrogen peroxide for topical >applications only and not for human consumption. In the 1940's work was being carried out to try and stabilize and refine the oxygen in liquid form even further to eliminate some of its drawbacks, and at the same time improve the stability of the oxygen.

OxyLife brings more oxygen to the picture, to benefit the body, and our lives..

A new method of stabilizing the oxygen was developed in the late 1950's, different from the Cl02 process. The new procedure was an oxygen molecule that was completely stable, compared to the previous processes where the oxygen was only semi-stable. There was no downside to the product, in fact, it became much more effective in its therapeutic effects. The stable oxygen did not generate free radical activity, but acted like an anti-oxidant. Within 4-6 weeks of its use it was comprehensively clearing up free radical activity (similar to anti-oxidants like vitamins A, C, E, and selenium). The process of stabilizing the oxygen was never disclosed. To date it is manufactured exclusively by the Canadian manufacturer. This discovery and our ability to stabilize oxygen has been one of the most significant discoveries of the 20th century. 38

OxyLife has no formula and is known as a compound, all ingredients are food grade. The oxygen is bonded to salt (not the common table salt, but a purer sea salt) which is present in very small amounts. The amounts are in minute quantities specifically not to affect someone on a low, or no sodium diet. OxyLife has proven to be very safe and has no contra-indications. Of course, it is non-toxic when used as directed. OxyLife is an alkaline product -this is what is needed to correct ill health. Most of us are acidic, due to many foods we consume such as meat, caffeine, and fizzy pop, etc. An acidic environment in the body is synonymous with disease and ill health. The compound OxyLife stable-activated liquid oxygen is very alkaline (pH 13.2). This is achieved by stabilizing the negative ions of oxygen. OxyLife contains the world's foremost and beneficial negatively charged stabilized electrolytes of oxygen in a non- toxic formulation.


Questions and answers: FAQ

What is OxyLife and How is it formulated? OxyLife is a unique proprietary formula that harbours a very high concentration of non-toxic, electrolytes of oxygen in molecular form. OxyLife contains approximately 12,000 ppm stabilized-activated dissolved oxygen (compared to water that normally contains about 9 to 12 ppm dissolved Oxygen). The key components of OxyLife are active oxygen attached to sodium chloride in a special molecular form. The actual amounts of sodium chloride (food grade sea salt) are very negligible and should not pose any problems for people on non-sodium diets. OxyLife is thus an easy and effective way of introducing more oxygen into the bloodstream via the digestive system, adding to the oxygen obtained through the normal breathing process. The OxyLife formulation is a secret process, exclusively held and quality controlled by the Canadian certified manufacturer, and distributed under exclusive license owned by: of Edmonton, Alberta Canada.

How does OxyLife work? On taking OxyLife, the digestive enzymes and acids within the stomach release the oxygen molecules into the entire body.

Why has Oxygen not been used in this form before the advent of OxyLife? The need for such a compound has long been sought after by the drug industry, but so far every formula produced has always had its oxygen linked to a heavy metal, which gave rise to toxicity and effective dosage level concerns. The OxyLife proprietary „secret‟, over 20 year old, technology process employed in stabilizing the OxyLife compound enables this product‟s success, effectiveness, and safety.

How does OxyLife compare to Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) products? OxyLife is a totally different formulation and is much more stable and does not produce the "free radical" and toxicity concerns inherent with the Hydrogen Peroxide products.


Is OxyLife Toxic? Laboratory testing has shown that OxyLife is classified as non-toxic. The ingredients used are food grade products.

Is OxyLife Safe? Yes, because the product is sold as a concentrate, which is to be diluted when used, ingesting large amounts that are not recommended may cause vomiting and diarrhea may occur. It is for this reason that we recommend that the product be kept away from small children.

Can children take OxyLife? Yes, children may be given OxyLife by diluting the recommended adult dosage according to their body weight. For example a child who weighs around 50 lbs/25 kg. may be given approximately one third the standard adult dosage.

Will OxyLife be of any benefit to my pet? Many pet, and animal lovers have given OxyLife to their friends, with astounding results. Some of these testimonies are included in the „Real Stories Real People Oxygen and OxyLife‟ section of the web page, and the free eBook by the same name. For further information send an email to the link below, or live chat through the Human Click in the column at the left.

Can OxyLife be used directly on the skin? OxyLife is alkaline in composition and should NOT be directly used in its concentrated form straight from the bottle. If you have open sores or tender skin the alkaline base of OxyLife can react with the acidity base of body fluids and may even cause a burning sensation. Use only a 10% water solution when placing it directly on the skin.

How Long does OxyLife remain stable and effective? The OxyLife molecules can slowly dissipate under two conditions. If left for long periods of time in direct sunlight and if exposed to high temperatures (50ºC). Other than these two situations, OxyLife will remain stable and effective indefinitely.


Are there any other types of products on the market like OxyLife? Yes, there are two other basic types of oxygen supplement products, including: Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) - this an early form of oxygen product and is a moderate to low source of oxygen with the disadvantage of being very unstable and highly toxic. Chlorine Dioxide - is more stable than Hydrogen Peroxide and non toxic. There are various formulations marketed under different names such as Aerox, Genesis 1000, Dynamo 2 and 07. OxyLife is an advanced variation of Chlorine Dioxide referred to as Oxides of Chloride, where it provides the purest (non-toxic) form of stabilized oxygen available today and is suitable for human consumption. OxyLife is the safest and most effective form of introducing more oxygen into the body.

Can any medical claims be made about OxyLife? No, OxyLife is a natural product and not a drug. It heals nothing by itself and no medical claims can be made about the use of this product. Many users and Natural Health Journals have reported of individuals benefitting from taking this product and we only share these reported benefits with you for educational purposes. See Disclaimer below.

What benefits can be expected? Every individual is different and therefore no one can say what the product can do for you. We can only note the importance and qualities of OxyLife and share the reported benefits that others have claimed, but ultimately you must be the judge for yourself. We do not and cannot make any medical claims on the use of this product.

How do I use OxyLife? OxyLife has many applications. The following are some examples of how individuals have reported using the product: - Purification of Water for drinking when traveling abroad:- place 20 drops per 8oz (225ml) - Purification of standard drinking water for portable use:- 20 drops per gallon (4 liters) - Water Storage: - 10 drops per gallon (4 liters) - Spraying vegetables and Fruit to keep them fresh:- 60 drops per gallon (4 liters)


- As a mouth wash:- 10 drops per ½ oz (15ml) of water and gargle for 60 seconds. - Tooth decay and Gum infections:- use 2 - 3 drops on toothbrush. - Increase Energy and Stamina:- use 20 drops in 8oz (225ml) of water taken three times a day. - Pets: To relieve arthritis, and cancer conditions for their dogs:used 15 drops in bowl of drinking water several times a day. Owners said unbelievable recovery. - One dog lost 10 years from her effective age. - Athletic Training and Sports:- use 20 to 30 drops in 8oz (225ml) of water taken three time a day. - Maintenance of General Health and well being:- use 10 drops in 8oz (225ml) of water taken three times a day. - Health Benefits: such as killing infectious bacteria, candida-albicans, respiratory problems, and others. By taking 20 drops in 8oz (225ml) of water three times a day people have reported benefits in the following areas: Diabetes; sleeping a lot better; thinking clearer; Gout; chronic Bronchitis; Pneumonia; sense of well being; post nasal drip; energy levels; Fibromyalgia reduced; chronic sinus infections; sore throats; ear infections; sneezing reduced; no colds or flues; post nasal drip; blood pressure normal; physical- mental trauma; alert, wide awake, energetic; vision improved; bowel movements improved; a lot less muscle pains; urine now clear; have more energy; food allergies; Impotence; recurring shoulder pain gone, feeling more energetic; shortness of breath; disturbing dizziness; Multiple sclerosis; Strep throat; deepest sleep ever; Immune system; Bladder problems; feels so energetic now; Alzheimer, cancer, weight loss, headaches, high blood pressure, healing of chronic pains, and others too numerous to list.

Are we obtaining sufficient oxygen from breathing? Pollution is everywhere in our present environment and because of the situations of our modern world, most of us do not receive sufficient oxygen for optimal health and disease resistance. Due to deforestation and the large increase in the use of cars, the air we breathe is highly polluted and in some cities, oxygen levels can be dangerously low.


If OxyLife kills harmful bacteria, surely it will also destroy the friendly bacteria in our systems? Absolutely not. Beta Research Laboratories of Canada issued a certificate, stating that tests revealed OxyLife had no harmful effects on the friendly bacteria of the intestinal tract. This is the only stabilised oxygen product that has been shown to destroy all types of an bacteria, but not destroy the normal flora of the intestinal tract.

Oxygen causes free radical damage. Is this not a negative for OxyLife? It is important to understand that free radical activity is a normal body activity. However, if we are in ill health, or not eating properly, then this activity can be extensive and our immune system cannot minimize or repair the damage. There are a number of supplements as well as foods that can help to alleviate this problem. However beneficial oxygen is, it can be overpowering if proper metabolism and oxidization have not taken place. Unstable oxygen molecules in certain circumstances can cause free radical activity. The key word is unstable, as in H202 or some CLO2 products, as well as ozone therapy. The oxygen molecules in OxyLife are loosely bonded and therefore are considered to be stable. These molecules will remain bonded until some function of the body requires the oxygen, at which time the bond is broken and the oxygen is used. Thus, the oxygen in OxyLife will not cause any free radical activity. With regards to oxygen gas, there has never been a question as to how unstable it is. Inject oxygen into water and the dissolved oxygen content will rise for a short period of time. Immediately, the oxygen content will dissipate until the normal 9 to 12 ppm of water will be reached. You can test a bottle of OxyLife at 12,000 ppm today and next year the ppm will be the same. It is stable. If you take a glass of water, contaminate it with bacteria and add 20 drops of OxyLife it will kill the bacteria in a few second. You can add more bacteria and it will kill it again in just a few second. Or you can leave the water for a long period of time and bacteria will not grow in it. However, take the same amount of water with the same amount of bacteria and add oxygen gas to it. You will kill the bacteria the first time, but when you add bacteria again it will not be destroyed as the gas is not stable and has dissipated. Ozone would work in the same manner. It is not stable and the water could become contaminated again immediately. The stability of the oxygen molecules is what gives OxyLife the ability to be used for water storage.


Conclusions Magic of Oxylife

If you walk, dance, sing, meditate, play sports or even breathe, you may be in contact with the healing aspects of oxygen and not even know it. It's not surprising that you don't give much thought to this "Giver of Life" because it is tasteless, colourless and odourless - or at least it used to be. In fact, your body is composed of four main elements comprising 96% of your bodily weight: 3% nitrogen: 10% hydrogen: 18% carbon: and 65% oxygen. So, if someone tells you you're full of hot air, they might be right. In general, most people know that when a person inhales and exhales, there is an exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen, the latter which is picked up by the haemoglobin in the blood and distributed to all the cells throughout the body. Indeed cellular homeostasis is dependent upon adequate oxygen supplies by the blood.

But! there is also a deeper meaning attributed to blood in regards to our health. You may have heard someone say that they have tired blood. The physical symptoms are fatigue, tiredness, lethargy, pale or pallid complexion, and the like. Well, the Mystery schools considered blood to symbolically represent an individual's ego or personality. In essence, it is the blood in man that compels him to life! After all, it is the movement of our blood that makes us boil with rage or flush with excitement.

The ancients knew that an ample oxygen supply within the lungs, blood and tissue, fosters radiant health, an active heart, strong pulse, rosy skin, positive mind, uplifted temperament and enthusiasm for life. Conversely, a lack of oxygen resulted in sickness, poor vitality, poor stamina, clouded judgement and a weak disposition.

Oxygen and Disease Oxidation Detoxification and Cleansing Effects Comparisons of Commonly Used Oxidants Purification of Fluids Infection and Bacteria Increase in Energy Levels Candida-albicans Emphysema, Asthma 45

Blood Purifier Use with Toothpaste Using "OXYLIFE" Oxygen and Disease

As discussed by Dr. Stephen Levine and Dr. Parris Kidd, oxygen is the source of life and energy to 5|11 cells. Body abuse through eating and drinking habits (including pollutants and toxic preservatives in our water and food), air pollution, use of drugs and lack of exercise can greatly reduce the amount of oxygen available to the cells. When there is insufficient oxygen to support the health of a cell, the cell turns to another source of energy called fermentation. This fermentation results in an anaerobic environment which upsets the metabolism of the cell and it no longer participates in the healthy functioning of the body. It causes the cell to start manufacturing improper chemicals, and soon a whole group of cells are unhealthy and weak. They lose their natural immune system.

Dr. Parris Kidd has stated that: "Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system; i.e. resistance to disease, bacteria, and viruses." Dr. Stephen Levine has also stated that "We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease." Thus the development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the loss of the immune system and the beginning of feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia, AIDS, candida, seizures, and nerve deterioration.

This research is confirmed by the renowned biochemist and Nobel Prize laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg. He stressed the importance of oxygen especially in its connection to cancer. Dr. Warburg summarized by saying, "The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of The normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic cell respiration."

Suboptimal oxygenation of tissues and cells seen in cellular hypoxia is not only the underlying cause of cancer but results in a predisposition towards degenerative disease and is an outstanding factor in immunodepressive illnesses: therefore it follows that oxygen will restore health.


Oxidation : Oxygen is used in many processes that break down excess or toxic materials in the body. The combining of a substance with oxygen is called oxidation. Dr. Freibott explains why oxygen and oxidation is so vital: "It is the lack of oxygen in proper amounts in the system that prevents oxidation and oxygenation, which energizes the cells to biological regeneration.

These processes are the foundation of life and death. "If the normal environment of the cell can be maintained, it will not lose its growth and reproduction potential. Sub- oxygen creates suboxidation."

An oxygen deficiency plays an important part in cellular contamination. Oxygen is a powerful detoxifier, and when its quantity is deficient, toxins begin to devastate body functions and deplete the body of life-giving energy. "Without oxygen, there can be no nourishment. "Without nourishment, no heat and no energy can be created, and the body cannot purify itself. The unhindered development of this metabolic process results in a circumstance that we call sound health.

Detoxification and Cleansing Effects Oxygen plays another important role in the body acting as a guardian and protector against unfriendly bacteria and disease organisms. One of oxygen's major functions is disintegration. Rubble, garbage, toxins, refuse, debris, and anything useless are destroyed by oxygen and carried out of the system. Just as a clean house holds little interest to passing flies, likewise, an oxygen rich body is a difficult fortress to assail.

So now we see that oxygen plays the dual role of maintaining a pure environment essential to our well-being and secondly, provides the energy to our cells that is so vitally necessary for proper metabolism. If we can agree that oxygen is the key to improved health, then the importance of adequate exercise, balanced diet, sufficient rest and emotional composure, becomes self evident. Unfortunately, for many of us, the reality of our everyday life overshadows the ideal, and we don't always eat right or get the rest we need. If only there was a way to get more oxygen into our bodies. Well ask no further, because there is a product in your local health food stores that could be the answer to your needs.


Bradford Research Institute Researchers have been trying for decades to stabilize oxygen compounds that could be used to provide the tremendous benefits of oxygen to the body other than through the breathing process. Oxygen is very difficult to stabilize and until a recent scientific breakthrough, oxygen has not been stabilized in a beneficial non toxic form.

I would like to refer to a report from the prestigious Robert W. Bradford Research Institute, by Rodrigo Rodriquez MD.. and the Medical Director of American Biologics Hospitals. In his report and I quote "Many substances are capable of releasing nascent oxygen such as chloride oxides, ozone, hydrogen peroxide and iodine compounds including sodium periodate. A comparison may be made of these substances on the basis of their stability and toxicity as well as pharmaconetic properties (how it reacts in the body). Using the above examples, ozone releases its oxygen very rapidly (short half life) while chloride oxides remain effective over a much longer period of time. Hydrogen Peroxide has a relatively short half life as well as stimulating free radical activity. Sodium periodate is a rich source of oxygen however, the byproduct iodine, is highly toxic to the cells.

Comparisons of Commonly Used Oxidants Here are some important points to remember: Oxides of Chloride (C102) (C10) (C103) etc. These remarkable substances have been in use for almost 100 years to combat infectious disease. The major problem, however has been their instability, resulting in equilibrium compounds such as chlorine, chlorate and hypochlorite. The ability to stabilize chloride oxides has been one of the major breakthroughs of the last few years making possible not only oral use but the injectable form as well.

Advantages of chloride oxides over other known oxidants are: - The base compound is non-toxic at over 10 times the normal therapeutic levels - A rich source of nascent oxygen (two atoms per molecule compared to only one for hydrogen peroxide * - The major degradation compound (chloride ion) is non toxic and a normal blood constituent - The half life in the body is approximately 12 hours. - Does not initiate free radical activity in the body.


Various stabilized chloride oxides release nascent oxygen which among other things oxidizes environmental chemicals, stimulates, white blood cell activity and is devastating to anaerobic micro-organisms (virus, bacteria, fungus) at levels which are completely non-toxic to the body.

Ozone (03) Ozone has the shortest half life of the commonly used oxidants and, because of this. toxicity to lung tissue in particular, is a major problem. The major use of ozone is the ozonation of blood in vitro which is common in Europe.

Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) A moderate to low source of nascent oxygen (one atom per molecule) with the disadvantage of high toxicity and short half life. Enters into the body's own defense system against invading pathogens by generating damaging free radicals.

"OXYLIFE" This is an overview of the report and copies of the full report could be made available from KRV Inc. in Montreal I am sure by now you are wondering what the name of this product is called and where you would be able to purchase it. The product is called "OXYLIFE" in Canada and the United States and also is available all over the world. "OXYLIFE" is an oxide of chlorides compound stabilized with the richest known source of nascent oxygen with several atoms per molecule. People are receiving some very good benefits from it. I have also talked to Oxylife Inc. Montreal, Canada and have been able to find out all the information I required by phoning also 514-835-5725 E-mail: [email protected] By phoning this number, customer can place their orders or consumers can get all their questions answered. "OXYLIFE" is a safe, non toxic, stabilized liquid concentrate of electrolytes of oxygen, which are made available to your body, in molecular form, when ingested. Electrolytes are any substances that dissolve in water and conduct electricity. The genius of it is the formulating of the two most abundant and important electrolytes of body fluid, sodium and chlorine, to act as the oxygen carriers. The molecular oxygen is released through the digestive process, and is absorbed into the bloodstream. In an ordinary glass of tap water there is on the average, 7-12 ppm of oxygen molecules. In "OXYLIFE" the amount of available oxygen increased to about 12,000 ppm or l,000 times! 49

"OXYLIFE" is not classified as a drug and therefore, should not be prescribed as a cure for any health problems. However, I'm sure that we can agree that the effects of increased oxygenation will have the following beneficial results:

Purification of Fluids "OXYLIFE" has been around for several years and used by knowing travelers and vacationers to purify drinking water in foreign countries, such as Mexico and India. Adding "OXYLIFE" to water' will remove chlorine from water in about thirty seconds and kills the bacteria and organisms, thereby eliminating Montezuma's revenge. To purify liquids, add 5 drops per 8 ounce glass of water, juice, milk etc. This eliminates additives like chlorine and kills bacteria. For longer storage of water add 20 drops per gallon. It's a good idea to use "OXYLIFE" in all unfamiliar water and is an excellent item to have on hand for camping trips as a water purifier and antiseptic. So don't leave home without it.

Infection and Bacteria As we recall, infection results from anaerobic conditions: gangrene being an example. Actually, there are three classes of bacteria: (i) Aerobic i.e.. friendly bacteria found in the intestinal tract) (ii) Aerobic/ Anaerobic and. (iii) Anaerobic. All third class bacteria are infectious and disease motivated. With reference to a lab report from Baylor Research Foundation here are a few of the nasties that are killed by "OXYLIFE": Streptococcus. Guardia Lamblia, Salmonella. Cholera, E.coli, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus - to name a few. "OXYLIFE" added to water makes a fine douche for vaginal infections and disorders.

Increase in Energy Levels Of course this doesn't come as any surprise because we have already concluded that oxygen is vital for energy and health. Many athletes use "OXYLIFE" and attest to increased stamina and concentration. I know many body builders who use "OXYLIFE" before workouts for increased performance.

Candida-albicans Let's look at another area where "OXYLIFE" has met with success. In the recent years we have seen an increase in the number of people with a yeast overgrowth problem called Candida-albicans. This disease takes root with relative ease in an 50

oxygen deficient body and "OXYLIFE" is an excellent adjunct for this reason. People with "Candidiasis" also have an impaired immune system. especially if a history of antibiotics is also present. From information provided by nutritionists, doctors and patients using "OXYLIFE" for the treatment of Candida, it appears to be very successful over a period of time. In some cases 3 to 4 months.

Emphysema, Asthma Another benefit of increased oxygen to the lungs is the amelioration of symptoms associated with poor lung activity such as emphysema, asthma, and sinus disorders. I have talked to some emphysema patients who have reduced or been able to go completely off of their oxygen machines. Smokers will find that using "OXYLIFE" daily helps to alleviate the effects of smoke damage and oxygen deprivation caused by cigarette smoking and drugs. Many laser therapies offer"OXYLIFE" as part of their stop smoking program.

Blood Purifier Many people who have chronic cold hands and feet suffer from poor circulation. When the blood is not saturated with sufficient oxygen, cells starve. The body reacts by withdrawing blood from extremities to maintain the integrity of the internal organs, thus our hands and feet become cold. It may surprise some people to know that the head is also considered an extremity and is also dependent on good circulation. Oxygen starved blood results in an oxygen starved brain which produces symptoms of senility, poor memory retention etc. Next time you have a head cold you can remind yourself that you are lacking oxygen. In any case, "OXYLIFE" could improve the condition of the blood and increases the circulation. "OXYLIFE" is sold all over the world. In Australia a report from Ziema McDonald (DBM, ND, BP, DNB, BSCIN) Nutritional Health Centre in Australia there was a clearly indicated improvement of all the energy levels of a patient 10 minutes after the use of "OXYLIFE". A Plasma printer and Bio Transmitter was used to gather this information.

Use with Toothpaste Tooth decay and gum disease are caused by anaerobic infectious bacteria. Place 2 drops on your toothbrush or add 10 drops to an ounce of water to use as a mouthwash to help control mouth infections. Reports show dentists are using "OXYLIFE" with great success and are recommending its use as above and with 51

water pics. I quote from a letter by Dr. David Williams: "I have been using your "OXYLIFE" in my dental practice in treating patients who suffer from gum diseases. Your product is the most natural and the most effective substance that I have used to date in controlling the harmful bacteria in many dental infections. I recommend it highly for both treatment and routine preventative care." There are many other reported benefits associated with "OXYLIFE" including increased memory, reduced blood pressure, disappearing varicose veins, improved diabetic conditions, diarrhoea, improved digestion etc. I know that testimonies are not always the most scientific method of testing a product but with so many reported benefits how can one doubt the validity of the attributes of "OXYLIFE".

Using "OXYLIFE" With so many potential benefits to be obtained from the use of "OXYLIFE" one might wonder what the downside could possibly be. Well, amazingly enough there isn't one."OXYLIFE" is safe and non toxic and is easily tolerated by those with a delicate constitution. "OXYLIFE" is on the alkaline side, but a caution is added on the bottle to avoid putting the concentrate directly on the skin. l his may result in a burning sensation. The only other problem I have heard in connection to "OXYLIFE", if you can call it a problem, is that as the body begins to heal, toxins are removed and energy levels increase. This sometimes results in instances where a person may have too much energy and this causes some anxiety. The simple solution is to adjust the drops needed. It should be noted that most people found good results by taking 20 drops three times a day. If reactions were occurring too quickly then the amount was reduced and slowly built up. A good maintenance program would be 10 drops 3 times a day. Like oxygen, "OXYLIFE" is almost tasteless, colorless and odorless and comes in convenient two ounce user friendly bottles.

In summary, we have discussed the importance of oxygen and its relationship to blood and have suggested that disease arises due to anaerobic conditions. Through modern technology, which has brought us another major scientific breakthrough, we have another means of utilizing this Noble Element. Truly, oxygen is the "Giver of Life."


References Textbook of Modern Herbology: Terry Willard Chemistry of Man: Dr. Bernard Jensen Oxygen Therapies: Ed McCabc Dr. S. Levine and Dr. P.M. Kidd Immunity, Cancer, Oxygen, and Candida Albicans. Let's Live August1986 Braunwald, E. Cyanosis, Hypopia and Polycylhemia, in Harrisons Principies of Internal Medicine. 7th edition McGraw, New York 1974 Antioxidant Adaptation Stephen Levine and Parris Kidd. Roberl W. Bradford Research Institute Hydrogen Peroxide - Good or Bad Update.